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Proposed Tech Specs Re Containment Penetration List Removal & Miscellaneous Changes
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1992
Shared Package
ML20096D632 List:
NUDOCS 9205180192
Download: ML20096D685 (17)


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6 Exhibit B Prairie Island Nucle r Cencrating Plant License An.endment Request Dated May 7. 1992 Proposed Changes Marked Up on Existing Technical Specification Pages ,

Exhibit B consists of. ex! sting and new Technical Specifictition- pages with the proposed changes highliglaed on those pages. The existing pages affected by this License Amendment Request are listed below:

TS xii TS.1-2 TS,3.4 TS.3.6 1 TS.4.4-2 Table ".4,4 1 (Pages 1 through 5) l

t. c L

9205180192 720307 i PDR ADOCK 05000282

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LIST OF TABl.ES TS TABLE 7.LTJJ 3.5-1 Engineered Safety Features Initiation Instrument Limiting Set Points 3.5 2 Instrument-Operating Conditions fot- Reactor Trip 3.5 3 Instrument Operating Conditions for Emergency Cooling System 3.5-4 Instrument Operating Condi!!ons for Isolation Functions 3.5 5 Instrument Operating Conditions for Ventilation Systems 3.5-6 Instrument operating Conditions for Auxiliary Electrical System 3.9 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation

-34 9-2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation 3.14-1 Safety Related Fire Detection Instruments '

3.15-1 Event Monitoring instrumentation - Process & Containment 3.15-2 Event Monitoring instrumentation Radiation i

4.1 1 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations and Test of Instrument Channels 4.1-2A Minimum Frec.".ancies for Equipment Tests 4.1 eb Minimum Frec ancies for Sampling Tests 4.2-1 Special In ervice Inspection Requirements

. 1

^ ^-1 Ua14 ,md-Uni t 2 Pe=troi+a-Des 49 at4en---for-Leakago--Teo4e 4.10 1 Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)

Sample Collection and Analysis 4.10 2 RFMP -Maximum Values for the Lower Limits of Detection 4.10 3 RFMP - Reporting Levels for Radicactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples 4.12-1 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 4,17 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Su-ieillance Requirements 4.17-2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 4.17 3 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 4.17-4 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 5.5 1 Anticipated Annual-Release of Radioactive Material in Liquid Effluents From Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (Per Unit)

S~.5-2 Anticipated ~ Annual Release of Radioactive Nuclides_in Caseous Effluent From Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (Per Unit)-

-6.1 1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition

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a . _ . . . _ - . _ _ . . - - . - - - - - -- . - . - - - - -


- CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY shall exist when
1. Penetrations required to be isolated during accident conditions are either: l
a. Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE containment automatic isolation j valve system, or 1
b. Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivatec' auamatic valves secured in their closed positions, except as provided in Specifications 3.6.C and 3.6.D.

3,-414nd-f4augm-wgutrwl4y-Tak 1: Tc 4,4 4-a m-h***Llwl-v

2. The equipment hatch is closed and scaled.
3. Each air lock is in compliance with the requirements of Specification 3.6.M. )


4. . The containment leakage rates are within their required limits.
COLD SHUTDOWN A reactor is _ in the COLD SHUTDOVN condition when the reactor is suberitical by at 1 cast 11 Ak/k and the reactor coolant average temperature is less than 200'F.


i CORE ALTERATION is the movement or manipulation of any component within the reactor pressure vessel with the vessel head removed and fuel in the vessel,  !

which may affect core reactivity. Suspension of CORE ALTERATION shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe conservativa l position.


fhe CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is the unit-specific document that provides core operating limits for the current operating reload cycle. These cycle specific core operating limits shal'. be determined for each reload cycle in accordance with Specification 6.7.A.b. Plant operation within these operating limits is addressed in individual specifications, l-

" =

TS.3.4 2 REV 3.4.B.1.d. A trinimum of 100,000 gallons of water is available in the condensate storage tanks and a backup supply of river water is available through the cooling water system.

c. Motor operated valves MV 32242 and MV-32243 (Unit 2 valves MV 32248 and MV-32249) shall have valve position monitor lights OPERABLE and shall be locked in the open position by having the motor control center supply breakers physically locked in the off position.
f. Manual valves in the above systems that could (if ons is intproperly positioned) reduce flow below that assumed for accident analysis shall be locket in the proper position for emergency use.

