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Forwards Info Re Jul 22 Deferred Response Ltr to Pw Marriott from C Poslusny for Advanced BWR IST Review
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 07/22/1992
From: Fox J
To: Poslusny C, Sullivan E
NUDOCS 9209090254
Download: ML20114D682 (38)


~ u .p w.

I c. c ,endall r.:


.  ;;;;-[2]l

, GE Nuclear Energy

\ Advanced Reactor Programs Fax No. (408) 925-4257 Date:  ? /0 E ?2 usm.t 7 /z4 / n To: E.)* ecI ] Sv]ll an- x 43.2f f go9$aq.22go

_l_c (cheO Podusn 7 x 4ll5t Fax No:

From: J'ac k FoY _

Phone: (408) 925-4824 8*425-4924 This page plus ]? page(s)


1. Tul4 2 2 de&fec/ respa.r_e h Ur to /9 .W.4 rrio ff fnw
c. 's sAir >> v h bd >m ,_y, m a- seun 1s r nuiew
                  .t. pjde h o f unn subse&on s. 7 6 - E s r (Code.rehext)
3. Op dsh of s#A t Table t 9- E - zs r (Supercedes FA y of 7/10/ 9 2-) 1 seu

L w Ja ' 'E (xn;xw1 G. E r muy a : p.g , i .-



                                                                        ' General S.           Although Section 3.9.6 of the S3AR states that no relief requests will' be added for !h. IST program, Table 3.9-8 indicates that exceptions to the ASME code are identified such as' SLCS pump test frequericy and' the exclusion of important pumps from the_lST program. Therefore, identify all pumps in. the -.ABWR isl program which can not be-tested in accordance witn the ASME Code Part 6.


The Table 3.9-5 update of July 22 includes pump test. exemption requests and justification as noted by (i) in the pump ' description. PUMPS Sorrific

2. Provide.the technical justification for selecting a two year test frequency for measuring Standby L.iquid Control System pump flow rate. In accordance with the ASME Code Part 6, all safety related pumps which are not in regular use should be tested every three
                              . months.


lho SLCS pump _ flow will be tested every three months via the test loop as indicated on-Table 3.9 8 update of July 22. 3, in light of the requirements set forth in Table- 2 of ASME Part 6, explain wh,v the Standby Liquid Control, Resioual" Heat Removal, and High Pressure Core flooder Pumps do not.-include lVd-(peaketo-peak vibration displacement)_as one-of their IST. test' parameters in' j Table 3.9-8 while the R9 actor f. ore _ Isolation Cooling pump does



The'SLC-tumps.i include the_ vibration displacement Vd test parameternas indicated on Table 3.9-8 update of_ July.22 due to s their low operating speed.- 1 L -1 l -

m J.1 72 0:: dm G c :o:tcrev r p,

  ,                                                       c VMvis Ganoral
                                                             ?,    Section 4.2.1 of OM-10 of the ASME code provides (      isiderable flexibility in selecting the salves exercising frenuency. This flexibility allows for a stepped relaxation of the three month frequency to part stroke exercising, cold shutdown, and/or refueling outage f-equencies. Inis relaxation in exercise frequency, however, is based on whether the more frequent time i                                                                   period is not practicable. For those valves in the :ST program which are taking advantage of this flexibility to relax the exercise test procedure frequency, provide a technical                     ~

justif'.;ation as to why the rnre restrictive frequency is not practicable. T


The Table 3.9-8 update of July 22 contains the valve exercising note (h) " Reason for code defined exceptions (Paragraphs ISIC , 4.2.2, 4.5.2)" as indicated in each applicable valve description. t 9

3. Does the ABWR system and valve design provide for both the forward ,

and reverse flow testing of all check valves in the IST program? Provide a technical discussica as to how the ABWR design accommodates this test goal.


The ABWR test goal is as stated in the code Paragraph ISIC 4.5.2(a) "During plant operation, each check valve shall be - exercised or examined in a manner that verifies obturator travel to the closed, full-open, or partially open position required to fulfill its function." tull-open or partially open is verified by ' flow-test and close is verified by Part 50 Appendix J leakage t .L or the use of a test tap. In addition testable check va}ves are being used to avoid disassembly as an alternative to verify valve operability. VALVES Sr"rific REACTOR SLRVICE WATER SYSHM

7. Check valves f 007 and f 008 are in series on the s,cw pipeline with no intermediate pipe tap to allow for testing each valve individually. Explain how check valve F007 can be tested in accordar,s.c with the ABWR IST program since its operation can not be distinguished from that of valve f008.


F007 and f008 will be stroke tested at intervals not exceeding 1 months by the addition of test connections to the P&!D allowing individual valve testing. 2 i

 ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ , _ _ _ _                        . __

JUL 24 "92 Et3!21i41 G E f tXLEi+' tcJ P4** n r , REACTOR SERVICE-WALER SYSTEM.(Continued)

8. From Figure 9.2-7, MOVs F006 and F013 are controlled by a single remote manual . sw'tch and solenoid valves F009 and F011 are contrnlled by a singic remote manual switch. Explain how valves F006 and F0ll can be individually tested in accordance with the ABWR IST pro 5 ram when.their operation will also cause the operation of another valve.


These valves, operating from the same switch, can be tested together whila maintaining individual test results.

3. -Explain how check valve F277 which is located inside the containtent will be tested for closure with the intreduction of backflow in its connected piping.


             -A test-connection has been added to the P&lD.

k REACTOR CORE'ISOLAT10ft COOLING ;RCIC) SYSTEM S. Check valves F022 and F023 are in series on the same pipeline with no pipe tap in between them. Explain how the required IST program tests can he performed _so'that eagh of these valves can be tested individually,

              ' Respoitse:

F022.and F023 will be-stroke tested atLintervals_of 3 months by c-the addition of test connections toLthe P&ID allowing-individual-l valve _ testing. l l l' I I L 3

       ;u.a w o w eetuuwn#                                                                                           %,

t ABWR u-e nn n Standanl Plartl _ 3.9,s.3.6 stress, Octormatinn, and rath:ue 3,9.6 Inservke Testinn of Pumps and Wlves Lindts fur Safety Class and Other Reactor Internals (thrept Corc Support Structures Inservice testing d ,afety rehted pumps and 0 valves will be performed in accordance with the $ For safety class reat. tor internals, the stress :cquhements of ASML UM Code 1990, Subsection } deformation and fatigue criteria listed in T:Ma IFill, ISTC and Appendix 1. Table 1.9 8 lists 3.9 4 through 3.94 are baaed on the critala the inservice testing par. maters and frequencies established in applicable rodes and standards f or for the safety related pumps and valves. The similar equipment, by rnanufacturers i.tanderds or reason for cach coat defined tee, ting exception by empirical inethods based on field experienec or justification for c ich code excmption request and testing. For the quantity SI (minimum i t. noted in the descriroon of the affceted pump safety f actor) appenring in th "t a ble t. :he or valve. Vahes having a containment isolation following values air used: f unction are also noted in (bc listing, inservice inspection a discussed in Subsection Scnice Senice c "p 5.2.4 and 6 6. Inri Qnnlithm min Details of the ire civice testing progr am, A Nor mal 125 including test schedule ~ a..d frequencies will be H Upset 2.25 reported in the inse<1act inspection and testing C Etnergency L5 plan w hich will bc p ovided by the applicant D Faulted LIM referencing the AflWR design. The plan will integrare the applicable te:,t requirements foi Components m. side the reactor pressure s c.,wl safety related pumps and valves including those such as control rods which rnust move during listed in th: technical specifications (Chapter accident condition have been examined to lth and the containm ut isolation system, l detciininc if adequate cicurances exist during (Subsection 6.2.4). I or example, the periodic l cmcrgency and faultr.d condition,s. No meihanica! leak testing of the rextor coolant pressure clearance problems have been identified, The isolation valves in Table 3.9 9 will be ?8 forcing functions applicable to the re ador performed in accot Jance with Chaptcr 16 $$ internals are discussed it' Subsection 3 A ' Surveillance Requir ement SR This j plan will include baschne pre-service te. sting Thr design criteria, loading conditions, at,d to support the periodic in-service testing of analysts that provide the basis for the design of the components. Depending on the test results, the safety clan reactor internads other than the t he plan will pr ovice a commitment to coic support su octeres meet the guidelines ot' disaucmble and inspat the safety related pumps NG 3000 and are constiucted so as net to and valves when hmits of the OM Code are l adersely affcet the integrity of the s n c -: cxeceded, as described in the following suppor t st ruct ures (NG-1122). paragraphs. The primary cicments of this plan, including the requiremer,ts of Generie Letter. T he design r equirements foi equipment 39 40 for motoi operated vahes, air delineated classified as non safety (other) class inter nals in the subsections to follow. (See Subsection i (e.g., steam dryers dnd shroud heads) are for Col ' ice nse inf or m ation specified with appropriate consideration of the req uir e m e n t s). intended service of the equipment and expected phmt nnd envhonmental conditiour. under which it Inservice Testina of Safety Related will operate. Where Code design requiremena are Pa mps ! not applienble, accepted industry or ermincermg l practices are used. The ABWR safen related pumps and p;pieg , configuiations accononodate inservicc testing at 3 a flow rate at lean as larpe as the maximuru design flow fer the pump. In addition, the

        /\menhc t                                                                                                   19M l



JUL d4 N2 N ':2iAll G E IMLEW Lt1 p,( ABWR wum Slandi iid Platti Evn sizing of each minimum iccirculation flow pa:h is experience. (See Su% tion 3.913(1) for COL cvaluated to assure that its use under all license information wquhements.) analyzed conditions will not r esult in degradation of the putup. The flow rate through Motor OptratM Vahes minimum recirculation flow paths can also be periodically measured to verify that flow is in The mc4or opem J salve (MOV) equipment accordance with the design specification, specifications requin the incorporation of the results of either in-itu oc prototype testing The safety-sclated pumps are provided with with full flow and preu.urc or full differential ' instrumentation to verify that the net posithe pressure to verify tla p:vper siring and correct suction head (NPSH) is greater than or equal to switch settings of ila s ah es. Guidelines to the NPSil required during all modes of pump justify prototype tc; ting are contained in 4 oper ation. These pumps :an be disassembled for Generic Letter 8910. Supplement 1, Questions 22

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . he applicant referencing cvaluation when Subsection IST8 testing results                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and 24 through 25.

l in a deviation which falls within the required the ABWR desip will provide a study to ~ action range? The Code provides criteria limits determine the opGmal frequency for valve for the test parameters identified in Table stroking during inucivice testing such that 3.9.L A program will be developcd by the unnecessary testing and damage is not donc to a p plic a n t referencing the ABWR dcsign to the valve as a re: ut of the testing. (See establish t he f re quency and t he e xtrui of Subsection 3rt3 i COL license information disassembly and inspection based on suspected requirements). degradation of all safety related pumps, including the boit. for the frequency and the The concerns and issues identified in cxtent of each disassembly. The program may be Generic Letter 59-10 kr MOVs will be addressed revised throughout the plant life to minimize prior to plant startup. The method et assessing disassembly bascd on past disassembly the loads, the method of sizing the actuators e x pe rie n c,.. (See Subsection 3.93.:(1) for COI :nd the sciting of the torque and limit switches license information requirements.) will be specifically addressed. (See Subsection f o r C O L lic c u s e in f o r m a t io n Inservice Tc. sting or Safety Itclated requirements). Vahts The in. service t= siing of MOVs will rely on 3.9C.1 Chrd Valus diagnostic techniquc ' that are consistent with the state of the art and whici will permit an - All ABWR safety-related piping systems assessment of the p. rformonce of the valve under - incorporate provisions for testing to demonstrate actual loading. Pemdic testing per Subsection

                     .the operability of the check valves under design _ ISTC will be conducted undes adequate differ-conditions. In-service testing will incorporate ential pressure and tiew conditions that allow a
   '                  the use of advance non intrusive techniques to justifiable demons: ration of continuing MOV periodically assess degradation and the capability for d rsign basis conditions,
    -                  performance characteristics of the check s alves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           including recoscr y from inadvertent valve The Subsection ISTC tests will be performed and positioning. MOW that fail the acceptance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '

check valves that fail to exhibit the required ciiteria, and are " declared inoperablef for

                      .perfoimante can be disassembled for evaluation. stroke tests and leakage rate can be The Code provides criteria limits foi the test disammbled for evabtion The Code provides parameters identified in Table 3.9 8. A program criteriu limits f m ihe test parametcrs will be developed by the applicant referencing identified in Table '_o-8. A program will be th: ABWR design to establish the frequency and developed by the apphcant rcierencing the ABWR the cuent of disassembly and inspection based on design te cstablish th: frequency and the extent suspceted degradation of all safety related of disassembly and inspection based on suspected pumps, includmf, the basis for the frequency and degradation of alt ufet y related 'MOVY, the extent of each disassembly. The program may                                                                                                                                                                                                                             including the basb for the frequency and the

, , be revised throughout the plant life to minimite extent of each disammbly. The program may be disassembly based on past disassembly revised throughout be plant life to minimize 39-1-41 Amenh or

n .m m r ao c t onc+ ruc s. a AllW R 2wmu SliULd1U1ElaH1 DELU disassembly based on past disassembly exper icnce. (See Subsection 3,9,7.3(1) for COL license information requirements ) 3.9.613 Isolation valve leak Tests

t he leak-tight integrity will be s c rified f or c ach valve relied upon to piovidc a leak-tight function. Thc>c valve t include.

