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Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1985
Shared Package
ML20115F231 List:
NUDOCS 8504190451
Download: ML20115F237 (13)


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Philtdalphic Electric COCp ny Limerick Generating Station P.O. Box A, Sanatoga Branch Pottstown, PA 19464 ENCLOSURE 1 LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAM The Licensed Operator Requalification Program shall comply with the requirements of the LGS FSAR, ANSI 3.1-1978, NUREG 0737, LGS Technical Specification paragraph 6.4.1, and 10CFR55 Appendix A f are used as required to enhance the quality of this training program. This requalification shall address the following areas:

A. Schedule for implementation B. Lecture series C. On-the-job training / Reactivity Control !!anipulations D. Design, Procedure, and License Change Review E. Procedure Review F. Evaluation of Performance G. Records H. Quality Assurance A. Schedule The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program for licensed and senior licensed operators will be established and ready for implementation no later than three months following issuance of the station operating license. The program is conducted on a two year cycle and will be followed by successive two year programs which meet or exceed the requirements of 10CFR, Part 55, Appendix A as described below. The program, which takes into consideration holders of conditioned licensen (such as for fuel handling only), consists of the followings e

B. Lecture Series ,

The requalification program shall include preplanned lectures on a regular and continuing basis. Annual written examination results will indicate the scope and depth needed. Lectures cover the following areas:

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- LicInacd Operator Requalification Training Program t Page 2 of 12 o Reactor Theory and Principles of Reactor Operation o General and Specific Operating Characteristics of the Plant o Instrumentation and Control Systems o Reactor Protection and Engineered Safety Systems o Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency Operating Procedures o Radiation Control and Safety; Radioactive Material Handling o Fuel-Handling and Core Parameters o Administrative Procedures and Technical Specifications o Applicable Portions of Title 10, Chapter I, Code of Federal Regulations ,

o Nuclear Power Plant Design Features o Mitigation of Accidents Involving a Degraded Core o Emergency Plan L o Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer,.and Fluid Flow Films, videotapes, and self-study material may be used to supplement the lectures. Lectures will be scheduled at a rate of not less than six per year, appropriately spaced through the year and taking into consideration expected personnel availablity and plant operations. A minimum of 12 lectures for each license cycle shall'be scheduled.

Lectures may be deferred due to unexpected plant operations; however, these lectures shall be conducted as soon as practicable thereafter. Individual study or the part of each operator shall be encouraged.

The method of determining required attendance at lectures shall be defined. If attendance by all licensed individuals is not required, those exempted from attendance shall have demonstrated proficiency in the lecture topic by achieving at least a grade of 804 in that topic on the previous annual written examination.

During the course of the Lecture Series, written quizzes shall be administered. For those whose attendance was mandatory, a grade of lean than 80% will require retraining and retesting in the subject matter covered.

C. On-the-Job Training / Reactivity Control Manipulations During the term of license, each licensed operator is required to manipulate the plant controls through at least ten reactivity changes and each senior licensed operator is required to manipulate, or direct the manipulation of controls through ten reactivity changes.

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F i LicOn:cd Operctor Requalificaticn Training Program Page 3 of 12 The requalification program shall ensure that each licensed individual perform or participate in an acceptable combination of reactivity control manipulations consistent with plant and personnel availability and scheduling. Credit for these activities will be limited to one or two licensed operators performing the task and one or two senior licensed operatora engaged in directing the operations.

A simulator, such as the Limerick Training Center Simulator, which reproduces the general operating characteristics and has similar instrument and control arrangement to Limerick Generating Station, may be used to perform these reactivity control manipulations. All licensees shall participate in simulator programs as part of the requalification program.

The following control manipulations and plant evolutions are acceptable for meeting the required reactivity control manipulations. The starred (*) items shall be performed on an annual basis; the remaining items shall be performed in a two-year cycle. Those control manipulations that are not performed at the plant may be performed on a simulator. Credit for these activities will be limited to one or two operatorn performing the task and one or two senior operators engaged in directing the operations.