During POWER OPERATION, changes in u.1vo poultion will be under di rec t admini-,t rative cont rol ,

g. The condensate supply c ross c onnec t val ves-C-41-.nd C 2, t o the auxiliary feedwater pumps shall be blocked and tagged open.

Any changes i n p o s i t i o n o f 4k-se thla valven shall be under direct adminis rative control.

2. During STARTUP OPERATION or POWER OPERATION, any one of the following conditions of inoperability may exist for each unit provided STARTUP OPERATION is discontinued until OPERABILI*IT is restored. If OPEPAlill,lTY is not restored within the time specified, place the affected unit (or either unit in the case of a motor driven ARJ pump inoperability) in at least }l0T Sl!UTDOVN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and reduce reactor co,l m t system average temperature below 350*F within the following 6 hoars.
a. A turbine driven AIN pump, system valves and pip'ng may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

A mot or driven ARJ pump, system valves and piping may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

c. The condensate storage tanks may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided the cooling water system is available as a backup supply of water to the auxiliary feedwater
d. The backup supply of river water provided by the cooling water system may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided a minimum of 100,000 gallons of water is available in the condensate storage

! tanks e, The valve position monitor lights for motor operated valves l MV-32242 and MV 32243 (Unit 2 valves MV-32248 and MV-32249) may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> provided the associated valves' positions are verified to be open once each shirt.

6 1

l i


  • i TS.3.6 1 REV 5


Annlienbility r Applies to the integrity of the containment system.

Obiective To define the operating status of the containment **.

f. tem for plant operation. [


-A. Containment Interrity  ;

1. A reactor shall not be made or maintained critical nor shall reactor coolant system average temperature exceed 200*F unless CONTAINMENT INTECRITY is maintained.


2. If these conditions cannot be satisfied, within one hour initiate the action necessary to place the unit in 110T SHUTDOWN, and be in at least 110T Sil0TDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

B. Vacuum Breaker Syster

1. Both valves in eau of two vacuum breaker systems, including actuating-and power circuits, shall be OPERABLE when CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is required ( as specified in 3.6.B.2 and 3.6.B.3 below).
2. With sne vacuum breaker inoperable with respect to its containment

' isolation function, apply the requirements of Specification 3.6.C.3,

-to the isolation valves associated with the '.,operable vacuum breaker,

3. .One vacuum breaker may be iroperable with respect to-its vacuum relief function for 7 days,

'C. Containment Isolation Valves

1. Non automatic containment isolation valves shall be locked closed or ,

shall bemder direct administrative control and capable of being closed within one minute following an accident when. CONTAINMENT INTEGRIT{ i's} requi red {(e xc ep fa sj s pe c i f le d ? i n) .3 .,6. C . 3 ; be l owf.

2. . Automatic containment isolation valves, Wtut-4n-T4hl: TS ^ ^-1 including actuation circuits, shall be OPERABLE when CONT /.INMENT INTEGRITY is required (except as specified in 3.6.C.3 below).


3. .Vith one or more of TcheJc'o'ntainment iaoistion valve (s) licted in-Table TS.' ^ 1 inoperable within four hours:s (a) ustore the inoperable valve (s) to operable status or, (b). deactivate the operable valve in the closed position or, (c): lock closed at least one valve in each penetration having one inoperable valve.

