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Proposed Tech Specs Changing Tables 3.3-6 & 4.3-3 to Allow Control Room Ventilation Sys to Remain in Operation
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1991
Shared Package
ML20067E624 List:
NUDOCS 9102150244
Download: ML20067E632 (40)


. . . .- . - .


IECBt410ALSP_ECJElGAIJONSDE.fAClLLTX OEERATJI10110EllSESJ4EE:37JiEE00mNPF 72_ANDJiEFE Byron.Stadon Braldwood.Stauon ReviaedRages 3/4 3-40 Beylcedfaces: 3/4340 3/4341 3/4341 3/4342 3/4342 i

l L

+102150244 910208 fDR ADOCK 05000454 PDR



TABLE 3.3 .


p. I. Fuel Building Isolation-

, y -Radioactivity-High and' Criticality (ORE-AR055/56) 1. 2. *

<S mR/h 29 t . ..

2. - Containment Isolation--

Containment Radioactivity-

!. liigh I

a) Unit 1 (1RE-AR011/12) 1 2 All ** 26 l b). Unit 2.(2RE-AR011/12) 1 2 All ** 26

R 3. Gaseous Radioactivity-
  • RCS Leakage Detection y a) Unit 1 (IRE-PRO 118)- N.A. I 1, 2, 3, 4 N.A. 28 g b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR0118) N.A. I 1, 2, 3. 4 ' N.A. 28
4. Particulate Radioactivity-RCS Leakage Detection a) Unit 1 (IRE-PRO 11A) M.A. I 1,2,3,4 M.A. 28 b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR011A)- N.A. I 1, 2,'3, 4 M.A. 28
5. Main Control Room Isolation-l Cutside Air Intake-Gaseous .

j Radioactivity-iligh

-4c"E 7^0318/320 m " ou G ;333/300) 1 2 i,a ^!! [? "/h 29 a) Train A ( ORE - fro 3t B/.5ZB) 1 2 nta i WA- All i2mVh 27 4 b) Tra;n 13 ( cRE-PP,o35B/398)  ! . 2 All S p_ mR/ h 27 4

4 l'

. . . _ . . _ , . . _ . _ . _ _. _ - _ _ .. _ ._. -_m l



  • With new fuel or' irradiated fuel in the fuel storage areas or fuel building -

- ** Trip'Setpoint is to be established such that the actual submersion dose rate. I would not exceed 10 mR/hr in the containment building. For containment purge  :

or vent the Setpoint value may be increased up to twice the maximum concentra- ,

tion activity in the containment determined by the sample analysis performed *

.' prior to ea:h release in accordance with Table 4.11-2 provided the value does not exceed 10% of the equivalent limits of Specification in accord- 4 ance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.



',W1th less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, operation may continue provided the containment purge, valves are maintained <

closed.- ,

ACTION 27 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Min 4="=--

Channels OPERABLE requirement, within 1 hourfisolate the Control]

Room Ventilation System and initiate operation of the Control Room -

i Make-up System.


Must satisfy the ACTION requirement for Specification

- ACTION 29 - -

With the number of OPERABLE less than the Minimum #

ChannelsOPERABLErequirement, ACTION'a.ofSpecification3.9.12-f ,

must be-satisfied. With both channels inoperable, provide an i appropriate-portable continuous monitor with the same Alarm Set- . -

point in the fuel pool area with one Fuel Handling Building Exhaust filter plenum in goperation. Otherwise satisfy ACTION b.- ,

of Specification 3.9.12

% inh do h redundant- froin ; of Confrol Room T VenbloHon, pmvided ^he- redundad frain Lnieets )

kthe Mininiunt C honocls OPERABLE- reguirement or a

  1. $atisfaction ofLSpecification 3.0.12 ACTIONS are not required prior to July 1, 1985-when there:is no irradiated fuel in the storage pool.

BYRON - UNITS l i 2 3/4 3-41 e ,sw+ n ,-e v + - r-- w v ve n -

o ,w yr, v, +, - - -.,,-m,e,w,,+%-w., 'ww+

,+ c , m yy y . ev -giv- y+,g- -,=rv== - w , yr- i y egr y *-+- c.-m w,w e-p re,y v

o' .

TABLE 4.3-3

  • lE







i 1. Fuel Building Isolation-

[ Radioactivity-High and

' Criticality (GRE-AR055/56) 5 R M *

- 2. Containment Isolation- I


-Containment Radioactivity- .


, ,, a) Unit 1 (1RE-AR011/12) 5 R M All

;; b) Unit 2 (2RE-AR011/12) 5 R M ~All to -

2 j, 3. Gaseous Radioactivity-n> RCS teakage Detection . .


^ a) Unit 1 (IRE-PR0118) S R M 1, 2, 3, 4 i b) Unit'2 (2RE-PR0118) 5 R M 1, 2, 3, 4 i l

4 4 Particulate Radioactivif.y-

] RCS teakage Detection.

a) Unit 1 (IRE-PRO 11A) 5 R M 1, 2, 3, 4 i j- b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR011A) 5 R M 1, 2, 3, 4 t

t j 5. Main Control Room Isolation--

l Outside Air Intake-Gaseous' '

l Radioactivity-High-(0"C ""031"/220'"


~ ou" eaE- F a6330/20") *- 5: R M All 1 a) Tiru n A (. ORE-78to3:8/5Z@

j b) T~<u.n 8 (ceE-pro 33Bl516[ 5 E 'E M i


  • With new fuel ' o'r ' irradiated fuel in 'the fuel storage areas or fuel building.  !



' TABLE 313-6 E

, i";


.Y 8-O



_ MODES Fuel Building Isolation-1.

Radioactivity-liigh and -

Criticality (ORE-AR055/56) I' 2 *

<5 mR/h 29 2.- ~ Containment' Isolation-Containment Radioactivity-High.'

a) Unit 1 (IRE-AR011/12) 1 2 All **

'26 b) Unit 2 (2RE-AR011/12) 1 2 All **

26 w

, } 3. Gaseous Radioactivity-~

w RCS Leakage Detection

, i o

a) Unit 1 (IRE-PR0118) N.A. I 1,2,3,4 N.A. 28

} .b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR011B) M.A. 1 1,2,3,4 N.A. 28 1

4.- Particulate Radioactivity-

RCS Leakage Detection i

a) Unit 1 (IRE-PRO 11A) N.A. I 1, 2, 3, 4 N.A. 28 b) Unit 2 (2RE-PRO 11A) N.A. I 1,2,3,4 M.A. 28 ,

5. Main Control Room Isolation-


Outside Air Intake-Gaseous ,

Radioactivity-High. '

-(0"E ""031S/32S ; ;d 0"E """33"/3'") 1 2 70- '" ' ? -"'" '7



a) Tren A (O 6E- P6631 B[376) g AII 6 % m4h Z"I b) Tr.ia 8 (o Re -PRO 338/yte) J 2 4 38 i zmAjn 29 l

r I

. ~

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - w -___r----- - - ~ ^

vv- -



.i ' . )


  • With new fuel or irradiated fuel in the fuel storage areas or fuel building.  :
    • Trip Setpoint is to be established such that the actual submersion dose rate would not exceed 10 mR/hr in the containment building. For containment purge- '

or vent the Setpoint value may be increased up to twice the maximum concentra-tion activity in the containment determined by the sample analysis performed prior to each release in accordance with Table 4.11-2 provided the value does not exceed 10% of the equivalent limits of Specification in accord-ance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.

ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 26- -~ With less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, operation may continue provided the containment purge valves are maintained closed.

-ACTION 27 -

Nith the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, within 1 hourm solate the control ]

Room Ventilation System and initiate operation of the Control Room Make-up System.

