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Rev 1 to Evaluation of SI-860,SI-857 & RC-515/516 Bonnet Pressurization
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/01/1996
From: Ruiz T
Shared Package
ML20115H322 List:
96-0062, 96-0062-R01, 96-62, 96-62-R1, NUDOCS 9607230056
Download: ML20115H324 (20)




9 /. - o o (o 1 Number of Pages IOE Title of Calculation:

E,,LL.3 S sr no's, sr-8 s7 'a.-b k sres-/s 6 s' 3=a4-h< es aMr.0.

O Original Calculation 13'QA-Scope Er'hevised Calculation. Revision #


O Superseding Calculation. Supersedes Calculation #

Modification #





YBu? *hQ,a;ed %.CC's; L. 0 Prepared By:


Ir O~7/c / /9 4 w; 2 This Calculation has been reviewed in acconiance with NP 7.2.4. The review was accomplished by on combination of the following (as checked):

A review of a representative sample of repetitive calculations.

A detailed revievi of the original calculation.

V A review of the calculation against a similar calculation previously performed.

A review by an alternate, simplified, or approximate method of calculation.


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9607230056 960717 p,p. g 3 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P

Revision 1 02/27/95 PDR Reference (sh NP 7.2.4

Ipn 2

Discussion of Revision 1 to Calculation 96-0062 Calculation 96-0062, Evaluation of SI-860's, SI-857's, and RC-515/516's Bonnet Pressurization, dated 01/31/96 is being revised. The revision is required to correct a few calculation errors, to include the latest version of the pressure locking calculation method used, and to add another group of valves (SI-871's) to the evaluation.

The calculation errors were made in the evaluation of the SI-857 and RC-515/516 valves. There were three common errors made in both evaluations. The first error involved the improper use of the pressure locking force equation. Specifically, the order of computation was not correct. The second common error was the use of the valve factor instead of the coefficient of friction between the seat and disk. These two terms are easily related. The third error involved the inconsistent use of the number of significant digits. Correcting these errors resulted in a lower pressure locking force, and therefore this revision does not affect the conclusions of the original calculation.

The second part of this revision is the latest version of the calculation method used to determine the increased opening thrust requirements in flexible wedge gate valves. This latest version of the calculation methodology include grammatical changes and a few changes to some of the equations.

All the changes were reviewed and do not result in any changes to the original calculation 96-0062.. The errors corrected in this latest version of the calculation methodology were either noticed and corrected in preparing the original calculation 96-0062 or are inconsequential.

The final part of revision 1 to calculation 96-0062 is an evaluation of the potential pressure locking of the SI-871 valves. This evaluation is being added so that all the calculatio'1s performed for Generic Letter 95-07 are in the same location. These valves are the containment spray pump suction valves from RHR. They are double disk wedge gate valves, in conclusion. no part of revision 1 to calculation 96-0062 significantly affects the conclusions of the original calculation.

Calculation 96-0062 Revision 1 Table of Contents Pages Description 2-4 Evaluation of SI-871 valves 5-7 Evaluation of SI-860 valves 8 10 Evaluation of SI-857 valves 11 - 18 Evaluation of RC 515/516 valves 19 - 51 Appendix A - ESBU/WOG 96-022 memo 52 - 108 Appendix B - ESBU/WOG 96-050 memo i

r M3 Pressure Locking of Containment Spray Pump Suction Valves from the Residual Heat Removal System l


To calculate the effects of bonnet pressurization on required opening thrust for the l

containment spray pump suction valves from RHR (SI-871's). The calculation utilizes l

a simplified, more conservative, version of the method developed by Brian Bunte of i

Comed and summarized in Westinghouse Owners Group memos ESBU/WOG-96-022 and -050 which are Appendix A and B of this calculation. The required opening thrust I

determined by this calculation will aid in determining if these valves can be opened when their bonnets are pressurized.

l Assumotions: The following calculation assumes that the total seat contact load is equal to the load resulting from the bonnet pressure acting over the disk area. The disk area used in this calculation did include the hub area. These conservative assumptions simplify the pressure locking calculation.