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+ . TS.4.4 2 REV

2. Initial and periodic type B (except airlocks) and type C tests of penetrations -TE. i 14 shall be performed at a pressure of 46 psir, (pa) in accordance with the provisions of Appendix J, Section Ill.B and i Section 111.C, and Specification 4.4.A.5. The airlocks shall be tested initially and at six-month intervals at 46 psig by pressurizing the inner volume. In addition, when CONTAINMENT oy*t+a INTEGRITY is required, each airlock shall be tested every 3 days if it is in use by pressurizing the intergasket space to 10 psig. Type B or C testing in not required for ths following e uetrr'tions and valves:
a. Instrumentation penetrations.
b. Steam, f eedwater, steam genarator blow. lown ni d auxiliary feedwater penetrations,
c. Safety injection, RHR, cooling water, and component cooling water system valves whit te not relied upon to prevent contairutent leakage.
3. Type A tests will be considered to be satinfactory if the acceptance criteria delineated in Appendix J, Section Ill.A are met.
4. Type B and C tests will be considered to be satisfactory if the conbined leakage rate of all components subjected to Type B and C tests does not exceed 60% of the La and if the following conditions are met,
a. For pipes connected to systems that are in the ASSVZ auxiliary building special ventilation zone , 4Ashuawl-AuVblu-T4.hus . ' ' - 14 t he total leakage past isolation valves shall be less than 0.1 weight percent per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at pressure Pa.
b. For pipes connected to systems that are exterior to both the shield building and the AnsVZ auxiliary building special ventilation zone.

44*+1 gu+.4 AEATEM obin-Tubl + T& ' . 4 the total leakage past isolation valves shall be less than 0.01 weight percent per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at p r e s :.. u r e pa.

c. For airlocks, the leakage shall be less than 11 of the La at 10 psig for door intergasket tests and 51 of the 1.a at 46 psig for overall airlock tests.
5. The retest schedules for Type A, B. and C tests will be in accordance with Sectioi 111.D of Appendix J. Each shield building shall be retested in accordance with the Type A test schedule for its containment. The auxiliary building g ecial ventilation zone shall be retested in accordance with the "

Type A test schedule for Unit 1 conta!nment.

6. Type A, B and C tests will be in accordance with Section V of Appendix J.

Inspection and reporting requirements of each shield building test shall be the same for Type A test s. The auxiliary building special ventilation tone shall have the aare inspection and reporting requirements as for the Type A tests of Unit 1.

TAELE TC.L.1--I (pg-1 oI-i-k!IT 1 A? D UMIT 2 PEMETRAT?ON DESICNATIO!! FOR LEAXACE TESTJl Penetration Typ Pen tration Penetration Designation o Mu.ber Depeription (Note 3) T st 1 Pressure Relief Tank ABSVZ C.

to Cas Analyzer ,

2 Pressure Relief Tank Exterior C Nitrngen Supply 3A Dead Weight Tester Note (1) -

33 P essure Instrument Note (1) -

4 Pri. ry Vent Header ABSVZ C


5 RC Drgin Tank Pump ABS C Dischat e 6A, 63 Steam li es 1 te (2) -

(6C Bell ws Annulus B nU t 2) 7A, 7B Feedvater li es Note (2) -

D g g g g)

Bell ows Annulus B BA, 83 Steam Gen Blov o Note (2) -

' Bell vs Annulus B U 2) 9 RER Loop t Note (5) -

9 Bellows nulus B 10 RHR L p Out No e (5) -

10 Bel vs Ann us B 11 L cdown line ABSVZ ,C 4- 11 Bellous Annulus B 12 Charging line ABSVZ C 13A, 13 RC Pump Seal Supply ABrlZ C 14 RC Pump Seal Return ABSVZ C 15 Pressurizer Steam ABSVZ C Sample 1

6 Pressuriter Liquid f.BSVZ j Sample


. _ ~ _ _ . _ _ - . . . _ _ . . _ _

"'ALL: Tfh?.4 1 (p; 2 M ',)

R:V 02 2/23/03 i


\ Penetration Typ Pend

  • ration Penetracion Designation o Muker _.

