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Assessment of Impacts of Proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir Pumphouse Intake on Shortnose Sturgeon,Acipenser Brevirostrum
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1982
From: Brundage H
Shared Package
ML20076F117 List:
NUDOCS 8308250268
Download: ML20076F119 (85)



  • Delmarva Power & Light Company e

Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Metropolitan Edison Company

  • Public Service Electric and Gas Company Philadelphia Electric Company O



8308250268 830817 DR ADOCK 05000 n


Schuler of Ichthyological Associates, Inc. and Bruce A. Jones and John S.

Dobi of Public Service Electric and Gas Co. are thanked for their review of this assessment.

I also thank Arthur Lupine of the New Jersey Bureau of Fisheries and Robert W. Hastings of Rutgers University for providing unpublished data, Robert G. Howells for drafting the figures, and Holly J. Jones for assistance with manuscript preparation.



1 AV I.A. Research/ Consulting i




Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.....................................





3 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION................................

3 2.1 Location...................................

3 2.2 Hydrology..................................

4 2.3 Temperature................................

4 2.4 Water Quality..............................

4 2.5 Bathymetry and Substrate Composition.......

5 2.6 Macrobenthic Community.....................

5 2.7 Fish Community.............................



3.0 PUMPHOUSE INTAKE DESCRIPTION....................

14 3.1 Project Overview...........................

14 3.2 Operating Schedule.........................

14 3.3 Pumphouse Description......................

14 3.4 Construction Methods.......................





4.1 Distribution...............................

22 4.2 Seasonal Distribution and Movements........

22 4.3 Forag ing and Food Habits...................

24 4.~4 Age and Growth.............................

24 4.5 Reproduction...............................

25 4.6 Spawning and Early Life History............

26 4.6.1 Spawning Period and Location........

26 4.6.2 Eggs................................

27 4.6.3 Larvae and Juveniles................

29 4.6.4 Larval and Juvenile Swim Speed......

29 4.7 Hardiness..................................


33 5.1 Data Sources...............................

33 5.2 Incidental Capture Records During 1817-1954...............................

33 5.3 Incidental Capture Records During 1954-June 1982..........................

34 5.4 Rutgers University / Army Corps of Engineers Shortnose Sturgeon Study......

35 5.5 Neshaminy Water Resources Authority Sampling for Shortnose Sturgeon near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania............

36 m


I ml I.A. Research/ Consulting ii n



5.6 Merrill Creek Owners Group /Ichthyological Associates, Inc. Sampling for Chortnose Sturgeon at Merrill Creek Project Pumphouse Site..........................

36 5.7 Miscellaneous Studies in the Non-tidal Delaware River Reviewed for Shortnose Sturgeon Capture Data...................



OF POTENTIAL IMPACT..................

55 6.1 Potential Utilization of the Project Site by Shortnose Sturgeon and Basis for Impact Assessment........................

55 6.2 Cr i t ical H a bi ta t...........................

55 6.3 Construction Impacts.......................

56 6.4 Operation Impacts..........................

56 6.4.1 Entrainment.........................

56 6.4.2 Impingement.........................

60 6.5 Cumulative Impacts.........................

61 6.5.1 Effects of Impingement and Entrainment at Other Water Intakes..........................

61 6.5.2 Beneficial Effect of the Merrill Creek Project on Downstream Water Quality....................

61 6.5.3 Additional Impacts..................

62 O

LITERATURE CITED.....................................


>v I.A. Research Consulting



6 l


Page Table 2-1.

Monthly mean discharge of the Delaware River at Belvidere, New Jersey during 1955-1980................................

7 Table 2-2.

Fish species reported in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site....................

10 Table 3-1.

Simulation of number of days per month pumping from the Delaware River into the Merrill Creek Reservoir would have been required based on actual river flows during 1955-1980..........

16 Table 4-1.

Critical swim speed of four 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae.......................

31 Table 4-2.

Burst swim speed of three 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae.......................

32 Table 5-1.

Summary of fishery and ecological studies in Delaware Bay and tidal Delaware

{S River reviewed for shortnose sturgeon capture



39 Table 5-2.

Summary of fishery and ecological studies in the non-tidal Delaware River reviewed for shortnose sturgeon capture records..........

41 Table 5-3.

Incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River drainage, 1958-June 1982..................................

42 j

Table 5-4.

Shortnose sturgeon collected in the

. upper-tidal Delaware River during July-December l


43 Table 5-5.

Stations in the non-tidal Delaware River between West Trenton and Bulls Island, NJ, sampled for shortncse sturgeon on 24 and 25 August 1981.....................................

44 Table 5-6.

Summary of gill netting effort in the l

Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, during October through December 1981 and March 1982....................

45 l

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Page n


Table 5-7.

Summary of gill netting effort in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during 4 May through 9 June 1982.......................

47 Table 5-8.

Fishes collected by experimental gill net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during 4 May through 9 June 1982...........

49 Table 5-9.

Monthly number of hauls of large seines made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project during 1970 and 1973....................

50 Table 5-10.

Month number of hauls of a 91 x 3.7-m seine made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the New Jersey Bureau of Fisheries during 1979-1981................................

51 Table 5-11.

Summary of gill netting effort in the non-tidal Delaware River by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project, 1970, 1971, and 1973............................................

52 I)

Table 6-1.

Impingement and entrainment studies at industrial and municipal water intakes on the Delaware River and Bay..........................

63 i

l t

I l

I.A. Research/ Consulting v


v Page Figure 2-1.

The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake..

13 Figure 3-1.

Plan view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse................................

19 Figure 3-2.

Cross-sectional view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse..........................

20 Figure 3-3.

Schematic diagram of a cylindrical wedge-wire screen..................................

21 Figure.5-1.

Locations of recorded incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River drainage, 1954-June 1982...........................

53 Figure 5-2.

The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake showing stations sampled for shortnose sturgeon May-June 1982.............................



Figure 6-1.

Theoretical minimum excludable and maximum entrainable size of larval shortnose sturgeon at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen shown by regression of head width on total length...........

64 Figure 6-2.

Head dimensions and critical angle of approach of a larval shortnose sturgeon to a 2-mm wedge-wire slot which result in the maximum entrainable size...................................

65 Figure 6-3.

Age, in days af ter hatching, of larval shortnose sturgeon at the minimum excludable and

~ maximum entrainable sizes at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen.............................................

66 O

x-I.A. Research/ Consulting vi n



n A biological assessment of the impacts of the Merrill Creek Reservior pumphouse intake on the endangered shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, has been prepared pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.

This assessment is submitted to the Delaware River Basin Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District on behalf of the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project.

It is the conclusion of this assessment that the construction and operation of the Merrill Creek pumphouse intake will not jeopardize the continued existence of the shortnose sturgeon.

This determination'is based upon the following.

No critical habitat for the shortnose sturgeon has been formally designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Furthermore, the Delaware River near the proposed intake does not represent habitat unique or essential to shortnose sturgeon.

No shortnose sturgeon have been taken in the project vicinity either historically or during an intensive gill net sampling program conducted during May through mid-June 1982.

Although shortnose sturgeon have never been taken in the


project vicinity and utilization of the site is considered unlikely, potential impacts were assessed based on the highly conservative assumption that all life stages of shortnose sturgeon may be present during spring and summer.

Construction of the intake structure will have no adverse effects on the shortnose sturgeon.

The local increase in turbidity resulting from emplacement and dewatering of the cofferdam prior to construction will be minimal and well within the tolerance range of the shortnose sturgeon which frequently inhabits highly turbid regions of estuaries.

i The Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse will be a shoreline structure supplied through 2-mm wedge-wire screen cylinders set approximately mid-depth in the water column.

This system represents state-of-the-art technology for mitigating entrainment and impingement of aquatic organisms.

Shortnose sturgeon eggs are demersal, highly adhesive, are not transported or dispersed through the water column and, therefore, will not be vulnerable to entrainment at the Merrill Creek pumphouse intake.


I.A. Research/ Consulting n

2 Shortnose sturgeon larvae of a size small enough to be entrained are known to remain almost exclusively on the g-bottom, do not generally enter the river drift, and should s,j) not be influenced by the intake which draws water from a mid-depth stratum.

Larger shortnose sturgeon larvae or juveniles which may be drifting or moving downstream along the bottom will tend to be diverted away from the intake by a submerged training wall.

The microhydrodynamics of wedge-wire and the low maximum through-slot velocity relative to river current velocity will essentially preclude impingement of larger larvae or juvenile shortnose sturgeon.

Moreover, shortnose sturgeon larvae large enough to be retained,on the intake screens are capable of swimming faster than the through-slot velocity.

Screen avoidance will be further facilitated by the ambient river current.

In summary, the Delaware River near the proposed intake is neither a unique'nor essential habitat to the.shortnose sturgeon.

The intake is of a state-of-the-art design that will minimize entrainment and essentially eliminate impingement of aquatic organisms.

Consequently, no impact on the shortnose sturgeon is expected.

Ob I.A. Research/ Consulting n




A biological assessment of the impacts of the Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake on the endangered shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, has been prepared pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.

This assessment is submitted to the Delaware River Basin Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District on behalf of the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project.

The Merrill Creek Reservoir Project is designed to provide storage of Delaware River water for later release during periods of low flow to compensate for consumptive water use by power plants operated by member utilities of the Merrill Creek Owners Group.

Water will be withdrawn and released through a shoreline pumphouse on the Delaware River near the village of Hutchinson, New Jersey.

The intake will be equipped with fixed, cylindrical wedge-wire screens which represent state-of-the-art technology for mitigating entrainment and impingement of aquatic organisms.

Although shortnose sturgeon have never been taken near the intake site and utilization of the site is considered unlikely, impact assessment is based on the highly I')

conservative assumption that all life stages of shortnose


sturgeon may be present during spring and summer.

Under this worst-case assumption the biology, including distribution, habitat preference, growth rate, swim speed, and behavior, of the shortnose sturgeon is related to the hydraulic and operational characteristics of the proposed intake.

2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location The Merrill Creek Reservoir Project pumphouse will be located on the New Jersey bank of the Delaware River at approximately river kilometer (rkm) 309, about one-half mile west of the village of Hutchinson, New Jersey (Fig. 2-1).

This region of the Delaware River is characterized by pools and riffles, gravel dominated substrate, and swift currents.

The drainage basin upstream of the site is sparsely populated and farming is the primary land use.

The nearest major population centers are Easton, Pennsylvania, and Phillipsburg, New Jersey, located at the confluence of the I.A. Research/ Consulting

o Lehigh and Delaware rivers some 13 km downstream of the site.

O 2.2 Hydrology The Delaware River in the vicinity of the pumphouse site is running, non-tidal freshwater.

The site is located approximately 93 km upstream of the fall line at Trenton, New Jersey.

The Delaware River at the pumphouse site is about 183 m in width at low river stage.

River discharge, as measured at the Belvidere, New Jersey gaging station (approximately 8 km upstream of the site),

during October 1922 through September 1979 averaged 7,977 cfs with a maximum of 273,000 cfs in 1955 and a minimum of 609 in 1943 (MCOG, 1981a).

Monthly mean river flows at Belvidere during water-years 1955 through 1980 are given in Table 2-1 (USGS, 1982).

Records after 1955 are significant since they represent the period of regulated withdrawals of water from the upper Delaware River Basin for New York City municipal water supply (Roy F..Weston, Inc., 1977).

Maximum flows occur during March and April and minimum flows during July through September.



Current velocities in the vicinity of the site vary seasonally with river flow.

Computed current velocities at" the pumphouse site range from about 0.3 m/sec (1.0 fps) at low flows (800 to 1550 cfs) to about 3.8 m/sec (12.5 fps) at extreme flood flows (315,000 cfs).

Calculated velocity at the minimum operating water-surface elevation (El. 59 m; 195 f t) is ca. 0.6 m/sec (2.0 fps) (MCOG, 1981b).

2.3 Temperature Water temperature in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the pumphouse site ranges from about 0 C in late January and early February to 30.5 C in summer (Water Testing Laboratory, Inc., 1979, 1980a,b).

2.4 Water Quality The water quality of the Delaware River in the vicinity of


the pumphouse site is excellent and in accordance with state u

I.A. Research/ Consulting q__

5 and DRBC regulations.

Water in this section of the river also fulfills EPA drinking water standards with the degree of treatment municipalities along the Delaware


(MCOG, 1981a).

Dissolved oxygen concentration at the pumphouse site is generally at or near saturation (Water Testing Laboratory, Inc., 1979, 1980a,b).

2.5 Bathymetry and Substrate Composition Water depth in the immediate vicinity of the proposed pumphouse is shallow, ca. 1.5 to 2.1 m, during periods of minimum flow.

River bottom near the site is comprised of rocks and cobbles with a matrix of fine grain sediment (ARL, 1981).

2.6 Macrobenthic Community Studies by ANSP (1973), Wurtz (1973, 1974, and 1975a,b) and


NUS (1980) have shown the macrobenthic community of the Delaware River in the general vicinity of the site to be diverse and indicative of clear, well-oxygenated water with_

clean unsilted substrate.

ANSP (1973) reported 38 taxa of invertebrates near Belvidere, New Jersey; stoneflies (Plecoptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera), and prosobranch snails were well represented.

l Qualitative collections near the Martins Creek Power Plant, ca. 5.5 km upstream of the site, (Wurtz, 1975a,b) yielded 149 macroinvertebrate species.

Quantitative artificial substrate sampling showed that caddisflies, chironomids, snails, and oligochaetes were important (Wurtz,.1973; 1974; 1975a,b).

In general, the dominant macrobenthic organisms in the Martins Creek section of the Delaware River were the mayflies Heptagenia and Stenonema; the caddisflies Hydropsyche, Athripsodes, and Psychomyia; midges (Chironomidae); snails, particularly Physa heterostrapha; the amphipod Gammarus fasciatus; and oligocheate worms (Roy F. Weston, 1977).

Macroinvertebrate drift studies near the proposed pumphouse demonstrated 33 taxa.

Although diversity was fairly high, biomass of the drifting fauna was low.

Dipterans, mainly midges and blackflies, dominated'the macroinvertebrate drif t; mayflies, caddisflies, and amphipods were common I.A. Research/ Consulting

w 2.7 Fish Community The Delaware River near the proposed pumphouse supports a 3


diverse fish community which includes warm water resident game and forage fishes, anadromous clupeids, and the catadromous American eel.

A total of 56 species of fish have been collected in the vicinity of the project by various investigators (Table 2-2) (Springer and Groutage, 1962; DRBC, 1971; ANSP, 1973; Wurtz, 1973, 1974, 1975a,b; Miller et al., 1973, 1975; Younger, 1974; Roy F. Weston, Inc., 1977; NUS, 1980, 1981; and C. T. Main, Inc., 1982).

The most common species were American eel, American shad, golden shiner, satinfin shiner, spottail shiner, fallfish, white sucker, rock bass, redbreast sunfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill, and smallmouth bass.

Fishes of' recreational importance include American shad, rainbow trout, chain pickerel, muskellunge, channel catfish, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, white crappie, black crappie, yellow perch, and walleye.


I.A. Research/ Consulting



g Table 2-1.

Monthly mean discharge (cfs) of the Delaware River at Belvidere, New Jersey (rkm 317), during 1955-1980 (from USGS, 1982).

