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Proposed Tech Specs Reducing Exhaust Air Flow from Fuel Handling Bldg
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1983
Shared Package
ML20073C676 List:
NUDOCS 8304130270
Download: ML20073C692 (9)


~' ^


The Licensee requests t'he attached changed pages replace the following pages of the existing Technical Specifications:

Appenoix A l

l Replace pages 3-62c, 4-55d l



Recent air flow measurements taken at the oischarge of Aux. & FH3 exhaust fans -(AH-E-14A through D) indicate a total exhaust flow of slightly more than 101,000 CFM. This reouced flow is below the Tech.

Spec. limits of + 10% of 118,000 CFM. The cause of the reducea flow is l attributeo to (IT the installation of fire dampers in Auxiliary Bldg.

which increased the system static pressure and (2) installation of the environmental barriers and isolation campers in FHB which cut off and reduced the exhaust air from F 2 . Since the safety related areas in Aux. and F8 are serviced by two redundant recirculating cooling units, reoucing exhaust flow to as low as 90,400 CFM will not either affect the safety function of the plant or oegrade the original oesign basis of Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Bldg. ventilation system as cefined in FSAR subsections and

III. SAFETY ANALYSIS JUSTIFYING CHANGE Tne following evaluations or explanations together with Table I will describe our cesign basis for the change to the Aux. and Fuel handling ,

Bldg. ventilation system.

1. The original exhaust air in areas where potential source of radiation and heat generating equipment are located is not changed. This will assure that the original design basis of the ventilation system for these areas are maintained.
2. In encloseo areas where ventilation air is reduced, a minimum differential pressure of 1/8" of H2 O across the sealed closed door (1/8" neg. press, with respect to corridor / clean areas) is considerea as the basis for determining the reduced. bare minimum ventilation rate. This will assure that tne airborne radioactive particulates inside the room are being prevented from migrating to the cleaner areas before being exhaustea ano filtereo through HEPA.

and charcoal acsorber.

3. In some areas which are not totally enclosed and have open passageway, 20 feet per minute velocity of air movement through the passage opening is the basis for determining'the bare minimum ,

ventilation rate. The 20 feet per minute air velocity will assure l

l a positive air movement through the opening ano prevent airborne l radioactive particulates from migrating to the clean areas.


8304130270 830406 _1-l PDR ADOCK 05000289 l P PM

Table _1 is the comparison between the oricinal oesion flow and the proposed air flows.- The amount of the reoucea flow is proportioned between the Auxiliary Bldg. and the Fuel Handling Blog.

) The following are the evaluation of the reouced exhaust air flow for each building.

i 1. Auxiliary Blog. - The reduced exhaust flow from the Aux. Bldg. is j 10,350 CFM less than' the original exhaust flow of 58,830 CFM. As mentioned above, the reouced air flow is oue to the installation of fire campers in various areas of Aux. Bldg. -Since the safety related areas in this blog. are serviced by two redunaant _

recirculating units, the reouced ventilation rate of 48,480 CFM

! (58,830 less 10,350 CFM) does not affect the safety function of the i plant. The oesign basis of Auxiliary Bldg. ventilation system as defineo in FSAR is still maintained even with a bare l

minimum reduced flow as indicated in Table I and items 1, 2, and 3 above with an exhaust flow of 48,480 CFM. The negative pressure in I the bldg. is maintained by supplying 47,300 CFM to the building.

j This will precluoe the release of airoorne radioactive particulate to the atmosphere and thus safety to the general public is preserved.

4 l 2. Fuel Handling Building - The FFB operating floor ventilation rate '

is not enanged. The exhaust flow from FH3 is reduceo by 6000 CFM

as comparea to the original design exhaust flow of 38,500 CFM. The 1

reduced exhaust flow as mentioneo above is due to the installation 4

of isolation dampers and environmental barriers. The isolation campers increaseo the system static pressure and the environmental l barriers cut-off the' supply air of 9000 CFM from the lower flocrs.

As a result of lack of exhaust and to prevent pressurization of

lower floors, the supply registers (equivalent to 9000 CFM) were blariked-off. The supply air to the operating floor at elev.

348'-0" is maintained the same at 29,500 CFM. This will assure

  • 4 that the original oesign basis and safety function of the spent
fuel pool ventilation is maintained the same. Negative pressure in

! the building is being effected by exhausting 1000 CFM in the lower i floor and by exhausting 31,500 CFM in the operating floor. Again j maintaining a negative pressure in FHB will preclude the release of airborne radicactive particulates to the environs ano thus safety to the general public is preserved.

Tne total bare minimum exhaust flow is 90,400 CFM as shown on Table I.

