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Forwards Util List of Duplicated Premarked Exhibits. W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1992
From: John Miller
To: Bollwerk G, Carpenter J, Morris P
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#192-12667 91-626-02-CIVP, 91-626-2-CIVP, CIVP, NUDOCS 9203110027
Download: ML20090F424 (12)


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~, . MO D,ed J f..C e D.e.. D tac.A4.h- pt e%e G. Paul Hollwerk,111 James H. Carpenter Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear llegulatory Commission '

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Peter A. hiorris

. Administrative Judge 10825 South Glen Road Potomac, hiaryland 20854 IN Tile MNITER OF Alabama Power Company (Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Pfar;t, Units 1 and 2) . ,

Docket Nos. 50 $CivP; 50 M4.CivP A S L ll P N o. 91626 02.CivP Dcar Administrative Judges:  !

L .

l Please find enclosed Alabama Power Company's list of duplicated pre marked r

t exhibits.

L L Respectfully yours,



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James H hiiller,111 J /h + ,


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. ii a l in the Matter of: )

) Docket Nos. 50-348-CivP ALABAMA POWER COMPANY ) 50-364-CivP ,

) '

(Joseph M. Farley Nuclear )

Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) ASI HP No. 91626-02 CivP ESTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 hereby certify that copies of the

  • LIST OF DUPLICATED PRE MARKED EXililllTS OF ALAHAM A POWER COMPANY"in the above. captioned proceeding have been served on the following by facsimile as indicated by an asterisk, or otherwise through deposit in First Class United States Mail, this 2nd day of March,1992:

G. Paul Hollwerk, Ill* James 11. Carpenter

  • Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Peter A. Morris
  • Eugene J. Holler, Esq.*

Administrative Judge Office of the General Counsel 10825 South Glen Road U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Potomac, Maryland 20854 Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of the Secretary (2) Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Panel Washington, D.C. 20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Docketing and Service Section Washington, D.C. 20555 Adjudicatory File (2) Office of Commission Appellate Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Adjudication U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l'. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 l

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Mr. W. G. llairston,111 Regional Administrator Southern Nuclear Operating Company, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Inc. Region 11 Post Office Dox 1295 101 Marietta Street Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 James Lieberman, Director Office of Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20$55 l

/ 'f 1.1 =u, t James 1-1. Miller,111 Counsel for Alabama Power Company

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APCO 1IST OF DUPLICATED PRE MAIGED EXillBITS (Cross referenced with corresponding staff exhibits)


1. Agenda,8/26 28/87, regarding EO seminar at Sandia APCO ethlbli recelged into esidence, p. 947
2. 4. Generic letter to All Power Reattor Licensees and Applicants from Prank J. htiraglia - NRC, dated 04/07/88, regarding hiodified Enforcernent Policy Relating to 10 CFR 50.49,
  • Emironmental Qualification of Electrical Equipment important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plantf (Generie letter 88 07); List of Recently issued Generic letters attached Staff Eahlblt recclied into etidence, p.304
3. G4/13/78 Petition for Emergency and Remedial Action; Cl.l.78 6; 7 NRC 400,420 APCO ethlbli recclsed into esidence, p. 947
4. lE Circular 78 08 to F. L Clayton, Jr. APCo from James P. O Reilly NRC, dated 05/31/78, regarding Erwironmental QualiGcation of Safety Related Electrical Equipment of Nucicar Power Plants; List of I.E. Circulars issued in 1978 attached APCO ethlbli retelied into esidence, p. 947
5. 10/11/78 letter to Jamer. P. O'Reilly transmitting Farley response to IE Circular 78-08:

Qualification of Electrical Terminal lilocks; Unavailability of Test Report Due to Terminal 13 locks inside Conta!nment Anociates with Containment isolation Valves, Wide Range and harrow Range Temperature hionitoring, and Power Operated Relief Valves APCO exhibit rycelsed into esidence, p. 947

6. letter to F. L Clayton. Jr. Alabama Power Co. from James P. O'Reilly dated 02/08/79 regaiding 1.lL llulletin No. 79-01: Emironmental Qualification of Class IE Equipment; attachments: 1) IE Bulletir, No.79-012) List of IE Bulletins issued in the Past 12 hionths 3)

List of SEP Plants.