Month Water Year 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 October 1447 19570 3094 1763 5698 5881 5035 1958 2595 1432 November 9314 14860 4889 2504 8848 10330 3920 3498 6152 2586 December 9176 5548 10550 12550 6100 12880 3206 3724 4270 4807 January 6793 5100 6833 8795 7069 9981 2581

8417 3832 8569

- February 5805 7945 6368 5947 6986 11930 10300 3957 3460 5696 March 15500 13260 9350 12920 10280 5792 16360 12410 15730 15640 April' 9723 23460 15720 27940 15220 23240 19830 16770 10630 11000 May 4407 12530 5710 13040 5592 7304 11320 3999 5572 6785 3


3373 7035 2791 3875 2751 8016 4776 2097 3028 2699 f

July 1606 4705 2037 3048 2269 4200 2776 1666 2311 1998 August 19260 2393 1553 2365 2323 5308 3414 1754 1997 1725 September 4673 3602 1778 2679 2335 12040 2605 1694 1726 1538 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting w

O~l O'.

O Table / 2-1.


Month Water Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 October 1435 2037 2195 3280 3400 3262 5610 4098 2746 2974 November 1226 1720 2964 6055 7615 6438 8430 4853 16380 3681 December 2381 3260 4392 9393 7105 7502 4608 13740 15720 20590 January 2769 3016 6320 4347 4908 4280 4339 8258 12970 12640 February 7287 5134 5446 6104 4759 11730 9267 6025 11330 11270 March 5580 12620 10870 11640 8769 7761 15800 17760 10800 13280 April 7141 5487 13380 8337 12720 24570 15340 19150 18160 18110 May 3261 7226 10230 11530 7105 7784 9080 13260 16910 9741 June 1590 3853 4114 13460 5758 3405 3992 22280 12490 4799 a

July 1017 1715 3353 4718 7417 3484 2797 10050 11420 316/

August 1194 1629 5510 3178 8844 2937 4126 3224 5554 3155 September 1393 1733 2879 3332 3702 3142 4080 2848 3155 6486 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting


O J'

Table 2-1.


Month Water Yesc 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Mean -

-Oc tobe r 4992 11660 12870 14070 2429 9554 5196 November 6328 10620 8044 10990 2525 9309 6G95 December 12950 6937 5595 16330 5091 7671 8311 January 12060 12260 2966 20050 19940 4472 7830 February 14800 19930 4885 7705 8474 2452 7884 March 15770 12500 27320 16210 21650 13330 13420 April 12470 9243 18870 17250 13770 18660 15620 E

May 11530 9355 8172 12550 14150 7815 9G76 June 8862 4601 2764 5789 7203 2823 5701 a

July 5314 5881 2355 2641 2698 2712 3744 August 3520 5372 2246 2811 2439 2290 3851 September 7081 2805 6805 2055 4630 2094 3573 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting

Tcble 2-2.

Fish species reported in the D31 aware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site.


PETROMYZONTIDAE - LAMPREYS Lampetra lamottei American brook lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey AMIIDAE - BOWFINS Amia calva Bowfin ANGUILLIDAE - FRESHWATER EELS Anguilla rostrata American eel s.

CLUPEIDAE - HERRINGS Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife Alosa sapidissima American shad

..losa aestivalis Blueback herring


SALMONIDAE - TROUTS Salmo gairdneri Rainbow trout Salmo trutta Brown trout ESOCIDAE - PIKES Esox americanus americanus Redfin pickerel Esox niger Chain pickerel Esox masquinogy Muskellunge O

I.A. Research/ Consulting D

Tablo 2-2.



Campostoma anomalum Stoneroller Carassius auratus Goldfish Cyprinus carpio Carp Exoglossum maxillingua Cutlips minnow Hybognathus nuchalis Silvery minnow Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden shiner Notropis amoenus Comely shiner Notropis analostanus Satinfin shiner Notropis bifrenatus Bridle shiner Notropis cornutus Common shiner Notropis hudsonius Spottail shiner Notropis procue Swallowtail shiner Notropis rubellus Roseyface shiner Notropis spilopterus Spotfin shiner Pimephales notatus Bluntnose minnow Rhinichthys atratulus Blacknose dace Rhinichthys cataractae Longnose dace Semotilus corporalis Fallfish CATOSTOMIDAE - SUCKERS O

Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback Catostomus commersoni White sucker Erimyzon oblongus Creek chubsucker ICTALURIDAE - FRESHWATER CATFISHES Ictalurus catus White catfish Ictalurus natalis Yellow bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus Brown bullhead Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Noturus gyrinus.

Tadpole madtom Noturus insignis Margined madtom CYPRINODONTIDAE - KILLIFISHES Fundulus diaphanus Banded killifish i


I.A. Research/ Consulting l

l l

Tabic 2-2.



Morone americana White perch Morone saxatilis Striped bass CENTRARCHIDAE - SUNFISHES Ambloplites rupestris Rockbass Lepomis auritus Redbreast sunfish Lepomis cyanellus Green sunfish Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill Micropterus dolomieui Smallmouth bass Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass Pomoxis annularic White crappie t

Pomoxis nigromaculatus Black crappie PERCIDAE - PERCHES



Etheostoma nigrum Johnny darter w

Etheostoma olmstedi Tessellated darter Perca flavescens Yellow perch Percina caprodes Logperch Percina peltata Shield darter Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Walleye l


Springer and Groutage, 1962; DRBC, 1971; l

Patrl k, 1972; Wurtz, 19 73 ; Miller et al., 19 73, 1975; Youns c, 1973, 1974; Roy F. Weston, Inc., 1977; NUS, 1980, 1981; C.

T. Main, Inc., 1982.

l I.A. Research/ Consulting l








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. CREEK Figure 2-1.

The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake.

T j

I.A. Research/ Consulting



The purpose of the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project is to provide for the storage of Delaware River water for release during periods of low flow to compensate for consumptive water use by power plants operated by member utilities of the Merrill Creek Owners Group.

The Merrill Creek Reservoir will provide 46,000 acre-feet of usable water supply and will yield ca. 200 cfs of compensatory release for 115 days during a recurrence of the

" Drought of Record".

In accordance with DRBC requirements, the Merrill Creek Reservoir will begin augmentation releases when Delaware River flow drops below 3,000 cfs at the Trenton gaging station.

When flow exceeds 3145 cfs at the Trenton gage, water can be withdrawn from the Delaware River to maintain water level in the reservoir (MCOG, 1981a).

All water withdrawals and releases will be made through a shoreline pumphouse on the Delaware River.

Water will flow to and from the reservoir through a ca. 5180 m long water conduit.

A detailed description of the Merrill Creek Reservoir and appurtenant structures is given in MCOG (1981 a,b).

m 3.2 Operating Schedule The frequency and duration of pumpages from, and releases to, the Delaware River will vary greatly depending on season and ambient river flow conditions.

It is presently planned to fill the reservoir primarily during late fall and winter.

A simulation of the number of days per month pumping from the Delaware River would have been required, based on daily flows recorded at the Trer. ton gage, during 1955-1980 is given in Table 3-1 (MCOG, 1981c).

The mean number of days per month pumping would have been required ranged from 1.46 in June to 8.04 in December.

3.3 Pumphouse Description The pumphouse intake system proposed for the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project incorporates state-of-the-art technology for mitigating entrainment and impingement of aquatic organisms.

O I.A. Research/ Consulting b

The pumphouse will be a shoreline structure comprising three 72.5-cfs pumps supplied through five fixed, cylindrical wedge-wire screens (Figs. 3-1, 3-2).

Design pumping capacity, 145 cfs, will require the operation of two pumps; the third will serve as a spare.

Two energy dissipating


valves, each rated at 200 cfs, will return water to the Delaware River.

Each intake screen will consist of a 2.9 x 2.9-m closed-end cylinder of V-shaped (enlarging inward) wedge-wire wound and helically welded to internal support rods (Fig. 3-3).

Slot size will be 2 mm and the slots will be oriented parallel to ambient river flow.

The 1:1 length to diameter ratio will minimize intake velocity gradients across the screen face.

The screens are designed to provide a maximum through-slot velocity of 0.15 m/sec (0.5 fps) at the design capacity of 145 cfs.

The screens will be placed on vertical structural steel supports mounted on a concrete pad in front of the intake (Fig. 3-2); the rcreens will be a minimum of 1.7 m above the pad.

The concrete pad will slope downward to form a silt pit with a bottom elevation of 50.6 m (EL 166 ft).

To reduce sediment accumulation in the pit, a training wall will extend upstream and outboard of the silt pit (Fig.


To protect the screens from possible damage from large debris or ice flows, an inclined structural steel


frame with members set ca. 1 m o.c.

is provided outboard of the screen assemblies.



3.4 Construction Methods A cofferdam will be emplaced and dewatered prior to construction of the intake structure.

Strict erosion control measures and restriction of construction activities at the site will minimize environmental disturbance.

Water pumped from behind the cofferdam and natural runoff from the site will be collected in a temporary retention basin to allow sediments to settle out before water is released to the river (MCOG, 1981b).


u. m-c-a=





t Table 3-1.

Simulation of number of days per month pumping from the Delaware River into the Merrill Creek Reservoir would hav'e been required based on actual river flows during 1955-1980 (from data in MCOG, 1981c).

Month Water Year 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 October 1.00 4.38 1.07 2.00 10.79 10.24 1.07 0.00 20.00 1.00 I

November 27.00 1.03 1.03 15.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 21.00 30.00 16.00 December 12.69 1.07 1.07 31.00 1.07 1.07 2.38 12.86 31.00 31.00 January 1.07 1.07 1.07 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 18.55 31.00 February 0.97 1.00 0.97 28.00 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.97 29.00 March 1.07 1.07 1.07 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 20.66 April 1.03 1.03 1.03 23.66 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 May 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.00 1.07 1.07 a

June 0.97 1.03 2.31 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.62 0.90 1.97 July 1.00 1.07 2.07 1.07 6.97 1.07 1.07 0.00 9.45 8.00 August 19.00 0.93 0.00 5.97 5.14 1.07 2.41 7.00 7.00 0.00 September 30.00 1.17 0.00 12.00 1.07 1.03 2.31 2.00 1.00 0.00 Total 96.86 15.93 12.76 182.80 32.31 21.79 16.52 50.62 122.04 140.73 1

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Table 3-1.


Month Water Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 October 0.00 16.00 10.00 1.07 2.79 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 November 0.00 4.00 23.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 December 11.00 28.00 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 January 29.00 26.00 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 February 25.00 18.00 23.52 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.97 March 31.00 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 April,

30.00 30.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 May 26.00 31.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 June 5.00 4.56 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 a

July 0.00 '

l.10 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 2.38 August 0.00 3.00 1.07 1.00 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 September 0.00 4.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.21 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 Total 157.00 196.67 125.90 12.55 14.31 13.76 12.59 12.62 12.59 13.90 1

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O Table 3-1.


Month Water Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Mean October 1.07 1.07 1.07 6.93 1.10 1.07 3.81 November 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.28 1.03 5.95 December 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 8.04 January 1.07 1.07 3.59 1.07 1.07 1.07 7.33 February 0.97 1.00 11.03 0.97 0.97 1.00 5.93 March 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 5.28 April 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 4.13 May 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 3.18 June 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.46 a

July 1.07 1.07 2.76.

1.07 1.07 1.52 1.97 August 1.07 1.07 7.55 1.07 1.07 2.00 2.84 September 1.03 1.03 14.00 1.00 1.03 2.00 3.23 Total 12.59 12.62 46.31 18.41 12.86 14.97 53.15 I.A. Research/ Consulting


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t Figure 3-1.

Plan view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse j

(from ARL, 1981).

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.Sij,T_BA,CKWASH LINE 32' 100' i

Figure 3-2.

Cross-sectional view of proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse (from ARL, 1981).

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O o*

Figure 3-3.

Schematic diagram of a cylindrical wedge-wire screen.

A= internal support rod, B = wire, C = slot (modified from Hanson et al., 1977).

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The shortnose sturgeon ranges from the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada to Indian River, Florida (Dadswell, ms).

In the northern portion of its range the shortnose sturgeon principally inhabits large estuary-river complexes and, occasionally, nearshore ocean waters (Dadswell, ms).

Southern populations, however, spend most of the year in the lower few kilometers of the estuary or in coastal waters, occurring upstream only during spawning in February and March (Heidt and Gilbert, 1978).

Substantial reproducing populations have recently been studied in the Saint John River, New Brunswick (Dadswell, 1979), M6ntsweag Bay, Maine (McCleave et al., 1977), the Kennebec River, Maine (Squiers and Smith, 1979), the Connecticut River (Taubert and Reed, 1978a, 1978b; Taubert, 1980; Buckley and Kynard, 1981), the Hudson River, New York (Dovel, 1979, 1981), Cape Henry, Virginia to Cape Fear, North Carolina (Holland and Yelverton, 1973), and the Altamaha River, Georgia (Heidt and Gilbert, 1979).

In the Delaware River drainage, shortnose sturgeon have been taken throughout Delaware Bay, in the tidal portion of the River and above the fall line to Lambertville, New Jersey

( rkm 2 40) (Brundage and Meadows, 1981; Brundage and Meadows, in press).

The species has also been taken in the ocean off


of Ocean City, Maryland some 70 km south of Delaware Bay (Brundage and Meadows, in press).

4.2 Seasonal Distribution and Movements Seasonal utilization of various regions of the estuary by shortnose sturgeon is dependent on life stage, reproductive state, and, to some extent, latitude.

A generalized pattern of seasonal movement in northern estuaries has been determined based on the work of Dadswell (1979), Dovel (1981), and Squires and Smith (1979) in the Saint John, Hudson, and Kennebec rivers, respectively.

The seasonal-spatial distribution of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River appears to correspond to this generalized pattern (see Section 5.3).

In spring, shortly after water temperature begins to rise, adults move upriver from overwintering areas to the upper tidal and lower non-tidal freshwater reaches to spawn.

Af ter spawning adults may remain near the spawning grounds but generally move downstream to a summer foraging area O

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located mid-estuary between the 1 and 3 ppt isohalines.

In the Saint John River, juveniles remain in the upper estuary until. they are ca. 45 cm in length (Dadswell, 1979).

In the Hudson River, Dovel (1981) found that some age 0+ shortnose sturgeon move gradually downstream, perhaps by drifting O

passively with the current (Pottle and Dadswell, 1979),

whereas others remain in the spawning area.

Dovel (1981) found that during May through early December age 0+ shortnose sturgeon were concurrently dispersed over a ca. 160 km section of river from New Baltimore to Haverstraw Bay and attributed this distribution to a combination of random movements and the influence of estuarine circulation patterns.

No age 0+ sturgeon were taken in the upriver reaches during mid-December through April.

Adults between spawning periods and some older juveniles may also move upriver in spring to the summer feraging area or may remain in the lower estuary during spring and summer, moving inshore to inhabit shallow waters near the mouths of tidal creeks and embayments (M. J.

Dadswell, pers. comm.


In fall, most adults and some juveniles migrate from foraging to overwintering areas.

Two overwintering locations within the estuary have been suggested, utilization of which appears to be dependent on reproductive condition.

Non-ripening adults, ripe but not running males, and older juveniles move to the deeper portions of the lower estuary.