-ACTION 28 -

Must satisfy the ACTION requirement for Specification


With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, ACTION _a. of. Specification 3.9.12#

must be satisfied. With both channels inoperable, provide an ,

appropriate portable continuous monitor with the_same Alarm Set-point in the fuel pool area with one Fuel Handling Building

-Exhaust filter plenum in operation. Otherwise satisfy ACTION b. .

of Specification 3.9.12.#- l w

$ to [t ch to 4-he ec. dun dan 4 N&in o f C.on N e / A08M j

\J e J l af t e n, p rovid e d t h e. re,. d u n j m4 4 ra.i n m e e f.x t h t. Yn i n i m u m C h a nM ls CPERABLE re u/re medt or t

  1. Satisfaction of Specification 3.9.12 ACTIONS a. and b. not required prior to initial operation at > 5% Rated Thermal Power on Cycle 1.

BRAIDWOOD - UNITS 1 & 2- 3/4 3-41

. .a . . .. = - = - - .. . . . . - . - - . - _ _ . _ . . - -, .


TABLE 4.3-3 E





" 1. Fuel Building Isolation-

" Radioactivity-High and Criticality (ORE-AR055/56) S R M 2.. Containment Isolation-Containment Radioactivity-High w a) Unit 1 (IRE-AR011/12) S R H All 2 b) Unit 2 (2RE-AR011/12) S R M All w

1 3. Gaseous Radioactivity--

" RCS Leakage Detection a) Unit 1 (IRE-PRO 11B) S R M 1, 2, 3, 4 b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR0118) S R M 1, 2, 3, 4

4. Particulate Radioactivity-RCS Leakage Detection a) Unit 1 (IRE-PR0ll- S R M 1, 2, 3, 4 b) Unit 2 (2RE-PR011A, S R M 1,'2, 3, 4
5. Main Control Room Isolation-Outside Air Intake-Gasecus Radioactivity-High (9PE " ??S/329
-d ORE-P"'??B/3'9) R M All a) Trda A (ORE - Ff.03i 8/3ta) S b) Traia 8(ofE - M.0 33B/39 6) 5 6 M All
  • With new fuel or irradiated fuel in the fuel storage areas or fuel building.

ATTACHMENT C EVALUATION OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION s Commonwealth Edhion has evaluated this proposed amendment and determined that it Involves no significant hazards considerations. According to 10 CFR 50.92(c), a proposed amendment to an operating license involves no significant hazards considerations if operation of the tacility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not:

1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident evaluated; or
2. Create th9 poss!bility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previouWy evaluated; or 4
3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The proposed change does not result in a significant increase in the probability or consequence of accidents previously evaluated. The radiation monitors are designed to provide a response to a radiologicat incident. The operability of these monitors does not factor into the sequence of events required for a radlological release to the atmosphere to occur. They serve to Initiate action to prevent a release from unacceptably impacting the Control Room; they do not prevent a release from occurring.

The subject radiation monitors function to isolate the Control Room Ve< . Von System (VC) outside air intakes la the event of a high radiation condition. Each train of the VC syntom is provided with redundant radiation monitors. Only one train of VC is operated at a time. The proposed change would ahow the operation of a train of VC with a full comploment of radiaticn monitors in the normal configuration. Assuming a limiting scenario of the plant operating wit.'

degraded monitoring on the idle VC train with the occurrence of a radioactive release and subsequent failure of the running train, the Idle train could be started. This train would still have a single radiation monitor available, if the Initiating event resulted in a Stfety injection signal, the ventilation system would automatically align to the post-accident mode. This provides a diverse means of providing radiological protection for the Control Room. The proposed change

, does N alter the manner in which the actuation signalis provided, nor does it have an impact on the response of the VC system to a valid actuation signal.

The proposed changa does not create the possibility for a now or different kind of accident from any accident previousiy evaluate 1. The proposed chan e does not introduce any new or different equipment, end it will not result in Installed eq pment being operated In a new or different manner. The change will allow the operation o a fully operable train of VC, rather than require that a train with degraded monitoring be operated in its post accident configuration, The monitors err designed to failin a safe condition, so required system configuration or operation are not precluded.

The proposed chan Je does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of saicty. The proposed change allows the operation of a VC train with full radiation monitoring capability. In the event there is one monitor per train inoperable, the change does not render the plant vulnerable to a single failure which would result in the overexposure of control room personnel.

. Additior"lity, the Control Room is equ) ped with Area Radiation Monitors which provide an alarm upon detection of a high radiation condition. As such, suffih 9s will remain available to ensure that the VC system is capable of being both au !Iy and manually aligner to provido for the mitigntion of radiological events.

' / sci:lD705:5

.. r ATTACHMENT D ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT Braldwood & Byron Stations have evaluated the proposed amendment agal'nst the criteria for P

', an identification of licensing and regulatory actions requiring environmental assessment in accordance with 10 CFR 51.21. It has been determined that the proposed change meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion as provided fcr under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). This l det6;mination la based ori the fact that this change is being proposed as an amendment to a -

license issued p;.;uant to 10 CFR 50, and the change affects a requirement with respect to the use of a facility component located within the restricted area, and the change involves no significant hazards considerations. There is no change in the amount or type of releases made offsite, and there is no significant increase in Individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.


4 .

1 i

-/scl:lD705:6 l



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q'W;) 6 ", , 3;p% O BRAIDWOOD-UFSAR g

L674)[H&B,ITABILITY> SYSTEMS Habitability systems are designed to ensure that control room operators can remain inside all spaces served by the control .

room NVAC system for both Units 1 and 2 during all normal and i abnormal station conditions in compliance with Criterion 19 of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A. The habitability systems cover all the equipment, supplies, and procedures provided to ensure that  :

control room operators are protected from postulated releases j of radioactive materials, toxic gases, smoke, and steam.  ;

Adequate food, water storage, sanitary facilities, and medical supplies are provided to meet the requirements of operating personnel during and after an-incident. In addition, the  ;

environments in all spaces served by the control room HVAC system (control room envelope) are controlled within specified limits whicn are conducive to prolonged service life of Safety

- Class 1. co nponents during- all station conditions.  ;

6.4.1 Desian Basis 4 The design bases of the habitability systems upon which the functional design is established are summarized as follows:

a. Redundant strings of HVAC" equipment are provided to maintain habitable environmental conditions in the control room envelope.
b. The habitability systems are designed to support a.

maximum of-sev.a people during normal and 30 days of abnormal station operating conditions. .A ,

minimum 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of food supplies are provided for i emergency control room staff, with additional food resupplied as needed. An unlimited-water supply  ;

and onsite first aid is available.

c. Kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for control room operating personnel. j
d. The radiological effects on the control' room envelope resulting from any incident-described in Chapter 15.0 are considered in-the design of the habitability system. <
e. The design includes provisions to preclude the f effects of toxic gases-(carbon dioxide and smoke) from inside or.outside the plant.
f. Adequate.self-contained breathing apparatus is available' inside the control roc.n envelope. Face mask respirators and 6-hour botcled air supplies are provided for emergency staff.
g. The habitability systems are designed to operate effectively during and after a DBA such as a LOCA 6.4-5


e a with the simultaneous loss of offsite power, safe shutdown earthquake, or failure of any one of the contro11 room HVAC system equipment string components.-

h. Radiation monitors and ionization detectors continuously _ monitor the_ control room HVAC System I outside makeup airLintakes. Also, ionization detectors _ continuously monitor the contrc'. room- i HVAC system turbine buildir.g makeup air intakes.  !

Area radiation monitors are provided in-the control i room.- Detection of high radiation or products of combustion is alarmed in the control room and related protection functions are simultaneously initiated. Pressure differential indicators are provided-in the control room which monitor the pressure differential between control room envelope and surrounding areas. Low pressure differential is alarmed in the control room.

Outdoor air and individual room temperature indi-cators in'the control room are provided for the controlfroom envelope.


-6.4.2' System Desion 6 . 4 -. 2 . l' Definition of Control Room Envelope The : control room envelope consists of control room (Units 1 and

2.)., auxiliary electric- equipment rooms, upper control cable spreading rooms, HVAC equipment-rooms, security control center, '

. record 1:oom, locker room, toilets, kitchen, storage rooms, and Ti'nstrument shop.

' 6 '. 4 . 2 . 2 ' Ventilation System Desion  ;

l Detailed control room HVI.C system description is presented in -j l Subsection 9.4.1.- -The control _ room makeup system is described

inLSubsection 6.5.1.