  • o Plant or reactor startups to include a range that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeabic and heatup rate is established
  • o  !!anual control of feedwater during startup and shutdown
  • o Any significant (greater than or equal to 10%) power changes in manual rod control or recirculation flow
  • o Loca of coolant include:

-Inside and outcido primary containment

-Large and small, including icok-rate determination

  • o Loos of core coolant flow / natural circulation

. LicOn2cd Operctor Requclificaticn o Training Program Page 4 of 12

e Lican;;d Oparatcr R;qualificntion Training Program Page 5 of 12 D. Design, Procedure, and License Change Review This review basically consists of a periodic (i.e.,

monthly) required reading information packet for all licensed operators at the facility, and ensures that licensed operators and senior licensed operators review revisions to the Operating Technical Specifications and Environmental Technical Specifications, review significant procedure changes, review completed facility design changes, plant experiences and NRC/ Utility Reports or publications which are determined to affect plant operations.

When the Plant Operations Review Committee, the ,

Operations Engineer, or the Training Coordinator determines that a procedure revision or completed design change affects plant operations, it is included in this review process. Presently, there exists a reading list which is distributed on a normal monthly basis and includes those items (as mentioned above) which should be read and reviewed by personnel who possess, are in training for, or are prospective candidates for an RO or SRO license. This group is designated by the Station Superintendent. This mandatory reading material is signed on a receipt acknowledgement form (Figure 2) and returned to the Training Coordinator to be maintained.

These sheets shall be returned for record purposes no later than 60 days from date of issue.

The administrative mechanisms for this program will take into account changes which would require immediate operator notification. Notification of all operators may occur appropriate shift meeting discussion, or a shift note from the Operating Engineer or alternate.

Changes within the scope of this program may also be reviewed through lectures or other verbal presentation by appropriate personnel. In such cases, records of participation shall be developed and retained.

E. Procedure Review In order to ensure a continuing awareness of the action and responsen neccanary during abnormal and emergency situations, each licensed operator and senior licensed operator'will review the content of all Emergency L

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Licensed'Oparator R qualification.


' - Training Program Page 6 of 12


(Procedures,Lall Operational Transient Procedures, Off-NormaliProcedures, Transient Response: Implementation Plan-

< (TRIP) Procedure,fand designated-Security and Emergency Plan 1 Implementing-Procedures annually. . Such reviews will be accomplished more of the following ways..


.o ; Actual performance of-the-procedure under abnormal-.or emergency conditons o _ Drills utilizing a. simulator such-as the Limerick Training Center Simulator o: A! simulated walk-through of the procedural steps necessary tx) cope with the situation o- Lectureslor discussions shift.

supervision or-other appropriate personnel

.o 'Self-study of the procedure F., Evaluation of Performance Annual' written examinations shall be given to provide a basis for determining operator knowledge and also to assist'in determining areas'in which retraining is.

needed. .The examinations will be.operationallyLoriented and.will be comparable in-both scope and degree of difficulty tx) the NRC license examinations for the applicable license held. /Each operator and-senior operator shall also' participate annual' oral examination with a designated station-staff member. This is accomplished by a walk-through examination which includes oral examination on aspects such as limitations, setpoints, trips,-alarms, operator response, physical characteristics :of: the plant, and methods for. placing equipment into operation. 'This type of examination

.provides systematic observation and evaluation'of the performance and competancy of'the license holders. In addition,' evaluation is performed in'the use of the Limerick Training Center, or equivalent, Simulator as described under. Reactivity Control Manipulations and Procedures Review sections ~.

Operators scoring above 804 in all sections of the annual written exam will not be' required to attend requalification lectures unless attendance is required L.


Licensed Operator R2 qualification Training Program Page 7 of 12 for all licensees. An operator who is evaluated at less than 80% in a section will be required to participate in requalification that section. An operator who is evaluated at less that 80% on the overall examination or less than 70% in any section, will be placed in an accelerated review program. In addition, an operator who is evaluated at less than 80% on the overall examination'or less than 70% in any section will be immediately scheduled for an oral examination to determine the necessity for removing that operator from his licensed shift duties during the accelerated review.

Written re-evaluations.will be made following the review program until. satisfactory performance is demonstrated by scoring 80% or greater on the overall written test and/or 70% or greater in each section. The operator will also participate in applicable subsequent requalification lectures.

Operators, whose overall performance on the Annual Oral Examination is unsatisfactory, will be placed in a review program to correct deficiencies noted.

The LGS Certification Board shall certify to the V.P. -

Electric Production that the licensee is capable of discharging his responsibilities competently and safely.

This certification shall. occur prior to license renewal.

Written quizzes will be administered at the conclusion of each lecture series session. For those whose attendance was mandantory at the lecture, a grade less than 80% will indicate a need for additional training in that subject.

The supplementary training will be under the supervision of the training supervisor or shift supervision.