(1) pressure isolation valves - valves tha. ' provide isolation of pressure differential (rom one part of a system from anothes or (j betwecn systems: (2) temperature iso iation valves valves alme leakage inay cause unacceptable therinal loading on supports or stratification in the piping and thertual louding on supporb or a hose leakage may cause str'un bindine. of pumps; and (3) containment isolation valveis vals cs. t hat perform a containment isohtion function in accoidance with the Evaluatior. Against C rit e r io n 5 4. S u b se ctio n$.2 including valve 3 that may be esempted from Appendix J, Type C testing but whose leakage may cause loss of supptcssion pool watti inuntory 1.eakage rate testing of valves will be in

   "                            act.ordance with the Subsection ISTC, Paragraph                                                                                                                                 -

ISTC 4.3.2 and 4 3.3. An examplc is the fusible - plug valves that provide a lower drywell flood for scvere accidents described in Subsection 9.5.12, The valves are se ety related due to the function of retaining suppression pool watcs as 3hown in Figurc 9.5-3, These special valves are noted here and not in Table 3.9 8. The fusible plug valve is a nonreclosing pressure relief device and the Code rerptiies replacement of each at a maximum of 5 year intervals AmcMment 39442 1 l w

                                        -~        - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - , , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
u. a w m:m c t rtuem as " e.e ,
 ,   . - AllW R                                                                                             mmoc
   '                                                                                                            Frv 11 Siltri(laDLElaDt                                                                   _    .

Table 33-S (Continue <!) INSEltVICE TESTING SAFE'iY-RELATI'D PUMPS AND VALVES Syst" 'i Pomps , Saftt3 ln Test SSAR Class Pa ra nt l' req. l'ig. Qty Description (h)(!) (u) (h) (O (g) N o. C41 C001 2 Standby Liquid Control Syste u purnp (il) 2 PdNd,0 3 mo 93-1 Ell COOL 3 Residual Heat Ren. oval System Purne 2 l'd Pi 3 mo 5.4-10(3A6) Oyv i!.11-OX)2 3 11esidual 1It at Removal S$5lcti'. fill [)uirip (i2) 2 Pd,Pi Vv E10 5A 10(3,4,6) ifigh Pressure Conc 1laodei pump  ? Pd,Pi 3 mo 63 7(2) IJ22-C001 2 0,Vv i Reactor Core Isolation Cooling pump 2 Pd.Pi,0, 3 mo SA-S(1) E51001 1 W P21 C001 6 Reactor Building Cocling Water pump 3 Pd,Pi,Q _ E10 9.21(1A7) ItVAC Emergency Cooling Water Sys pump 3 Pd Pi.O E10 9.23(1,2,3) P2SOK)1 4 Vv P41-C001 6 Reactor Service Water Systein pump 3 f'd,Pi,Q E10 9.2-7(1,2,3) Yv Y32 0M1 6 Standby D/G Fuel oit Transfer Pump 3 Pd,Pi 3 mo 9.5-6 0,Vs i t 3O3 Amc ndair nd I a

JUL La ; T 08:c:441 G E f O:LEW (A.I6 p ,9 43

      .              r                  /      W                   .

23AMFAE SillD(ht tdllJint _ , itsP Table 3.9 8 (Continued) INSERVICETESTING SAFE 1T-RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES 1521 Nuclear Boiler System Valves , Safety Code Valve Trst Test SSAR Class Cat. Func. Para Freq Fig. No. Qty Um cription (h)(i) (a) (c) (d) (c) (f) (g) F00) 2 t cedwater line Meter Operated Valve (MOV) 2 F3 P El 5.10(4) F002 2 Up:arcam (First) FW line chcrk vahe (h3) 2 C A S RO 5.1-3(4) Fool .' FW lite outboard check vrtve Air- 1 n,C IA LP.S RO S.13(4) Operated (AO)(hl) - F004 2 ITV line inboard check 5ahe (hl) 1 A,C 1,A L,S RO 5.1-3(4) F005 2 ITV linc inboard maintenance vahc 1 B P El 5.1-3(4) F0(n 7 RWCU lor CUW) Sptem injection hne 2 C A S RO 5.13(4) check valve (h3) F001 2 RWCU (or CUW) System injection line MOV 2 H P S El 5.13(4) F0m 4 Inboard Main Steam Iso, Vlv. (MSf D 1 A IA LP RO 5.13(3) S 3mo F0tN 4 Outboard Main Steaniim Viv(MS1V) 1 A tA L.P RO 5.1-3(3) S 3mo F010 IS Safety /Rt'.icf Valve (SRV)(h?) 1 A .C A R 5 yrs 5.13(2) S RO , F011 1 MSLbypass/ drain (inc ink ho. siv 1 A IA 1.f , RO 5.1-3(3) S 3 mo F017 1 MSL bypass / drain line outh. tso vN 1 A IA  ! .P RO 5.13(3) s 3 mo 11)l3 1 MSI. warm-up line valve 2 0 e El 5.13(3) F016 1 M5L downstream drain line header vahe 2 8 P El 5.13(3) F017 1 MSL downstream drain linc header bypass 2 B A P RO 5.13(3) S 3 mo FOIS 1 RPV non condensible gas reinovat line 1 B P El 5.1-3(2) _ IT)19 1 RPV head vent inboard shutoff vahe (hl) 1 A P 1.,P,5 RO 5.13(2) F020 1 HPV head vent outboard shutoff valve (hl) 1 A P L,P,5 RO 5.1-3(2) F021 18 SRV discharge line vacuum breaker (hl) 3 C A S RO 5.1-3(2) F022 18 SRV dischargc line vacuum breaket (hl) 3 C A S RO 5,13(2) F024 - 4 -Inboard MSIV nitrogen supply line check 3 C A 1,5 RO 5.13(3) valve (hl) FU25 4 Outboard MSlV air supply line cht et viv (hl) 3 C A L.S RO 5.13(3) R126 8 SRV ADS pnucmatic supply linc chk sh (hl) 3 C A 1,S RO 5.13(2) F029 18 SRV pneumatic supply check valve (hl) 3 C A LS RO S.1-3(2) F031 2 Inboard vake on the eutb, FW line check -2 B P El 5.13(4)

-                                                             valve test line IT)33 4         Inboard shutoff valve on the outboard                                                                                                        2                  B              P                      El         5.13(3)

MRIV test line FOM 1 Inboard test hne vahe for the MSL bypass / 2 B P El 5.13(3) drain valve i F039 2 Inboard test line vabt for the inbeatJ nv 2 B P El 5.3-3(3) line check valve Ame n,tme nt 3 '.LM 4

   -_                                  _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ ._ _ _ .                                                                                                _m
       .u. u w meam c c antw tuo ;                                                                     p. w:.s
   . , ABWR                                                                                     maar:

w Santhn&lut-Talite 3AS (Continued) INSEltVICETESTING SAFl'/1%RElATED P' UMPS AND VALVES 1121 Nuclear lloller System Wlves (Continuedi Sarcty Code Vahr Test Test SSAR Class Cat. Func. Parn Freq I% Nn. t)ty Dncription th)(i) (a) (c) (d) h) (r) (g) F040 2 Outboard test hne valve for Sc FW line  ? 11 P El 5.13(4) check valve F500 ? Inboard drain line test salve for the 2 11 P El 5.1-3(4) Grst FW lirm check vaht FST4 2 Outboard drain line valve for the 2 B P El 513(4) FW line c. heck valve H P El 5.1-3(3) F508 4 . Ithuard MSIV accumulator A001 vent line th 3 F509 4 Outboard M31V accumulator A002 unt 3 H P El 5.130) line vent FS10 8 SRV ADS adumulator A003 vent hne valve 3 8 P El 5.1-3(2) FS11 114 SRV accumulator A004 vent line take 3 D P El 5.13(2) F700 .t Manual isolation valve - RPV reference leg 2 B P El 5.13(5,6) water levelirmrument scfencnce legline WOI 4 bcess How check valve - RPV refuence leg 2 A,C (A L,S RO 5.1-3(5,6) water icvelinstrument reference leg line (h3) I'702 4 Mau"alisolation valve - RPV narrow range 2 11 P El 5.13(5,6) water levelinstrument sensing line 1703 4 lixten flow check vahe - RPV narow range 2 A,C I,A 14 RO 5.1-3(5,6) water level instrumcut sensing line (h3) F704 a Manualisolation valve RPV wide range 2 B P El 5.13(5,6) water Icycl instrument sensing line F703 4 Execa Dow check valve RPV wide range 2 A,C lA I .,S RO- 5.1-3(5,6) wate levelinstrument sensing line (hl) F706 .I Root vahc - Reactor well watet lesci 2 H. P. El 5.13(5) instrument sensing line. FM) 1 Manual isolation valvc - RPV shutdown range 2 B P El 5.1-3(2) water levelinstrument refetence leg line 1910 t Excess now check valve.RPV shutdown range 2 A,C 1A 1.,S RO $.13(2) water levelinstrument reference leg line (h3) 1*/11 1 Manualisolation vahe - RPV head seal 2 B P El 5.1-3(8) leakage instrument line D12 1 Enest. flow check valve to RPV bca,l seal 2 A,C 1,A L.S RO 51-3(8) leakage ?n'arument line (h3) M13 4 Manual isolation valve - ItPV above pump 2 H P El 5.1-3(7) deck instrument line - F14 4 -Excess Oow check valve RPV above pump 2 A,C 1,A LS RO 5.13(7) deck instrument line. (h3) I'715 4 Manualiso:ation vaby . RPV below pump 2 U l' El 5.1-3(7) deck instrument line F716:4 Excess flow check vahe + R PV belaw pump  ? A,C (A LS RO 5.13(7) [ deck inAtrument line (h3) 3 9-58.5 A mcra u ne l t

m. 2a 92 n:M 2 M I G E M A E @ I O f P,11 ' 39
    -,-  ABWR                                                                                         mw>mt Sitjtudarilfilint                 _

i< u. Table 3 9-8 (Continued) INSEltVICETESTING SAF1:TY-RElATED PUMPS AND VALVES 1121 Nuclear lloiler System Vaives (Continue <D Safety Code Yalu lest Trat SSAR Cires Cat. l'unc. Para Frcq. Fig. No. Qty Denription(h)(i) (a) (c) (d) (r) (f) (g) F717 4 Manualisolation val *e RPV abou core 2 h P El 5.1-3(7) plate instrument line - 1718 yi Excess flow ciseck valve - RPY abow wrc 2 A,C 1A .I ,s RO 5.13(7) phile instrument line (h3) F719 4 Manualisolation valve . RPV belew core 2 H P El 5.1-3(7) plate instrument line F720 4 11xcess flow check vahe - RPV bnlow core 2 A,C 1.A LS RO 5.13(7) plat e instruinent line (h3) I'723 i Manual isolation valve - MSi, flow restrictor 2 B P El 5.13(2) instrutnent line F724 4 Exem flow check valve MSt. Onw t c:,trictor 2 A.C IA L.S RO 5.13(2) instr ument line (h3) 17b 4 Manualisolation valve MSI. finw rntrictor 2 B P El 5.13(2) instrument line

          . IT6 4     Excess flow check valu , Mst. flaw estricto      2    AC 1A       1.S   RO     5.1-3(2) indt ument line (h3) 07?? 2     MSt. PX instrument line inboard roar valve       2    B    P            El     5.1-3(3) 1531 Reactor Itecirculation Internal Pump Valves F00S 10    allP pump motor purge wmer line outboard        2    A,C  Li     I,S    RO    5.4-4(2) isolation check valve (i3)

F009 10 KIP pump motor purge water linc mbaard 2 A,C IA lS RO 5.4-4(2) isclation check valve (i3)

          -F010 10     RIP pump motor purge water supply hne valve 3        B    P             El     5.4-4(1)

F011 10 RIP in0atable prenurized water line 3 B P El 5.44(1) inboard vahe F013 10 RIP seal equalizing line valve 3 B P El 5.4 -1(1) F500 10 RIP cooling water IIX vent line inboard valve 3 D P El 5.4-4(1) F502 10 RIP drain line idxurd w.lve 3 B- P El 5.4-4(1) F505.10 RIP cooling waten IIX shell drain line 3 B P El 5.4-4(l) inboard valve Anwm$ne nt F> SEE

ytt ia na N G E textEm ru- i ,1;: a + MbN DA61noMi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   %F Simt.(lard l!lant                                                     .

