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Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1996 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 04/30/1996
From: Edelmann P, Egan D, Roche M
6730-96-2164, NUDOCS 9605210452
Download: ML20112A689 (7)


GPU Nuclear Corporation p

hf Post Office Box 388 Route 9 South Forked River, New Jersey 08731-0388 609 971-4000 Writer's Direct Dial Nurnber:

May 15,1996 6730-96-2164 l

l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Monthly Operating Report - April 19%

in accordance with the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Operating License No.

DPR-16, Appendix A, Section 6.9.1, enclosed are two (2) copies of the Monthly Operating Data (Gray Book information) for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.

If you should have any questions, please contact Ms. Brenda DeMerchant, Oyster Creek Regulatory Affairs Engineer, at 609-971-4642.

Very truly yours, kke 0f Michael B. Roche Vice President & Director Oyster Creek MBR/BDeM/gl Enclosures l


Administrator, Region I (2 copies)

NRC Project Manager NRC Resident Inspector 9605210452 960430 PDR ADOCK 05000219 R

PDR GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of General Pub!ic Utihties Corporation d

i l


APRIL,1996 Oyster Creek operated at full load during the first week of April with minor power reductions for Control Rod Drive and Hydraulic Control Unit testing. On April 9, a Technical Specification shutdown commenced after Emergency Bus Grid under voltage relays were declared inoperable due to incomplete testing. Operations terminated the shutdown at 85% power after testing was completed.

Full power was again achieved at 0200 on April 10. At 2053 on April 10, operators reduced power to 75% in response to a drop in 'C" Condenser's vacuum during backwash. The vacuum drop was a result ofreduced circulating water flow through the 'C" Condenser. The reduced flow occurred when faulty contacts prevented the proper positioning of valves used to backwash the condensers. The l

valves were repositioned and repaired, and the plant returned to full load early on April 11.

On April 18, Operations commenced a planned power reduction to perform Main Steam Isolation Valve testing. During the power reduction, the "A" Feedwater Pump seals were replaced and radiography was performed on the Condensate flow orifice. Radiography identified that a broken Steam Packing Exhauster Condenser flapper valve was lodged at the flow orifice. Reactor power was administratively restricted to 70% to minimize condensate flow transients. Full shutdown to recover


the flapper valve occurred on April 26. In addition to recovering the flapper, during the shutdown the large 1-1 Auxiliary Flash Tank Pump, and the Steam Seal Header drain line (an air leak source into the "A" Condenser) were replaced.

Plant start-up commenced on April 29. On April 30, the reactor tripped on low water level at 10%

power. Plant stanup commenced again later on April 30, with the generator going on line on May 1.

During the month, the plant generated 350,5% MWh net electric which was 75.7% ofits MDC rated capacity.

4 l



On'03/l' /% maintenance work was performed on the Secondary Containment Isolation 96-001' 3

Valves V-28-0042 & 0043. The post-maintenance test to stroke these valves one at a time i

could not be performed using the existing procedure. Further review revealed that these valves had not been functionally tested to demonstrate full tech spec compliance since 1987, i

The root cause of the missed surveillances on V-28-0042 & 0043 was a narrow focus on the part of the preparers & reviewers of the modification in that the modification package concentrated on the electrical aspects of the modification & did not ensure the basic intent of the modification would be tested & maintained. This resulted in an inadequate surveillance procedure.

i Upon discovery of the condition, the two valves were tested to verify automatic closure in response to an isolation signal. Procedures relating to secondary containment isolation valves will be reviewed & revised as necessary to include testing of V-28-0042 & 0043. A l

modification to the RB ductwork will be made to allow leak testing for these two valves.

l Additionally, the procedures controlling the modification process will be reviewed to determine if any additional revisions would be beneficial.

i 96-002 During a recent review of the battery charger test and calibration procedure it was discovered l

that the procedural low voltage alarm setpoint (120i 1 yde) was outside the Technical j

Specification requirement (115 1 vde). The root cause of this occurrence has been determined to be an improper work practice in that the new test and calibration procedure had been written without an adequate review of technical specification requirements. The safety significance has been determined to be minimal as the incorrect setpoint was more conservative than the required setpoint and would have alarmed sooner than required by design.

Upon discovery, the battery charger test and calibration procedure was immediately revised and the relay setpoint was adjusted to comply with the technical specification requirements.