Overwintering sites in the lower Saint John River estuary are characterized by an average salinity of 20 ppt and temperature of 2-13 C.

s Some ripening adults may migrate upriver in fall and overwinter in company with younger juveniles in freshwater. ~

In the Saint John River, Dadswell (1979) found that the freshwater overwintering sites were adjacent to the probable spawning grounds and characterized by depths in excess of 10 m, moderate tidal currents, and cold water (0-2 C).

Dovel 4

(1981), in contrast, reported that prespawning individuals in the Hudson River concentrate near Esopus Meadows (rkm 139) considerably downstream of the spawning grounds located between Coeymans (rkm 212) and Troy Dam (rkm 245).

l Southern populations demonstrate a different migratory pattern in that shortnose sturgeon occur upstream only during spawning in February and March, spending the remainder of the year in the lower few kilometers of the tidal' river and in l

coastal waters (Heidt and Gilbert, 1978).

l I.A. Research/ Consulting n

4.3 Foraging and Food Habits Shortnose sturgeon appear to be strictly benthic feeders.



freshwater adults typically forage over shallow (1-5 m),

muddy substrates with abundant macrophytes (Dadswell, 1979).

During late summer Dadswell (1979) found that foraging tends to occur in deeper water (5-10 m); any feeding during fall and winter takes place in deep water (15-25 m).

Feeding in freshwater is largely confined to periods when temperature is greater than 10 C.

In the Saint John River, juveniles in freshwater forage principally in deep channels (10-20 m) over sandy-mud or gravel-mud bottoms.

In saline waters of the Saint John River estuary adults forage primarily over sandy-mud or mud bottoms at depths of 5-10 m.

Feeding in saline waters occurs during all seasons (Dadswell, ms).

McCleave et al. (1977) reported that shortnose sturgeon in Montsweag Bay, Maine with salinity of 18-24 ppt, forage over shallow (1-5 m) mud tide-flats.

Dovel (1979) reported that shortnose sturgeon move into the shallows at night, probably to feed.

Juveniles feed on available benthic crustaceans and insects; Hexagenia, Chaoborus, Chironomus, Gammarus, Asellus, and Cyathura are important taxa (Dadswell, 1979; Dadswell, ms).

Adults in the Saint John River, New Brunswick prefer molluscs and vary the dominant prey in different salinity regions; Mya in saline waters, Macoma in brackish water, CS)

Amnicola and Valvata in fresh water with high chloride


content (100-1000 ppm), and Pisidium and Elliptio in permanent freshwater areas (Dadswell, 1979).

Benthic insects and crustaceans are a more important component of the adult diet in the upper Connecticut River and the Hudson River (Dadswell, ms; Curran and Ries, 1937).

In Montsweag Bay, Maine (salinity 18-24 ppt) adults feed on Mya, Crangon, and small flounder (McCleave et al., 1977).

4.4 Age and Growth l

Growth rates of'shortnose sturgeon have been reported '.om the Saint John River (Dadswell, 1979), the Kennebec Ptver, (Squiers and Smith, 1978), the upper Connecticut River i

(Ta ube r t',

cited in Dadswell, ms), the Hudson River (Greeley, 1937), and the Altamaha River (Heidt and Gilbert, 1978).

i i

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Growth rate seems inversely related to latitude, although larger maximum sizes have been reported for northerly populations (Dadswell, ms).

The smaller ultimate length of more southerly populations is probably related to earlier f"3 maturity and more frequent gonad ripening.

The slowest

'd adult growth rates have been reported for the upper Connecticut River population which is essentially landlocked above the Holyoke Dam (Dadswell, ms).

Dovel (1981) has cautioned, however, that sturgeon age is very difficult to accurately determine due to the production of more than one

" annual" ring on the pectoral spine per year.

The oldest male and female shortnose sturgeon reported were 62 and 67 years old, respectively; both from the Saint John River.

The largest specimen, also from the Saint John River, is a 122 cm FL female weighing 23.6 kg (Dadswell,1979).

4.5 Reproduction Age-at-maturity varies directly with latitude.

Males mature at age 2 in Georgia (Heidt and Gilbert, 1978) and age 10-11 in the Saint John River, New Brunswick (Dadswell, 1979).

Females mature at age 6 in Georgia and age 12 in New Brunswick.

Length at maturity, 45-55 cm for both sexes, does not vary with latitude (Dadskall, ms).

First spawning i

occurs 1-2 years af ter maturity in males and may be delayed


up to five years in females (Dadswell, ms).

Dovel (1981) reported that first spawning in the Hudson River occurs at


about one-half the age reported for the Saint John River.

In the Saint John River, females spawn a maximum of once every three years and males every other year.

Resting periods of as long as 5-11 years are suggested by the absence of spawning checks in annuli of the pectoral spine (Dadswell, 1979).

A similar situation has been described for the Connecticut River population (Taubert, 1980).

Spawning periodicity in more southern populations is unknown.

Dovel (1981) cautions against making absolute determinations of age-at-maturity due to the difficulty in distinguishing real from false annuli.

Fecundity of shortnose sturgeon from the Saint John River -

ranged from 27,000-208,000 eggs / fish (x = 11,568 eggs /kg body weight) (Dadswell, 1979).

Fecundity of specimens from the Altamaha River ranged from 79,000-90,000 eggs / fish (x =

14,000 eggs /kg body weight) (Height and Gilbert, 1978).


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4.6 Spawning and Early Life History 4.6.1 Spawning Period and Location p),

In northern populations, shortnose sturgeon spawn in spring; s_

ripe and running-ripe adults occur during the middle two weeks of April in the Delaware River (Meehan, 1910; Hoff, 1965), the last week of April and the first week of May in the Hudson River (Greeley, 1937; Dovel, 1981), the first two weeks of May in the Connecticut River (Taubert, 1980), and mid-May through early June in the Saint John River (Dadswell, 1979; Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd.,


Temperature appears to be the principal factor governing spawning.

Meehan (1910), Heidt and Gilbert (1978), Taubert (1980), and Dadswell (1979), reported spawning to occur between 9-12 C.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) reported a slightly broader range of 6.0-14 C with peak spawning activity at 13.9 C.

Spawning occurs in freshwater at or above the limit of tidal intrusion (Dadswell, ms).

Spawning areas are typically characterized by fast current velocity, ranging from 40-60 cm/sec in the Holyoke Pool of the Connecticut River (Taubert, 1980) to 100-300 cm/sec in the Saint John River I

(Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd, 1981), with gravel and rubble substrate (Dadswell, ms; Pekovitch, 1979; Taubert,


1980, Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981).

Washburn N/

and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981), however, reported ripe,


running ripe, and spent shortnose sturgeon at a site characterized by fine gravel and sand with pockets of silt and rock outcrops upstream.

They point out that white sturgeon, A.

transmontanus, spawn over both rocky (Stevens and Miller 7 1970) and muddy substrates (Kolhorst, 1976).

Spawning typically occurs during or soon af ter peak river flows in spring (Dadswell, 1979; Taubert, 1980).

Spawning in the Delndare River probably occurs principally in the upper tidal e ver and the lower non-tidal river from Trenton to, perhaps, Lambertville, New Jersey alt' ugh the precise spawning location is yet to be definitive 3 identified.

The above regions can, however, be inferred to be the most i

likely spawning area based on habitat and substrate I

considerations, the capture of two ripe females at Scudder's Falls (rkm 222) by Hoff (1965), and the similarity of this region to spawning areas in other drainages (Dadswell, 1979; Dovel, 1979; Kynard and Buckley, 1980; and Pekovitch, 1979).

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L n

s 4.6.2 Eggs Ripe shortnose sturgeon eggs are 3.0-3.2 mm in diameter and size does not change after fertilization or water hardening (s)w (Dadswell, ms).

Fertilized eggs are demersal and highly adhesive.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) reported that fertilized eggs strongly adhere to rough-surfaced substrates within one minute.

Although the strength of adhesion at different current velocities was not measured, Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) found the eggs remained attached to the screened fronts of laboratory hatching boxes exposed to water currents of 2 cm/sec.

Since the eggs are negatively bouyant and sink rapidly to the bottom, these experimental velocities of ca.

2 cm/sec are probably similar to those ekperienced in nature.

Hynes (1970) reported that flows in rivers are very reduced close to the bottom and may approach zero on the downstream sides of rocks or in interstices between rocks.

The considerable negative bouyancy of shortnose sturgeon eggs greatly limits transport by river currents.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981), after studying the sinking rates of fertilized eggs, calculated that eggs f alling 3 m in a 30.5 cm/sec current would reach bottom after traveling about 186 m downstream.

Evidence to date suggests that shortnose sturgeon release their eggs


immediately over the substrate, further limiting downstream transport (Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981).

O s_/

Meehan (1910) reported that shortnose sturgeon eggs hatched in 13 days at water temperature of 8-12 C.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) found hatching after 12-16 days under a similar temperature regime.

4.6.3 Larvae and Juveniles t

Larval shortnose sturgeon hatch at a size of 7.3-11.3 mm as f

reported by Taubert (1980) and Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) although the latter authors found that larvae less than 8.0 mm did not survive.

Larval development has been described by Pekovitch (1979), Taubert and Dadswell (1980), Bath et al. (1981), and Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981).

The highly demersal l

orientation and swimming behavior of larval shortnose sturgeon has been described in detail by Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981):

" Larvae for the first 7-10 days tended to remain quietly wiggling under slate provided in the aquaria or 1 ()

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i n

head down in the gravel with their body axis roughly perpendicular to the substate and their tail waving from side to side."

"After 7-10 days, the larvae were found in the open O

more often and were seen lying on the bottom with horizontal body axis parallel to the substrate.

The larvae were not generally very motile.

Larvae infrequently moved off of the substrate and then only briefly and for a short distance."

"At 19 days, the larvae were very active in their apparent browsing activity along the detritus-covered bottom (occasionally moving up off it)...

Swimming activity continued to be very labored particularly if the larvae were up off the bottom.

Unless swimming, larvae quickly sank to the bottom."

"At 23 days the larvae were very active and frequently moved up off the bottom."

(At 24 days] "some of the larvae spent much of the time off the bottom, others were more sedentary."

[At 40 days) "the larvae still remained predominately on the detritus-covered bottom in the tank and

" browsed" very actively."

Early growth of shortnose sturgeon is very rapid and the species attains a length of 14-30 cm, depending on latitude, ss) by the end of its first growing season.

Pekovitch (1979) t reported a growth rate of 3.0 mm/10 days for Hudson River cpecimens and suggested that juveniles may reach 25.u cm by the end of the first growing season.

Dadswell (ms) calculated a growth equation for shortnose sturgeon larvae based on data from the Hudson, Connecticut, and Saint John rivers:

Log b

  • b9 b

+ 0.036t e

t e

o where L

= total longth at time t, L

= 10.7 mm, and t is in l

days frbm hatching date.

Data on larval morphometry is given in Taubert and Dadswell (1980), Bath et al. (1981), and Washburn and Gillis

. Associates, Ltd. (1981).

l Little is known of the specific habitat preference of larval or early juvenile shortnose sturgeon.

Pekovitch (1979) stated that six postlarvae collected from the Hudson River were taken near the bottom in the deep channel where the current velocity was maximum.

Age 0+ and older juvenile i

shortnose sturgeon also appear to prefer deep channel areas t

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i I


29 (Pekovitch,1979; Dovel, 1981).

Dadswell (ms) reported that juveniles feed primarily in deep channels (10-20 m) over sandy-mud or gravel-mud substrates.

Juvenile shortnose sturgeon typically remain upstream of saline water until they are about 45 cm FL (Dadswell, 1979).

4.6.4 Larval and Juvenile Swim Speed Critical (i.e., sustained) and burst swim speed of 11-day old larval shortnose sturgeon (1.55-1.65 cm TL) were experimentally determined by Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) and given in Tables 4-1 and 4-2.

Critical swim speed, which was measured by increasing velocity in a stepwise fashion at 10-min intervals until f atigue occurred, ranged from 3.21-12.10 cm/sec.

Burst swim speed, which was estimated by measuring the duration and distance of initial movement away from an electrified screen, ranged from 4.1-14.7 cm/sec.

The maximum burst speed was sustained for a distance of 38.1 cm.

The authors concluded that 14.7 cm/see was a conservative estimate of peak larval swimming capability since the specimen had been exposed to more than 30 min of sustained flow ranging from 1.6-5.2 cm/sec and was fatigued after repeatly avoiding an electric field at the O

downstream side of the test apparatus.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) observed that larval shortnose J

sturgeon pressed their pectoral fins close to the substrate to provide a negative lif t component allowing them to resist the current in the test apparatus.

Pavlov et al. (1973) reported critical swim speeds for larvae of two sturgeons, Acipenser stellatus (1. 5-1. 8 cm TL) and A. guldenstadti ( 3. 5-4. 4 cm TL) to be approximately 17 cm/sec and 21 cm/sec, respectively.

Pottle and Dadswell (1979) felt these swim speeds were actually burst velocities.

Pottle and Dadswell (1979) reported critical swim speeds of juvenile shortnose sturgeon 14-26 cm FL to range from 40.9-60.0 cm/sec (x = 48.4 cm/sec).

4.7 Hardiness Dadswell (pers, comm., 1979) stated that shortnose tolerated handling well and would remain alive for as long as 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> in the bottom of a boat in a few centimeters of water


provided their gills remained wet.

Dadswell (ms) reported that adult shortnose sturgeon tolerate light and temperature I.A. Research/ Consulting n

.. _ _ _ ~

30 variations well.

Although upper and lower lethal temperatures are not known, shortnose sturgeon have been reported at 0 C in the Saint John River (Dadswell, ms) and up to 34 C in the lower Altamaha River in June (lleidt and Gilbert, 1978).

Shortnose sturgeon do not appear highly tolerant of low 6.'.ssolved oxygen concentrations.

Dadswell (ms) reported a small kill of shortnose sturgeon which he believed to be the result of depletion of oxygen during the night in a region of the Saint John River estuary that was choked with vegetation.

O i

I i


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31 Table 4-1.

Critical swim sp~eed of four 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae (from Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981).

Frequency of Frequency of Critical TL Moves Across the Contacts Against Velocity (cm)

Test Chamber Nitex Screen _

(cm/sec) 1.60 8

22 3.33 1 65 57 58 4.66 1.55 14 59 3.21 1.55 17 22 12.10


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32 Table 4-2.

Burst swim speed of three 11 day old shortnose sturgeon larvae (from Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981).

Burst Current Larva Absolute Burst TL Velocity Swam Against Velocity (cm)



(cm/sec) 1.60 4.6 3.2 7.8 4.1 3.2 7.3 3.4 3.2 6.6 Mean 4.03 3.2 7.2 1.65 3.4 1.6 5.0 7.6 1.6 9.3 10.1 1.6 11.7 6.6 1.6 8.2 2.5 1.6 4.1 4.4 1.6 6.0 5.0 1.6 5.6 5.9 1.6 7.5 4.0 1.6 5.6 4.4 1.6 6.0 8.3 3.2 11.5 O

6.8 3.2 10.0 2.5 3.2 5.7 6.1 3.2 9.3 9.5 5.2 14.7 Mean 5.8 2.3 8.0 1.55 2.5 1.4 3.9 2.5 1.4 3.9 3.4 1.4 4.8 3.4 3.3 6.7 l

3.8 3.3 7.1 l

4.5 3.3 7.8 4.4 3.3 7.7 3.8 3.3 7.1 3.1 3.3 6.4 l

3.3 3.3 6.6 3.8 3.3 7.1 Mean 3.5 2.8 6.3 i

O I.A. Research/ Consulting n

33 5.0 DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE IN THE DELAWARE RIVER DRAINAGE 5.1 Data Sources In an effort to assess the past and present status of the shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River drainage Brundage and Meadows (in press) compiled all available documented capture records from 1817 through 1979.

