ML20116M493 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Point Beach |
Issue date: | 03/20/1995 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20116M418 | List: |
References | |
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR C-013, C-013-R00, C-13, C-13-R, NUDOCS 9608200173 | |
Download: ML20116M493 (79) | |
Client Wisconsin Electric Power Company Calculation No.
USl A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 l
l l
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Method:
Conventional Engineering Hand Calculations.
Acceptance Criteria:
"A Methodology for Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Seismic Margin" EPRI NP-6041 Revision 1, August 1991 Remarks:
>O l
Description By Date Chk.
Date App.
Date 0
initial lssue A. /.
.2/9'/95-- $17 Mk1f W) 3/2a 9(
COVER SHEET 91C2696 FIGURE 1.3 9608200173 960815 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P
JOB NO. 91C2696 Calculation C-013 Sheet 1 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 T
Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-48 IIPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX 98 and HX-99 consulting engineering firm Check: T. M. Tseng Table of Contents Objective.
2 Analytical Approach..........
2 Summary.......
2 R e fe re n ce s...........................
3 C alculatio n..............................
JOB NO. 91C2696 Cricul:ti:n C-013 Sheet 2 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation O
Project Rev..ision 0 G
STEVENSON & ASSOCfATES USl A 46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 cons ing e g neer n fm Check: T. M. Tseng Objective The objective of this calculation is a document a fragility for the Residual Heat Removal Pump Area Cooling Coil (HX-98) and the Containment Spray Pump Area Cooling Coil (HX-99) and evaluate the adequacy of their vibration iso!ators. Vibration isolators are not outliers for A-46 evaluations, but their capacity to resist load needs to be evaluated.
Analytical Approach The load path of the Cooling Coil's supporting structure will be evaluated in order to determine its critical point. The critical point anchorage will be subject to the seismic input of the IPEEE floor response spectra, which has a reference peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.4 G.
Finally, the equipment HCLPF will be extracted by multiplying the anchorage's factor of safety by the referenced PGA snd the fragility by multiplying the HCLPF by 2.1.
The adequacy of the vibration isolators for an A-46 evaluation will be investigated by comparing the IPEEE input spectra to the design basis earthquake (DBE) spectra, which is used for A-46 evaluation.
Summary The belt tightness checking procedure discovered that one of the vibration isolators supporting W-67 (HX-98) is not anchored into the concrete floor (ref.10). Also, the W-67 is a smaller unit with different isolators (i.e. smaller in size) (ref. 9). Hence, the capacities of HX-98 and HX-99 will be separately calculated (i.e. not enveloped).
For HX-99, the calculation computed a HCLPF of 0.56 G and a fragility of 1.18 G, which are limited by the capacity of the vibration isolators. Also, the calculation showed that an A-46 evaluation of the fan's vibration isolators and anchorage will yield a minimum safety factor of at least 1.08 > 1.0, hence, HX-99 Is adequate in terms of an A-46 evaluation.
For HX-98, the calculation computed a HCLPF of 0.28 G and a fragility of 0.59 G, which again are limited by the capacity of the vibration isolators. Also, the calculation showed that an A-46 evaluation of the fan's vibration isolators and anchorage will yield a minimum safety factor of about 0.53 < 1.0, hence, HX-98 is an i 46 out:ier.
JOB NO. 91C2696 Calculaticn C-013 Sh:ct 3 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation O~
Rev..ision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussiants a svuctural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 Check: T. M. Tseng consulting engineering firm l
- 1. " Point Beach SSI and IPEEE Floor Response Spectra", S&A Calc. No. 91C2696-C-001, Rev. O, App. Date 12/17/93.
- 2. " Air Distributing Unit Product Data", Westinghouse - Form 20376-A, General Order Nos. ECY-8044 & ECY-8102, Point Beach File Nos. P-6118-M-37-034-2 SH.3 &
P-6118-M-37-081-2 SH.1
- 3. " Certified Submittals For Vibration isolation", Korfund Dynamics Corp. - Korfund No. Z-6807, Point Beach File No. P-6118-M-37-088-1 Sheet 1 of 2.
- 4. " Series - F, Elastomer Mounting", Korfund Dynamics Corp. Dwg. No. SA-2662-2, Point Beach File No. P-6118-M-37-088-1 Sheet 2 of 2.
- 5. " Generic Implementation Procedure for Seismic Verification of Nuefear Plant N
Equipment", SQUG, Revision 2, 6/28/91.
- 6. Wisconsin Electric Power Company - Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS), ID: HX-98 & HX-99.
- 7. " Point Beach Response Spectra Summary", Point Beach Correspondence No.
NPM 93-0547 Dated Sept. 3/93, S&A Log No. 91C2696-DC-057.
- 8. " Structural Design Criteria for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant", Bechtel Corp.,
Revised July 1967. S&A Log Number 92C2696-DC-049.
- 9. As Built Drawing of W-67 (HX-98) and Vibration Isolator Dimensions, Faxed to A. Karavoussianis of S&A from T. Dykstra of WEPCo dated 3/17/95, S&A Log No.
- 10. " Verification of Expansion Anchor Installation Adequacy for Safe Shutdown Equipment", WEPCo W.O. No. 9411729 Dated 2/14/95 Rev. O.
- 11. " Component Information Transmittal", As Built Drawing of W-68 (HX-99), From T. Dykstra of WEPCo dated 3/15/95, S&A Log No. 91C2696-LRC-135.
- 12. Mason Industries Inc., Catalogs, Bulletin ACS-101-1 & MP-400.
JOB NO. 91C2696 C:lcul2ti::n C-013 Sh ct 4 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-46IIPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis l
a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 consulting engineering firm Check: T M Tsen9 Calculation HX-98 and HX-99 are cooling coils which serve the Emergency Cooling Fans W-67 and W-68 respectively. The cooling coils (HXs) are bolted to two opposite walls of the fan's housing by 24
- 1/2' bolts per wall. The fan housing rests on two 4 inch channels, which span across the width of the housing. The channels are mounted on four rubber isolator, which are in a 50" x 120" pattem for W-68 (ref. 6) and a 37.75' x 62.5" pattem for W-67 (ref. 9). The channel is bolted to each isolator by a 3/8" bolt and each isolator is anchored into a 4" high concrete pad l
by 2 - 3/8" expansion anchors.
(ref. 6)
Evaluation of W-68 (HX-99h t
The vibration isolators for W-68 are Korfund Type F with a maximum load capacity of 1120 lbs i
(ref. 2 & 4). The units have approximate weights of 3100 lbs, this weight was used in ordering the isolators (ref. 3). Also, the center of gravity is assumed to be at the center of the fan casing and is estimate at 48" above the concrete pad by the Seismic Review Team (SRT) (ref. 6).
4 v
The bolt tightness check found all of the expansion anchor tight and that they are of a Phillips shell type.
Load Path Analysis:
By inspection, the cooling coil (HX-99) is well supported on the fan housing and will not govem the load path or the HCLPF.
The vibration isolators, Korfund Type F, Model No. FCC-1120, have a maximum load capacity of 1120 lbs (ref. 4).
Capacity of a 3/8" bolt: (equal to a cast in place anchor with no reduction factors)
P,n = 3.74 kip & V.a = 1.87 kip (ref. 5). The capacity of the 3/8" bolt which connects the isolator to the channel is greater than the capacity of the isolator, therefore, this bolt does not govem the load path.
Capacity of a 3/8" expansion anchor:
(ref. 5) d Reduction for Phillips shell anchor. RT, = RT = 1.0 (ref.10)
Reduction for concrete strength:
RF, = 3000 / 4000 = 0.75 (ref. 8)
RF, = (3000 /10000) + 0.65 = 0.95 Pan = 1.46 x 1.0 x 0.75 = 1.10 kip & V,a = 1.42 x 1.0 x 0.95 = 1.35 kip p
Two expansion anchors per isolator P,n = 2 x 1.10 = 2.20 kip & V,n = 2 x 1.35 = 2.70 V
kip, therefore, the expansion anchors do not govem the load path.
JOB NO. 91C2696 Calcul ticn C-013 Shttt 5 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A 46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis i
a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX 99 Check: T. M. Tseng consulting engineering firm Therefore, the critical item on the load path is the vibration isolator and the maximum allowable load capacity per support point is 1120 lbs.