All the system equipment components.are designed to perform ttheir function.during and after the safe-shutdown earthquake

'except'for the electric space' heating, humidification equip-

. ment, the security computer A/C unit, and kitchen, toilet, Elocker room exhaust-fans and filters, and storage room toilet recirculation filter unit which are supported to remain intact, but may:not function.

'All system components are protected from internally and;exter-nally generated missiles. A layout offthe control room envelope, showing doors, corridors, stairways, shield walls and the1 equipment layout is given in Figure 6.4-1.


' 5 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _

_- ._ - .. . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . - ~ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


. lO Theidescription of controls,:-instruments, and ionization and radiation monitors for the control _ room HVAC system is included intSubsections and The locations of makeup ,

  • airJintakes and potential; sources of radioactive and toxic ges!  ;

/ releases are: indicated in Figures 6.4-1, 6.4-2, 6.4-3, and

. 6. 4 -4 .- -

E6,4.2.3 -Leaktichtness:

.The ent' ire control-room envelope is designed as a low-leakage

' construction. . All cable-pans and duct penetrations are

. sealed. Approximately-6,000 cfm (0.6 air-changes by volume per 4

hour) of outside air is introduced in the control room envelope <

to maintainfapproximately 0.02 inches of water column positive cpressure with respect to the_ surrounding areas for-the upper cable spreading room,.andiapproximately 0.125 inches of water _  :

column positive' pressure with respect to the surrounding areas  ;

for the-remaining rooms.

During emergency operation (radiation accident) of the-control room ventilation system,: the'normally open minimum outside air

" makeup 1 dampers _are closed.1 Infiltration through damper and personnel ingress /egressLis:the only source of unfiltered air i Linto_the: system.-


L6.4-2.4: InteractionEWith-Other Zones and-Pressure-Containina Eculoment- i j

The' control room HVAC
system serves only rooms-in.the control s'  ! room envelope. -Areas surrounding the-control room envelope are- 1

! served :by vari' Js systems which are designated" on Figure 6.4-1.- l TheEcontrol-room offices HVAC system (afseparate system, not a y '

part of the control. room envelope) and the laboratory HVAC n

csystemEand the radweste'HVAC-system are?shutEdown by a high

  • Dradiation; signal detectedlin the contro11 room'HVAC system- a


.outside# makeup airjintakes. The auxiliaryLbui'1 ding: areas. O adjacent;to the control-room envelope are at-negative pressure j

> lwi'th:xespect to ambient =and control. room pressures at~all-Ltimes . - The naturallyfvented^ turbine building.pressurefis a ffunctiontof elevation and will varysseasonally' depending'on ~  ;

, , ?outside air temperatures. The building 1 pressure- at the. main- 3' jfloor?is approximately_ atmospheric at allftimes.

s LAllipenetrations-between thel cable-spreading rooms and.the n contro~1 room are scaled airtight.,LAny= release of carbon-i -

fdioxide.within:the? cable; spreading room would not enterLthe 1 control-room. Actuation of any of-the carbon / dioxide zone systemslisolates that zone'from airflow by~ simultaneously:

closi'ng.the airflow damperscsurrounding the affected zone.

!i Normal access' paths'between= plant areas and the control room envelope are double-door (two doors in series) minimize 1 system interaction. Single doors are not normally L

D L *' 6.4-7 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1999 ln


...; i C . ~. l

' =*' BRAIDWOOD-UFSAR, lused_and are under. administrative control of the operator..

l .: There;'1.ines in the proximity-or within the.

control-room: envelope. Small fire extinguishers are provided


.in areas within',the control room envelope..



t k

1 u _

p' >


,t a

1 4

6.4-8 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER-1989


! j The carbonLdioxide fire: protection system design is discussed in: Subsection 12.3.3 and: Appendix AS.4 of the Fire protection Report.

6.4'.2.5L Shieldina Desian--

Theidesign-basis accident for the control room area shielding is-the loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). The '

designed'so that the doses to the control 1 room personnel over the course.of the' accident are well below the. limit specified '

in General Design Criteria 19 of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A.

The control room envelope,is shown in Figure 6.4-1. An isometric' view of the control' room is Figure 6.4-2.

The design of the control room envelope shielding is based on the sources given in Table 6.4-1. The distribution of the LOCA

. sources outside'the control room are shown in Figures 6.4-3 and i 6.4-4. All of the noble. gases and 250 of the iodines'are pre-  ;

sumedLto E remain airborne and eventually escape into the plume. l Radioactive decay in the plume is ignored.

Shielding 1 thicknesses for the control room are shown in Figure

'6~4-2 and Table 6'.4-1. The sources for the-LOCA

shielding:model are'shown_in Figures 6.4-3 and 6.4-4. ,i 6f4.3 -System!Ocerational procedurgi

-The contro1Lroom'is a common facility which serves both Units 1-

,and:2. 'Thecfacility-is served by-two completely redundant HVAC .

-equipment trains. The systems'are-shown in simplified schema-

' tic in: Figures;6.4-5, 6.4'-6,.and.6.4-7. Note that only one of Lthe redundant trains-is detailed in the sketches; the other train contains equivalent equipment. The controleroom envelope- +

Lis~ supplied with filtered, cooled.and. reheated (as necessary)-

airLto maintain a'~ suitable environment. 't UnderLnormal< conditions the system operates'as Figure-

6 . 4 - 5 =. - The2 supply 1 air'consistsoof air that is recirculated-fromJthe control room; envelope-and outside air that11s induced intoithe. system to provideLfor, control room envelope.pressuriza-tion and to makeup _for air that is exhausted. This mixture of recirculated andLoutside mixed and then passed through


.high-efficiency filters and then bypasses the charcoal

3. adsorbers. prior'_to being discharged into the control room.

Upon: detection of high radiation in'the minimum outside air '

intake, orLuponLa safety injection signal, the normally open outside air dampers.close.- The normally closed dampers of the turbine-building emergency' air intake are opened and the emer-gency makeup ~ air-filter unit'is started. In addition, air that is normally bypassing the recirculation charcoal adsorber is routed through this charcoal adsorber. All of these-actuations L

l 6.4-9

1 B/B-UFSAR are automatic and the new system line-up is shown diagrammati-cally in Figure 6.4-6.

In' addition, a radiation monitor located on each of the emergency makeup air filter trains monitors the radiological quality of the air delivered to the control room envelope.

Should high moisture due to a steam line break in the turbine building occur, a humidity sensor located in the turbine build-ing emergency makeup air intake will annunciate this condition in the main control room. This will alert the operator of this condition. The operator may then draw the makeup air from the minimum outside air intake by opening the normally closed bypass damper and closing the turbine building emergency makeup air intake damper. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 6.4-7.

To remove any toxic gases, odors, and smoke from the control room environs, a charcoal adsorber is provided with each con-trol room HVAC equipment string. These adsorbers, located downstream of high-efficiency filters, are normally bypassed.

At Braidwood, if the station is notified of a toxic gas release

.in the near vicinity, the control room HVAC system is menually isolated via.a control switch on-the local panel. Actuation of the control switch places the system in 100% recirculation mode and routes the air through the charcoal adsorbers.

On detection of ionization products in the return air duct or mixed air _ plenum, the mixed air (return air and makeup air) is automatically routed through the charcoal adsorber and annun-ciated on the main control board. The operator may continue to route the system supply air through the charcoal adsorber for smoke removal, or depending on the condition of the outside air, may manually bypass the charcoal adsorber and purge the entire system with outside air. On ionization detection in out-door makeup air intake, annunciation in the control room alerts the1 operator to transfer operation to a redundant equipment string utilizing a remote intake.

In'the event of high radiation detection in the makeup air intake of-the control room HVAC system, the radiation moni-toring system automatically shuts off normal outside makeup air supply to the system. The minimum outside air requirement is obtained from the turbine building makeup air intake and is routed through the makeup air filter train and. fan (for removal of-radioactf<e particulates and iodine) before being supplied to the system. The makeup air is then mixed with return air and is routed-through the recirculation charcoal adsorber for the removal of radioactive iodine before.being supplied to the vital areas of the control room envelope.

