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Co Dept of Health Water QC Div Public Notice of Completed Applications & Tentative Determination to Issue Waste Discharge Permits
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/11/1983
Shared Package
ML20082U036 List:
NUDOCS 8312160224
Download: ML20082U056 (49)


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ue:utive dre:::r Novem:er 11, 1983 COLORADC DEPART.M.ENT OF HEALTM W

'ATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISICN PU.BLIC NOTICE of Comoleted Applications and Tentative Determination to is, sue Waste Discharge Permits PurSose of Public Notice: .

The purpose of this notice is to state that complete applications for permits to discharge pollutants to waters have been made by ;ne applicants named below, and to state the Colorado Decartment of Health's-Intention to issue Colorado Discharge Permit System permits for the facilitles listed below, pursuant to the Clean Water Act, and the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. All permits are subject to the approval of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

AopIIcant Information:

Applicant Name: Atchison, Topeka s Santa Fe Malling Address:  % C. L. Holman P.O. Box 1738, Rm 416 Topeka, KS 66628 Teleorcne Numoer: (913) . 235-0041 Acolicant Numoer: CD-0000558 County: Otero District Engineer:

Telephone Numoer:

This is a permit inactivation. This facility has tied in with La Junta.

The discharge was to Arkansas River.

4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO S0220 PHONE (303) 320-8333 l 8312160224 B31206 - '- ~~ ~ ^- '

PDR ADOCK 05000267 p PM

j s s s

ev* 2 A
cIlcan: r.:me : Emsire Energy Corporation P.alling A :ress:  % Richard Mills P.C. Sox 66 Craig, CO 81625 Tele:none num:er: ~

(303) ,740-5110 A:clicant uumoer: CO-0034142

unty: Moffat 31strie: Engineer: Jim Chubrilo Telepnene humter: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3727 This is an amendraent to a permit. The amendment is for the purpose of.

modifying the permit ef fluent limitations fer 3H.

The discharge is ts Williams Fork River.

Segment #13b, Region #11, Lower Yamoa R!ver/ Green River Sub-basin, Lower Colorado Alver Basin Classifications: Recreation Class 2, Aquatic Life Water Supply (Y) Class 2 (Cold)

Agriculture (Y) .

Appilcan: Name: City of Fort Collins r.alling Address:  % Hike Smith, Director of Operations Water Utilities s,c, Sex $30 Telegnene Nummer: {jjj)C0l[j$s gg 30522 Apollcan: Nummer:

Co-0026425 00V"*Y: Larimer Cistel:: Engineer: Bud Mahn Telephone Number: (3g3) 3;g.8333, ext. 3723 This is a renewal to a permit. The application is to discharge Secondary treated comestic wastewater f rom *.A.TF #1 and WWTF #2, both of wnich are domestic wastewater mechanical plants.

The discharge is to Cacne La Poudre River, Fossil Creek Reservoir Canal and to the Platte River Power Authority Pumo Station (Rowhide Reservoi r) . .

Segment ill, Region #2, Cacne La Poudre Sub-basin, South Platte Basin Cache La Poudre River Classifications: Recreation Class 2. Water Supply (N)

Agriculture (Y) Class 2 Warm.

Fossile Creek Reservoir Canal-Unclassified Platte River Power Authority Pump Station-Unclassified e


, y .ve 3 Acclicant Naee: Metro Denver Sewage Disposal Dist. #1 i

. Mailing A: cress:  : Jonn Puntenny 6450 York St.

Denver, CO 8C229 Telegnone Nummer: (303) + 289-5941 A;mlicant Nu'esert CD-0026638 County: Adams District Engineer: Paul Williamson Telephone Nummer: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3753 Thi s i s a renewa l to a pe rmi t. The appIIcation is to discharge domesti'c "

wastewater from Categorey 21 (Domestic Wastewater), Subcategory 10(L100 MSD).

The discharge is to the South Platte River, Segment #15, South Platte River Basin.

Appilcant Name:

Public Service Co. of C0-Ft. St. Vrain Malling Address: :o,g, L.,

P.O. Box 840 Denver, CO 80201 Telephone Numeer:

Applitant Number:

(303) + 571-7580 CD-0001121 County: Weld District Engineer: Sud Mahn Telephone Number: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3748 .

T'h i s i s a renewa l to a permi t. The application is to discharge cooling water, l

domestic wastewater and low volume wastewaters from their stream electric power generating station.

T'se discharge is to the South Platte River and St. Vrain Creek.

'aouth Platte River: Segment #1, Region #2, South Platte Sub-basin, South Platte Basin. St. Vrain Creek: Segment #3, Region #2 and 3. St. Vrain

(' - Sub-basin, South Platte River Basin.

Classifications: Recreation Class (2), Agriculture (Y), Aquatic Life, Class 2 Warm -

Classifications: Recreational Class 2, Aquatic Life, Class 1 Wa rm, Agricultural Use l


= i

. Pegg h Ampli: ant Name: CI y of PueDlo Mailing Accress:  % Thomas Cvar 211 E. "0" Street

  • Pueolo, CO 81003 Telegnene Numser: (303) - 543-2S60 Applicant Nuir.cer: CD-0026646 County: Suosic District Engineer: Cary Soldano Telegnone NumDer: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3753 This is an amenement to a permit. The amenoment is for the purpose of' establisning Intselm limits for total residual chlorine until facilities can se constructed to meet the 0.1 mg/l limit. Also, tne monitoring requirements have been changed to 5 days a eel. .

The discharge is to Arkansas River, Segment #1, Lower Arkansas River Basin Classifications: Recreation Class 2, Water Supply (Y), Agriculture (Y)

Aquatic Life, Class 2 Warm.

1 Aps,1! cant Name: Union Mines Inc.

Malling Addres.s:  % Robert C. Johnson 445 Ualon Blvd., Suite 202 Denver, CO 80228 Telephone Nunper: (303) + 968-3230 -

Applicant %umper: g3.CC38954 County: Conejos Cistrict Enginecr: Fred Hinman Telephone Nt :.ber: (303) + 320-8333,sxt. 3730 j This is an amendment to a permit. The amendment is for' the purpose of changing a comollance date in the permit.

The discharge is to Conejos River, Segment #27, Conejos River Sun-sa' sin, Rio Grande Basin.

Classifications: Recreation Class 1, Water Su:cly (Y} . Agricul ture (Y),

Class 1 Warm.

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~ Pa9' 5 l

i Applicant Name: Upper Thompson Sanitation District Mailing Address:  % Bob Cheney, Superintendent Box 568 Estes Park, CO 80517 Telephone Numbec: (303) + 586-45k4 Applicant Nuhner: CD-00318kk County: Larimer District Engineer: Bud Mahn Telephone Number: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3727 .

This is an amendment to a permit. The amendment is for the purpose of consideration of a variance request made with respect to a minimum limitation for pH.

The discharge is to the Big Thompson River, Segment #2, Big Thompson River Sub-basin, South Platte River Basin.

Classifications: Recreation Class 2, Water Supply (Y) Agriculture (Y)

Aquatic Life Class 2 Cold i

Applicant Name: '!! king Coal - Pryor Mine Mailing Address:  % Thomas Sullivan Viking Coal Company P.O. Box 4 Telephone Number: Auguilar, CO 81065 Applicant Numoer: (303) + 941-4151 County: Huerfano District Engineer: Sam Cooper Telephone Number: (303) + 320-8333, ext. 3726 This is an amendment to a permit. The amendment is for the purpose of adding an additional discharge point f rom an existing runoff collection pond.

The discharge is to Pryor Canyon, Segment #17, Arkansas River Basin.

Classifications: Recreation Class (2), Water Supply (N) Agriculture -(Y).

Aquatic Life, Class 1 Warm.

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Page 6 Applican: name: Western Utility Contrac: ors Mailing Address: % Denise Whisanan:

SC: S. Pierce Lanowood, CO 80226 Telephone Nummer: (303)

  • 91;.c334 Applican: Nu-be r : CD-0039888 '

County: Jefferson Engineer: Paul Villiamson -

Telephone Number: (303). + 302-8333 This is a permit Inactiva:lon. This factifty is no longer seing used.

The discharge was to Cherry Creek.

Applicant name:

Failing Address:

  • Telephene Number: -

App .* ir,an: Numbe r s Coun:r:

Engineers Telepnene Nuceer:

3 1


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$ n ?& , 7 COLCRADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Ri: narc D. Lamm 'a le76# 4 Franz A. Trawor. M.D.


of Completed Application and to State Intention to Deny issuante of Colo. Discharge Permit System Puroese of Dublic Notice:

The purpose of this notice is to state _that a complete application for a waste discharge permit has been made by the applicant named below, and to state the Colorado Department of Health's intention to deny issuance of a Colorado Discharge Permit System permit for the facility listed below, pursuant to the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. All notices are subject to the approval of the United St&tes Environmental Protection Agency- .

Applicant Name: King Mountain Club and Associates Malling Address:  % Mr. Leonard Ross sex 497 Grandy, Co 80446 Telephone Number: (303) + 887-3306 Aer1icant hurber: CD-0032026 County: Grand District Engineer: Jim Chubrilo Telephone Number: (303) + 320-3333, ext. 3740 The appl! cation is te disenarge domestic wastewater effluent f acm a danestic '

warrawater facility. The oermit is being denied because this facility does r.ot have acequate treatment facilities which were not designed in accordance with tne Division's Design Criteria for Vastewater Works, and because this

! facility has demonstrated it is not capable of meeting the recuired secondary 1

effluent limitations. The facility will first have to be upgraded or a new facility will have to be constructed at a minimum to meet secondary treatment standards before a new Colorado Discharge Permit System apolication can be submitted. This permit was previously identified as the wastewater treatment l facility for American Ranch Farlen.

l 4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80220 PHONE (303) 320-8333



. Page 6

!:ste ?snistive Setemina:Ien:

Ten:ative =eter-'inations have been mace av :..s i:sts of Storeco in

enjunc:f on wl:n :ne Uni:ed Sta:es Environmen:al Prote:: ion Agency

-elative :s effluen: limitations and c:ser concitions to be Imoosse in

nese sermi:s. hase li=l:::!ons and concI:fons inclement all applicaole sta:utes anc regula:!cns, including s:ste mater cuali:y s:ancar:s. I 8volic "estines: .