The SRT estimated the frequency of the fan to be less than 8 Hz (ref. 6). The peak spectral acceleration of the IPEEE spectra (reference PGA c'O.4G)is at 8.5 Hz. Therefore, use the 5%
damped IPEEE peak spectral acceleration for the Cen'.ral Auxiliary Building at elevation 8'-0".
aNs = a s = 0.54 G & a = (2/3) 0.54 = 0.36 G (verticalis 2/3 of the horizontal) 4 w
v i
Forces on the Vibration isolators of W-68 (HX-99h Due to Weight; P = -3100 / 4 = -775 lbs (down)
Due to vertical seismic; Py = 0.36 ( 3100) / 4 = 280 lbs O
Due to horizontal seismic; P s = 0.54 x 3100x 48 = 335 lbs & V s = 0.54 (3100) / 4 = 418 lbs N
N 2 x 120 0.54 x 3100 x 48 Pws=
= 804 lbs & Vws = 0.54 (3100) / 4 = 418 lbs 2 x 50 Therefore; Pot = 775 lbs Ps = SRSS(Pv, P s. Pws ) = SRSS(280,335,804) = 915 lbs N
Vs = SRSS(V s,0.4xVws ) = SRSS(0.4xV s, Vws )
= SRSS(418,0.4 x 418) = 450 lbs x(Ps + Vs)- Pot. = 1.0 -
apac W ou = m 0 m,lgg
/. x =
Capacity Ps + Vs 915 + 450 l
Since, the above calculated "x" is actually the vibration isolator safety factor and the reference seismic PGA is 0.4 G, the HCLFP = 1.39 x 0.4 = 0.56 G Although the maximum compression load will exceed the vibration isolator's allowable of 1120 lbs, the actual compression capacity O
JOB NO. 91C2696 Calculati:n C-013 Shut 6 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 Check: T. M. Tseng consulting engineering firm 1
Check the anchorace of the isolator to the concrete oad aoainst a local overturnino moments j
for W-68 (HX-99h l
ny 5'
4.25' f
1 Force Coordinate Svstem
_, 7
l 1
(t 3,
i i
I u_1 q
m m f
b h
l Elevation Loads at the top of the isolator; (Consider, North in the "x" direction)
Dead load; Fz = -775 lbs l
Vertical Seismic; Fz = 280 lbs North-South Seismic; Fz = 335 lbs Fx = 418 lbs East-West Seismic; Fz = 804 lbs Fy = 418 lbs Loads at the bottom of the isolator; (top of the concrete pad)
Dead load; Fz = -775 lbs Vertical Seismic; Fz = 280 lbs North-South Seismic; Fz = 335 lbs Fx = 418 lbs My = 418 (2.75) = 1150 lbs-in East-West Seismic; Fz = 804 l' s Fy = 418 lbs f
o Mx = 418 (2.75) = 1150 lbs-in
JOB NO. 91C2696 Criculttlen C 013 Sheet 7 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Rev..ision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USI A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-rpechanical Fragilfties for HX-98 and HX-99 consulting engineenng firm Check: T. M. Tseng Load on expansion anchors; Dead load; Pot = -775 / 2 = -388 lbs / bolt Vertical Seismic; Py = 280 / 2 = 140 lbs / bolt 335 1150 North-South Seismic; P s 2 + 4.25 "
N V s = 418 / 2 = 209 lbs / bolt N
804 1150 East-West Seismic; Pu =
= 785 lbs / bolt i
Vm = 418 / 2 = 209 lbs / bolt Therefore; Pot = 388 lbs Ps = SRSS(Py, P s, Pm ) = SRSS(140,438,785) = 910 lbs N
Vs = SRSS(V s,0.4xVm ) = SRSS(0.4xVn3, Vu )
= SRSS(209,0.4 x 209) = 225 lbs Consider the Bilinear Formulation for the Shear-Tension interaction; (ref. 5) d' + '="
= 1.64
' s 1.0 ; Solve for x; x s Pei Ps 910 xV 1.64 x 225 s
for y
1350 Since, the above calculated "x" is actually the expansion anchor safety factor and the reference seismic PGA is 0.4 G, the HCLFP = 1.64 x 0.4 = 0.66 G.
Therefore, the HCLFP = 0.56 G (page 5) and the fragility = 0.56 x 2.1 = 1.18 G are governect by the capacity of the vibration isolators.
O 4
JOB NO. 91C2096 Calculttien C-013 Shut 8 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation O
Rev..ision 0 Project V
STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-46IIPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX 99 consulting engineering firm Check: T. M. Tseng i
A-46 Evaluation of Anchoraae and Vibration isolators for W-68 (HX-99h The DBE peak floor response spectral accelerations for the Central Auxiliary building at elevation 8'-0* occur at a frequency of about 2 Hz. Hence, it is conservative to use these acceleration:
nose = 0.70 G (DBE peak horizontal acceleration)
(ref. 7) alPEEE = 0.54 G (IPEEE peak horizontal acceleration)
(page 5 & ref. 6)
Therefore, the minimum A-46 safety factor is calculated by multiplying the vibration isolator j
safety factor (goveming) by aipses and then dividing by aose.
Minimum A-46 Safety Factor = 1.39 x 0.54 / 0.70 = 1.08 > 1.0, therefore, HX-99 is adequate in terms of an A-46 evaluation.
I G Evaluation of W-67 (HX-98h The vibration isolators for W-67 are Korfund Type FB or FBB (ref. 9). In estimating the unit's weight and possible isolator type the size of the heat changers in each unit will be compared, because they make up most of the unit's weight.
(ref. 9 & 11) 3 Size of HX-99 = 126 x 38 x 15 = 71800 in & Size of HX-98 = 64 x 33 x 15 = 31700 in Estimated weight of W-67 = 3100 x (31700 / 71800) = 1370 lbs, Hence, estimated weight per vibration isolator for W-67 = 1370 / 4 = 340 lbs.
Therefore, consider the Korfund Type FB or FBB, Color Code Red, vibration isolator which have a maximum load capacity of 470 lbs and a maximum weight of 4 x 470 = 1880 lbs for l
According to the As Built Sketch of W-67 the center of gravity is located about 23 - 1.375 =
21.625' between the isolator distance of 37.75' (i.e. the isolator centroidal axis is at a distance of 37.75 / 2 = 18.875'). Since, the center of gravity for W-67 is estimated, it is close enough to i
the isolator's centroidal axis to consider the C.G. at the centroidal axis. Also, the astimated height of the center of gravity is at 30 + 3.5 + 1 = 34.5" vef.9) l The spectral accelerations are the same as for W-68 (HX-99).
JOB NO. 91C2696 Calcul:tian C-013 Sheet 9 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluction Revision 0 Project STEVENSOff & ASSOCIATES USl A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilfties for HX-98 and HX 99 conso!e.c +ngineering firm Check: T. M. Tseng 4
Forces on the Vibration Isolators of W-67 (HX-98): (Consider the criticalisolator)
Due to Weight; P = -1880 x / 4 = -470 lbs (down) 1 Due to vertical seismic; Pv = 0.38 ( 1880) / 3 = 226 lbs Due to horizontal seismic; i
P s = 034 x 1880 x 343
= 280 lbs & V s = 0.54 (1880) / 3 = 338 lbs
2 x 623 1
Pm = 034 x 1880 x 343 = 928 lbs & Vm = 0.54 (1880) / 3 = 338 lbs i
1 x 37.75 Therefore; Pot = 470 lbs Ps = SRSS(Py, P s. Pm ) = SRSS(226,280,928) = 995 lbs N
Vs = SRSS(V s. 0.4xVm ) = SRSS(0.4xV s, Vu )
= SRSS(338,0.4 x 338) = 364 lbs
x(Ps + V )- Pot apac W a = @ W 0 s
= 1.0 ;
/. x =
= 0.69 995 + 364 Capacity Ps + Vs i
Since, the above calculated "x" is actually the vibration isolator safety factor and the reference seismic PGA is 0.4 G, the HCLFP = 0.69 x 0.4 = 0.28 G Check the anchorage of the isolater to the concrete oad against a local overtuming moments for W-67 (HX-98):
Loads at the top of the isolator; (Consider, North in the "x" direction)
Dead load; Fz = -470 lbs Vertical Seismic; Fz = 226 lbs North-South Seismic; Fz = 280 lbs Fx = 338 lbs East-West Seismic; Fz = 928 lbs &
Fy = 338 lbs Loads at the bottom of the isolator; (top of the concrete pad)
Dead load; Fz = -470 lbs ksl Vertical Seismic; Fz = 226 lbs I
JOB NO. 91C2696 Criculttien C-013 Sheet 10 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project l
STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USi A-46 /IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 consulting engineering firm Check: T. M. Tseng North-South Seismic; Fz = 280 lbs Fx = 338 lbs My = 338 (1.875) = 634 lbs-in j
East-West Seismic; Fz = 928 lbs &
Fy = 338 lbs 4
Mx = 338 (1.875) = 634 lbs-in Load on expansion anchors; I
j Dead load; Pot = -470 / 2 = -235 lbs / bolt
Vertical Seismic; Py = 226 / 2 = 113 lbs / bolt 280 634 = 351 lbs / bolt North-South Seismic; P s = 2+3 N
V s = 338 / 2 = 169 lbs / bolt N
4 634 East-West Seismic; Pm = 928 +
= 781 lbs / bolt Vm = 338 / 2 = 169 lbs / bolt l
Therefore; Pot = 235 lbs Ps = SRSS(Py, P s. Pm ) = SRSS(113,351,781) = 864 lbs N
Vs = SRSS(V s,0.4xVm ) = SRSS(0.4xVss. Vm )
= SRSS(169,0.4 x 169) = 182 lbs Consider the Bilinear Formulation for the Shear-Tension interaction; (ref. 5)
Po, + Pot i100 + 235 xPs - Por' s 1.0 ; Solve for x; x s
= 1.55
4 Psi Ps 864 xV 1.55 x 182 S
= 0.21 s 0.3 ;
- c. o.K. to use x = 1.55 for y
i Since, the above calculated 'x' is actually the expansion anchor safety factor and the reference seismic PGA is 0.4 G, the HCLFP = 1.55 x 0.4 = 0.62 G.
Therefore, the HCLFP = 0.28 G (page 9) and the fragility = 0.28 x 2.1 = 0.59 G are govemed by the capacity of the vibration isolators.