Two makeup air filter trains and fans are provided, each cap-able of handling minimum requirements of makeup air for the l system. In the event of high radiation levels, each train is 6.4-10


sized to process 6,000 cfm of makeup air. The nakeup air

- filter units are described in detail in Subsection 6.5.1.

6.4.4 pesian Eyaluatisr.

The control room HVAC system is Owsigned to maintain a habit-able environment compatible with prolonged service life of safety-related components in the control room under all the station operating conditions. The system is only provided with redundant equipment strings to meet the single-failure criterion. The equipment strings are powered from redundant Unit 1 ESF buses and are operable during loss of offsite power. All the control room HVAC system equipment except heating and humidification equipment is designed for Seismic Category I loads. Radioloaical Prolection Two radiation monitors are-provided in each control room HVAC system makeup air intake to detect high radiation. These monitors cause annunciation in the control room upon detection of high radiation or monitor failure conditions. Area radia-tion monitors are provided in the control room. The respective makeup air filter. train connected to the operating equipment string (designed to remove radioactive particulates and adsorb radioactive' iodine from the minimum quantity of makeup air) is automatically started upon high radiation signals in makeup air. The radiation monitors are described in detail in Subsec-tions 11.5.2 and 12.3.4.

The makeup air filter-trains, the recirculation charcoal adsorbers, and control room shielding are designed to limit the occupational dose below levels required by General Design Criterion 19 of-10 CFR 50 Appendix A. Doses are tabulated in Table 6.4-1.

The introduction of the minimum quantity of outside air to maintain the control room and other areas served by the control room HVAC system at a positive pressure with respect to sur-roundings, at all the station operating conditions (except at Braidwood, when the system is in recirculation mode) minimizes the possibility of infiltration of unfiltered air into the control room (see Subsection

The physical location of makeup air intakes (see Figure 6.4-1) provides the option of drawing makeup air for the control room HVAC system from the less contaminated intake during and after a LOCA. possible one'of the makeup intakes may not have any contaminants, while the other intake may have contaminants.

An assessment of the radiological dose to control room occu-pants has been made for the loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) postulated in Subsection 15.6.5. This event is considered to be an upper bound of all accidents postulated to occur.

6.4-11 j


. l:

For.the LOCA assessed here, 100%.of the noble gases and 25% of

~the iodines present in the core are immediately available for release to the environment. Leakage.from ESF equipment handling post-LOCA-fluids is taken from Table 15.6-16. Credit for reduction of the amount of iodine available for-release by engineered safety features (ESF) containment sprays-is taken.

Similarly credit is taken for the ESF control room makeup air

-filters (Subsection 6.5.1), the recirculation charcoal adsorbers, and ESF auxiliary building filters (Subsection 6.5.1).

The total dose as depicted in Figure 6.4-4 i s comprised of four

-components, three of which are dependent on site meteorology.

The effective. atmospheric dispersion values, X/Q,-used were calculated from the equations of Reference 1 and the site meteorology given in Section.2.3.- Specific values used-in this enalysis are given in Table f.4-la.

Control room-occupancy factors were taken from Table 1 of a paper by Murphy & Campe (1973).

Because;of.the control room. design, asinoted in Subsection 6 . 4 . 2 .' 3 , infiltrition is. considered and found to be a minor pathway for radionuclides entering thefcontrol room; all i incoming air-including makeup air passes through=the recircu-lation cht.rcoaliadsorbers. In; addition, the makeup and return air mixture.isErouted through the recirculation charcoal adsorbers (&or adsorb radioactive; iodine from the air mixture). ,

The resulting parametric f act ors and associated doses are_ given in= Table 6.4-1. The doses are well~below General Design Criterion 119 to 10.CFR 50, Appendix A guidelines.-

l 6.4-12 1

Y BRAIDWOOD-UFSAR ' Chlorine Gas Protection The control-room HVAC system is provided with control switches on the-local-control panels which can manually isolate the system upon notification of an accidental-release of chlorine gas from sources' external to the station. Upon isolation of the_ system 1from-outdoor makeup air, the control room HVAC system operates in.100% recirculation mode, thus routing the

-recirculated air through recirculation filters.  !

6.4.5 Igstino and Inspection  ;

The control room HVAC_ system and'its components are thoroughly testedLin a' program" consisting of the following: 4

a. factory'and component qualification tests,
b. onsite preoperational testing, and
c. onsite. subsequent periodic testing.

Written test procedures establish mininium_ acceptable values for all tests.- Test results are recorded as a matter of per-

-formance record, thus enabling early detection of faulty performance.

-All' equipment is factory inspected and tested in accordance

'with.the applicable equipment specifications, codes, and quality assurance requirements. ' System ductwork and erection of equipment is; inspected _during various construction stages for quality assurance. Construction tests are performed on all .

mechanical-components,'and the system is balanced for the design airflows and_ system operating pressures. Controls, interlocks, and' safety devices on each system are cold checked,
adjusted, and: tested t'o' ensure the proper: sequence of operation.

The equipment manufacturers' recommendations and station

. practices are_ considered in-determining required' maintenance.

-6.4.6 Instrumentation Requirements

'All,the instruments and controls for the control-room HVAC

. system are electric-or electronic.

Further detai1F are provided inLthe following:

a. Each redundant control room HVAC system has a local y' control- panel, and each is independently con-trolled. Important operating functions are con-

-trolled and monitored from the main control room.

Local' control panels containing the local control

-switches are located inside equipment rooms that-are under the administrative control of operators.

6.4-15 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989


b. . Instrumentation ~is provided to monitor i mportant variables associated with normal operation and to alarm abnormal conditionsLon the' main control board.-

c.. A radiation detection system is provided to monitor =

the radiation' levels ~at~the system outside air Lintakes. LA high radiation signal is alarmed on the main control board.

d. The ionization detection is-provided both in-rooms and'in the return air path from main control boards. Ionization detection is annunciated in the main control room.
e. The'contro1Lroom HVAC system,is designed for auto-c matic environmental-control with manual starting of fans.
f. A fire protection system water connection is #

provided tcteach charcoal adsorber bed.

-g. The various-instruments of the-control system are

. described in detail in Chapter 7.0.

h. The standby makeup air filter-unit upstream HEpA filter high' differential pressure is annunciated and~ recorded ~in the main control room. 'The standby

. makeup air filter unit high'and low airflow rates

'are annunciated in=the main control' room. This airflow rate is also indicated and the low airflow' i is annunciate' n'the local control panel, im The control room supply fan high and: low differen-tial pressures are annunciated'in-the main control room.- Supply. fan' trip is also annunciated in.the


( "

main contro1Eroom.- Supply fan. differential pres-

sure is-indicated on the local control panel, a

s i


... , , .. . - - . . - . - -. - - i

0 k



l*,4-e .

6.5 FISSION PRODUCT REMOVAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS o6.5.1 Enaineered Safety Feature (ESP) Filter Systems The following filtration systems, which are required to perform -

the safety-related functions subsequent to a design-basis.acci-dent (DBA), are provided:

a.- control room KVAC makeup air. filter units: this system is utilized to clean the incoming air of gaseous iodine and particulates which are poten-tially present in incoming air following an accident.

b. auxiliary building exhaust. system: this system can

'be utilized to reduce gaseous iodine and particu-late concentrations in gases-leaking from primary

-containment and which are potentially,present in  ;

h . nonaccessible cubicles (see Subsection 9.4.5) following the accident,

-fuel handling building-exhaust system: this system c.

is utilized to reduce gaseous iodine and particu-late concentrations in the exhaust air from the

' fuel handling building which are potentially present following-e fuel drop accident.