The following discussion is based on this compilation updated with additional capture records through June 1982.

Historical records were obtained from the literature (see Hoff, 1979, for annotated bibliography).

More recent records were obtained from the substantial body of published and unpublished data generated by fishery stbdies conducted in the drainage from the early 1950's to the present (Tables 5-1 and 5-2).

5.2 Incidental Capture Records During 1817-1954 The original taxonomic description of the shortnose sturgeon was based on five specimens obtained by LeSueur (1818) in 1817 from the Delaware River estuary.

He stated that the

" species, which is not the object of a special fishery, is nonetheless more sought after, and commands a higher price, than the larger common species (i.e., Atlantic sturgeon, A.


Cope (1883) reported the capture and sile of shortnose sturgeon in the Philadelphia and other markets and commented that "... the catch is often very large."

Bean (1893) reported the sale, at Philadelphia, of some 1,817 shortnose sturgeon taken in the shad fishery.

Bean's report, however, differs from that of Ryder (1890) who reported no apparent utilization of the shortnose sturgeon as a food fish in 1888.

Ryder concluded that the shortnose sturgeon was rare af ter having secured only five specimens from the commercial herring and shad fishery near Delaware City, Delaware (rkm 96) during the course of his study.

Ryder believed these specimens to be the first positively identified shortnose sturgeon taken in the Delaware River since the type specimens.

During the early 1900's, considerable numbers of shortnose sturgeon were reported as a bycatch of the shad gill net and shore seine fisheries.- During the spring of 1906, 1907, and 1909, Meehan (1910) obtained 18, 80-90, and 6 shortnose sturgeon, respectively, from shad gill netters fishing near Torresdale, Pennsylvania (rkm 176).

Cobb (1900) reported f) that " young sturgeon" which probably included adult shortnose sturgeon as well as young Atlantic sturgeon were common at and above the fall line at Trenton (rkm 220):

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" Young sturgeon are very common as far up the river as the Trenton Falls and in 1898, 100 of them were 7-)3 captured in a shore fishery near New Hope,


Pennsylvania, but it is unusual to find them that far up the river.

There is quite a widespread belief among the fishermen that the "mammoses" are not young sturgeon, or, at. least, are not young of the common sturgeon Acipenser sturio (=A.


This belief probably arises from a considerable difference in appearance which exists between the full-grown A.

sturio and its young.

In some instances the fisherman may have mistaken A.

brevirostris the shortnosed sturgeon for the young of A. sturio."

Cobb (1900)'also reported the practice by shad fishermen of killing young sturgeon that frequently became entangled in and damaged their nets.

Vladykov and Greeley (1963) gave collection data for eight specimens taken in the Delaware River drainage between 1907 and 1913.

They reported one shortnose sturgeon taken near Green Creek, Cape May County, New Jersey (rkm 18) in 1907 an'd four from the river near Torresdale in 1911.

The first of the aforementioned specimens was presumably that reported r-in Fowler (1910) and the later four in Fowler (1912).


Vladykov and Greeley (1963) listed an additional three specimens, taken in 1913, but give only the " Delaware River" as locality and Fowler (1912) reported one specimen from the Delaware River near Bristol, Pennsylvania (rkm ca. 190) in 1908.

The literature contains no reference to specimens t' ken during 1913 through 1953.

a 5.3 Incidental Capture Records During 1954-June 1982 From 1954 through June 1982 there were 49 documented incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River and Bay (Table 5-3).

In 1954 Hoff (1965) observed ca.

20 shortnose sturgeon at the base of Scudder's Falls (rkm 222) and captured two ripe females.

The remaining 47 captures occurred during 1969 through 1981.

Of these, 13 were taken above the fall line at Lambertville, New Jersey (rkm 240); 16 in the upper tidal freshwater portion of the estuary between Newbold Island and Trenton, New Jersey ( rkm 200-214), two in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania vicinity; one near Pea Patch Island, Delaware (rkm 84-111); five near Artificial Island, New Jersey (rkm 80); and 10 in Delaware Bay near Little Creek, Delaware (rkm 4 5) (Fig. 5-1).

I.A. Research/ Consulting n

l 35 Fif teen specimens were.taken in small mesh gill nets during fs shad and river herring surveys, 13 were taken by haul-seine,


13 by 4.9-m bottom trawl, four were impinged at industrial cooling water intakes, two were foul-hooked, one was found dead on shore, and method of capture is not known for one specimen.

The seasonal-spatial distribution of shortnose sturgeon captured in the Delaware River drainage appears similar to that described by Dadswell (1979) for more northerly populations.

All 13 specimens taken in the non-tidal river at Lambertville were captured during'the spring (March through May). 13f those taken in the' upper tidal freshwater portion of the river north of Philadelphia, seven were taken during spring (March through May), six in summer (June through August); and four in fall (September through

. November).

Near Philadelphia, one was taken during summer and anot.her in fall.

In the lower Delaware River between.

Pea _ Patch Island and Artificial Island, one was taken.during winter (December through February), three'during spring, and


two during summer.

Those in the lower Bay were taken during spring.

However, the seasonal distribution apparent in the present data may reflect the distribution of sampling effort as well as the actual distribution of the shortnose r'urgeon population.

"T In addition to these documented captures there is a (J

considerable body of anecdotal evidence that shortnose


sturgeon are taken in the' Delaware River estuary, with moderate frequency, by. commercial gill netters incidental to their operations for white perch, American shad, and weakfish (Brundage and Meadows, 1981).

5.4 Rutgers University / Army Corps of Engineers Shortnose Sturgeon Study In July 1981 Dr. Robert W. Hastings of Rut'gers University initiated a sampling program for shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River from Philadelphia (rkm 161) to the. fall line at Trenton (rkm 222) following a scope-of-work prepared for the Army Corps of Engineers by Brundage (1980).

This study represents the first bona-fide effort to collect shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River using appropriate gear.

Samples were taken with experimental gill nets.of 2.5-20.3 cm (1-8 in) stretched multifilament mesh in 2.5 cm (1-in) increments, and 4.9-m semiballoon bottom trawl.

During July through December 1981, 177 shortnose sturgeon were collected, most by gill net'(Table.5-4).

All but one p/

were taken at channel stations.

Most shortnose sturgeon s

I.A. Research Consulting





were tagged and released at the site of capture; no

. (k/~}

recaptures have yet been reported.

Most (85%) specimens were captured in the Bordentown area, from the vicinity of Buoy 92 at Duck Island downstream to Newbold Island (Hastings et al., 1982).

Hastings (pers. comm., 1981) also made a series of gill net collections, on 24 and 25 August 1981, in the non-tidal reach of the River from just below Scudder's Falls upstream to Bull's Island, New Jersey (Table 5-5).

No shortnose sturgeon were taken in these samples.

5.5 Neshaminy Water Resources Authority Sampling for Shortnose Sturgeon near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania In October 1981 an intensive sampling program to determine if shortnose sturgeon occurred in the Delaware River near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania during fall and early spring was initiated by the Neshaminy Water Resources Authority of Bucks County, Pennsylvania (Brundage, 1982; and in prep.).

Sampling was conducted from the Lumberville wing dam (rkm 250) upstream to the vicinity of Tohickon Creek (rkm 253) during October through December 1981 and in March 1982.



Samples were taken with large and small mesh experimental gill nets all 100 m in length.

The large mesh nets employed

_ ' during early November consisted of five 20 x 2-m panels of 10.2-20.3 cm (4-8 in) stretched multifilament mesh in 2.5 cm (1 in) increments; those employed during the remainder of the study consisted of five 20 x 2-m panels of 12.7-22.8 cm (5-9 in) stretched monofilament mesh in 2.5 cm increments.

Small mesh nets employed during the entire sampling period consirted of four 25 x 2-m panels of 2.5-10.2 cm (1-4 in) stretched monofilament mesh in 2.5 cm increments.

A total of 1,060.5 gill net hours were fished; 455.3 hr with

_ large mesh nets and 605.2 hr with small mesh nets (Table 5-5).

No shortnose sturgeon were taken.

- 5.6 Merrill Creek owners Group /Ichthyological Associates, Inc. Sampling for Shortnose Sturgeon at Merrill Creek Project Pumphouse Site

,8 3 sa$pling program to determine if shortnose sturgeon occurred in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek

'N (*/')

pumphouse site on the Delaware River during l' ate spring was initiated in May 1982.

Sampling for shortnose. sturgeon was I.A. Research/ Consulting

- ~~

37 condubted between rkm 307 and 311 (Fig. 5-2).

Three sampling stations were established:

station A, a moderate-


to high-current area ca. 2 km upstream of the proposed pumphouse site, station B, a low-current region immediately downstream of the mouth of Buckhorn Creek and ca. 1 km upstream of the pumphouse site; and station C, a moderate-current area some 2 km downstream of the pumphouse site.

Experimental gill nets 100 m in length of two mesh configurations were employed.

The large mesh nets were 100 m in length and consisted of five 20 x 2-m panels of 12.7-22.8 cm (5-9 in) stretched monofilament mesh in 2.5 cm (1-in) increments.

The small mesh nets were 100 m in length and consisted of four 25 x 2-m panels of 2.5-10.2 cm (1-4 in) stretched monofilament mesh in 2.5 cm. increments.

Gill net selectivity curves (Dadswell, 1979; Dadswell, pers.

comm., 1979) showed that these mesh sizes would adequately sample.the entire size range of juvenile and adult shortnose sturgeon potentially present at the site.

A standard effort at each sampling station consisted of one large mesh net and one small mesh net anchored to the bottom, parallel to the current, and generally fished for 24 hr.

During 4 May through 9 June a total of 821.6 gill net hours were fished, 406.1 hr with large mesh nets and 415.5 hr with

(,s) small mesh nets (Table 5-7).

No shortnose sturgeon were taken.

A total of 157 specimens of 13 species of fish were r however, captured (Table 5-8).

5.7 Miscellaneous Studies in the Non-tidal Delaware River Reviewed for Shortnose Sturgeon Capture Data The majority of the fishery and ecological studies conducted in the non-tidal Delaware River (Table 5-2) employed small seines, fyke and trap nets, and electroshocker; gear to which shortnose sturgeon, particularly adults, would not be l

highly vulnerable.

Several investigators have, however, fished large haul seines (Tables 5-9, 5-10) and gill nets (Table 5-11) at a number of locations from Lambertville, New Jersey (rkm 240),

to Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania (rkm 341).

No shortnose sturgeon were reported taken in these studies.

The 10.1 to r

l 14.6-cm (4.0 to 5.75-in) gill nets fished by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project (DRBAFP) (Miller et al.,

1971, 1972, 1975) were, in particular, highly c propriate and should have taken shortnose sturgeon had they been



The potential effectiveness of this gear is I.A. Research/ Consulting l

l o


3h l

confirmed by the capture of ca. 10 shortnose sturgeon in Delaware Bay off of Little River, Delaware (see Table 5-3) by similar 12.7 to 13.9-cm (5 to 5.5-in) gill nets fished by the DRBAFP during 1969 (Zarbock, 1969).

l O

< O I.A. Research/ Consulting


O Table 5-1.

Summary of flahery asd ecological studtes in Delaware Bay and tidal Delaware River reviewed for shortnose sturgeon capture records.

Principal No. of Shortnose Study Date Locatten Cear Months Sampled Sturgeon Taken Referen,ce I:nte, of Delaware Aug. 58-Delaware Bay, 1.2 s 18-s Jul., Aug., Oct. Dec.

O Desylva et al., 1962 Shoretone Flohes Feb. 60 lower Del.

seine Feb.

Survey (the 0-64)

Dingell-Johnson 1966 Delaware Bay 9.1-m botton Aug.-Dec.

O Dather and Wockley, 1968 Flahery Surveys 1967 Delaware Bay trawl Jan., Mar., May-Se p., Dec.

O Dalber and "Jockley, 1963 1948 15elaware Bay Jan.-Dec.

O Dalber and wxkley, 196S 1949 Delaware Bay Mar.-Dec.

O Dalber and $ntth, 1970 1970 Delavire Fay Feb., Apr., May, Jul.-Dec.

O Dalber an1 setth, 1971 1971 Delaware Bay Jan., Feb., Apr.-Nov.

O Dalb-r, 1972 1979 Delaware Bay Jan.-Dec.

0 Satth, le80 1980 Delaware Bay Jan.-Dec.

0 Satth, 1981 Delaware River 1969-77 Delaware Bay &

Ctll nets, 4.9-s Har.-Dec.

15 DSBAFF pere. ree3.,

8estn Anadromous River (rka bottom trawl, J. Millet, 1990; Fishery (DRSAfr) 45,216) 61 s 2.4-m and I.efton and Barea, 1978 Fr ejec t 91 x 3.7-m seines, intake screen monitoring Ichthyotegical 1968-lower Delaware 4.9-a bettee Jan.-Dec.

O Schuler et al., 1969a,b; Associates mid-1978 Rteer (thm trawl, surface Schuler, 1971; Schuler and Art ti tetal 1 eland 64-96) gilt pet, setna, Spangler, 1976; Rhode and S tud ies intake screen Schuler, 1974a.b.c La monitoring, 0.5-1 m e

plankton net.

etd-1978 Delaware Bay, 4.9-m 1,atto.

Apr.-Oct. (DC Bay),

4 Celeve et al., 1977; ecck present lower Delaware trawl, intake Jan.-Dec. (lower DE River) and Grieve, 1977; Beck et River (gka screen monttortag, al., 1978, 1979; Crundage 0-117) 0.5-3 planbten net, and Maesel, 1978; 7

entratnment Brundage et al., 1979, monstering 1980; Beck et al.,

19Pn.b; a

Malden et al., 1978, 1979; Malden and Hayee, 1980 Ichthyological Jan. 1974-Delaware River 4.9-m bettoe Jan.-Dec., trawl and 0

Mat than et al.,1975; Associates Se pt. 19 75 near utletngton, trawl, 3, 7.6-3 seine, spring stil netting Moreteon et al., 1975, Edgeomer Fower DE (rka 110-122) seine, eurface 1976; Freddtce, 197&a,b Flant Studies stil nat. 0.5-e plankton net.

1chthyological 1973-77 C & D Cannt, 4.9-s bottee trawl, Jan.-Dez. travt & seine:

0 Beson end Ketrsey. 1974; Associates Delavere River 3-u eatne, 7.6-3 apring atti nettles; Bason et al., 1975, 1976; Dolnarva Ecolosteel rest Fes Fatch bottee and sti-spring-fall plankton Kettsey et al., 1977; Study Island (rka 98), water trawl, 3-m cellectione Shirey et al., 1978 Northern plankton trawl, Chesapeake Bay, 0.5-s plankton net.

Elk River bottoe gilt note.

1 l.A. Research/ Consulting

.m O

U p

Table 5-1.