Component Maintenance Program Manual (CMP) 2.2.8 - MOV Design Basis Review PBNP MOV Database and Signature Analysis Software Comed Pressure Locking Calculation Method contained in ESBU/WOG-96-022 and -050 PBNP CP calculation 90-017 PBNP calculation P 94-005 Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain - 6th Edition 1989 Irouts.

max, pressure = P,,,,, = Pm = 210 psig. (RHR pressure + containment pressure =

150 + 60 psig.)

stem diameter = D,,,, = 1.5 in. (from calc. P-94-005) max, available pullout thrust = 9595 (from calc.90-017 - min. value chosen) seat diameter = D,,,, = 6.532 in. (from calc. P-94-005)

I static unseating thrust = F,,3, = 1700 lb. (from MOV database sof tware) valve f actor = 0.55 (from calc. P 94 005) 4 l


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4- / / 0 3 T

i Results:

The calculation indicates an opening thrust of 9070 lb. would exist if the bonnet was at a pressure of 210 psig.




Since the calculated, required opening thrust is less than the available pullout thrust these valves are able to open (operable) with their bonnets pressurized to 210 psig.

j and no line pressure in the upstream and downstream piping. A 20% margin was I

recommended by the Westinghouse Owner's Group in ESBU/WOG-96-022. The calculated margin for the SI-871 valves is 5%. Although the calculated margin is less than the recommended margin, these valves are not needed to attain hot shutdown.

These valves would only be used for actions beyond the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). Therefore, no modifications are needed to meet the requirements of Generic Letter 95-07.

i i


i 5 //C e !

E Pressure Locking of Containment Spray Pump Discharge Valves 1


To revise the original containment spray pump discharge valve (SI-860's) pressure locking calculation for the following reasons.

1. The pressure locking force was incorrectly calculated due to writing the calculation incorrectly and using the valve factor instead of the coefficient of friction.
2. There was an inconsistent use of significant digits in the original calculation.
3. There were some administrative or format inconsistencies in the original calculation.

in review, the purpose of the original calculation is to calculate the effects of bonnet pressurization on required opening thrust for the SI-860 valves. The calculation utilizes a simplified, more conservative, version of the methud developed by Brian Bunte of Comed and summarized in Westinghouse Owners Group memos ESBU/WOG-l 96-022 and -050 which are Appendix A and B of this calculation. The required opening thrust determined by this calculation will aid in determining if these valves can


be opened when their honnets are pressurized.

1 Assumotions: The following calculation assumes that the total seat contact load is equal to the load resulting from the bonnet pressure acting over the disk area. The disk area used in this calculation did include the hub area. Taese conservative assumptions simplify the pressure locking calculation.


Component Maintenance Program Manual (CMP) 2.2.8 - MOV Design Basis Review PBNP MOV Database and Signature Analysis Software Comed Pressure Locking Calculation Method contained in ESBU/WOG-96-022 e

and -050 m

PBNP QP calculation 90-017 PBNP calculation P-94-005 Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain - 6th Edition - 1989 Pm = 240 psig. (containment spray pump discharge Irouts.

max. pressure = P


mo pressure) stem diameter = D., = 1.375 in. (from calc. P-94 005) max. allowable opening stem thrust = 18030 lb. (from CMP 2.2.8 - continuous duty rating) max. available puitout thrust = 4350 (from calc.90-017 - min. value chosen) seat diameter = D,,,, = 4.501 in. (from calc. P-94-005) static unseating thrust = F-, = 2000 lb. (from MOV database software) valve f actor = 0.2 (from calc. P 94-005) k rn 2 a m

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l Results:

The calculation indicates an opening thrust of 3170 lb. would exist if the bonnet was at a pressure of 240 psig.



Since the calculated, required opening thrust is less than the available pullout thrust j

these valves are able to open (operabla) with their bonnets pressurized to 240 psig.

and no line pressure in the upstream and downstream piping. A 20% margin was recommended by the Westinghouse Owner's Group in ESBU/WOG-96-022. The calculated margin for the SI-860 valves is 27%. Therefore, no modifications are needed to meet the requirements of Generic Letter 95-07.

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l 9 /10 2 R

Pressure Locking of Low Head Si to High Head St Suction Cross-Connect Valves Puroose:

To revise the originallow head Si to high head SI suction cross-connect valve,1(2)SI-t 857, pressure locking calculation for the following reasons.

'i. The pressure locking force was incorrectly calculated due to writing the calculation incorrectly and using the valve factor instead of the coef ficient of friction.

2. There was an inconsistent use of significant digits in the original calculation.
3. There were some administrative or format inconsistencies in the original calculation.

In review, the purpose of the original calculation is to determine the thrust required to open the 1(2)SI-857 valves when the valve bonnets are pressurized. The calculation utilizes a simplified, more conservative, version of the method developed by Brian i

Bunte of Comed and summarized in Westinghouse Owne.s Group memos ESBU/WOG-i 96-022 and 050 which are Appendix A and B of this calculation, The required opening thrust determined by this calculation will aid in determining if these valves can be opened when their bonnets are pressurized.

l l

Assumotions: The following calculation uses the design and test data for the SI-896 (High Head Si Pump Suction) valves. The SI-857 valves are manually operated valves and are very similar to the SI-896 motor operated valves.