Pursuant to 25-3-50' (3) (b) interested certons may summit a written {

recuest, for good cause snown, for a puolic meeting on :ne tentative l determination. Suca recuest snall be receivec my :ne Division ny Decemoer 11, 1983 , nnica is :nir:y (30) cays from :ne care of . '

puolic no: Ice. *he Division will consicer all requests and may gran; a '

pualic mes:Ing for geoc cause snown. Any puolic meeting will se held witnin six:y (60) days of the ca:e of puolic notice. l

  • uelle : cements: *

~ '

Pursuant :n 25-2-502 (3) (c) Interes:ec persons may suomi: wel::en conenents on :ne tentative determination. Suci cosuments mus: be received by :ne Division by December 26, 1883 , which is forty-five (ki) cays from the date of pealic notica. ATI .cousents received prior to said ca:e will be considered in the formulation 1sf final conditions and limitations to be included in the permit. If a public meeting is held, the period for pustic comunent shall cicse slaty (60) days following the dets of


public notica.

Aeouests for puolle easting and public e==== mats may be directed to the Coloredo Deoartment of Health, Verer Quality Control Division Permits section. 4210 !. 11th Ave., Denver, CD 80220.

Eoilowing :he muslic commen: period and the subt le one:ing. If one is '

held, :he Deoartment will issue or cany :he final sermit. Interested parties than have thirty (30) days :: rScuest an adjudicatory hearing en i :ne permi t. -

Further Information:

The draft sermit 's available 8er Insoec:fon at your County Manissioner's Offica and County Heal:5 Depar ment, or can be obtained by wel:Ing to :he Givision at ne amove adcress.

Interested par:tes may also contact the Wa:er Quality Control Division's Distrie: Engineer for :ne district in which :3e disenerge is locatec.



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Water Quality Control Oivision 4210 East lith Averue 'y . .; -

Denver, Colorade 90020 'L.


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%. c'A.s. '

FACILI T TTPE: Industrial - Renewal


SIC No.: 4911 LOCATION: In Sections 34 and 35, T4N, R67W and Sec. 3, 73N, R67W, 6th Principal Meridian LECAL CONTACT: 0. R. Lee Vice President, Electric Production P. O. Box 840 Denver, CO 80201 (303)+571-7580 LOCAL CONTACT: Don Warenbourg P. C. Box 361 Plattaville, CO 80651 (303)+758-2253 RECEIVING A*IR$t 001A + B, and 003 - South Platte River 002 and 004 - St. Train Cree's SUR-BASIN, SECMENT: South Platte River 3asin - Segment 1 CLASSITICATICN: South Fir.cte, Segment 1: -

Recreational, Class 2 Aquatic Lif e, Class 2. (Warm)

Agricultural Use St. Vrain, Segment 3:

Recreational, Class 2 Aquatic Life. Class 1 (Wara)

Agricultural Use Q7-10 (Stream low-flow): South Platte = 20.1 efs St. Vrain = 35 efs DESIGN FLOW: , Actual System capacity at maximum output = 4.5 MGD, see FACILITY DESCRIPTION for details.

The actual maximum flow is estimated to be 3.5 mad.

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COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEAL *H l Water Quality Control Division l Eationale - Page 2 PERMIT N2BER: CD-0001121 l


f A.) General Description

  • he facility is a nuclear powered steam electric generating facility I located near Platteville, Colorado. Figure 1, page of the permit shows the facility locatior..

The plant is designed to generate 343 megawatts of electricity (total nameplate capacity). The facility has operated at approximately 50% of capacity for the last year (with some periods of complete shutdown).

This facility is unique in that the reactor is gas rather than liquid cooled; the facility has a high temperature, gas-cooled reactor (HTGR).

  • he gas, helium, is the medium in primary contact with the fuel source.

The helium heats water through non-contact tubing and the resulting steam drives the turbines, is condensed and returned to the reactor. The cooling water used in condensing steam from the turbines is non-contact and '.s cooled itself via mechanical draf t cooling towers bef ore return to condensers. The primary discharge stream from the facility is this cocling tower blowdown.

3.) Eater Svstems Figure 2, page 18 of this permit shows the facility's liquid waste system. The following water systems sa mary includes a di'acussion free .

the Summary of Rationale cf the previoas parmitl and additienal  !

information provided by a site visit and the renewal spplicstict.

f 1.) Domineralizer Regeneratice Backwashes (Non-discharging System) t The condenset/feedwater system is a closed loop deafners112e6 systes l proiriding feedvata! to the primsty coolant systee. (i.e. de loop o~a >

Tigure 2-between the resetor and the staan generators), The 2 desineralizer reganeration backwash is discharged to evaporatian ponds lined with 30 mil PVC. These evaporation ponds, aleng with the

. layout of the rest of the plant facilities, are shown on Figure 3 page 19 of the petuit; the evaporation ponds are to the north of the plant itself and to the east of the main cooling towers.

2.) Turbine Building Drains Wastes from the turbine building sump are pretreated by an-oil separator; the offluent from the separator is conveyed to the diversion box, where it is discharged with the main cooling tower blowdown. The oil is disposed of as solid waste. The turbine building effluent derives from the miscellaneous drains within the turbine building. Total discharge from this building averages 72 spa.

(100,000 spd).

1Paul E. Williamson, March 16,1978

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i CO:.0RADO DEPAR"MKhi 0F EEAL H I Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 3 PERMIT hTMBER: CO-0001121 TACILITT DESCRIPTION:

B.) Water Svstems 3.) Service Water Cooling Tower 31owdown The service water system serves to provide cooling for various individual pieces of equipment and/or closed cooling systems within the reactor or turbine generator supporting systems. The service water makeup is normally the shallow well system.

Presently, che service water cooling tower blowdown is discharged to the main cooling tower system. The blevdown can be routed to the north yard drain and discharged with the circulating water systes blowdown to the South Platte River (001) or through the alternate (002) to the St. Vrain Creek.

Flow rate of the service water tower discharge averages 400,000 gPd.

4.) Domestic Wastewater Treatasat Syn, tem Approximately 175 persons contribute to the domestic wastewater treatment system. Effluent flows estimated at 3,000 syd are

, treated in sa aztended aeration plant followed by a polishing pond. The overflow from the polishing pond is discharged to the t

north yard drain. Domsstic wastewater ;onstitutes less than 1%

of the total sf!1uant flow rcluse. Water supply for domestic purposes is th Ceotral Wald County Water bistrict.

5.). Main Cocling Tover Blowdows The citeslating water system providas Coolant te; the sain

'cordenser for use in cordensing stems frem plcat scurets, and transfers tha haat to the atso n here by secas of a cooling tower. The system also serves as a water reservoir for the fire ,

protection systen and is a backup to the service water system.

Makeup is normally the South Flatte River and/or the St. Vrain River. Shallow wells are used as a backup askaup source.

Blowdown is routed to the north yard drain which discharges to the South Platte River (001) or to the alternate St. Vrain Creek (002). Tiov rate for the circulating water blevdown averages at full load 1.5 (i" tis includes Service Water- cooling tower blowdown). The major effluert is from the main cooling tower i

blevdown, which is discharged af ter about 21/2 to 5 cycles to the diversion box and through 001 or 002. Sources of this water

! are the South Platte River and the St. Vrain Creek.

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j 1 e COLORADO DEPARTMT.NT OT EEALTH Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 4 PEltMIT h* UMBER: CO-0001121 TACILI*! DESCRIP" ION:

B.) Water Svstems 6.) Reactor Building Sump ,

Contents of the reactor building sump are normally filtered, monitored, and discharged at a restricted flow of 10 spa. The filters are capable of removing potentially radioactive particulate matter from the affluent. This affluent passes to the liquid waste disposal line through an oil separater and out to the cooling tower blowdown. Batch discharges from the reactor building sump may be made at a flow rate of 50 gpm. The water source for the reactor building sump is miscellaneous ,

drains within the reactor building.' Normal discharge from this sump averages 10 gpu (less than 15,000 spd due to intermittent use).

This intermittent effluent is monitored for any radioactive materials prior to discharge; the discharge of any radioactive l asterials,. including liquid wastas, are regulated by the Nuclear l Regulatory Cosemission., Liquid off1 cent repor::s required by the l Nuclear Rag.tlatory Cetunissio2 will te submitted as a part of the quarterly FFDd5 report. A summary of the radiological date suknitted with ti e permit application has been :ocluded as Appendix A to this rationals.

7.) Eater Sources te the facility The water so' trees to tha "e.cility are summarited below:

, 1. South Platte Liver o d St. Vrain Creek: 3,000 gpm (4.3 MGD) average estimated at full plart loed; supplies the main cooling system. (Discharge points 003 and 004 are for cleaning the trash screens at these intake structures for the South Platte Rivet and St. Vrain Creek respectively.)

2. Six (6) shallow wells, 40 to 120 foot depth, total rated capacity of 8,000 gpm; average pumping rate of 200 spa (0.3 MCD). Supplies the service water system; flows can be diverted to the main cooling system if required.
3. Domestic source is from the Central Weld Water District, estimated at 100,000 gpd.

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. s COLORADO DEPARSfENT OF HEALTH Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 5 PERMIT NL*.3ER: CO-0001121 FACILI"Y DESCRIP~ ION:

C.) Discharte Points The following table summarizes the discharge points, their sources, average flows when operating and the receiving streams.

Average Flow Receiving Discharge Point Source when ooerating Stream 001A Main Cooling 1.1 agd (farm pond Tower 31owdown overflow to)

-via N. yard South Platte drain Service Water Cooling 0.5 agd South Platte Tower Blowdown

-via N. yard drain Domestic Wastewater 0.003 agd South Platte .

-via N. yard drain Turbine Building Sep 0.100 agd South Platte

-via S. vard drain Reactor Building Sep 0.015 and South Platte

-via S. yard drain .

. Bypass water 1.7 agd South Platte

_ -via N. 71rd de_a3n , _,

0013 same sources as for 001A Goosequill l Ditch to Jay '

Ucras Ditch to the South Platte 002 alternate discharge for St. Vrain Cream 001 during ditch (does net ,

contain Jay Tr.osas ditch rater) 003 discharge from trash na flow Souch Platte screens at South data .