APCO ethlbit recclsed into evidence, p. 947

7. 27. Bulletin to F. L Clayton, Jr. APCo from James P. O'Reilly NRC, dated 06/06/79 regarding Supplement 1.E. Ilulletin 79-OlA; attachments: 1) 1.E. Ilulletin No. 79 01 A 2) List of I.E.

Ilulletins luued in the Past 12 Months 3) List of SEP Plants Staff ethlbli recelsed into esidence, p. 889

8. Bulletin to F. L Clayton, Jr. APCo from James P. OTteilly NRC, dated 01/17/80 transmitting 1.E. Hulletin No. 79-0111 Regarding Emironmental Qualification of Class 1.E.

Equipment; Enclosures dated 01/14/80 APCO exhibli recelsed into esidence, p.1194

9. CLI 80 21 dated 05/27/80 APCO eshlbli recelsed into esidence, p. 947 l
10. hiemo to 7 R. Rositoery from Frank Ashe, Joel Paige, William Ikiothr, and htarilee Slosson, i dated 05/27/81, transmitting Trip Report Audit of Alabama Power Company's Test Data and/or Documentation Concerning Erwironmental Qualification of Electrical Equipment Per NUREG 05SS for Farley 2 Nuclear Station APCO eshlblt recclsed into esidence, p,947 t

l l


e 11. Letter to R. P. h{sDonald APCo irom C. E. hiurphy NRC dated 01/15/81 tratamitting Report Nos 50-348/$0 38 and 50 364/80-49; Special Inspution Conducted Dy T. D. Gibbons on 12/02/B0 to 12/05/B0 APCO cahibit rnelied into coldence, p. 947

12. Technical Evaluation Report entitled Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Elmtrical Equipment IED 7941H Farley Unit No. I prepared by N. hterriweather on 12/10/80 APCO exhibli rnched into cildence, p. 947
13. Letter to F. L. Clayton, Jr. APCo from Thomas ht. Novak NRC dated 02/13/81 regarding 4 Preliminary Results of NRC Review of EQ's of SafetpRelatal Electrical Equipment at Farley Plant, Unit No.1; attachment: Environmental Qualification Report APCO eshihlt rneited into ciidence, p. 947
14. Letter to F. L. Clayton, Jr. - APCo from Steven A. Varga NRC dated 05/21/81 transmitting NRC Safety Evaluation for the Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment at Parley Unit No. It attachments: Safety Evaluation Report and Technical Evaluation Rrport dated 11/14/80 APCO eshibit rnelied into cildence, p. 947
15. htarch 1981 Safety Evaluation Report Unit 2, Docket No. 50-364, APCo, supplernent No. 6 to NUREG 75/034 APCO eshibit racited into ciidence, p. 947
16. 01/14/83 Technical Evaluation Report: Review of Licensecs' Resolution of Outstandmg issues From NRC Equipment Environmental Qualification Safrty Evaluation Reports (F il and D40);

Farley Unit 1; prepared by The Franklin Institute APCO eshibit rnelied into etidence, p. 947

17. 01/17/83 Technical Evaluation Report: Review of Licensecs' Resolution of Outstanding issues from NRC Equipment Environmental Qualification Safety Evaluation Reports (F 1I and B40);

Farley Unit 2; prepared by *lte Franklin Reacarch Center Al'CO exhibit receited into cildence, p. 947

18. letter to F. L. Clayton, Jr. APCo irom Steven A. Varga NRC dated 02/04/83 tratamitting Safety Evaluation Report for Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment -

Farley Unit No.1 APCO exhibit rnelied into evidence, p. 947

19. 1.rtier to F. L. Clayton, Jr. - APCo from Steven A. Varga NRC dated 02/04/83 transmitting Safety Evaluation Report for Environmental Qualification of Safety RelatW Electrical Equipment -

Parley Unii No. 2 APCO eshibl; rneited into evidence, p. 947

20. Letter to S. A. Varga NRC from F. L. Clayton, Jr. APCo dated 02/29/84 concerning Safety Evaluation Reports and Technical Evaluation Reports Noting Deficiencies Concerning Documentation of Qualification for Several Safety Related items at FNP; attachments: 1)

Summary of Each Deficiency identified in the TER's for Units 1 and 2; 2) Resolutions to Specific NRC Staff Comments identified at the 01/11/84 htecting; 3) Westinghouse Affidavit Requesting information in Supplements 1,2,3 and 4 To Be Withheld from Public Disclosure APCO eshibit rneited into evidence, p. 947 t

. 21. Safety Evaluatiora dated 12/13/84 for Units I and 2; propmed re4olutions for deficiencica identified in Safety E"aluations dated 01/31/83 and in the 01/14/83 and 01/17/83 Franklm 7 ER's and to your proposed Llat JCO's are not neceaary APCO eshibit trcched into evidence, p. 947

22. Letter to S. A. Varga + NRC from R. P. hicDonald APCo dated 01/28/85 transnutting Units 1 and 2 Response to Generic lette 84 24; Sworn Statement that as EQ program is in place, the plant has at least one path to safe shutdown, and equipment is quall'ied or operating under JCO.

APCO eshibit retched I,ito eildence, p. 947.

23. FNP Envitonmental Qualification Program implementation: FNP-0 ETP-4108 Revision 0 APCO eshibit rtrched into ciidence, p.1060
24. Excerpt from of The Lineman's andfableman's llandtmk, section 33, entitled, ' Splicing Cable
  • APCO exhibit ricched into coldence, p. 962
25. 21. Okonite Report No. NQRN 3, Rev.1. June 30,1982, entitled, ' Nuclear Environmental Qualification Report for OLoguard Insulated Cables and T 95 and No. 35 Splicing Tape' Stati eshibit recched into esidence, p. 442
26. 16. 07/30/87 letter to NRC Document Control Desk from R. P. hicDonald transmitting Farley Unit 1 Licensee Event Report No. LER 87-012-00 Stafi eshibit rnched into ciidence, p. 442
27. NEQ Test Report 17859-02D performed by Wyle Laborstories: Qualification Test Program on Ray Chem Nuclear Cable Splices, Okonite Tape Splices, Kente Tape Splices, Scotch Tape Splices and Amp Dutt Splices as Installed on Various Wire insulations at Commonwcalth Edium Companies LaSalle Drexlen and Quad Cities Generating Stations, volumes I and 2 (htarch II,1987)

APCO eshibit recched into evidence, p. 962

28. 9. Generic letter 8615 entitled
  • Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants,' dated 09/22/86 Staff eshibit rneised into c51dence, p. 304
29. Jesse E. Love resume APCO eshibit retched into eildence, p.1191
30. James E. Sundergill resume APCO eshibit recched into evidence, p.1191
31. General Design Criterion 4,10 CFR Part 50, Appendit A APCO eshibit retched into evidence, p.1191
32. Regulatory Guide 1.97, Rev. 2.

APCO eshibit recched into esidence, p.1891 1 33, 2. 08/15/88 Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty (NRC Inspection Report Nos. $0-348,364/8725 and 50 348,364/87) transmitted to Alabama Power Company from NRC

34. 3. 08/21/90 Order impasing a Civil hionetary Penalty at Farley StafT eshibit recched into evidence, p. 304
35. Regulatory Guide 1.89, Rev.1 APCO eshibit receited into esidence, p.1191 1


- 36. IEEE Standard 3231974, Standard for Qualifying Clau IE Electric Equipruent for Nudear Power Generating Stations APCO eshlbli recelied into eildence, p.1191

37. IEEE 3231971, Standard for Qualifying Clau IE Elutric Equipment for Nucicar Power Generating Stations APCO exhibit rnched into etidence, p.1191
36. APCO Detail Nos. A.172389172398: generic design details regarding terminations APCO eshibit rncited into esidence, p.1891 l l
39. 25. Wyle Test Report 17947-01 dated 10/08/87 with Addendum I dated 11/19/88 Staff exhibit rnelted into evidence, p. 442 APCO eshibit rweited into evidence, p. 947.