!.' The total recommenced exhaust flow is apprcximately 101,000 CFM. Since it was established in Table I that the bare minimum exnaust flow can i still maintain the design basis of Aux, and FHB ventilhtion system as defined in FSAR, a reduced ventilation rate of 101,000 CFM is recommended as the normal exhaust flow for Aux & FHB Ventilation System. A reduced ventilation rate of 90,400 CFM is recommenced as the-minimum exhaust flow for this Technical Specification change. . The maximum exhaust flow will remain the same_at 129,800 CFM (which is 118.000 CFM plus 10%).

_ __ _ .- _ ___ - ._ _.-m.--. . .

TABLE I Page i of 3 Justification for Reduced Exhaust Flow In Aux. & FrB Net Original Design (19) Bare Minimum Recorxnended (20)

Room Volume Exh. Flow Air Chn. Exh. Flow Air Chn. Exh. Flow Air Chn. Remarks I.D. (Cu Ft) (CFM) Per Hr. (CFM) Per Hr. (OFM) Per Hr.

  • 43,781 2,000 2,NX) 2.7 2.7 I 2.7 2,000 (I)(2)
  • 1,000 3.9 2 15,279 1,000 3.9 1,000 3.9 (l)(2) 3 7,182 2,200 18.4 I,000 (8) 8.4 1,780 14.9 (II) 4 35,649 2,100 3.5 1,700 2.8 1,700 2.8 (t)(2)(11) 5 6,314 800 7.6 500 (8) 4.8 650 6.2 (4) 6 5,518 500 5.4 240 (7) 2.6 420 (8) 4.5 ( t ) (2)(3) 7 5,518 500 5.4 240 (7) 2.6 420 (8) 4.5 (t)(2)(3) 8 5,518 500 5.4 240 (7) 2.6 420 (8) 4.5 (I)(2)(3)
9 3,014 260 5.2 100 2.0 150 3.0 (4)(7)(B)(9) 10 3,363 200 3.6 150 2.7 200
  • 3.6 (4)(7)(8)(9) iI 3,115 675 13.0 150 2.9 400 7.7 (4)(7)(8)(9) 12 3,608 190 3.2 100 1.7 190
  • 3.2 (4)(7)(8)(9) 13 60,516 1,500 1.5 - -

500 (10) 14 76,552 3,900 3.1 2,590 2.1 2,590 2.I (t)(II) 15 3,388 700 12.4 240 (7) 4.3 420 (8) 7.44 (4)

  • 16 3,872 600 9.3 600 9.3 600 9.3 (5)
  • 17 4,840 600 7.4 600 7.4 600 7.4 (t)(2) i
  • 18 5,104 700 8.2 - 700 8.2 700 8.2 (2)(5)
  • 19 6,699 900 8.1 900 8.1 900 8.1 (2)(5)
  • 20 6,698 900 8.1 900 8.1 900 8.1 (2)(5) 21 4,530 600 7.9 240 (7) 3.2 420 (8) 5.5 (4)

( 22 9,678 500 3.1 240 (7) 1.5 420 (8) 2.6 (2)(4) 23 70,895 5,000 4.2 420 (8) 0.4 4,000 (6) 3.4 (2)(5)

  • 24 12,355 1,00Q 4.9 1,000 4.9 1,000 4.9 (I )(2)(12) 25 15,708 - - - - -

(lI) 26 15,682 2550 9.1 420 (8) 1.6 1,300 4.9 (10) 27 3,872 500 7.7 240 (7) 3.7 420 (8) 6.5 (2)(4) 28 23,320 500 1.3 - - -



  • 29 2,678 500 11.2 500 11.2 500 11.2 (2)(5)
  • 30 2,678 500 11.2 500 11.2 500 11.2 (2)(5)
  • 31 2,678 500 11.2 500 I!.2 500 -11.2 (1)(2)(5) 32 45,738 - - - - -

(10) 33 4,356 1,000 13.8 240 (7) 3.3 420 (8) 5.8 (2)(4)

  • 34 12,355 800 3.9 800 3.9 800 3.9 (2)(5)
  • 34 a 3,105 200 3.9 200 3.9 200 3.9 (2)(5) 35 21,364 3,800 10.7 1980 (8) 5.6 3,000 (17) 8.4 (4)(II) 36 82,688 3,000 2.2 480 (7) 0.4 1,260 (8) 0.92 (4)(13) 37 , 30,577 3,600 7.1 2,000 (8) 3.9. 3,000 (17) p.9 (t)(I2)(4)
  • 38 23,285 3,000 7.7 3,000 7.7 3,000 7.7 (l)(lI)
  • 39 358,093 37,500 6.3 3I,500 5.3 31,500 5.3 (2)(4 )( 84)
  • 40 41,392 6,200 9.0 6,200 9.0 6,200 9.0 (I)C5)


  • il 192,620 6,000 I.9 6,000 I.9 6,000 1.9 (4)
  • 42 17,519 17,519 17,519 (15)
  • 42 a 2,116 2,116 2,Il6 (15)
  • 42 0 355 355 355 117,%5 CFM 90,400 CFM (00,970 CFM


1. This area contains safety related equipment or lE cable trays.

! 2. Potentially radioactive area.