Platte River incake available 004 discharge from trash no flow St. Vrain Creek screens at St. Vrain data Creek intake available Total flov = 3.318 and Estimated maximum flow = 3.5 and (Actual capacity of system at full power = 4 to 4.5 agd)

The flow of 0013 or. 002, whichever is the discharge point, is diluted by raw water by a flow of 1.7 agd at a minimum. This is a requirement of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Public Service leases land adjoining the plant site to farmers for j agricultural purposes. Plant discharge may be intermingled with water in i

the Goosequill Ditch, Beeman Ditch and Jay Thomas Ditch during irrigation periods.

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COLORADO. DEPAR"MiDC OF EEALTE Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 6

?!2MIT NUMBER: CD-0001121 MON!"0 RING



A.) Ooerating Eistorv The facility has had a few violations of their permit limits for TSS, pH, )

and some metals (iron, zine) in the last three years. ISS violations have '

usually occurred in the spring or sumser when precipitation increases the i suspended solids levels in the intake water. As a result of these  !

violations Public Service Company has requested that they be allowed to neet net limitations in this permit. Net limitations based en process water (cooling and low volume vastavaters) concentration ninus the concentration of TSS in the raw water after sedimentation, have been included in this permit.. See DISCUSSION, Part E. of this rationale.

4 On 3 occasions vaste acid from the condensate polisher regeneration system has entered a discharge point rather than being diverted to the ,

neutralisation sump. (The source of this probles has been traced to conductivity recorder and valving failure in the automatic mode. This problem was a14=f mated by the installation of an interlock system in April, 1983). These system breakdowns resulted in pH violations and the acidic conditions probably caused dissolution of cooling tower scale, resulting in metala violations.

l E.) Scare Samolf ar Dets Appendix 3 ananarises state samplin6 data since 1979.

C.) Self-Monitoring Resorts

.ippendiz C sissaarize self-sonitoring data for dificharg e points 001 c:sd 402 ,

and intake data since 1979. Radiclogici data has been incluCad as '

Appendix A to this rationsle.


A.) Federal This facility is subject to Effluent Regulations for Steam Electric Power l Generating Point Source Category, which were published in final form on l l November 19, 1982, 40 CFR Fart 423.12 (3FT) and 423.13 (IAT). j BFT for all subcategories includes the following provisions:

I .

(1) The pH of all discharges, except once through cooling water, shall be withii the range of 6.0-9.0.

(2)' There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those commonly used for transformer fluid.

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COLORADO DEPAR* MEN" 0F E*.LTH Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 7 l PDLMIT NLMBER: CO-0001121 1

APPLICABLE Br1ES AND E7L"'7LA*10NS: (Continued)

A.) Federal (Continued)

(3) Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chlorine may be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day and not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available or total residual chlorine at any one time unless the utility can demonstrate to the State that the units in a particular location cannot operate at or below this level of chlorination.

j.o There are two regulated categories of vaste streams at the facility:

J,e (1) low volume vasta sources and (2) cooling tower blowdown. *Aimme-s

j A effluent streams and the applicable federal limitations for each: ,

1.) low Volume Weste Source Low volume vaste sources are defined as:

"wastewaters from wet scrubber air pollution concrci systems, ion =reh=nge water treatment system, water treatment evaporator bloudown, laboratory and sampling streams, beiler .

blowdown, floor drains, cesling tower basin cleenirs wastes, and recirculating house service watet systems.*

J.c this far.ility low volume vaste sources would include turbine building dre. ins, sad resetor building drains. See previous discussion, itias 3.) 2.) etnd 6.) under facility description, in this SOR. Thesa streams constitute an average flow of 115,000 gpd.

The effluent limitations applicable to' low volume vaste sources are as follows:

BFT/ BAT BFT effluent limitations Average of daily values for 30 Pollutant or pollutant property Mart =um consecutive days

. for any 1 shall not exceed day (ag/1) (ag/1)

TSS 400.0 . 30.0 011 and Grease 20.0 15.0 a m e .~ .

1 .

4 . .

A 4

l COLORADO DEPAR*MEh"; 0F EA:,TE IJacer Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 8 PERMIT NUM3ER: CO-000H 21 1


1.) Cooling Tower Blowdown i Cooling tower blevdown includes blowdown from both the service water cooling tower and the main cooling tower. The marimus

, total blowdown at fun operating capacity is estimated to be 1.5 '


The affluent limitations applicable to cooling tower blowdown j are as follows:

! BFT BFT effluent limitations.

1 Pollutant or pollutant property war 4=== Average I

' concentration concentration (as/1) (ag/1)


i Free available chlorine 0.5 C.:

l MT aquals RFT for free available chlorite. - In addition 3AT  ;

j specifies the following limitations f or priotirf i,el.luta .ta:

l Average of daily l, values fcr 30

) Pollutant or pollutant property Waximum consecutivo day;

  • I fcr any 1 shall not excsad j day-(ag/1) =(ntjl) j -

l The 126 priority pollutants

! contained in chemicals added

for cooling tower maintenance, except
(1) (1)

! Chromium, total 0.2 0.2 l Zinc, total 1.0 1. 0 I

i f 'No detectable amount.

t i '

Compliance with the limitations for the 126 priority pollutants in the above paragraph may be determined by demonstration that the l regulated pollutants are not detectable in the final discharge by the ~

l analytical methods in 40 CFR Part 136. (Approved test procedures.)

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a COLORADO DEPARTMEh7 QF HEALTH Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 9 ,


A.) Federal 3.) Domestic Wastewater Because domestic wastewater constitutes less than 1/10 of 1% of the total effluent discharged it has not been considered as a separate effluent stream and it will be subject to water quality based affluent limitations applicable at the discharge point.

3.) State State Effluent Standards (SES, 10.1.4) apply to all discharges at this facility. In this case, State Effluent Standards will limit oil and grease to 10 mg/l and no visible sheen.

In addition to State Effluent Standards, the water quality standards for the receiving streams (3.8.6) also apply. The dissolved oxygen, pH and fecal coliform limitations apply to both the Scuth Platte liver and St. Vrain Creek and to their tribetaries at this facility's discharge points:

D.C. = 5.0 mg/l pH = 6.5-9.0 Fecal Califorms = 2000/100 ml

! In addition the Water Quality 5tandards (WQS) for Segaant 3 of St. Vrain Creek are as fellows: (mg/1)

$a 0.06*, unionized Mercury (Eg) = .00005 R,esidual C12 = 0.003 Nicke.1 (Ni) = 0.2 Cvanide (free) = .005 Selentiny,(Se) = 0.02 S as A S = 0.002 usdis. Silver (Ag) = 0.00015 Baron = 0.75 Cine (In) = 0.1 Nitrite (N02) = 0.5* Iron (Fe, tot) = 3.0 Arsenic (As) = 0.05 Manzanese (Ma, tot) = 1.0 Cadmium (Cd) = 0.001 l Chrosium (tri) = 0.05 l Chromium (hez) = 0.025 Copper (Cu) = 0.015 Lead (Pb) = 0.05 O

g . - . .. . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . _. -- =



i Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 10 PEitMIT NDiBER: CO-0001121 APPLICABLI RULES AND RIGULATIONS:

B.) State (Continued)

The WQS for Segment 1 of the South Platte River are as follows: (ag/1)

@ = 0.10*, unionised Mercure (Hg) = .00005 Residual C12 = 0.003 Nickel (Ni) = 0.1 cvanide (free) = .005 Selenius (Se) = 0.02 S as H95 = 0.002 undia. Silver (Ag) = 0.0001 Boron = 0.75 Zine (2n) = 0.14

/ Nitrite (N0 2) = 0.5* Iron (Fe, toc) = 1.25 Arsente (As) = 0.05 Manzanese (Mn, toc) = 1.0 Cadmium (Cd) = 0.001 Chromium (tri) = 0.05 Chromium (hez) = 0.025 conner (Cu) = 0.025 Lead (Pb) = 0.025 NE3 , NO2 , assuming that nomstic staadards can be achieved throingh good secondary treatment. See screma standsth "n? cow.plete text.  ;

. The Planaing and Standards w. tion of the Water Quality ketr?1 D' vd.sion .

estimate the annual Q. slo low flows of the receiving stresma to ha as follows:

St. Train Creek 35 efs (22.f. etc)

South Platte P.iser 20.1 cfs (13 agd) ,


, These strert fiews are used in a mass balance caleviatien with backporsJ concentrations and stream standards fcr the receiving streams to det:staine the allowable concentration of each constituent in the ef fluent stream.


l l

I i

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  • later Quality Control Division Rationale - Page n PElly.I! hW.3IR: CO-000n:1 J


i' B.) State (Continued)

Following is a sample calculation for sinc, being discharged to St. Vrain Creek:

Qsc e = QdC d + QbCb 1


= concentration in discharge, unknown Cd

- discharge flow - 3.5 asd Qd C.b

= background concentration in stream, assumed to be zero in this case .


= stream flow = 35 efs Ce


anouable stream concentration

= strema standard = 0.1 ag/l Q. = downstream flow

= 04 + Qb = 35 agd + 22.6 agd


26.1 and


-CeQ - Cb Qb = 0.1 ag/l (25_-1 -s Cd

, a(d),3.5 agd)"


= 0.1 ag/l (7.46)

= 0.75 ag/l Thur the anowable concentration of zine is the affluent stream when being discharged to St. Vrain Creek is 0.75 mg/1.

A summary of the allowable levels of water quality limited parameters for the two discharge points are as fonows: (the dilution ratio for discharge to the South Platte is 4.71).