JOB NO. 91C2696 Criculati::n C-013 Sheet 11 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USl A-46 / IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 consulting engineering firm Check: T. M. Tseng i
A-46 Evaluation of Anchorage and Vibration Isolators for W-67 (H'(-98L J
l As on page 9, the minimum A-46 safety factor is calculated by multiplying the vibration isolator I
safety factor (goveming) by aipses and then dividing by aoss.
Minimum A-46 Safety Factor = 0.69 x 0.54 / 0.70 = 0.53 < 1.0, therefore, HX-98 is an A-46
- outlier, if the un-anchored isolator were to be anchored with equivalent anchorage as the other vibration isolators then the isolator capacity would be; Due to Weight; P = -1880 x / 4 = -470 lbs (down)
Due to vertical seismic; Py = 0.36 ( 1880) / 4 = 169 lbs Due to horizontal seismic; 034 x 1880 x 343
s Ns = OM 088W = 254 ms Ps N
2 x 623 034 x 1880 x 343 Pws=
= 464 lbs & Vm = 0.54 (1880) / 4 = 254 lbs 2 x 37.75 Therefore; Pot = 470 lbs Ps = SRSS(Py, P s, Pws ) = SRSS(169,280,464) = 568 lbs N
Vs = SRSS(V s,0.4xVws ) = SRSS(0.4xV s. Vws )
= SRSS(254,0.4 x 254) = 274 lbs x(Ps + Vs)- Pot Capacity + Pot 470 + 470
= 1.12
= 1.0 -
/. x =
Capacity P +V 568 + 274 3
s The new HCLFP = 1.12 x 0.4 = 0.45 G and the new fragility = 0.45 x 2.1 = 0.95 G and they are still govemed by the capacity of the vibration isolators.
Also, the new minimum A-46 Safety Factor = 1.12 x 0.54 / 0.70 = 0.86 < 1.0, therefore, HX-98 is still an A-48 outlier.
JOB NO. 91C2696 Cricul:tian C-013 Shut 12 of 12
Point Beach Nuclear Plant Date: 2/9/95 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Revision 0 Project STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES USI A-46 /IPEEE, Equipment By: A. Karavoussianis a structural-mechanical Fragilities for HX-98 and HX-99 Check: T. M. Tseng consulting engineering firm Vibration isolator Caoacity in Shear and Tension:
Since, the vibration isolators are made of rubber, this calculation will verify their required shear and tensile capacities. Although, the Korfund isolator data is not available, these series F isolator are similar to the type N Mason isolator, for which data is available. Therefore, assume that the Korfund and Mason isolators will have similar properties.
(ref. 4 & 12)
According to the Mason data, the vibration isolator are loaded in both shear and compression to provide the straight line Load Deflection curves (ref.12). Since, the calculation adds the axial and shear loads arithmetically (not as vectors), the combination of axial and shear will not exceed the allowable load and the calculation's load combination concurs with the Mason data.
Also, according to the Mason catalog, the ultimate tensile capacity of this type of isolator ranges from 2000 psi to 2500 psi (ref.12). This means that the Korfund isolators for W-67 (HX-98) may have an ultimate tensile capacity of about 2 x 2 x2000 = 8000 lbs (ref; 4, series FB or F88). Since, shear makes up about 50% of the load on the isolator and the allowable load is 460 lbs, the tension load is about 230 lbs. Hence, the tensile load is about 3% of the ultimate tensile capacity and is judged acceptable.
The ultimate tensile capacity of the Korfund isolators for W-68 (HX-99) is about 3 x 3 x2000 =
18000 lbs (ref. 4, series FCC). Since, shear makes up about 50% of the load on the isolator and the allowable load is 1120 lbs, the tension load is about 560 lbs. Hence, here too, the tensile load is about 3% of the ultimate tensile capacity and is judged acceptable.
It is possible to load these vibration isolators in shear and to consider the compression allowable as a tensile allowable, because the tensile loads computed in this calculation have little if any effect on the isolators.
i 4
4 I
1 I
i i
1 4
9 9
I 4
I i
.i 1
1 l
t 4
Remote Shutdown Panels d
i e
l 4
Il 4
4 i
a 4
l M
Wi2ctn in Electric Psw:r Company - Print Beach Nucl:ar Pl:nt GtP RLv 2, Corr:,cted,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yts Sheet 1 of 3 ID : 1C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets O
Desenption : SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTROL PANEL Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
j l
G l
v i
l o
,i j
iiieil 0.100../
i-i e
e i
i i e i ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity.. Demand File Record Capacity H.\\ GIP \\ GIP \\ spectra des Label l8oundmg Spectrum Demand 1 H.iGlP\\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point Beach l8UILDINGl Control i
Building l ELEVATION l8l DIRECTION l Horizontal Demand 2 H:\\GlP\\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANTIPomt Beschl BUILDING l Control BuildinglELEVATION18tDIRECTIONl Horizontal j
Does capacity exceed demand?
Wiec:ntin Electric Pow:r C:mpany Peint Eccch Nucto:r PIInt GIP Rav 2, Corr:cted,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 3 10 : 1C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTROL PANEL Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
l&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Exponence Equinment Class.
Yes i
I&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
N/A l&C/BS Caveat 3 - Stnp Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequate.
Yes f
l&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together.
N/A l
l&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
N/A i.
l&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes-I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines.
Yes l
l& CSS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes j
l&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concems.
Yes 4
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
Ygg 5
1 i
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropnate equipment charactenstics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes-i damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GlP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes j
length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
Yes I
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity.
Yes j
reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
N/A l
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Are anchorage requirements met?
L i
4 l
i t
Wisc n in Electric Psw:r C:mp;ny - Print B:ach Nucl cr Plant GIP Rr,v 2, Correcti,d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 3 10 : 1C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTROL PANEL Building : CB l :loor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sens: ave relays, it is free from allimpact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbutton systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
Yes COMMENTS The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and W. Djordjevic - 10/18/93:
The panel, 36"W x 12"D x 34"H, is mounted on unistruts on four side. Each unistrut is anchored into the wall by 2 expansion anchors which are located 6" from the comers. The SRT tug tested the panel and judged it to be O.K.
Evaluated by:
f 9[
I dy -
Wi:c:n:In Electric P:w:r Ccmpany. Print B:ach Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rev 2, CorrectId,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 3 g-ID : 2C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets
Desenption SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTRDL PANEL Building : CB l F loor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A 1
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
l G
i l
v l
0.100 l'
il i
i i
i e i i t
i i
e i i ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity.. Demand File Record Capacay H.\\GlP\\ GIP \\ spectra. des LabellBounding Spectrum 1
Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ0020\\ spectra des PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGIControl Building l ELEVATION 181DIRECTIONIHonzontal Demand 2 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ0020\\ spectra oes PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGl Control Building! ELEVATION 18lDIRECTIONIHorizontal 1
Does capacity exceed demand?
Y11 l
Wi:centin Electric Pow;r C:mp2ny. Pcint 8:cch Nuct:cr Plant GIP Rsv 2, Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sneet 2 of 3 10 : 2C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets O
Desenption : SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTROL PANEL Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc..
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRuld I&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class.
Yes l
l&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
N/A l&C/BS Caveat 3 - Stnp Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adaquate.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together.
N/A l
I&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
N/A i
l&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes l
I&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concems.
Yes Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
Yan l.
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropnate equipment charactenstics have oeen determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
l S. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity Yes reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Are anchorage requirements met?-
YJti l
l I
5 i
i l
Wisc:nsin Electric Pcw;r C:mprny - Pcint B;ach Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rsv 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 3 ID : 2C-205 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets (m
Desenption : SAFE SHUTDOWN CONTROL PANEL Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from allimpact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
Ygg COMMENTS The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and W. Djordjevic - 10/19/93.
The panel,36"W x 12"D x 34"H, is mounted on unistruts on four sides. Each unistrut is' anchored into the wall by 2
expansion anchors, which are located 6" from the comers. The SRT tug tested the panel and judged it to be O.K.
Evaluated by:
[/? 13 i
s h2 L--
Wl:c nsin Electric Pow:r C:mpany - Print B ::ch Nucl:ar Plant GlP RT.;v 2. Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 4 ID : N-01 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Untrol Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 4
l l
i r
l i
i e
i i i e i i
i e
i i i ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 l
Capacity... Demand File Record 1
Cacacity H \\GlP\\ GIP \\ spectra des Lace!! Bounding Spectrum j
Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANTIPoint BeschlBUILDINGl Control Building l ELEVATION!8l0lRECTION!Honzontal Demand 2 H.\\GlPTPROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point Beach lBulLDING! Control Building l ELEVATION 18lDIRECTIONjHorizontal Does capacity exceed demand?
101 v
i Wisc:nzin Electric P wer C:mpany - Print Brach Nuclzr Pl;nt GIP R1;v 2, Corr:ctr,d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORN SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 4 p
ID : N-01 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer Model. Etc.
l&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class.
Yes i
l&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 3 - Strip Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequate.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together.
N/A l&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
N/A I&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes j
I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes j
l&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concems.
Yes i
is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? ANCHORAGE
- 1. The sizes and locatens of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropriate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes t
damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covereo by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered; gaps under the base, capacity Yes reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Are anchorage requirements met?
Ye1 l
l %)
Wi:cIn:In Electric P w;r C:mp:ny - Print Brath Nuct:cr Plant GIP REv 2. CorrcctId,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 4 O
ID : N-01 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Descnotion : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from all impact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
Yng COMMENTS The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and W. Djordjevic - 10/25/93.