1 3. 400 HP motor is water cooled.

4. The purpose of this ventilation is to move air from cleaner area to potentially radioactive area.
5. The purpose of the ventilation is to remove heat generateo by the equipment.
6. Since there is no safety equipment in this room, there is no environmental impact if exhaust is reduced by 20%. Amtlent temperature

) will go up by 3.5cF.


7. 1/8" H2O negative pressure inside the room is maintained with respect to the corridor. Bare minimum exhaust flow can still maintain a differential pressure of 1/8" H 2O across the sealea closed coor. This will assure that airborne racioactive particulates are prevented from i migrating to the cleaner areas before being exhaustec ano filtereo through HEPA and charcoal aosorber.


8. 20 feet per minute minimum velocity or air movement through door
opening. This will prevent airborne racioactive particulates from migrating to cleaner areas when door is left open.
9. One coor to the corrioor is shared or commen to room numbers 9 and 11 or.

10 ano 12.

10. This is consioereo a corraior. Supply air for this floor is introauceo to this area before being orawn to different areas ano to the exhaust
registers. Exhaust air can be eliminateo.
11. Open to corridor where supply air is introducec. Large quantity of air will pass through this area before it goes to the radioactive cuoicles or enclosea areas. Exhaust air in this area can be reoucea.
12. This area contains two recuncant recirculating cooling units.
13. Large quantity of outside make-up air will pass through this room Defore exhaustea through the exhaust fans.

l NOTES FOR TABLE I (continued)

( 14. Original supply air to the operating floor of FH3 is maintained at l 29,500 CFM. Since supply from lower floor is cut off by the installation of the environmental barrier, exhaust must be reduced by 6,000 CFM. 2,000 CFM difference between supply and exhaust will maintain the operating floor at elev. 348'-0" uncer a negative pressure.

15. Separate exhaust fans are tied in to the Aux, and Fuel hanoling Blag.

exhaust system.

  • indicates that criginal ventilation rate will not be changed.
17. 30 feet per minute minimum velocity / air movement through an open passageway (20 fpm plus 50 percent safety factor).
18. Drientation and location of room 10 numcer is similar to TDR-356. See attachec room number / drawings cross reference and orawing.
19. Original design air flows are based on the flow diagrams ano inoivicual exhaust registers.
20. Recommenced air flows are attainable as indicateo in 1981 Balancing Report which was certified by Hershman in accoroance with National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBS).



3.15.3 AUXILIARYAtoFUELHANDLINGEXHAUSTkIRTREATMENTSYSTEM Applicability Applies to the auxiliary and fuel handling exhaust air treatment system.

Objective To specify the minimum availability ano efficiency for tne auxiliary and fuel hanoling exhaust air treatment system.

Soecification The auxiliary ano fuel handling bulloings exhaust air treatment system shall be operable at all times when fuel hanaling operations are in progress in the Fuel Handling Bulloing and whenever irradiateo fuel is in the storage pool. Tnis applies to the exhaust filters AH-F2A, 28, 2C, and 20 as well as the exhaust fans AH-E14A, 148, 14C, and 14D.


From ano after the date that the auxiliary and fuel handling exhaust air treatment system is made or founo to be inoperable, that is the filters AH-F2A, 28, 2C, ano 2D ano/cr both sets of fans 1 AH-E14A and 14C and AH-E145 and 14D, are incperable, fuel hanoling operations shall be terminatec immeciately until the components are i returned to service. Any fuel assembly movement in progress may be completed.* a. The results of the in-place DOP ano halogenatea hycrocarbon tests at cesign flows on HEPA filters and charcoal adsorber banks shall show less than 0.05% D0? penetration and less than I

0.05% halogenateo hydrocarbon penetration, except that the DOP

' test will be conoucted with prefilters installed.

b. The results of laboratory carbon sample analysis shall show greater than or equal to 90% racioactive methyl iodice-cecorsamination efficiency when testeo at 125cF, 95% R.H.
c. Eacn set of fans AH-E14 A and C and AH-E14E and D shall each be shown to have the capacity of cperating between 90,400 ano 129,600 CFM flowrate. With one auxiliary ano fuel handling exhaust air treatment system-inoperable, fuel movement within the storage pool may proceed proviceo the OPERABLE auxiliary ano fuel handling exhaust air treatment system is in operation ano cischarging through at least e, one train of HEPA filters ano charcoal aosorbers.

  • Not required until criticality for cycle 5 operation.



. 4.12.3 AUXILIARY AND FUEL HANDLING EXHAUST AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM i Acolicability Applies to the auxiliary and fuel handling bulloing exhaust air treatment system and associated components.

