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Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1984
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 12/31/1984
From: Baran R, Fiedler P
NUDOCS 8502190424
Download: ML20107A338 (12)



4 MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT DECEMBER 1984 At 'the beginning of the report period, the Oyster Creek Station was


shutdown following a ' scram discharge volume scram test which. occurred on November 30, 1984 at 10:18 p.m.

The reactor remained shutdown to facilitate corrective maintenance until December 3,.1984.- Major maintenance completed during this shutdown period was as follows:

1. Six CRD HCUs were repaired.
2. The bonnet. on V-1-34 was retorqued. Subsequently, after starting up, V-1-34 still had a large steam leak.
3. Cleanup System pressure control valve (PCV) ND-ll was adjusted.

However, the plant continued to experience pressure control problems. Technical Functions Division is tasked to resolve the problem.

4. The acoustic monitor for "G" safety valve was repaired.

~5. The _ DWEDT pump start problem was resolved by "failing" open discharge valve V-22-292 and failing its recirculation valve closed. This operation was performed in accordance with Procedure 108.

6. Various secondary system steam _ leaks and indication problems on various feedwater heater moisture removal valves were repaired.

i 7. "B" fuel' zone level indication was repaired.

8. Work on the inboard seal leak on "A" RFP was started and continued after plant startup.

After all necessary repairs were completed, a reactor startup commenced at 4:31 A.M. on December 3, 1984. The reactor was critical at 7:23 A.M and continued to increase in power level in preparation for placing the turbine-generator on line. At 12:05 P.M. (December 3, 1984), a full reactor scram occurred on low condenser vacuum when reactor pressure reached 582 psig, at which point the vacuum scram function is no longer

! bypassed. The cause of the scram was failure to clear all low condenser vacuum trips prior to reaching tne 600 psig permissive interlock. A full critique of the incident was performed. A reactor startup was commenced

at 10
35 P.M. on December 3, 1984 The reactor was critical at 2:12 A.M.

l on December 4, 1984. The generator was placed on the line at 7:32 P.M.

on December 4, 1984.

u 8502190424 841231 9 l f PDR ADOCK 05000219 R PDR i

- - ,.c. , _ _ - -


[,[ , iMontbly Operations Report ' Pag 3-2 7

y ', .

_ ' Afterithe primary containment was inerted' with nitrogen, the reactor mode' -

iswitch - was . placed in : the' "RUN" position at L8:30: A.M. on December 5,

~ 1984. :. Generator J load was; increased to 150' MWe. ' Later . in- . the day, generator load'was. increased to 305 W e~after the feedwater heaters were

.put into ~ 1 service. Reactor powerL was; now . limited - by ~ feed plap availability.

Repairs to "A"' Reactor, Feed Pump - (RFP) L were - completed fon December 110, .


~ 1984 -and load 'was increased :to- 80K power ' (510 MWe). - Reactor . power and t f generator load were - then" limited _ by Condensate - header. pressure. 'After p "A" RFP was repaired, ~allifeedwater system flow testing . was. completed J by L -the Startup and Test Department.

' Reactor power remained at1 approximately. 805 power until' December 13' at .

which time' load 1wasl decreased to 75% power -(460 MWe) to . change the rod :

Lpattern. Load ~ was . subsequently ' increased 1to 91% power -(586 Mwe) f and remained at approximately.this power level until December'15, 1984.  :

i As :previously noted,'ireactor power was 111mited by condensate header _

pressure. Condensate system sucker and. dumper valves, V-2-16 and V-2-17, 4

. were leaking through diverting flow .back ' to - the condensate storage tank and ; condenser, hotwells. Both . valves have _been. adjusted 1to their

!- maximum.. Condensate header pressure Lincreased by approximately 10 psig

! with these adjustments. Over the weekend of December 15,'1984, Lreactor power was ; decreased to 59% ' power (375 'MWe). to ' check the; impeller

' clearances on "A" and _"C" condensate pumps. These pumps were worked on during the outage. Adjustments were made to "C" pump. The clearances on

. "A"' pump were determined to be correct. Loca1' condensate header pressure l thenl indicated 270 psig.' Power was' increased to 95% power (620 MWe) .by 4

late evening on Deceraber 16,~1984.