Table .Ul-8 (Continued) INSEltVICE TESTING SAFETY-RElATED PUMPS AND VALVES C12 Control Itod Drive System Valves Safety Code Yahe Tnt Test SSAR Clm Unt, l'e u., Para Freq. Fig. (a) M (ds up (f) (g) N i., ot s I)nt '.pilon t h)(i) 1719 4 Roor ..nvc charg,ing line header pret mre 2 B P El 4.6-8(2) i .sa ument line ITO 4 Root valve charging line header pressuic 2 H P El 4.6-8(2) inst rument linc _ C41 Standby Liquid Control System Valves F001 ? St.CS storage a S s .tict hoe MOV 2 11 A P RO 93-1 S 3 mo F002 2 St C5 pump suction une maintenano salve 2 B P El 93 1 FOM 2 SLCS pump discharge line relief vahc 2 C A It 5 yrs 93 1 1914 S1,CS ptonp discharge line check vabt 2 C A S 3 mo 93 1 SLCS pump discharge hne maintenance vahe 2 B l' El 93-1 F005 Fl% 2 SLCS pump discharge line MOV 2 A I,A L. P RO 93-1 S 3mo F007 1 SLCS injection line outboani check sahe (h5) 2 C A 5 RO 93 1 2 A,C 1.A L.S RO 93-1 F0rM 1 St.CS inicction line inbaanl check valve (hl) 001S I St.CS storage tank sampic line inbo,a d 2 H P El 93 I shutoff salve T025 1 St.CS injection line testbent line inb siv 2 U P Et 93-1 F500 1 SLCS pump suction hne drain line 2 B P El 93-1 F301

                                                                   '      St CS pump discharge line dram 1A valte                                      2      6           P                          El         9 3-1              -

C51 Neutron Monitoring (ATIP) System Valves J004 3 Isolation valve assembly Tip Hall Vah e 2 A 1,A LP RO 7.6-1(3) S 3 :nn Ja' 3 1 solation v:dve assembly index t. hear valve 2 A,D A X RO 741(3) J011 3 Purge isolation valve 2 A I,A 1. .P RO 7.6-1(3) S 3 mo D23 Containment Atmosphere Monitoring Systun Valses CAMS drywell pressure instrument line 2 A 1,l' 1,P RO 7.6-7(2) f001 2 outboard isolation valve F004 ? canis drywcil sample hne outboard contain- 2 A I,P 1.,P RO 7/r7(2) rnent isolation valvc 2 A 1,1 1P RO 7.6-7(2) IW5 . CAMS drywell return line outboard mat,in. rnent isolation valve 19-S$7 Ang nome r.t

uam mm e c onue su c 4 r. u 2 AinVR uuun

                                                                                                                 ~n Siandar3LElanL_

Table 3.%S (Continued) INSERVICl? TESTING SAFET%I(El.ATED l'USIPS AND VALVES D23 Containment Atmospliere Stonitoring System Vahes (Continued) Safety Code Yahe Test Test SSAR Claa Cat. I'u ne. Parn Freq. Fig. No. Qty Dncription th)(i) (a) (c) (d) (c) (f) (g) FON 2 CAMS wetwcil sample Ime outho.n d contain. 2 A lA 1.. P RO 76-7(2) ment stolation valve Ft KH 2 CAMS wetwell return hne outboatd contain-A 1,A 1., P RO 7.6-7(2) ment isolation valve F00s > CAMS rack drain lint entho.irJ moram- 2 A 1.A 1P RO 7.6-7(2) ment isolation valve FtKr> 2 CAMS dr>well pressure instrument line 2 H P El 7.6-7(2) outboar d isol'a tion valve F010 2 CAMS drywcll sampic line outbevd salve 2 B P El 7.6-7(2) F011 2 CAMS drywell rctorn line outb0.ard utre 2 Il P El 7.6-7(2) F012 CAMS wetwell sample line ontboard valve 2 B P El 7.6-7(2) F013 2 CAMS wetwell return 1;nc outboard uhr 2 H P El 7.6-7(2)

        -F014 2        CAMS rack drain line outhaard vahr               2     H   P                El      7.6-7(2) ment isoahlon valve E11 Itesidunt tic,it itemovat System Yahes F001 3        Suppression pool sucion ulve                     ?     A    I, A      1., P RO    5.4 10(3.4,6)

S 3 mo I VL' 3 RI1R pump discharge line check uive 2 C A 5 3 mo SA-10(3,4,6) F003 3 RI1R pump disharge line maintainent.c valve 2 B P El 5.410(3A6) F(04 . 3 lirtat Exchanger flow control valve 2 B A P 2 yrs SA-10(3,4,6) S 3 mo F005 1 RPV injection valve (h6) 2 A A - L.P RO 5.&10(3) S CS F005 2 Rrv injection valve (h6) 1 A 1,.\ L,P RO 5.4 10(5,7) S CS fub I RPV injectioa line chak uhe 2 A A L.P RO 5.5-.10(3) S 3 mo Ftm 2 RPY injection line check sahe 1 A 1.A L.P RO 5,0 10(5,7) S 3mo FN7 2 . RPV injection line inboard maint vahe 1 B P El 5.4 10(5,7) l I l Am:no r.t 3.9 58.8 I l

n a m sam c t ionm iu<, > e. la a i ABWR u.wman 8ev E Stalidai3Mhuit __ 1 Table 3,9 8 (Continued) INSERVICE TESTING SAFE'IT RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES Eli Residual Heat Removal Systern Valves (Continued) Safety Code Yahr Test Test SSAR Class Cat. Func. Para Freq. Fig. No, Qty Description (h)(i) (a) (c) (d) it) (f) (g) F00S 3 Supptession pool return line MOV 2 A I,A L.P RO 5.4 10(3,4,6) S 3 mo F0W 3 Shutd wn Cooling suct. line maint. slv 1 U P El 5.4 10(2)

      ' F010 3     Shutdown Cooling suct, line inb. i.m slv (h6)   1   A    1,A   1.,P   RO _ '.s.410(2)

S CS F011 3 Shutdown Cooling suct line outb so. viv (h6) 1 A i,A 1., P RO 5 4-10(2) S CS F012 3 Shutdown Cooling suction hne adn dv 2 B A P 2 yrs 5.4 10(3,4,6) S 3mo F013 3 Heat exchanger bypass Dow contnd siv 2 II A P 2 yrs 5.4-10(3,4,6) S 3 mo F014 2 Fuel l'ool Cooling supply line inb MOV (hS) 2 B A P.S RO 5.4 10(5,7) H)t5 2 Fuel Pool Cooling supply line outb MOV (h8) 2 li A l'.S RO 5.4-10(5,7) Folt, 2 Ciate viviline from Fuel Pool Cig (FPC) (hS) 2 H A S RO 5.410(2)

   -    F017 2 - Drywell soray line inboani valve                  2   A    1.A   L,P    RO      5.4 10(5,7)

S 3mo FOIS 2 Drywcil spray line outboard vahe 2 A I,A L.P RO 1 4-10(5,7) 3 3mo F019 2 Wctwell spray line MOV 2 A 1,A 1., f' RO 14-10(5,7) S 3 mo F020 3 RitR pump min flow bypass line check viv 2 C A S 3 rno 5.4 10(3,4,6) F021 3 RHR pump min flow bypass ime hKW 2 A I,A LP 2 yrs 5.4 10(3,4,6) S 3 mo F022 3 Discharge Ime till pump suction line valve 2 B P El 5.4 10(3,4,6) F023 3 Fill pump discharge hne check ulve 2 C A S 3mo 14 10(3,4,6) F024 - 3 Fill pump tiischarge line stop check valve 2 C A 5 3 mo 5.4-10(3,4.6) F023 3 Fill pump minimun Oow line globe valve 2 B P S E2 5.4-10(3,4,6) F02o 3 P11R pump suction to High Condnuivity 2 B P El 5.4 10(3,4,6) Waste (llCW) F027 3 Bypass linc around the check valve 2 B P El 5.4 10(3,4,6) MPL E11-F002 F028 3 Ilca; cxchanger outlet line rclief valve 2 C A R 5 yrs 5.410(3,4,r,) 1029 3 Inboard reactor well drain line salve 2 B P El 1 4-10(3,4,6) F030 3 Drain to radwaste valve 2 B P El 5.4 10(3,4,6) F03L 3 Outb reactor well drain lin sabc (to SP) 2 A 1P LP RO 5.4-10(3,4,6) f032 3 ShutofIvalve line from MUWC 2 B P El 5 1-10(3,4,6) F033 3 Check valve in the line from MUWC 2 C A El 14 10(3,4,6) 1034 2 RPV injection line vent / test line outh siv 2 B P El 5.4-10(5.7) RL4 1 Press equal valve around chk viv E11 H106 2 A P EI 5.4 10(3) FOX 2 Prea equal valve around thk siv Ell-HKM 1 A P El 5.4 10(5,7) Amendinm! 39.5U

m. ,~ v a in a c , w.v ,w w , v.,. .
                                    ..                     ABWR                                                                                                                         mmc mn Standml l'hs Table 3.9-8 (Coninued)

INSl:RVICIC TESTING sal ETY RI:l ATEI) l'UMl'S AND VAIXF.S F.ll lleshlual !! eat i einoval Systent Valses (Contintied) Safet) Code Who Tot Test SSAlt Class Cat. l'u ni . l'a ru Facq. l'ig, (n) (c) (d) (t) (D (g) No. Qiy litscripthna th)D) l'037 3 bhutdown tooling 1.uction line test ,,nr i A P El SA.10(?) I'03') .i W bri viv around the MOV MPl. El1 roll 1 C A R 5 yr , 5.4 10(?) 0040 3 Shutof f valve - line fiorn MUWC 2 U P El 5.4 10(2) - 1 041 1 Ched valve line from Make Up Water  ? C P lil 14 10(2) e D.ndenter (MUWC) F011 3 Shutdown Couting Mode suctinn line 2 C A I!1 5 410(3A5)

                                                                                            ;,elie.f valve luu 1 IlX outlet to the Samphng sntern O.S)                            1      B       P              lil      $.410(3,6,7) tct-t intuard vah>c Hn45 1              IlX outict to the PASS mboard uhe                 2      Li      A        i     ?yta 5.4 10(3)
                                                                                                                                                                       .s     3 uni I:O V.       I      llN outlet to the PASN outboard sake              2      B       A         l'    2 yrs 5.4-10(3)
                                                                                                                                                                        $     3mo F047 2 Shutoff -line hom MUWC                                         2     D        1              El      5A 10(5,7)

H)M 2 Cht;d Vnhe . line Irom MUWC 2 C P El 5.4 10(5,7) l.04's 2 1.n>well spray line sent & test line 2 B l' El 5A 10(5,7) inboatd valve

                                                                           !V51 3 1ill pump discharge line itlief vahr                          2      B       A         It   5 yrs 5.4-10(3,4,6)

F0$2 i Diain line for the r upprenion pool 2 B l' El 5 4-10(4) 1:101 1 Ar mdependent water addiuon mpt.t sly 2 B A 5 3mo SA 10(7) F101 1 AC independent watti addition input siv 1 B A s 3 no SA 10(7) F500 3 )leat cuhanger inlet drain line 2 H P E! $ 410(3,4h) W. board . 31ve FIO2 3 IlX outlet line drain line inhoard s k 2 11 P El S.4 10(3,4,6) I'501 4 RPY mjectie:a line vent line inb viv 2 11 P E1 5 4-10(3,4,7) F5te 1 RPY injection line drain line inb s b 2 ft P 5410(3) F50n 2 RPV injectinn hnc drain linc inh s h 1 15 P El 5.4 10(5,7) F50A 1 Shutdown Cochng suct hne vent line vb 2 U P El SA-10(2) F509 2 Vent vahe I'PC reimo hne 2 11 P El 5A-10(5,7) f511 2 lirvwell spray line inico d drain hne vlv 2 B P El 5.4-10(5,7) FS13 2 Diywcll spray line inboard dt;iin hun slv 2 B P El 5.4 10(5,7) F515 2 Wctwell spray line inboar d dinin line viv 7 11 P El 5A 10(5,7) FS17 3 Ritu pump min now line drn line ;nh viv 2 H P El 5410(3,4,6) l'70tl 3 RilR nump suction line pressme instr line 2 B P El 5A 10(3,4,6) F701 3 Riih .iurns uction line pimure instr line  ? Ii P El 5 410(3A,6) F702 3 RilR puma discharge hne prcw in at hne 2 15 P El 5A 10(3,4,6) F101 3 RHR pump diuharge hne prca instr line 2 D P El SA-10(3,4,6) F706 3 R11R pump di< charge hne ptru, mstr line 2 H P El S A.10(3,4.6) F707 3 R1tR pump discharge line picw. insir line 2 H P El 5A-10(3,4.0) P El 5A 10(3,4,6) VW 3 IT MPL E11.IT0b instr line inb iout viv 2 11 F7W 3 iT MPL E11 IT00s instr ime on b s oot siv 2 fi P El 5 4-10(3,4,6) Amu . n ss n l l

f t1 , : -e i s n ; Tic i t t e rt tre it..:t ;g-

      /k!$Nk(                                                                                                                         2)AWOAl-811Liiflitr!LISUit                        _ ._     _                                       _ . _ . _

nevj! Talile NLH (Coninued) INSEl(VICE TESTING SAFI"IT.itELATEI) PUhlPS ANil VAINES Ell itesidual llent itemoval Systetti Valves (Contirtued) Safety Code Yahe l est 'Ic$t SSAR Clan Cat. Funt. l' ara l'rty. l'ig. No. Gly Devrlptiors (h)(i) (n) (t) (d) fe) (4 (g) F710 3 FI MPl. Ell ITUOS instr Ibe inh root viv 2 D P El . 2)(3,4,6) 1711 3 Fl MPl. Ell.lTw8 inst, line outh n ot viv 2 B l' El 5.4.t0(3,4,6) 1712 3 Simidren Cooling Mode suction hne prmurc 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4.6) insu ument hne 1713 5 Fill purnp $xtion line instrumria hoe valve 2 U P El 5.4 10(3,4,6) F714 1 Diuharge to radwett flow instr ime 2 B P El 5.4 10(4) I'/16 1 thaliarge lu sadwa,te llow inste hn- 2 11 P n 5410(4) l l l l l i i I f 1

                                                                                                                                           .19,y.n a n.o.w e.n

Jtit 1 : T ir ;o) , c t vu;.w uh

  • r, g .

