ML20062B072 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Yankee Rowe |
Issue date: | 07/09/1982 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20062B044 | List: |
References | |
PROC-820709-01, NUDOCS 8208040309 | |
Download: ML20062B072 (50) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:.. ._~... l ~ 4 CHANGE 12 TO THE YANKEE EMERGENCY PLAN-IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES .I 1. Following the tab TABLE OF CONTENTS remove existing table of contents and insert attached Table of Contents dated July 9, 1982, Revis io n 11. 4 2. Following the tab UNUSUAL EVENT remove existing procedure and insert attached procedure, Revision 4. l 3. Following the tab ALERT remove existing procedure.and j insert attached procedure, Revision 4. lI 4. Following the tab SITE AREA EMERGENCY remove existing procedure and insert attached procedure, Revision 5. 5. Following the tab EENERAL EMERGENCY remove existing procedure and insert attached procedure Revision 5. 1 i i I i pDRADOCK208040309 820720 05000029 p ,,,PDR. ~~ y~- -pe-g -,m 9 .,m, t_----- --1 1-+-w-,y ma-e.y -m =9-e m
U e-July 9,19112 Rev. 11 YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION f3 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES TO Tile EMERGENCY PLAN 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONEENTS Rev. 1 CONTACT LIST Rev. 1 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Classification of Emergencies O P-3300 Rev. 1 Unusual Event. O P-3301 Rev. 4 Alert O P-3302 Rev 4 Site Area Emergency O P-3303 Rev. 5 General Emergency OP3304 Rev. 5 Evaluation of Radiological Data OP-3310 Rev. 2 Emergency Off-Site Radiation Monitoring O P-3311 Rev. 1 Emergency Deescalation Procedure O P-3321 Rev. 0 Emergency Radiation Exposure Control OP-3330 Rev. 1 Emergency Medical Procedure O P-3305 Rev. O Security Force Actions Under Emergency Conditions OP3344 Rev. 1 Release of Public Information Under Emer-gency Conditions OP-3343 Rev. O Coordination and Communications During an Emergency OP-3345 Rev. 0 Vital Computer System Operation Under Emergency Conditions O P-3346 Rev. O SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEDURES Emergency Plan Training O P3340 Rev. 0 Emergency Preparedness Exercises & Drills O P-3341 Rev. 0 Emergency Equipment Readiness Check O P-3325 Rev. 1
Proc. No. OP-3301 Rev. No. 4 Date 82/07 UNUSUAL EVENT , ~. SCOPE To outline the actions required of plant perscenel, visitors, and contractors when an Unusual Event is declared. ENCLOSURES OP-3301 - Pg. 1 - Rev. 4 OP-3301 - Pg. 2 - Rev. 1 Appendix I - Pgs. 1 Rev. 3 Appendix I~- Pgs. 3 Rev. 4 Appendix II - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix III - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix IV - Pg. 1 - Rev. 4 DISCUSSION An Unusual Event is defined as any plant-related event which indicates a potential degradation of plant safety margins which is not likely to affect personnel on-site or the public off-site or result in radio-active releases requiring off-site monitoring. Unusual Event conditions have not caused serious damage to the plant and may not require a change in operational status. The basic shift complement is able to deal with Unusual Event conditions. ~ The On-Call TSC Coordinator and the On-Call Emergency Coordinator will be notified by the radio paging system and will report to the plant. Addi-4 1 tional plant personnel will be notified and will respond at the discre-tion of the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. The Manager of Operations will be notified. The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor (Emergency Director) or in his absence the Supervisory Control Room Operator, who, in turn, instructs Control Room personnel to activiate the notification system. On-duty personnel are assigned to functions as required. Notification is made to off-site authorities as delineated. Additional members of the plant organization, including top management, are notified and augment on-duty personnel as necessary. PROCEDURE 1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following: Appendix I - Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II - Security Appendix III - Technical Support Center Coordinator Appendix IV - Emergency Coordinator w-
. OP-3301 Rev. 1 NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned by the responsible individual J to othar parsonnel as appropriate. The designated individual, however, has the i overall responsibility for the execution of this checksheet. 2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required. FINAL CONDITIONS As specified in the appropriate appendices. e. t e m. 'N
, mum.- -ase--- APPENDIX X OP-3301 Appendix I o Page 1 Rev. 3 UNUSUAL EVENT - PLANT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR (m IMMEDIATE ACTIONS: 1. Instruct control room personnel to use the page system and make the following announcement: " Unusual Event, Unusual Event, Unusual Event (describe conditions and affected area) All personnel without emergency duties report to your department area. All visitors and contractors report to the Gatehouse". REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS i Time / Initials 1. IF AFTER NORMAL WORKING HOURS a. Initiate a page on 31, 32 and 24 on the plant radio paging system. / 1 + b. Instruct the SAS operator on the class of emergency and have him initiate Appendix II. / 2. If the emergency condition has de-escalated to an Unusual Event classification, then instruct control room personnel to use the page system to make the following announcement: / "We are de-escalating to an Unusual Event, emergency status. (describe the reason for the change in emer-4 gency status). All plant personnel report to your appropriate Emergency Center Coordinator for re-assign-ment." REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT NOTE 1 If the emergency condition has de-escalated to an Unusual Event classification, DO NOT instruct the SAS operator to re-initiate Appendix II. 3. Notify Mascachusetts and Vermont State Police as follows: NOTE: If the emergency condition has de-escalated to an Unusual Event classification, then request the Emergency Coordinator to notify the appropriate off-site authorities of the change: i yy-- m m- --,p-y n- ,,-e p. ---9 -e