The panel 24"W x 12"O x 36"H and is anchored onto the wall by 4 - 3/8" expansion anchors (2 at the top and 2 at i
the bottom). The SRT tug tested the panel and judged it to be OK by inspection, hence no anchorage evaluation s
1 //
Evaluated by:
6 /1/9[
ff/L &ccy -
Vje 75
Pictures O
Wisconsin Eltetric Powsr Company - Point Bsach Nuctsar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes j
Sheet 4 of 4 l
10 : N-01 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets i
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model, Etc.
a 4
1 I
d j
i N-01 lO i
l I
i a
f O
e r
i 1
l Wiscin in Electric P:wer Comp;ny - P: int cach Nucl:ar Plant GlP Rev 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 l
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 4 l.q ID : N-02 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets j tg Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION l
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
I f) v
il 0.100
i i
i i i i ii i
i i
i i i i 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacit'/.. Demand File Record Capacity H-\\ GIP \\GtP\\ spectra des LabeliBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGIControl BuildinglELEVATIONl81 DIRECTION l Horizontal Demand 2 H:\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANTIPoint Beach l BUILDING l Control BuildingtELEVATION18l DIRECTION lHonzontal Does capacity exceed demand?
101 V
Wl;ctnzin Electric Pow;r Comp:ny - Print Be:ch Nucle r PI:nt GIP R1;v 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEW 3)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 4 em ID : N-02 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Descnotion : SAFEGUARDS EOUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM l&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 3 - Strip Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequate.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 5 Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together.
N/A l&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
N/A l&C/3S Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concerns.
Yes is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropriate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes C
damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GlP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity Yes reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The taso has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
Wilc nzin Electri Pswer C mpany - Paint Bzch Nuct:tr Plant GIP Rsv 2 Correct:;d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 4
ID : N-02 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets 1
Desenption : SAFCGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building. Cb l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
Yes 4
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitrve relays, it is free from all impact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes j
ls equipment free of interaction effects?
The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and W. Djordjevic - 10/25/93.
The panel is 20'W x 12"D x 16"H and is anchored onto the wall by 4 - 3/8" expansion afichors. The SRT tug
O,s tested the panel and judged it to be OK by inspection, hence no anchorage evaluation necessary.
Evaluated by:
J-b9 9[
/7.j l f 62875 i-
l Wisc insin Elsctric Powsr Comptny - Point Bsech Nuclear Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 I
Status: Yes j
Sheet 4 of 4 I
ID : N-02 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets i
Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : C8 l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 l
Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
i e
i jj a
b i
I N-02 O
l l
i i
i 1
1 l.
!O 4
Wi c:n in Electric P;w:r Company Paint B:ach Nuct:ar Plant GIP Rtv 2, Corr:ctid,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 4
ID : 1N-03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets 4
Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000 7
N i
G l
f il
i i
e i i i e i t
i e
i i e i 2
1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity
. Demand File Record Capacity H3 GIP \\ GIP \\ spectra des LabeliBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H3 GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGIControl BuildinglELEVATION18l DIRECTION { Horizontal Demand 2 HTGIPiPROJ002Dispectra des PLANT [ Point BeachlBUILDINGiControl Building l ELEVATION!81DIRECTIONIHonzontal Does capacity exceed demand?
l Wi ctn:In Electric P w r C:mpany - P: int Bzch Nuclear Plant GIP Rsv 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 4 ID : 1N 03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenpton : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 6.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3
Manufacturer, Model Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM I&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
Yes j
l&C/BS Caveat 3 - Strip Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequate.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together.
N/A l
l&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexicility of Attached Lines.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concerns.
Yes l
is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropnate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
O damping, center of rotation).
1 V
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installaton has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, freedge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity Yes reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stffness and the effect of prying acton on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The sirength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
N/A Yes*
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Are anchorage requirements met?
l Wtcensin Electric Paw 2r CompIny - P: int Bxch Nucl: r Plint GIP Rev 2 Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 4 l
lD.1N-03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from allimpact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
Yes l
- 5. No other adverse concerns were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
133 COMMENTS The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and R. P. Kennedy - 10/25/93.
The panel with dimension 20"W x 12"O x 16"H is estimated to weigh < 50# and is anchdred onto the wall by 4 -
3/8" expansion anchors. The SRT tug tested the panel and judged it to be OK by inspection, hence no anchorage evaluation necessary.
Evaluated by:
A?!Yr A
,s h,(Y jf btv -
'l * }7
- Y b L
Pictures v
l j
Wisconsin Elsctric Powsr Company - Point Bm:ch Nucliar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 l
Status: Yes Sheet 4 of 4 ID : 1N-03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets i
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 l
Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
i I
.q j
,dM 1
- N 0j I
i i
W i
?C l
- -:5 i
j 1N Control Panel i
i lO i
i i
i i
i 1
i i
i i
l i
!O i
i l
1 l
i Wi:c n2in Electric Psw:r C:mpany - Paint LTach Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rav 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 3 p
ID : 2N-03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Description : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION 4 '
Building : CB l Floor EL : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 i
Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 11.00)
N/A j
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
x G
l l
v pO l
l il
i i
i i i i i i
i e
i i e ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity.. Demand File Record Capacity H:\\ GIP \\ GIP \\ spectra des LabellBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ0020\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point BeachjBulLDINGIControl Building l ELEVATION]8lDIRECTIONIHorizontal Demand 2 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ0020\\ spectra des PLANTIPoint BeschlBUILDINGIControl l
Building! ELEVATION l8l DIRECTION lHonzontal Does capacity exceed demand?
l Wisc:nxin Electric P wcr Crmpany - Paint B:ach Nucl:ar Plant GIP R&v 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 i
Status: Yes i
Sheet 2 of 3
ID : 2N-03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets V
Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM I&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Expenence Equipment Class.
Yes l
I&C/BS Caveat 2 - Computers and Programmable Controllers Evaluated Separately.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 3 - Strip Chart Recorders Evaluated.
Yes j
l l&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequate.
Yes l
l&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Paneis Bolted Together.
N/A l
I&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained.
Yes j
I&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines.
Yes I&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes l&C/BS Caveat 11 - No Other Concems.
Yes is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropnate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
,-sl (V
damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by tne GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered; gaps under the base, capacity Yes reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been Yes considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes' Are anchorage requirements met? l v
Wl;c:n:in El:ctric Prwir Company - Paint COcch Nuclzr Pl:nt GIP R::V 2 Corr ctM,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 3 ID : 2N 03 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Desenption : SAFEGUARDS EQUIPMENT LOCAL CONTROL STATION Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from all impact by nearby equipment or Yes 9
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects? 1
The SRTs are A. R. Bayer and R. P. Kennedy - 10/25/93.
The panel with dimension 20"W x 12"D x 16"H is estimated to weigh < 50# and is anch6 red onto the wall by 4 -
1 3/8" expansion anchors. The SRT tug tested the panel and judged it to be OK by inspection, hence no anchorage j
evaluation necessary.
4 4
Evaluated by:
h, E
j9/L [7 6ty-607-95 1
l (3
i, 9
1 i
.i a
1 I
l 4KV Emergency Switcheear e
l l
Wiscen:In Electric Pcw;r Ccmp:ny. Paint B3ach Nuclxr Plant GIP Rav 2. Corr 0cttd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes l
Sheet 1 of 12 (s
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear id Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 l
Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
l 1.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 i
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 8.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Consentative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
G l'
t l
r 0.100 il i
i i
i i i i i
i i
e i i ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity... Demand File Record Cacacity HAGlP\\ GIP \\ spectra des LabellBounding Spectrum Demand 1 HAGIP\\PROJ002Dispectra des PLANT l Point BeachlBulLDINGl Control Buildingl E LEVATIO Nj 8l DI R ECTIONl Horiz ontal Demand 2 HAGlP\\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANTIPoint BeachlBUILDINGl Control Building l ELEVATION l8] DIRECTION; Horizontal Does capac2y exceed demand?
Yfts v
4 Wi cznzin El:ctric Pcw:r Camp:ny - Pcint Brach Nuct:fr Pl:nt GIP Rsv 2, Corrzctad,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear g s
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPEC (RUM MVS/BS Caver.'. - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class.
Yes MVG!BS Caveat 2 - Rating betweer 2.4 KV and 4.16 KV.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Restrained from Relative Motion.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached items Rigidly Anchored.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
MVS/BS Caveat 12 -No Other Concems Yes I
is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropriate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margiri of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity N/A reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been N/A considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated..
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
l Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
'Ali V
e k
Wi:ctn:in El:ctric Paw:r C:mp;ny Print c:ach Nuctrar Pl nt GIP Rsv 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc. -
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
Yes l
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from allimpact by nearby equipment or Yes
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead eouipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
Yes l
- 5. No other adverse concerns were found.
Yes I
is equipment free of interaction effects? l
yta i
COMMENTS The SRTs are R. P. Kennedy and A. R. Bayer - 10/25/93.
l REF: Bechtel Dwg. C-103 Rev. 4 & C-196 Rev. 5 and S&A Calc. No. 91C2696-C-0,16 Titled "USl A-46 /
l A IPEEE, Equipment Fragilities for 1 A-05,1 A-06,2A-05 and 2A-06" Capacity:
BSCav.3: The SRT was not able to see the potential transformer. However, a review of the pictures in the component instruction manual showed the transformers on the sides and not an issue.