AInVR :uomu aan Strunimil!!an! _

                                                 ' Table Ni ti (Continued)

INSEltVICI: TEST NG SAfl71T l'EIATEI)I't)MI'S ANil VAINES 1:22 lil;h t I'tessur e Cote flooder Sptesn Valses Safdy Code Vabe Test Tot SSAlt Clan Cat, l'u nc. Pa r.: l'r e q. l 'ig. N o, Qty Drwription th)(h (a) (c) (di m th (g) 1 001 / CanJentate Moiage Pool (CSP) m tuin 2  !! A P 2 yn 63-7(2) line MOV S 3 rno Rxc 2 CM'surtion line (.hed vahc 2 C A s 3 mo 63-7(2) F001 2 lilTT 5pte o injection vahe (h6) 1 A 1,A  ! .. I' PO 63 7(1) S CS IUn / lil'(T Sptcin inboatd check v.du 1 A,C  !.A  ! ,P RO 63-7(1)

                                                                                         ,      3mo F(k13 2       Pnmp discharpe lim:inlicard mairn ohe             1   Il   P                lll    63 7(1) 1910 ? Supprmion pool suuion line MOV                           2   A    I.A      L,P     RO     63 7(2)

S 3 mo l Mkl7 2 Suppra, ion pvol suuion line (het L .ahe 2 C A s 3mo 63-7(2) nm ' Test return line inbnard snhe  ? H A P 2 ps 63 7(2)

                                                                                        %       3:no H Nf / / 1rsi retuin hoe outboar:1 vahc                        2   A    1.A      1. P RO        6307(2)

S 3:no nuo 2 l'innp minimum flow ! pass hnc NH W 2 A 1,A 1..P 11 0 63 7(?) , E 3 rno l nil 1 2 ltypass line shutoff vahe aroum) da ok 2 k P El 63-7(2) vahc E22 M02 1 01/ 1 Hi Cl pump suction line drain line to IICW 2 Il P El 63 7(2) 1:0 D 1 Pump dischat ge linc IP.Iline outbc d 2 C A N 3 mo 63 7(1) check viv i:O tt, J Pump discharg; linc fillline inboard check siv C A 3 3 mo 63-7(1) F017 2. Pmup discharp.c line test and v. ni kn . 1 A P El 63 7(1) inboard valve FO Pi 2 Pav,us e equahting valve around Jak 1 A P El 63-7(1) valve E22 HG1 1 020 .' Suppiession pool suaion hoe sclh i uhe 2 C A R $ yrs 63 7(2) F022 2 Suppimion pool suction line test 1; w valve 2 11 P El 63 7(2) 10?3 2' Pump discharge line test line valve 2 11 P El 63 7(2) F5(0 2 Pump discharge line high point ver.: 2 fi P lil 63-7(1) inboat d valve I:502 2 -- I'mnp dW harge line drpell test line 2 il P Es 63 7(1) inboatd valve FAO 2 Pump suction line press,ure instsument 2 B P El 63-7(2) lini. root vahe f *7tn 2 Pump sucaon line picuure instrument 2 11 P El 63-7(2) line mot uhe F702 2 Pump dinh.irge line pressure instinment 2 11 P El 637(2) line in%ard sahe (Tu 2 Pump diwharge line prerme imtoment ' B P El 63 7(2) tine inboard vahr A m om t,' W!s2 1

Rt. i % n n dm c, t t r.w +

  • R.t e 1 P.1E .
      .. AllWR                                                                                                  = = r:

St:llullt rifl;itit

    -                                                                                                                littti Talde 3.9 8 (Continued)

NsLitVICE TESTING sal'I.TY ItEIATED l'UMI'S ANil VAINES E22 liigh Pressure (of t '%oder '.'n;eni Yahes (Coi'tinued) Sakty Code Vuhr Tnt Test SSAM Clau Cat. l 'im r. l'al a Prcq. l'ig. N o. Qty Dru riptfors (h)(i) (u) (c) (d) it) (f) (g)

                    '                                                              P I'70s           Pump dischange hne pec wue inst mment          2    11                   111       6.37(2) lint outbosed valve l'              lil F10/.           Pump diaharge line flow mstrumn t hne          2    13                             63 7(2) inhoar d valve F707 2          l'wnp discharge line flow mstrument line       ?    H    P               lil       637(2) outboard talve                                                                                                   ,

F/Os 2 Pump do.chn;,. Une flow m!.trume nt hne 2 H P lil 6.37(2) intoald valve l'/(ri 2 Pump disthmgc line now instrument hoc  ? 11 P El 63-7(2) ontboard valve E31 la ah Detection and Isolation Sptern Yahes 10 0 1 Dipril fi.v. inn produd rnonitorine knc 2 11 P El 528(9) anaintenance valve i n i.' I Drywell finion product monitorinr hoe 2 A 1.A LP lt O S.28(9) inboatd isolation valve S 3rno 14D Drywell fission product monitoring Unc 2 A I,A LP 11 0 5.2-8(9) outboard kolation vala 5 3mo IWil 1 Drywell fission product inonitoring hne 2 A 1,A 1..P RO 5.2-S(9) outboard isolation vah e 3mo 1915 1 Drptil fission produa monitvling hne 2 A 1,A L,P RO 5.2-3(9) inboar d isolation valve 5 3 mo F00ti 1 Dipell Guion product monitormg linc 2 B P lil S.2S(9) maintenance vrtvc IRN 1 Drywtli cooler condensate samphng hoe viv 2 A 1,P l. RO 5.2-8(S) 1 U10 1 Drpeli coolcr condensatr. >ampliog line viv 2 A 1.P l. HO 5.24(8) 1701 4 RCIC instrument linc rnanual isoleon valve 2 H P El 5.28(6) IPAl2 I I?CIC instrument line ewess llou dk sly (h3) 2 A,C 1,A 1..S RO 5.2Q6) FA13 4 RCIC inst ument line manual i;olatwn salve 2 B P El 574(6) 1701 4 I?CIC instrument line urru. Gow d.L siv (h3) 2 A.C I,A 1..S RO 5.2-8(6) E51 lleactor Cos'e Isolation Cooling Sptein Valves

          -1011 1           Condensme Stora3;c l'ool (CSP) su; tion       2    B    A        P       2 yr s     $A8(1) line MOV                                                         $       3 no l'002 1        CSP suction line chec L vidve                  ?   C    A        S       3mo        5.4 S(l)

Anie nthnent 3M.D I i

_ ._. _ _ _ . . _ ~ _ At a y,t - N et G r s o; u..# A tr. ' E n-:_

         /NNN                                                                                                           DA61 wall S(;lntla rtlfla r!t                                _ _                            _             _

pxn i Table 19-8 (Continued) i INNi itvlCE TESTING sal' lilt ItEl.ATED PUhll'S ANI) YAINES t E51 I(cactor Cor e Isolati<m Cooling Sptern (Continued) Safety Code Volu Tot 'fest SSAR Clau Cut. Func. Pain l'r e q. 14 No. Qt) Dn(siption (h)(i) (a) (c) (dl (N (f) (g) IW l ItClC punip dir. charge la.e check vahc 2 C A P 2 yrs $A8(1)  ! 5 3 mo  ; IW4 1 RClC System injctrion valve (h6) 2 A A L.P RO $.48(1) i' N (3 1 00.S 1 ItCIC hysicm dbharge hoc totalk 2 C A 1,P llO 5.48(1) c htcl valve $ 3ma f(bi i Supptcv. ion Pool (CSP) sudion hm. MOV 2 A 1.A L.P RO SA 8'l) 3 mo im7 i Suppm.sion Pool (CSP) suction line deck vlv 2 C A ' 3 mo SA 8(1) FM 1 liclC sys suppr pocil test t(turn hoc MOV 2 A A P 2 yrs SA8(1) S 3mo lurl 1 IM 'lO dp suppe pool tesi seturn hnc MOV  ? A !A L.P RO $48(1; s 3 rno 1 010 1 ITIC by:, minimum Cow bmm bne check siv 2 C A P 2 yrs SA 8(1)

                                                                                                        $        3mo 1011 1                   1R K So minimum flowI'ypus Um MOV              2   A         1,A    t.P    RO     SA S(1)

S 3 mo IU12 i RCIL turbme access.ories wohng uct 2 It A P 2 yrs 5.t-6(3) line MOV $ 3 mo Dil .t 1 RCIC turbine accessmio ow.bng water  ? H A El 5A8(3) line PCV F0 h 1 llarometric condenser condensate pump 2 Il l' El SA.S(3) dncharge line s alve IU16 i Harometric condenser wndensair remp 2 C A P 2 yrs $48(3) discharge line check vain S 3 mo F017 1 RClC pump suction ime relicf sahe 2 C A R $yrt. $A-6(1) I'016 1 Vahe in the 1,ypm line around the L  ? fl P El S A 8(1) vahe li51.DX13 l'019 1 Pump dhchaire line test line sahe 2 Il P El SA8(t) F020 1 Pump dischargc line int line valve 2 fl P El 5.48(1) 00?! 1 Pump diuharge line 611 hne shutoti ah'c 2 B P El SA8(1) FOT2 1 Pump discharge linc fdl line (he<L valve 2 C A S 3 mo SA-8(1) F03 i Pump discharge line f,Illine chccL uhr 2 C A 5 3 mo $A 8(1) 1924 .t Pump discharge ime ic9 line valve 2 H P El $A.8(1) F025 1 Panip dhch: rge lioc test line vahr 2 H P El $.48(1) F02t; 1 Vahe in pienure equaliting line 2 H P El 5A 8(1)

                                      ;uonnel E51 T005 r027 1                   Supger, ion Prel (S/P) suction lis           2     H         P             lll    5A-8(1) test hne vahr F023 1                 - Mmimum flow bypm line te>t Une vahe           ?    B         P             El     SAS(1)
           . fM .I                    Minimum flow bypau line hne sahr          ?  Il        P             F1     545(1)           ,

Annamm .s 9a u ( I

u ., a o un . c f ea t.w n s - rw ABWit moom Staminr1Ufhnt ___ - _ _. ._ rca.' Talile 3.') 8 (Continueti) INSERYlCE TESTING sal'lcTY.HEI ATEI) PUMPS ANil VAINES E51 Reactor Core isolation Coothig Splem (Continucti) S.shty Code Yube kt Test SSAlt Clan Cat. l'unr. Para lacq. Fig. No. Qty Description (h)ti) (a) (c) (d) 09 (f) (g)

                 ) U V1 1      'l utljne accessories wohng watet hu-                2    C   A       14        5 yrs     5.4-8(3) relkivahc I'031 1        Ilar<unetric wndena s < on.lensate dmharge         2     15  P                 lil       548(3) line AOY lo HCW                                                                                               i l'032 1        Itarornctric wndenser wnJcmatt <taihange           2     11  P                 El        5.48(3)              i hne AOV to llCW lCD 1          Diaharge hue fill lin: l s pan bor                 2     It  P                 lil       5.4 f;(1) shutoff ulee 1OU i          fiaronu trie wndenser condenute pump                2    11  P                 El        54B(3) dhthaire line test line saht FOM 1          Steam topply line isolation valve                   1    A   1,A     If        RO        5.4 892)

N 3:no 10% 1 hicam supply line isolation v At 1 A 1.A 1.,P 14 0 5.4-8(2) N 3 mo IW 1 Stt ain adminion valve 2 B A l' 2 yrs 5,4-b(1)

                                                                                                     %         3 mo F0h 1         Turbine exhanst line ched uhe (13)                  2    A.C t.A     1         2 yrs     5.48(2)

S RO lT)39 1 'I tu bine exhaust line Mi)V 2 A 1,A 1.. I ' 2 yrs 5.48(1) 4 3 mo I tu i 1 Str.un aihninion vahc bem Une maint. 2 8 P El 548(2) tenance vahe 004; 1 Stt ain adminion vahc bypass lins Mt)v 2 U A P 2 yrs 5.48(2) S 3mo 1-04n I llaioinetric wndenser vacuum pump dischsige 2 A,C 1.A I RO 548(1) line check vahe (h3) S RO T017 1 Itaiometric condense sacuum pmap diaharge 2 A 1, A LP RO $4S(l) ImcMOV S 3 rno ITIS 1 Steam supply line warm'up hne uh e i A I,A 1J RO 5.48(2) S 3 mi 1919 1 Sicam supply line test line uhr 2 11 P lil 5.48(2) F050 1 Stearn supply hne test line vah e 2 U P El S.48(2) F031 1 Turbine exhaust line. drain kne uh e 2 11 ." El 5.4 893) I'052 1 Tmbinn exhaust line drain hne uthe 2 11 P E l. 5.48(3) IV53 1 Tuibina exhaust line test linc vahe 2 H P El 5.4S(l) MK4 1 Turbinc exhaust bac vacuum litca'act (b1) 2 C A R RO 5.4S(1) 10b 1 Turbine exhaust line uruuum brea'.cr (hl) 2 C A R RO 5.4-S(1) IW 1 Steam supply Ime drain pot doin le 2 H l' El S.4-8(1) tcst line uhr i U.', 1. Sicain supply line drain poi drai , hue 2 U P El 5.48(2) test drain line F059 1 Daromcantric condene vacuum pmnp dis- 2 H P III 5.4-S(1) thatge hne lett line v:the Ame n&nen, 3 9-s3 is

u  ! 'n o e wn c 1: r# Etl. # 19 n r . c. )

             " AOWN                                                                                                      m imAt h tilIlditI d E ;IIll          _ - _.                                 _ . _ _ .-                               PM Ial>le 3.9 8 (Continued)

INSEltVICE TICSTING sal'ETY REl.4TED PUMPS AND YALVES f ESI Rear (Or Dire 150131i011 Cooling Spletu (Contint !d) Saftty Code Yubt list Tnt SSAM Cl.m Cat, l'u su . Para I"r e q. l'ig. , No. d)ty Dou lption (h)(1) (a) (r) (d) (t) (f) (g) FW l Putnp dacharge linc ornt hne sahr 2 Il P El $A4(1) F.'dll 1 Pump discharge line unt line sake 2 11 P El SA 8(1) 1 507 i Pump 1%harge line drain line vahr 2 11 P El SA8(l) l 'A O i Pan p diuharge linc drinn hnt vah* 2 13 P l- t 5.44(1) l'700 1 l' ump todion hne pressure inttiu 2  !! P l:1 544(1) , mentation instrument root vah7 I'701 - l Pump ouction line prenuto itallu-  ? Il P lil SA4(1) mentation isottunient root vahc [*/02 1 Pomp discharge line ptcuurc instf u- 2 Il P El 548(1) inculatiott insfluinent ruct vahe M03 1 Purnp digharge line pressure inso n 2 B P U1 liA 8(1) ruentation instrument root vahe F%1 1 Pump dmharge line pt ebure int.o u 2 11 P lit $A4(1) rntritation instrument root sahc WOS 1 Pinup dischargc line poure instiu 2 H P El 5A4(1) inrntation instrument soot vaht IW, I l'urnp discharge line flaw iratrunn nt 2 11 P III SA8(1) root valve , I'lo ! ' Psunp discharge line finw msu unot 2 D P El SAS(l) soot vahe l'/od 1 Pmnp diwharge tinc now inssiunient 2 H P El SA4(1)

oot u4e F700 1 Puiup sliuharps line Dow instrum: ra 2 B P El 5A4(1) valve 1"110 1 Pump diuharge line pienm e instru 2 U P 111 5.44(1) ment soot valve D:1 1 Pninp dixharge line prmure insu u. 2 B P El SA8(1) meat root vahc 1"712 1 Tuibine accewies cooHog wah i tint 2 D P El SA4(3) instrument root valve M1 't 1 T urbine acecs.suries coohne, water hoc 2 11 P El SAS(3) in:,trument root vilvc i