d I . OP-3301' Appendix I Rev. 3
- s
-] a. Contact Massachusetts State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (211) or telephene backup and make the following announcement: i "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have an Unusual Event. I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have an (nusual Event. Please acknowledge." 3 b. Contact Vermont State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (213) or telephone backup and make the following announce-ment: (1) "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass.": (2) "We have declared an UNUSUAL EVENT because (indicate i initiating event per OP-3300)": (3) "The plant is (pick one): a. Continuing operation b. Reducing power, or '[ c. Shutdown": (4) "A release (pick one) a. Is anticipated [ b. Is in progress, or Is not expected to occur": c. (5) " Presently the wind is blowing toward (indicate direction *) at (indicate speeed) mph": NOTE: 1. Uso upper sensor (indicates wind from) 2.. If reading is greater than or equal to 180* subtract 180* to get direction TOWARD 3. If reading is less than or equal to 180* add 180* to got direction TOWARD (6) "I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have an UNUSUAL EVENT. Please acknowledge." Time / Initials 1 ' 4. WITHIN ONE HOUR OF THE DECLARATION OF THE EMERGENCY, designate an individual to notify the NRC on the Emergency Notification System (RED PHONE). Maintain an open communications channel on this line. This channel will be closed only when allowed ] to do so by the NRC. / ?* } } . ~.-_. w m-,, --v-p, -+.a --~w.,- t-y,
' OP-3301 4 Appendix I Rev. 4 i NOTE: If the Emergency Notification System (red phone) is disabled, then use the following commercial telephone lines to notify NRC Operation Center: I a. Dial 202-951-0550 OR b. Dial 301/427-4056 Time / Initials 5. As soon as contacted via the state notification fan-out process, , i the Departments of Public Health of Vermont and Massachusetts will call the plant. Be prepared to provide the following infor-mation if known and appropriate upon request: / 4 a. Name of caller; b. Time and class of emergency; c. Type and quantity of release, height of release, and estimated duration / impact times; d. Prevailing weather conditions (wind velocity, direction, temperature, atmospheric stability, form of precipitation, if any); Projected dose rates at 0.5 miles from the site; e. f. Emergency response actions underway; and g. Recommended protective actions based on the combination of all in-plant indications, release parameters, and off- ] site radiological assessment results. NOTE: Once the Emergency Coordinator has reported to the plant, transfer the responsibility for implementation of Step 5 under Subsequent Actions to him. 6. Inform the TSC Coordinator of current plant status and discuss required actions to terminate the event. Direct the activities of the emergency response organization 4 unless otherwise directed by the TSC Coordinator. / i 7. Inform the Manager of Operations of the incident. / i NOTE: Any further updates to the Manager of Operations after the initial notification will be provided by the TSC Coordinator. 8. Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforcement or medical rescue personnel and related equipment) as needed to deal with the event. a. Fire / b. Medical / c. Law Enforcement (coordinate with the Security Shift Supervisor) / M -- .-u e wm-- wy-, w e-mm -7 -r a
. _. I T...-- i-1 4-OP-3301 Appendix I Rev. 4 e l 9. Re-evaluate the emergency classification and if conditions warrant, escalate-to a higher classification. / NOTE: If conditions warrant escalation to a more severe class, immediately instruct the SAS operator as to the appropriate notification process. 10. If the event produces abnormal in plant radiological i conditions, direct the shift Radiation Protection technician and the Auxiliary Operator to evaluate the situation. (Normally the R.P. technician will initiate the collection and analysis of Primary Vent Stack and/or Vapor Container samples and the Auxiliary Operator will initiate a Control Room habitability study). / 11. In the event that it becomes necessary, the Supervisory Control Room Operator or the Shift Technical Advisor will perform off-site dose assessment determinations. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. When the Unusual Event is terminated, announce it on the plant page system. / 2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shift f Supervisor's Log. / i t i Completed by: Date/ Time: t } f i n i 3 e 1 i +w = c e s. - - e.un s s + wee--- sw_.=,._u,*..,w<a.. _wwe w e. ef- .~w..-,w-% me ----.- a++_., -ow w-2 w we e g ..-. - _. _ _. -. _. _.. _ _.. ~ _ _,