After resolution of condensate header pressure ~ problems, reactor power was limited by_ reactor recirculation pump flow and the second stage steam reheaters not' being in service. The second stage steam- reheaters were i

' not in service due to a bonnet -leak on -valve V-1-34. Reactor recirculation pump flow-was not at '100K due to a temperature compensation

problem with "A" and "C" loops. The thermocouple readout for these loops.

was 4800F when actual temperature was approximately '5200F. _


caused computer indicated flow (temperature compensated) to be 100% when actual ' flow' was somewhat less. thon resolution of temperature
compensation problems, recirculation flow was
increased. to 100E and a I-maximum power level of 97% power (639 MWe) was attained.

On December 19, 1984, the catch basin installed around the leaking flash tank manway failed. - This caused concern' because of wetting of the reactor feed pump motors -due to leakage - from above. The leakage was

' determined'to have incre'ased'since first identified. The containment was refabricated to divert the~ water. At~the same time,-a contractor having expertise ein the repair of steam leaks during plant / system operation was engaged by M & C. On December 20, 1984, plant load was-decreased to 51%

i power (300. MWe)' so that the contractor 'could evaluate 'the repairs necessary on the manway.- The load decrease reduced flash- tank pressure -

[ from 'approximately 75 psig to 25 psig. This drop 'in pressure decreased

the magnitude of the leak to a manageable level. Repairs by the same
' contractor were also planned for the V-1-34 bonnet leak.



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IMonthlyOpertt'onsRepo'rtj i - Pag 3 3

- y  :.t 1 Initial-' attempts to stopthe leaks on both the .manway 'and the . valve were


i unsuccessful, _however, after ' additional evaluation and sealant' injection, l

- the cleak onithe manway was reduced , to approximately. .5 gpm. By-Friday, -

December 28,--1984, iplanti-load had been increased to 572 MWe.; ' Additional repairs were still scheduled - for valve V-1-34.1 Intentions;were'to drill. i

-the: valve at.a higher position.on.the valve packing gland and; inject more


Esealant. '.These repairs were completed subsequent:to this report period.- '

-On December 31,3 1984, reactor power was increased .to 925 power- (618. MWe).


> Towards ' theiend : of' the creport period, 'an increasing trend .- in drywell-

. unidentified leak : rate was noted. At first, it was believed that' the

: leak ~ rate _ varied with reactor recirculation- pump speed. . Suasequent -:to

~the report ' period, - via chemical; analysis, it was determined that the i unidentified leakage .was not primary coolant. The ' increasing trend- ~in leak rate continues at'the end of this. report period being closely

. monitored.

Other significant events during Ithe. report period were as follows:'

On December 5, 51984,' - an operability problem developed with main- steam *

drain valves V-1-106,- 107 and 110.
- The V-1-106 and V-1-107 valves were
. electrically closed and the breakers were racked out.- The V-1-110 valve
had to be . manually closed. ' Plant - Engineering and M&C are investigating-l the cause of the failure.
A number.of problems were experienced with the new air dryer. The air  ;


dryer was out of service twice during the report period for corrective maintenance. The unit- is currently in' service and ' is being closely monitored.


i- One of the potentiometers for voltage regulation had to be adjusted ' on

! Diesel Generator No. 2 due to a hunting problem. . The problem did 'not l~ cause the Diesel- Generator to be considered inoperable. The problem was l corrected in a matter of hours (December 10).

Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) No. 1 flow dampers were adjusted following surveillance testing in order to meet acceptance criteria. The system was inoperable for less than a one-day period (December 10). SGTS No. I was also out of service for a short period of time for removal of a 4

test canister on December 14, 1984.

' The starting setpoint of the emergency D.C. seal. oil pump was adjusted so it does_not cycle 'on. Plant Engineering investigation revealed that the L main. seal oil pump is not de'/ eloping designed pressure. A _ replacement j pump is being ordered.

Repairs were completed on IRMs 12, 13, 16 and SRM 23 after. the' failed j :their associated front panel tests.

f L The Yarway level discrepancy-in the-Control Room continues to exist, but not to the extent . experienced previously. The Yarways are presently reading 3 to 4 inches lower than the GEMAC level gauges.

Monthly'Oper!.tions Report' Page 4 A main steam line flow oscillation problem occurred once during 'the report period. .The oscillations stopped before any trouble shooting could be. performed. Monitoring of the associated' parameters continues.