% 26. 05/16/90 Qualification of taped splices for tu.e in instrument circuits subject to harsh environments. Waterford Steam Elutrie Station Unit 3 Staff eshibit rnched into eiidence, p. 442

41. Circular 6010 regarding Failure to Maintam Environmental Quahfication of Equipment, dated N/29/80 APCO exhibit rnehed into evidence, p.1191 42, 23. NUREG-05BB, Rev.1: Interim Statf Position on Environmental Quah6 cation of Safety Related Electrical Equipment Stalicshibit recched into esidence, p 442
43. 30. 09/23/87 Elutrie ilydrogen Recombiner Splices -- Justification for continued Operation StafT eshibit rnelied into eiidence, p. 304 44, 32. WCAP 7709 L: Electrical liydrogen Recombiner for Water Reactor Containments, produced by Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Staff eshibit receited into evidence, p. 529 4$. 29. 09/17/87 Electric ilydrogen Recombiner Splices - Justi6 cation for Continued Operation Staff eshibits rneited into esidente, p. 529

46. letter to APCO from Westinghouse regarding 5101 terminations, dated 09/22/87 APCO eshibit receited into evidence, p.1191 l

47, 31. WCAP 9347: Qualification Testing for Model B Electric liydrogen Recombiner, produced by Westinghouse Electric Corp.

l Sta!T exhibits receited into evidence, p. 529 48, letter to Thomas Anderun. Westinghouse from John F. Stolz NRC dated 06/22/78 transmitting evaulation of WCAP 7709L Re: liydrogen Recombiners APCO eshibit recched into evidence, p.1191

! 49. Westinghouse Electric liydrogen Recombiner Tnhnical Manual APCO eshibit receiicd into evidence, p. Il91 l

l l 50. Wyie Test Report 443541, dated 03/08/79 APCO exhibit rneiied into evidence, p.1191

~ _

. - - - -. -_. - . - - - = ._ -- ~_ .

51. 48. 06/15/841.E. Information Notice No. 84-47: Environmental Qualification Tests of Electrical Terminal Blocks APCO exhibit tweived into evidence, p.1191 Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 779
52. APCO response to Circular 78-08 and Notice 84-47 regarding terrainal Mocks and loop accuracy APCO exhibit received into evidence, p,1191
53. Eacerpt from IPS-107:Conat Test Report IPS 107 Connection NSS3 Terminal Blocks APCO uhibit retened into evidence, p,1191
54. Picture of CR151B terminal block taken from vendor's catalogue APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1191
55. 12. Letter to R. P. Mcdonald APCo from J. Nelson Grace NRC dated 02/04/88 transmitting NRC Inspection Report Nes. 50-348/87 30 and 50-364/87 30 Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 304
56. Graph representing terminal block Connectron Nss3/#16 AWG Wires, Conax Test Report IPS-107; representation of IR values over time.

