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Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1984
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1984
From: Murray T, Sarsour B
To: Haller N
R84-173, NUDOCS 8403020078
Download: ML20080T874 (6)


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AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-346 UNIT - Davis-Besse Unit 1 DATE February 9, 1984 COMPLETED BY Bilal Sarsour TELEPHONE (419) 259-5000 Ext. .m MONTH January, 1984 DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MW:-Net) (MWe-Net) 1 833 0 37 2 832 is 0 3 832 gg 0 4 . 846 20 0 5 875 0 21 6 87I 22 0 __

7 875 23 0 g 737 24 0 9 0 0 25 10 0 171 26 11 0 565 27 12- 0 617 28 13 0 29 638 14 0 30 808  ;

i 15 0 861 3g j 16 0 _

INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power levelin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to thi nearest whole mega*: sit.


I 9403020078 840131 PDR ADOCK 05000346 R PDR l

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______._.__m_ . . . _ __m - __

l OPERATING DATA REPOkT DOCKET NO. "50-34 6 DATE February 9, 1984 COMPLETED BY Bilal Sarsour TELEPHONE (419) 259-5000 Ext.' 384 OPERATING STATUS

1. Unit Name: Davis-Besse Unit ~ 1 Notes
2. * , y Per W . January 1984
3. Licensed Thennal Power (MW ): 2772
4. Namepinte Rating (Gross MWe): 925
5. Design Electrical asting (Net MWe): 906
6. Maxin:vm Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 918
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 874
8. If Changes Occw in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
10. *- For Restdctions. lf Any:

This Month YrAo.Date Cumulative

11. Hours la deporting Pened 744 744 '48.265

~ 12. Number Of Pours Reactor Was Critical 361.1 361.I 27.863.6

13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hwss 0.0 0.0 3.879.3 '
14. Hours Generator On-Line 340.4 340.4 26.492.2
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 1.732.5
16. Geen Thennal Energy Generated (MWH) 805.654 805.654 61.R49.46R .
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 264.292___. 264.292 20.556.485
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 238.929 238.929 19.237.628
19. Unit Service Factor 45.8 45.8 54.9
20. Unit Availability Factor 45.8 45.8 58.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor tUsing MDC Net) - 36.7 36.7 45,6
22. Unit Capacity FactoriUsing DER Ne p 35.4 35.4 44.0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate . 54.2 54.2 19.4
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.Dete.and Duration of Each t:
25. If Shut Down A: End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units la Test Status (Prior to C.unmercal Operation): Forecas: Achieved D


q L ..

3 DOCKET NO. 50-346 _ ,' '


DATE Fehrnarv 9. 1984

' COMPLETED BY Bilal Sarsour-REPORT MONTil January, 1984 TELErtlONE (419) 259-5000. Ext. 384 g ,

. a k

EE 3,$ yY5 Licensee ,E*, g*L Cause & Corrective t No. Date h 3g 2g& Event p wi O 6b E

Ai " '"

Prevent Recurrence t-f5 E j gg g Report

  • g 6

) The Reactor Protection System I 84 01 08 F 403.6 A 3 NP-33-84-01 IA INSTRU tripped the reactor on flux / delta flux / flow due to a.high posPive

- core imbalance.

For further details, see Licensee Event Report NP-33-84-01.


  • l l

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3 4 I 2 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit C Instructions l

S: Schedu!cd A-Equipment Failure (Explain) l-Manus! for Preparation of Data 2-Manual Scram,. Entry Sheets for Licenset 1 B-Maintenance of Test Event Report (LERI File (NUREG-C-Refueling 3 Automatic Scram.

D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continuation from Previous Month 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Exandnatiorg [ 5-Load Reduction F. Administrative 94ther (Explain) $

G-Operational En ror ilExplain) Exfiibit I Sanw Source I'l/77) - Il-Other (Empfain)


. -e 1



Janua ry, 1984 1/1/84 - 1/8/84 i

Reactor power was maintained at approximately 95% power until 1200 hours0.0139 days <br />0.333 hours <br />0.00198 weeks <br />4.566e-4 months <br /> i on January 4 1984, when pawer was slowly increased and attained approxi- '

mately 99% power at 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> on January 4, 1984. I Reactor power was maintained at approximately 99% power until 1640 hours0.019 days <br />0.456 hours <br />0.00271 weeks <br />6.2402e-4 months <br /> on January 8, 1984, when a manual power reduction was initiated due to high conouctivity alarms in the condensate system indicated a condenser  ;

tube leak had occurred. The reactor power was reduced to of 46% at l approximately 1945 hours0.0225 days <br />0.54 hours <br />0.00322 weeks <br />7.400725e-4 months <br /> on January 8,1984, to allow isolation and repair i of the affected circulating water loop.

At 2318 hours0.0268 days <br />0.644 hours <br />0.00383 weeks <br />8.81999e-4 months <br /> on January 8,1984, while the unit was at approximately 46%

power, a reactor trip occurred. The Reactor Protection System tripped the reactor on flux / delta flux / flow due to a high positive core imbalance.

See Licensee Event Report NP-33-84-01 for further details.

1/9/84 - 1/23/84' The unit remained shutdown due to an inoperable containment recirculation fan.

1/24/84 - 1/31/34 The reactor was critical at 2215 hours0.0256 days <br />0.615 hours <br />0.00366 weeks <br />8.428075e-4 months <br /> on January 24 1984. The turbine generator was synchronized on line at 1856_ hours on January 25, 1984.

Reactor power was slowly increased and attained approximately 99% power at 1800 hours0.0208 days <br />0.5 hours <br />0.00298 weeks <br />6.849e-4 months <br /> on January 30, 1984, and maintained at this power level for the rest of the month.

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~I DATE: January, 1984 1.. Name of facility: -Davin-Besse Unit 1

2. _ Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: August 3, 1984
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: October 14, 1984
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? If answer is yes, what in general will these be? If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core ~ configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Connittee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questiens are associated with the core reload (Ref.10 CFR Section 50.59)?.

'Ans: Expect the Reload Report to require standard reload fuel design Technical Specification char 2es (3/4.1 Reactivity Control Systems and 3/4.2 Power Distribution Limits).


5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: _ July, 1984' 6.. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., '

-new'or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or

performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.

Ans .None identified to date.

7. The number of fuel assemblies (a)' in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.

(a) 177 -(b) 140 - Spent Fuel Assemblies a 8. -The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any. increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is; planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

'Present: 735 Increase size by: 0 (zero)

9. The . projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool' assuming-the present licensed' capacity.

Date: 1993 - assuming ability to unload the entire core into the spent fuel pool is maintained.

y i


%mm EDISON February 9, 1984 Log No. K84-173 File: RR 2 (P-6-84-01)

Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Mr. Norman Haller, Director Office of Management and Program Analysis U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Haller:

Monthly Operating Report, January, 1984 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Enclosed are ten copies of the Monthly Operating Report for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 for the month of January, 1984.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bilal Sarsour at (419) 259-5000 Extension 384.

Yours truly, YW(D 13mq Terry D. Murray

-Station Superintendent Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station TDM/BM3/ljk Encloscies cc: Mr. James G. Keppler, w/1 Regional Administrator, Region III Mr. Richard DeYoung. Director, w/2 Office of Inspection and Enforcement Mr. Walt Rogers, w/1 NRC Resident Inspector i