Frtncipal No. of Shortnose Study Date Location Cear Monthe Sampled Sturgeon Taken R e f e re nc e lehthyntegical 1971-Delaware River 4.9-m bottom trew1, Jan.-Dec.

O Basan. 1971 Potter and As socia t es 1974 near Chester.

4.6, 7.6-e seine, normon, 1973; Potter et Ed dy o t one FA (rka 136-142) intake screen el., 1974; Harece and Generating maattering, 0.5-e setth, 1975 St at tos Studies plankton net.

lehrhyolostest 1971-Delavere River, 4.9-e bottoe Jan.-Dec.

7 Ansele t a t, 19 74 a,b,c,

A s s ociat es 1973 Newbold taland trawl, 7.6-e 1976 Newbold taland to Trenton, NJ eurface trawl, Studies (rka 192-216) 4.6, 7.6-e seine. 0.5-e plankton not Martin Mariette 1975 Delaware atver Cill not, 4.1-e Mar.-Apr.

2 Martin Marietta, 1976 near Newbold bottom traul leland (rka 2DO)

Ichthyolosteel 1978

  • Delaware River 4.9-s bottoe Aug.-Sep., trawl and 2

Lynch et al.,1979a,b Associates near Trenton, trawl, 7.6-e seine; spring, plankten NJ (rka 206) seine. 0.5-e studies, Jan.-Dec.,

plankton eet, intake screen monitoring intake screen monttoring Rutgere Univeretty/

1981-Delaware River, 2.5-20.3-ce gill July-Dec.

177 nastings et al.,1982; Army Carpe of present Phile. to nete, 4.9-e pers. come.

Engineers Trenton. NJ bottee trawl (rka 161-222)

J l

I.A. Research/Constilting


p p




Table 5-2.

Suseary of flohery and ecological stadtse to the non-tidal Delaware River reviewed for ehertnese sturgeon capture records.

Study Date t.oc a t ion Frtncipal Geer Monthe Sampled Reference Tri-State Fishery Study 1959-1962 Belvidere, ItJ to Jul.-Aug.

Springer and Grout *ge, Ptetanosse, FA (es.

1962 (not seen, data the 315-410) sussartmed in DRBC, 1971)

Delaware River Basin 1969-1977 Delaware River 10.1-14.6 ce gilt note, Mar.-Dec.

Zarbock, 1969, 1970; Anadromous Fishery (rke 239-ca. 535) 61 a 2.4-e and 91 x Miller et al., 1971, Project (DREAFF) 3.7-m seinee, 1972, 1975; J. Miller, electroshocker, plankton pers. coes., 1982 nete Ichthyological 1972-1973 Delaware River near 2.4-3.1-m eetmee, fyke Jul.-Dec.

Smith and Harmon, 1974 Associates Fotnt Fleassac, FA net, freue net.

(rke 151-255) electroshocker Dasur water lateke 1975, 1976 Ct!bert (ske 276),

Intake screen monitoring Jan.-Dec.

Lefton and seren, 1974

' Screen Studies Martins Creek (306),

and Fortland (332)

Cenerating Statione Martino Creek 1976-1977 Martine Creek Intake screen monitoring Mar.-Feb.

Roy F. Weston, Inc., 1977 Generating Station Generating Station Stuites

.tm Acadesy of Natural 1970 Delavere atver 6.1-m bag seine Mov.

ANSF, 19))


$ctence Phila. Survey (rka 275-325)

Ichthyolosteal 1976-1977 Detavere Rtwar near Electroshocker, 2.4 m Jan.-Dec.

wt!!!e and Harmon, 1977 Aseactates Ct1bert Gilbert Generating 1.2-m seine, intake screen Generating Station Station (rke 213-279) sonttoring 0.5-m plankton Studies net, entratament monitoring D

lehthyological 1977-1973 Delaware River near Electroehocker, 2.4 a 1.2-3 Apr.-Nov.

Didun, 1978 Associates Portland Fortland Cenerating seine, 20-ce bongo net Generating Stetton Station (ca.

Studtee the 330-332)

Merellt Creek 1979-1981 Delaware 8tver near Electroshocker, 6.1 A pr.-Nov.

NUS, 1980. 1981; Seeervoir Aquatic proposed Merrill Creek 1.2-3 seine, 1.22 e trop

'C. T. Main, 1982 Ecology Studies Project pumphouse ette net. 0.2 a 0.2-3 dip net, (ca. rhe 308-310) 0.5 e plankton net New Jersey Bureau of 1979-1981 Delaware River at 91 s 3.7-m seine Jul.-oce.

A. I.upine, pers.

Fisherten Juvenile Lastertville (rka 240),


Shad Studies syram (rke 252), and Philltreburg (rke 296), NJ I

putgere tintvere tty /

1981 Delaware River, Scudders 2.5-20.3-ce gilt note Aug.

R. W. na ttage, Army Corps of Falle to Bulle telsad, NJ pers. come.

Engineers Shortnose (ca. the 222-252)

Sturgeon Studies g

Ichthyological 1981, 1982 Delevare River meer 2.5-22.8-ce atti note oct -Dec., Mar.

stundeA., 1982, Associates Point Fotnt Pleasant, FA and in prep.

Pleasant Shortnose (rka 250-253)

Sturgeon Studies 1.A. Research/ Consulting

.r D





s N


Table 5-3.

Incidental captures of shortnnae sturgeon ( Acipenser brevirostrism) in the Delavera River dratnage.1958-June 1982 (modified f rom Brundage and Meadows. In press).

Total Date Location Method of Capture g

1.ength (me)

Source Year Honth Day Ares River ha 1954 Apr.

24 Scudder'e.alle NJ 222 foul-hooked 2

826. 554 lloff, 1965 DRBAFF* unpubl. data 1969 Ilar.-Apr.

Little River. Dr.

45 C111 net 10 b

1971 MaF 6

Bordentown. NJ ca. 208 4.9-e trawl 1

526 Anseleint. 1976 Aug.

10 Bordentown, NJ ca. 206 4.9-e trawl 645 Anaeleint. 1976 Sept.

7 Trenton, NJ ca. 214 4.9-s trawl 1

626 Anseletnt. 1976 1972 Oct.

16 BorJentown, NJ 208 4.9 s trawl 3

694 Anaclatnt. 1974 Oct.-Nov.

th11adelphia. FA 164-200 stil met 1

DRBAFF ungubl. Jeta 1973 Apr.

11 Newbold taland. NJ 200 4.9-e trawl 1

Fere. cose. L. Anaeletnt Apr.

Fea Fatch. Dr.84-111 3111 not 1

DRBAFF unpubl. data florrisville-Tardley. FA 217 1

A. eenton (in DRBAFF unpubl. data) 1975 Ma r. -fle y tambertettle NJ 240 haut seine 2

DRBAFF unpubl. date July FA Turnpthe Bridge 195 dead on ahore 1

762 fere. cons. R. Havelle Har.

Newbold letand NJ 201 4.9-s trawl 5

400, 665 FL Martin Marietta. 1976 Aug.

Philadelphia. FA 16) cooling water intake 1

616 DESAFF unpubl. data 1977 June Trenton. NJ 211 gilt met 2

644, 769 DRSAFF unpubl. data 1978 Jan.

12 Artificial Island, NJ 80 cooling water Inte 4 1

545 1A lac., Middletown. DE June 26 Arttfletal Island NJ 80 cooling water 1staae 1

626 1A, Inc., Middletown. DE Aug.

15 Trenton. NJ 209 4.9-m trawl 2

686. 711 1A, Inc., Absecon, kJ 1979 Apr.

24 Artifictet taland, NJ 79 gilt met 1

991 Fers. come, commercial iteherman July 27 Artificial Island, NJ 81 4.9-s trawl 1

862 1A. Inc., M1ddletown DE 1981 Mar.

20 Lambertuttle. NJ 240 haul setse 1

635 Fers. come.. conseretal flehereen Apr.

1 Lambertville NJ 240 haut seine 7

539.546.565 Fere. roes.. coseeretal 597.610.710.762 fieherean Apr.

2 1.ambertv!!!e. NJ 240 haul setne 1

590 Fere. comie.

consercial f'

fleherman Apr.

11 Lambertville. HJ 210 haut seine 1

654 Fere. come. commercial fleherman Apr.

24 tambertuttle NJ 240 heul seine 1

533 Fers. come., conseretal iisherman May 1

Artificial Island, NJ 80 cooling water 1 stake j 730 IA lac. Middletown. DE TOTAL 49

  • Delavere River tasta Anadromous fishery Freject I

bIncorrectly identified se A. onythynchus by Anacletal (1976); corrected March 1976 by R. E. Meadowe and M. M. Brundage.

665 en - mean fork ten 6th of two spectmeno captured on ease date.

Ichthyological Associates. Inc.

I.A. Resc7treh/ Consulting


O Table 5-4.

Shortnose sturgeon collected in the upper-tidal Delaware River during July-December 1981 (from Hastings et al., 1982).

Stetions Jul.






Total 1 - Trenton, NJ (rkm 2131) 0 0

0 0

0 0

Intermediates 5

10 15 2 - Duck Island'(rkm 209) 44 11 18 10 3

1 87 Intermediates 28 36 64 3 - Newbold Island (rkm 201) 0 1

0 0

0 0

1 Intermediates 5

2 7

4 - Burlington Island (rkm 191) 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Intermediates 0

0 5 - Itawk Island 0

n 1

0 0

0 1

3 Intermediates 2

2 6 - Petty Island (rkm 166) 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 TOTAL 44 50 67 12 3

1 177 1River kilometer designations are approximate.

i 1.A. Research/ Consulting

Table 5-5.

Stations'in the non-tidal Delaware River between West Trenton and Bulls Island, NJ, sampled for shortnose sturgeon on 24 and 25 August 1981.


Robert W. Hastings, pers. comm.)

Approximate 1

Station Sample Time West Trenton, NJ, just below Scudders Falls 4.5-5.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> Washington Crossing State Park, PA 4.5-5.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> Belle Mountain, NJ 14.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (overnight set)

Lambertville, NJ 3.5-4.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> Bulls Island, NJ 4.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 1Each station included one large mesh and one small mesh gill net set in deepest part of river.

I.A. Research/ Consulting O



O Table 5-6.

Summary of gill netting effort in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, during October through December 1981 and March 1982.

(Modified from Brundage, 1982).

Set Mean Dissolved Duration Depth Temperature Oxygen Net Date Zone (hrs)




Small (2.5-10.2 cm) mesh; 25 Oct.

2 3.0 3.0 monofilament; 100 x 2-m 25 Oct.

3 2.8 3.7 31 Oct.-1 Nov.

1 23.9 2.1 11.0 10.2 31 Oct.-1 Nov.

2 24.0 3.7 11.0 10.2 31 Oct. 1 Nov.

2 23.7 3.0 11.0 10.2 31 Oct.-1 Nov.

3 23.9 4.4 11.0 10.3 7-8 Nov.

2 23.2 2.7 10.0 10.2 7-8 Nov.

3 22.5 3.0 10.0 10.2 14-15 Nov.

2 24.2 2.0 7.0 13.0 14-15 Nov.

2 24.4 3.0 7.0 13.0 14-15 Nov.

3 24.1 3.7 7.3 12.9 20-21 Nov.

2 22.9 2.0 9.8 11.0 20-21 Nov.

2 24.3 2.3 9.8 11.0 20-21 Nov.

3 23.8 3.0 9.9 11.4 21-22 Nov.

2 23.9 2.0 8.6 11.3 21-22 Nov.

2 23.6 2.3 8.6 11.3 21-22 Nov.

3 23.7 3.0 8.6 11.3 28-29 Nov.

2 24.3 2.0 4.9 12.4 28-29 Nov.

3 24.3 3.6 4.9 12.4 28-29 Nov.

3 24.2 2.0 4.9 12.4 5-6 Dec.

2 24.0 2.7 5.2 11.8 5-6 Dec.

3 24.3 2.4 5.2 11.8 13-14 Mar.

2 23.6 2.4 5.8 13-14 Mar.

3 24.3 3.7 5.2 31 Mar.

2 7.0 3.1 6.2 12.5 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

2 24.8 3.1 6.0 12.5 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

3 23.2 4.0 6.1 12.4 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

2 19.3 3.1 7.0 12.4 1

Small mesh net subtotal 605.2 I.A. Reac -ch/ Consulting


O Table 5-6.


Set Mean Dissolved Duration Depth Temperature Oxygen Net Date Zone (hrs)




Large (10.2-20.3 cm) mesh; 7-8 Nov.

2 22.8 3.0 10.0 10.2 multifilament; 100 x 3-m 7-8 Nov.

2 23.0 3.0 10.0 10.2 14-15 Nov.

2 24.3 3.0 7.0 13.0 Large (12.7-22.8 cm) mesh; 20-21 Nov.

2 23.0 2.4 9.8 11.0 monofilament; 100 x 2-m 20-21 Nov.

2 24.3 2.6 9.0 11.5 20-21 Nov.

3 24.0 3.8 9.9 11.4 21-22 Nov.

2 24.0 2.0 8.6 11.3 21-22 Nov.

2 23.3 2.6 8.6 11.3 21-22 Nov.

3 23.6 3.7 8.6 11.3 28-29 Nov.

2 24.2 3.0 4.9 12.4 28-29 Nov.

3 24.3 3.6 4.9 12.4 28-29 Nov.

3 24.4 2.0 4.9 12.4 5-6 Dec.

2 24.0 2.7 5.2 11.0 5-6 Dec.

3 24.1 2.4 5.2 11.8 13-14 Mar.

2 24.2 3.1 5.8 13-14 Mar.

3 23.6 3.7 5.2 31 Mar.

2 7.1 3.1 6.2 12.5 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

2 24.4 3.1 6.0 12.5 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

3 23.7 4.0 6.1 12.4 31 Mar.-1 Apr.

2 19.0 3.1 7.0 12.4 Large mesh net subtotal 455.3 Total gill net hours 1,060.5 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting


O l

Table 5-7.

Summary of gill netting effort in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed l

Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during 4 May through 9 June 1982.

Set Mean Dissolved Current Duration

' Depth Temperature Oxygen Velocity Date Station (hrs)





I Small (2.5-10.2 cm) mesh monofilament gill net, 100 x 2-m 4 May


6.5 2.4 14.0*(14.6) 11.0*(10.4)b 0.52*(0.52)b B

4 May B

4.5 4.3 14.0 (14.6) 11.0 (10.4) 0.52 (0.52) 4-5 May B

16.4 2.4 14.6 (14.5) 10.4 (11.6) 0.52 (0.43) s 4 May C

7.1 2.1 13.8 (14.6) 10.5 (10.4) 0.58 (0.58) 4-5 May C

16.3 2.1 14.6 (13.8) 10.4 (11.6) 0.58 (0.55) 11-12 May A

22.2 3.4 17.0 (16.0) 11.9 (11.5) 0.52 (0.58) 11-12 May B

22.3 3.4 16.5 (17.0) 11.1 (11.7) 0.40 (0.37) 11-12 May C

23.9 2.1 15.0 (16.0) 12.4 (10.2) 0.55 (0.49) 18-19 May A

24.8 2.7 20.5 (20.5) 9.5 (8.8) 0.40 (0.34) a-18-19 May B

24.6 3.4 19.9 (19.0) 9.4 (9.0) 0.24 (0.24) 18-19 May C

24.2 2.1 19.8 (20.2) 9.4 (9.1) 0.34 (0.34) 25-26 May A

24.3 2.7 15.1 (16.5) 9.8 (9.8) 0.30 (0.43) 25-26 May B

24.4 3.4 14.9 (15.1) 9.9 (9.8) 0.30 (0.30) 25-26 May C

24.6 2.1 15.5 (16.3) 9.5 (9.8) 0.15 (0.18) 3 1-2 June A

24.0 2.7 18.0 (18.2) 9.0 (8.9) 0.64 (0.70) 1-2 June B

23.8 3.4 16.8 (17.6) 9.6 (8.3) 0.64 (0.70) 1-2 June C

24.0 2.1 17.8 (18.2) 9.4 (8.8) 0.43 (0.55) 8-9 June A

26.2 2.7 15.2 (16.0) 9.4 (9.6) 0.64 (0.61) 8-9 June B

25.6 2.0 15.0 (16.0) 9.2 (9.6) 0.67 (0.64) 8-9 June C

25.8 3.4 15.5 (16.0) 9.1 (9.8) 0.85 (0.76)

Small mesh net subtotal:

415.5 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting


O Table 5-7.