The following calculation assumes that the total seat contact load is equal to the load resulting from the bonnet pressure acting over the disk area. The disk area used in this calculation did include the hub aiea. These conservative assumptions simplify the pressure locking calculation.


Component Maintenance Program Manual (CMP) 2.2.8 - MOV Design Basis Review j

Crane-Aloyco Calculation OTC 149 - Operating Thrust Calculations PBNP MOV Database and Signature Analysis Software Comed Pressure Locking Calculation Method contained in ESBU/WOG 96-022 l

and -050 PBNP QP calculation 90-017 PBNP calculation P 94-005 Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain - 6th Edition - 1989 ico.uin max. pressure = Pm, =Pm = 210 psig. (RHR pump disch. pres. + containment pres.)

stem diameter = D,, = 1.250 in. (from Crane-Aloyco Caic.)

max, allowable opening stem thrust = 21042 lb. (from CMP 2.2.8 - continuous duty rating) seat diameter = D,,,, = 6.375 in. (from Crane-Aloyco Calc.)

seat angle = 0,,,, = 5" (from Crane-Aloyco Calc,)

static unseating thrust = F

, = 2000 lb. (from MOV database software) valve factor = 0.55 (from calc. P 94-005) brass on steel coefficient of friction = 0.15 stem f actor = 74.529 (from cale. P 94-005) radius of collar = 1 in. (measured value) handwheel radius = 8 in. (measured value) l l

l l

9 10 2 b,,_


3 6 A.h s.T % 43\\ Ah ST d.._

w/or/n 6 b,3 C... u -

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I i

10 //os 2


The calculation indicates an opening thrust of 339 lb. would exist if the bonnet was at a pressure of 210 psig.

1 j



This revision to the original calculation determined that the required opening thrust at l

the valve handwheel is approximately 9% lower than originally determined. Since this


l value is lower, the conclusions of the original calculation remain valid and are i

summarized below.

l The SI-857 valves are able to open with the bonnet pressurized since the csiculated load is less than the maximum allowable opening stem thrust. Their opening may require the use of a ' cheater bar' to reduce the required force at the handwheel. For example, using an 8 in. ' cheater bar' would halve the required thrust at the handwheel. An engineering work request (EWR) has been initiated to install bonnet reliefs on these valves to make opening easier. The EWR number is96-007.

l l


II / t Yi R

Pressure Locking of PORV isolation Valves Purcose:

To revise the original PORV isolation valve pressure locking calculation for the following reasons.

l l

1. The total deflection due to pressure was calculated as "-0.0003", but the value l

written was "-0.0001" The correct value was used in the remainder of the calculation.

2. The total pressure locking load was calculated as "3610 lb."

This value is not correct due to the calculation being written incorrectly and because the valve factor was used instead of the coefficient of friction.

3. There was an inconsistent use of significant digits in the original calculation.

l l

4. There were some administrative or format inconsistencies in the original calculation.

1 l

In review, the purpose of the original calculation was to determine the thrust required I

to open the PORV isolation valves,1(2)RC-515 and 516, when the valve bonnets are pressurized. The calculation utilizes the method developed by Brian Bunte of Comed and outlined in the Westinghouse Owners Group memos ESBU/WOG-96-022 and ESBU/WOG-96-050. The required opening thrust determined by this calculation will be compared to the available pullout stem thrust to aid in determinir$ H these four valves are operable when their bonnets are pressurized.


Component Maintenance Program Manual (CMP) 2.2.8 - MOV Design Basis Review i

Velan Calculation DC 037 - Required Thrust and Weak Link Calculation PBNP MOV Database and Signature Analysis Software Comed Pressure Locking Calculation Method contained in ESBU/WOG-96-022 and -050 PBNP QP calculation 90-017 PBNP calculation P-94-005 I

Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain - 6th Edition - 1989 l


l Inouts.

max. pressure = P,n, =P 2485 psig. (assumed to be max. available)



l upstrearn pressure = P,, = 1560 psig. lassumed high head SI discharge pressure) 0 psig. (assumed atmosphere) l downstream pressure = P



oo l

disk thickness = t = 0.474 in. (0.752 - 0.278 in.: from Velan Calc.)

seat radius = a = calculated value (see below) i l

hub radius = b = 0.630 in. (from Velan Calc.)