Descriotion (Note 3) T/st 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample ABSVZ C*

18 Puel Transfer Tube (4) ABSVZ B 18 g Bellows Annulus B 19 Service Air (4) ABSVZ B 20 ostrument Exte for C 21 RC rain Tank Z C to s Analyzer r 22 Contai ent Air ABSVZ C ,

Sample n -

23 Containee t Air ABSVZ C Sample Out 24 Spare 25A Containment Pu g ABSVZ B Exhaust (4) i 25B Containment P ge ABSVZ B supply (4) 26 Containmen Sump "A" ABSVZ C Discharge 27A-1, Steam G nerator Note (2) -

27A-2 Blovd Sample 27B Fir Protection (4) SVZ B (51 in Unit 2) 27-1, 27-2 OILT Instruments ABS ' B .

(27C-1 and 27C-2 in Unit 2) 27D Spare -

28A, 8B ~ Safety Injection Note (5) -

29 , 293 containment Spray ABSVZ C OA, 30B Low Head SI Suetion ABSVZ

-from Sucp B l.

r l

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Poetration Type Pen tration Penetration Designation of 4 Mu ber Description (Note 3) Ter 31 Accumulator Nitrogen Exterior C '

32A, 329 CC to RC Pumps Note (5) -

33A, 33B CC from RC Pumps Note (5) -

34 ectrical Annulu 3 P{ustration d

\  :

35 SI and ceumulater ote (5) - -

1 36A,3,C E Spares -

35D (50 11..strumenta ion Note (1) -

in Unit 2) 37A,3.C D Cooling Water Note (5) -

Fan Coil Uni s 3!! A, B , C ,D Cooling W r from Note (5) -

CC tc Ex ess Letdo Heat Ex hanger 40 CC f m Excess Let- 1 te (5) -

d Heat Exchanger 41A, 41B ntainment Vacuum Annu s C reaker 410 Spare -

42A-1 Post-LOCA Hydrogen Annulus C ,,

Control Air Supp1v 42-2 Post-LOCA Hydrogen Annulus C

ontrol Vent l -3 Sample to Gas Exterior Analyzer i

y ,w-- pe 1r,e(

-%Blu-Th4-1 (rg a cr-H

=tt"-70 ^/u /34


Penetration ype Pene *ation Penetration Designation of

  • Nu er Description (Note 3) M 423 ($3 Inservice Purge ABSVZ C  ;

Unit 21 Supply Valves (6) 423 ($3 in

  • Inservice Purge Annu s B  !

Unit 2) Supply Blind Flange (4) 42C (54 in ontainment Heating VZ B Unit 2) am (4) 42D, 42E Spar -

427-1 (42E-1 Heatin( Steam ABSVZ B in Unit 2) Condensk e Return (4) 417-2 (42E-2 Heating St ABSVZ B in Unit 2) Return Ventl )

420 Spare  ;

43A (52 in Inservice Purge, ABSVZ C Unit 2) Exhaust Valvey(6) 43A (52 in

  • Inservice Pyr/ge Annulus- B Unit 2) Exhause B1'hd Flange (4 43B,C D Spares

-44 Contalytment Vessel SVZ B Pressdrization (4) 45 Re cor Makeup to A3Sv6 C Py sauri:er Relief ,

'ank 46A, 463 Auxiliary Teedvater Note (2) -

(46C, 46D in 'Init 2) 47 Electrical Annulus B Penet ation j~ 48 Low Head SI Note (5) -

I l 49A Instrumentation Note (1) -

49B 55 in De=inerali:ed ABSV B

.it 2) Water (4) esting required following modification to inservice purge system of ea Q unit during,1983 refw ling outages. l

_ , - - . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ , - - . . _ . . . . . _ , . . - .. _ . _ _____~

l i

  • 'I *
  • TARLE TF ' ' - 1 (Sg&f-4 REV h1111ANDUNIT2PENETRATIONDESIC){ATIONFORLEAKAGETESTS Penetratior. T e Penetra on Penetration Designation . of Number Description (Note 3) Test 50 1 ' st-LOCA Ilydro- nnulus C i

ge Control Air ,

Supp 50 2- Post LOCA dro- Annulus C l gen Control Vent 50 3 Sample to C Exterior C Analyzer Equi ,ont Door Annulus B ersonnel Airlock Annulus B Maintenance Air- An ilus B lock Not  :