! l'714 1 1 crbine accessories coolirw. wates boe 2 B P El $A8(3) im.trument root salve W16 1 Steam supply line picssure im.trument 2 0 P El SA8(2) root valve 1717 i Steam supply line pess ure instiument 2 U P El 5.44(2) L root valve 17718 1 Stram supply linc diain pot itutrument TOOT 2 h P El 5.44(2) vah c l'710 1 Steam supply 1:nc diak put instronu nt root 2 11 P El SA4(2) vahc I Am(almc ra WM% i l l ' l I 1

   ..     .      . _ - , . _ _ ~ . -                 - -     . .      - - - _ - - _ - - . _ - - - - - - -                                    - _       . - - - - -
a , i f
                            *?          o. n N<1 s t. t en t a le                                                                                                 . __
      ., t N W l(                                                                                                                                7Wuste sami.irit P1 ant                                      ._                                                             _ ___ua Table 3.9 8 (Continue (l)

INSERVICE TESTING SAI 1:TORELATED PUMPS ANil VAINES 131 lleactor Core 1(olation Cooling Systeni Valies H %ntinued) Saftty Code Vahr Test Test SSAR Clan Cat. l'unc Pa ra iteg t ht. No. Qty livstr# tion (h)(i) (a) (c) (d) ici (f) (g) 1To I hicam t.upply line drain tio' inuwnent root 2 13 P El 5.44(2) valve P721 1 Stearn supplyline d ain pat inurumt nt ioot 2 11 P lil 5.48(2) vahc F/?.' 1 Turbine exhaust preeute inor ons ni imt 2 U P El 5.44(3) u.h c 1% 1 'l mbine exhaust pres.ture into um nt s oot 2 B P El 5.44(3) valve IT4 1 Turbine exhaust presur r betw. e t upture 2 D P lil 5.46(3) disk instrutncnt root vahr IE I Turbine exhaust piessure 1, coven upture 2 13 P El $.44(3) ilisk in<.trument rm4 sahc Dula 1 Torbine exhaust pressure ruptoit h.L 2 D A H pit byrs 5.44(3) D013 i 'l urbivic exhaust pres'.ute rupture del 2 D A ltple. 5 yts 5.4.S(3) G31 l(cactor Wales Cleanup Sysletu Valvis 1101 1 1 ine inside containmoni hom 1;lia system 1 B P fil 5.4 12(1) maintenance vahr F002 1 CUW Systein suction line inboard isolation 1 A 1.A l..P.S RO 5.412(1) valve (h1) IW I CUW Sysicm suction linc outbo*1 isolation 1 A 1,A 1.. P RO 5.4 12(1) uht(h3) S CS I U P! I CUW Syston RPV htad spiay is outivard 1 A 1.A 1., P 11 0 5.4 12( O

                                  . isolation vah e (h3)                                                                 'i      CS 1UB 1                     0 UW Sysk m RPV head spray i nc inhoaid                             1  A,C     1.A  1.I',S RO               S.4 12(1) check vahc (h1) 1 019 1                   CUW Sys bottom bcad deain line                                      1   0      P            El              5,4-12(1) maintenancc vhhe FOSO I                    Test line off the suct line outbeant                                2   H      P            U1              1412(1) isolation valve G31 11103 0058 i                    Test line off RPV head spray line outboard                          2   11     P            El              S.4-12(1) iwlation valve F1x.0 1                    RPV bottom head diain line samph; line                             2   B-     P            El              5.4 12(1) test line vahc l'070 1                    RPV botiom head drain line sample line                                 11     P            El              5.41?(1) maintenance vahc 1:071 1                    RPV bouom head drain line m@e hne                                  2   A      1.A  1..P    RO              5,4-12(1) inboard ulve.                                                                      5       3 ma i          An.c na m ni                                                                                                                                19.sw              ,
                                             , -- ~              .                         , , . -       -.     .,_       -            .- .,                           -
                                                                                                                                        ~ . . . ~ . - .
n. s n w : sus r, c n> tw. P. y y dBWR nAnmAL RoJ StillitillOl_IIhl11L.__.... _ -. _ _ _ _ . . -

Table 3.9 8 (Continued)  ; INSERVICE TESTING SAltlY-RELATED PUMPS ANI) VAINES , G31 Reactor Water Cleanup Systern Vahes (Continued) Sattty Code Valu Tot Tot SSAR  ! Clan Cat. Func1 Pas a l'rc y. Fig. No. Qiy Deve lretion (h)0) (a) (c) (d) to (O (g) 1 072 i RPV bottom head di -in linc tample line 2 A 1A 1.. P 11 0 5.4 12(1) outtmard vahe 5 3mo 190 1 CLJW Sp bottom heel <h ain hne dum viv 2 11 P lil 1412(1) 1%1 1 Cl3W Sp bodorn head drain linc Jrain slv 2 11 P El 3.4-12a > l'/00 ? ClJW Sptem suction line th uputt 4m 2 11 P El 5.4 12(1) instrument rnanualisolation vahr 1"/01 / CllW System suction line 1 E downstream 2 11 P El 5.012(1) instrument manualiwlation uhe F701 CUW Sprem suction line 111 e uscam 2 A.C 1,A 1.S.P RO 5.412(t) instrument excess flow check valte (h3) f703 2 CUW Sptcm suction hne ITi dw nsticam 2 A,C 1,A 1 S.P RO ).4-12(1) inurument excess finw check inhe (hl) G41 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Yahes 1 01) 2 TPC sptem hcat enhanpr outlet line 3 B P El 9.1. t(2) maintenance vahe ' F0 t ti 1 FI'C splem diuharge line to spcni tuel 3 C A S 3 mo 9.11(2) pool check valve F01' 1 FPC sptetn dhcharge line to spriit fuel 3 B P El 9.11(2) pool maintenance vahe FOIS 1 1 l'C sptern discharp hoc to spent fuci 3 C A $ 3 mo 9.11(2) pool check vahe 1 019 1 FPC system di3 charge linc to spent fuel 3 11 P El 9,1.l(1) pool valve FO?O 2 FPC sptcm discharp hne to spcor fuct 3 C A S 3mo 9.1-1(1) iwl check vahe l'U22 t ITC splem discharge line to icar. tor wc!! 3 B P El 9.11(2) l maintenance vahc L F023 i FPC sptem dischargc line to restor well 3 C A S RO 9.11(2)

thsck vahe th7) 0091 1 ITC $ntem supply line from SPCU check vh* 3 C A S- 3mo 9.11(2)

F09M 1 ITC sptem RilR return hne vahe to FPC 3 -- B P lil 9.11(2) l: FON 1 ITC spicm HilR return line check vahe 3- C A S HO 9.11(2) l to FPC (h7) l F093 . 1 ITC sptcm dischaig line to spent fuel 3 B P El 9.1-1(2) l pool sample line L FS(n 1 FPC sptem line vahe from RllR-toTPC 3 B P El 9J-1(?) line io LCW 3.9MiB A,n< now ni


mt. m rea:x as G t texLt m Itb ! P :a - - A11 Wit um v e< n Sht!idar31 Plant ._ .. _ Tabh 3.9 8 (Continued) F INSERVICE TESTING SAITTY.Rr:IATED PU51P5 ANil VAINES G51 Suppression Pool Cleanup System Valves Sartty Code Whr Int Test SSAR Class Cat. I une. I'.i ru Freq. Fig. No. (fy Description (h)(O (a) (c) (d) (c) (r) (g) F001 1 SPCU sottion line inNiard isolati'a salu. 2 A 1.A IP RO 9.5-1 S 3 mo l'(H? 1 SPCU suction hne outbo.ud isol. mon vahc 2 A 1,A l,P-RO 9.51

*s 3mo F(W. 1 SPCU ictuin line isolatian sahc 2 A 1. A l

e A 1.A t,P RO 9.5- 1 8 3 mo Ki7 Hathmste Systen Yahes F(w t Drywyll LCW sump pump inbow ! duh line 2 A 1, A 1,P RO 11.2-2(29) isolation valec 5 3 mo Itm i Drywell LCW sump pump outbutd disch. 2 A 1,A LP RO 11.22(.?>) line isolation valve S 3 mo Flot i Drywell llCW sump pump inbom d disch line 2 A f, A if RO 11.2 2(29) i<.olation vaht 5 3 mo F104 1 DrywellllCW sump pump outbe ad dixh 2 A 1.A  !. P RO 11.2 2(29) line isolation valve 5 3 mo Pl1 hlakeup Water (l'urified) Sysicm Yahes F141 1 Outtoard isolation vahe 2 A t,P L RO 9.25(2) 1:14? 1 Inhoard isolation valve 2 A,C I,P l. RO 9.25(2) P21 lleactor Huiltling Cooling Water System Valves I iTMI o Pump discharr,c line check vabe 3 C A S E2 9.2- 1(1,4,7) IW7 i rump discharge tinc nudntenanu vahe 3 U P El 9.21(1,4,7) IT103 6 Heat exchanger inlet line valve 3 B P E1 9.2- 1(1,4,7) , IW1 6 licat exchanges outlet line MOV 3 E P P 2yn 9.2-1(1,4,7) IDb J Cold water line to hot / cold water b; ender 3 13 P El 9.21(1,4,7) l F0(Vi 3 Hot / cobs water b'enar 5aht cohl water 3 11 A S E2 9.2-1(1,4,7) l Tal7 3 llot/ cold water ihn&r outlet line uihe 3 H P El 9.21(1,4,7) F00S 3 Hot / cold water blender cold water byps line 3 D P El 9.2-1(1,1,7) , ITKn 3 Hot water line to hot / cold water Hender 3 D P El 9.21(1,4,7) F010 3 3 H A S E2 9.21(1,4,7)

Hot / cold watcv blender valve hot water l .F011 1 liot/ cold water blen&r hot wato h3 paw line 3 D P El 9.21(1,4,7) 399p Ame name ra I

'i t. . w; i w 6 E tm up I: . r 25 - ABWR zwime nu n F111J)(laril Pla rtt Table 3.9-8 (Continued) INSEltYlCE TEST)NG SAFETORELATED l'UMI'S ANil VALVES l'211(eactor Huihling Conting Water Systein Valves (Continued) Safety Code Valu Int Test SSAlt Class Cat. Fu n( . Para Frey. Fig. No, Qty t hwer iptic1 (b)(i) (a) (c) (d) 4t) (f) (g) 1012 ) (hihnt, water f.upply hnt to it:!P Rystem 3 Il P El 9.21(2,5,8) maintenance valve 1013 .T Coeling wir return line from RIiP Nys MOV 3 B A P 2 yrs 9.21(2,5,8)

  • 3WO F014 3 Conhng water return hne fiom IJilR lin 3 l) P hl 9.21(2,5,8) -

e nuinte nacc valve lVb 4 Pump sur' ion line ruaintenance ,e 3 It P El 9.21(1,4,7) T01/i 3 Sung tank outlet hne to itCW pump suction 3 D P El 9.2 1(2,$.8) 1 017 3 Surge tank rnate up watri line from SPCU 3 B P El 9.21(2,$,8) 1018 3 Surge tant mA.e-up watu hnc frem SPCU 3 U P P 2 yrs 9.21(2,5,S) F019 3 Smge tank make up from MUWP 3 D P P 2 vis 9.2-1(2,5,8) F021) 1 Surge tank mat c-up water hne hoin MUWI' 3 11 P El 9.21(2,5,S) IU21 3 Cl.t.mical adddion tank inlet line valve 3 11 P El 9.21(1,4,7) 1 07; 3 thrmical addition tank nuttet line v.ilve 3 11 P El 9,2- 1(1,4,7l F021 o cooliru; water supply bne to IiH w 3 U P lil 9.21(2,5,8) refogator maienance sahc IU25 0 Cooling wt suriply hoc to lil CW wine PCV 3 D A P 2 yrs 9.21(2,5,8) N E2 10% ri (bohng wates supply hne to 1119 4 3 14 P El 9,21(2,5,8) scfrigator maintenance ulve F027 6 Cooling water line to HECW 6 11 P El 9.2-1(2.5,8) refrigator bypass line F0> 6 Cooling; water teturn hoc Isom litTW refrig 3 B r El 9.21(2,5,8) F029 2 Cooling water supply hne to 1 PC 1IX 3 D . El 9.2-1(2,5) ., 1 030 ? Coohng watcr retuin line from ITC HX 3 11 P El 9.21(2,5) l'031 Coeling water supply hne to H'(' pump 3 11 l' El 9.21(2,5) room air conditioniag # 1:0 v 2 Coohng wt clurn line f rom I I C ;wnp 3 B P El 9.2-1(2,5) room air conditione F033 2 ('onling wtr une to PCV Atmos Monit Sys clr 3 b P El 9,21(2f) F0W 2 iletmn linc fmm PCV Atma Enit Sys th 3 D P El 92-1(2,5) F035 2 Conting wti supply line to SGTS im air cond. 3 6 P El 9.21(2,5) IW ' Coohng water return Unc fr SUl s niom 2 11 P El 9.21(2,5) air conditioner F037 : Coohng water supply line to 1 CS toom 3 6 P El 9.21(2,5) air corditionct in 2 Cooling water actuin Une tr FCS room 3 B P El 021(2.5) air conditionct Fu30 3 Cooling water supply bne to Kl:P. 3 11 P E1 9.21(2,5,8) equipment ioom air cor.4.noner F010 3 Coobng water scturn hne fnim IUlit 3 8 P E1 9.2. l(2,5,8) equipment room air condithiner }00 3 Coohng water dupply hne 10 l!!!!! , amp mt! 3 U P El 9.2 1(2,$,8) ,wc ne m,a 19 58 2e m :2 e s m et

  • r t o:t t w n ' P c.