Parameter St. Vrain South Platte NH 3 , unionized 0.45 as/1 0.47 as/1 Residual C12 0.022 ag/l 0.014 as/1 Pree CN 0.037-ag/1 0.024 as/1 S as B 2 5, undissociated 0.015 mg/l 0.009 as/1 Boron 5.6 ag/l 3.53 ag/l em

l 1

. \


00LORADO DIPARSE:."' 0F EIALTH Uater Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 12 PERMIT NI:MBER: CO-0001121 APPLICABLE RULES AND REGITLATIONS:

B.) State (Continued)

Parameter St. Vrain South Platte Nitrite (N02) 3.73 ag/l 2.36 ag/l Arsenic 0.373 as/1 0.236 as/1 Cadalua 0.0075 mg/l 0.0047 ag/l Chromium (tri) 0.373 ag/l 0.236 ag/l Chromium (hex) 0.187 as/1 0.118 ag/l Copper 0.112 as/1 0.113 as/1 Lead 0.373 ag/l 0.118 as/1 Mercury 0.0004 ag/l 0.00024 ag/l Nickel 1.492 ag/l 0.471 33/1 Selenina 0.149 ag/l 0.094 as/1 Silver 0.001 as/1 0.0005 mg/l

  • Zine 0.746 ag/' O.66 as/1 Total Iron 22.38 ag/l 5.89 as/1 Total Manganese 7.46 ag/l 4.71 as/1 EFFLUENT LIMITATIDMS, ETRALE AND MONITORING FREQUENCI13:

The follocing table svasarises affluent limitations, ratiotale sad monitoring tesquencies: -

Le) Discharte Point 001 - South Platte Monitoring Parametar Limitation Rationale gey

, Flos N/A honitor Weekly Residual Chlorine 0.014 ag/l (daily max) Stress Standard Weekly at 001A*

Zinc 0.66/1.0 mg/l Stream Standards /

BAT for cooling tower bloudown Monthly Aammonia Nitrogen (net) N/A Monitor only Monthly Total Suspended Solids 30/45/100 mg/l State Effluent Std./ EFT for low i

volume wastes Weekly 011 and grease 10 mg/1, no State Effluent sheen Standard Weekly Phosphorus, Total (net) N/A Monitor Monthly Temperature 300C- (86cT) Stream Std. Weekly at l 001A*

=All monitoring and limitations apply at discharge point 0013, except for chlorine and temperature, which apply at 001A.

l d

COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Water Quality control Division Rationale - Page 13 PERMIT N11MBER: Co-0001121 1


A.) Discharge Point 001 - South Platte Monitoring Parase g Limitation lationale Frecuency Total Copper 0.118 ag/l Stream Standard Monthly Total Iron 1.0/1.0 mg/l 3PT/ BAT for metal Monthly cleaning wastes Total Chromium 0.2/0.2 ag/l BAT-cooling tower Monthly blowdown 126 Priority Pollutants, No detectable BAT Annually except Total Chromium amount and Total Zinc .

pH 6.5-9.0 Stream Standard Weekly.

B.) Discharse Point 002 - St. Vrain Creek Monitoring Paesmeter Limitation lationale Frequency _.

Farv N/A Monitor Veekly Resi.tual Ch12rine 0.022 ag/l Stranc Standard Weekly (daily maximuo)

Zinc 0.75/1.0 mg/l Scream Standard / Menthly 5AT i Asaonia nitrogen, not N/A Monitor M..nthly Total Suspended Solids 10/e5/100 mg/l State Efflueni Weekly Std./BPT 011 and gresse 10 mg/1, no State Efflueet sheen Standard Weekly Phosphorus, Total (net) N/A Monitor Monthly Temperature 306C(86>F) Stream Standard Weekly Total topper 0.112 Stream Standard Monthly Total 1ron 1.0/1.0 mg/l BPT/ RAT for Monthly metal cleaning wastes l Total Chromina 0.2/0.2 ag/l BAT cooling Monthly tower blevdown t

126 Priority Pollutants, .No detectable BAT Annually except Total Chromium amount and Total Zinc pH 6.5-9.0 Stream Standard Weekly


  • 'ater

- Quality Control Division 7,ationale - Page 14 PERMIT NUMBER: CD-0001121 i i


C.) Discharte Points 003 and 004 Discharge points 003 and 004 are limited to South Platte River water and

St. Vrain Creek water respectively and are for the purpose of cleaning the trash screens only. .

D) All Discharte Points In addition to the previous limitations, the following limitations apply to all discharge points:

(a) There shall be es discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those enamonly used for transformer fluid.

(b) Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chlorine may be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day and met more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available or i

total residual chloriae at any one time unless the utility can demonstrate to the State that the salts in a particular locatise

cannot operate at er below this level of chloriaation.


A.) Chlorine 3FT for cooling tower blowdown is 0.2/0.5 mg/l free availa* ale chlorine. ,

There are no technology based limitations on chlorine for low volume  ;

wastaa. Because cooling water constitutes the bulk of the process water affluent strena, a mass balance shows that the technology based star.dsrds translate directly into affluent standards for the entire process water effluent stress: 0.5 mg/l as a daily mart =um, and 0.2 ag/l as an average concentration for free available chlorine. .

2 The following calculations on stream standards for both receiving streams show that the cooling tower blowdown can't exceed 0.03 ag/l residual chlorine and still meet the Water Quality Standard at the South Platte or

! exceed 0.05 mg/l and meet the standard at St. Train Creek:

asce = ogCe + 03Cb i

.w here, .


= stress low flow and raw water flow + discharge flow C = allowable instream concentration = 0.003 ag/l Qd

= discharge flow (excluding raw water) 1

- 1 l

l . ~ . .-. . . -- - . . - . . . . . . . - -- - - - - , - -. .. -- -

I COLORADO DEPA1': MENT OF HEA'.'"U Water Quality Control Division l

Rationale - Page 15 PERMIT NUMBER: CO-0001121 DISCUSSION:

A.) chlorine cd = discharge concentration (excluding raw water) ,


= background stream flow = Q7-10 + raw water flow Cb


background concentration, in this case assumed to be zero, Cd

  • QsC, - QbCb Qd South Platte River as receiving streae


Cd (13 MGD + 3.5 McD) 0.003 as/1 1.5 MGD ,

= 0.03 ag/l residual chlorine gt. Train Creek as receiving streas

- (22.6 NGD + 3.5 MJD)' 0.003 as/1 Cd i.e MGD

= 0.05 mg/l residual chlorise total residual chlorine reflects free residual chlorine and

, combined residual chlorine, it will limit the free available chltrina d

1sveJs to below APT. Therefore there is no need to is. pose the technology -

heaed standatt 2 a point befora mixing with the raw water; Water Quality stan.tards dictate effluent limitations for chlorine.

Ehen dische.rge peint 001A and 002 used, the discharge includes raw water flow. Thus the numeric effluent limitation must be adjusted so that the allowable discharge concentration reflects the total discharge volume, rather than just process water affluent:



total concentration at monitoring point (includes raw water)



total flow at monitoring point (includes raw water)

Cd Qscs - QbCb Qd South Platte - 001A-


(13 MGD + 3.5 MGD) 0.003 as/1 3.5 MGD .

= 0.0141 ag/l i



. i

. , i

- l COLORADO DEPARTENT OF u, A;-g Water Quality Control Division Eationale - Page 16 PERMIT NUMBER: CD-0001121 DISCUSSION:

A.) Chlorine St. Vrain - 002

= (22.6 MCD + 3.5 MCD) 0.003 ng/l (3.5 MGD)

= 0.0224 ag/l 3.) Phasehorus Because phosphates may be used in the plant, monitoring for phosphorus remains as a condition of this permit.

C.) Zine Strema standards for sine dictate 30-day average levels; BAT levels for cooling cover blowdown are more restrictive as daily maximuss, hence EAT levels dictate daily ==w === levels.

D.) Ammonia Ammonia lerals are not limited in this permit. Ammonia levels are relatively high in the intake water and data indicates that the facility reduces ammonia ni:rogen levels. Monitoring for ammonia nitrogen will still be required.


E.) Total Susoended Solids State Effluent Standards (10.1.4) for TSS are 30 mg/l as a 30 day average  !

and 45 mg/l as a 7-day average. These standards apply to all discharges except stora runoff waters and agricultural return flows. BPT effluent limitations for TSS for low volume vaste are 30.0/100.0 mg/1-as 30 day average and daily marimuns, respectively. The above standards will be applied to the process waste streams. Dilution to meet technology based effluent limitations is not allowed. The permittee combines process wastewater with about an equal volume of dilution water before the monitoring and discharge point. Therefore, in order to use net

-limitations for TSS the permittee must monitor process water and meet net TSS affluent limitations before mixing with dilution water and monitor the sedimentation pond affluent before use in the process so that compliance with net affluent limitations can be determined. The TSS level of the intake (after sedimentation), the process water effluent stream (before mixing with dilution water) and the net TSS values shall be reported.

. . . _ . . . . - - - . - -~

_, _ _ ~. _ _ ~_ - _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . ~ _ _ _ _ . _ . _-

d COLORADO DEPAr: MEN 0F EEALTH Water Quality Control Division i Rationale - Page 17  !


F.) 011 and Grease BFT for low volume wastes is 15.0/20.0 mg/1. Since low volume wastes make up such a small percentage of vastewater flow, the state affluent standard of 10 mg/l applicable to the cooling tower effluent stream dictates.

G.) Tesserature i

The temperature li=itation is based on protection of vara water aquatic life in the receiving streams.

E.) Total Iron and Total Cooper Total iron and total copper are limited by 3FT and BAT for metal cleaning ,

vastes. Although the plaat does not discharge chemical metal cleaning wastes per se, the facility has had unintential discharges of high metal concentrations due to acid spills from the condensate domineralization circuit. This acid probably solublized system metals and resulted in higher than normal metals concentrations being discharged. (Ion exchange regenerant wastownters which contained the acid should have been rooted to '

the evaporation pond.) The not effect of the system breakdown was the discharge of waters sinflar in content to those of metal cleaning waste streams.

In the case of total copper, stress s'tandards are more restrictive then BFT/ BAT and are therefore applied. If no further problems with the condensate regeneration system or high metal levels occur within the next two years the permittee may wish to request a review of the applicability of these affluent limitations.

I.) Total Chromius,126 Priority Pollutants Total chromina and the 126 priority pollutants effluent limitations are dictated directly by BAT effluent limitations for cooling tower blowdown.

J.) g pH levels are dictated by stream standards.

K.) Biocides A review of available information on the biocides that the permittee proposes to use indicates that the following additives (among others) are not known to be or contain priority pollutants:

Bromine Chloride Cocoadiamine

l l

< 1 l


'Jacer Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 15 i PERMI* NUMBER: CO-0001121 l DISCUSSION:

K.) 31ocides (Cont'd.)