4,--.4uc t re atet4*n ! !: :e "; Type.-a-or c t : a t i ng regul-r*te

2. 9 t ee:: et*1-feedwater--44c c c . Type C tee t !"6-nat-awjutred-*4cce vel . . _ a r+-not "

relied epen-4.op-. prev. :t cental4 ment le nhage,

3. "-ne t r+t t en Der 4#n*444ms A ESV. --pliw+s-oonnestw! te cyc te r thatr-*re-4oaatwi-44+-t4 *-Aux 4444ry Bu14414:g Spee!21-#*cti!ct!en-Zona Ewt+r4e r p4pos-connected t cyn t e::: the 2 exter4er-to-the-SM+144u1441eg end-ABSV3 Senled p!p: . that u!!1 her-lea - hy-watm-4n-apac ^ be tue en -!4*+14t4en haa+4+rc fellowing-IACA Annule pe etratie %t 'c u14-4 c3
  • e-t4
  • shl+444u4441eg-**nulus felleu!cg LOCA

'- Thece pensterat!^ r have ' 12nk-f44ngea. P+ne t ra t ie:- IS, 25A, 25E, 27-1, 27 2, ,

2 7 C - 1, 2tw! ? ? C - 2 have-M4nd-f4enge n er th- ! nn i t'e . "ly "enstat4 enc ':2 B , ': 3 A r Sa r -and 52 h_;c M !nd finage-44+-t4:e annul"r enty-r

5. Enfety infestic , R11R , cec 11ag2ter, - ! elete'! coeling unte: cynt: va l-ver-not retted apen - t:. p r: "e nt-conta4 nment-4*akag*,
6. ' W 1enhage taat-for-4.hle-penetret,4w+-4 -only-rwtutrwt-pr4ar--t+4*c --f tl+e 4nceiv'.ec purge cyct:ev

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e *: .

Exhibit C 1 4

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant i License Amendment Request Dated May 7, 1992 Revised Technical Specification Pages Exhibit C consists of revised pages for the Prairie Island Nuclaar Generating Plant Technical Specification with the proposed changes incorporated. The revised pages ~ are listed below:

s TS xii TS.1-2 TS.3.4-2  !

TS.3.6-1 TS.4.4 2 .

. T l.

- . . - . - . - . . - - - = . - - . --

. *!.. TS xii REV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LIST OF TABIFS TS TABLE TITLE 1 3.5 1 Engineered Safety Features Initiation Instrument Limiting Set Points 3.5 2 Instrument Operating Conditions for actor Trip i 3.5-3 Instrument Operating conditions for . argency cooling System i 3.5 4 Instrument Operating-conditions for Isolation Functions

  • 3.5 5 Instrument Operating Conditions for Ventilation Systems 3.5 6 Instrument Operating Conditions for Auxiliary Electrical System -l 3.9 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.9-2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation 3.14-1 - Safety Related Fire Detection Instruments 3.15 1 Event Monitoring instrumentation Process & Containment 3.15-2 Event Monitoring instrumentation - Radiation t

4.1-11 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations and Test of Instrument Channels 4.1 2A- Minimum Frequencies for Equipment Tests 4.1-2B Minimum Fraquencies fer Sampling Tests 4.2 1 Special Inservice Inspection Requirements  ;

4.10-1 Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)

  • Sample cellection and Analysis 4.10-2 RPMP - Maximum Values for the Lower Limits of Detection.

4.10 3 RFMP - Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Sauples i 4.12-1 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 4.17-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 4.17-2 Radioactivo Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements .

4.17 3 Radioactive Liquid Vaste Sampling and Analysis Program i 4.17-4 Radioactive Gaseous Vaste Sampling and Analysis Program

- 5.5 1 Anticipated Annual Release of Radinactive Material in Liquid Effluents _From_ Prairie '

$1<nd Nuclear Generating Plant (Per Unit). _ _ _ _ _

5.5 2 Anticipated Annual Release of Radioactive Nuclides_in caseous Effluent From Prairie Island Nucle. Generating Plant (Per Unit) 6 . 1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition-e ar. ,,_m_ ,%-m ,e-mw -.w=-,u-wn ,-,,-,w%e s w- -- w.- . .my-- r m v, w e .- _4gi-------,,,% ym,-ry.o - - ,-- ---.y--- , , - ,-.. ,cre-- - .*ue rr y -. v--

~ _ _ . - . - - -.. . - - - - . . . _ - - . - - - - - - - . . _ - . - . - - -

0 4 *

  • TS.1 2 f REV


1. Penetrations required to be isolated durint; accident condittor,4 are either: ,
a. Capable of being closed by an OPl containment automatic isolation valve system, or  ;
b. Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivated automatic l valves secured in their cioned positions, except as provided in ,

Specifications 3.6.C and 3.6.D.  ;

2. The equipment hatch is closed and realed.  !
3. Each air-lock is in compliance with the requirements of Specification  !

i 3.6.M, 4 The containment leakage rates are within their required limits.

C01.D SHUTDOWN A reactor is in the COLD Sl!UTDOWN condition when the reactor is suberitical by  :

at least 1% Ak/k and the reactor coolant average temperature is less than ,

200'F. ,


CORE ALTERATION is the movement or manipulation of any component within the reactor pressure vessel with the vessel head removed and fuel in the vessel, which may affect core reactivity. Suspension of CORE ALTERATION shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe conservative '


CORE OPERATING LTMITS rep 0RT The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is the unit-specific document that provides core operating limits for the current operating reload cycle. These cycle specific core operating limits shall be determined for each reload cycle in accordance with Specification 6.7.A.6. Plant operation within these operating. limits is addressed in individual specifications,


l l


.m,.. . , , - . . , , - - - . . , , , , , , , . _ _ , _ , - . . . , ~ . . - _ _ _ , , . . , . . . , . . . ~ . . , . , _ _ - . _ _ . , , . . ~ . - - . . . - . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . . ,,_.m . ._.-

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  • ~

Y TS.3.4 2 i REV l

3. 4 B .1. d . - A minimum of 100,000 gallons of water is available in the condensate storage tanks and a backup supply of river water is available through the cooling water system. .
c. Motor operated valves MV 32242 and MV 32243 (Unit 2 valves MV-32248 and MV 32249) shall have valve position monitor lights OPERABLE and shall be locked in the open position by having the motor control center supply breakers physically locked in the off position,
f. Manual valves in the above systems that could (if one is improperly positioned) reduce flow below that assumed for accident analysis shall be locked in the proper position for emergency use.

During POWER OPERATION, changes in valvo position will be under direct administrative control,

g. The condensate supply cross connect valve U 41-2, to the auxiliary l feedwater pumps shall be blocked and tagged open. Any changes in position of this valve shall be under direct administrative l control.
2. During STARTUP OPERATION or POWER OPERATION, any one of the following conditions of inoperability may exist for each unit provided STARTUP OPERATION in discontinued until OPERABILITY is restored. If .

OPERABILITY is not restored within the time specified, place the affected unit (or either unit in the case of a motor driven APW pump inoperability) in at least il0T SilUTDOWN within the naxt 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and reduce reactor coolant system average temperature below 350*F within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

a, A turbine driven APW pump, system valves and piping may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

b. A motor driven APW pump, system valves and piping may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />,
c. The condensate storage tanks may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided the cooling water system is'available as a backup supply of water to the auxiliary feedwater pumps,
d. The backup supply of river water provided by the cooling water system may be inoperable for '48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided a minimum of 100,000 gallons of water is available in the condensate storage tanks,
e. 'The_ valve position monitor lights for motor operated valves MV-32242 and MV 32243 (Unit 2 valves MV-32248 and MV-32249) may be inoperable for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> provided the associated valves' positions-are verified to be open once each shift.