APPENDIX XI OP-3301 Appendix II UNUSUAL EVENT - SECURITY Rev. 4 Time / Initials NOTE: Applicability of this Appendix is restricted to backshifts, weekends, or holidays only. During normal i shifts response actions would be initiated as directed 1. When notified by the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate 1 of Unusual Event conditions, the guard at the SAS shall initiate the Recall of Plant Emergency Response Personnel as follows: 3 a. Call the pagina service (Telcom) at: 4 /___ b. When Telcom answers request: "This is Yankee Atomic Electric Company, please page ALL Yankee Atomic Plant Pagers". Wait for the operator to acknowledge the request, answer any necessary questions and hangup. /___ 2. Inform the on-duty Security Lieutenant of the Unusual Event condition and of the immediate need for initiation of OP-3344, " Security Force Actions Under Emergency Conditions" / 3. Stand by to receive incoming calls from the Emergency Response Personnel. a. Pick up the incoming call at the SAS by dialing 90 and answering: " Yankee Atomic, (your name)" / NOTE: DO NOT linger on the phone as more calls will be coming in. Take the name of the responder, record the time, on OP-Memo 2E-4, Attachment "A", Page 2, that he called and relay to him the information adjacent to his name, b. If the responder wishes to speak to the Control Room, transfer him to 236, 237 or 238. Inform the Control Room who is on the line and hang up., / c. Answer the next call. ___/ 4 After about fifteen (15) minutes, reinitiate Stop 1 above. Repeat as necessary until all emergency responders have called in or until the Shift Supervisor instructs otherwise. Have the plant radio page reinitiated on tones 31, 32 and 24 __,/ 5. When specifically requested to recall additional Operations Support Center Personnel initiate call-in in accordance with the Emergency Plan Call List and give the following message: "This is Officer (your name) at Yankee Rowe. We have an Unusual Event condition. Please report to the Operations Support Center. /___ r s n ~- W w m v
APPENDIX II OP-3301 Appendix II UNUSUAL EVENT - SECURITY Rev. 4 Page 2 Time / Initials FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Return this sheet to the TSC Coordinator. / Completed by: Date/ Time:
k i APPENDIX III OP-3301' Appendix III Rev. 4 Page 1 ( ', UNUSUAL EVENT - TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Assess the situation based on the information supplied by the Plant Emergency Director and assure all necessary plant re-sources are applied to the event. / NOTE: For backshifts, weekends or holidays, the TSC Coordinator will be paged through activation of the plant radio page system. In response to this page, the TSC Coordinator should complete the following steps in addition to Step 1 above: i a. Immediately contact the plant and identify the emergency status. b. Discuss plant status with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. c. Identify a list of which Technical Support Center Emergency Re-sponse Personnel (those on pagers) who should be requested to report versus remain on " standby" as they call in. i d. Report to the TSC. 2. Assume responsibility for completing the subsequent actions of the Plant Emergency Director's duties if not already completed. / 3. If plant conditions require escalation to a more severe emergency 4 class, ensure that the following actions are completed: a. Massachusetts and Vermont State Police Agencies have been notified of the change in emergency status via Nuclear Alert. ___/ b. The NRC has been notified of the change in emergency status. ___/ t c. Sufficient emergency response personnel have been notified to augment plant manpower needs. / NOTE: If plant conditions have de-escalated to an Unusual Event emergency status, direct TSC staff in recovery actions as recessary. l-4. Review and approve any public information statements to be made on the event by the Manager of Public Information. /___ NOTE: If the event has de-escalated to an Unusual Event from a higher classification, the responsibility of Step 4 may be assumed by Corporate Management. .~ 1 L ,m-3 m s------,e w y, y,,. m-e 7 -uw
.... ~ -.. _.... -. APPENDIX IIT OP-3301 Appendix III Rev. 4 Page 2 FINAL CONDITIONS When conditions allow termination of the event, closeout the event by summarizing details and actions with off-site authorities. a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / b. State of Massachusetts / c. State of Vermont / Completed by: Date/ Time: l I l l
APPENDIX IV OP-3301 . Appendix IV UNUSUAL EVENT - EMERGENCY COORDINATOR Page 1 Rev. 4 IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS: Time / Initials 1. Assess the situation based on the information supplied by the Emergency Director and coordinate communications with off-site authorities. / NOTE: For backshifts, weekends or holidays, the Emergency Coordinator will be paged through activiation of the plant radio page systems. In response to this page, the Emergency Coordinator should complete the follow-ing steps in addition to Step 1 above. a. Immediately contact the plant and identify the emergency status. b. Discuss plant status with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director (or his designate). Identify a list of which Emergency Operations Facility c. staff (those on pagers) should be required to report versus remain on " standby" as they call in. d. Report to the TSC. 2. Augment plant manpower as requested by the TSC Coordinator and the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. / NOTE: If plant conditions hove de-escalated to an Unusual Event emergency status, coordinate manpower resources in conjunction with re-covery operations. 3. Notify ANI at Supply as much information as possible. 4 If plant conditions warrant re-classification to a more severe classification, report to the EOF; implement appropriate pro-cedures. / 5. Standby and continue to assist the TSC Coordinator and Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director until the event is terminated. / NOTE: If plant personnel have been requested to standby until further notice and conditions warrant termi-nation of the emergency status, ensure that these personnel have been notified. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state. / Completed by: Date/ Time: r' ,y, -e, m m--
