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Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.5-1,page 2 of 2,TS 4.6-2 & Bases 3.5-4,reflecting Auxiliary Electrical Sys & Cooling Water Changes
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1992
Shared Package
ML20116H068 List:
NUDOCS 9211120264
Download: ML20116H083 (4)


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Exhibit A Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Supplement 2 to License Amendment Request Dated March 20, 1992 Revised Technical-Specifications Pages Exhibit A consists of revised pages for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Technical Specifications with the proposed changes incorporated. The revised pages are listed below:

TABLE TS,3,5-1 TS.4.6-2 B.3.5-4 9211120264-921106 fDR ADOCK 05000282 PDR

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TABLE TS.3.5-1 (continued)


10. 4KV Safeguards Busses a. Degraced Veltage Voltage Restoration Voltage (% nominal) 294.8% and s96.2%

' Time Delay 1 8 1 0.5 see Time Delay 2 8 0.5 tc 60 1 3 see

b. Undervoltage Voltage'(% nominal) 75 2.5%

Time Delay 4 1.5 sec Y

e to L


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TS.4.6-2 -

4.6.A.2. At least once each 6 months,1for each diesel generator:

a. Verify the diesel generator starts and accelerates to at least synchronous speed in less than or equal to 10 seconds. l
b. Verify the generator voltage and frequency to be 4160 i 420 volts

.nd 60 1.2 Hz within 10 seconds after the start signal.


c. Manually synchronize the generator, load to at least 1650 kW (Unit 2: 5100 kW to 5300 kW) in less than or equal to 60 seconds and operate for at least one hour.
d. This test abould be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine prelube and shutdown procedures where possible.


3. At least once each 18 months:
a. Subject each diesel generator to a thorough-inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with the manufacturer's reconrendations for . this class of starc.hy service.

i l b. For each unit, simulate a loss of offsite power in conjunction with a safety injection signal, and:

1. Verify de-energization of the emergency buses and load shedding from the emergency buses.
2. Verify the diesels start on the auto start _ signal and energize the emergency buses in one minute. .This test should be conducted'in accordance.with the manufacturer's recommendations l regarding engine prelube and shutdown procedures where-possible.
3. Verify that the, auto-connected loads do not exceed 3000 kw (Unit 2: 5100 kW). l

-4. Verify-that the. diesel generator system'ttfos,.except those for engine overspeed, ground fault, and gcuerator differential-current (Unit 2: except those for engine overspeed and-generator differential current),' are automatically bypassed,

c. For aach unit,-demonstrate full-load carrying capability for an.

interval of not less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, of which 2. hours are at a load equal to 105 to 110 percent of the continuous'rattug of the emergency diesel generator, and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> are at a load equal to 90-to 100 percent.of its continuous-rating. Verify the generator vce.tage and frequency to be 4160 420 volts and 60 i 1.2'Hz.

I d. Verify the capability of each generator to reject a load of at ' -

least 630 kW (Unit 2: 860 kW) without tripping- l

e. During this test, operation of the emergency lighting system shall-be ascertained


-Stigg' continued L!niting Instrument Setpoints (continued)

4. The steam line-low pressure. signal is lead / lag compensated and its set-point is set well above the presrure expected in the event of a large steam line break accident as shown in the safety analysis (Reference 3) .
5. The high steam line Zlow limit is set. at approximately 20% of nominal y full-load flow at the no-load pressure and the high-high steam line flow limit is set at approximately 120% of nominal full-load flow at the full load pressure in order to protect against large steam break accidents. The coincident low T,y setting limit for steam line isolation initiation is set below its hot shutdown value. -The safety analysis shows that these settings provide protection in the event of a large steam break (Reference 3).
6. Steam generator low-low water level and 4.16 kV Bus 11 and 12 (21 and 22 in Unit 2) low bus voltage provide initiation signals for the Auxiliary Feedwater System. Selection-of these setpoints is discussed in the Bases of Section 2.3 of the Technical Specification.
7. HiEh radiation signals providing input to the Containmant Ventilation Isolation circuitry are set in accordance-with the Radioactive Effluent Technical Specifications. The setpoints are established to prevent exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 at the SITE BOUNDARY.
8. The degraded voltage protection setpoint is 294.8% and s96.2% of nominal 4160 V bus voltage. Testing and analysis have shown that all safeguards loads will operate properly at or above the minimum degraded voltage setpoint. The maximum degraded voltage setpoint is chosen to prevent unnecessary actuation of the voltage restoring scheme at the minimum expected grid voltage. The first degraded voltage time delay of 8 0.5 seconds has been shown by testing and analysis to ba long enough to allow for normal transients (i.e. , motor starting and fault clearing). It is also longer than the time required to start the safety injection pump at minimum voltage. The second-degraded voltage time delay is provided to allon the degraded voltage condition to be corrected within a time. frame which will not cause damage to permanently connected ~1 ass 1E loads, m

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