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Summary of 921208 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant TS Amends Dealing W/High Radiation Areas,Protection of Divers in Spent Fuel Pool & Source & Intermediate Range Nuclear Instrumentation.Attendees Listed in Encl 1
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 12/24/1992
From: Shiraki C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9301040261
Download: ML20126G863 (5)


. _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . - _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ __ _


-t g e R- WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655 December 24, 1992

g. . . . . /

Docket Nos. 50-295 and 50-304 LICENSEE: Commonwealth Edison Company FACILITY: Zion Nuclear Power Station





On December 8,1992, a meeting was held at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, with the Commonwealth Edison Company-(Ceco, the licensee) at which the topics of discussion were _ Zion Station's technical _speci_fication (TS) i amendments dealing with-high radiation areas, protection'of divers in;the spent fuel pool, and source and intermediate range nuclear-instrumentation.

A future exemption request-dealing _with 10 CFR Part 50,- Appendix J, require-ments for integrated leak rate testing and the 1993 dual unit service water /_-

component cooling water outage were.also discussed._ Meeting participants included employees and a _ contractor of CECO and NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR).-. A list of attendees is-provided as Enclosure 1. ,

Additional participants at Zion' Station and from NRR were'also tied in: by telephone for portions of the_ discussions.-

In reference to control of.high radiation areas, NRR's-technical reviewer asked if the licensee intended to post high radiationiareas inside locked, missile barriers. The licensee stated that:it was their intent that.when a-missile barrier was locked, high radiation areas would not be posted.__ When the missile _ barrier was unlocked, radiation surveys would be completed and.

areas would be posted appropriately. -The licensee further stated is-required by TS to minimize the amount of material inside'the containment that could possibly be shaken loose and clog sump suc. tion strainers. The NRR technical reviewer said he would reevaluate theiamendment.with this in mind.

-In a subsequent conversation between the technical > reviewer and the-project manager, it was agreedLthat no further revision to the amendment would be-required.

Regarding the protection of divers- working'in the spent fuel pool, the licensee said.they thought the_ required information had been submitted-in'an-earlier letter. In a telephone _ call later in the week, the licensee ,said>the information was-in a letter dated October __16,1992.-

The licensee briefed NRRs new project manager on the dual unit service water /

component cooling water outage scheduled for_ fall 1993. - The project manager raised two questions for which-the licensee committed to obtain answers.

These involved operator. training and adequate procedures-for the temporary systems.

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-93010A0261 921224-

'PDR ADOCK 05000295 t

       ;P-                                  PDR-        g                                                            (

lI i'

j. j- The licensee presented its arguments for an _ exemption from the 10 CFR' Part 50,-
Appendix J requirement to perform an integrated leak rate test (ILRT)-when the-i plant is shut down for the 10 year plant inservice inspections. -The exemption would allow the licensee to perform three ILRTs during any 10-year period, j instead of requiring three ILRTs during each 10-year service period. NRR agreed that such exemptions have been granted in'the past, and
suggested a i permanent exemption rather than a one-time exemption.. NRR stated-that if the licensee could show a past history of-successfully passing'ILRTs, permanent i relief would be more likely to be granted. NRR. emphasized that it would behoove the licensee to discuss in great detail its ILRT history, and in particular, the reasons.for any failures. The licensee will submit the i exemption request to the NRC as soon after the first of the year _as possible.

j The licensee discussed the installation and licensing of-the new Gamma Metrics i nuclear instrumentation. Since the Gamma Metrics system has been' licensed at other facilities, the discussion centered around the. proposed removal of the source and intermediate range setpoints from-the TS. The-issues raised by NRR. were the-effect of the equipment changes on the current TS setpoints, and the change to the current licensing basis of the reactor protection-system (RPS) { design represented by the removal of the trip setpoints. The equipment issue i is, if the new equipment drift characteristics are of concern and the 25% trip-setpoint is incorrect, then the setpoints in the be reevaluated. It also appears that removal of the setpoints from the TS would be a generic TS amendment since other Westinghouse plants have the setpoints for these !' instruments in their TS. The staff noted that these RPS trips are retained in j the standard technict.1 specifications (STS) as.part of the overall redundancy

and diversity of the plant RPS design and because' they protect against~ an j uncontrolled rod withdrawal accident from a subcritical-condition during
startup. The licensee agreed to submit'a TS amendment'requestLto make an l engineering unit change from " amps" to "% power" with the setpoints as

) accurate as can be determined without performing a setpoint-' analysis. There would be a caveat in-the submittal that a setpoint analysis is being performed and that the -NRC would be notified of--the results.- If any.setpoint changes ! are necessary, they would be contained in a supplemental submittal. The 1 original submittal will be made_ about January 31,-1993, with.the supplemental

submittal- about April -30, -1993, i OrignalSigned By

Clyde Y. Shiraki, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate III 1 Division of Reactor Projects'III/IV/V Office of Nuclear-Reactor Regulation i^