a l Proc. No. OP-3302 Rev. No. 4 Date' 82/07 ALERT ~\\ SCOPE / To outline the actions required of plant personnel, visitors, contractors, and other affected personnel when an Alert is declared. ENCLOSURES .OP-3302 - Pg. 1 - Rcv 4 OP-3302 - Pg. 2 - Rev. 1 Appendix I - Pgs. 1 Rev. 3 Appendix I - Pgs. 3 Rev. 4 Appendix II - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix III Pgs. 1-2 Rev. 1 Appendix IV Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix V-1 Pgs. 1-3 Rev. 1 Appendix V-2 Pg. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V3 Pg. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V-4 Pgs. 1-2 Rev. 1 Appendix VI Pg. 1 Rev. 1 OPF-3302.1 &.3 Original OPF-3302.2 Rev. 1 DISCUSSION An Alert is defined as an indication of a substantial degradation of ( plant safety margins which could affect on-site personnel safety, could require off-site impact assessment, but is not likely to require off-site public protective action. An Alert requires action beyond-the normal capability.of the basic shift complement. Plant response and off-site notification associated with this event classfication will assure that sufficient emergency response personnel are readily available to activate the Technical Support Center (TSC) and the Operations Support Center (OSC). The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) will be activated with the Emergency Coordinator and sufficient emergency assistance personnel to assess off-site radiological impact. All personnel with plant emergency assignments who are off-site at the declaration of an emergency shall report to the Emergency Coordinator located in the EOF and obtain authorization to enter the plant protected area. The decision to make the initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director or in his absence the Supervisory Control Room Operator. Prompt notification is made to off-site authorities. Public information concerning the event will be provided via appropriate mechanisms. = = e
~ 2-OP-3302 Rev. 1 4 I PROCEDURE 1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following: . Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Appendix III Technical Support Center Coordinator Appendix IV Operations Support Center Coordinator -Appendix V Emergency Coordinator Appendix V-1 Radiological Evaluation Assistant Appendix V-2 Communications Assistant Appendix V-3 ' Manpower Assistant Appendix V-4 Coordinators Assistant Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned by the responsible individual to other personnel, as appropriate. The designated individual, however, has the overall responsibility for the execution 4 of his checksheet. 1 2. Proceed with'the implementation of the appropriate appendix and a record time and initials as required. FIN 5L CONDITIONS As specified in the appropriate appendices. (, ) E I I 5 l r i i j -k h +e.M= --+- , www%a -s.,-. %3....e_ . ~ ,_. -. --- +.. m. 3--. ,..u. -~w -e= m-e+%. m y g, w g empa pg .m.- r..w. 3 3-+ ,,7-
4 t OP-3302 Appendix I Rev. 3 4 1 APPENDIX I SHIFT SUPERVISOR / PLANT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR IMMEDIATE ACTIONS - ' l 1. IF NORMAL WORKING HOURS Instruct control room personnel to make the following announcement: a. If the AARM is less than 50 mr/hr (0.5 x 10') announce: 1 1. " ALERT, ALERT, ALERT" 2. "(describe condition and affected area)" 3. All personnel without emergency duties report to your departmental areas. All contractors and visitors report to the Gatehouse. 4. Repeat the above announcement. b. If the AARM is greater than or equal to 50 mR/hr (0.5 x 10') announce. 1. " ALERT, ALERT, ALERT" 2. "(describe condition and affected area)" 3. All personnel without emergency duties evacuate the site. - Repeat The Announcement Then: SOUND THE EVACUATION ALARM NOTE: If plant conditions have de-escalated from a higher emergency classification, DO NOT repeat the above; l instead, instruct control room personnel to use the page system to make the following announcment: "We are de-escalating to an Alert Emergency. (describe the reason for the change). REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT SUBSEQUENT ACTION 1. IF AFTER NORMAL WORKING HOURS Time / Initials a. Initiate a page on 31, 32 and 24 cn the plant radio j system. / b. Instruct the SAS operator on the class of emergency and have him initiate Appendix II. / 4 9 4 e w-se i-y.- --i.,-- or p,y,__wav5w-- r-- gy-
.~ r l OP-3302 Appendix I Rev. 3 Time / Initials 7 2. Within 15 minutes of the accident, notify Massachusetts and '~') Vermont State Police as follows: 4 NOTE: If the emergency condition has de-escalated from an Unusual Event classification, or de-escalated from a higher classification, then request the Emergency Coordinator to notify' the appropriate off-site authorities of the change: a. Contact Massachusetts State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (211) or telephone backup and make the following announcement: l "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have an ALERT. I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear 1-Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have an ALERT. Please acknowledge." 1 b. Contact Vermont State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (213) or telephone backup and make the following announce-ment: (1) "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass.": i (2) "We have declared an ALERT because (indicate initiating event per OP-3300)": s (3) "The plant is (pick one): a. Continuing operation } b. Reducing power, or c. Shutdown": (4) "A release (pick one) a. Is anticipated . i l b. Is in progress, or Is not expected to occur": c. (5) " Presently the wind is blowing toward (indicate direction *) at (indicate speeed) mph": NOTE: 1. Use upper sensor (indicates wind from) 2. If reading is less than or equal to180 subtract 180 to get direction TOWARD 3. If reading is less than or equal to 180 + add 180* to get direction TOWARD (6) "I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. -~ We have an ALERT. Please acknowledge." ',) 1. 1 l w.,- a .+m ,up- .-*wr .,--w%=#.= --m ---w= .w=--- -> ~ M-e- -- stf 9* v Try-v - -v-- m - m--w----r- >= +re -Miv-'m* -~ -e ve