76f. 5Tlil; Desian' Bases t C6~.5 11'; 1.11 : Control' Room Makeuo" Air FilteriUnitsl '


a. The makeup air filter units are' designed to start. I automatically-and provide outside air to the control room HVAC system in response to any--one of-the'following signals:
1. , high rad'.ation signal from the radiation moni-tors installed in outside air intake'ductwork for control room HVAC system;
2. manual activation from the main. control room; and .

l L 3. ESF signal.

b. The TID-14844 source model'is used in conjunction' with approved methods to calculate the quantity of activity released as a result of an accident and to



determine inlet concentrations to the makeup air filter train,

c. The-capacity of the makeup air filter units is based on the air quantity required to maintain the rooms served by the control room HVAC system at 6.5-1

4x s 4 B/B-UFSAR j,

0.125 in, of--H2 O positive pressure with respect to  !


d '. .;Two full-capacity emergency makeup air filter units

.and-; associated-dampers, ducts, and controls are j

-provided. ,

e. Each~ makeup air filter unit utilizes air heaters, demister,_and prefilters'needed to assure the

-optimum air conditions' entering the high-efficiency particulate air (HEpA) filters and charcoal adsorbers,

f. The_ emergency makeup air filter unit exhibits a removal efficiency of no less than 99% on radio- ,

f active and nonradioactive forms of iodine and no less than_99% on all particulate matter 0.3 micron

-and larger in size.

g.- The: makeup' air filter unit is designed to meet the single-failure criterion.

h.- The power-supplies meet IEEE 308-1974 criteria and ensure uninterrupted operation in the event of loss of? norma) ac power. The controls meet IEEE ,


.i. The: makeup air filter units are Safety

-Category 1-requirements.

j. The makeup air _ filter' units are designed to permit periodic testing and inspection of principal. system  :


components as described ~-in Subsection 6.5.'1.4.

k. The electrical components are qualifit- in accord-ance'with.IEEE 344-1971 and IEEE'323-1974.

j  : Auxiliary Buildina Exhaust Sy s_t.cm3 a

a. The auxiliary building-exhaust system is designed

.to run continuously during all normal plant opera-: 1' tions and exhaust auxiliary building air after filtering through prefilter and-HEpA filter banks, p;ovisions are also made to. route the effluents- -l

'from nonaccessible cubicles in'the auxiliary build--

ing.(see Subsection 9.4.5) through charcoal- "

.adsorbers and HEpA filters on.the following signals:

1. Automatically on a safety injection signal from Unit 1 or 2.
2. Manually th' rough a control switch in the main control room.


B/B-UFSAR 9.4 blE CONDITIONING. HEATING. COOLING. AND VENTILATION SYSTEMS 9.4.11 Control Room HVAC Systemi The control _ room HVAC system is common to both Units 1 and 2 and serves the. control room (Units 1 and 2), auxiliary electric equipment rooms, upper' cable spreading rooms, HVAC equipment room, security-control center, record room and miscellaneous locker room, toilets, kitchen, and storage rooms. Desian Bases The control room HVAC system, a Safety Category I system, is designed to provide environmental conditions conducive to habitability and long component life in the control room for both Units 1 ano 2 under normal and abnormal station conditions. Safety L agn B_ases

a. The system. conforms to NRC General Design Criteria as discussed in Section 3.1.
b. The control room HVAC system is designed with redundancy to meet the single failure criteria,
c. The system monitors radioactive contamination in all makeup air intakes and limits the introduction of potential contaminants into the system by filtering the contaminated air on detection of high radiation. Area radiation monitors are provided in the control room,
d. Upon notification of an offsite chlorine accident at Braidwood, the control room outside air intakes are manually isolated and the HVAC system-is operated in 100% recirculation mode, with all return air-passing through the charcoal filter,
e. The system monitors products of combustion in make-up air intakes, return ducts from main control boards, and in equipment string mixed air. loniza-tion detector trips are alarmed in the control room. If ionization products are present in makeup air intakes, the makeup air can be switched to a redundant: equipment string utilizing a remote intake. provision is made to permit the operator to purge all spaces served by the control room HVAC system with 100% outside air unless radioactivity in excess of detector setpoints is present in intakes, or if an ESF signal is present.
f. The system is seismically designed with the excep-tion of heating and humidification equipment, the 9.4-1

A B/B-UFSAR security computer A/C unit, and the kitchen, toi-let,-and locker room exhaust fans, filters, and recirculation filter units which are seismically supported but may not function after SSE. This equipment is not needed to meet the habitability criteria or the equipment environmental criteria.

g. 'The Safety Category 1 equipment is powered from redundant ESF buses; the instrumentation and power supply to:the system is described in Subsection and Chapter-8.0.
h. The control room HVAC system is provided with 6000 cfm of makeup air except during the 100% outdoor air purge mode and (Braidwood only) chlorine isolation mode. This quantity of outside air is sufficient to maintain a nominal 0.02 inches water gauge positive pressure.with. respect to the.sur--

rounding areas for the upper cable spreading room, and a nominal 1/8. inch water garne positive pres-sure relative to adjacent areas an other spaces served by the control room HVAC Uystem. The posi-tive pressure inside the control room precludes infiltration of potentially contaminated air from adjacent areas, i.- All the equipment, ducts, and accessories for the control room HVAC system are' housed in a missile-protected structure. The makeup air intake openings are also missile protected,

j. The control-room HVAC system serves only-essential areasz in the habitability envelope and therefore,-

isolation devices to isolate' nonessential areas of the system are not applicable and not provided. Power Generation Desian Baseg '

The-control room HVAC system is designed to provide a con-trolled temperature of 75* :.2' and a' relative humidity of 20%

to 60% in the control room, auxiliary electfic equipment rooms, kitchen, record room, storage room, and security. control cen-ter. The upper control cable spreading: room: ambients are expected to fluctuate between 65* and'90', 204 relative humi-dity and 70% relative humidity depending <on outside tempera-tures. Additional details on environmental conditions are

contained in Section 3.11.

- System Description

-The design of the control' room HVAC system is shown on the piping and instrumentation diagrams, Figure 9.4-1. Capacities of principal system components are listed in Table 9.4-1.

9.4-2 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989


" B/B-UFSAR= >

a. . The-control roomEHVAC system is comprised of two full. capacity, redundant equipment trains, each located:in-separate HVAC equipment rooms. During normal-operation the minimum outside' air quantity ,

is induced through an outside air intake to the return-air ~ductwork where it is mixed with return air from all spaces. particulates are removed from i

mixed sir as it passes through high~ efficiency filters on its way to the operating supply fan inlet. ~The supply fan discharges air through the chilled water cooling coil cabinet into the main-supply duct header. iIf-required, heat is added to supply air in this header by a'non-safety-related  :

electric blast coil.

Tempered: air is distributed 11n the Unit 1 and Unit 2 branch supply ducts via the main supply duct header:which interconnects the Unit 1-and Unit.2 equipment trains with; suitable' isolation _ dampers. .

An electric heating coil'and humidifier manifold'is provided in each equipment string main supply duct ,

j to maintain controlled ~ space temperatures and '

humidities. : Local electric reheat coi3s are provided-for certain-ancillary _ rooms to enhance Ltemperature control.

Return induced from.the: spaces through' main co.itrol ' boards and return- registers to a branch


'returnRductEnetwork;through a main return duct  !

headery(which also is interconnected'to Unit'1.and '

Unit 12L egbipment trains withisuitable : isolation  !

' dampers)ito the. suction of~theLoperating return fan

< Ewhichidischarges the. return-air'to~the mixed air- ,

, ._ plenum. ]

bh :Eachi equipment" train is' connected to two missile

. protected" makeup air' intakes: :an outsideTair'

  • intakeLand a turbine building. air intake.


outside' air intake is theEpreferred makeup source and,.is' sized torprovide either-normal minimum. flow

'(6,000Ecfm) or' full supply flow-(49/500-cfm) for- ,

purging) purposes.

Each1 turbine'b0ilding intake is;an alternate intake- I for minimum ~ flow only used during' abnormal

conditions if radiation in the outside air intake Each turbine 4

exceeds' instrument setpoints.

buildingtair intake is'directly connected _to an atmospheric cleanup system makeup filter unit.which removes potentially radioactive particulates and inorganic and organic forms of iodine from'the i


E 9.4-3  ;

. . _ . - - - _ _ ~ . . . _ - -

,J' B/B-UFSAR Low leakage: motor-operated butterfly isolation' dam-pers are~also provided for each turbine building-m intake.- ' Makeup filter units are described in i

detail inlSubsection-6.5.1..