As stated -DISTRIBUTION:- Docket File NRC' & L'ocal PDRs - - JRoe cc w/ enclosure PDIII-2'r/f .TMurley/FMiraglia TKing See'next'page JPartlow JDyer - CShiraki CMoore EJordan 0GC ACRS(10) . GGrant,:ED0- BMarcus BClayton RIII CSchulten- CHoxie CDoutt JKudrick -JBell-i _ HRichings L 'P III-2 PM/PDIII-2 D/PDIII-p oo CShiraki:rc JDye ( L/ v/92: F/4/92- /F/ /92

b. -
   ,       Mr. Thomas J. Kovach                             Zion Nuclear Power Station Commonwealth Edison Company                     Unit Nos. I and 2
,           CC:

i Michael 1. Miller, Esquire j Sidley and Austin

,          One first National Plaza
!           Chicago, Illinois 60690
Dr. Cecil Lue-Hing

. Director of.Research and Development


Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago

,           100 East Erie Street
!           Chicago, Illinois 60611
Phillip Steptoe, Esquire Sidley and Austin i

One First National Plaza Chicago, Illir.ois 60603 Mayor of Zion Zion, Illinois 60099 2 Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Office of Nuclear facility Safety i' 1035 Outer Park Drive _ Springfield, Illinois 62704 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors Office 105 Shiloh Blvd. Zion, Illinois 60099 . Regional Administrator, Region 111 ! U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i 799 Roosevelt Road, Bldg. #4 Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

)           Robert Neumann Office of Public Counsel i            State of Illinois Center 100 W. Randolph
.           Suite 11-300 Chicago, Illinois 60601 i
                                                    - . - .        . . _ . .      _ . ~ _ _ , .

ENCLOSVRE-1 , LIST _0F ATTENDEES l December 8, 1992 I Clyde Shiraki NRC-NRR-Project Directorate III-2 Carl Schulten NRC-NRR-Technical Specifications Branch Chris Hoxie NRC-NRR-Technica1' Specifications Branch Cliff Doutt NRC-NRR-Instrumentation and Controls Branch Barry Marcus NRC-NRR-Instrumentation and Controls Branch Jack Kudrick NRC-NRR-Containment-Systems'and Severe Accident Branch (by1 telephone) Howard Richings NRC-NRR-Reactor _ Systems Branch ~ Jack Bell- NRC-NRR-Radiation Protection Branch Sue Kaplan Commonwealth' Edison Compaay: Terry Schuster ' Commonwealth Edison. Company-Lee Bush . Commonwealth Edison' Company Dave Wozniak Commonwealth Edison Company;(by: telephone) Randy Mika Commonwealth Edison Company-(by; telephone)_. Greg Kassner . Commonwealth Edison Company _(by. telephone) Mark Rauckhorst_ Commonwealth Edison- Company s Dick Bense EXCEL Services (Commonwealth Edison Company contractor)l j i

The licensee presented its arguments for an exemption from the 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J requirement to perform an integrated leak rate test (ILRT) when the ' plant is shut down for the 10 year plant inservice inspections. The exemption would allow the licensee to perform three ILRTs during any 10-year period, instead of requiring three ILRTs during each 10-year service period. NRR agreed that such exemptions have been granted in the past, and suggested a permanent exemption rather than a one-time exemption. NRR stated that if the licensee could show a past history of successfully passing ILRTs, permanent relief would be more likely to be granted. NRR emphasized that it would behoove the licensee to discuss in great detail its ILRT history, and in particular, the reasons for any failures. The licensee will submit the exemption request to the NRC as soon after the first of the year as possible. The licensee discussed the installation and licensing of the new Gamma Metrics nuclear instrumentation. Since the Gamma Metrics system has been licensed at other facilities, the discussion centered around the proposed removal of the  ; source and intermediate range setpoints from the TS. The issues raised by NRR were the effect of the equipment changes on the current TS setpoints, and the  : change to the current licensing basis of the reactor protection system (RPS) design represented by the removal of the trip setpoints. The equipment issue-is, if the new equipment drif t characteristics are of concern and the 25% trip. setpoint'is incorrect, then the setpoints in the TS need to be reevaluated.  ; It also appears that removal of the setpoints from the TS would be a generic TS amendment since other Westinghouse plants have the setpoints for these instruments in their TS. The staff noted that these RPS trips are retained in the standard technical specifications (STS) as part of the overall redundancy and diversity of the plant RPS design and because they protect-against an uncontrolled rod withdrawal accident from a subcritical condition during , startup. The licensee agreed to submit a TS amendment' request to make an L engineering unit change from " amps" to "% power" with the setpoints as- ! accurate as can be determined without performing a setpoint analysis. There would be a caveat in the submittal that-a setpoint analysis is being performed and that the NRC would be notified of the-results. If any setpoint changes are necessary, they would be contained in a supplemental submittal. The-original submittal will be made about January 31, 1993, with the supplemental submittal about April 30, 1993. Odginal Signed By: Clyde Y. Shiraki, Sr. Project Manager _ Project Directorate III-2 Division of Reactor Projects III/IV/V  ! Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated DISTRIBUTION: Docket File NRC & Local PDRs JRoe cc w/ enclosure PDIII-2 r/f TMurley/FMiraglia TKing See next page JPartlow JDyer CShiraki

CMoore EJordan OGC ACRS(10) GGrant, ED0 BMarcus 1

BClayton RIII CSchulten CHoxie

CDoutt JKudrick JBell HRichings L II-2 PM/PDIII-2 oor - CShiraki
rc D/PDIII-f JDyer, (t/ y/92- p/v)/92 /k/q/92 L}}