Licensed staff members will have a minimum of 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> of participation in control room operations over.a four month period. This participation may include a senior supervisory function or actual reactor operations.

Any_ inactive licensee, who has-less than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> of participation or observation of control room operations over a four month period, shall be given an oral examination evaluation to demonstrate that his knowledge and understanding of the facility-are satisfactory.

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- Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program Page 8 of 12 G. Records Each licensed operator and ' senior operator will keep current in the designated record book his record of plant reactivity changes. (See Figure 1)

The Shift Superintendent shall be responsible to see that an individual's participation in a shift training session is recorded.

Records shall be maintained of the Requalification Program to document each licensed operator's and senior licensed operator's participation. The records shall

- contain copies of individual annual examinations and lecture quizzes administered; and.results of evaluation and documentation of additional training.

Af ter an NRC-NRR audit, copies of audited individual examination answers may be destroyed.

H. Quality Assurance

-The-lesson plans,_ instructions, procedures and drawings the requalification lecture training programs will be approved by the Training Coordinator.

Assurance of technical adequacy and accuracy of the training is-the joint responsibility of the Technical Engineer and/or Operations Engineer as well as the Training Coordinator.

Audits of the requalification program are made by Philadelphia Electric Company Quality Assurance Division.



' Licensed Operator Rnqualification Training Program Page 9'of 12 On Shift Reactivity Changes Limerick Generating Station-(BWR) Unit Name Position License RO - SRO (CIRCLE)

. Identify the type of. reactivity change by using the

- proper character in column two: (See - A-50 Appendix B,Section III, Paragraph 3.







'n Licensed Operator-R: qualification Training Program Page-10 of 12 LIMERICK GENERATING STATION RECEIPT ACENOWLEDGEMENT FORM DATE:



- Licensed Operator and Senior Licensed Operator Reading List for -/ .


'This~ reading information package contains.the following material concerning recent plant design changes, technical specifications or procedure changes,-and plant upset or event reports.

I have read the above listed assignments.


PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE For Plant Technical Staff License Holders Only: - Control Room Hours for previous month:

DATE(S) HOUR (S) SIGNATURE This form should be returned to the Training Coordinator (E. G.


Firth) , Mail -Code 215, within 60 days f rom date of issue above.


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Licensed Operator Rrqualification Training Program Page 11 of 12 4


. Cycle 1 1/8 through 2/15 5


-Administrative Procedures

-Plant Modifications /New. Procedures


-Simulator Power Operat ions

.: -ESD Panel OPS (SE-1), Safe S/D Capability (SE-8) ,

LOCA (SE-10)

Cycle 2 - 2/26 through 4/05

-Reactor Protection System i -Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System

-Technical Specifications Cycle 3 4/16 through 5/24

-Nuclear Instrumentation

-Reactor Theory I

-CRDM & Hydraulics '

Cycle 4 6/11 through 7/19

-Recirculation System / Flow Control

-Electro-Hydraulic Control System

.j -Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow Cycle 5 7/30 through'9/06

,- -Condensate and Feedwater

-Feedwater-Level Control

-Reactor Theory II s


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- Licensed Operator R qualification Training Program Page 12 of 12 Cycle-6 9/17 through 10/25

-Thermal Limits and Heat Transfer

-Emergency Core Cooling Systems

. Cycle 7 11/05 through 12/20


-ON, OT's and TRIPS

-Primary Containment Systems Cycle 8 1/07 through 2/14

-85 Requal Review Annual Written and Oral Examinations '(February / March 1986.and thereafter approximately 50% will be examined in September-and the remainder in March).

NOTE: Each cycle consists of 6 repeated' sessions.

Sessions may' consist of classroom training, simulator training, and plant tours.


.s cc: Judge Helen F. Iloyt Judge Jerry Harbour Judge Richard F. Cole Troy B. Conner,'Jr., Esq.

Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq.

Mr. Frank R. Romano Mr. Robert L. Anthony Ms. Phyllis Zitner Charles W. Elliott, Esq.

Zori G. Ferkin,.Esq.

.Mr. Thomas Gerusky Director, Penna. Emergency Management Agency Angus Love, Esq.

David Wersan, Esq.

Robert J. Sugarman, Esq.

Martha W. Bush, Esq.

Spence W. Perry, Esq.

-Jay.M. Gutierrez, Esq.

Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Atomic Safety E. Licensing Board Panel Docket & Service Section (3 Copies)

James Wiggins Timothy R. S. Campbell January 16, 1985

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