- TwoJradiation monitors, and two= ionization detectors.are located in each outdoor air intake plenum.. The dischargeLof the makeup filter unit contains-two radiation monitors.

o Double-isolation dampers (including one bubble-tightidamper) are provided on minimum makeup air paths:since these are open during-normal opera- c tion. Maximum outdoor air paths (supply and exhaust)_are closed except in the very unlikely eventJthat there is a fire in the control room envelope. . Bubble tight isolation dampers-ate.

provided.on the maximum outside air-paths.- These are;normally_~ closed fail-closed dampers. ,

c.- Each equipment train _ return fan-discharge is con'-

-nected to a missile protected relie'f opening to.the turbine building.. Whenever the operator chooses to F purgeEthe spaces the-control room HVAC l

' system with 100% outside: air,.the. return. air from .

these-spaces is exhausted to the turbine building 1 through-this1 opening. The opening'is'provided with '

albubb30-tight motor-operated damper.which is' normally closed and willLfail-close=on loss of power, j

,e d. " Upstream of the supply' air fan, a-charcoal adsorber iis'provided;which isEncrmally-bypassed. The^ mixed Jair is automatica11yirouted through thisTadsorber  ;

L whenever1 radiation levels'intthe makeup. air exceed'  ;

detector setpoints and whenever.the mixed air duct l ionization:-detector:is actuatedV"

, i e .- - Thei. source._ of1 cooling : f ori each -controit room HVAC system: equipment train is~a corresponding' control

. room chilled water. equipment string which is described:in detail inLSubsection-9.2.7.

f.- A non-safety-related full capacity-electric: steam.

generatorfis'provided for each; equipment string and


is connected to a main-duct mounted humidifier manifold"and contro1' valve. .

i g .. Electric and electronic controls and'instrumenta-ti'on are'used for the-control room HVAC' system.

Each equipment 1 train has a' local control panel and important operating functions are monitored in the main control room. Abnormal conditions, i.e., high radiation detection at makeup air intakes and 9.4 ,

w g. y 4 --

,- . - .- - ~. .- -

~- .~ -


g .



,. j ionization detection-in1 return air ducts are annun -

'ciated on the main control board. Refer to Section- .

' 7.3 for a detailed description of the -. control and 1

_ instrumentation ofithe= control room HVAC-system.

h. . l Water ^ deluge-valves' connected to the station fire protection system'are provided for-the charcoal adsorber bed in the makeup air filter' trains and ,

" -normally bypassed charcoal adsorber in the supply -

air = filter trains. These are described in- '

Subsection 6.5.1.

i. A11sautomatic isolation and control dampers Sr.e 'f driven by spring. loaded-electric powered:opertators- r which failLsafe on:the loss of. electric power or .

r contro) signal. ;Eef ety Evaluation

a. The-control room.HVAC system is ensure m control of space environmentLeonditions within specified maximum and minimum limits 1(see Ta'ble r

=3.11-1)'which are-conducive to. personnel habit ~1 )

ability and prolonged service-life of' Safety Category I components under all normal'and abnormal-  ;

" station _ operating conditions. .;

1 Redundantiequi'pment is prov'ided where needed toi J ensure; system' function, power for the' redundant i equipmentiisisuppliedlfrom separate ESF buses which are energized during-all normal and. abnormal condia -

stions. :Alltof thet HVAC equipment-and surrounding" "

. structures are' seismically-designed except heating Land, humidification; equipment which are-only seismi-

.cally supported. :A1 system failure, e' Table 9.4-2. 1[


_b.. Flood' protection:for this system i.s not applicable.-


cJAllocal fire in_the' control room should:not-cause,

' the--abandonment ~of the contro11 room because early i l detection, filtration,1and-purging capabilities.are- '

provide'd inLaddition to local fire; fighting apparatus.

d. - Air distribution 'in, the-control room -is designed to

, 1supplyHairLintoithe occupie'd area'and exhaust Lapproximately.hha.1f'of the supply-quantity through the main control boards. -In the event of smoke _or-

_ products of' combustion in the control boards, the ionization 1 detection system' automatically alarms in the main control room, i

9.4-5  !

hT <

_ . . ~ u


~ Manual ~ control is provided to direct-the mixed air through the normally bypassed charcoal adsorber for smoke and odor-removal. A-manual override is provided for this function as well as the-ability _

to introduce:100V outside air to purge the spaces served-byfthe system.

e. Two radiation monitors are each control-room HVAC system outside air *- neup air-intake to detect'high' radiation. These monitors alarm in the control room as do area radiation monitors located in the control room. The intake monitors are described in detail in Subsection 11.5.2 and the area monitors are described in Subsection 12.3.4.

l% .The high' radiation actuation signal causes auto-J matic closure of the normal outside makeup air sourceito the system and opening of turbine-build-ing makeup air intake as well as startup of the makeup air fi' Iter train to clean up.the makeup.

air. In addition, the makeup air and return air arefrouted.through the normally bypassed charcoal' adsorber; i

f. -The makeup air filter trains'and control room

, shielding are designed to limit _the' control room operator dose below levels of 5-rem =asLrequired by

-  : Criterion /19 of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A.

g. LThe1 introduction of,_a minimum quantity of makeup air .is ensured to-maintain the control room'and other1 spaces-served by.the control room HVAC: system 9at-a' positive-pressure with respect to surround-

-m ~itags,Eforga11'the plant operating conditions except M at Braidwood;when manual isolation 1for'a' chlorine-Lincident;is initiated.

Lhe (Braidwood only) Upon notification 1ofcan offsite i

n chlotine accident, the control-room outside air
intakes.are manually isolated and the HVAC system


- is operated in 100% recirculation mode,cwith all return air passing-through the charcoalLfilter- .

i. There are=no_high energy close-proximity '

,4 , to or within: the control room l envelope which -will:

affect the, habitability of'the control room.-

9 .'4 . 1. 4 .Testina'and._Jnspection .,

Al1 equipment'is-factory inspected and tested .in accordance with'the-applicablefequipment specification, quality assurance

. requirements,;and' applicable codes. System ductwork and erec-tion of equipment are inspected during various construction stages for quality assurance. Construction tests are performed on'all mechanical components and the system is balanced.for the 9.4-6




B/B-UFSAR design airflows:and system-operating pressures. Controls, interlocks, and safety devices on each system are cold checked, adjusted, and_ tested to ensure the proper sequence of operation, provisions'are made for periodic inservice testing of the equipment;andEfilters, as discussed ~in Section 6.4. The equipment manufacturer's recommendations and station practices are: considered -in determining required maintenance.

The makeup filter trains.are subjected to the factory, preoperational, aad subsequent periodic tests described in Subsection 6.4.5. -Technical specifications state limiting conditions for system operation and testing requirements.

9.4.2 Spent Fuel Pool Area-Ventilation System

-The spent fuel pool'areaLventilation system is part of the '

-auxiliary building ventilation system and is described in Subsections 9.4.5 and 6.5.1.

9.4.3 . Auxiliary and Radwaste Area Ventilation Systems The auxiliary.and radwaste area ventilation systems are comprised of the following four sys&9ms:  ;

a. radwaste and-rssoie shutdown control room HVAC-system,
b. laboratory.HVAC system, 1c. radwaste_ building ventilation system, and
d. auxiliary" building HVAC system.

U 9'.4.3;l Radwaste and-Remote Shutdown Control Room-HVAC System Theiradweste and remote shutdown control room HVAC systemfis conson=to both_ Units 1 and 2. The. system serves the control

. room which contains the radwaste system control panels and the remote shutdown panels,= and the associated FNAC equipment room-located on elevation 383 feet 0 inch.


l Desian Bases

'The system is designed to limit the temperature and relative humidity ofithe:radwaste and remote shutdown control. room in conformance with the equipment requirements.

9.4.' Safety Desion Basis The radwaste and remote shutdown control room HVAC system is non-safety-related; therefore, there is no safety design basis.

l l

9.4-7 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989 L


?.!4-  !