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a 't. -

TS.3.6 1 ,


e 3.6' CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Applicability ,

Applies to the integrity of the containment system.

Obiective ,

To define the operating status of the containment system for plant operation.

Specification l A. Containment Inter.rity li

1. A reactor shall not be made or maiatained critical nor shall reactor

- coolant system averat,e teuperature excecc 200'F unless CONTAINHENT INTEGRITY is maintained.


2. If these ce 'itions cannot be satisfied, within one hour initiate the action no .ry to place the unit in 110T SliUTDOWN, and be in at least il0T S!!UTDOWN within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SilUTDOWN within the following '

30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

i q B. Vacuum Breaker System  ;

1. Both valves'in-oach of two vacuum breaker systems,-including actuatint and power circuits, shall be OPERABLE when CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is ,

required (excepr. as specified in 3.5.B.2 and 3.6.B.3 below). f

2. With one vacuum breaker inoperable with respect to its containment .i isolation function, apply the requirements of Specification 3.6.C.3, to the isolation valves associated with the inoperable vacuum breaker.

3.- One vacuum breaker may be inoperable with respect to its vacuum relief

  • function for_7 days.

C, Containment Isolation Valves

1. Non automatic containment isolation valves shall be locked closed or '

shall be under direct administrative control and capable of being closen within one minute following an accident when CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is required (except as specified in 3.6.C.3 below).

2. Automatic containment isolation valves,-including actuation circuits, shall be~0PERABLE when CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is required (except as

_specifiedsin_3.6.C,3 below).

3. With one or more of tha containment isolacion valve (s) inoperable, within four hours:

(a) restore the inoperable valve (s) to operable status or, (b) deactivate the operable valve in the closed position or, (c) lock closed at least one valve in each penetration having one inoperable valve.

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2. Initial and periodic type B (except airlocks) and type C tests of penet, stions shall be performed at a pressure of 46 psig (/,) in l accc -uice with the provisions of Appeudix J,Section III .B and Ract'on III,C, and Specification 4.4.A,5, The airlocks shall be sted initially and at six month intervals at 46 paig by pressurizing

- er, inner volume. In addition, when CONTAIMMENT INTEGRITY is l required, each airlock shall_be tested every 3 days if it is in use by pressurizing the fatergasket space to 10 psig, Type B or C testing is no* required for the following penetrations and valves:

rtrumentation penetraticos.

_, feedwater, steam generator blowdown and auxiliary feedwater p trations.

rety inj ection, RHR, cooling water, and component cooling water mteta valves which are not relied upon to prevent containcant

.sge, L 3. fype A teste w!11_bc considered to be satisfactory if the acceptance criteria delineated in Appendix J ,Section III. A are met.

4 Type B and C tests us 1 be considered to be satisfactory if the combined leakage rate of all components subjected to Type B and C tests does not exceed 60% of the 1., and if the following conditions are met.

a. For pipes connect' to systems that are in the auxiliary building special ven ilation zone, the total leakage par.t isolation valves shall be .ee. H,v. 0,1 weight percent per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at pressure P,,

! -b. Tsr pipes connected to systems t oat are exterior to both the l shield-building and the auxiliary building special ventilation ,

zone, _the total leakage past isolation valves shall be less than 0,01 weight percent per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at pressure P,.

c. For airlocks, the laakage shall be lesr. than 1% of the L, at 10 psig for door intergasb et tests and 5% of the L, at 46 psig for -

L overall_ airlock tests,

5. The retest schedules for Type A, B, and C tests will be in accordance with Sectio . III .D of Appendix J . Each shield building shall-be retested in accordance with the Type A test schedule for its containment. The auxiliary building special ventilation zone shall be L Tetested in accordance with_the Type-A test schedule for Unit 1 l containment.

l l-L 6. ' Typo A, B and C tests ill be in accordance with Section V of Appendix J. Inspection and reporting requirements of each shield building test shall be the same for Type A tests. The auxiliary building special ventilati'n zone shall have the samt inspection and reporting requirements as for the Type A tests of Unit 1.

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