Set Mean Dissolved Current Duration Depth Temperature Oxygen Velocity Date Station (hrs)





Large (12-22.8 cm) mesh monofilament gill net, 100 x 2-m 4-5 May B

18.5 4.3 14.6 (14.5) 10.4 (11.6) 0.52 (0.43) 4 May C

7.3 2.7 13.8 (14.6) 10.5 (10.4) 0.58 (0.58) 4-5 May C

16.2 2.7 14.6 (13.8) 10.4 (11.6) 0.58 (0.55) 11-12 May A

22.8 2.,7 17.0 (16.0) 11.9 (11.5) 0.52 (0.58) 11-12 May B

22.4 4.3 16.5 (17.0) 11.1 (11.7) 0.40 (0.37) 11-12 May C

24.2 2.1 15.0 (16.0) 12.4 (10.2) 0.55 (0.49) 18-19 May A

24.7 2.1 20.5 (20.5) 9.5 (8.8) 0.40 (0.34) 18-19 May B

24.0 4.3 19.9 (19.0) 9.4 (9.0) 0.24 (0.24) 18-19 May C

24.1 2.1 19.8 (20.2) 9.4 (9.1) 0.34 (0.34) 25-26 May A

24.3 2.7 14.1 (15.5) 9.8 (9.8) 0.30 (0.43) am 25-26 May B

24.4 4.3 13.9 (14.1) 9.9 (9.8) 0.30 (0.30) 25-26 May C

24.6 2.1 15.5 (16.3) 9.5 (9.8) 0.15 (0.18) 1-2 June A

24.0 2.7 18.0 (18.2) 9.0 (8.9) 0.64 (0.70) 1-2 June B

23.9 4.3 16.8 (17.6) 9.6 (8.3) 0.34 (0.46) 1-2 June C

24.0 2.1 17.8 (18.2) 9.4 (8.8) 0.43 (0.55)

U 8-9 June A

25.6 2.7 15.2 (16.0)

,9.4 (9.6) 0.64 (0.61) 8-9 June B

25.8 2.3 15.0 (16.0) 9.2 (9.6) 0.67 (0.64) 8-9 June C

25.3 3.4 15.5 (16.0) 9.1 (9.8) 0.85 (0.76)

Large mesh net subtotal:

406.1 Total gill net hours:

821.6 avalue at time of deployment value at time of retrieval 1

I.A. Research/Consultiru:


O Table 5-8.

Fishes collected by experimental gill net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Project pumphouse site during 4 May through 9 June 1982.

5-6 11-12 18-19 25-26 1-2 8-9 Species May May May May June June Total Blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis 11 1

4 16 Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus 4

10 3

17 American shad, Alosa sapidissima 19 25 18 5

5 7

79 Muskellunge, Esox masquinongy 2

2 Carp, Cyprinus carpic 1

11 2

3 17 Fallfish, Semotilus corporalis 2

1 3

s White sucker, Catostomus commersoni 1

1 2

1 5

White catfish, Ictalurus catus 1

3 4

Brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus 4

4 D

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus 1

1 2

White perch, Morone americana 1

1 Rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris 1

3 2

6 Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum 1

1, Total Specimens 40 41 44 9

15 8

157 Total species 8

6 7

3 7

2 13 1

I.A. Research/ Consulting

50 Table 5-9.

Monthly number of hauls of large seines made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project during 1970 (Miller et al.,

1971) and 1973 (Miller et al., 1975).

Year - 1970 Gear - 91 x 3.7-m haul seine Lambertville, NJ Belvidere, NJ Delaware Water (rka 240)

- (rkm 319)

Gap, PA (rkm 340)

July 9

24 30 August 24 20 24 September 23 24 37 October 0

24 16 November 8

8 11 Total 64 100 118 Year - 1973 Gear - 91 x 3.7-m haul seine and 61 x 2.4-m haul seine fished


sequentially, except at Point Pleasant where only the 61 x 2.4-m net was used.

Point Pleasant, Easton, PA Delaware Water PA (rkm 253)

(rkm 296)

Cap, PA (rkm 341)

July 8

8 8

August 8

8 8

September 8

8 8

l October 8

8 8

j November 8

8 8

l l

Total 40 40 40 l

l l

I.A. Research/ Consulting I


51 Table 5-10.

Monthly number of hauls of a 91 x 3.7-m seine made at stations in the non-tidal Delaware River by the New Jersey Bureau of Fisherie O.

during 1979-1981.


Arthur Lupine, pers. comm., 1982).

Year 1979 Byram, NJ (rkm 252)

August 15 September 16 October 13 November

_1 Total 45 Year - 1980 Lambertville, NJ Byram, NJ (rkm 240)

(rkm 252)

July 0

5 August 2

15 September 12 16 O,

October 8



Total 22 54 Year - 1981 Byram, NJ Phillipsburg, NJ (rkm 252)

(rkm 296)

August 16 17 September 14 9

October 20 8

Total 50 34 O

I.A. Research/ Consulting n


O Table 5-11.

Summary of gilt netting ef fort in the non-tidat Delaware River by the Delaware River Basta Anadromous Fish Project, 1970, 1971, and 1973.

Total Effort Year Mesh Size (ca)

Station Months Snapled (1000 sq. ft. hr.)

Source 1970 11.4, 12.1, 12.7, 13.3 Tocks Inland (rka 351)

May, June H111M et 333g,g 14.6 Port Jervis (rka 407)

Hay-July al., 1971 1971 10.2, 11.4, 12.1, 12.7 Delaware water Cap (rka 341)

April-June 603.0 Hiller et 13.3, 14.0, 14.6


1972 1973 10.2, 11.4, 12.1, 12.7 Delaware water cap (rka 341)

April-June 1250.4 Miller et 13.3, 14.6 Fort Jervis (rka 407)

April-June 1381.3 al., 1975 tn to 3

1 I

i I.A. Research/ Consulting


-y"yg i OLAMBERTVILLE 4.:.:,, '1975 2 1981-11



1 O


.. e 1971-1 ;1977-2,5978-2' A.. TRENTON MORRISVILLE jBORDENTOWN

,[3 hEWBOLD 15.





. PHILADELPHIA'<.f,.......


. ; 1975-1. e : C AMDEN 1, u; :... '.


.c. CHESTER;;.pw 7,.. ' ' t-

. :..w ~




.... m,..



.-. ;.],A N

., 0-C & D.[, = (';5 '_,. % s.b.

O g


-[ 1973 -

1979-1[,.j-1981-1:1978 2


1979 ;.e, e '


- :m:


e. ;9.7;;.g

. g 6


3'o 2'o

~.. -

. '.i. ': ?.

~' ? hl$:?,

2...y -

a. >.

m &..


-...u w - --

W.' :'


1969 80,

? e./ "





. * "4, ' Y5?:%.


. 'l'u..



t a



Figure 5-1.

'ocations of recorded incidental captures of shortnose sturgeon in the Delaware River l

drainage, 1954-June 1982 (modified from I

Brundage and Meadows, in press).


O I.A. Research/ Consulting n











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-:. g..r:.i...

.. :...,.ITTL E M A R.T. IN,S. "

.3.. CREEK Figure 5-2.

The Delaware River in the vicinity of the proposed Merrill Creek Reservoir pumphouse intake showing stations. sampled for A) shortnose sturgeon May-June 1982.


I.A. Research/ Consulting o


OF POTENTIAL IMPACT 6.1 Potential Utilization of the Project Site by Shortnose Sturgeon and Basis for Impact Assessment The significance of the non-tidal Delaware River in the life history of the shortnose sturgeon is at present largely unknown.

However, historical and recent captures of shortnose sturgeon at Scudder's Falls (rkm 222) and Lambertville, New Jersey (rkm 240) and details of its life history in other rivers suggest that a portion of the Delaware River population moves into the lower non-tidal river during late March and April, perhaps to spawn.

The exact spawning area (s) and the extent of upstream penetration are not known.

It appears unlikely that shortnose sturgeon utilize the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Merrill Creek pumphouse site which is 93 km upstream of the fall line at Trenton.

No shortnose sturgeon have been reported above Lambertville, approximately 69 km downstream of the pumphouse site, and none were taken during an intensive gill net survey at the site conducted during May through mid-June 1982 (see Section 5.6).

Although the gill net survey does not provide absolute evidence that the shortnose sturgeon does not occur in the Project vicinity (no sampling was conducted during late March or April), it does, together with historical i

absence strongly suggest that the region is not significant 7-)s in the life history of the species.


Despite this probable lack of significance of, or occurrence in, the vicinity of the Merrill Creek pumphouse site, the following impact assessment is based on the highly conservative assumption that all life-stages of shortnose sturgeon may be present during spring and summer.

6.2 Critical Habitat No critical habitat for the shortnose sturgeon has been designated (FWS, 1980), and the Delaware River in the vicinity of the project does not represent habitat unique or essential to shortnose sturgeon.

O I.A. Research/ Consulting


6.3 Construction Impacts Emplacement and dewatering of the cofferdam at the water's

/~T edge prior to construction of the pumphouse will result in

\\J some increase in river turbidity levels.

This increase will l

be temporary and localized since. strict erosion control measures and sedimentation basins will be employed (MCOG, 1981b).

Shortnose sturgeon, which frequently inhabit highly turbid areas of estuaries, would not be affected by the slight increase in turbidity which may result from construction activities.

6.4 operation Impacts 6.4.1 Entrainment Entrainment refers to the passage of small planktonic organisms such as fish eggs and larvae through a water intake screen and into the pumping facility.

Factors influencing a fish's vulnerability to entrainment include occurrence in the immediate vicinity of the intake, size, behavioral response to water currents and turbulence, swim speed relative to the intake velocity, and the design and


placement of the intake screens.

O Factors Influencing Entrainment of Shortnose. Sturgeon Eggs Shortnose sturgeon eggs are demersal and are usually laid on rubble, cobble, or gravel substrates (Dadswell, ms).

Moreover, the eggs strongly adhere to rough-surfaced substrate within one minute of fertilization (see Section l


The negative buoyancy and strong adhesiveness of the eggs, combined with the irregular topography of the spawning substrate, preclude substantial downstream transport or dispersion of eggs through the water column.

Since shortnose sturgeon eggs do not occur in the water t

l column they will not be vulnerable to entrainment at the l

Merrill Creek pumphouse intake which will withdraw water l

f rom a mid-depth stratum.

In addition, shortnose sturgeon eggs are 3.0-3.2 mm in d iame te r, substantially greater than the 2-mm slots of the wedge-wire of the intake screens.

O) t I.A. Research/Consultm.g



Factors Influencing Entrainment of Shortnose Sturgeon Larvae Size - To be entrained a shortnose sturgeon must theoretically be smaller in two dimensions than the 2.0-mn slots of the intake screens.

Total length of larvae relative to slot dimensions is frequently employed to predict size of larval e xclus' ion.

Tomljanovich et al. (1977), however, found cross-sectional dimensions generally superior to, and definitely more conservative than, total length for predicting potential entrainment.

An analysis of the head dimensions of shortnose sturgeon larvae, which represent maximum body width and depth, was conducted using measurements by Bath et al. (1981) and Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981).

Head width was found to increase with total length according to the equation:

1 2

Y = 0.060 X.327 (r

= 0.948) where Y = head width and X = total length in millimeters (Fig. 6-1).

No measurements of the head depth of shortnose sturgeon


larvae are presented in the literature.

An estimate of the ratio of head depth to head width was obtained by measuring -

these dimensions, with a dial micrometer, on a drawing of a 16.3 mm TL shortnose sturgeon collected in the Hudson River (Pekovitch, 1979; p. 42).

Head depth was found to be 76% of head width.

On the basis of the relationship between head dimensions and total length, the smallest shortnose sturgeon larvae that could be excluded by the 2-mm mesh of the intake screening is 14.25 mm TL (Fig. 6-1), assuming the larva was oriented head first with head width parallel to the minimum dimension of'the slot.

The maximum entrainable size is a function of both head width and head depth and the degree of diagonal orientation to the slot.

An orientation of head width at an l

angle of about 38 degress to the long dimension of the slot was determined graphically (Fig. 6-2) to be the smallest angle (i.e., the greatest head width) which allowed a head depth within the internal dimensions of the slot.

Head width at this critical angle was 3.25 mm and head depth 2.47 mm.

Figure 6-2 shows that a larva with a head width of 3.'25 mm would be 20.5 mm TLr Extension of pectoral fine and approach to the screens in other than head first position would significantly decrease the minimum excludable and the maximum entrainable sizes.

I.A. Research/ Consulting n

50 (m

Tomljanovich et al. (1977) reported that fish with body s_)

depths <2.8 mm could be retained, compressed, and extruded through 1.8 mm mesh.

Retention on, and subsequent extrusion through, the Merrill Creek pumphouse screens is unlikely since ambient river currents will tend to sweep material of f of the screen face, limiting exposure time and the opportunity for extrusion.

Computed current velocity at the' pumphouse site is about 0.6 m/sec, or four times the maximum through-slot velocity, at the minimum operating water-surface elevation.

Although the training wall will likely reduce the ambient current to some extent, flow should be sufficient for efficient bypass of larvae particularly during the high-flow months of April and May, the only time when small shortnose sturgeon larvae might potentially be present.

Life Stage Duration - Shortnose sturgeon are potentially vulnerable to entrainment only during the period between hatching and growth beyond the maximum entrainable size (i.e., 20.5 mm TL).

Growth of shortnose sturgeon larvae is very rapid and can be described by the equation:

Log Lt " LO 9 b

+ 0.036t e

e o

where L

= total length at time t, L

= 10.7 mm, and t is days frbm hatching date (Dadswell, m3) (Fig. 6-3).

esU i

Figure 6-3 shows that the minimum excludable length (14.25 mm TL) occurs 8.5 days after hatching and the maximum entrainable length (20.5 mm TL) 18.5 days af ter hatching.

Vertical Distribution and Microhabitat Preference -

Shortnose sturgeon larvae are highly demersal and remain closely associated with the cobbles and rubble which comprise the spawning area.

Observations by Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) demonstrated that shortnose sturgeon larvae up to 16 days of age remain almost exclusively on the bottom, frequently occupying interstitial spaces in the substrate with their heads under rocks.