BSCav.4: Switchgears 1 A-05 and 1 A-06 are adjacent to each other and consist of a total of 10 bays interconnected.
The bays, Westinghouse type, are anchored by 2 rows of plug welds to embedded steel (see attached field sketch). Each bay is 26" wide x 79" deep x 90" tall. Since the overall depth is 79", there is no plausible of the switchgear overturning due to DBE and the embedded channel's shear caoacity is judged adequate (see S&A Calc.).
For the anchorage analysis conservatively consider the first 3 bays, for which the first bay is unanchored. Also, consider each bay weighs 3300 lbs and the plug welds' equivalent 1/8" fillet lengths are as computed in the referenced S&A calculation (see attached excerpts).
The anchorage analysis yields a safety factor of 2.256 for the welds and the referenced S&A calculation computed the a safety factor of 1.69 for the embedded steel, hence the switchgears' anchorage safety factor is 1.69.
I Other:
l The following items are sub-components of 1 A-05 :
Wi;ctn:In ElIctric Pcw;r Camp ny - Paint B;ach Nucl:ar Pl:nt GIP Rev 2, Corractsd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 4 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear O
Building : CB l Fbar El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Evaluated by:
/ P W~
M/d // [$w -
Anchorage Field Sketch
Excerpts of Calculation 91C2696-C-016
,O V
o O
Wisconsin Elactric Pow r Company - Point Beach Nuclaar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 l
Status: Yes Sheet 5 of 12 f
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer Model, Etc.
t i
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I l
Fig.1: 1 A Anchorage Weld (Typical).
Fig.2: 1 A Open Hole for Anchorage Weld j
l O
1 l
I l
i i
l l
l i
l l
i I
i I
i lO f
l l
4 l
l I
= - -
Wi:czn in El:ctric Pcw;r Camp:ny - Paint B:ach Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rsv 2, Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 6 of 12 O
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear V
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer Model. Etc.
Anchorage Field Sketch
x3 Ernbedded C4 g Heigrt a 9(r yy gt;
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Anchorace Pattem '.. r 1 A46 and 1 A46 1/1 O
,a e
Wisc:nzin El:ctric Pcw r Camp:ny - Pcint B2ch Nucl:ar Pl:nt GlP Rev 2e Corrtet;,d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 7 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear g)
Description : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS) rp Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
Excerots of Calculation 91C2696-C-016 Joe 40. 91 Caste Caesweseen C414 Sheet e af 10 JOS m MMM Cassummen c4ts theet I W to SuSJECT: Pelast Bessa asselaer Meet
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Wisc:nzin El:ctric Pcwcr C mpany - Paint B; ch Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rav 2, Corr 0ctsd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 8 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear p)
(v Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
JOG eso. 94C2808 Cesameteen C454 an,,a g g,0 JCS NO 01C2008 C4ieuseeme C.ete gn,,, g,,0 SUBJECf; Putre Seeca etwher Plant SuSJECT: pesos essen saucener piene b MW6 Case MW6 U$1 A448ttf,Setesse Evesiastee Was 44APtig seassies Evesummen 8lesesse 0 p opaq se**ea O silvtfisom % A6s00Afts uti Adleriet.Eesessess
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l Wi can in Electric Pcw r Camp:ny - Pcint Ucach Nurl;ar Pirnt GIP Rsv 2, Corrsettd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS) l Status: Yes Sheet 9 of 12 ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear O
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model Etc.
ANCHOR Report Earthquake :
s Response Spectrum : Instructure Conservative Frequency : User - 8.00 Percent Damping : User-5.00 Spectral Values :
Direction Acceleration (g's)
North - South 0.49 East - West 0.49 Vertical 0.13 Angle (N S Direction makes with the X Axis): 0.00 Combination Criteria : SRSS i
Weights -
Number of Weights : 3 No Weight X
1 3300.00 13.000 39.500 45.000 2
3300.00 39.000 39.500 45.000 3
3300.00 65.000 39.500 45.000 Forces :
Number of External Forces : 0 Moments :
Number of Extemal Moments : 0 Allowables :
Number of Anchor types : 1 Tension Shear Ultimate Ultimate Inter Inter Saf No.
Dia Manufact Product Tension Shear Coeff Coeff Fact 1
3/8 Hilti Kwik-Bc:t 1460.00 1420.00 1.00 0.30 1.00 (N)
Concrete :
Ultimate Stress : 3000.00 psi.
Reduction Factor : 0.85 Weld.
Wl:cen:In El:ctric P:wcr Ccmp:ny - Pcint Bxch Nucl2ar Plant GIP Ray 2, Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 10 of 12 q
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear V
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
l Allowable Stress : 30600 psi.
1 Surfaces :
Number of Surfaces : 1 Surface Orientation Direction Direction Direction Comp Comp Comp No Nx Ny Nz 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 Anchor Pattem for Surface # 1 X
Legend for Anchor Pattems Anchor Bolts:
Concrete Unes:
Concrete Points:
Weld Unes:
Geometrv :
Anchor :
Number of Anchors : 0
Wiscin:in El:ctric Paw:r C!mp:ny - Print tcach Nucl:ar Pl!.nt GIP RLv 2, Correct;d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 11 of 12 O
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
Concrete Lines :
- of elements per line : 5 Number of Concrete Lines : 3 Start Start Start End End End Sf Line No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
0.000 1.000 0.000 78.000 1.000 0.000 1
2.000 2
0.000 78.000 0.000 78.000 78.000 0.000 1
2.000 3
0.000 43.000 0.000 78.000 43.000 0.000 1
2.000 1
Concrete Points :
Number of Concrete Points : 0 Weld Lines :
- of elements per line : 1 Number of Weld Lines : 4 Start Start Start End End End Sf Line No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
50.570 1.000 0.000 52.000 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 2
76.280 1.000 0.000 78.000 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 V) g 3
26.000 43.000 0.000 28.090 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 4
52.000 43.000 0.000 54.090 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 j
Nuction Factors :
Reduction Factors Data Current : Yes Analvsis Results :
Analysis Performed : Yes 4
Type of Analysis : Regular Spectral Accelerations (G's)
No N-S EW Vertical Safety Factor 1
0.488 0.195 0.050 2.256 2
-0.050 2.673 3
-0.488 0.195 0.050 3.003 4
-0.195 0.050 2.815 5
-0.195 0.050 2.539 6
-0.488 0.195
-0.050 3.118 7
0.488 0.195
-0.050 2.366 8
-0.195 0.050 2.622 9
0.195 0.488 0.050 2.809 10
-0.050 2.591 O'
11 0.195
-0.488 0.050 2.958 12
-0.195 0.488
-0.050 3.263
Wi:c nsin Electric P:w;r Company - P int teach Nucl2r Pl;nt GIP Rtv 2, Correct;d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 12 of 12
ID : 1 A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
-0.195 0.488 0.050 3.165 14 0.195
-0.050 3.106 15 0.195 0.488
-0.050 2.828 16
-0.488 0.050 2.451 17 0.195 0.195 0.126 4.091 18
-0.126 4.940 19 0.195 0.195
-0.126 4.940 20
-0.195 0.126 4.288 21
-0.195 0.195 0.126 5.921 22 0.195
-0.126 6.993 23 0.195
-0.195 0.126 4.993 24
-0.195 0.195
-0.126 7.020 1
1 Minimum Safety Factor :
2.256 The Anchorage Capacity is 2.256 times greater than the Demand O
1 Wi:cInsin El:ctric Pcw r Camp:ny. Paint Ccach Nucig r Plant GIP Rsv 2, Correctrd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 11 ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear (V-)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipmeni raceives seismic input 8.00 1
Elevation of seismic input be!5viticut 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 8.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
x G
l' l
v Q
y l
i i
i e i i ii i
i e
i i i e i 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity.. Demand File Record Capacity H \\ GIP \\ GIP \\ spectra. des LabeilBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANTlPoint BeachlBUILDINGl Control Building l ELEVATION l8lDIRECTIONTHorizontal Demand 2 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANTIPoint BeacnlBUILDINGlControl Building l ELEVATION 181DIRECTIONIHonzontal Does capacity exceed demand?
YJul O
v e
Wi:ctnzin El:ctric PcwIr Crmpany - Pcint c:ach Nuclear PI:nt GIP Rsv 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 11
ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Description : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM MVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Expenence Equipment Class.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating between 2.4 KV and 4.16 KV.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Restrained from Relative Motion.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached items Rigidly Anchored.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 7 - Genoral Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 12 -No Other Concerns Yes is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
n i
- 2. Appropnate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity N/A reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been N/A considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
lea U
Wisc:n:In El:ctric Psw r Camp:ny - Paint B:ach Nucl:Cr Plant GIP Rsv 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 11 pg ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer Model, Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or struttures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from all imoact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are r;ot likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
y_02 i
ynn COMMENTS The SRTs are R. P. Kennedy and A. R. Bayer - 10/25/93.
REF: Bechtel Dwg. C-103 Rev. 4 & C-196 Rev. 5 and S&A Calc. No. 91C2696-C-016 Titled "USl A-46 /
O IPEEE, Equipment Fragilities for 1 A-05,1 A-06,2A-05 and 2A-06" V
BSCav.3: The SRT was not able to see the potential transformer. However, a review of the pictures in the component instruction manual showed the transformers on the sides and not an issue.
BSCav 4: Switchgears 2A-05 and 2A-06 are adjacent to each other and consist of a total of 10 bays interconnected.