+syg B/B-UFSAR I ny ,



l I


< SYSTEM 5;-


~This section describes the systems that monitornand: sample the process and effluent streams in order to control the release of radioactive. materials generated as a. result of normal' opera-tion, anticipated operational occurrences,_and during postu-lated-accidents.

11.5.1 Desion_ Bases ,' Desion Objectives The process radiological monitoring and sampling system provides measurement, indication, and/or control of radio -

activity in those_ streams-which could conceivably be contaminated by radioactive substances.

The effluent radi'ological. monitoring and sampling system pro- ,i vides measurement, indication, and1 control of radioactivity in those streams-which discharge to the env. irons outside.the plant boundaries.

The systems:are subdividedLinto gaseous (airborne) systems, shown in~ Table 11.5-1, and: liquid systems, shown in Table 11.5-2.1 Both' continuous monitoring and sampling with asso-ciatedLlaboratory analysis-are.used for a11 systems.

The process; monitor systems provide operating personnel with

-radiological measurements within the plant process systems.'

The continuous monitors provide a_ continuous readout of the cradiation levels, and they $nnunciate or generate automatic.

control of the process streams when a significant increase

' occurs. By sampling and laboratory analysis,- the-type of radio-active 1 material and the. specific'radionuclide present can-be determined qualitatively and/or. quantitatively..

The effluent monitoring systems provide-operating personnel with a, continuous readout of-the-radioactivity levels present in1the plant's air exhaust and liquid discharge streams. -

The objective of the effluent radiological monitoring system is

" Lto sampletand nonitor each plant effluent discharge path for radioactivity prior to discharge. This is satisfied by the.

installation offsampling. monitors on the following airborne effluent 7 streams and-liquid effluent streams:

a. . Airborne effluent streams:
1. station vent stacks.

b t

11.5-1 l r l.

L ,


<4; i

. b .- Liquid? effluent streams -

1. station blowdown, and  ;

2.. liquid radwaste effluent.

The objective of the process. radiation monitoring system is to monitor those sections 1of the plant process to control the release ofLradioactivityLinto the. effluent streams. This is satisfied by thelinstallation of process _ gaseous and airborne radiation' monitors and liquid process monitors in the f ollotcing locations:'

a. process. gaseous airborne monitors for:' :k
1. auxi'liary building ventilation' exhausts, 2 ~. fuel handling building ventilation exhausts,  !

3'.- ra'dweste building ventilation exhaust, I

4. laundryJroom ventilation exhaust,
5.- labifume hood exhaust,

-6. - miscellaneous tank filtered vent exhau st,

-7. containment purge effluent, ,

8._ steam-jet' air e,ector/ gland' steam exhaust,.and.

9.s gas _ decay tank effluent.

-b., process liquid: monitors for:-

1 ~'. - station blowdown,

2. steam generator blowdown, .

3.. boron: thermalLregeneration: chiller' surge tank return,.

d .- component cooling. heat exchanger water outlet, -

o -5. . reactor-containment fan coolers essential-( service water outlet,

6. radwaste evaporators condensate return,
7. gross failed fuel monitors, i


.x .


8. condensate cleanup area sumps discharge, and
9. turbine building fire 1and oil sump discharge.

This: group)of' monitors'is used for surveillance and control of radioactive substances lin gaseous and liquid effluents during normal reactor operations, including anticipated operational .

occurrences.. Accident monitors.are discussed separately in the i subsequent text, in Subsection 12.3.4 and Section E.30 of .

Appendix E.

-The' design and operation characteristics of the process and  !

effluent-radiological monitoring and sampling system is based on requirements and guidance in 10 CFR 20, 10 CFR 50, 10 CFR

.70, 10 CFRL100, Regulatory Guides 1.21; 1.97, and 4.15,

.NUREG-0737, NUREG-0800, ANSI N13.1-1969, and ANSI N13.10-1974.

3- Desion Criteria The design of the process and effluent radiological monitoring  ;

and sampling system was based on the following:

'a.- The-particulate airborne monitors.are beta scintillators, the iodine rirborne monitors are gamma scintillators and the noble gas monitors are beta.scintillators,

b. Liquid' monitors are gamma-responsive scintillation detectors to' provide maximum sensitivity tofa. water medium. ,
c .  : Shielding is providedLto reduce background and' i increase sensitivity,

.. d . - Background compensation ~is provided on selected

. increase sensitivity.


e. TheLgaseous' monitor range of detectability is based on actual experience at operating pWRs.



f. The monitors are designed to.; fail;in the interlock

.modeJin.the event of' loss of power, loss of. signal, or operate: failure. For'OpR31J, OpR32J, OpR33J, and OpR34J, the associated ESF actuation will occur 1 on a 2/2 per' train coincidence.


g. All. alarms annunciate ~in the main control oom.
h. Monitors. readout, alarm, and trend in the main control room.-
i. Monit'or pumps are initiated locally and in the main <

control room.

11.5-3 1

. 4

as ll 3.-

B/B-UFSAR 'l "C i

+ j .- Monitor componer.ts are readily accessible for 4 maintenance.

' The monitoring systems areLdesigned for operability

k. . within the-environmental conditions ant.cipated.

-The plant _ environmental conditions are-shown in Table 3.11-2. Instrument locations are-shown in 1 Tables _.11.5-1 and 11.5-2.


1. Alarm setpoints.are adjustable over the range of 1 4 : 'the_ instrument, excluding the-upper (high) range detector setpoints ORE-pR031A, C; ORE-pR032A, C; q ORE-pR033A,-C~.and ORE-pR034A, C (these setpoints ,

are above the range-of the detector,'thus j eliminating each channel's interlock).

m. The following statements apply _to the effluent monitors and ssmplers for airborne and gaseous radioactivity:


1. They continuously withdraw an isokinetic and 1

representative sample as recommended by. ANSI l i

-N13.1-1969.-  ;

2 .- _TheLradioparticulates are' concentrated on a j high-efficiency fi'lter-and the radioiodines en an? activated' charcoal cartridge, which can be 3 change 6-routinely for laboratory analysis.

3. The radionoble gases are continuously monitored

-for gross beta activity.- ,

2 4.5 Grab sampling capability.-shall be.provided-to allow for periodic laboratory analysis,

n. Setpointsiand ranges-for effluent monitors.are-I

' established to meet technical specification limits, which encompass:10 CFR 20 (including / Table II_of 1

, Appendix B) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix I' objectives.-

-Setpoints-for process monitors are established-to

_ provide a warning of_ increased system-activity and to initio+e corrective action-where appropriate.

Also, see Subsection 12.3.4-and Section E.30 of'

-Appendix E.

Twc independently adjustable. radiation setpoints are provided-for most monitors. The-lower-setpoint inormally_~ activates only an alarm,.while the upper-

> (high) setpoint activates an alarm and initiates- --i corrective action where= appropriate. Setpoints are initially set to twice the background level.

Alarms setpoints will be appropriately adjusted as operating experience is gained. Alarm.and trip functions associated with the various monitors are 11.5-4 s- --


'e listed in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2. The setpoints are under the administrative control of the plant superintendent or his authorised delegate and can be changed if needed within technical specification limits.

o. All process and effluent monitors are annunciated in the main control room. The radiation monitoring equipmt in the main control room will feature an integrated audible (horn) and visual (CRT display) alarm system. In addition, alarr conditions may be automatically logged on the systt .n typer.

The audible alarm is actuated each time a new alarm message is received. The CRT display provides a color coded indication of low level (failure),

alert-interlock., high, and multi-level diagnostic alarms. The alarm message typed will include the date, time, channel number, and alarm condition.

)1.5.2 Ey.EtmitLDan.clipil.QD InELInmentation The process and effluent radiological monitoring anC sampling systems monitor radiation levels in various plant operating This includes both liquid and systems and effluent streams.

gaseous radiation monitoring.

Contihu.cnLMERiiollag The system consists of a number of separate and distinct monitors and channels as listed in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2.

Each monitor consists of an isokinetic probe or a tap, detector (s) and associated electronics. The continuous sample is piped to a monitor where the sample is monitored for air particulate, gas, and iodine activity, as shown in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2. Data and information from each channel is transmitted to the main control room.