I Objective i

To verify that this system and associated components will be able to perform Its oesign functions.

Specification At least once per refueling interval cr once per 18 months, whichever comes first, it shall be cemonstrateo that the pressure crop across the combinec HEPA filter and acsorber banks is less than 6 inches of water at system cesign flow rate (90,400 to 129,800 CFM). a.* The tests and sample analysis required by Specification shall be performeo initially, once per refueling interval or 18 months, whichever comes first, or within 30 days prior to the movement of irradiated fuel and following significant painting, steam, fire, or chemical release in any ventilation zone communicating with tne system that could contaminate the HEPA filters cr charecal acsorcers.

b. DOP testing shall be performed after eacn complete or. partial replacement of a HEPA filter bank or after any structural maintenance on the system housing that coulo affect the HEPA filter bank bypass leakage.
c. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing shall be performed after each complete or partial replacement of a charcoal adsorber bank or after any structural maintenance on the AH-F-2A, B, C, or D

!' housing that could affect charcoal adsorber bank bypass i leakage.

d. The fan combination AH-E-14A ano C anc AH-E-148 and 0 shall be operated at least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> every montn.* An air distribution test shall be performec on the HEPA filter bank initially ano after any maintenance or testing that could affect the air oistribution within the system. Tre air cistribution across the HEPA filter bank shall be uniform within +20%. The. test shall be performed between 90,400 ano 129,600 CFM flow rate.

Bases Pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal aosorbers of less than 6 inches of water at the system cesign flow rate will indicate that the filters and aosorbers are not clogged by excessive a: cunts of foreign matter.

Pressure crop should be determineo at least once every refueling interval to show system performance capability.

  • Surveillance to be performeo Cycle 5 criticality in lieu of other criteria specified. This change is only applicable until' Cycle 5. criticality.


j ROOM DRAWING # NAME Page 1 of 2 l 1 1E-154-02-002 Neutrali:er Feed Tank, Neut. Waste Storage Tank, l 1C ESG Valves & Heating Control Center, Spent

Fuel Pit Roo= Su=p.

t 2 Laundry Waste Storage Tank, Laundry Waste Pump, Make-Up & Waste Disposal Filters 3 Corridor & Entrance to Lubricant Storage Roon 4 Seal Water Return Coolers & Borsted Water Recir-culation Pump 5 Valve Room 6 Make-Up & Purification Pump, MU-P-1A 7 Make-Up & Purification Pump , MU-P-1B

'8 Make-Up & Purification Pump, MU-P-lC ,

9 Make-Up Tmak 10 Spent Resin Storage Tank 11 Slurry Pump & Decant Pumps 12 Used Filter Precoat Tank 13 Waste Evaporator Condensate Pumps & Elevator Machine Room l' Radiation Monitor Room 15 Waste Transfer Valve Rcom 16 Waste Transfer Pump Room 17 Waste Gas Compressor Room 18 Waste Gas Delay Tank 19 Reactor Coolant Waste Evaporator 20 Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator 21 Boric Acid Recycle Pumps 22 Concentrated Waste Storage Tanks & Reclained- Boric .

Acid Tanks 22 Reactor Coolant Bleed Tanks 24 IE-154-02-003 Spent Fuel Cocling Pumps 25 Corridor & Entrance to Elevator 26 F. H. Bldg. Heating & Ventilation Control Center, '

Pre-Coat Filter Tank 27 Radwaste Precoat Filters 28 Corrido r  !

29 Cation Tanks 301 Deborating Demineralizers 31 Make-Up & Purification Demineralizers I- 32 - Aux. &LF. H. Bldg. ' Ventilation ' Control Panels ,

i Radwaste Disposal Center, Evaporator Panel & Liquid

' Gas Waste Panel i l

! . . - . - . . _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ -. . . _ , _ _ .,.____,-,,m, ,, ,. _ _ . . _


Page 2 of 2 33 IE-154-02-003 Waste Gas Valve Roc =

34 Waste _Cas Decay Tanks l l

34A Evap. Cond. De=in. Resin Trap & Evap. Cond.

De=ineralizers s 35 Waste Dru==ing Area 36 Ventilating Equip =ent Roo 37 Nuclear Service Closed Cooling Water Pu=ps &

Decay Heat Closed Cooling Water Pu=ps 38 Aux. Eldg. Heating Control Center, lA Eng. SFGD Valves & Heating Control Center, Radiation Waste Control Center 30 IE-154-02-005 Spent Fuel Pool 40 II-154-02-001 Decay Heat Re= oval Pu=ps 41 Nuclear Service & Decay Heat Service Heat E:: changers 42 IE-155-02-001 Controlled Access Area 42A IE-156-02-002 Penetration Cooling 423 i


-m. J