Glycols te, Harylene Glycol Dodecyl guanidine acetate and hydrochloride Isopropanol -

n - alkylbenzyl - N-N-N-trimethyl ammonium chloride Dodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride l n - alkyl (60: C1 4, 30: C16, 5: Cn, 5: C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride Dibromonitr11opropionamide This does not preclude the possibility that some of these may degrade into priority pollutants or at a later date be determined to be priority pollutanta. The permittee is required to monitor for the 126 priority ,

pon utants on an annual basis and chromina and sine on a monthly basis.

As an alternative to analysing for the 126 toxic po u utants oc a yearly basis the permittee may submit the foMoving:

1. A list of the certified analvtical contents of all biofouling and maintenance fotaulations used (manufacturer's certification as to contents and priority pollutant status); and
2. Engineering calculations demonstrating that any of the priority pollutants present in the maintenance chemicals would not be detectable in the cooling tower discharge using appropriate analytical methods. (These calculations must ha based on the cooling tower discharge only and should not include dilution by any other effluent streams.)

. If the Division's review of these submittals indicates compliance, the yearly analytical requirement may be waived provided the chemicals used

,' and basis for calculations does not change during the life of the permit.

The permittee is required to report any changes in additive used at the site and the petait any be reopened to Address these new additives or to reflect new findings concerning what is or could degrade into a priority pouutant. Additional analysis and/or limitations may be required at that time.

L. Excitation Date This petait will expire on June 30, 1988.

Judy Bruch June 11, 1983 l


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COLORADO DEPAROG2;T OF HEALTE Dater Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 19 ,

PERMIT NUMBER: CO-0001121 l i


1. Cross Beta Radioactivitt a) Total Release Curies 1.40E-05 1.04E-04 3.09E-05 1.49E-04

, b) Ave. Conc. before Dilution u C1/ml 4.50E-07 1.22E-06 4.52E-07 8.19E-07*

Avg Conc. Released UC1/ml c) after Dilution above bkad 2.35E-09 3. 05E-09 1. 3 9E-09 >2.34E-09*

2. Tri tium ,


a) Total Release Curies 2.55E-02 6.73E-01 2.74E4 1 9.48EW1 b) Avg. Conc. before Dilution uC1/ml 8.27E-04 7.52E-01 3.97E-01 5.04E-01*

Avg. Conc. Released UC1/al ,

c) after Dilution above bked 4.82E-06 1.59E-03 1.37E-03 1.26E-03* l l

3. Dissolved Noble Gases '

a) Total Release Curies NSA NSA 2.37E-07 2.37E-07 ,

b) Avg. Conc. before Dilution u Ci/a1 NSA NSA 2.95E-08 2.95E-08 Avg. Conc. Released UC1/mi c) after' Dilution above bkad NSA NSA 9.69E-11 9.69E-11 4 Gross Alpha Radioactivity a) Total Release Curies 8.92E-07 1.85E-06 1.73E-06 4.47E-06 l 5. Total Volume of Liquid Released before Dilution Liters 3.08E+04 8.55E434 6.84E+04 1.85E+05

6. Total Volume of Liquid Used for Dilution Liters 5.46E+06 3.96E+07 1.90E+07 6.41E M 7 4
7. Estimated Total Radioac-tivity Released by Radio-Isotone above Background Euclide MPCv (ufi/nl) Curies j 3E 3E-03 2.55E-02 6.73E*01 2.74E-01 9.48E+01 137Cs 2E-05 1.15E-06 9.23E-07 3.44E-06 5.51E-06 l 134Cs 9E-06 5.99E-07 NSA NSA 5. 9 9E-0 7 i 60Co SE-04 3.02E-07 NSA NSA 3.02E-07 i 97Nb 9E-04 NSA 1.11E-05 NSA 1.11E-05  !

l 1331e 2E-04 NSA NSA 2. 3 7E-0 7 2.37E-07 l l l

  • Represents a " weighted average. l 1

4.7E-05 = 4.7 x 10-5 .

5.2E 43 = 5.2 x 10+3 NSA means no significant activity, i

2 . .

a C01.0RADO DEPARTME.'C OF EEA'.!E Water Quality Control Oivisic:

Rationale - Page 20 PERF.!! NUM3ER: CO-0001121 APPENDII A-2 1982 UN! S APR MAY JUN OUAR5'RLY TOTAL

1. Gross 3 eta Radioactivity a) Total Release Curies 2.88E-05 2.13E-05 3.865-05 ' 8.86E-05 b) Avt. Conc. before Dilution uC1/=1 2.86E-07 3.40E-07 3.50E-07= 8.19E-07=

Avg Conc. Released UC1/ml c) after Dilution sbove bked 1.16E-09 9.10E-10 1.68E-09 1. 30E-0 9*

2. Tritium a) Total Release Curies 1.07Ev01 3.56EM I 1.44E-01 6.07E*01 b) Avg. Cone. before Dilution UC1/ml 1.09E-1 5.84E-01 1.5 9E-01 2.47E-01=

Avg. Conc. Released UCi/ml e) after Dilution above bkad 4.28E-04 1.37E-03 7.62E-04 7.89E-04*

3. Dissolved Noble Gases l a) Total Release Curies 1.231-04 1. 23E-03 5.14E-04 1.8eE-03 b) Ave. Conc. before Dilution uC1/mi 1.51E-06 2.37E-05 5.81E-06 8.64E-06* P Avg. Conc. Saleased UC1/mi c) after Dilution above bkad 7.95E-09 4.70E-08 2.68E-08 2.521-08*
a. Gross Alpha Radioactivity a) Total Release Curies 2.56E-06 1.38E-06 2.23E-06 6.18E-06 ,
5. Total Volume of Liquid Released before Dilution Liters 9.75E+04 6.29E+04 9.23E+04 2.5 3E+05
6. Total Volume of Liquid Used for Dilution Liters 2.11E+07 2.28EM7 1.93E+07 6. 3 2E+07
7. Estimated Total Radioac-tivity Released by Radio-1sotope above Background l Nuclide MPCv (usi/ul) Curies 133Xe 200E-04 1.23E-04 1.23E-03 5.14E-04 1.86E-03 135Xe 200E-0* 2.77E-07 NSA 5.75E-07 8.52E-07 3H 300E-03 1.07E+01 3.56E,01 1.a*E+01 6.071-01 110AG( m ) NSA 1.02E-06 NSA 1.C2E-06 133Xe(r) 200E-04 NSA 2. 5 2E-0 6 NSA 2. 5 2E-06

" Represents a "weignted" average.

4.7E 4.7 x 10-5 l 5.2E+03 = 5.2 x 10+3 l

NSA means no significant activity.

2 . . , . . . . . . ,

. . . _ _ . . - . . . - _ . - . . _ - . .=_- . ..-._,.. - . _ - _ - . . . . . . . - _ .

COLORADO DEPAR 3 EN* OF HEAL *E Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 21 PERMIT NUM3ER: C0-0001121 )

l APPENDIX A-3 1982

1. Gros s Seta Radioactivity a) Total Release Curies 1.18E-05 4.53E-06 4. 61E-0 6 2.10E-05 b) Avg. Cone. before Dilution nC1/a1 1.35E-07 8.5eE-08 6.53E-08 9.89E-08=


Avg Conc. Released UC1/a1 c) after Dilution above bksd 3.01E-10 1.27E-10 4.96E-11 1.72E-10*

2. Tritiu=

a) Total Release Curies 1.31E+01 2.98E-01 1.92E 02 1.34E-01 b) Avg. Cone. before Dilution 3C1/a1 1.53E-01 5.65E-03 2.o8E-04 o.40E-02=

Avg. Conc. Ralsased MCibs1 c) af ter Dilution above bked 4.32E-04 2.48E-05 1.13E-06 1.83E-04*

3. Dissolved Noble Gases a) Total Release Curies 1.46E-04 6.58E-05 6.99E-07 2.12E-04 b) Avr. Cone. before Dilution sci /a1 1.69E-06 1.29E-06 9.14E-08 1.46E-06=

Avg. Conc. Released UC1/a1 e) after Dilution above bkad 5.67E-09 5.60E-09 3.57E-10 5.36E4 9*

4 Gross Alpha Radioactivity a) Total Release Curies 2.09E-06 9.63E-07 1.09E-06 4.14E-06

5. Total Volume of Liquid Released before Dilution Liters 8.80E+04 5.32E+04 7.05E+04 2.12E+05
6. Total Volume of Liquid Used for Dilution Liters 2.22E+07 1.23E%7 1.64E+07 5.08E+07
7. Estimat,ed Total Radioac-tivity Raleased by Radio-Isotone above Background Nuclide MPCv (uEi/n1) Curies 133Xe 2.0E-04 1.46E-0A 6.58E-04 6. 99E-Oi 2.12E-06
  • Represents a " weighted" average.-

4.7E 4.7 x 10-5 5.2E+03 = 5.2 x 10+3 1

NSA seans no significant activity.

? . '.. . .--,. . . . . ~ . ..

- --_ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ - . . _ . . _ . , . - . _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ . _ . . __ _.__ _ _ .

8 ee s . ,

e v w s: o m

m ,,=,.o. r

  • APPENolK B *~$$>


-i s Discharge Flow pII D.O. Resideal 011 & TSS Iron Tin Zlne zIl$[o Date Point (HCD') (s.u.) (eg/1) Chlorine Crease (ag/1) (og/1) (mg/I) (ag/l) 5 " IL o (og/1) (og/1) m, ' ,, m VISUAL w-

. . .u -< 2m M3 O -f 11/10/82 001A 4.43 ---

0.0 --

4010.0 -- --- --- --- a02 001R 2.64 8.29 9.6 --

dC 10.0 10.0 0.20 4'0.20

. 0.025 S e,, ,'. 'z e u n -e o o 11/10/82 INTAKE --- --- --- -- -- --

0.220 4 0.20 (.0.010 o -- ci 7/7/82 001R 2.86 8.24 6.8 -- --

74 1.120 2.000 0.079 y ,

4/14/82 DotA --- --- ---

0.0 -- -- --- --- ---

Il[e 0

  • 001B 2.34 8.42 8.5 -- --

36 0.580 4.0.20 0.130 I/5/82 001A ---

7.91 11.8 0.45 -- -- --- --- - - .