Although the frequency of movement of f bottom was found to increase with age, larvae to an age of 43 days spent most of their time on the substrate (see Section 4.6.3).

This highly benthic and of ten interstitial existence is further evidenced by the very low numbers of shortnose sturgeon larvae taken in field samples despite intensive efforts by a number of. investigators (Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981).

Most of the methods employed would have been effective only if the larvae had entered the river drift.

I.A. Research/ Consulting o

59 Since the Merrill Creek pumphouse intake screens will be


situated a minimum of 1.7 m off of the bottom it is unlikely


that shortnose sturgeon larvae of entrainable size would occur within the intake's zone of influence.

Moreover, the ca. 1-m high submerged training wall (see Fig. 3-2) will tend to divert shortnose sturgeon larvae and juveniles, which may be drifting or moving downstream along the bottom, away from the pumphouse.

A hydraulic model study of the Merrill Creek pumphouse intake by Alden Research Laboratory (1981) showed that the training wall will effect almost complete diversion of movable bed material around the excavated intake trench.

Taft et al. (1976) reported that a bottom sill reduced impingement of winter flounder at a power plant on the Mystic River by about 50 percent.

Avoidance Capability and Zone of Influence - A shortnose sturgeon larva's ability to avoid an intake screen is a function of its sensitivity and response to velocity gradients and turbulence and its swimming speed and endurance.

As a result of the microhydrodynamics of wedge-wire and the low maximum through-slot velocity of the proposed intake (0.15 m/sec) the zone of influence will be very small.

Flume studies by Hanson et al. (1979) showed striped bass eggs were influenced by a 0.12 m/sec flow through a 2-mm slot wedge-wire cylinder only if they were within ca. 5.1 cm of the cylinder at a 0.15 m/sec bypass r~s current velocity, 2.5 cm at a 0.3 m/sec bypass velocity, and (m) 1.2 cm at a 0.61 m/sec bypass velocity.

Specimens beyond these distances were bypassed by the ambient current.


Hanson (1981) further reported that striped bass and yellow perch larvae exposed to a 1-mm slot wedge-wire cylinder at 0.15 m/sec through-slot velocity and 0.15 m/sec bypass velocity actually had to touch the screen to be entrained.

Studies by Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) demonstrated that shortnose sturgeon larvae can detect water l

currents and generally orient themselves against the flow when resting.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) reported a conservative estimate of burst swim speed of 14.7 cm/sec for ll-day old (15. 5-16. 5 mm TL) shortnose sturgeon larvae (see Section 4.6.4).

Since this is a conservative estimate shortnose sturgeon larvae 15.5 mm TL or larger should be able to avoid the 15 cm/sec maximum through-slot velocity of the Merrill Creek intake.

Larvae less than 15.5 mm TL would be less than 10 days old (Fig. 6-3).

Larvae of this age lead an almost exclusively demersal existence (Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd., 1981) and therefore would not be within the pumphouse intake's zone of influence.


I.A. Research/ Consulting l

l l


60 Avoidance should also be greatly facilitiated by ambient river currents.

Larvae which burst-swim off of the screen


f ace will tend to be swept or bypassed downstream.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) reported that the maximum burst swim speed was sustained for a distance of 38.1 cm, more than sufficient to carry the larvae out of the zone of influence of the intake.

Withdrawal Volume and Schedule - The Merrill Creek Project's maximum withdrawal rate of 145 cfs represents 0.9 and 1.6 percent of the mean river discharge at Belvidere, New Jersey during 1955-1980 in April and May, respectiv._ly (see Table 2-1).

Shortnose sturgeon of a size potentially vulnerable to the intake would not be present after May.

Moreover, simulation modeling based on historic daily flows at the Trenton gage during 1955-1980 showed that pumping would have been required during an average of 4.13 days in April and 3.18 days in May (see Table 3-1).

This small percentage of river volume withdrawn and low average frequency of withdrawal will further lessen the probability of shortnose sturgeon larvae encountering the pumphouse intake.

6.4.2 Impingement

'( )

Impingement refers to the capture of fish and other aquatic organisms on the intake screens.

The use of 2-mm slot wedge-wire intake cylinders with low (0.15 m/sec) intake velocity will essentially eliminate the possibility of impingement of shortnose sturgecn.

A number of experimental and field studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cylindrical wedge-wire screens in reducing l

or eliminating impingement.

Hanson et al. (1978) exposed 1318 specimens of 19 species of fish to a 1-mm wedge-wire l

cylinder operating at through-slot velocities up to 4 5.7 cm/sec in static tests with no ambient current flowing by I

I the cylinder.

This represented worst-case operating conditions because of constant exposure and the absence of a bypass current.

Some 260 of the test specimens were impinged for at least a short period of time; 208 specimens, however, eventually escaped.

Most specimens were impinged when intake velocity was in excess of 30.48 cm/sec (twice the maximum velocity of the Merrill Creek intake) or after i

more than 10 min of exposure.

When Hanson et al. (1978) l tested 69 specimens of seven species in dynamic tests, with bypass currents ranging from 0 to 60.96 cm/sec, only three j

short duration (1 5 sec) impingeme ts occurred.


T l


1 l

I.A. Research/ Consulting n

61 Hanson et al. (1977) reported no impingement of fish larger than 20 mm FL in tests of cylindrical wedge-wire screen with


1-mm slots.

Browne (1979) reported that impingement of fish 1


and macroinvertebrates on 1-mm and 2-mm in situ wedge-wire test modules at Forked River, New Jersey 7 was negligible.

Shortnose sturgeon larger than ca. 15.5 mm TL will be able to actively avoid impingement by burst-swimming off of the screen.

Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd. (1981) reported a conservative estimate of the burst swim speed of 15.5-16.5 mm TL shortnose sturgeon larvae to be 14.7 cm/sec.

Since the swim speed of fish increases with length, shortnose sturgeon larger than about 15.5 mm will be able to avoid the intake even more easily.

6.5 Cumulative Impacts 6.5.1 Effects of Impingement and Entrainment at Other Water Intakes Impingement and entrainment of shortnose sturgeon at municipal and industrial water intakes apparently has an insignificant effect on the population in the Delaware River.

Studies conducted over a number of years at the 17


existing water intakes on the, Delaware River which withdraw 100 mgd or more (Table 6-1), although varying in scope and intensity, have demonstrated only four impinged shortnose sturgeon (see Table 5-3) and none entrained.

This low level of involvement is probably due to the shortnose sturgeon's overwhelming preference for deeper channel waters (Dadswell, ms; Dovel, 1981; Hastings et al.,

1982) and the shallower, shoreline location of most of the intake structures.

6.5.2 Beneficial Effect of the Merrill Creek Project on Downstream Water Quality Releases from the Merrill Creek Reservoir during low flow periods will have the beneficial effect of providing additional water (ca. 10 percent of low river flow) for dilution of downstream pollution.

This will help maintain water quality in the Trenton to Newbold Island area of the l

Delaware River where a considerable shortnose sturgeon population is known to reside (Hastings et al., 1982).

l (1)

I.A. Research/ Consulting i


62 6.5.3 Additional Impacts


Although a number of other activities within the Delaware River and estuary, including maintenance dredging, filling of shallows, spills and dumping of petroleum and chemical toxicants, and release of partially treated or untreated sewage probably impact upon the shortnose sturgeon population to varying degrees there is insufficient information to adequately address them.

'O O

I.A. Research/ Consulting

o O:

O Table 6-1 Impingement and entrainment studice at industrial and municipal water intakes on the Delaware River and Bay, resign Average Impingement Entrotnment Intake thm Withdrawal (cfe)

Withdrawal (agd)

Studlee Studies Reference Portland Cen. Sta.

332 486 1

lofton and Baren, 1978 Martine Creek Cen. St.

306 306 1

lefton and Baren, 1978 C11bert Cen. St.

776 s 221 1

tofton and Baren, 1971 Nercer Cen. St.

210 1,020 1

1 Anselaint,1974a; 14f ton and i

Baren, 1978; Lynch at al.,

1979a United States Steel Corp.

204 231.6 1

lofton and Baren, 1978 Fairlese Works Buritpaton Cen. St.

19 0 751 1

1 An selmini, 1974b; 1.citon end Baren, 1978; Lynch et al.,

1979b Torreedale Water Treatment 179 214.7 1

!of ton and Baren,1978 Rictmond Cen. St.

168 659 1

lofton and Baren, 1978 ch W

pelavere Cen. St.

163 380 A

tofton and Baren, 1978 i

Southwark Cen. St.

156 620 1

tofton and seren, 1978 Schuylkill Cen. St.

149 005

1-tofton and Baren, 1978 Eddystone Gen. St.

136 2,180 tofton and Baren, 1978; Bacon, 1971; rotter and Harmon.1973; Potter et al.,1974; liarmon end Smith, 1975 Sun 011-Marcus Hook Refinery 127 103 I

tofton and Baren, 1978 Edge Moor Cen. St.

116 1.725 1


.toften and naren. 1978; Moirhan et al., 1975; Marrison et al., 1975, 1976; Preddice 1974a-b Deepwater Cen. St.

102 645 '

I tofton and saren, 1978 Cetty 011 Company 99 308.1 1

tolton and Baren, 1978 Sales Cen. Station (Unit 1) 80 2,451 1 -

1 1'

arundage and llaneel. 1978; Brundage et al., 1979; Brundage et al., 1980; Beck et al..

1980s,b; Maiden et al.,1978, 1979, Maiden and llayes, 1980 I.A. Itoscarch/ Consulting


'O O

i i

l 4-1.327 Y= 0.060X


3-e e n






a wI 1

e e

0 10 20 30 TOTAL LENGTH (mm)

Figure 6-1.

Theoretical minimum excludable and maximum entrainable size of larval shortnose sturgeon at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen shown by regression of head width on total length.

I.A. Research/ Consulting




- O O

i i

38" HEAD DEPTH 12A7mmi n

3 3

HEAD WIDTH 13.25mm) a


Figure 6-2.

Ilead dimensions and critical angle of approach of a larval shortnose sturgeon to a 2-mm wedge-wire slot which result in the maximum entrainable size.

i I.A. Itescarch/ Consulting


O 40-LM l ' 'N l +0.036t et oo i



x H


i 20-Z W

J o


usT 0

10 20 30 DAYS AFTER HATCHING Figure 6-3.

Age, in days after hatching, of larval shortnose sturgeon at the minimum excludable and maximum entrainable sizes at a 2-mm slot wedge-wire screen.

Ahe-length regression f rom Dadswell (ms).

i I.A. Ilescarch/ Consulting

i 7.0 LITERATURE CITED Anselmini, L.



n ecological study of the Delaware River in.the vicinity of the Mercer Generating Station, Trenton, New Jersey.

Ichthyological e

Associates, Inc.

377 p.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Burlington, New Jersey in 1972.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Burlington, New Jersey in 1973.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Newbold Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1971.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

ANSP (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia).


Delaware River, New Jersey plankton and benthic studies for the Delaware River Basin Commission, September 1969-November 1970.

56 p.

ARL (Alden Research Laboratory, Inc.).


Evaluation of flow patterns and sedimentation at a pump intake.

Merrill Creek Reservoir Project.

Bason, W. H.

1971.' An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Eddystone Generating Station.

Program report for the period June 25-Nov. 27 1971.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Bason, W.



E. Allison, L.

O. Horseman, W.

H. Ke irsey, and C. A.




Volume I in Ecological studies in the vicinity of the pr5 posed Summit Power Station.

Ann. Interpret. Rept., Jan.-Dec.


Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

327 p.

Bason, W.



E. Allison, L.

O. Horseman, W. H. Keirsey, P.


Lacivita, R.


Sander, and C.





Volume I in Ecological studies in the vicinity of the proposed Suhmit Power Station. Jan.-Dec. 1975.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

392 p.

Bason, W.


and W. H.




Volume I, Part A in An ecological study of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in the vicinity of the proposed Summit Power Station site, Jan.-Dec. 1973.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

175 p.

LA. Research/ Consulting m

Bath, D.W.,


M. O' Connor, J.

B. Alber, cnd L. G. Arvidson.


Development and identification of larval Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) and shortnose sturgeon (A. brevirostrum) from the Hudson River estuary, New York.

Copeis 1981:711-717.


Bean, T. i:.


The fishes of Pennsylvania, with descriptions of the species and notes on their common names, distribution, habits, reproduction, rate of growth, and mode of capture.


K. Meyers Printing House,liarrisburg, PA.

Beck, S.

J., H. M. Brundage, G.

A. Hayes, J.


Krout, A.

L. Maiden, and A. W. Wells.


Field investigations.

Section 4.0 in First inF.erim report on 316(b) studies for the Salem Generating Station, March-Nov. 1979.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Beck, S.

J., H. M. Brundage, P.

C. Kerkhoven, J.


Krout, A.

L. Maiden, and A. W. Wells.


Field investigations.

Section 4.0 in Second interim report on 316(b) studies for the Salem Generating Station, Jan. 1979-March 1980.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Beck, S. J.

and R. H. Grieve.


Abundance and distribution of fishes:


Pagcs46-157 in An ecological study of the Delaware River in the Vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1975.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

586 P.


Browne, M.



Progress report on profile wire intake screen testing, Forked River, New Jersey.

Presented at the Passive Screen Intake Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 4-5, 1979.

Brundage, H. M.


Technical specification for a one-year study of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) population in the upper Delaware River.

Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

20 p.


Assessment of the impacts of the proposed Point Pleasant pumping station and intake on the shortnose ' sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum.

Prepared for Neshaminy Water Resources Authority.

12 0 p.

(in prep.)

A survey of the fishes of the Delaware River near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, with special reference to occurrence of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum.

In preparation for Neshaminy Water Resources Authority.

I.A. Research/ Consulting O

l D

Brundage, H. M. and R. A. Hassel.


Impingement of organisms.

Pages 563-600 in Ecological studies of the Delaware River near Artificial Island, a progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1977.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Brundage, H.


R. A. Hassel, and P. C. Kerkhoven.


Ilupingement of fishes and blue crab.

Section 5, pages 1-236 in An interpretive analysis of impingement and entrainment at Salem Generating Station, Unit 1, April 1977-Dec. 1978.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Brundage, H.M.,

R. A. Hassel, and J.

K. Taft.


Impingement of organisms.

Pages 334-368 in Ecological studies of the Delaware River near ArtificTal Island, a progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1978.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Brundage, H. M. and R. E.



Biology and status of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, and the Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, in the Delaware River Estuary.

Presented at the Second Symposium on Endangered and Threatened Plants and Animals in New Jersey.

Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ, Feb. 28-March 1.

(In press.)

Occurrence of the endangered shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in the Delaware River Estuary.

Estuaries S.



Buckley, J.

and B. Kynard.


Yearly movement of the shortnose sturgeon in the Connecticut, River.

Presented-at the Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference.

Virginia Beach, VA.

April 19-23.

Cobb, S.



The sturgeon fishery of the Delaware River and Bay.

Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish.


Cope, E.



The fisheries of Pennsylvania.


State Comm. Fish.

1861 and 1882:103-183.

Currian, H. W.

and D.




Fisheries investigation in the lower Hudson River IV.

Pages 125-145 in A biological survey of the lower Hudson watershed.