Fire diesel pump No. 1 was inoperable for approximately one shift to repair a leaking pressure sensing line (December 12).

' Technical Functions Division and the Operations Department have been collecting data ;on .the . performance of Cleanup System pressure control valve (PCV) ND-ll. On December 18, 1984, while slowly increasing Cleanup System pressure with PCV ND-ll, the system tripped. The Cleanup System was subsequently put 'back 'in . service. Due to the difficulty in restarting the Cleanup System while at power, further adjustments and testing of to-ll were terminated. On December 19, 1984, while attempting to place a' Cleanup System filter in service, the system again. tripped due to the inability of PCV ND-ll to keep up pressure while slowly valving in the filter. A filter was still not in service at the end of the report period. Subsequent to the report period, a spring on ND-ll was discovered missing and is believed 'to have caused the oscillation problem. Procurement of a new spring is presently in progress.

The dilution pumps are presently being supplied with seal water by the Fire Water System. Attempts to run the system with the seal water pumps have proven unsuccessful. Debris (mainly grass) is clogging up the pumps and strainers.

The off-gas flow instrumentation problem (Channel "B") remained an outstanding item at the end of the report period. Plant Engineering is now involved in resolving the problem.

The collector ring wear problem on the circulating water pumps was identified as being caused by improper material. Tne existing collector rings are made of aluminum-bronze. Plant Engineering reported the proper material is brass. Proper material collector rings are on order. In addition, an expert from General Electric is being consulted to insure the correct actions are being taken.

Intake screen No. 3 repairs have been completed. So far, the screen has been running satisfactorily. The starting setpoint for the screen wash pumps had to be adjusted during the report period.

Maintenance on the limitorque for Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) valve V-5-106 started during the report period. A replacement for the defective part (flanged bushing) is on order.

The DWEDT pumps are presently operating solely on level. The recirculation valve for the cooling system was failed closed due to a pump cycling problem. So far, no temperature regulation problems have been noted. A permanent fix to the problem will require a drywell entry and will be done when a. scheduled or forced outage occurs.


__ k '

j- SJ 7,g

, , Monthly Operttions rt _ Pige 5:

The discharge pressure on No. 2 R8CCW' pump was noted as being lower than

No.1 pump. The pump is:still-operable and the problem is believed to be a partially plugged . suction strainer. The strainer is scheduled to be cleaned after 'the Christmas' holidays - when ' marpower- is more readily available. _ Subsequent-to the report period, a new strainer was installed and.the problem was' resolved.


The ' local 1.I.P. Room ' area radiation klaxon is presently out_ of service.

The alarm-is operablelin the Control Room. A new Klaxon was installed subsequent to this report.

' Maintenance is in progress to find suspected tube leaks -in' No.1 fuel pool heat exchanger.

On December 12, 1984 at 0001 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, the plant was turned over to the PJ4 System.- Determination of plant output will_ be made by system, and coordination of.any power changes must be made with the system dispatcher.

On December 21, 1984, during routine inspection of the Feedpump Room, a leak was discovered .on ~ "B" feed plap minimum flow . valve.- The leak.

.( approximately one quart ~per minute) is coming from the valve flarge.

Attempts to tighten the flange' stop the_ leak were unsuccessful.-

=A drain enclosure to contain the water was installed. The. valve and leak rate will be monitored during operation. Repairs are scheduled during the next plant' shutdown.

During . a surveillance test on the Main Steam Safety Valve and EMRV acoustic monitors on December 22, 1984, it was determined that ~the monitors for ' safety' valves E 28G and E 28L were- inoperable. The adjacent valve monitors were subsequently adjusted (gains. increased).

Engineering believes the problem Lis.,in the amplifier units. Both monitors remained inoperable at the end of the report period. Subsequent to the : report period, the monitors were returned to operable status-following replacement of defective line drivers.

On December 21, 1984,.7after releasing valve V-ll-17 (makeup to the skimmer surge tank) from maintenance, water from the fuel pool spilled into the fuel pool ventilation ' ducts and via the ducts to various locations in the Reactor Building. Cause of the spill can be attributed t.o leakage through the makeup valve and also failure of the fuel pool hi-level alarm. The hi-level ' alarm has subsequently been repaired, however, the makeup valve ~is still out of' service for rework.