.. ABWR nem S Atldittd_fInnl_._ __ _ ____% e Talif e .1l.9-8 (Continued) INSERVICE TESTING SAIT.TY REIATED PUMPS ANI) VAINES 1 P21 Reactor Building Coolin" Water Syslern Yahes Wontinued) ' Safety Codr Wlu Tot Tot SSAR j Clan Cat. I uno. Patu l'arq. Fig. No. Qty Iku ription (h)(ll (a) (c) (d) (c) (f) (g) i I,012 3 water trauen line ft IMIR pump mtr 3 11 P El 92 1(2,5,8) l 1B13 3 Cing wtr spiy hne to 1(101 pump muli seah 3 13 P El 92-1(2.5,8) F044 3 Cing wtr actorn line fr RilR pump mnh scak 3 F1 P El 93-1(2,5,8) 1 1 04s 1 Coolmg wuser supply line to RCh ' 3 11 P L1 9.2-](2) r.luipment voorn air tuoditioner inh I (i.oling water supply hoc hein iK 10 3 11 P T.1 92 1(2) t quipinent rootn uit conditioner !Ut / ' Cooling water supply line to llPUl+ 3 13 P El 9.2-1(5,8) equipment room air conditiones FUE 2 (looling water supply line frorn I til T T fl P El 9.21(5,8) (quipincut room air mndationer Ibr> ' Conhng watet supply line to i10( # 3 13 P El 9.21($,5) pump motor bearing F050 2 Coohng water retwn lint from !!PCI' 3 11 l' El 92.l($,8) pump motor b;aring 10$1 , Coolint water suppl,r line to 1ilo 3 11 P El 9.2- 1(5,8) rutchanical seak 1 01.' ( kling water rcturn f rom IIPCf 3 13 P El 4.21(5.8) pump me.chanical scais F033 2 Sns ge tank outlet ime to ilECW Sptem 3 U- P El 9.2-1(2,5) 1:054 o Cooling water return lim foun 1%cr 3 11 A P 2 yrs 9.2 1(2,$,83 t hesel Geneiator D ' 3mo l'O$o 3- Coating water return line finm Em.: 3 D P lil 91- 1(2,$.8) Thesd Generator 10$ ! ? Coating water line to l'CV Atmos '1onitor 3 D P El 9.2-1(2.5) Systern air conditionet luNi ? Return line from PCV atnan blautor 3 11 P lil 9.21(2,5) System air conditioner fluil 3- Cooling water line Emer Diesel Gener tors 3 11 P El 921(2,$ 8) FU71 6 Cooling water supply line to 3 B P in 9.21(2,5,8) aun esential coolers F07/ 6 Cooling water supply line to 3 fi A P 2 yrs 921(7M,8) I non cssential coelcrs S 3 mo 107$ Cooling waict supply hnc to PCV autboard 2 A I,A l ..I' RO 0.21(3.6) isolation val,e (h3) S CS F07n ? Cooling water supply line to l'CV intiaard 2 A,C 1A I,P,S RO 92 1(3,6) ihed isolation vahe (hi) FCSO 2 Coohng w.ter return ime tr ! CV hhoard 2 A 1.A L.P,5 RO 92-1(3,6) isolation valve (bl) IW1 2 Conhngwater retrun hne fr PC\ outboard 2 A 1,A L. I' RO 9.2-1(3,6) iwilation s ahe (h3) S CS 3 9.yat Anienamenr I' k .u . r molm oi. - m r.- ABWR mam Stilliti;t rJl_Ifla til ._ _1r !! Table .t.9 8 (Continued) INSEl(VICI' TESTING SAITlY ItEI ATED l' UMPS AND VALVES l'21 Iteactor fluilding Cooling Water Systern Yahes Wonlinued) safety coite valu Test Tes* SSAR class cat. runt. P.n a Freq. Fig. No. Qty Dntalption (h)(O (a) (e) (d) M 30 (g) FOM 3 Coo!ing water return hne from nm 3 C A N RO 9.21(2,5.8) essential cookes (h4) Ima 3 Cooling water return hne fr contrui hyps line 3 B P El 92 1(2,5,8) FI'!.s 3 Cooling water supply to R11R S,-h m iIX 3 C A R $ yrs 9.2 1(2,$,8) piessure relic.* valve i l'220 6 flypan line around RCW Sys oth fine MOV 3 H P E1 9.2-1(1,4,7) F251 2 Cooling water r,upply line so PCV in.t line 2 11 P E1 9.21(3,6) i F25'. 2 Conting water return hne fr PCY te-a line 2 U P F1 9.21(3,6) l 1 Sol 6 Ileat exchanger shcH side scnt Un - 3 D P hl 92. !(1,4,7) F502 6 IIcal exchanger shell side Jrain lh 3 B P El 9.2 )(1,4,7) , F503 3  !!! 9.21(2.5,8) Fuu 3 Nuige tank dr ain line to SD. Cochng water supply hne to RHR > v4ican 3 3 11 Il P P El 4.b 1(2,$Ji ) drain line to SD I 607 3 Cooling water suppb. hoe to Rilk Sptern T B P E1 9.2 1(2,$,8) drain line to HCW I t.03 3 Cooling *.nier return bne from I llR llX 3 ft P fil 9.2 1(2,$.8) drain line to SD flo! 3 Coohng watcr acturn line horn Pt IR HN 1 11 P E! 9.21(2,5,8) drain line to llCW . Flol 6 Pump discharge line pim instr hnc 3 D P El 92 1(1,4,7) l'70? 6 IlX disch,:rge line s:onple line whc 3 11 P El 9.21(4,4,7) F/03 3 Cooling water supply hne pre (s in,o hoc 3 D P El 9.2-1(1,4,7) F104 3 Cooling water t.upply liac sampk line vahc 3 D P El 92.h1,4 7) F705 3 Cooling water .tupply hne cibow (ap instr linc 3 Fi P El 9.21(I A7) F706 3 Cooling watt.: supply line elbow an instr line 3 U P El 9.2-1(1,JJ) I'V / 3 Cooling w1r sply line to RilR Sp iT insir linc 3 B P E1 9.2-1(?,$,8) F70S 3 Cooling wtr sply line to RHR Sys FT instr line 3 U P E1 9.2-1(2,$,8) F7th 3 Cooling utr 1in line fr RHR HX sunple line 3 H P El v.2-1(2,5,8) 1910 6 Pump suctica hne PX instr line 3 D P El 9.21(1,4,7) F711 6 Pump suction line press Instr line 3 D P C1 9.21(1,4,7) 1"712 3 Surge tank levelinstr root valve 3 il P El 9.21(2.5,8) F713 3 SurFe tank icwlinstr lii.c root vahr 3 B P El 9,2 l(2,5,8) F71J 3 Surge tant icsciinsti line r L . vahc 3 B P El 9.21(2.5,8) F717 3 Cooling water line to DG in,ir lim 3 U P El 9.2-1(2,5,8) F7 S 3 Itcturn water line from rG instr lir 3 B P El 9.2- 1(2.5,8) F/10 3 Cooling wir line to DG instr line 3 U P El 9.2. l(2,5,8) F/.'O 3 Return wir hne from DG instr hw 3 S P El 921(2,$.8) Am%+nem nssr . .-. -- . ~.. - .- __-.-- _- - _ - ._ . - . --

m. ca 'se w ;sei c. t r m tm tw 3 e. a .