The main control room containt. a CRT display, an operator's keyboard, a magnetic tape reco1 der, a har6 disk unit, a central processor and a typer for each unit. The disk maintains an hourly record of radiation levels which may be stored on the recorder for historical purposes. When the radiation level for a particular channel is exceeded, the service, setpoint, and intensity level are displayed on the CRT. In addition, the system alarms to. indicate abnormal conditions.

The microprocessor for each conitor is provided with the following features:



n. monitor on-off switch and instrument available light,
b. high radiation level light, and
c. interlock alert radiation level light.

The operete failure alarm also annunciates ir the main control room. This alarm will be initiated by loss of power, loss of signal, or operate failure. The operate failure will also initiate the interlock switching functions. For OpR31J, OpR32J. OpR33J, and OpR34J (Subsection the asso-ciated ESF actuation will occur on a 2/2 per train coinci-dence. Reset action cannot be affected until the failure condition is corrected.

Sample prote lecations are chown on HVAC drawings in Section 9.4. Monitet locations are shown on the drawings referenced in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2 and are also shown and identified on the radiation shielding figures in Section 12.3 (Figures 12.3-5 through 12.3-24).

For the type of radiation detector and measurement made, see Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2.

For most channels which are interlocked with the safety-related systems, redundancy is maintained by using two separate and completely independent channels. In cases where these channels are nc.i-1E, input to the safety-related systems is through non-1E interfacing circuitry located outside the radiation monitoring system cabinets. The redundant Ohannels are designated in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2 un'ter " Remarks" .

The range of radioactive concenttations to be mo'.11tored is listed in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2 for each detector. The range selseted was based on the expected icvel of radiation for each service.

For alarm and control interlock setpoint values, refer to the "Setpoint" column in Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2. Radiation monitors which interlock automatic control functions are designated as such in the remarks column of Tables 11.5-1 and 11.5-2. A reference to the explanatory text section is included.

The radiation monitoring channels employ radioactive check sources. Monitors automatically bypass the interlock function if one is provided upon initiation of the check source test switch.


. . .- -_ - .~ _ . ~ - -. . . . - _ - - -

e ,

e i B/B-Ur$AR 1).$.2.2 hir. Procett,,_and,,,EL[lutnt Moni ters 11.$.2.2.1 Auxiliary Bull.tling_yfj)t Etack Ef flutAt Detectors-1RE-PR028A, B, C, D, and E (air particulate, gas low range, iodine, gas high range and background subtraction chan-nels, respectively) and 2RE-PR028A, B, C, D, and E (air particu-late, gas-low range, iodine, gas high range and background subtraction channels, respectively) monitor station stack

- effluent from the auxiliary building vent stacks.(Units 1 and 2).- Additional features associated with these monitors include:

a. automatic isokinetic sampling system,
b. automatic grab sampling system, c.- tritium sampling system,

.d.- low /high range gas channels, and

e. background subtraction channel.

11.5.2a2.2 ' Auxiliary Buildina. Plant Areas (For Auxiliary BuildinQ._Y.frLIKhD.uital

~ Detectors ORE-PR021A, B, C (air particulate, gas, and iodine channels;respectively) and ORE-PR022A, B, C monitor auxiliary. ,

building plant areas.

High radiation'is' annunciated in the main control room.

L'.3 Pine TunntJ_(Ioj: Auxiliary Buildino Vent Exhausts)

Detectors.1RE-PR021A, E, C (air particulate, gas,-and iodine channels.respectively) and'2RE-PR021A, B, and C monitor:the
  • pipe' tunnel.

High radiation is annunciated in the main control room. f Refer to Subsection 9.4.5 1 for description of fans and dampers. Euel-Handling,,I}uildina Exhaust.

Detectors ORE-PR024A, B, C (air particulate,. gas, and iodine channels ~respectively) monitor fuel. handling, exhaust. >

.High radiation is annunciated in the main control-room, t 11.5-7

  • o B/B-UFSAR Containment purae_ Effluent Detectors 1RE-pR001A, B, and C (air particulate, gas and iodine channels respectively) monitor containment effluent for Unit 1, while detectors 2RE-pR001A, B, and C monitor the same for Unit 2.

High radiation is annunciated in the main control room. Fuel-Handling Incident in-the Fuel Han(.Ina Building Two area radiation detectors, ORE-AR055 and ORE-AR056, monitor for a postulated fuel-handling incident in the fuel handling building.

Area radiation monitor ORT-AR055 is interlocked with booster fan OVA 04CA. Area radiation monitor ORT-AR056 is interlocked with booster fan OVA 04CB. Upon exceeding the interlock set-point or as a result of certain monitor failures, a booster fan will automatically start and its associated bypass damper will close with proper VA system alignmer t.

The channels used for monito ing a postulated fuel-hendling 4.ncident in the fuel handling building are Class 1E.

Refer to Subsection 12.3.4 for further radiation monitor details. Epel-H a nd li ng_J.nci d e n t i.D the Contid Two area rediation detectors, 1RE-AR011 and 1RE-AR012, moniter for postulated fuel-handling incidents in the containment building for Unit 1, while area detectors 2RE-AR011 and 2RE-AR012 monitor the same for Unit 2.

Area radiation monitor 1RT-AR011 is interlocked with Train A of the normal containment purge and minipurge isolation valves.

Area radiation monitor 1RT-AR012 is interlocked with Train B of the normal containment purge and minipurge isolation valves.

Refer to subsections , 9.4.8, and 9.4.9 for descriptions of the containment building HVAC system.

The channels used for monitoring a postulated fuel-handling incident in the containment building are Class 1E.

Refer to Subsection 12.3.4 for further radiation monitor details. lipin Cont rol Roop) Outside Air Intakes A and_.E Detectors ORE-pR031A, B, and C (air particulate, gas and iodine channels, respectively) and ORE-pR032A, B, and C monitor main control room outside air 'ntake A. Detectors ORE-pR033A, B, 11.5-8 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989

O  :


e and C and ORE-PR034A, B, and C monitor main control room outside air intake B.

Detectors ORE-PR031B and ORE-PR032B are interlocked with the makeup area unit fan OVC03CA and main control room outside air intake A dampers. Automatically on high radiation, the outside air intake A dampers close, and the fan starts and in turn opens the main control room turbine building air intake A dampers mentioned in Section 6.4 and Subsection 9.4.1.

Detectors ORE-PR033B and ORE-PR034B are interlocked with the makeup area unit fan OVC03CB and main control room outside air intake B dampers. Automatically on high radiation, the outside air intake B dampers close, and the fan starts and in turn opens the main control room turbine building air intake B dampers mentioned in Section 6.4 and Subsection 9.4.1. Main control Room Turbine Buildina Air Intakgg_&_

j and_B Detectors ORE-PR035A, B, and C through ORE-PR038A, B, and C monitor air from the turbine building intakes after it has passed through the makeup air filters.

Detectors ORE-PR035A, B, and C (air particulate, gas and iodine channels, respectively) and ORE-PR036A, B, and C monitor the discharge air from the makeup air filter unit A entering toe main control room. Detectors ORE-PR037A, B, and C and ORE-PR038A, B, and C monitor the discharge air from the rdkeup j 4

filter unit B entering the main control room, High radiation in the makeup air filter unit (A or B) discharge is annunciated in the main control room. Containment Atmosphere Monitorina Detectors 1RE-PR011A, B,C,D, and E are used to monitor the  !

Unit I containment atmosphere for airborne particulate, gaseous activity low range, iodine, gaseous activity high range and background subtraction, respectively. Identical detectors provide the same function for Unit 2.

Interlocks are provided from the monitor to actuate certain containment air sampling system valves on high radiatien.

These_ valves provide isolation for the monitor as well as other components in the containment air sampling system. Addition- '

ally, monitor purge valves are opened by the interlock to provide a timod purge of any contaminated air from the moni-tor. Upon timeout of the purge function, the valves close and the monitor trips.

The monitor wetted parts are required to maintain pressureThe boundary integrity during abnormal pressure conditions.