3-OP-3302 Appendix I Rev. 4 Time / Initials 3. Determine if a release is in progress or projected. / NOTE: Elevated AARM readings are an example of a projected release; that is, the release may-l not be in progress but the potential is real. If releases are in progress or projected: a. Instruct the Supervisory Control Room operator or the Shift Technical Advisor to perform Appendix A of the Evaluation of Radiological Data procedure to determine the estimated 1/2 mile whole body dose rate. This will be needed when the Departments of Health of Massa-chusetts and Vermont respond to the initial notification. b. Instruct the Radiation Protection technician to initiate a Primary Vent Stack or Vapor Container sampler and analysis. I c. Instruct the Auxiliary Operator to initiate a Control Room habitability study. 4. Account for operations shift personnel, implement search and 1 rescue as necessary. If medical problems exist initiate Emergency Medical procedure. / 1 ( NOTE: The following subsequent actions may be performed by the TSC, once personnel are available. 5. WITHIN ONE HOUR OF THE DECLARATION OF THE EMERGENCY, Designate an individual to notify the NRC on the Emergency Notification System (RED phone). Maintain an open communications channel on this line. This channel will be closed by the NRC. / l NOTE: If Emergency Notification System (red phone) is disabled, then use the following commercial i telephone lines to notify NRC Operations Center: a. Dial 202-951-0550 OR b. Dial 301/427-4056 6. As soon as contacted via the State notification fan-out process, the Departments of Public Health of Vermont and Massachusetts will l call the plant. Be prepared to provide the folicwing information if known and appropriate, upon request: / i a. Name of caller; b. Time and class of emergency; j c. Type and quanitity of release, height of release, and estimated l' d. Prevailing weather conditions (wind velocity, direction, tempera-duration / impact times; ture, atmospheric stability, form of precipitation, if any); e. Projected dose rates at 0.5 miles from the site; / 4 s..+- y- ,te-= .,w ywg y- ...+y-w-i-w-+ .--.,7y 9 -,3- --q. s.amam- >+-u- --.m4-,,..- m.v,me -,.e v-g ep -- -m -g. g w T-+--v-e.a--
.m.____- - OP-3302 Appendix I Rev. 4 Time / Initials 8 f. Emergency response actions underway; and () g. Recommended protective actions based on the combination of all in plant indications, release parameters and off-site radiological assessment results. 7. When the TSC establishes contact with the Control Room, outline current plant status and request any needed assis-tance. Inform the TSC at this time of operations shift accountability. / Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforce-ment, or medical response personnel) as needed to deal with the event: i a. Fire b. Medical j c. Law enforcement (coordinate with Security Shift Supervisor) / 1 I 9. If the event produces abnormal in plant radiological conditions, direct the shift Health Physics representa-tive to evaluate the condition. / 10. Together with personnel at the TSC, re-evaluate the emer-gency classification and if conditions. warrant, escalate i or de-escalate the classification. / 11. Repair and corrective action missions shall be performed ( ) 1 in accordance with the Emergency Radiation Exposure Con-j trol procedure. / i FINAL CONDITIONS 1. When the Alert no longer exists, announce on the plant page system that the Alert is ended. / 2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shift Supervisor's Log. / t Completed by: Date/ Time: A I e i =%-a ~.--..,, w.. ...w-m4- ...e. we -.+.e.+4=.-w a --a= - '.r* . ww.w me gem 7-w-- .yy w.- w.- ya.w.g-y p. - ye .n gi +- 1*
APPENDIX II OP-3302 Rev. 4 ALERT - SECURITY Page 1 SAS Operator: 1. Inform the CAS operator of the emergency classification and of the immediate need for initiation of OP-3344, " Security Force Actions Under Emergency Conditions". / 2. Notify the NSD Security of the incident by: a. Dial: __/ b. Provide the following message: "This is Yankee Rowe, we have an Alert Condition. Standby for Yankee staff call" REPEAT MESSAGE AND HANG UP /___ c. Activate the NSD Response List by: 1. Dial: 2. Give the following PAGER NUMBER: / NOTE: Implementation of the remainder of this procedure is restricted to backshifts, weekends, or holidays only. During normal shifts response actions would be initiated as directed. 3. When notified by the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate of Alert Conditions, the guard at the SAS shall initiate Recall of Plant Emergency Response Personnel as follows: a. Call the paging service (Telecom) at: line b. When Telecom answers request: "This is Yankee Atomic Electric Company, please page ALL Yankee Atomic Plant Pagers". Wait for the operator to acknowledge the request, answer any necessary questions and hang up. / 4 Standby to receive incoming calls from Emergency Response Personnel, a. Pick up the incoming call at the SAS by dialing 90 and answering " Yankee Atomic, (your name). NOTE: DO NOT linger on the phone as more calls will be coming in. Take the name of the responder, record the time, on OP-Memo 2E-4, Attachment "A, Page 2, that 1.e called and relay to him the information adjacent to his neme. If other than a responder, explain that'we have a major evolution in progress and ask them not to call back. b. If the responder must speak to the Control Room, transfer him to 236, 237 or 238. Inform the Control Room who is on the line and hang up.