+ - AlnVlt nA6

  • tt Sbitul:iriPl: tut _ __ _

Talate A9 8 (Continue <l) INSERVIC10 Tl? STING SAITl%1tEIATED l' UMPS AND VALVES P24 IIVAC Norinal Cooling Water Systeni Vabes Safet3 Cude Vahr in Test SSAR Clas Cat. Fu nc. Pa r.i Faty. Fig. No Qty Drses iption (610) (a) (d (d) (o (D (g) F033 1 1INCW !.upply line omboard hol.uion valve 2 A  !.A 1., P RO 9.2 2 N 3 rr o I 034 1 1INCW r.uliply line inboard i:,olshon 2 A,C 1.A 1,N R ,) 9.22 check valve (hl) F141 1 ilNCW tctur n inboard imlation uhv (hl) 2 A 1,A 1..P F RO 9.22 114l 1 liNCW tcturn outboard holation uhe 2 A 1,A L' RO 9.22 S 3 mo l l'23 llVAC Einervenev Coolilip, Water Systern Yahes T001 5 Pump dinharge line check vahe 3 C P s E2 9.23(1,2,3) F002 5 Purnp discharge line maintenacc u. 3 11 P El 9.2-1(1,2,3) F00 F 5 Refrir.. outlet linc maintenance v..he 3 11 P E1 9.21(1,2,3) IW1 2 h1aint ulve at lil!CW supply w MCR 3 B P i- 1 0.2-3(1.23) cooler TCV h03 2 liliCW st.pp!y to MCil toolet 'l onp 1 B A s 112 9.2 !(1,2,3) Cont Viv (ICV) ITK6 ' Maint uhe at ilECW supply to MCR 3 0 P El 9.2-3(1,2,3) cooler TCV F007 6 f '3 int $1v at ilECW supply to MCR e.oolcr 3 B P UI 9.2-3(1,2,3) RXG 6 1.. ..cviv at ilECW icttun from MCR cooler 3 U P lil 9.2-3(1,23) 10tN :s Sinp suction line maintenane: vah c 3 B P E1 9.2-3(1,2,3) F010 2 'l CV byp at iIECW di>ch to MCit cooler 3 H P E1 9.23(1.2,3)  ; 1011 3 Pump !.ur: line/disch line l'CV mMnt viv 3 11 P El 9.2-3(1.2,3) F012 3 l' ump suction lit e/disch hac PCV 3 H A ' E2 9.23(1,2,3) 1013 3 Pump suction line/dmb line PCY maint vlv 3 U P lil 9.23(1,2,3) I 014 3 Pump suct line/disch line PCV bypa>s line 3 H P El 9.23(1,2,3) 101$ 3 Maint siv at HECW supply to C/H Essential 3 D P El 9.23(1,2,3) Elec liquip Rm cooler TCV F016 3 HECW supply to C/B Essential E!ce Equip 3 D A S E2 9.24(1,2,3) Rm cooler Temp Cont Viv 10r! 1 Maint viv at ilECW supply to C/B Essential 3 H P E1 9.2 ".(1.2,3) Elec T, quip Rm coolev TCV Fulh 6 11ECW supply to C/ll Essent Ekc Equip 3 B P El 9.2- M1,2,3) Rm cooler maint vah c T019 6 Maint viv at llECW retut n f rom C/li Essent 3 U P E1 0.23(1,2;.) FIce Equip Rm cootet F0 0 3 TCV byp s1" at Hl.iCW supply to C/H Essent 3 D P El 9.2-3(1,2,3 ) tilec Equip Rvr exter F021 3 Maint viv at llECW supply to D(; rone 3 B P El 9.2-3(1,2.3) emlet TCV Amt ndmt nt 39383 t r 0-h' ' nt. u "e n~;r .ssi c, r t rario M F t r. 1. - ABWR av - Standanumun me Table M 8 (Continued) INSERVICE TESTING SAFirlY.RElATED PUMPS AND VAINES l'25 llVAC Eniergenc) Cooling Waler Syslern Yabes K onlinued) Safety Code Yalu l u.t Tnt SSAR Clan Cat. Fuen . P.irr l' req. lig. No. Qiy Ikscription (h)(i) fa) (c) (di 01 (f) (g) PU22 3 III:CW supply to DG rone coch e Temp 3 11 A s E2 9.23(1,2,3) Cout Valve I:023 3 Ma;m viv at HECW rupply to Im mne 3 11 P lil 9.23(1,2,3) coolcr TCV FO'.tl o Maint viv at llECW suppl) to 10 mne 3 fi l' El 9.23(1,2,3) cooler FOM 6 Maint sly at flECW ret,.in from IW wne 3 Il P El 9.2 3(1,2,31 moler I:0?6 3 TGV byp W :ECW supply to DG ione 3 11 P El 9.23(1,2,3) runter 100 ) Chemical athlition tank uturn siv 3 11 P El 913(1,13) from ilECW I 031 3 Chemical addition tai k fccit uhr lo HliCW 3 H P El 9.23(1,2,3) F050 2 Make up Water Purihed (f.ll'Wl') hne to 3 C A s E2 9.2-3(1,2,3) pun p suttion check vnbr IT170 $ Pump disch line drain vahe 3 11 P El 9.23(1,2,3) I400 $ Pmnp drain line vahe 3 11 P El 9.2 3(1,13) F401 5 Pump lxaring cooling wtr needle ih 3 11 P El 9.23(1,2,3) F402 3 Refrig outict ime sample vahe 3 il P El 4.23(1,2,3) l'Mi 5 Pump disch line pressure instr line not val,e 3 11 P El 9 2-3(1,2,P l'701 5 i E P25FE003 upstrm instr lin( rnot sal.c 3 U P El 9.23(1,2,3) T702 $ II. Pz5.FE013 dwnstrm instr line rout vala 3 Il P El 9.2-3(1,2,3) 1903 5 Pump suction presture instr line root vake 3 H P. El 9 2-3(1,2,;) l'701 0 Pomp suct/disch line dpt inur line tout viv 3 11 P El 9.23(1,2,3) P41 Ilearlor Sen ice Water Systeni Valves I W l- 6 Pump dischargc line chak flow 3 C A S E2 9.27(1,2,3) IW2 6 Pump discharge litit snainten.mcc uhe 3 11 P El 9.27(1,2,3) I'Uo3 9 Service water inlet line to RCW Wicm 3 D P P 2 yrs 9.2+7(1,2,3) beat exchanger S E2 rug 1 ti S nice water inlet vahr to servia 3 13 P P 2 yrs 9.2.7(1,2,3) water strainct IM S Senice watcr outlet vahc from IWW 3 11 P P 2 yn 9.2-7(1,13) hot cxchanger 1Wri 6 Service water stral.ict blowout une 3 fi l' 1 2 ps 9.2-7(1,2,3) (W 9 Supply hne from Domntic w:denhak vahe 3 C P 3 mo 9.2-7(1,13) -F008 9 Supplyline from Donetic watu (heik v,dve 3 C P N 3 rno 9.2 7(1,2,31 IVA 9 Supply take f rom Domestic Wata (DW) Sys 3 D A P 2 ps 9.27(1,2,3) S E2 l l nyu Anwn,a l . _ - . . . _ - - - .~ - - . AL ca "a mmvt1 G E texu rek Ltto 3 r . 3.v , . ABWR m6imat Mami_anilhuit _. _ _ - .awa Table M-X (Continued) , INSERVICE TESTING SAI ET61tELATED l' UMPS AND VA LVES P41 Itcactor Service Water Systein Yalves (Continued) l-Salcty Code Vatic it st Tett SSAR i ao Cat. Font. Para Freq. Fig. No, Qty Docription (hui) (a) (c) (d) (t) (f) (g) F010 0 RCW llX tube side (service water side) 3 C P P. 5 yrs 9.27(1,2,3) relief valve IT)ll 9 13vpat.s line around RCW llX outht !inc 3 C l' El 9.27(1,2.3) vallet valve MOV P41.FM F012 4 Scr sc water samphng vahe 3 U P E1 9.27(1,2,3) 1013 6 Senice water strainer outlet vahr 3 in A P 2 yrs 9.27(1,2,3) N E2 F011 .) Common Sen.te water strainc t ooitri valve 3 is P P 1 yrs 9.27(1,2,3) F015 3 Discharge line to discharge < anal MOV 3 U P El 9.2-7(1,2,3) F501 4 RCW llX shcIl side drain valve to SWSD 3 B P El 9.27(1,2,3) l'502 9 RCW HX shell s,ide vent vah'c to $WSD 3 8 l' U1- 9.27(1,2,3) I 503 9 RCW llX shell1.ide deain to hWSD 3 11 P E1 9.27(1,2,3) F501 9 ItCW llX shell side not uihe to SWSD 3 Il P E1 9.2-7(1,2,3) F701 6 l'urnp discht rge pressure iiixir rmi uht 3 11 P El 9.27(1,2,3) F702 3 Scavice watti aupply preuure instr f oot .ahe 3 D P El 9.2-7(1,2,3) 1703 6 Diff P across Scrvice wates :.traim r 3 8 P E1 9.27(1,2,3) upstream instruruent root vake F704 6 Diff P scrou scnice wate Stiainer 3 D P El 9.27(1,7,3) downtrcam instiument root valve l'/OS 9 Senice water diff I' aciow RCW lIX 3 8 P lil 9.2-7(1,2,3) upstream instr root vahe i senice water difiP aciva RCW liX 3 11 l' 1% 9.27(1,2,3) downttrearn instr root valve P51 Senire Air System Valves F131 1 Outboard isolation manual vahc 2 A I. ' L RO 9.3-7 F132 1 inhaard isolation inanual valve 2 A  !.P L RO 9.37 PS2 Instruntetit Air System Vnives  ; 17/6 1 Outboard isolation ,ahe 2 A IA 1..P RO 9;f6 1777 1 Inboaid isolation rheck vahc 2 ^C , - 1,A L 2 ps 9.k6 Ame name nt - n 5!i.25 n c.: T m.wn G t to:t tm im i r.a f a /GWR }}AGh0Al'. S11lIyherd Plii nt g$e,J.! Tal>le M S (Continued) INSElWICETI', STING sal'ETY.1 ELATED l' UMPS AND YAINES P54 liigh Pressure Nittogen Gas Supply Syslern Vabrs K'ontinued) Salety Code Ynhr 'I t st Test SSAR Class Cat. r'uno l' ara l're q. ng. Nn. I)y Uncription th)(i) (a) (c) (d) (c) (r) (g) HX).' 4 Nurogen bottles N2 supply bnc whc 3 D P L1 6.7 1 140 ? Nittry.en bottles N2 supply hne MOV 3 11 A P 2 yrs 6.71 3:no hl04 2 N2 bottle supply Ime l'CV maint uhr 3 B P El 6'l IUO 2 N2 tinitic supply line PCV 3 h A El 6.71 ruk. 2 N2 bonic Supply line PCV unaint uhc 3 U P U1 6.7-1 MXt7 / Salcty grade N2 supply hne iso vahc 2 A 1. A 1,P RO 6.71 5 3 mo jWS ? hafety grade N2 supply lme h.o M vh 2 A,C 1,A 1..% 11 0 6.7 1 ITO) 8 Safety grade N2 supply line to SRV 3 D P El 6.71 F0.0 ? Hypas- line around the N2 battle 3 11 P El 6.71 supply line PCV F011 2 N2 tottle supply lin . lief uhc 3 C A 1: 5 yrs 6.7-1 F01/ 2 MOV at ufety/non > *ty bound.u y 3 A A P 2 yn 6.7-1 5 3 mo l'2n0 1 &n >afety N2 supply line ha vakt 7 A IA 1.. . P 2 yrs 6.71 $ 3 mo 17tN 1' Non safety N2 supply line iso cht th 2 A,C 1,A L,5 11 0 6.7-1 T22 Standby Gas Treatnient System Yahes F001 2 Fucl handling Goor inlet 1,atte 0y v: ave 3 H A P 2 yrs 6.5- 1 S 3:no lur.' ' Dryer inlet buttes!1y uhe 3 H A P 2yis 6.5- 1  ; 3 mo IVi3 2 Dryct cxhaust gravoy d:unja 3 B A l' 2 yri 6.'-l s 3mo 19u 2 Fihen train exhaust butteilly vah e 3 H A P 2 yrs 6.51 S S mo f000 1 niter train R112 injation line ulve 3 B P El 6.51 IUD 1 Filter train DOP injution line uhr 3 8 P El 6.5-1 1o pic llEPA filter ITot 1 1 dier train DOP sampling line vahe 3 3 } El 6.5-1 downstrcam of pre HEPA im) 1 litter train DOP Samphag bne valve 3 B P El 6.51 dawnstream of pre llEPA F010 1 F si train DOP it.jcction line vahr 3 B P El 6.5 1 dowmtream of charcoal abwebent Rni 1 Mitei train DOP sampling line uhr 3 D P El 6.5 1 dawnstream c,f charcoal absorbcM 3 94s x Amnawn . - . . . - . _ - - . ~ - , _ . ltJL .N '92 ( C 3 M 41 6 ! Iff.L E( P D # I P,32 : j M. R 2.lA61NAlt Slutidard I'l;inL _ nw n i l I Table L.9 8 (Continued) i INSERYlCE TESTING SAFETY itE1ATED PUhlPS AND YAINES T22 Standby Gas Treatinent Sptern Valves Safrty Code Vabe Tot Test SSAR , Class Cut. Fun <. Para Ftry. Fig.  ! No. Qty I)cscription (10(i) . (a) (c) (d) m (f) (g) l F012 1 1ihet train DOP sampling line uh'e 3 D P El 6.5-1 downstream of after llEPA I 011 1 S'I fiS sample line vahr 3 11 P El 6.51 F015 1 PitM discharge to stack v.shc 3 Il P El 6.51 1-N x t 2 Dryci unit vent line vahe 3 0 P El 6.51 F301 ? Drier unit drain line vahc 3 B P El 6.5 1 F504 2 Drycr unit vent line valve 3 H l' El 6.5 1 F50$ 2 Ihhaust fan sent line vabe 3 B P 12 1 6.51 F$00 ' l'dter train vent line vahc 3 Il P fit 6.5-1 1 $0 / 1 Tiber train vent line valve 3 Il P El 6.51 F$08 1 falter tanin vent line uke 3 D P El 6.51 FSM 1 Filter train vent line valts 3 H P  !!! 6.51 F510 1 1iltes train vent line vabe 3 B P El 6.51 f!)] 1 Enlumst rstack drain line valve 3 H P El 6.5-1 l~7til 2 Diyes unit demister dp instrument huc valve 3 B P El 6.5-1 F/01 . Dryrs unit dcinhter dp instrument lme valve 3 H P El 6.5-1 170$ 1 Fdter train prefilter dp instrumera line valve 3 H P El 6.5 1 F/06 1 Filter train prelitterdp instrument line valve 3 11 P El 6.51 l'l0'/ 1 Filter train prel! EPA dp ir .ts unant line valve 3 11 P El 6.51 F708 I l ihcr train preIIEPA dp .ettument line vake 3  !! I' El 6 $.1 F709 1 Iliter ernin charcoal absoiber dp inst line viv 3 U P El 6.$ 1 l'11 0 1 liller train charcoal absorber dp inst line viv 3 11 P El 6.51 F711 1 Filter train after llEPA dp inst line valve 3 H P El 6.$.1 F712 1. Filter train after llEPA dp inst lins m'..c 3 H P El 651 I F713 2 rilter tiain exhaust How instrument line valve 3 D P El 6.5-1 l'/14 ? Futer train cxhaust flow instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.51 T31 Atittospherie Control Systern Valves i 1mi 1 N2 supply line from Itcactor Buihl nc ilVAC 2 A 1,A 1.,P 2 yrs 6.2 39(1) S 3mo F002 1 N2 supply line to drywcllinboard mnt 2 A 1,A LF 2 yrs 6.2 39(1) ainment isnahion vahe S 3 mo IRB 1 N2 supply line to wetwel;inbo.u d wat. 2 A 1.A 1.. P 2 yrs 6.2 39(1) ainment isoaltion vahe S 3mo 1h)4 i Containment atmosphere exhaust line nom 2 A 1.A L,P 2 ps 6.249(1) l- dr ywell isoaltion vahe S 3mo Pt'N15 1 Dryacil atmosphere exhaust line valve 2 A 1,A LP 2 yr5 6.2 39(1) T31 F(41 bypass line $ 3 mo F000 1 Containment atmosphere exhaust line form 2 A 1A LP 2 yrs 6.239(1) wetwell isolatien valve S 3 mo 1h)? I u etwell ow:rpressurc line valve 2 A P 1..P 2 yrs 6.2 39(1) Awnonunt 3 9 SW l i .u c.s T o a p. p t c, r try t f or I' ' P.?~~ AIMR 2wuri _lbli SUt111111Ed.PhtIit _ __ Table M-N (Continued) INSERYlCC TESTING S Al'ITI%REl ATI:D PUMPS AND VAINES T31 Atniosphtiic Control Splein Yahn e ftty Code Valu ~10: Test SSAR Cim Cat. rune. Para freq. l ig. No. Qty Desu lptitin (h)(i) (a) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) IW 1 Cntitainintnt atmosphere tduiutt hoc 2 A 1, A Li' 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) to SG'l S S 3mo IW7 1 Containment attoosphtit exhau ( tme to 2 A 1,A L ,l' 2 yis 6.2 39(1) R/U ljVAC 5 3 mo ~ 1U10 1 Drywell overptcH.u'; hur sahr  ? A P L.P 2 yrs 6.249(1) T023 i N? supply line frorn K.s outboant i ont . 2 A 1,A 1..P 7 yrt, 6.2-39(1) ainment isolation valve s 3mo F039 1 N1 supply line from Kd omlw J < onl. 2 A 1.A 1. P 2 yrt. 62 39(1) ainment holation valve s 3 rno H40 1 N supply line f rom K *. u. drvmil inbnasd 2 A 1,A 1,P 2 yrs 6 1-39(1) isolation valve 5 3mo r011 1 N2 supply line irom K 6 to uia e11 Diboatd  ? A 1, A i ..P 2yn 6.2 39(1) imlation valve S 3mo IDH 8 I Nwell/we tw cli vacuum la t .d t i v. he 2 C A l' RO 6.2 39(7) R E3 l'O$ll 1 N.' supply hue to drywtilitst Inic v.dve 2  !! P El 62 39(1) l<051 1 contair nent atmosphne nhw %; itst 2 11 P El 6.2 39(1) hurvalve F051 1 Dirwell personnel air locL inn h u -i 2 11 P El 6.2 39(2) line salve W55 1 N2 ,upply 'ine f rom test hur .ala 2 H P El 6.2-39(1) l'Om 1 Wctwell persotmel air lock hatch re.1 2 B P El 6.2 39(2) line uilve V700 1 N2 tupply hne to dry cil FU opm;un 2 U P El 6.2 39(1) instrument linc imi 1 N2 Supply hne to drywell 1 It down tream 2 U P El 6.2 39(1) instrument line l'702 i N2 supply line to wstacil fl up'o ram 2 11 l' El 6.2 39(1) instrument line F703 i N7 supply hne to wt tacil i 1, de n .ttram 2 11 P El 6.2-39(1) iiutt ument line Fl?O 2 DW/WW sacuum becaker vahe N? uipply 8 A 1.P 1. RO 6.2 39(2) line isolation vahe 07'a 1 Dnwell pressure instraun m fine i clation 2 H P t.1 62 30(2) vahc F731 1 Drywell prc<sure inst:umvnt lira c.olenaid 2 A 1,P 1., P RO 6 2-39(2) isolation valve F13' 2 Drywell picnu.; hstrument hnc sahc 2 U 1 El 6.239(2) F133 ' 2 Dr3well picuure instrument inu e.lenoid 2 A 1.P 1,P RO 6.2 39(2) iolation vahe I"734 4 thywell pressure in3trunwnt Une h,t NUS 2 ri P El 6 2-39(2) valve ' 3 93$ 2Fs A11K li SW id e JllL 61 %2 1M 1 G L I OCL UO i t ' p, M , l 4 a - ABWR zwme l Stmulard I'lanL_ _ . ann l l l Table M-8 (Continued) l l INSERVICl? TICSTING SAlYlT ImlATED PUMPS AND VALVES T31 Atmosphenic Control System Valves (Continued) Safety Cmle Yabr Test Test SSAR Class Cat. Fu m - Pala Fieg. Iig. No. Qty Descriptionth)(D (a) (c) (d) ni (0 (g) l~/35 4 Drywell pienuse instrumes.t bne f or B.dS 2 A LP LP RO 6.2 39(2) solenoid isolation sabc F/ M 2 Wetwell ptcssure instrun ni lim uhe 2 B P El 6.2 39(2) F/37 ? Wetwc!! pressure instr unient line mienoid 2 A 1,P LP RO 6.2-39(2) isolation vah'c F/38 i Suppression pool water level veh u m e leg 2 D P El 6.2-39(2) instr ament line valve F739 4 Suppression pool water !cvel ref erence icg 2 A If l,P HO 6.2-30(2) instrumetit lint soknvid iwlation vahv 1740 4 Supprerion pool wates Icvel n :crence leg 2 H P 12 1 6.2 39(2) instrument line valve I 14 ) 4 Supptession pool water Icsci scfricoce Ltg 2 A If 1.f RO 6.2-39(2) instrument line solenoid isolation ulve F14 ?. 2 Suppression pool water level reh t ence leg 2 B P El 6.2 39(2) instr ument line vahe 1743 2 Supptcuinn pool water level rd u nce leg 2 A If Iy RO 6.2 O(2) imte oment line solenoid iml:uinn utve F744 2 Suppress. ion pool water level 2 8 P El 6.2 39(2) int,trument line valve IM 2_ Suppiession pool water level 2 A if 1y RO 6.239(2) instrument line solenoid vah e T800 2 Dryu cll w ater level instrument h e B P El 6239(2) reference leg isolation valve FS01 2 Dry