The bays, Westinghouse type, are anchored by 2 rows of welds to embedded steel. The welding is a combination
'of pulg welds, fillet welds all around and half way around the holes (see attached field sketch). Each bay is 26" wide x 79" deep x 90" tall. Since the overall depth is 79", there is no plausible of the switchgear overturning due to DBE and the embedded channel's shear capacity is judged adequate (see S&A Calc.).
For the anchorage analysis conservatively use 1/8" fillets around the holes and consider 3 bays, in which two of the bay have fillets and the last bay is pulg welded. Also, consider each bay weighs 3300 lbs and the plug welds' l
equivalent 1/8" fillet lengths are as computed in the referenced S&A calculation (see 1 A-05 for calculation 4
The anchorage analysis yields a safety factor of 4.603 for the welds and the referenced S&A calculation computed the a safety factor of 1.69 for the embedded steel, hence the switchgears' anchorage safety factor is 1.69.
The following items are sub-components of 2A-05 :
Wi:centin El:ctric Pcw:r Ccmpany - Pcint B :ch Nucl:Cr Plint GIP Rav 2, Corrected. 2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 4 of 11 p
ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Evaluated by:
, y rr-A 4 fn t)'
y v
j h$
Cly -
6 fl* 90
Anchorage Field Sketch.
i i
e v
i Wisconsin Elsctric Power Company - Point Bsach Nuctsar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 4
Status: Yes j
Sheet 5 of 11
ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear j
Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS) i Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 l
Manufacturer Model. Etc.
1 f
1 1
't !.1.,
. l g
j Fig.1: 1 A Anchorage Weld (Typical).
Fig.2: 1 A Open Hole for Anchorage Weld j
J ii O i
J n
i 1
i l
l 1
!!O 1
e i
Wisctnsin El:ctric Pcwcr Ccmpany Print Brach Nucliar Plant GIP Rav 2, Correctsd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 6 of 11 p
ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear r
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Anchorage Field Sketch.
+n-26* g
%gnt. w q
Embedaed C4 ig-7C:.
- : :4::
- -' :x::*:t--
- +1::t': ::+,
41 $
1 6--
..$. s a
.4 g
2A44 2A45 M
Weld Mose en 1/4* piste e Pw Wed i
- o. F, set need Found me hose I
< Fdet need Psf way sourd me hole Anchoraos Pattern for 2A-05 and 2A40 1/1 h
V i
a l
O(3 l
Wisctn;in El:ctric Psw:r Camp:ny - Paint 8:ach Nucl:ar PI:nt GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 7 of 11 10 : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
ANCHOR Report Earthauake :
Response Spectrum : Instructure Conservative Frequency : User-8.00 Damping : User - 5.00 Spectral Values :
1 Direction Acceleration (g's)
North - South 0.49 East - West 0.49 Vertical 0.13 Angle : 0.00
Combination Criteria : SRSS C\\
g Weiahts :
Number of Weights : 3 No-Weight X
1 3300.00 13.000 39.500 45.000 i
2 3300.00 39.000 39.500 45.000 3
3300.00 65.000 39.500 45.000 Forces :
Number of Forces : 0 Momental Number of Moments : 0 Allowables :
Number of Anchor types : 1
- 's a
Wiscensin Elictric Powir C mpany - Point Beach Nucl:Ir PIInt GlP Rev 2. Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 8 of 11 i
,p 10 : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
- ()
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000
_]_ Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Tension Shear Ultimate Ultimate Inter Inter Saf No.
Dia Manufact Proouct Tension Shear Coeff Coeff Fact 1
3/8 Hilt Kwik-Bolt 1460.00 1420.00 1.00 0.30 1.00 (N) i Concrete :
Ultimate Stress : 3000.00 psi.
Reduction Factor : 0.85 Weld.
Allowable Stress : 30600 psi.
Surfaces :
Number of Surfaces : 1
' f'/
Surface Orientation
Direction Direction Direction Comp Comp Comp No Nx Ny Nz 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 Anchor Pattern for Surface # 1 X
l legend for Anchor Patterns
r l
l l
Witc:nsin El:ctric Pow:r Ccmpany - Point B ach Nucliar Plint GIP Rev 2 Corrected,2/14/92
Status: Yes
i Sheet 9 of 11 10 : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear p)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 j
Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
l Anchor Bolts :
1 Concrete Lines :
fM F
Concrete Points : l Weld Lines :
Geometry :
Number of Anchors : 0 I
Concrete Lines :
- of elements per line : 5
Number of Concrete Lines : 3 Start Start Start End End End Sf Line No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
0.000 1.000 0.000 78.000 1.000 0.000 1
2.000 2
0.000 78.000 0.000 78.000 78.000 0.000 1
2 000 3
0 000 43.000 0.000 78.000 43.000 0.000 1
2.000 Concrete Points :
Number of Concrete Points : 0 Weld Lines :
- of elements per line : 1 Number of Weld Lines : 6 r
_ - - -. ~ -
j Wi:cansin ElIctric Pow;r Ccmpany Point B ach Nucliar Pl!nt GlP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 10 of 11 ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Swcngear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 i
Manufacturer Model. Etc.
I Start Start Start End End End Sf Line i
No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
22.000 1.000 0.000 24 860 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 1
2 48.000 1.000 0.000 50.860 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 1
3 52.000 1.000 0.000 54.290 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 j
4 2.000 43.000 0.000 3.430 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 I
5 27.000 43.000 0.000 30.860 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 6
75.910 43.000 0.000 78.000 43 000 0.000 1
0.125 j
l Reduction Factors :
4 Reduction Factors Data Current : Yes i
Analvsis Results :
Analysis Performed : Yes Type of Analysis : Regular Spectral Accelerations (G's)
No N-S E-W Vertical Safety Factor 1
0.488 0.195 0.050 4.715 2
-0.050 5.163 3
-0.488 0.195 0.050 4.944 4
-0.050 5.198 5
-0.195 0.050 4.975 _
-0.488 0.195
-0.050 5.228 j
7 0.488 0.195
-0.050 4.926
-0.195 0.050 4.909 9
0.195 0.488 0.050 6.319
-0.050 5.305 11 0.195
-0.488 0.050 4.747
-0.195 0.488
-0.050 6.514 4
-0.195 0.488 0.050 6.319 J
14 0.195
-0.050 5.384 15 0.195 0.488
-0.050 6.514 i
-0.488 0.050 4.603 i
17 0.195 0.195 0.126 9.535 18
-0.126 11.917 1
19 0.195 0.195
-0126 11.847 l
-0.195 0.126 7.706 21
-0.195 0.195 0.126 9.635 22 0.195
-0.126 12.217 4
23 0.195
-0.195 0.126 7.936
a Wiscansin El:ctric Pcw r C mpany - Pcint Brach Nuct:ar Plant GlP Rev 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 11 of 11 ID : 2A-05 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
- g Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
1 l 24 l
-0.195 l
0.195 l
-0.126 l
12.026 l
Minimum Safety Factor :
4.603 The Anchorage Capacity is 4.603 times greater than the Demand 4
i a
I l
r0 V
1 O
Wisc nsin El:ctric Pcw:r Ccmp;ny - Pcint Ctach Nuclear Plant GIP Rev 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 10 ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Description : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 8.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra i
2.000 i
1 e
x j
G l
'v LOG
Q) l l
c 0.100
il i
i i
! i i i
i i
i i iii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity.. Demand File Record Capacity H.\\ GIP \\ GIP \\ spectra. des LabellBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANT l Point Beach l BUILDING l Control Building l ELEVATION l8lDIRECTIONIHorizontal Dernand 2 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGl Control BuildinglELEVATION18l DIRECTION! Horizontal Does capacity exceed demand?
Wi:cnnsin El:ctric P;w r Ctmpany - P; int B:cch Nucl:ar Pl:nt GlP Rev 2, Ccrrect;d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS' Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 10
, n.,
ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM MVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Expenence Equirment Class.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating between 2.4 KV and 4.16 KV.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Recrained frr,m Relative Motion.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached items Rigidly Anchored.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 12 -No Other Concems Yes is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
N/A fm
- 2. Appropnate equipment charactenstics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment
.Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity N/A reduction for expansion anchors.
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been N/A considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
- 10. The adeauacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
Yea p
Wl:ctnsin El:ctric P;w;r Crmp:ny - Point teach Nuclzr Pl:nt GIP Rsv 2, Correctid,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 10 ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear V
Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS) t Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 j
Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from irnpact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from all impact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are st likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
Ygg COMMENTS The SRTs are R. P. Kennedy and A. R. Bayer - 10/25/93.
REF: Bechtel Dwg. C-103 Rev. 4 & C-196 Rev. 5 and S&A Calc. No. 91C2696-C-016 Titled "USI A-46 /
'i IPEEE, Equipment Fragilities for 1 A-05,1 A-06,2A-05 and 2A-06" Capacity:
BSCav.3: The SRT was not able to see the potential transformer. However, a review of the pictures in the component instruction manual showed the transformers on the sides and not an issue.
BSCav.4: Switchgears 1 A-05 and 1 A-06 are adjacent to each other and consist of a total of 10 bays interconnected.
The bays, Westinghouse type, are anchored by 2 rows of plug welds to embedded steel (see attached field sketch). Each bay is 26" wide x 79" deep x 90" tall. Since the overall depth is 79", there is no plausible of the switchgear overtuming due to DBE and the embedded channel's shear capacity is judged adequate (see S&A Calc.).