'f I i APPENDIX If OP-3302 Rev. 4 Page 2 Time / Initials ]\\ c. Answer the next call. / s S. After about 15 minutes, reinitiate Steps 2 and 3, above. Repeat this process for Step 3 until all emergency re-sponders have called in or until the Shift Supervisor _ instructs otherwise. / 6. Reinitiate the plant radio page system on tone 31, 32 and 24 until the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate instructs otherwise. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Return this sheet to the TSC Coordinator. / Cempleted by: Date/ Time: t i l s %f -. ~ - - - - - - -
APPENDIX III OP-3302 ^ Rev. 1 Page 1 ALERT - TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR IMMEDIATE ACTIONS 1. Establish voice communications with the control room, using Channel 1 of the plant paging system. 2. Ensure that the Emergency Plan Call List has been activated and that the following staff are represented at the TSC: a. Plant Superintendent / Assistant Plant Superintendent b. Reactor Engineering Supervision / Shift Technical Advisor c. Instrumentation and Control Supervision d. Operations Supervision e. Maintenance Supervision NOTE: A Nuclear Data Link Operator and additional communications operators will be directed to report here. 3. Take over the remaining subsequent actions of the Emergency Director. 4. Take charge of Radiological Evaluations. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS NOTE: If the emergency classification has changed (escalated or de-escalated) DO NOT duplicate actions in emergency implementing procedures as a result of the transition. Time / Initials 1. Check that incoming personnel have been assigned and that they have signed in on the organization status board. / 2. Direct the OSC staff to determine the habitability of the TSC, OSC and Control Room in accordance with Appendix VI. / 3. Direct the Nuclear Data Link Operator to activate the NDL system. / 4. Conduct personnel accountability in TSC and Control Room. Check accountability of OSC personnel with OSC Coordinator. If any missing persons are indicated, call for missing per-sonnel over the plant page system. Prepare for search and rescue as necessary. / 5. Utilize the information acquired through the activation of the NDL system to analyze problems in the area of system operations and/or instrumentation and control. /
~, _. - ~.. . OP-3302 Appendix III Rev. 1 Time / Initials ~h .J 6. Inform the Emergency Coordinator as to on-site manpower / equip-ment needs. /___ 7. Assign individuals to maintain a communiations link to the EOF, OSC and the Engineering Support Center (YNSD Emergency Center). Those personnel assigned to this function must maintain a log of center activities. / 8. Assume the responsibility for maintaining open communica-tions with the NRC (RED phone). / 9. Periodically update the TSC status board. / 10. Coordinate information with Yankee NSD personnel. / 11. Periodically review emergency classification and escalate or de-escalate the emergency response in accordance with the appropriate emergency class. / i 12. Develop TSC, Control Room and OSC shift schedules and coordinate this effort with the Manpower Assisant. / 13. Respond to all NRC inquiries regarding plant emergency actions. / ) 14. Direct the emergency organization until such time that the emergency condition has been terminated. / NOTE: Notify plant staff, corporate office and other emergency resources if the emergency condition requires a transition to a recovery phase. 3 FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Log all TSC emergency response actions and provide this to the Emergency Coordinator when the event has ended. / 2. The TSC Coordinator closes out the event by verbal summary to off-site authorities, and a follow-up written summary is to be provided to off-site authorities. /___ 3. Direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state when the Alert con-dition is terminated. / Completed by: Date/ Time:
~ .~. APPENDIX IV OP-3302 Rev. 1 s ~~~ ALERT - OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR IMMEDIATE ACTION s 1. The first OSC member to arrive will establish communications with the TSC and initiate the necessary actions required to support the respod e effort. 2. Direct all incoming personnel to sign in on the OSC Tag Board. NOTE: The TSC Coordinator will assign the OSC Coor+. dinator; otherwise, the first member of the above staff to arrive at OSC will assume this responsibility until relieved. 's 3. Determine the habitability of the OSC in accordance with Appendix VI. NOTE: If radiological conditions warrant the evacuation of the primary OSC location, then the staff should j move to the alternate location. 4. Conduct personnel accountability and report those results to the TSC Coordinator. SUBSEQUENT ~ ACTIONS 2 l Time / Initials 1. Assure that the following staff are represented at the OSC: a. Maintenance Electrician b. Maintenance Mechanic I i c. Instrument & Control ' I d. Health Physics l e. Chemistry / 2. ls Provide assistance in the investigation or repair of plant systems in the collection of post-accident tonitoring sampics and in the decontamination of affected plant areas if conditions warrant such action, as directed. / Work in conjunction with the TSC in preparing for operating 3. shift turnover and relief. / FINAL CONDITIONS s 1. Remain active and manned until terminated by the TSC Coordinator / 2. When terminated, direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state. / s. Completed by: Date/ Time: \\ -Wr
[,.._._...___._____.._--___. APPENDEX U OP-3302 Rev. 4 ALERT - EMERGENCY COORDINATOR g IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials' 1. Activate the EOF and contact the TSC Coordinator / Plant Emergency Director to obtain a plant status report. / 2. Assure that the following staff positions have been filled. / a. Coordinator's Assistant b. Radiological Evaluation Assistant + c. Manpower Assistant d. Communications Assistant e. Off-site Monitoring Team (8) f. Communications Team (3) g. Sample Analysis Team (4) h. Emergency Medical Team (2) 1. Road Barrier Team (8) j. Log Book Monitor 3. Ensure that the most qualified personnel have been assigned to the EOF management organization. / f 4. Assemble the EOF management staff to initially brief them of emergency conditions and establish any immediate priority tasks. / NOTE: Periodically call EOF management staff meetings y to ensure that all EOF functions being coordinated i in an efficient / effective manner. 5. Periodically confer with the TSC Coordinator concerning in-plant conditions, evaluate the impact of these conditions on current EOF activities and direct the EOF staff as to j appropriate response measures. / 6. Coordinate accident information with appropriate off-site authorities. Inform them of projected dose rates, actual plant conditions, field sample results and recommendations concerning emergency actions, if conditions warrant such action via the Nuclear Alert System / i NOTE: Coordinate protective action recommendation with ^ the responding State officials. Recommendations should be provided based on the prognosis of in-plant indications and/or on dose projection action l levels specified by EPA Protective Action Guides. 7. Notify ANI at Give as much infor-3 mation as possible. i t 1 e= m e mee.. w., .a,, e m, a ,,m, -o e. p ,,em,m. p p, ym
. OP-3302 Appendix V Rev. 4 4 Time / Initials 8. Evaluate the need for re-entry / recovery missions in con-junction with the TSC Coordinator and direct the Radio-logical Evaluation Assistant to review and recommend approprirte protective measures required to impicment any re-entry / recovery missions. / 8. Periodically confer with the Engineering Support Center staff concerning the evaluation / interpretation of the on going emer-gency condition (s) including Public Information needs. / NOTE: The Engineering Support Center staff will make the initial contact. 9. Based on updated emergency conditions, review and re-evaluate the emergency classification in conjunction with the TSC Coor-dinator. / 10. Ensure that the EOF remains active and adequately manned and supplied for the duration of the emergency condition. / NOTE: If it is determined that the center may become uninhabitable, direct EOF manage-ment as to appropriate evacuation measures. 11. If the emergency classification changes, ensure that the EOF management is informed and direct them to modify emergency response actions accordingly and prevent duplication of response actions as a result of the transition in the use of emergency implementing procedures. / 12. Ensure,that the States of Vermont and Massachusetts are advised of any transition in emergency status if the emergency classi-fication changes. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Ensure that all completed survey and sample analysis forms to the Health Physics Department for revieu and filing. / 2. Direct that an Emergency Equipment Readiness check,,be conducted. /
..~. . OP-3302 Appendix V Rev. 4 3. Complete the " Emergency Plan Incident Report" and distribute ,s copies to: / (1) Plant Superintendent (2) Assistant Plant Superintendent (3) Technical Director (4) All Department Heads (5) Control Room - Shift Supervisor (6) Plant Health Physicist (7) Manager of Public Information (8) Plant Technical File f (9) Manager of Operations Completed by: Date/ Time: 4 1 i i i t u.