APCO exhibit receited inti 6 dence, p.1191 57, One-page illustration of Comectron terminal block taken fron vendor's catalogue APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1191

.a. Qualification test reports for GE OR151B terminal blocks

59. 11/24I87 Justification for Continued Operation Unit 1 - Terminal Blocks Used in Instrument Circuits
60. 39. Raychem Report EDR 5033/Wyle report 58442-2, dated 04/81

. Staff exhibit reccited into evidence, p 889

61. Test Report 2BE-1049-3: submergenve testing of Chico A/Raychem seal.

APCO exhibit received into evident , p,1191

62. 33. Bechtel qualification testing of Raychem seals Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 889.
63. 40. 02/01/79 Testing and Irradiation of Four Inch Eys Cendulet, performed by Southwest Re, search Institute Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 889
64. 47. Letter f a D, M. Verrelli - NRC from R. P. Mcdonald - APCo dated 01/08/88 transmitting Additional Documentation Supporting Environmental Qualification of Ray Chem / CHICO Sealant and Tenninal Blocks at Farley; attachments: 1) Correspondence from Bechtel Eastern Power Co.

to APCo Regarding Ray Chem / CHICO sealant Environmental Qualification Evaluation; 2)

Correspondence from DiBenedetto Associates, Inc. to APCo Regarding Qualification of GE and States Terminal Blocks Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 779

65. 35. 11/20/85 EQ Test R'eport of Raychem NEIS Environmental Interface Seal Kits on Stainless Steel Pipe (EDR-6063)

Staff exhibit received into evidence, p. 889

, 4 '

Ucch'al Drawing No. A 177541: Tray and Conduit General Details and Notes.

Staff ahibit received into evidence, p. 889

67. 54. Limitorque Corporation Nuclear Qualification B0058, Parts and 2 Staff exhibits received into evidence, p. 643
68. 52. Limitorque Report 600198: Limitorque Valve Control Tot Report Staff exhibits received into evidence, p. 643
69. 53. Limitorque Report 600456: Qualification Type Test Report Staff exhibits receivM into evidence, p. 643
70. NUGEQ Report ' Clarification of Information Related to the Environmental Qualificction of Limitorque Motorized Valve Operators,' dated April 1986.
71. Limitorque Report B00119. Rev, I dated !!/15/82: 'Qu ..wm type Test Report of Multi-Point Terminal Strips for Ui.e in Limitorque Vaive Actus i cWR Service
  • APCO exhibit received into eiidence, 1.>.
72. 55. 10/28/831.E. Information Notice 83 72: Environmental Qualification Testing Experience Staff exhibits received into evidence, p. 643
73. 01/14/861.E. Information No, 86-03; Potential Deficiencies in Environmental Qualification of Limitorque Motor Valve Operator Wiring APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1191 74, excerpt from Texaco's 1988 ' Lubricating Oil, Grease and Antifreeze Coolant Digest
  • APCO exhibit received into esidence, p.1191
75. Telecopy to Frank Watford from Thomas P. Gr; ory dated 06/10/76 regarding Texaco Lubricant Recommendations Per Equirnent Lists APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 574
76. ' Wyle Test Report No. 40196-1: Radiation Exposure and Accident Simula. ion Test Program on Texaco Greases and Oils dated 12/05/88 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1191
77. Chevron SRI-2 telecopy from Bolt /Bechtel APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1191 77a. Robert O. Bolt resume l 78. Letter to W. Gillairston, hl - APCo from Caudie A. Julian NRC dated 10/31/89 transmitting l _NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/89-23 and 50 364/89 23; Inspection to Review APCo's l

Corrective Actions in Response to Previous inspection Findings (Bates #57180)

APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1297 i

79. Philip A. DiBenedetto resume APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1297 l 80. - NRC Order dated 03/30/90: EQ civil penalty at H. B. Robinson l APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1297 l



81. NUGEQ Report ' Clarification of Information Related to the Environmental Qualification of Limitorque Motoriud Valve Operators,' dated August 1986.

APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1297

82. Vincent S, Noonan resume APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1297
83. License Condition for Farley Unit 2 APCO exhibit receited into evidence, p. 305 -
84. 05/23/85 Evaluation and Status of License Conditions for Joe.epb M. Farley Unit 2; transmitted from Mr. Steven A. Varga to Mr. R. P. Mcdonald APCO exhihti recelied into evidence, p. 305
85. 08/29/80 correspondence from NRC to APCO transmitting Order for Modificcion of Liceme APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305
86. Memo to NRC Regional Administrators Regions 15 from James Liberman dated 06/21/88 transmitting Guidance for the Preparation of Enforcement Cases Related to EQ Violations; follow-up to Generic Letter 88 07 describing modified enforcement policy for environt ,tal quahfication actions APCO exhibit received into e5idence, p. 305
87. Notice of violation for Indian Point Unit 2. dated 11/03/88 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305
88. Notice of violation for Indian Point Unit 3, dated 09/21/88 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305
89. Notice of violation for Susquehanna Units I and 2, dated 09/19/88 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305

. 90. *EQ Scoreboard

  • APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305
91. Notice of violation for Consumers Power Company's Palisades Nuclear Plant, dated 11/23/88 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 305
92. Timeline prepared by Alabama Power Company APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 791
93. Tl 2515/76 Inspection Module, entitled, " Evaluation of Licensee's Program for Qualification of Electrical Egiipment Imcated in Harsh Environments' APCO exhibit received into evidere : ,p.336 94, Correspondence from NRC to APCO regarding " Summary of Meeting Held on September 24, 1987, Between NRC Staff and APCO Representatives to Discuss Recent Problems Related to Qualification of V Type Electrical Splices at Farley Site
  • dated 11/05/87,

- APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 442

95. 09/28/87 correspondence from Wyle Laboratories to APCO regarding Environmental Qualification Test Results on Okonite and 3M Tape Splice Assemblies for the Farley Nuclear Gener. ting Station.

. APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 443

i 96. Correspondence from Jackie Graham of Southern Company Services to APCO dated 10/29/87, transmitting assessment of V-type tape splices.

APCO nhibit received into evidence, p. 451

97. execrpt from Reliance Manual B-3620-8 APCL uhibit receited into esidence, p. 574
98. excerpt from Reliance Manual B 3620-19 APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 574.
99. Installation and Maintenance Manual for Joy Series 1000 Axivane Direct Connected Single and Two Stage Axial Flow Fans APCO exhibit received into esidence, p. 574 100. excerpt from Reliance Manual B 3628 Rev 9 APCO uhibit received into evidence, p. 574 101. excerpt from Reliance Manual B 3628 Rev.10 Alto exhibit received into nidence, p. 574 102. Physical specimen: EA 180 Seal (Cross-section of Raychem 3oot)

APCO nhibit retelved into evidence, p.1192 103. Physical specimen: EA 180 Namco Limit Switch (Full version)

APCO exhibit receised into evidence, p.1192 104. Drawing A 177541 Rev. O, dated 07/16/82: Procedure for Applying Chico-A4 Compound to the Nipple of Namcvs EA-180 Limit Switch Where Raychem Break-Out is Attached APCO nhibit received into evidence, p. 890 105. Physical specimen: V-type splice APCO exhibit aceived into e5idence, p.1192 106. Physical specimen: 5-to-1 splice APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1192 107. Physical specimen: T-drain APCO exhibit received into evidence, p.1192 108. 09/30/87 correspondence from APCO to NRC regarding 09/24/87 meeting APCO exhibit received into evidence, p. 947 109. 05/07/86 memo transmitting 05/122/86 NUGEQ memo entitled, " Clarification of Information Related to the Environmental Qualification of Limitorque Motorized Valve Operators

  • 110. J. E. Love markup of Board Exhibit 1 APCO nhibit received into evidence, p.1223 111. I page excerpt from Sandia report: Figure 2, Phase 11 Environmental Temperature Profile, Jesse leve markup.

APCO nhibit receised into evidence, p.1223 l


-APCO 39 and Staff 25 have been received into evidence; APCO 39 includes Addendum 1.

-Staff 32, which has been received into evidence, is missing pages; refer to APCO 44.

-Staff 27, which has been received into evidence, is missing pages; refer to APCO 7.

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