0015 0.52 --- --- -- --

26 0.450 ( 0.20 0.042 10/13/81 ODIA 3.52 -- ---

0.0 410.0 -- --- --- ---

001B 0.52 8.28 8.6 -- --

19 0.570 < 0.20 0.043 1 7/9/81 001A 4 6.86 -- ---

0.0 4L10.0 -- --- --- ---

l Delt 4.26 8.1 7.0 -- --

28 0.610 (s o.20 0.120 i

(estimated) 4/28/81 001A O.05 -- ---

0.0 -- -- --- --- ---

0015 ---

7.84 12.7 --

<(10.0 34 0.450 <.0.20 0.110 1/20/81 00lA ---

7.7 10.3 0.0 dL 10 4,10 --- ---

0.730 9/23/80 00lA 3.17 C.21 8.9 0.0 d010 22 0.42 ( 0.10 0.10 l


I l 11/16/19 DotA 2.0 7.7 12.8 --

4(10 10 <;0.10 <,0.20 (0.02 i 11/16/79 ODIA hexavalent chromium 0.1 m8/1, oliver 0.02 mg/l I


APPENDEX C COI.ORADO DEPARTHENT OF llEAl.Til Self-Hont toring Reports Water Quality control DIvlstou*

1) Discharge Point 001 Rationale - Page 23 PERHIT HIRf8ER: 00-0001121 Average /Heximum except for pit and temperatures, which are minimum / maximum Parameter Ammonta Tet. Res. Flow Total 011 6 pH Total Tot. Filt. Temp. Tot Non-Filt. Total Date Nitrogen Chlorine (HGD) Iron Crease (w.u.) Phosphorus Residue (OF) Tin Residue Zinc (eg/l) (eg/1) (eg/1) (eg/1) (eg/1) (eg/1) (ag/I) (ag/l (eg/1) 1/1-4/1/79 3.95/4.20 0.00/0.00 2.77/ 0.353/ 27.75/ 7.36/ 10.44/ 1172/1893 34.0/ 0.0000/ 14.48/ 0.905/

5.47 0.584 231.90 8.80 15.40 50.0 0.0000 25.00 2.450 7/1-10/1/79 0.44/0.44 0.00/0.00 2.26/ 0.283/ 7.72/ 6.69/

1.17/ 630.5/ 67.0/ --

26.23/ 0 T427 3.41 1.480 18.3 8.63 2.86 783.0 85.0 52.00 0.550 10/1-1/1/80 2.86/5.20 0.00/0.00 2.61/ 0.281/ 9.05/ 7.35/ 2.24/ 754.0/ 45.0/ --

13.19/ 0.0517 3.38 0.485 23.5 8.07 3.18 782.0 62.0 22.8 0.115 1/1-4/1/80 7.0/713.10 0.00/0.00 3.20/ 0.224/ 4.36/ 7.32/ 3.19/ 861.5/ 33.0/ 0.010/ 9.59/ 0.0847 5.50 0.460 8.66 8.24 6.70 975.0 44.0 0.012 18.8 0.183 4 4/1-6/30/80 1.37/2.00 0.0125/ 2.70/ 1.914/ 4.43 1.92/ 2.50/ 841.5/ 47.0/ 0.0995/ 59.52/ 0.0 157 0.150 3.59 9.420 28.3 9.8 4.60 887.0 72.0 0.1080 112.0 9.19 7/1-10/l/80 0.30/0.30 0.0125/ 2.54/ 0.295/ 4.54 7.7/ 1.62/ 1112.0/ 56.0/ 0.079/ 34!T6/ OTTIKT 3.30 1.070 17.4 8.71 2.72 1596.0 75.0 0.122 78.80 0.400

.l 10/1-1/1/N1 1.30/1.80 0.00/0.00 2.51/ 0.2313/ 6.09/ 7.62/ 1.83/ 1323.0/ 45.7/ 0.1360/ 16.11/ 0.1336/~

2.86 0.6020 16.0 8.66 4.70 1644.0 56.0 0.1360 28.00 0.520

T/I 477/R1 3.87/6.80 0.00/0.00 2.86/ 0.2225/ 4.12 7.30 3.38/ 1410.2/ 34.0/ 0.0U57- 21 18/ 0.23nt/-

4.55 0.6080 10.2 8.36 7.81 2052.5 54.0 0.0720 54.0 0.688 4

4/1-7/1/81 1.033/1.600 0.00/0.00 2.68/ 0.370/ 2.66/ 7.31/ 1.605/ 961.5 59.2/ 0.00/ 29.75/ 0.1277 3.18 1.000 6.50 8.46 2.904 1376.0 77.0 0.00 81.4 n.413

! 7/1-10/1/81 0.563/1.090 0.00/0.00 2.95/ 0.566/ 2.40/ 7.81/ 1.11/ 1899.2/ 60.0/ 0.00/ 36.18/ 0.2037 4.12 0.994 12.8 8.40 2.24 2199.0 80.0 0.00 65.0 0.685 10/1-12/31/81 3.669/6.50 0.00/0.00 3.02/ 0.2833/ 3.88/ 7.79 2.040/ 1I96.0/ 37.0/ 0.00/ 14.86/ 0.1471/~

3.39 0.6140 9.50 8.46 2.92 2061.0 57.0 0.00 29.5 0.5920 1/1/-3/31/82 5.64/6.91 0.00/0.00 2.90/ 0.416/ 4.63/ 6.96/ 3.56/ 785.0 33.0/ --

11.14/ 0.6327' 3.88 1.180 17.6 6.48 9.47 805.0 53.0 3.120 4/1-6/30/82 1.56/3.!! 0.058/ 2.69/ 0.538/ 2.70/ 7.00/ 1.755/ 1427.3/ 43.0/ --

25.96/ 0.1225/-

0.200 3.30 0.996 6.60 8.69 2.670 1637.0 79.0 62.50 0.3170

.. 7/1-9/30/82 0.118/0.185 0.00/0.00 2.75/ 0.195/ 3.63/ 6.99/ 1.44/ 1568.31/ 53.0/ 0.00/ 56.8/ 0.1395/

1 3.18 0.92 15.00 8.50 2.06 1945.00 74.0 0.00 94.0 0.323 ~

10/1-12/31/82 1.31/2.50 0.00/0.00 2.92/ 0.2782/ 4.40 7.95 1.1008/ 894.3/ 38.0/ 0.050/ 12.25/ 0.0434/--

3.30 0.6110 12.04 8.44 1.9600 975.0 53.0 0.050 26.00 0.1050 f

2) Discharge Point 002 10/1/79-l/1/80 4.1/4.1 0.00/0.00 2.30/ 0.413/ 14.2/ 7.78/ 2.03 835.0/ 40.0/ --

13.7 0.048/

2.30 0.413 14.2 7.78 2.03 835.0 40.0 13.7 0.048


d COI.0RADO DEPAF." MENT OF HIAI.TH Water Quality Control Division Rationale - Page 24 PER.'.IT NUMBER: CD-0001121 ,

APPINDII C Self-Mocitoring Reports (Continued)

3) Intake Date (af ter settling)

Parameter Ammonia Non-Filt. Total Tot. Filt. Total Tot Date Nitrogen Residue Phosphorus Residue Iron Tin (ar/1) (ar/1) (ar/1) (me/1) (ar/1) (me/1) 1/1-4/79 8.5/ 8.00/ 3.23/ - - -

12.0 16.40 6.40 i 7/1-10/1/79 0.563/ 23.73/ 0.872/ 565.1/ 0.276/ I 0.890 55.60 1.490 726.0 0.650 10/1-1/1/80 3.80/ 14.09/ 1.761/ 827.3/ 0.338/ i 5.80 22.80 3/010 858.0 0.550 l 1/1-4/1/80 7.10/ 17.66/ 2.55/ 781.2/ 0.272/ O.0325/ l 9.90 116.00 3.61 789.6 0.466 0.0540 41-630/80 0.1000/ 35.49/ 0.753/ 437.5/ 1.047/ 0.120/

0.2000 76.40 1.953 715.6 3.240 0.122 7/1-10/1/80 0.4000/ 29.1/ 0.8102/ 649.7/ 0.2662/ 0.0735/

0.7000 63.2 2.2350 773.2 0.840 0.1220 10/1-1/1/51 1.00/ 11.17/. 1.011/ 890/ 0.196/ 0.016/

2.60 24.00 2.770 945 0.656 0.016 1/1-4/1/81 6.73/ 11.76/ 2.42/ 809/ 0.33/ 0.0345/

10.70 22.60 3.33 835 -2.32 0.0540 4/1-7/1/81 1.10/ 24.8/ 1.19/ 776/ 0.39/ 0.12/

1.170 68.4 1.97 802 1.53 0.20 7/1-10/1/81 0.22/ 27.7/0 0.65/ 1104/ 0.44/ 0.02/

0.26 59.0 1.34 1178 1.02 0.021 10/1-12/31/81 3.60/ 13.85/ 1.72/ 793/ 0.36/ 0.02/

6.40 27.60 2.40 800 0.53 0.02 1/1/-3/31/82 5.80/ 10.44/ 2.62/ 783/ 0.36/

6.91 16.00 4.08 796 0.58 4/1-6/30/82 - 1.70/ 21.2/ O.98/ 935/ 0.53/ -

3.73 36.5 2.17 1146 0.91 7/1-9/30/82 0.15/ 36.3/ 0.84/ 759/ 0.915/ 0.12/

0.19 58.5 2.26 792 1.430 0.20 10/1-12/31/82 1.41/ 12.81/ 0.95/ 887/ 0.30/ 0.07/

3.00 24.50 1.92 972 0.62 0.07 h


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Permit No.: CO-0001121 County: Wald AUTImat?ATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE COLORADO DISCHARCE PERMIT SYS!!M In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq.; the "Act") and the Colorado Water Quality Control Act, (25-8-101 et. seq., CRS, 1973 as amended)

FUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLDEADO is authorized to discharge from their Fort St. Vrain generating station located in Sections 34 and 35, Township 4 North, Range 67 West and Section 3 Township 3 North, Range 67 West, yth Principal Meridian to the South Flatte River and St. Train Creek in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Part I, II and III hereof.

This permit shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date signed by the Director. Should the applicant choose to contest any of the affluent limitations, monitoring requirements or other conditions contained herein, he must comply with Section 24-4-104 CRS 1973 and the Regulations for the State Discharge Permit System. Failure to contest any such effluent limitations, monitoring requirement, or other condition is consent to the condition by the Applicant.

This, permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, June 30, 1988 Issued this day of COLORADO DEFAE" MEN" 0F HEALTE


Gary G. Broetzman ,

Director Water Quality Control Division



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Part I Page 2 of 19 l l




1. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS - ALL DISCHARGE PCIICS l (a) There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those coanonly used for transformer fluid.

(b) Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chlorine any be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day and not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available or total residual chlorine at any one time unless the utility can demonstrate to the State that the units in a

- particular location cannot operate at or below this level of chlorination.

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2. Effluent I.fmitations - Discharge Point 001 to the Soteth Platte River Ihering the period beginning immediately and lasting throssah June 30, 1988
the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) sertal number (s) 001, subject to the 3 following effluent limitations and conditions:

Effluent Parameter Discharge Limitations 3 Haminum Weight Maximum Concentration kg/ day (Ibs/ day) ag/l sug/1 mg/l 30-day avg. a/ Daily ass. 30-day ava, a/ 7-day ava, b/ Dolly Max. c/

Flow N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Residual Chlorine

  • N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.014 l . Total Zinc
  • N/A N/A 0.66 N/A 1.0 Total Copper N/A N/A 0.118 N/A 0.24 l Total Iron N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 1.0

, ,- Totat Chromtum N/A N/A 0.2 N/A 0.2 i

Total Suspended i Solid, net ** N/A N/A 30 45 100

. 126 Priority ,

, Pollutants, except total -NO DETECTABl.E AHOUNT-

, chromium and total sine The temperature of the discharge shall not exceed 30cc (860F) at anytime. Oil and grease

.- shall not exceed 10 mg/l and there shall be no visible sheen. If a visible slieen is claserved, I

corrective action shall be taken immediately, i

j The pil shall not be less than 6.5 standard unsits nor greater than 9.0 standard units c/

l .{ a/ This ilmitation shall be determined by the arithmetic mean of a minimini of three (3) o,o

samples taken on separate weeks in a 30-day period (minimum total of three (3) samples); **y n o as bf This limitation shall' be determined by the.arithmette mean of a minimune of three (3) samples ,b ._

l taken on separate days in a 7-day period (minimum total of three (3) samples); ,o

cf his limitation shall be determined by a single properly preserved sample as required

! j isnder sonttoring requirements - Sample Type. n 'a

- o

! *See also, PART I A. 1. (b) above. $

, **TSS shall be monitored at.two different locations so that net limitations, may be applied: 8

, (1) raw water supply after medimentation and before use in the plant; -

(2).after plant use but before mixing with dilution water (i.e. upstream of the discharge C point applicable for all other parameters).

Both of these values and the resultant net TSS value shall be reported on the pincharge l .HonttorIng Repori Form.

l l l



3. Effluent I. imitations - Discharge Point 002 to St. Vrain Creek thering the period beginning Immediately and lasting through June 30, 1988 the permittee la cuthorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) 002, subject to the following effluent Ilmitettons and conditions:

Effluent Parameter Discharge 1. imitations Heximum Weight Haximum Concentration kg/ day (Ibs/ day) mg/l og/l og/l 30-day avg. a/ Daily max. 30-day avg. a/ 7-day avg. b/ Daily anax. c/

Flow N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Residual Chlorine

  • N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.022 Total Zinc' N/A N/A 0.75 N/A 1.0 Total Copper N/A N/A 0.112 N/A 0.224 Total tron N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 1.0 Total Chromium M/A N/A 0.2 N/A 0.2 Total Suspended Solids ** N/A N/A 30 45 100 126 Priority Pollutants, except totst chromium and tetal zinc NO DETECTABI.E AHOUNT i The pli shall not be less than 6.5 standard units nor greser then 9.0 standard units c/



af This limitation shall be determined by the arithmetic mean of a minimim of three (3) semples taken on separate weeks in a 30-day period (minimum total of three (3) samples)1 This limitation shall be determined by the arithmetic mean of a' minimum of three (3) samples ,oo


taken on separate days in a 7-day period (minimum totsi of three (3) samples); *j$

E_a m <*


This limitation shall be determined by a single properly preserved semple as required ,. *- -

under monitoring requirements - Sample. Type. 2o o-i'

  1. See also PART I.A 1 (b) above. -

maTSS shall be monitored at tuo different locations so that met limitations may be appiled:

- (1) raw water supply af ter sedimentation and before use la the plant; n"

o (2) af ter plant use Inst before mixing with dilution water (i.e. upstream of the discharge point o l

applicable for all other parmaeters). 8 moth of these values and the resultant net TSS vali*e shall be reported on the Discharge C

Monitoring Report Form.

3 4


a PART I Page 5 of 19 Permit No.: Co-0001121 A. :MT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING EQUIEMENTS (Continued) 4 Monitoring Requirements - 001 and 002 In order to obtain an indication of the probable compliance or noncompliance with the affluent limitations specified in Part I, the permittee shall monitor all ef fluent parameters' at the following required frequencies. ,

Effluent Parameter , -

Measurement Frecuenev d,/e,/ Samole Tvoe 1[,,

Flow, agd Weekly Instantaneout or Continuous Residual Chlorine, ag/l g/ Weekly at 001A Grab and 002 Eine, ag/l Monthly - Grab Ammonia nitrogen, ag/l Monthly Grab '

Total Suspended Solids, net, ag/l Weekly Grab Phosphorus Monthly Grab or Composite 011 and grease, ag/l Weskly Grab Temperature Weekly at 001A Grab and 002 Total Copper Monthly Grab Total Iron Monthly Grab Total Chromina Monthly Grab 126 Priority Pollutants, except Cr and Zine Annually Grab pH Weekly Grab d/ Monitoring is required only during periods of discharge. If "no discharge" occurs, this shall be reported at the specified frequency. (See Part B.)

e/ When the asasurement frequency indicated is quarterly, the samples shall be collected during March, June, September and December, if a l continual discharge occurs. If the discharge is intermittant, then samples shall be collected during the period that discharge occurs.

i I

1/ See definitions, Part B g,/ h addition to monitoring the final discharge, influent samples shall be taken and analyzed for this parameter at the same frequency as required as for this paramenter in the discharge


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PART I Page 6 of 19 Per=it No.: 00-0001121 j A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING EQUIRI.ES (Continued) 4 Menitoring Requirements - 001 and 002 Self-sonitoring samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location (s):

Discharge Point 001A, at the parshall fiume at the outfall from the farm pond for temperature and residua 1' chlorine, and Discharge Point 0013, parshall fiume at the Goosequill Ditch, for all other parameters when discharge is via the 001 discharge point.

Discharge Point 002, at the parshall fiume in the drainage slough prior to entering St. Vrain Creek, when discharge is via the 002 discharge point. All discharge and monitoring points are as shown on Figures 1 and 3 of this permit. TSS levels must be monitored in '

plant for application of not limitation. See ** on two pages of this parait.



5. Effluent Limitations - Discharge Points 003 and 004 During the period beginning immediately and lasting through June 30, 1988 the paraittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) 003,and 004, subject to the following effluent limitations and conditions:

003 - This discharge shall consist of South Platte 1 Liver water and shall contain no heat or other chemicals or material other than that removed from the intake screens.

004 - This discharge shall consist of St. Vrain Creek water and shall contain no heat or other chemicals or materials other than that removed from the intake screens.

No monitoring vill be required at these points.

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d PART I Page 7 of 19 Permit No.: CO-0001121

1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken as required herein.shan be -

representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge.

2. Reporting Monitoring results shall be summarized for each month and reported on applicable discharge monitoring report forms (EPA Fora 3320-1),

postmarked no later than the 28th day of the following month. If no discharge occurs during the reporting period, "No Discharge" shall be reported. Duplicate signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, shan be submitted to the Regional Administrator and the State at the following addresses:

Colorado Department of Health U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Quality control Division 1860 Lincoln Street - Suite 103 ,

4210 East u th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80295 Denver, Colorado 80220 Attention - Enforcement - Permit Attention: Permits & Program Inforcement Section, WQCD L

3. Definitions
a. A "cesposite" sample, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a minimum of four (4) grab samples conected at equally spaced two (2) hour intervals and proportioned according to flow.
b. A " grab" sample, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a single " dip and take" sample conected at a representative point in the discharge stress.
c. An " instantaneous" measurement, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a single reading, observation, or asasurement-using existing monitoring facilities.' ,
d. A " continuous" measurement, for flow monitoring requirements, is defined as using an automatic recording device to continuan y measure flow.
e. A " visual" observation, for oil and grease monitoring requirements, is defined as observing the discharge to check for the presence of a visible sheen or floating oil. If either of these is present, a grab sample shall be taken and analyzed, and corrective measures taken immediately to correct the situation. ,

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PART I Page 8 of 19 Permit No.: Co-0001121

3. MONITORING AND REPORTING (Continued) 4 Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to regulations published pursuant to Section 304 (h) of the Act, and Colorado State Effluent Limitations (10.1.5), under which such procedures may be required.
5. Recording of Results ,

For each asasurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the permittee shall record the following information:

a. The exact place, date, and time of sampling;
b. The dates the analyses were performed;
c. The person (s) who performed the sampling;
d. The person (s) who performed the analyses;
e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and
f. The results of all required analysis.
6. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified.
7. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location (s) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit, using approved analytical methods as specified above, the results cf such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Report Form (EPA No. 3320-1), or other forms as required by the Division. Such increased frequency shall also be indicated.
8. Records Ratention i All records and information resulting from the monitoring activities required by this permit including all records of analyses performed and calibration and maintenance of instrumentation and recordings from continuous monitoring instrumentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer if requested by the Regional Administrator or the State Water Quality Control Division.

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~he permittee shall, within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this permit, submit to the State Water Quality Control Division, a spill prevention and containment plan, prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Colorado. Plans shall include information and procedures for the prevention and containment of spills of materials used, processed, or stored,

, at the facility which could possibly be spilled and might have a visible or l otherwise detectable impset on the waters of the State. The plan should include but not necessarily be lialted to the fo n owing: ,

1. A history of spills which have occurred in the three (3) preceding the effective date of this permit. The history shall include causation of the spills and a discussion of preventive asasures designed to prevent them from reoccurring;
2. A description of the raporting system which will be used to alert responsible facility management, the State Water Quality Contrcl Division, i the Environmental Protection Agency, downstream water users, and local health officials;
3. A description of preventative facilities (including overan facility plot) which prevent, contain, er treat, spins and unplanned discharges;
4. A list of an asterials used, processod, or stored, at the facility which represent a potential spill threat to surface waters;
5. An implementation schedule for additional facilities which might be required in (3) above, but which are not yet operational;
6. A list of available outside contractors, agencies, or other bodies which could be utill:ed in the event of a spin in order to clean up its effects;
7. Provision for periodic review and updating of the contingency plan.

