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Modified 840413 Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Re Radwaste Sys
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/1984
Shared Package
ML20084E804 List:
NUDOCS 8405030014
Download: ML20084E822 (10)


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8405030014 840426

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3.25.4 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE j Applicability: At all times Objective: To ensure solid radwaste is processed in accordance with the Process Control Program to meet shipping and ourial ground requirements.

Specifications: With the provisions of the Process Control Program not satisfied, suspend shipments of defectively processed or defectively packaged solid radioactive waste from the site. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3, 3.0.4 and are not applicable.

Bases: This specification implements the requirements of 10CFR50.36a and General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10CFR50.

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- 4.29.4 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE Applicability: At all times Objective: To ensure solid radioactive waste is processed in accordance with the Process Control Program to meet shipping and burial ground requirements.


4.29.4 Proper solidification of wet radioactive waste shall be verified in accordance with the surveillance requirements of the Process Control Program.

Bases: This specification provides for surveillance of radioactive waste solidification processes to ensure compliance with Specification 3.25.4.

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The annual radiological environmental reports shall include summarized and tabulated results of all radiological environmental samples taken during the report period. In the event that some results are not available for inclusion with the report, the

, report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

The report shall also include the following: a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program including sampling methods for each sample type, size and physical characteristics of each sample type, sample preparation methods, analytical methods, and measuring equipment used; a map of all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from one reactor; -the result of Land Use Census required by the Specification 4.30.2, and the results of licensee participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program required by Specification ~4.30.3. Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report **

(a) Routine radioactive effluent release reports covering the operating of the unit during the previous 6 months of operation shall be submitted within 60 days after January 1 and July.1. of each year.

(b) The radioactive effluent release reports shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and

. solid waste release from the unit. The data will be summarized on-a quarterly basis.following the format of Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. O Appendix A.

(c) The radioactive effluent release report shall include the

-following information for all unplanned releases to unrestricted.

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areas of radioactive material in gaseous and liquid effluents;

1. A description of the event andLequipment involved.
2. Cause(s) for the unplanned. release.'
3. Actions taken to' prevent recurrence.
4. _ Consequences.of the unplanned release.

(d) -This report.shall contain a-description of any changes to'the ODCM and PCP-made during the period of.the_ report.

, ' **A single sub ittal m may be made for ANO-1 and ANO-2.


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(e) The first report filed each year shall contain:

1. A summary of the hourly meteorological data collected over ,

the previous calendar year. In lieu of including this summary in the report, the data may be retained by the Licensee for NRC review and noted as such in the report.

2. A summary of radiation doses due to radiological effluents during the previous calendar year calculated in accordance with the methodology specified in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL.
3. The radiation dose to members of the public due to their activities inside the site boundary. This calculated dose shall include only those dose contributions directly attributed to operation of the unit and shall be compared to the limits specified in 40CFR190.

(f) The first report filed each year shall include a description of licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous and solid) during the previous calandar year.***

- ***This information may be included in the annual FSAR update in lieu of inclusion in this report.



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RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.4 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.11.4 The solid radwaste system shall be used in accordance with a PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM to process wet radioactive wastes to meet shipping and burial ground requirements.


a. With the provisions of the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM not satisfied, suspend shipments of defectively processed or defectively packaged solid radioactive wastes from the site.
b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3, 3.0.4, and are not applicable.'

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.11.4 Proper solidification of wet radioactive waste shall be verified in accordance with the surveillance requirements of the Process Control Program.

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RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES l 3/4.11.3 Solid Radioactive Waste This specification implements the requirements of 10CFR50.36a and General. Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10CFR50.

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8DMINISIMIlyE CONTROLS 6.9.3 SEMIANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT 3 Routine radioactive effluent release reports covering the operating of the unit during the previous 6 months of operations shall be submitted within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year. The radioactive effluent release report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste release from the unit. The data will be summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Reg. Guide 1.21, Rev. O, Appendix A. Any changes to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and PCP shall be included in'the semiannual report for the period in which the change (s) was made effective.

~ The radioactive effluent release reports shall include the following information for all unplanned releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents:

1. Description of the occurrence.
2. Identify.the cause(s) .for exceeding the limit (s).
3. Explain. corrective actions taken'to mitigate occurrence.
4. Define-action (s) taken to prevent recurrence.
5. Summary of consequence (s) of occurrence. The1first report. filed each year shall contain:

1. A' summary of the hourly meteorological? data collected over the p~~revious calendar year. In lieu of including this summary in .the report, the data may be. retained by the -

Licensee for NRC review and noted-as the report.

2. A-summary of radiation. doses due 'to radiological ^ effluent during.the. previous ; calendar; year calculated-in accordance with the methodology specified in the.0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL. _
3. 'The radiation dos'e to members.of the publ'ic due to their-

-activities'insideLthe site boundary. 'This calculated dose


shall include ~only those dose contributions-directly

attributed to operation of the unit *and shall be compared'to-

.the Llimits.specified in 40CFR190.



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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS The first report filed each year shall contain description of licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous and solid) during the previous calendar year.4 3A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste system, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

  • This information may be included in the annual FSAR update in lieu of inclusion in this report.


. ARKANSAS -10 NIT 2  ; 6-18c' t