  • ell water level instr ument line 2 A If 'f RO 6.2-39(2) refe rence leg . solenoid iwla: ion uh e IW2 2 Dr)wellwatci levelinstrumeut hne vai.

2 B P UI 6.2 39(2) l-l tw3 ? Dr)well water levelinsituinewnt line solenoid 2 A If 1.J RO 6.2 39(2) l isolation valve FSO4 2 DW/WW differential pre <.nre imtrument 2 B P El 6.2 39(2) line valve t I 803 2 DW/WW dif f rential pressu s in .a ument 2 A If 1.f RO 6.2 39(2) f solenoid isolation vahe

l. DJ)1 1 Welwell overpressure iuptur c disl 2 1,0 P R ple- 5yr5 6.2 39(1)

D002 1 Drywell merpressme rupture dia 2 1,D P R plc. S yrs 6.2 39(1) T49 Flanunability Control System Valves l l l IWI 2 tulet line from drywc11 inboard 2 A lA l.f 2 yrs 6.2-4J usf ation valve 5 3 mo F002 2 Inht line (rom drywell cutboat d 2- A lA 1.1 2 yrs 6.2-40 iulation valve s 3mo Amcteuein 194329 l . _ . _ _ - . _ _ . , ~ _, _ _ _ .. _ _- - -._ _- - -. - = _ - - ne .a e w. m, .. t lonw t w . P: l AllWR = ^ ' - S(liiglard Plant _ _ -- - Table 3.%S (Continued) INSI:l(VICE TESTING SAFI:"IT.I(F.I.ATED PUMI'S AND YAINES 1 T.49 liianunal>ility Control System Valves Safety Code Vahe lot "l es t SSAR Class Cat. Fum. l' ara ireq. l'IC-Nn. Qty thnription(hMI) (a) (c) (d) (t) (f) 49 F00t 2 llow mntrof salte for the 11:S ira t hne 3 H A P 2 yrs 6.2 40 f ron drywell , 3 :no F001 2 Hlower bypass line flow control uh c 3 H A P 2 yrs 6.2-40 s 3 me Ukwer dischatty line to , owell ched 3 C A 3 3 mp 6.2 40 l'(Kb : vah1 F006 9 l>ischhrp line to wetwell outboar d 2 A 1,A 1,P 2 yrs 6.2 40 isc,lation valvt 3 3 nio Discharge line to wrIwell mboar d 2 A 1,A IPs 2 yrs 6.2-40 PN7 : is.oldtion valve N 3mo Cooling wales supply hne f rom the Rt Ht 3 D A l' 2 yrs 6.2 40 ION 2 Sv3. tem MOV , 3tuo F0W 2 Cooling water supply hne maintenana valve 3 U P El 6.2-40 1:010 2 Cooling water supply hne admb6on MOV 3 " A P 2 yrs 6.2-40  % 3 mo l'Ol3 ? le iet ime hem drywell drain line t. h e 3 11 P El 6/2 40 F014 2 luaact drain line salve 3 H P El 6 L40 F015 i Hlower discharge line io weiwell pmore 2 A,C  !.A 14 5 yrs 6.240 L RO schct valve Dlowc dkch.uge line to wuell picsuic 2 A,C I,A l . .S 14 0 6.2.-10 lin16 1 selicJ hns chal valve (h3) F$Ut 2 Inlct line from drywcilint line vahe  : 15 P F1 6.2 40 F$O2 2- Discharge 1;ne to wetwell test line ulve 2 U P El 6.2 40 T504 2 Blowcr suction line test line vahe 3 D P El 6.2 40 F505 2 Hlower c4 charge line test lin: vahe 3 B P El 6.2 40 F506 2 Drain line to Low Conducthity hic 3 11 P El 6.2 -10 (LCW) valve F507 2 Coohng wate Supply hne tc*t hne sahr 3 B P El 67 40 F701 2 l' lit 49-l'EtX12 upstream instr ume nt lina 3 B P El 62

  • root valve 1702 ? FE T49-FE002 downdrear/ insh nment linc 3 11 P El 6.2 40 s ool valyc ~

F703 2 61auer suction line pressure inso ement line 3 11 P El 6.. X) root vahe. 1704 2 - l'l. T49.FUO1 Up50 cam instruf acnt lint 3 H P El 6.2 40 tout vah'e 1705 1 FE T49-F6001 downsa eam ine.n cruent hne 3 H P El 6.2 40 root valve 33 5g y, Amc ncnient . ~ - -- ._ , - - . , - . - . ~ . _ . . - - . ~ . . . . . . - - - . _ - . _ - . . - - - . _ . At .N "M N 4i G E It.rt.U P 1LI>, f P. M ' AMll riar. wort 8.llijl.dil Mk. fI: lilt._ he til Table .L9 8 (Continued) INSEltVICE TESTING S Al 1'llY ItElXIED PUMPS AND VALVES U.ll lleating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Sptern Valves Safety Cult Vabe it>t Test SSAll Class Ca t. l'u ne Pata l'r ry, 11g, No. Qty 14 u tiptiont h)(i) 90 (c) (di tt) (f) (gl IYXH 2 in actor area suppl:* holation vaht  ? H A P 2 yrs 9,43(1) s 3mo IW 2 Hrmtor asca exham;r isolanon vah e 2 14 A l' 2 yrs 9.43(1) $ 3 mo TOO -2 1:vactor tildp area divkinnal 11VAC supply 2 11 A l' 2 yrs 9,43(1) r.otation valve S 3 mo F(b4 2 ite o,1oe bldg atca dwh.innal li\ At. nhaust 2 O A l' 2yts 9,43(1) e.nlation valve 5 3ino 1Du 4 MC11 area 11VAC bypaw linc imbrion vahe ? II A P 2 yrs 9.43(1,2) S 3mo ITKB 4 hlCit area llVAC aupply colatk.o valve 2 11 A P 2 yrs 9A.1(1,?) $ 3 mo - lW) 4 MCit area llVAC emorpocy IWAC supply 7 11 A l' 2 yrs 9.41(1,2) S 3ano 1:010 4 h1CR area llVAC cshaust isolation valve 2 I) A l' 2 yrr, 9.41(1,2) [ S 3 mo YS2 Oil Slot a['c Te atisfer Systein Valves l'O.11 0 D/G tramfer purnp dishaigc line check vlv 3 C A $ 3 mo 9.5-6 19x)2 3 D/G travisfer pornp disrliary hnc relief viv 3 C A 1: 5 yrs 95 6 - IV)3 3 D/G ttansfer pump di5. charge :nc l..dl(plug) 3 H P L1 9.56 ulve f004 3 D/G fuel oil day tant. retm n to ucisant 3 D P F.1 9.5-6 tank vaht l'301 3 D/O traratti pump diu harge line ': rain sly 3 a l' El 9.5 6 FXV 3 D/G transfer pump dbrharp hne u ni viv 3 11 P 151 9.$ 6 Amendment 19 M31 e 9 - -. -- .~.,g , , , ,- ,, - . , . -., y + .,,-2 w,.~ ,w r.- m -- --.-,e- - Ju m '.e - wei G t trAt ow a ts r, , i e" '-- ABWR :wimri, Nu fihitKlJIEd_flitDI - --. . _ _ _ Table .T.%8 (Continu(d) INSERVICE TESTING SAFF.TV REIATED PUMPS / ND VAINF.S NOTES. (a) 1, ?, os 3 Safety Classification. SSAlt Summon 3.2.3 (b) Purnp teu patametcrs pc ASME OM Ccdc IW),Section ISTil: Pd- Discharge Pi- Inlet Prc5>ure Q- Flow Rate Vd Peak to peak vibration dispiau ment Vv. Peak vibration vdocity (c) n,11, C or 1) Wlve category pe r ASMP f iM Code IPA), Subsection 1.'il C (d) Vnhe function:  !- Primary contairiment kohtsan. SSAR Subsection 62.4 A cr P . Actise or puhe pe ASMC Code in (c) above (Pat yaph is I C 13) (c) Yahu test pasameters pes ASMll Code i,(Q abmt

1. - inkage rate (Parapaph IRTC 43, SSAll Table 62 7 fut s dves with function Iin (d) ab:ne))

P- 1,ocal position s enficatior, (Par opt aph ISTC 41) , R- Itclief valve lest induding visual examination F.ct preume 4.nd seat tightness testitig (Parup aph I'jTC 4.4). S- Stiole exercisc Category A or H (Paragraphs !STC 41.1. 4 ? ?) Category C (Paiagraph4 b i s 411,4.52,4 A4) X- Thplosive chulge ter.t (Parags aph ISTC 4 6) (f) hmp os s alve test exclusions. alternames and frequcng' per ASME Coe in (b) or (c) above or Appendis 1: C5 Cnid shutdow n RO Rcfuding outage and/or no case greater than two years. Ei. Used for operating wnvenienrx, i.e., pasive vent, drain, inatrumem, let.t. maintenance udves.of a $ntem control sahc. Test are not requirc.d (Paragraph ISTC 12). E2 In regular usc. Tcst frcqw.ncy b not required provided the test p1:ametess ute analyttd and recorded at an operation interval not cxecedi:ig three months. Category A or ll,Siroke (Parogsaph ISTC 52 5). Cat egory C, Stroke (Paragraph ISTC 413). U3- . Operability tett every six nwnths. Sct prcssure and luik test every refueling outage. (ASME Ohi Code.1%, Appendix 1,113.7). Elo- in Regular use. Test frcquency is net required provided the rest parameters are recended at Icast once every three months or operation (Paragraph (STB $3). El1 IMing required lluid innntery. Test slull be performed at least once every two years wit h requircd finid inventerv provided (Paragraph ISTB 5 $) Amenarwm 19 53 n -,e .. _ - - . . , . . .,_v.. - n c.i ."r m wet G E to:LE AR 14.I* P, /' * *

  • jNNN MA61MA!!

S.t.unti:f rd Pl:tfit - _.. - ._._ F a '3 Table M S (Continited) i (NSI'ItVICE TESTING SAlYl%ItEIATED PUhll'S AND VAINES < 1 N(flES (Continued): i (y) l'ipmg anilinstaurnent syrnbolt and abbre u ,tions are delined in l~ipuie 1.t I ly,ure page numl$ cts art shown in p u entheds (). , (h) Reason $ for (nde defined testing oceptiw mar.ip.raphs ISTC 4,2.2,13.N (b1) InacteniHe enerted contaitunent ara or stcain tunnel radiation durIng power operations. (h?) Avoids sahe damage and irnpacts o 1 Wur operations. (h3) Avoi.! impach; on pr .t eperatiom (h4J A o supoiary oosstic is neocssar , t. - uty the ongoing cooling,loadt I (h$) Asoith cold / hot wiiter injestion to P PV during power operatiorit (hti) Maintain picuurt iso!ation durity' unifoal operation.. (hl) Inu nh .v availaNe enly during win W oulage (hw) HilP batLop tp FPC is escrased .u e fucling cutone. (i) %onmaiv jnstification for code cirmption i ;<piest (Paragraph ISTl! $.2, is I C 6 2). I (il) Podlive displatttacnl pump Pi n4 a <ignificant. (i2) The pipingis maintamcd f ull by a un A fiaulon of the pump's flow opacity. (il) Acccuitle.wi:h the two Rlt motm 'q !.icements at every RO. l-3 n Ame rc1u nt l y ,y -., . -o-- y-c--}}