The foregoing provisions shall in no way render inapplicable those requirements imposed by Section 311 of the Federal Water Po u ution Control Act Amendments of 1972, regulations promulgated thereunder, the Colorado Water Quality Control

- Act, and regulations promulgated thereunder.

Nothing herein contained shan be construed as allowing any discharge te waters of the State other than through the discharge points specifican y authorized in this permit. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as waiving any liability the permittee might have, civil or criminal, for any spill.

If this facility has. an approved spill prevention and containment plan now in effect, plasse submit a copy of this plan with an update, if necessary.

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Page 10 of 19  !

PER211T NO: CO-00011n j PART 1:


1. Change 1:. Discharge All discharges authori:cd herein shan be consistent with the terms and conditions of :his pe:mit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any anticipated change in discharge location, facill:y expansions, production increases, or process aodifications which will result in new, different, or increased discharges or pollutants must be reported by submission of a new NPDES application or, if such changes will not violate the affluent limitations specified in this permit, by notice to the State Water Quality Control Division of such changes. Process modifications include, but are not limited to, the introduction of any new pollutant t not previously identified in the permit, or any other modifications which may result in a discharge of a quantity or quality different from that which was applied for. yollowing such notice, the perni: may be modified to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited.
2. Noncompliance (A) Definitions (1) Upset: An exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based petait effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee.

(2) Bypass: The intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility.

(3) Severe Property Damage
Substantial physical damage to property, to the treatment facilities to cause : hem to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. It does not mean economic loss caused by-delays in production.

(B) Notification (1) If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any maximum discharge limitations er standards specified in this permit, the permittee shall, at a minimum, provide the Water Quality Control Division and EPA with the following information: .

a) A description of the discharge and cause of noncompliance

, b) The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times and/or the anticipated time when the discharge will i return to compliance; and c) Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncomplying discharge.

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.l PAR" II Page 11 of 19 PERMI"' NO: CO-0001121

2. Noncompliance (cont'd)

(2) *he following instances of noncompliance shall be reported orally within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, and a written report sailed within five davs of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances:

a) Any instance of noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment b) Any unanticipated bypass which axceeds any affluent limitation in the permit c) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit (See Fed. Reg. Vol. 45, No. 98, 122.60 (h) for upset conditions) d) Daily maximum vi.olations for any toxic pollutants or hazardous substances limited in PART I-A of this permit.

I (3) The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported in " Notification", paragraph 2-(B)-(2) (above), at the time discharge monitoring reports are submitted (EPA Fora 3320-1). The reports shall contain the inforastion listed in " Notification", paragraph 2-(B)-(1)


(4) Where the permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or report to the Division, it shall promptly submit such facts or inforastion.

(C) Bypass (1) The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause affluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. No Divisica notification is required, and this case is act subject to the i requirements in paragraphs 2-(C)-(2) through 2-(C)-(4), (below).

(2) If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit notice, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass, to the Division and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The bypass shall be subject to Division approval, and limitations imposed by the Division and EPA.

(3) For an unanticipated bypass, see the requirements listed in

" Notification", paragraph 2-(B)-(2), (above).

.(4) Bypass is prohibited, and the Division may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless:

a) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage.


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FAET II Fage 12 of 19 PERF.IT NO: CO-OG01121

2. Noncompliance (Continued) b) There were no f easible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary creatraent facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if the permittee could have. insta H ed adequate backup equipment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtine or preventative maintenance; and c) The permittee submitted notices as required in " Notification",

paragraph 2-(B) (above).

3. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other ponutants removed in the course of treatment or control of vastewaters shan be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the State. .

4 Facilities Operation The permittee shan at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible all treatment or control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit.

5. Adverse Impact The permittee shall take a u reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to waters of the State resulting from noncompliance with any effluent limitations specified in this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary co determine the -

nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge.

6. Any discharge to the waters of the State from a point source other than specifically authorized is prohibited.

. 7. Reduction, Loss, or Failure of Treatment facility (A) The permittee shall, to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with its permit, control production, or all discharges, or both until the facility is restored or an alternative method of treatment is provided.

(3) This provision also applies to power failures, unless an alternative power source sufficient to operate the wastewater control facilities is provided.

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1. Right to Entry The permittee shall allow the Director of the State Water Quality Control Division, the EPA Regional Administrator, and/or their authorized representative, upon the presentation of credentials (A) To enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; ,

(3) At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be i

kept under the terms and conditions of this permit and to inspect any I

monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in the permit; and l

(C) To enter upon the permittee's premises to reasonably investigate any actual, suspected, or potential source of water pollution, or any violation of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. The investigation may include, but is not limited to, the following: sampling of any discharge and/or process veters, the taking of photographs, interviewing of any persons having any knowledge related to the discharge, permit, or alleged violation, and access to any and all facilities or areas within the permittee's premises that any have any affect on the discharge, permit, or alleged violation.

2. Duty to Provide Information l The permittee shall furnish to the Divisio2, within a reasonable time, any

! information which the Division may request to determine whether cause exists l for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with this permit.

l l

3. Transfer of ownership or Control in the event of any change in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharges emanate, the permittee shall sotify the succeeding owner or controller of the existence of this permit by letter, a copy of which shall be forward ed to the Regional Administrator and the State Water

- Quality Control Division.

l 4. Availability of Imports Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 308 of the Act and Regulations for the State Discharge Permit Systes 6.1.8, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be available for public. inspection at the offices of the State Water Quality Control Division and the Regional Administrator.

As required by the Act, affluent data shall not be considered confidential.

Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act, and Section 25-6-610 C.R.S. 1973.

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  • PART H

= e Pege 14 of 19 PER2CT NO: CD-0001121

5. Permit Modification Af ter notice and opportunity f or a hearing, the permit any be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during its term for cause including, but not limited to, the following:

(A) Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit; (3) Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fun y all relevant facts;

. (C) A change in any condition which results in a temporay or permanent l reduction, ef f eination, addition or increase of the permitted discharge. (Changss in Water Quality Standards, control regulation or duly promulgated plans would qualify as "a change in any, condition.");

(D) Changes in Water Quality Standards, control regulation or duly promulgated plans would qualify as " change in any condition".;


! (E) This permit shall be modified, or alternatively, revoked and reissued, to comply with any applichle af fluent standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 301 (b)(2)(C), and (D),

304 (b)(2), and 307 (a)(2) of the Clean Water Act, if the affluent standard or limitation so issued or approved.

(1) Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than

! any affluent limitation in the permit; or (2) Controls any ponutant not limited in the permit.

The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act than applicable. - or -

(F) Data submitted pursuant to Part I.A. of this permit indicates a potential for violation of instream water quality standards and/or established classifications and numerie standards.

6. Toxic Pollutants Notwithstanding " Permit Modification", paragraph 3-5 (above), if a toxic t affluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant which .is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pc11utant in this permit, this permit shall be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified.
7. Civil and Criminal Liability Except as provided in petuit conditions on "3ypassing" (A-2-(C)) and

" Reduction, Ioss, or Failure of Treatment Facility", (A-7), nothing in his permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance. (See Fed. 3es. Vol. 45, No. 98, 122.60). ,

8. 011 and Hazardous Substance Liuability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which-the permittee is or may be subject under Section 311 of the Act.
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PART II Page 15 of 19

?EFF ! NO: CO-0001121

9. State Laws Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of ay legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable State law or roulation under authority preserved by Section 510 of the Act.
10. Permit Violations Failure to comply with any terms and/or conditions of this permit shall be a violation of this permit.


11. Property Rights The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations. ,
12. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provisions of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any cire mstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other ciremstances, and the r==mindae of this permit shall not be affected thereby.
13. At the request ,of a permittee, the Division may modify or terminate a permit and issue a new permit if the following conditions are met:

, (A) The Regional Administrator has been notified of the proposed modification or termination, and does not object in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification; and (3) The Division finds that the permittee has shown reasonable grounds consistent with the Federal and State statutes, and regulations for such modification or termination; and ,

(C) Requirements of public notice have been set. ,

"he filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revokation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any permit condition.

14 It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would be necessary to halt or reduce the paraitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit.

15. Signatory Requirement All applications, reports, or information submitted to the Division shall be signed and certified.

1/81 l

e PART II Page 16 of 19 PERMIT NO: CD-0001121 A. GENERAI, REQUIRE.w2N"5

1. The pe:mittee shall not discharge after the expiration date of this permit without authorization. In order to receive authorization to discharge after the expiration date, the permittee shall, no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit, submit a new CDFS application and fees as required by the permit issuing authority, i 2. Ihe permittee is required to submit a fee as set forth in Section 25-8-502 C.R.S. 1973 as amended. Failure to submit the required fee is a violation of this permit and will result in the suspension of said permit and enforcement action pursuant to Section 25-8-601 el. seq., 1973 as amended.
3. Within sir,ty (60) days of the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall file a statement with the Environmental Protection Agency and the State Water Quality Control Division which shall contain the names of the person or persons who are designated to report conditions as noted in

" Noncompliance", Part II, Section A, Paragraph 2, and as referenced in "011 and Hazardous Substance I.iability", PART II, faction B Paragraph 8. The ,

permittee shall continually update this list as changes occur at the j facility.

4 Within three (3) months after the effective date of this permit, a flo m suring device shall be installed at all discharge points. At the request of the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency or the Director o2 the State Water Quality Control Division, the permittee must be able to show proof of the accuracy of any floneaauring device used in obtaining data submitted in the monitoring report. The flow-measuring device must indicate values within ten (10) percent of the actual flow being discharged from the facility.

5. Discharge points shall be so designed or modified that a sample of the of fluent can be obtained at a point af ter the final creatment process and prior to discharge to state waters.


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