To prevent a similar occurrence, the technical specifications related to this occurrence will be reviewed to determine if they can be clarified by an amendment. Additionally, personnel


involved with the review and approval of procedures will be informed of this event and advised to ensure that technical specification limits are considered even when the proposed change increases the margin of safety, f


7 i


50-219 UNIT.............. Oyster Creek #1 REPORT DATE........ 5/6/96 r

COMPILED BY......... Paul G. Edelmann


TELEPHONE #......... (609) 971-4097 i

Month: April,1996 DAY MW DAY MW l

1 631 16 636 2

631 17 637 3

634 18 611 4

638 19 377 5

626 20 395 6

623 21 394 7

627 22 393 8

637 23 393 9

625 24 396 j

10 615 25 379 11 635 26 2

12 638 27 0

13 637 28 0

14 637 29 0

15 636 30 0

4 Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219 REFUELING INFORMATION - APRIL,1996 i

Name of Facility:

Oyster Creek Station #1


Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown:

September,1996 Scheduled date for restart following refueling:

Currently projected for November,1996 5

Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?

No i

i Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, j

new operating procedures:


General Electric Fuel Assemblies - Fuel design and performance analysis methods have been approved by the NRC.

j 560 The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core


2048 (b) in the spent fuel storage pool


24 (c) in dry storage


The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies:

Present Licensed Capacity: 2645 The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:

J Full core discharge capacity to the spent fuel pool will be lost after the 1996 refueling outage.




1. Docket:


2. Reporting Period:

April 1996

3. Utility Contact Paul G. Edelmann (609)-971-4097
4. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):


5. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):

687.5 x 0.8 = 550

6. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe) 650
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):


8. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):


9. If Changes Occur Above Since Last Report, Give Reasons:

None t

10. Power Level to Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):

None i

11. Reason For Restriction, if Any:

None Month Xsar Cumulative l

12. Report Period Hours 719.0 2903.0 231023.0
13. Hours RX Critical 619.5 2767.6 157100.5
14. RX Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 918.2
15. Hours Generator On-Line 600.2 2726.1 153536.7
16. UT Reserve Shutdown llours 0.0 0.0 0.0 i
17. Gross Thermal Energy (MWH) 1049007 5057213 265576706
18. Gross Electric Energy (MWil 350506 1723892 89141467
19. Net Electric Energy (MWil 336672 1660992 85530157
20. UT Service Factor 83.5 93.9 66.5 21.UT Available Factor 83.5 93.9 66.5
22. UT Capacity Factor (MDC Net) 75.6 92.4 60.4
23. UT Capacity Factor (DER Net) 72.0 88.0 57.0
24. UT Forced Outage Rate 16.5 6.1 9.8
25. Forced Outage 11ours 118.9 177.0 16715.2
26. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, Duration) i 16R Outage, September 7,1996; 45 Days
27. lf Currently Shutdown, Estimated Startup Date:



50-219 UNIT NAME:

Ovster Creek DATE:

May 07. 1996 COMPLT'D BY:

Davis! M.


609/971-4818 REPORT MONTH:

April 1996 TrPs u ruco or suurezus comascrzvs acrzous/cosamurs so.

Dars y: yorced Dumarzou maascos (1)

Dooms rum mancTom om s: se u led (hours) mEDUCDes Poema (2) 3 04/10/96 3

0 h

1 operators=====11y rednoed power to 354 to perform Malv full closure surveillance and other suninta== = activities.

4 04/26/96 F

118.9 b/g 1/3 operators manually shutdown the reactor to retrieve a broken steaum Packingy anhauster N -'- -- flapper valve lodged in front of the condensate flow orifice.

I An antassatio scrama on low reactor water level coeurred during the submesgaent startup. The root cause of this event has been deterssined to be a failure of the cao to aggressively control reactor water level in the control band during the start-up using station operating procedures. The scraum occurred prior to the turbine going on line (100 reactor power).


(1) REASON (2) METHOD a.

Equipment Failure (Explain) e.

Operator Training & Lic Exam 1.

Manual b.

Maintenance or-Test f.

Administrative 2.

Manual Scram i


Refueling g.

Operational Error (Explain) 3.

Automatic Scram i


Regulatory Restriction h.

Other (Explain) 4.

Other (Explain) i l