- During a routine surveillance on No.1-2 Fire Diesel Battery on December 21, 1984, electricains found the "A" Battery low. The - "A" Battery was subsequently placed on " equalize" charge and a deviation report submitted.- On December 23, 1984, the battery was retested in accordance with.~ the ' surveillance procedure and. the results were verified as satisfactory.-

, Monthly Operctions Report Page 6

-Bank 8-230KV disconnects were inadvertently opened under load on December 26, 1984 during substation maintenance by UC&M Department personnel. No effects on the plant were noted and the disconneccs were reclosed. The trip was caused by - inadvertent ' actuation of the opening solenoid by maintenance personnel.

During execution of the Containment Spray /ESW pump IST test on December 26,- 1984, problems were encountered maintaining Drywell/ Torus delta P within prescribed limits. The increase in Torus pressure could not be explained. Due to - the problem maintaining pressure within limits, the test was stopped -- and Engineering evaluation requested. The test was completed satisfactorily (December 28, 1984).

On December 27, 1984, a fire occurred in No.1 High Pressure Screen Wash pump motor. The fire was a result of a failure of the motor breaker to trip, the cause of which has .not been determined yet. Repairs to the pump and breaker are in progress.

Drywell bulk temperature is thought to be running higher than normal, approximately 1370F. Operations Department has taken action in accordance with appropriate procedures, however, success at substantial reduction in temperatures has been limited. This problem is currently being addressed and causes evaluated by Tecn. Functions and Plant Engineering.

NOTE: Reference to % power in this report is based on thermal power.

Oyster Creek is rated at 1930 MWt.

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Monthly Operating Report.

Pag 3 7- y 1 'The following Licensee Event Reports were submitted during the month of j December 1984


l Licensee. Event Report 50-219/84-27 .On 11/3/84 atlapproximately:2007. j hours the Manager-Plant Chemistry was notified that the liquid poison boron concentration of 10.1% was below the Technical Specification minimum limit of-10.30 An'immediate plant shutdown was initiated. All proper notifications

'were made, including the .1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> PRC. Chemicals-were:added  ;

within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> ~to bring the boron concentration above the Technical  ;

' Specification minimum.


[LicenseeEventReport 50-219/84 During startup surveillance testing, 2 of the 5 Electromatic Relief Valves associated with the Automatic

.Depressurization System failed to operate as designed. Investigation revealed '

.that a leak' path existed around a threaded retainer which prevented the valve from porting its lower pressure chamber causing-the valve to remain closed.

Licensee Event Report 50-219/84 While performing lifting and transporting maneuvers of an empty TN-9 spent fuel shipping cask over the Cask Drop Protecton System, switches that limit crane hook and load height were not

. properly adjusted. A toggle switch was installed in series with 2 limit.

switches and was in the open position, de-energizing the hoist ' raise' control circuit. With the toggle switch open,-the hoist could not be raised. As a result, the load height limit was maintained administratively by use of a measuring gauge and toggle switch..

Licensee' Event Report 50-219/84 An automatic reactor scram occurred due to low reactor water level. Problems developed with the 'A' feed pump .

after starting it which required that it be manually secured. Further attempts to maintain reactor vessel level were inadequate and a decision was


made to' start 'B' feed pump. However, reactor water level had decreased sufficiently such that'the Reactor Protection System scrammed the reactor on low reactor water level just prior to starting the 'B'-~ feed pump. . Scram response was normal and reactor water level' control was regained. Personnel error and inadequate post-maintenance testing all contributed to the occurrence.

Licensee Event Report 50-219/84 The monthly channel test of the Main '

Steam Line Safety and Relief. Valve acoustic monitors was not performed within the Technical. Specification time period. The event occurred due to lack of communication betwean departments responsible for performing surveillance and -

failure to'. verify that the test was completed.

3 -- ,..

.. Oystir Creek Station Dock;t No. 50-219 REFlELING INFORMATION - December 1984 Name of Facility: Oyster Creek Station #1 Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: November 30, 1985 Scheduled date for restart following refueling: June 1, 1986 Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendnent?