Rep. NY State Conserv. De p t., Suppl.


Dadswell, M. J.


Biology and population characteristics of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur 1818 (oesteichthyes:

Acipenseridae) in the Saint John River estuary, New Brunswick, Canada.

Can. J.



I.A. Research/ Consulting m


Synopsis of biological data on the shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum (Lesueur, 1818).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, New Brunswick.

Undated manuscript.



Daiber, F. C.


An analysis of fish populations in the Delaware Bay area.

Dingell-Johnson Report.

University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Daiber, F.

C. and R. W.

Smith, 1970.

Annual Dingell-Johnson Report, 1969-1970.

University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

52 p.


Annual Dingell-Johnson Report, 1970-1971.

University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

116 p.

Daiber, F. C. and R. C. Wockley, 1968.

Annual Dingell-Johnson Report, 1967-1968.

University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

35 p.

DeSylva, D.


F. A.

Kalber, and C.




Fishes and ecological conditions in the shore zone of the Delaware River Estuary, with notes on other species collected in deeper waters.

University of Delaware Marine Laboratory, Information Series Publication No.

5, Newark, DE.

164 p.

Didun, A.


A study of the fishes of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Portland Generating

(~3 Station of Metropolitan Edison Company.

Final Report.


Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

134 p.

Dovel, W.



Biology and management of shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon of the Hudson River.

Final Report.

53 p.


The endangered shortnose sturgeon of the Hudson Estuary:

Its life history and vulnerability to the activities of man.

The Oceanic Society, Stamford, Conn.

139 p.

DRBC (Delaware River Basin Commission).


A preliminary limnological survey of the Tocks Island area of the Delaware River.

Fowler, H. W.


Notes on chimaeroid and ganoid fishes.

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.



Records of fishes for the middle Atlantic states and Virginia.

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.



LA. Research/ Consulting n

FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior).


50 CFR Part 17 Republication of the lists of endangered and threatened species and correction of technical errors in final rules.

Federal Register May 20, 1980.

45 FR 33768-33781.


Greeley, J.



Fishes of the area with annotated list.

Pages45-103 in A biological survey of the lower Hudson watershed.

Rept. NY State Conserv. De p t.,

Suppl. 26, 11.

Grieve, R.




Beck, and V.




Abundance and distribution of fishes:


Pages52-171 in An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1976.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

660 p.

Hanson, B.


Studies of three cylindrical profile-wire screens mounted parallel to flow direction.

Presented at the Passive Intake Screen Workshop, Chicago, Illinois.

Dec. 4-5, 1979.


Studies of larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) ex posed to a 1-mm slot profile-wire screen model intake.

Presented at the Advanced Intake Technology Workshop,


San Diego, California.

April 22-24, 1981.


Hanson, B.


W. H. Bason, B.

E. Beitz, and K.

E. Charles.



A practical intake screen which substantially reduces the entrainment and impingement of early life stages of fish.

Pages 393-407 in L.


Jensen, ed.

Fourth national workshop on entrainment and impingement.

Ecological Analysts, Inc., Melville, NY.


Practicality of profile-wire screen in reducing entrainment and impingement.

Pages 195-234 in R. K. Sharma and J.


Palmer, eds.

Larval exclusion systems for power plant cooling water intakes.

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.

237 p.

Harmon, P.


and D. C. Smith.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Eddystone Generating Station.

Eddystone Progress Report No. 4.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Hastings, R. W., J. C. O'Herron, and K. Schick.


Study of fishes of the upper tidal Delaware River with emphasis on the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum).

Presented at the 1982 Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, April 13-15, Cherry Hill, NJ.

O LA. Research/ Consulting n

Heidt, A. R. and R. J. Gilb3rt.


The shortnose sturgeon in the Altamaha River Drainage, Georgia.

Rept. to NMFS.

16 p.

j 1

Hoff, J.



Two shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser O*

brevirostrum, from the Delaware River, Scudder's Falls, NJ.



Acad. Sci.



Annotated bibliography and subject index on the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-731.

16 p.

Holland, B.


and G.

F. Yelverton.


Distribution and biological studies of anadromous fishes offshore North Carolina.


De p t. Nat. Econ. Res. SSR No. 24.

132 p.

Hynes, H. B. N.


The ecology of running waters.

University of Toronto Press, Toronto.

Keirsey, W.


C. A. Shirey, R.


Sander, R.


Domermuth, W. H. Bason, P.


LaCivita, K.

E. Charles, and M. R.




Volume I in Ecological studies in the vicinity of the propo3ed Summit Power Station.

Ann. Interpret. Rept., Jan.-Dec. 1976.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

463 p.

Kolhorst, D. W.


Sturgeon spawning in the Sacramento River in 1973, as determined by distribution of larvae.


Calif. Fish and Game.



Kynard, B.

and J. Buckley.


Artificial spawning and rearing of shortnose sturgeon from the Connecticut River.

Presented at U.S.

Fish and Wildl. Serv.

Sturgeon Workshop.

Leetown, WV.

July 17, 1980.

LeSueur, C. A.


Description of several species of Chondropterygious fishes of North America, with their varieties.

Trans. Am. Philos. Soc.


Lofton, L.

and C.

F. Baren.


Delaware River water screen impingement investigations.

Final Report.

Delaware River Basin anadromous fishery project special report no. 6.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Rosemont, NJ.

46 p.

Lynch, J.




Swiecicki, and C. B.



Mercer Generating Station.

Effect of the cooling water intake structure - entrainment and impingement of fishes.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

17 0 p.

O I.A. Research/ Consulting n


Burlington Ganorating Station.

Effect of the cooling water intake structure - entrainment and impingement of fishes.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

183 p.


Maiden, A.



E. Browne, and M.

D. Sheehy.


Entrainment of planktonic organisms.

Pages 601-675 in


Ecological studies of the E.:1uware River near Artificial Island, a progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1977.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Maiden, A.


and G. A.



Entrainment of planktonic organisms in An interpretative analysis of impingement and entrainment at Sa.lem Generating S tation, Unit 1, April 19 77-Dec. 19 78.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Maiden, A.



A. Hayes, J.


Krout, S.


Libourel, and D.




Entrainment of plankton organisms.

Pages 369-476 in Ecological studies of the Delaware River near ArtificTal Island, a progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1978.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

C. T. Main, Inc.


Merrill Creek Reservoir Project aquatic and terrestrial field studies, April 1981-March 1982.

Prepared for Public Service Electric and Gas Co.

223 p.

Martin Marietta.


Monitoring fish migration in the (s_-)/

Delaware River.

Final Report - March 1976.

Martin Marietta Corporation, Baltimore, MD.

86 p.


McCleave, J.


S. M.

Fried, and A.

K. Towt.


Daily movements of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in a Maine estuary.

Copeia 1977:149-157.

MCOG (Merrill Creek Owners Group).


Environmental report for the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project.


Design report for the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project.


Hydrological appendix to the design report for the Merrill Creek Reservior Project.

Meehan, W.



Experiments in sturgeon culture.

Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.


I.A. Research/ Consulting s


Miller, J.

P., W. M. Zarbock, J. W.

Friedersdorff, and R. W. Marshal.


Annual progress report Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project AFS-2-4.

U.S. Fish and Wild 1.


66 p.


Miller, J.




Friedersdorff, H. C. Mears, and C. W.



Annual progress report Delaware River Anadromous Fish Project, AFS-2-5; July 1971-June 1972.


Fish and Wildl. Serv.

88 p.


Annual progress report Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project, AFS-2-6; July 1972-Dec. 1972.


Fish and Wildl. Serv.

96 p.

Miller J.

P., J. W.

Friedersdorff, H. C. Mears, J.


Hoffman, F.


Griffiths, R. C. Reichard, and C. W.



Annual progress report Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fish Project, AFS-2-7; Jan. 1973-Jan. 1974.

U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv.

223 p.

Molzhan, R.


and Associates.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Edgemoor Power Station.

Progress Report, June-Nov. 1974.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

534 p.

Morrisson, N. J.

and Associates.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the


Edgemoor Power Station.

Progress Report, De c. 1974-Sept. 1975.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

727 p.


NUS Corporation.


Ecological studies of the Merrill


Creek Reservoir Environment (1979-1980):

An Annual Re por t.

Vol. 1 - Aquatic Ecology.


Ecological studies of the Merrill Creek Reservoir Project, Semi-Annual Report (May 1-October 31, 1980) Vol. 1 - Aquatic Ecology.

92 p.

Pavlov, D.



N. Sbikin, A.


Yashchinnikov, and A.




The effect of light intensity and water temperature on the current velocities critical to fish.

Vopr. Ikhtio1.


Pekovitch, A. W.


Distribution and some life history aspects of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the upper Hudson River Estuary.

Hazelton Environmental Science Corp.

67 p.

Potter, W. A.

and P.

L. Harmon.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Eddystone Generating Station.

Eddystone Progress Repor t No. 1.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

I Ob I.A. Research/ Consulting n

Potter, W.


D. C. Smith, and P. L. Harmon.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity i

of Eddystone Generating station.

Eddystone Progress Report No. 3.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Pottle, R.

and M. J.

Dad swell.


Studies on larval and juvenile shortnose (Acipenser brevirostrum).

Report to Northeast Utilities Service Co.

118 p.

Proddice, T.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Edgemoor Power Station.

Progress Report, Oct.-Dec. 1973.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

109 p.


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of the Edgemoor Power Station.

Progress Report, Jan.-May 1974.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

295 p.

i Rhode, F. C. and V. J. Schuler.


Abundance and distribution of fishes in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island in 1971.

Pages 1-232 in


An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the l

period Jan.-Dec. 1971.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

709 p.


Abundance and distribution of fishes in


the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island in 1972.

Pages 1-208 in An ecological study of the


Delaware River in the Vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1972.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

746 p.


Abundance and distribution of fishes in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island in 1973.

Pages 5-131 in An ecological study of the Delaware River in the Vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1973.

Ichthyological Associctes, Inc.

571 p.

Ryder, R. A.


The sturgeons and sturgeon industries


of the eastern coast of the United States, with an l

account of experiments bearing upon sturgeon culture.

Bull. U.S.' Fish Comm.


Schuler, V. J.


Abundance and distribution of fishes in the Delaware River in the vicinity of i

Artificial Island in 1970.

Pages 1-384 in An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1970.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

384 p.

O 1.A. Rese rewece# eiti -

Schuler, V.



D. Anselmini, S. H. Eaton, and J. W.



An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for Jan.-Dec. 1969, Part One.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

493 p.



An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for Jan.-Dec. 1969, Part Two.

Ichthyolog ical Associates, Inc.

425 p.

Schuler, V.

J. and K.




Abundance and distribution of fishes in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island in 1974.

Pages 6-145 in An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

Progress report for the period Jan.-Dec. 1974.



Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

522 p.

Shirey, C.




Sander, W. H. Keirsey, R. B.



E. Charles, R.


Koons, W. H. Bason, and M. R.




Volune I in Ecological studies in the vicinity of the proposed Summit Power Station.

Ann. Interpret. Rept., Jan.-Dec. 1977.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

405 p.

Smith, D. C.

and P.

L. Ha rmon.


An ecological survey of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, July 1972-Dec. 1973.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

85 p.

Smith, R. W.


Marine fish populations in the Delaware.

Bay and selected shore zone areas.

Final Report.


No. 40-05/80/03/3.

Delaware Dept. Fish and Wildl.

70 P-1981.

Annual Dingell-Johnson Report, Pa rt 1 -

Survey of selected marine fish populations in Delaware Bay.

Delaware Dept. Fish and Wildl.

Springer, J.

E. and T. M. Groutage.


The tri-state fishery study:

A cooperative investigation of the Delaware River fishery, 1959-1962.

Bureau of Sport, Fish, and Wildlife.

. Squiers, T.


and M. Smith.


Distribution and abundance of shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon in the Kennebec River Estuary.

Completion Report Project AFC-19.

Department of Marine Resources, Augusta, ME.

51 P.

/V I.A. Research/ Consulting 4

Water Testing Laboratory, Inc.


Report to Public Sorvice Electric & Gas Company on water quality monitoring for Merrill Creek Project.

May 1979-October 1979.


Report to Public Service Electric & Gas 3


Company on water quality monitoring for Merrill Creek Project.

November 1979-April 1980.

Water Testing Laboratory, Inc.


Report to Public Service Electric & Gas Company on water quality monitoring for Merrill Creek Project.

May 1980-October 1980.

Roy F. Weston, Inc.


An ecological study of the effects of the Martins Creek S.E.S.

Units 1 and 2 cooling water intake.

Willis, T.


and P.

L. Harmon.


Gilbert Generating Station biological monitoring program, April 1976-March 1977, final report.

Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

244 p.

Wurtz, C.



A biological survey of the Delaware River at the Martins Creek Plant site.

1972 Progress Report.


A biological survey of the Delaware River i

at the Martins Creek Plant site.

1973 Progress Report.

w 1975a.

Preliminary results of a 1975 biological


survey at the Martins Creek Plant of Pennsylvania Power, and Light Co.


A biological survey of the Delaware River at the Martins Creek Plant site:

1974 survey year.

Younger, R.



Summary of the fish collected from the Delaware River above and below the intake and discharge of the PP&L plant, Martins Creek, PA.

Zarbock, W.



Annual progress report Delaware River Anadromous Fish Project AFS-2-2.


Fish and Wildl. Serv.

20 p.

Zarbock, W.



Annual progress report Delaware River Anadromous Fishery Project AFS-2-3.


Fish and Wildl. Serv.

42 p.

O I.A. Research/ Consulting U

Stevens, D.

E. and L. W. Miller.


Distribution of sturgeon larvae in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system.

Calif. Fish and Game.


Taft, E.


P. Ho fmann, P. J.

Eisele, and T. Horst.


An experimental approach to the design of systems for


alleviating fish impingement at existing and proposed power plant intake structures.

Pages 343-365 in L.


Jensen (ed. ) Third National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement, Section 316(b) - Research and Compliance.

EA Communications, Melville, NY.

425 p.

Taubert, D.



Reproduction of shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in Holyoke Pool, Connecticut River, MA.

Copeia 1980:114-117.

Taubert, B.


and M. J.



Description of some larval shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) from the Holyoke Pool, Connecticut, River, MA, U.S.A.,

and the Saint John River. New Brunswick, Canada.





Taubert, B.


and R. J. Reed.


Observations of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Holyoke Pool of the Connecticut River, MA.

First progress report to NEUSC.

Mass. Coop. Fish Unit, Amherst, MA.

14 p.

i 1978b.

Observations of shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Holyoke Pool of the Connecticut River, MA.

Second progress report to gs()


Mass. Coop. Fish Unit, Amberst, MA.

9 p.

Tomljanovich, D.

A., J. H. Heuer, and C. W.



Investigations on the protection of fish larvae at water intakes using fine-mesh screening.

Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Development, Technical Note B22, Norris, TN.

USGS (United States Geological Survey).


Daily discharge records, Delaware River at Belvidere, New Jersey, Oct. 1955-Sept. 1980.

Vladykov, V.


and J.




Order Acipenseroidei.

In Fishes of the Western North Atlantic.

Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res.


Washburn and Gillis Associates, Ltd.


Studies of the early life history of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum).

Final report to Northeast Utilities Service Company.

120 p.

I.A. Research/ Consulting GV n