For the anchorage analysis conservatively consider the last 3 bays, for which the last bay is unanchored. Also, consider each bay weighs 3300 lbs and the plug welds' equivalent 1/8" fillet lengths are as computed in the referenced S&A calculation (see 1 A-05 for calculation excerpts).
The anchorage analysis yields a safety factor of 2.265 for the welds and the referenced S&A calculation computed the a safety factor of 1.69 for the embedded steel, hence the switchgears' anchorage safety factor is 1.69.
Other-The following items are sub-components of 1 A-06 :
Wi::censin El:ctric P w:r Ccmpany - Pcint 8xch Nucl;cr Plant GlP Rev 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 4 of 10 g
ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Descnotion : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model, Etc.
l Evaluated by:
5/ '
D 17 '/$
Pictures 2
Anchorage Field Sketch.
ANCHOR Report 4
O e
i O
.- _ - ~.- -...-...
1 i
j Wisconsin Elsctric Powsr Company - Point Beach Nuctsar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 l
Status: Yes Sheet 5 of 10 1
10 : 1 A-Oti ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS) i By;iding : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
N.-.h c.
.-t' i
- 67n 4
.g l ff; <..t
-s j
1 p.. c. +.. $
l j;.
, ;f " ' '. _
Fig.1: 1 A Anchorage Weld (Typical).
Fig.2: 1 A Open Hole for Anchorage Weld (Typical).
l l
l e
! O.
4 4
l l
1 i
)O 4
4 i
n Wl:corisin El:ctric P w:r Company - Paint B:ach NuclIar Pl:nt GIP Ray 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 6 of 10 ID : 1 A-06 ( Ree 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS dV6iGmEAR (SAFEGUARDS) j Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model Etc.
Anchoraae Field Sketch.
'6' H Hegrt a 90-Emoemd C4 yt- : : e:: : a:: : a:: : a::
- a:: : a:: : a::
77 415*
- 1. e
..l -.,.
j 1A45 1A4e 2
OD4-j wed now n 1/4" ptat.
NH Anchoraae Pattom for 1 A45 and 1&,3 0
1/1 4
V a
.i J
V a
1 Wicc:nsin Electric P:w:r C:mpiny - P: int 2 ch Nucl:ar F: ant GIP R:V 2, Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 7 of 10 Q
ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear "Q
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
ANCHOR Report Earthauake :
Response Spectrum : Instructure Conservative Frequency : User - 8.00 Damping : User - 5.00 Spectral Values :
Direction Acceleration (g's)
North - South 0.49 East - West 0.49 Vertical 0.13 Angle : 0.00 Combination Criteria : SRSS p
Weights Number of Weights : 3 1
No Weight X
1 3300.00 13.000 39.500 45.000 2
3300.00 39.000 39.500 45.000 3
3300.00 65.000 39.500 45.000 Forces :
Number of Forces : 0 Moments :
Number of Moments : 0 Allowables Anchor:
Number of Anchor types : 1 O
i Wisc:n:In El:ctric P w;r C:mp;ny - Psint Brch Nucl:tr Pl:nt GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 8 of 10 (S
ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear yf Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model, Etc.
Tension Shear Ultimate Ultimate Inter inter Saf No.
Dia Manufact Product Tension Shear Coeff Coeff Fact 1
3/8 Hilti Kwik-Bolt 1460.00 1420.00 1.00 0.30 1.00 (N)
Concrete :
Ultimate Stress : 3000.00 psi.
Reduction Factor : 0.85 Weld.
Allowable Stress : 30600 psi.
i Surfaces :
Number of Surfaces : 1
/m Surface Orientation Direction Direction Direction Comp Comp Comp No Nx Ny NZ 1
0.000 0.000 1.000
Anchor Pattern for Surface # 1 4
4 X
Legend for Anchor Pattems
Wi:c:nzin Electric Pr.w:r C:mpIny - Print Beach Nucl:ar PI:nt GIP Rav 2, Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 9 of 10 ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear f3
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Anchor Bolts :
Concrete Unes :
r-Concrete Points : ['
Weld Unes :
Geometrv :
Anchor :
Number of Anchors : O Concrete Lines :
- of elements per line : 5 U
Number of Concrete Lines : 3 Start Start Start End End End Sf Une No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
0.000 1.000 0.000 78.000 1.000 0.000 1
2.000 2
0.000 78.000 0.000 78.000 78.000 0.000 1
2 000 3
0.000 43.000 0.000 78.000 43.000 0.000 1
2.000 Concrete Points :
Number of Concrete Points : 0 Weld Lines :
- of elements per line : 1 Number of Weld Lines : 4 Start Start Start End End End Sf Line No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
23.850 1.000 0.000 26.000 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 2
28.860 1.000 0.000 26.000 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 3
0 000 43 000 0.000 2.090 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 4
26.000 43.000 0.000 28.090 43.000 0 00')
1 0.125
Wiscan:in El:ctric Paw;r C:mp_ny - P int Be:ch Nucle:r Plant GIP Rav 2 Correct d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 10 of 10 p
ID : 1 A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Reduction Factors :
I Reduction Factors Data Current: Yes Analysis Results :
Analysis Performed : Yes Type of Analysis : Regular Spectral Accelerations (G's)
No N-S E-W Vertical Safety Factor 1
0.488 0.195 0.050 3.172 2
-0.050 2.834 3
-0.488 0.195 0.050 2.265 4
-0.050 2.437 5
-0.195 0.050 2.432 6
-0.488 0.195
-0.050 2.411 N
7 0.488 0.195
-0.050 3.185 8
-0.195 0.050 2.581 9
0.195 0.488 0.050 3.663 10
-0.050 3.645 11 0.195
-0.488 0.050 2.663 12
-0.195 0.488
-0.050 3.042 13
-0.195 0.488 0.050 2.979
_14 0.195
-0.050 2.802 _
15 0.195 0.488
-0.050 3.786 16
-0.488 0.050 3.260 17 0.195 0.195 0.126 7.292
-0.126 8.358 19 0.195 0.195
-0.126 8.697 20
-0.195 0.126 4.790 21
-0.195 0.195 0.126 4.327 22 0.195
-0.126 5.094 23 0.195
-0.195 0.126 4.293 24
-0.195 0.195
-0.126 5.094 Minimum Safety Factor : -2.265 The Anchorage Capacity is 2.265 times greater than the Demand Ch V
Wl:ctn:in El:ctric Psw;r Camp:ny - Paint B:cch Nucl:Ir Plant GIP Rev 2, Correcttd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 10 f-s ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00
Elevation of seismic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 8.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
j G
V c0 Q.,/
l 1
il t
i i
i i i i i
i i
i i iii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity
.. Demand File Record Capacity H \\GlP\\ GIP \\ spectra des LaoeilBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H:\\ GIP \\PROJ0c2D\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point BeachlBUILDINGl Control i
BuildinglELEVATION18lDIRECTIONjHonzental Demand 2 H.\\ GIP \\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANT [ Point BeachjBUILotNGlControl Building l ELEVATION 181DIRECTIONIHorizontal Does capacity exceed demand?
YSE mj
Wl:ctnsin El:ctric P w:r C mpany - Print Brch Nucl:ar Plint GIP R V 2, Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 10 Q
ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear C/
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row!Cc!: AREA 3
_ Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
CAVEATS - BOUNDING SPECTRUM MVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Expenence Equipment Class.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating between 2.4 KV and 4.16 KV.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Restrained from Relative Motion.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached items Rigidly Anchored.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 12 -No Other Concerns Yes is the intent of all the caveats met for Boundirg Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
- 2. Appropnate equipment characteristics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
Yes damping, center o. : Jtation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage :nstallation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness, etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity N/A reduction for expansion anchorse
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been N/A considered.
- 9. The strengtn of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequate.
Yes i
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel, grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
YC1 Oh
Wi:c nzin Electric P:w:r Camp:ny - Print COcch Nucl fr Pl nt GIP Rev 2, Correct:d. 2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 1 of 10 gs ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear 5
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Elevation where equipment receives seismic input 8.00 2.
Elevation of selsmic input below about 40' from grade (grade = 8.00)
N/A 3.
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz (est. frequency = 8.00)
N/A 4.
Capacity based on:
- Bounding Spectrum 5.
Demand based on:
- Conservative Design Floor Response Spectra 2.000
G l
,.l 0.100 l'
il i
i i
i i i i t
i i
i i i ii 1.00 LOG Hz 100.00 Capacity
. Demand File Record Cacacity HTGIP\\ GIP \\ spectra. des LabellBounding Spectrum Demand 1 H.\\GlP\\PROJ002D\\ spectra des PLANT l Point Beach l BUILDING l Control Building l ELEVATION!8lDIRECTIONiHonzontal Demand 2 HAGIP\\PROJ002D\\ spectra. des PLANT l Point BeachlBulLDINGlControl BuildinglELEVATION18l DIRECTION! Horizontal Does capacity exceed demano?
1e.3 l
l l D
Wi:censin El:ctric P w;r Ctmpany - Print B:ach Nucl:ar Pl:nt GIP Rsv 2, Corracttd,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 2 of 10 p
10 : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
MVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Expenence Equipment Class.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating between 2.4 KV and 4.16 KV.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Restrained from Relative Motion.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less.
N/A MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached items Rigidly Anchored.
N/A MVS/BS Caveet 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated.