Yes Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information:

June, 1985 Important licensing considerations associated with refueling e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or perfonnance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:

1. General Electric Fuel Assemblies - fuel design and performance analysis methods have been approved by the tEC.


2. Exxon Fuel Assemblies - no major changes have been made nor are there any anticipated.

The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core = 560 (b) in the spent fuel storage pool = 980 The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies:

Present licensed capacity: 2,600 The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:

Reracking of the fuel pool is in progress. This will provide the spent fuel pool with sufficient capacity for refueling and full core offload until January of 1992.

1 1



l. DOCKET: 50-219
3. ' UTILITY ColrrACT: NOLNAR 609-971-4699


4. . LICENSED TilERMAL POWER (MWt): ~ l930

'3. NAMEPLATE RATINC (CROSS MWe): 687.5 X 0.8 = 550








12. REPORT PERIOD HRS 744.0 8783.0- 131713.0
  • 674.5 1004.0 ,83627.9
14. RX RESERVE SIITDWN IIRS 0.0 1.5 469.7
15. RRS CENERATOR ON-LINE 664.3 842.9 83335.7 16 UT RESERVE SitTDWN IIRS 0.0 2.7 2.7
17. CROSS TII5301 ENER (MMI) 873100: 1037600 137262329
18. CI10SS ELEC ENER (MWII) 283320 326090 463C0993
19. NET ELEC ENER (MWII) 270210 276882 44362563
20. UT SERVICE FACIOR 89.3 9.6 63.4-
21. UT AVAIL FACTOR 89.3 9.6 63.4
22. UT CAP FACTOR (MDC NET) 58.6 3.1 34.6 i
23. UT CAP FACIOR (DER NIX)- 33.9 4.8 52.1
24. UT FORCED OUTAGE RATE 2.1 3.9 9.7



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NET MWe DOCKET s...... 50219 UNIT.,........ 0.C.s1 REPORT DATE.... JANUARY t COMPILED BY. . . .W. J . EMF TELEPHONE. . . . . 609-971-4 MONTH: DECF3IBER, 1984 DAY MW DAY MW 1 0 17 598 2 0 18 612 3 0 19 602 4 12 20 437 5 160 21 '296 6~ 287 22 326 7 291 23 315 8 305 24 314 9 301 25 323 10 319 26 314 11 490 27 385 12 .487 28 529 13 508 29 539 14 558 30 569 .

15 384 31 585 16 453

  • e 4


DATE l-8-85 December 1984 COMPLETEDBY R. Barap REPORT MONTil . TELEPHONE ,9 71-4 64 0 "L _

E? "g I Licensee E, 3 *L Cause & Corrective No. Date g 3g  ;; yss Event g3 g3 o Action to F gr E j 5; g Report # mO g Prevent Recurrence 31 2-11-83 S L5138.] C 1 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Start of the 1983/84 Refueling i

and Maintenance Outage.

32 11/4/84 F 479.5 A 1 84.28 SH VALVEX Two EMRVs failed to operate properly. -

33 11/30/84 S 139.0 B 2 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Manual scram to test the scram discharge volume.

34 12/15/84 F 0 B 4 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Power reduction of 720% power to check condensate pump performanc e.

I 35 12/20/84 F 0 B 4 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Power reduction >20% power to repair the flash tank manway.

C 1 2 3 . 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G-Instructions 5: Schedul:d A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B4 taint: nance of Test 24fanual Scram. Entry Sh::ts for Licensee C-Refu: ling 3-Automatic Scram. Event R: port (LER) File (NUREG- i D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination F-Administrative . 5 .

G-Operational Error (Expl;4n) Exhibit 1 -Same Source (9/77) li-Other (Explain) -

W 3 .

O ,P


GPU Nuclear Corporation NggIgf Post Office Box 388 Route 9 South Forked River, New Jersey 08731-0388 609 971-4000 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

January 17, 1985 Director Office of Management Information U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Monthly Operating Report In accordance with the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Operating License No. OPR-16, Appendix A, Section 6.9.1.C, enclosed are two (2) copies of the Monthly Operating Data (gray book information) for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.

If you should have any questions, please contact Mr. Drew Holland at (609) 971-4643.

Very truly yours,


<TV' -

l Pe e'r' . le ler l Vice President and Director l Oyster Creek PBF:KB: dam Enclosures cc: Director (10)

Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Administrator Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Forked River, NJ 08731 d

Y l1 GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation