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MONTHYEARML20098G8741984-10-0101 October 1984 Affidavit of Br Shelton Re Integrated Design Insp ML20098G8821984-10-0101 October 1984 Affidavit of Kj Green Re Integrated Design Insp Concerning Mechanical Engineering Work ML20098G8881984-09-29029 September 1984 Affidavit of RW Hooks Re Integrated Design Insp Concerning Structural Design ML20098G8871984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of EM Hughes Re Idvp ML20098G8781984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of RW Manz Concerning Findings 3-11 Through 3-14 & 3-17 of NRC 830930 Integrated Design Insp Re Westinghouse ML20098G8811984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of Cw Dick Re Independent Design Review ML20098G8831984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of W Faires Re Findings 3-15 & 3-16 of NRC 830930 Integrated Design Insp Rept ML20098G8791984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of RP Tuetken Re Readiness for Fuel Loading ML20098G8851984-09-27027 September 1984 Affidavit of Rl Heumann Re Costs of Delay in Startup & Operation of Unit 1 ML20095F1071984-08-18018 August 1984 Affidavit of KT Kostal Re Prefiled Testimony of C Stokes. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20094S6421984-08-16016 August 1984 Affidavit of Gt Klopp Re Wh Bleuel Proposed Testimony Concerning Need for Failure Modes & Effects Analysis. Certificate of Svc & Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20080L0601984-02-13013 February 1984 Affidavit of LO George Re Date Accumulated by Reinspection Program Final Rept.Evaluation Will Clearly Indicate That Quality of Work Performed Is Satisfactory.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20079N3971984-01-24024 January 1984 Affidavit of C Reed Re Const Status & Target Fuel Load Dates ML20079N4081984-01-24024 January 1984 Affidavit of Rl Heumann Re Costs of Delay in Startup & Operation.Notice of Appearance for Pp Steptoe,Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance for G Herrin,Rg Fitzgibbons & P Murphy & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083J6231984-01-0606 January 1984 Affidavit of L Delgeorge Re Reinsp Program.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080R1101983-10-10010 October 1983 Affidavit of DD Ed,Clarifying Testimony Re EPA Rept, Protective Action Evaluation Part Ii,Evacuation & Sheltering as Protective Actions Against Nuclear Accidents Involving Gaseous Releases ML20024E0451983-08-0303 August 1983 Affidavit of Jg Keppler Re Public Disclosure of Details of Allegations Re Hatfield Electric Co & Identity of Confidential Sources.Public Disclosure Could Compromise NRC Inquiries ML20076J1091983-06-14014 June 1983 Affidavit of DC Thomas Supporting Extension Until 830628 to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Contentions 22 & 9(c).Time Needed Due to Heavy Trial & Teaching Schedule.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20074A7711983-05-11011 May 1983 Affidavit of RP Tuetken on J Hughes Allegations Re Welding. Welding of Brace to Pressure Pipe Proper,If Performed Per Design Specs.Util Conducting Reinsp of Work Performed by Contractor QC Inspectors ML20064N4211983-02-10010 February 1983 Affidavit of KA Ainger Re Changes to Plant Design to Mitigate Potential for KRSKO-type Bubble Collapse Water Hammer in Feedwater Bypass Line.Westinghouse Ltr, Bypass Drawing & Notice of Appearance by Vg Copeland Encl ML20028B9051982-11-0808 November 1982 Affidavit Re Westinghouse Application for Withholding Proprietary Info Encl in App C to FSAR in TR Tramm 820818 & 0902 Ltrs to NRC Concerning Turbine Missiles ML20027C5431982-10-0505 October 1982 Affidavit of La Bowen.Util Does Not Intend to Install Temp Sensors on Feedwater Bypass Sys Piping.Existence of Constant Feedwater Flow Precludes Water Hammer Event Similar to Event at Krsko ML20058G8601982-07-30030 July 1982 Affidavit Consisting of Documents Supporting Response in Opposition to NRC Motion for Summary Disposition of Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinnissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 9c.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20058E2011982-07-26026 July 1982 Affidavit of DA Nash.Rockford League of Women Voters Exhibits Do Not Substantiate Claim of No Need for Power or Existence of Alternative Energy Sources.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20058E2291982-07-26026 July 1982 Affidavit of Jc Petersen on Waiver of or Exception to Financial Qualification Regulations.League Petition & Exhibits Do Not Demonstrate Special Circumstances Warrant Exception to Financial Qualification Regulations ML20069C8941982-07-19019 July 1982 Affidavit of DD Malinowski on Contention 9c Re Various Phenomena Affecting Steam Generator Tube Integrity & Water Chemistry Measures to Be Taken to Eliminate or Minimize Adverse Effects of Phenomena ML20069C8991982-07-19019 July 1982 Affidavit of EM Burns on Contention 9c Re Flow Induced Vibration & Tube Wear in Preheater Section of Westinghouse Model D Steam Generators ML20058G9571982-07-19019 July 1982 Affidavit of Ej Sternglass.Cumulative Affects of Radioactive Release from Reactors Located in Northern Il Should Be re-evaluated.EPA Min Dose of Radiation Probably Cannot Be Met for Some Local Populations ML20054M9411982-07-0909 July 1982 Affidavit of MP Phillips Re Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 3(e) on Worst Case Weather Evacuation Planning. Util Committed to Provide Revised Evacuation Time Estimates ML20054M9431982-07-0909 July 1982 Affidavit of Aw Serkiz Re Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 9(a).NRC Has Not Completed Evaluation of Krsko Plant Water Hammer Event.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054M9281982-07-0101 July 1982 Affidavit of Wl Forney Re Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 1.Util Performance Compares Favorably W/Other Licensees ML20054E7771982-06-0707 June 1982 Affidavit of Rj Netzel Re Contention 9(d).Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Support Design Took Into Account Fracture Toughness Properties of Matls Making Up Supports. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054E7511982-06-0707 June 1982 Affidavit of GP Lahti Re Contention 2.Describes Regulatory Criteria Considered in Analyzing Cumulative Routine Releases from Plant & Other Nuclear Plants in Il.Design Objectives Considered Described ML20054E7531982-06-0707 June 1982 Unexecuted Affidavit of Ji Fabrikant Re Contention 2 on re-evaluation of Health Effects of Projected Routine Release of Radioactivity for Residents of Dekalb,Sycamore & Rockford Areas ML20054E7551982-06-0707 June 1982 Affidavit of G Klopp Re Contention 2A.Incremental Risk from Nuclear Accidents to Area Residents Cannot Be Zero.Risk Should Be Determined by Risk from Byron.Other Plants Pose Insignificant Risk ML20054E7601982-06-0707 June 1982 Affidavit of T Tramm Re Contention 7 That Util Will Comply W/New Regulatory Requirements on Hydrogen Control/Generation Matters ML20054E7671982-06-0606 June 1982 Affidavit of La Bowen Re Contention 9(a)on Water Hammer. Possible Courses of Action Being Discussed,Including Westinghouse Recommendations Re Krsko Plant Events ML20054E7571982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Jc Golden Re Contention 3.Plant Emergency Plan Provides Reasonable Assurance Prompt & Effective Actions Will Be Taken to Protect Public Health & Safety ML20054E7581982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of G Klopp Re Contention 4.Intervenor Interpretation of Single Failure Demonstrates Misunderstanding of NRC Requirement on Accident Analysis ML20054E7591982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Hm Ferrari Re Contention 6.Concerns Raised Carefully Considered & Reviewed in Fsar.Sufficient Assurance Exists to Assure Containment of Radioactive Matls Under Worst Postulated DBA ML20054E7631982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Jc Blomgren Re Contention 8.Primary Sys Decontamination Would Result in No Significant Adverse Impact to Human Environ Quality ML20054E7661982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of RW Carlson Re Contention 9(a) on Water Hammer. Steam Generator Bypass Sys Design,W/Listed Mods,Is Adequate to Minimize Likelihood of Bubble Collapse Waterhammer Events in Steam Generators to Acceptable Level ML20054E7681982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of R Pleniewicz Re Contention 9(a).Operating Procedures Re Operation of Feedwater Bypass Sys Will Implement Westinghouse Recommendations ML20054E7721982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Rj Netzel Re Contention 9(b).Reactor Vessel Supports Designed for Asymmetrical Blowdown Loads & Stress Limits within ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Allowable ML20054E7391982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidvait of Wl Stiede That Specific Incidents Listed in Contention 1 Do Not Prove Util Unable or Unwilling or Lacks Technical Qualifications to Operate Plant Safely ML20054E7731982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidavit of WT Bogard Re Contention 9(b).Asymmetric Blowdown Loads Adequately Addressed in Plant Design ML20054E7501982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidavit of R Querio Re Personnel Qualifications,Personnel Commitment to Plant Safety & Plant Plans for Packaging & Transport of Waste Matls.Plant Has Necessary Technical Qualifications ML20054E7471982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidavit of Wj Shewski Describing Util QA Program.Util History of Compliance W/Applicable QA Criteria Does Not Indicate Util Unwilling or Unable to Operate Plant Safety ML20054E7331982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidavit of C Reed Re Contention 1.Expresses Util Strong Commitment to Safe Plant Operation to Protect Public Health & Safety & to Operate Plant within NRC & Other Requirements ML20054M9331982-05-25025 May 1982 Affidavit of Jr Creed on Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 1(f).Allegations Re Security Violations at Quad Cities Resolved 1984-09-29
MONTHYEARML17191B4081999-07-27027 July 1999 Exemption to 10CFR50.71(e)(4) Granted to Submit Updates to Plant UFSAR Annually or within 6 Months of Each Unit Refueling Outage.Licensee Required to Submit Updates to Plant within 24 Months of Previous Usfar Rev Submittal ML20207E0051999-03-0202 March 1999 Transcript of 990302 Public Meeting with Commonwealth Edison in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-104.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20236H9381998-06-30030 June 1998 Transcript of 980630 Meeting W/Commonwealth Edison in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-123.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20198P3001997-11-0404 November 1997 Transcript of 971104 Public Meeting W/Ceco in Rockville,Md Re Measures Established by Ceco to Track Plant Performance & to Gain Understanding of CAs Put Into Place to Improve Safety.Pp 1-105.W/Certificate & Viewgraphs ML20149M2951996-11-29029 November 1996 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60 Re Safety Margins Recommended in ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Case N-514 ML20096C9671996-01-0505 January 1996 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR73.55 Relating to Issuance,Storage & Retrieval of Picture Badges for Individuals Granted Unescorted Access Into Protected Areas of Byron Site TXX-9522, Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources1995-08-26026 August 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources ML20059C2351993-12-17017 December 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Commercial Grade Item Dedication ML20044A8111990-06-27027 June 1990 Comment Opposing Closure of Lpdr of Rockford Public Library ML20245J0191989-04-14014 April 1989 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20214X1871987-06-11011 June 1987 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $25,000 Based on Four Severity Level III Violations Noted During 860721-0808 Insp ML20205Q1711987-04-0202 April 1987 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $25,000. App Re Evaluations & Conclusions Encl IR 05000812/20100311987-02-26026 February 1987 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $100,000 Based on Violations Noted During Insps on 850812-1031 ML20210T7321987-02-11011 February 1987 Unexecuted Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-97 Substituting Item 3 of Attachment to Indemnity Agreement in Entirety W/ Listed License Numbers,Effective 870130 ML20209J3251987-01-30030 January 1987 Transcript of 870130 Commission Discussion/Possible Vote on Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-72.Supporting Viewgraphs Encl ML20213G4381986-10-24024 October 1986 Unexecuted Amend 5 to Indemnity Agreement B-97,substituting Item 3 of Attachment to Agreement in Entirety W/Listed License Numbers,Effective on 861106 ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20138C7301985-12-0909 December 1985 Order Imposing Civil Penalty in Amount of $25,000 Per 850606 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty.Licensee May Request Hearing within 30 Days of Date of Order ML20205E8741985-10-28028 October 1985 Exemption from GDC 4 of 10CFR50,App a Requirement to Install Protective Devices Associated W/Postulated Pipe Breaks Primary Coolant Sys.Topical Rept Evaluation Encl ML20134L2431985-08-27027 August 1985 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(3)(i) Re Updated FSAR Rev Submittal Date ML20102A2981985-01-0707 January 1985 Petition Requesting Aslab Grant Intervenor Appeal & Order Further Hearings on Safety of Plant ML20099L2581984-11-27027 November 1984 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20099G5381984-11-23023 November 1984 Supplemental Appeal Brief in Response to Intervenor 841106 Supplemental Brief on Appeal & in Support of ASLB 841016 Supplemental Initial Decision Authorizing Issuance of Ol. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20100K0411984-11-22022 November 1984 Submits Concerns Re Safety of Local Residents in Event of Accident & Excessively High Cost of Projected Operation of Facility ML20107H7841984-11-0606 November 1984 Supplemental Brief on Appeal of ASLB 841016 Supplemental Initial Decision Granting Authority for Issuance of Ol. Decision Should Be Reversed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20140E4081984-10-31031 October 1984 Executed Amend 1 to Indemnity Agreement B-97,deleting Items 2A & 3 in Entirety ML20098G8681984-10-0202 October 1984 Answer to Intervenor Motion to Reopen Record Re Bechtel Independent Design Review.Motion Should Be Denied ML20098G8911984-10-0202 October 1984 Joint Statement of Cw Dick & EM Hughes Re Independent Design Insp ML20098G8841984-10-0202 October 1984 Joint Statement of RW Manz & W Faires Re Findings 3-11 Through 3-17 of NRC 830930 Integrated Design Insp Rept. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20098G8901984-10-0202 October 1984 Joint Statement of Kj Green & RW Hooks Re Integrated Design Insp ML20098G8741984-10-0101 October 1984 Affidavit of Br Shelton Re Integrated Design Insp ML20098G8821984-10-0101 October 1984 Affidavit of Kj Green Re Integrated Design Insp Concerning Mechanical Engineering Work ML20098G8881984-09-29029 September 1984 Affidavit of RW Hooks Re Integrated Design Insp Concerning Structural Design ML20098G8781984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of RW Manz Concerning Findings 3-11 Through 3-14 & 3-17 of NRC 830930 Integrated Design Insp Re Westinghouse ML20098G8791984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of RP Tuetken Re Readiness for Fuel Loading ML20098G8831984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of W Faires Re Findings 3-15 & 3-16 of NRC 830930 Integrated Design Insp Rept ML20098G8871984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of EM Hughes Re Idvp ML20098G8811984-09-28028 September 1984 Affidavit of Cw Dick Re Independent Design Review ML20098G8851984-09-27027 September 1984 Affidavit of Rl Heumann Re Costs of Delay in Startup & Operation of Unit 1 ML20098E2371984-09-24024 September 1984 Reply to Intervenor 840918 Proposed Supplemental Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20097E7221984-09-13013 September 1984 Agreed Motion for Time Extension Until 841101 to File Petition for Hearing Re Emergency Planning Commitment W ML20097C5311984-09-12012 September 1984 Motion to Reopen Record to Include Plant Design as Issue. Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20097B7791984-09-10010 September 1984 Proposed Supplemental Initial Decision Re Reinsp Program. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20096A6391984-08-30030 August 1984 Rebuttal Testimony of RW Hooks Re Validity of Info in Attachment 7 to Stokes Testimony Concerning Design Assumption for Plant.Stokes Info Inapplicable to Plant. Related Correspondence ML20096A6261984-08-30030 August 1984 Summary of Rebuttal Testimony & Testimony of ML Somsag, Eb Branch,D Demoss,Mr Frankel,Bf Maurer & Jk Buchanan Re Plant QC Inspector Reinsp Program & C Stokes Allegations Re Welds.Related Correspondence ML20096A6191984-08-30030 August 1984 Rebuttal Testimony of B Erler Re Stokes Allegations Concerning Evaluations of Discrepancies in Calculated Actual Stress Performed by Sargent & Lundy.Related Correspondence ML20096A6441984-08-28028 August 1984 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance in Proceeding.Related Correspondence ML20112D5031984-08-24024 August 1984 Applicant Exhibit A-R-5,consisting of June 1984 Suppl to Rept on Bryon QC Inspector Reinsp Program ML20112D5271984-08-24024 August 1984 Applicant Exhibit A-R-4,consisting of Feb 1984 Rept on Bryon QC Inspector Reinsp Program ML20112D7441984-08-23023 August 1984 Intervenor Exhibit I-R-1,consisting of Undated List of Teutken Safety Category Insp Types 1999-07-27
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AFFIDAVIT DAVID C. THOMAS, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states as follows:
YOUR AFFIANT is the attorney of record for Intervenor Rockford League of Women Voters and Daare/ Safe regarding Contentions 22 and 9 (c) respectively.
On May 31, 1983, Your Affiant filed proposed findings and conclusions regarding the seismology issues.
Contemporaneous 1y herewith Your Affiant is filing pro-4 posed findings and conclusions regarding ALARA.
During the period of time since the hearings in this proceeding closed, in addition to the activity set forth above, Your Affiant has also been required to grade approximately 80 criminal procedure examinations, as well as maintain a heavy trial and teaching schedule.
Although Your Affiant has worked diligently on the steam generator issue, which encompasses the testimony of more than 15 witnesses and consumed two full weeks of the hearing, Your Affiant has been unable to complete the findings and conclusions on this issue.
This request is made in good faith and not for the purposes of delay.
8306200331 830614 gDRADOCK05000 l
SUBSCRIBED and SHORN to before me this 14th day of/ June, 1983.
1 hl pos'd esnG
$1'/,$.s.6 s w-U#*
I?a ^ ' ~
In the Matter of
) Docket Nos.
50-455 OL
(Byron Nuclear Power Station,
Units 1 and 2)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned, attorney for Intervenor Rockford
~ League of Women Voters, certifies.that he filed the original and two copies of the attached "INTERVENOR ROCKFORD LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS' PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW REGARDING ALARA AND STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INTEGRITY", along with Motion for Extention of Time on the Steam Generator issue and an attached with the Secretary of the Nuclear, Regulatory Commission Affidavit, on the 14th day of June, 1983 &
served a copy of the same on each of the persons at the addresses shown on the attached service list.
Service on the Secretary and all parties, unless otherwise indicated, as made by deposit in the U.S. Mail, first-class postage on the
- prepaid, day of June, 1983.
15th DAVID C. THOMAS Attorney for the Rockford League of Women Voters DAVID C.
77 S. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 567-5050 L.
SERVICE LIST COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY -- Byron Station Docket Nos. 50-454 and 50-455 Mr. Ivan W. Smith Ndchael Miller, Esq.
Administrative Judge and Isham, Lincoln & Beale Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel One First National Plaza Room 428 East West / West Towers Bldg.
42nd Floor 4 350 East West Highway Chicago, IL 60603 Bethesda, MD 20114 Dr. Richard F. Cole Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Chief Hearing Counsel Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Dr. A Dixon Callihan Union Carbide Corporation P.O. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Mr. Steven C.
Goldberg Ms. Mitzi A. Young Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Secretary i
Attn :
Chief, Docketing and Service Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j
Washington, D.C.
20555 Ms. Diane Chavez SAFE 326 N. Avon St.
Rockford, IL 61103 Dr. Bruce von Zellen l
Department of Biological Sciences Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 Joseph Gallo, Esq.
Isham, Lincoln & Beale Suite 840 1120 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.
20036 Douglass W.
Cassel, Jr.
Jane whicher BPI Suite 1300 109 N. Dearborn Chicago, IL 60602