Yes MVS/BS Caveat 12 -No Other Concerns Yes Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum?
- 1. The sizes and locations of anchors have been determined.
N/A p)
- 2. Appropriate equipment charactenstics have been determined (mass, CG, natural freq.,
damping, center of rotation).
- 3. The type of anchorage is covered by the GIP.
- 4. The adequacy of the anchorage installation has been evaluated (weld quality and length, Yes nuts and washers, expansion anchor tightness. etc.)
- 5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety have been considered: embedment Yes length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete strength / condition, and concrete cracking.
- 6. For bolted anchorages, any gaps under the base are less than 1/4.
- 7. Factors affecting essential relays have been considered: gaps under the base, capacity N/A reduction for expansion anchors -
- 8. The base has adequate stiffness and the effect of prying action on anchors has been N/A considered.
- 9. The strength of the equipment base and the load path to the CG is adequdte.
- 10. The adequacy of embedded steel grout pads or large concrete pads have been evaluated.
- 11. The anchorage capacity exceeds the demand.
Yes Are anchorage requirements met?
Y.fui t
i L.)
Wl;c:n:in Electric P w;r C:mpany - Paint Ocach Nuclzr Plant GIP R:;v 2, Corr ctid,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 3 of 10
[N ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Descnotion : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
- 1. Soft targets are free from impact by nearby equipment or structures.
- 2. If the equipment contains sensitive relays, it is free from all impact by nearby equipment or Yes structures.
- 3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility.
- 4. Overhead equipment or distnbution systems are not likely to collapse.
- 5. No other adverse concems were found.
Yes is equipment free of interaction effects?
Yes l
The SRTs are R. P. Kennedy and A. R. Bayer - 10/25/93.
REF: Bechtel Dwg. C-103 Rev. 4 & C-196 Rev. 5 and S&A Calc. No. 91C2696-C-01,6 Titled "USl A-46 /
IPEEE, Equipment Fragilities for 1 A-05,1 A-06,2A-05 and 2A-06" Capacity:
BSCav.3: The SRT was not able to see the potential transformer. However, a review of the pictures in the component instruction manual showed the transformers on the sides and not an issue.
j BSCav.4: Switchgears 2A-05 and 2A-06 are adjacent to each other and consist of a total of 10 bays interconnected.
The bays, Westinghouse type, are anchored by 2 rows of fillet welds to embedded steel. The fillet welds run all
'around and half way around the holes (see attached field sketch). Each bay is 26" wide x 79" deep x 90" tall.
Since the overall depth is 79", there is no plausible of the switchgear overtuming due to DBE and the embedded channel's shear capacity is judged adequate (see S&A Calc.).
For the anchorage analysis conservatively use 1/8" fillets around the holes and consider first 3 bays, for which the first bay is unanchored. Also, consider each bay weighs 3300 lbs as computed in the referenced S&A calculation (se91 A-05 for calculation excerpts).
The anchorage analysis yields a safety factor of 2.261 for the welds and the referenced S&A calculation computed the a safety factor of 1.69 for the embedded steel, hence the switchgears' anchorage safety Sctor is 1.69.
Other-The following items are sub-components of 2A-06 :
Wi:censin Electric Paw;r Ccmp ny - Pcint B;ich Nucl:ar Plant GIP Rev 2, Correcttd. 2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 4 of 10 O
ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
Building : CB i Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Evaluated by:
/ I i
/il ll y$a. ; -
& 37-96
Anchorage Field Sketch
1 e
I Wisconsin Elsctric Power Company Point Bezch Nucisar Plant GIP Rev 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes 1
Sheet 5 of 10 i
ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear I
Descnotion : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS) l Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room Row / Col: AREA 3 l
Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
h, i
>y f
9 g
ip.. -
}j g
l l
,i l
Fig.1: 1 A Anchorage Weld (Typical).
Fig.2: 1 A Open Hole for Anchorage Weld 1
l s
i lO 4
i i
i 4
t l
1lO j
Wi:ctnxin El:ctric Psw:r Ccmprny - Print Brach Nucl:ar Pirnt GIP Rav 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 6 of 10 (m
ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear Desenption : 4.16 KV BUS SWITCHGEAR (SAFEGUARDS)
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer. Model. Etc.
Anchorage Field Sketch x\\
nn.w Ee+3aeoC4 q
rr 7t':
.:n : 4:: - r:
- : 1::
- + :.::r::3._,
41 $*
g.......3...g 2A46 2A45 Ltac2 woo noie e v4 swe OD4-set co anwo ine w
<. Fedet e4 naf wed arouno the hole Anchornos Pattern for 2A-05 and 2A-06 1/1 O
l Wi;c n::in El:ctric P w:r Camp *ny - Pcint Brach Nuct:Er Plint GIP Rev 2. Correct:d,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 7 of 10 P-ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear I,
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col : AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
j ANCHOR Report i
Earthauake :
Response Spectrum : Instructure Conservative Frequency : User - 8.00 Damping : User-5.00 Spectral Values :
2 Direction Acceleration (g's)
North - South 0.49 East - West 0.49 Vertical 0.13 Angle : 0.00 Combination Criteria : SRSS
Weiahts :
Number of Weights : 3 No Weight X
1 3300.00 13.000 39.500 45.000 2
3300.00 39.000 39.500 45.000 3
3300.00 65.000 39.500 45.000 Forces :
Number of Forces : 0 Moments :
Number of Moments : 0 Allowables :
Number of Anchor types : 1 O
Wisc:nsin Electric Pcw r C:mpany - Pcint 8:cch Nuct: r Plant GIP Rsv 2, Corrcct d,2/14/92 l
Status: Yes Sheet 8 of 10 i
p 10 : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear
- (
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room. Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Tension Shear Ultimate Ultimate Inter Mter Saf No.
Dia Manufact Product Tension Shear Coeff Coeff Fact 1
3/8 Hilti Kwik-Bolt 1460.00 1420.00 1.00 0.30 1.00 (N)
Concrete :
Ultimate Stress : 3000.00 psi.
Reduction Factor : 0.85 Weld.
Allowable Stress : 30000 psi.
Surfaces :
Number of Surfaces : 1 7"N Surface Orientation I
Direction Direction Direction Comp Comp Comp No Nx Ny Nz 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 Anchor Pattern for Surface # 1 Legend for Anchor Pattems x
Wi:ctnsin El:ctric Pew:r C:mp:ny - Paint Brach Nucl:ar Plant GlP Rev 2, Corrected. 2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 9 of 10 p
10 : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear J
Building : CB l Floor Ei. : 8.0000 l Room Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Anchor Bolts :
Concrete Lines :
}M Concrete Points:
Weld Line" '
l l
Geometry :
Number of Anchors : 0 Concrete Lines :
- of elements per line : 5
\\-- /
Number of Concrete Lines : 3 Start Start Start End End End St Line No X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord X-Coord -
Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width -
1 0 000 1.000 0.000 78.000 1.000 0.000 1
2.000 2
0.000 78.000 0.000 78.000 78 000 0.000 1
2.000 3
0.000 43.000 0 000 78.000 43.000 0.000 1
2.000 Concrete Points :
Number of Concrete Points : 0 Weld Lines :
- of elements per line : 1 Number of Weld Lines : 4 Start Start Start End End End Sf Line No X-Coord Y Coord Z-Coord X-Coord Y-Coord Z-Coord Id Width 1
48.000 1.000 0.000 50.860 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 2
74.000 1.000 0.000 76.860 1.000 0.000 1
0.125 3
48 000 43.000 0.000 50.860 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 4
54.000 43.000 0.000 55.430 43.000 0.000 1
0.125 IwJ
Wl:c:nsin El:ctric P4w:r Ccmpany - Print B:ach Nucl:cr Plant GlP R8v 2, Corrected,2/14/92 SCREENING EVALUATION WORK SHEET (SEWS)
Status: Yes Sheet 10 of 10 ID : 2A-06 ( Rev. 0 )
l Class : 3. Medium Voltage Switchgear s
Building : CB l Floor El. : 8.0000 l Room, Row / Col: AREA 3 Manufacturer, Model. Etc.
Reduction Factors :
Reduction Factors Data Current : Yes l
Analysis Results :
Analysis Performed : Yes i
Type of Analysis : Regular I
Spectral Accelerations (G's)
N-S E-W Vertical Safety Factor 1
0.488 0.195 0.050 2.261 2
-0.050 2.771 3
-0.438 0.195 0.050 3.714 l
4 0.488
-0.050 3.009 5
-0.195 0.050 2.708 6
-0.488 0.195
-0.050 3.794 7
0.488 0.195
-0.050 2.408 h
-0.195 0.050 2.756 9
0.195 0.488 0.050 2.946 10
-0.488 0.050 2.696 11 0.195
-0.488 0.050 3.334 12
-0.195 0.488
-0.050 4.294 13
-0.195 0.488 0.050 4.157 14 0.195
-0.050 3.771 15 0.195 0.488
-0.050 2.971
-0.488 0.050 2.561 17 0.195 0.195 0.126 4.106 18
-0.126 5.137 19 0.195 0.195
-0.126 5.137 20
-0.195 0 126 4.448 21
-0.195 0.195 0.126 7.940 22 0.195
-0.126 8.990 23 0.195
-0.195 0.126 5.103 24
-0.195 0.195
-0.126 9.344 Minimum Safety Factor :
2.261 The Anchorage Capacity is 2.261 times greater than the Demand