hub length = Hub, = 0.556 in. (0.278 in. x 2: from Velan Calc.)

i seat angle = 0,,, = 5' (from Velan Cale.)

l Poisson's ratio = v = 0.3 l

Modulus of E!asticity = E = 29 x 10'lb./in.

stem diameter = D.,,,,, = 1.125 in. (from Velan Calc.)

static unseating thrust = F,o = 6300 lb. (from MOV database software - worst case chosen) valve f actor = 0.55 (from CMP 2.2.8) available pullout stem thrust = 11326 lb. (from calc P 90-017 - min. value chosen) l seat outer diameter = 2.750 in. (from Velan Calc.)

l seat inner diameter = 2.375 in. (from Velan Calc.)

1 1


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The calculation indicates an opening load of 8,612 lb. would exist if the bonnet was at a pressure of 2,485 psi. and required to open with a pressure of 1,560 psi. on the upstream side of tne valve.



The results of this calculation indicate that in the event a PORV isolation valve is shut, the valve would open with a bonnet pressure of 2,485 psi. and an upstream pressure of 1,560 psi. This information indicates that the PORV isolation valves are operable in the shut position with the bonnet pressurized since the calculated opening load of 8,612 lb. is test then the available pullout stem thrust of 11,326 lb. The calculated thrust provides a margin of 24% over the maximum available pullout thrust. A 20%

margin is recon mended by the Westinghouse Owner's Group in memo ESBU/WOG-96-022.

The original calculation determined Ihe opening load to be 8,982 lb. The revised calculation determined the opening load to be 4% less than this value. Based on this lower opening load the conclusions of the original calculation are still valid and are summanzed below.

The calculation utilized the most conservative inputs where available.. The calculation represents the weist case pressure locking situation when the PORV block is shut, a steam generator tube rupture occurs, and the high head SI pumps are maintaining RCS pressure.

The calculation method used was chosen since some verification tests have been done and future tests are planned. The method has been recommended by the Westinghouse Owner's Group. The method has also been presented to the NRC who has provided f avorable comments on it.

With this information and the information contained in memo PBM 95-0430

(" Resolution of Potential Thermal Sinding of RC-515 and RC-516, Power Operated Relief Isolation Valves"), the PORV isolation valves are susceptible to thermal binding, but not to pressure locking. As memo PBM 95-0430 desenbes, sufficient guidance exists for operators in the event these valves due thermally bind. Therefore, no further actions are required to meet Generic Letter 95-07, but PBNP is actively pursuing the replacement of these valves with parallel seat double disk gate valves for several reasons including removing the susceptibility to thermal binding from these valves and reducing the static unseating load, which will reduce the pressure locking load. This work can be tracked through Engineering Work Request (EWR)96-010.

The latest valve replacement schedule is to replace both valves during refueling outages in 1997

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Westinghouse Energy Systems Bcx 355 Sectric Corporation Pmsburiln Pennsylvania 15230 0355 I

ESBU/WOG-96-022 January 19,1996 To:

WOG S&EE Subcommittee Representatives (11,1A)

PLTB Task Team (1L, IA)


Westinghouse Owners Group Summary orJanuarv 4 & 5,1996 Pressure Locking & Thennal Binding rPLTB) Task Team Meeting (MUHP-6050)

Attached for your information is a summary of the 1/4&5/% Systems & Equipment Engineering Subcommittee Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Task Team meeting held at the Florida Power Light Offices in Juno Beach, FL PLTB Task Team members are requested to review Attachment 11 - Action Items List for assigned items.

j You may direct questions or comments to S&EE Subcommittee Chairman, Bob Cockrel, at (817) 897-6246, Ike Ezekcye, at (412) 374-6643, or me at (412) 374-5780.

Regards, S.A. Binger, Jr Project Engineer Westinghouse Owners Group SAB/ygs attachment ec:

Steering Committee (1L1A)

WOG Primary Representatives (11,1A)

Licensing Subcommittee (1LIA)

Operations Subcommittee (1LIA)

o //o b Page 1 USER'S GUIDE FOR PRESLOK, A GATE VALVE PRESSURE LOCKING ANALYSIS PROGRAM USING THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON MODEL PJVISION 0 January 2,1996 While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, t$e Westinghouse Owner's Group does not guarantee satisfactoty results from reliance upon such information.

Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty, express or implied, regarding the performance, merchantability, fitness or any other matter with respect to the product, nor as a recommendation to use any product or process in conflict with any patent. The Westinghouse Owner's Group reserves the right, withcut notice, to alter or improve the methods described herein.


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