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Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1991 for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station,Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1991
From: Sarsour B, Storz L
KB91-0909, KB91-909, NUDOCS 9109170248
Download: ML20082S696 (6)


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TDmON Pi A/A Im MA(ELN A',1 Nut 1011 DO rMiki 4305N)lFJ1 September 9, 1991  :

KB91 6909 Docket No. $0-346 License No. NPF-3 i U. S. tiuclear Regulatoly Commission Document Control Desk  ;

Vashington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen Montbly Opetating Repoit. Augunt. 1991 Davis-Bessc Nuclear Power Station linit 1  :

Enclosed are ten copics of the Monthly Operating Repost for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 for the month of August. 1991.

If you have any questions, please contact Bilal Sntr.our at (419) 321-7384.

Very truly yours,


  • 7?n w & 5 /

l Louis F. Storz Plant Manager

  • Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station i

i BMS/ tid i

e Enclosures cci Mr. Paul Byron NRC Resident Inspectos e

Mr. A. Bert Davis Regional Administrator, Region III t

Mr. J. B. Ilopkins NRC Senior Project Manager .j i

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DOCEFINO. 50-346 UNIT U^VI8~U"88" #I DATE Septenber 9, 1991 l COMPLtirp gy Bilal Sarsour Tf LLPil0NL (!419) 321-73 P4_

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757 624 2 756 18 622 3 737 618 39 4 735 617 20 1 5 739 605 l
g 6 719 -

,, 591 7 711 590 23 8 709 591 9 701 567 25 10 681 ,6 562 676 559 11 n

12 672 2g 357 13 661 543 29 14 655 475 30 15 653 31 0 16 652 INSTRUCTION 3 On this format,hst the average daily unit power loelin MWe.Nel for each day in the reporting anonth. Compute lo the riearest whole rnegawatt.


1 OPER A TING D 41 A REPOR7 l>CWKL1 h6 '!

Mit _dlegt

$cu CP 'e r 9 1991 CDMPl.t11D n IIIlnFSTiemur 11 L EPil0NL LiUAL121::.7384 OPER AllNG S14TU,5

1. Unit Name: Davis-liesso #1 Noen
2. Reporting Period: August. 1991
3. Licensed 1hermal Power (Mhtp 2772 4, Nameplate Rating (Grou MWet 925
5. Design Eicctrical Ratmg (Net Mhet 906
6. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Gro*s Mweg 91 Es
7. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Ne' Mhe): 821 -
b. If Changes Occur in Capacit.$ Hatings (ltems Number 31hrough 7)Since Last Report.Che Rsasons:


Renet or r,over cont inued t o ha reduced nt the rnte of_about ihree perc ut every three days, due tu end of Cycle 7 coastdown.

9, Power Lesel To Which Restricted lf Any(Net MWe)

10. Reasons for Restrictions.lf Any:

This Month Yr .to.Dat e Cumulatise j li. Houts in Reporting Period 744,0 5,Pfl.0 114.720

12. Number Of Hours Reactor was Critical . . -

721 9 S.808 4 _ 64.930.I

13. Reactor Resene Shutdown Huurs 0.0 0.0 5.193.7 ,
14. Hours Generator On.Line 721.2 _ 5.808.? 62.877.5
15. Urut Resene Shutdown Houn 0.0 0.0 , , , , _


16. Gross ihermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1.470.934 15.413,204 _ 153,539,691 .

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) li2/1 JJ L., .. 5.141 425 50.871.44?

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 43.591 4.884,823 47.833,451
19. Unit Senice Factor 96.9 99.6 54.8
20. Unit Assilability Factor 96.9 99.6 56.3 21 Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net 71.3 95.9 47.7 22 Unit Capacity Factor (Using DLR Net t 68.8 92.5 _


23. Unit forced Outage Rate 0.0 _0. 0 ,,,


24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Nest 6 Months (1)pe. Date,and Duration of t'acht:


25. IIShut Down At End Of Report Period,issimatd Date of Startup: October 26, 1991
26. Units in Test Status tPrior to Commercial Operation L Forecast Achiesed 4

IN111 A L CRlilCA LiTY ,


COMMEh .AL OPER ATION (u/77 i E _ _ _ _ _ _ ..-_,. _ _ _ _ . . - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

imzr WM AND PtBER PIEUCrICES occrzr m . 50-347 -

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nur Scoterber 9, 1991 ,

CIFTtITED Fr sala! Sarso.e rzraer mms August. 1991 Trzxrnar <*19: ut-na.

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2 91-07-20 S H NA NA NA NA Reactor power continued to be (contd) reduced at the rate of about three percent every days due to end of evele coastdown.

3 91-08-31 S 22.8 C 3 N\ NA NA The turbine generator was taken eff line to perform scheduled maintenan< e l and refueling outage.

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I F: Fore.d R asert: Met 1mf: Cahlb&t G - Instrisctions f r Fr.p.ratsee >f Data S: Sch.&ti.d A-Equape.nt raslar. (Empletal 1-Marnaal Eritry sh ts for Lac.ns Ev ert B. port itzR)

S-Meistenant. or rest 2-M.enal Scram Fale tNOREG-4161)

{- C-Defu.11ng 3--Aartomatac scram '


,  !>-B.gulatory B.striction 4&tismaattors f a ce E@rator Tratnittg & L&c.ns. EEaminatten Fr.wtous 'tceth Ezhibat I - Sam. Sourt.

j r-aa.inistrativ. 5-tema m.a.ctie. .s.prtemati g t e - w at.aa.u.cvat-

w rat, - t c ,ror <ta ,iai.> -r i r.a,t a,. , i - .. a ,r ri e co sac.ev 1 - . m ,o I B-Oth.c ( Exp1a am )

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i Opeiational Summary August, 1991 Reactor power continued to be teduced during the month of August at the rate of about three percent every three days due to end of Cycle 7 coastdovn to ,

insure the maximum efficiency and fuel depletion before shutdown to perform '

scheduled maintenance and retueling. l At 0113 houts on August 31, 1991, a plant shutdown was completed to perform  !

scheduled maintenance and refueling activities.  ?

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HEPUl:LINC INFORMATION Dato /.uggs t 1991 [

i i

1. Name of facility: Davis-liesse Unit
  • l;
2. Scheduled date for next refueling outage? Harch,1993 )


3. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent i tuel storage pool, and (c) the new fuel storage areas. {

t ia)_177 (b) 328 (c) 0 j t

4. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the site of any j increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is l planned, in number of fuel assemblies.  ;

present 73$ Increased size bys approximate _1y 900 by 1994 is {

ut! der-reviev  ;

5. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the  !

spent fuel poal assuming the present licensed capacity. J I

Date: 1996 - assuming ability to unload the entire core into the spent ~ -

j j Q pool is maintained .;

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