OP-3302 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-1 ALERT - RADIOLOGICAL EVALUATION ASSISTANT Time / Initials Immediate and Subsequent Actions: 1. Appoint a Sample Coordinator who will insure that the following activities are coordinated and that the pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evalu-ation. / a. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the establish-ment of off-site monitoring teams (i.e., assignment and initial preparation), b. Dispatch off-site monitoring teams to appropriate sampling locations as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assis-tant. c. Direct radio operations. d. Review and evaluate incoming reports from off-site monitoring teams. Prioritize the retrieval of the sampler (s) based upon the e. initial evaluation. f. Review the need for resampling and/or relocation of the off-site monitoring team with the Radiological Evaluation Assistant, g. Direct Sample Analysis Team members in the establishment of a priority preparation and sample counting system for retrieved field samples, h. Evaluate the results from the SAM-II analysis for the estimate of thyroid doses. 1. Transfer pertinent SAM-II results to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for review and evaluation. 2. Appoint a Radiation Protection Assistant who will ensure that the following activities are coordinated and that pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evaluation. / a. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the determination of tenter habitability and the periodic reassesseent of center conditions. b. Direct the establishment of radiological access and control measures at the EOF. Assign and direct personnel for decontamination purposes when c. applicable. d. Direct personnel in the review and maintenance of emergency exposure records. c. Coordinate exposure / job authorization.
2-OP-3302 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 Time / Initials 1 f. Establish HP re-entry support as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assistant. g. Coordinate the transfer of personnel dosimetry for evaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile TLD Van when appli-cable. 3. Appoint an Environmental Sampling Assistant who will insure that the following activities are coordinated and that pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evalua-tion. / a. Direct the retrieval of environmental samples. b. Establish a priority system for the evaluation of environmental station (air) sample analysis in con-junction with the Sample Coordinator. c. Evaluate environmental TLD and record the results, when applicable. d. Coordinate the transfer of environmental samples for evaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile Environmental Lab Van, when applicable. 4. Evaluate in plant radiological conditions in conjunction with current meterological data, especially, wind speed, vind direction and Delta-T (UFWSAV, UPWDAV and UPDTAV, respectively on the terminal print-out). / 5. Determine the affected downwind direction, evaluate plume transit time, and inform the Sample Coordinator as to the appropriate sampling locations. / 6. Utilizing in plant radiological monitor responses in conjunction with meterological data, estimate the projected downwind dose rates. Report findings to the Emergency Coordinator. / t 7. Re-evaluate initial dose rate projections based on in-coming l field sample results, interpret these results, update the Emergency Coordinator on these findings and recommend appro-priate protective measures, if necessary. / 8. Based on in-plant monitor / survey results, evaluate any re-entry / recovery plans in terms of the projected radiological hazard which could be encountered. / 9. Recommend appropriate protective measures required for re-entry and direct the Radiation Protection Assistant in the establishment of HP support and/or exposure / job authorization requirements. / =.,.. m.,- .s.. -.e e -w.--,..- - -. ~. m.newq
. OP-3302 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 Time / Initials 10. Periodically evaluate the emergency exposure records in con-junction with manpower requirements. / 11. Flaintain responso efforts to determine radiological status and be prepared to adjust radiological assessment efforts as conditions change. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Summarize emergency actions and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Update exposure records of plant personnel. / 3. Transfer all sample media appropriately for further arialysis, documentation and disposal. / Completed by: Date/ Time: e .n--n
... ~...... -. -.... - - . ~.. i OP-3302 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-2 ALERT - COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT ~) Time / Initials i Immediate and Subsequent Actions i = 1. Assign and direct emergency personnel in the establishment of continuous communication channels between the TSC, off-site monitoring teams, security and the EOF as follows: / a. One (1) Radio Operator (have him report to Sample Coordinator or Radiological Evaluation Assistant) b. One (1) Radio Operator's Assistant c. One (1) Met. Terminal Operator d. One (1) NDL Terminal Operator e. TWo (2) Telephone Operators 2. Direct all communication personnel to record the parties 'I involved, date and time of each incoming or outgoing message ? by telephone, plant page or radio on a Message Form. / 3. Establish priority system for transfer of recorded messages { and ensure that communication personnel promptly reply. / 4. Write all information received in the Emergency Monitoring Log. / 5. Direct personnel in maintaining updated status boards in i I the EOF. / / i 6. Dispatch communication personnel to all centers to facilitate emergency response, upon request. / NOTE: If additional personnel are required to .I fulfill this responsibility, contact the i Manpower Assistant and request additional ~ support. 7. If plant communications systems are inadequate to handle the flow of incoming calls, notify the Emergency Coordinator and recommend ad hoc measures. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Collect all message forms, tabulate them in sequential order and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / 1 t Completed by: Date/ Time:
. _ -..-....--... ~.. - -. - - - - =- OP-3302 Rev. 1 i APPENDIX V-3 ALERT - MANPOWER ASSISTANT i f 8 Immediate and Subsequent Actions 1. Assure that sufficient personnel to fulfill all emergency i functions have been mobilized to maintain continuous emer-gency preparedness. / 2. Review center equipment / supplies and augment resources accordingly. / NOTE: Review Manpower Planning Package. If plant 4 manpower can not provide the necessary per-sonnel, notify the Yankee Engineering Support Center of the need to get personnel available through the Yankee Mutual Assistance Plan. Pro-4 vide Yankee ESC with list of required personnel. 3. Coordinate the activities of the Road Barrier Teams, as required. / 4. Coordinate the activities of the Emergency Medical Team, l as required. / 1 5. Coordinate the activities of the Re-Entry Team, ac required. / i 6. Coordinate security access and control measure with the Security Coordinator. / NOTE: The Security Coordinator will be responsible 2 for organizational control of evacuating personnel and personnel accountability. 7. Establish communications with each emergency center to determine the organizational structure. / 1 8. Maintain an updated roster of emergency personnel using the Emergency Assignment Chart. / 9. Ensure that one plant member is assigned to activate the Alternate EOF. / j j 10. Coordinate the distribution of equipment at the EOF, / i 11. Establish shift' relief schedules. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to a state of readiness. / 1 Completed by: Date/ Time: i J i ~...
OP-3302 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-4 AIIRT - C00RDINATOR'S ASSISTANT j IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Function as aide / alternate to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in assigning personnel to emergency duties using the EOF Tag Board (if not done pre-viously). / 3. Coordinate personnel accountability with plant security, con-tact the TSC with the results. If the TSC identifies missing personnel, coordinate search and rescue with the TSC and OSC. l / 4. If there are any injured personnel, assign Emergency Medical Response Personnel to administer first aid and prepare the patient for transfer to the North Adams Regional Hospital, if hospitalization is required. (See " Medical Emergency" proce-dures). / 5. If hospitalization is required: i a. Call the ambulance (see Contact List). Advise the ambul-ance service of the location of the desired pickup. / ' 's .-) b. Provide the North Adams Regional Hospital Nursing Sup-ervisor (see Contact List) with the following information before the patient arrives at the hospital: / (1) Number of accident victims (name if possible) (2) Nature of medical problem (s) (3) Anticipated time of arrival at the hospital. (4) Radiological considerations including, as applicable, the site of contamination, isotope and activity present. If no contamination problems exist so indicate. (5) Name of person (s) escorting victims. c. Transfer the patient (s) to the ambulance. If the patient is contaminated, assign a Health Physics representative to accompany or meet him at the hospital to maintain radio-logical controls. /
. OP-3302 Appendix V-4 Rev. 1 Time / Initials 6. Provide briefings to incoming emergency personnel as to.the accident status and direct them to appropriate assembly areas. / 7. Coordinate entry of TSC/0SC support personnel to the plant when necessary. / 8. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in coordinating the interface with State and Federal agency emergency response personnel at the EOF. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to a state of readiness. / Completed by: Date/ Time: k e e
s OP-3302 Rev. 1 APPENDIX VI RADIOLOGICAL HABITABILITY ASSESSMENT ~J Time /Init ials Immediate and Subsequent Actions 1. Perform the Radiological Monitoring Assessment section of the Emergency Radiation Exposure Control procedure. / i j 2. Obtain a RM-14, survey instrument and air sampler. Perform the I necessary function checks on the instrumentation. / 3. Monitor conditions in the area (s) assigned: Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Emergency Operations Facility l Other areas. 4. Place a high range pocket dosimeters in a representative location or locations at each center. / t : 5. Complete the " Emergency Conditions Radiological Assessment Form" and report findings to the TSC Coordinator or EOF Coordinator, or their assistant. / ~ a NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side unless otherwise provided. FINAL CONDITIONS l' 1. Collect all forms and forward to the Plant Radiation Protection Department. / Completed by: Date/ Time: i m x t 'd._..
. ~ -.. -. EMERGENCY CONDITIONS RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FORM Date: I ' Time: Location of Sampling: DATA Maximum Dose Rate (W.B.) Average Dose Rate (W.B.) Air Sample Results Thyroid Dose Rate (from air sample data and OP-3330, Appendix V) Recommended Action (from sampling information and specifications in Appendix V, OP-3330, " Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) i Comments: NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, shoiid be recorded on reverse side unless otherwise prov.ded for. Surveyor Date OPF-3302.2 Rev. 1 4
VANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANT EMERGENCY MONITORING LOG PAGE NO. m DATE TIME ENTRY INITIALS l l i + ..,,.) I h OPF-3302.1 Original ^ L =. -. ..~. ow.... ..w.4 .7 m _,..,g ~ ...,,,m,,
YANXEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY EMERGENCY PLAN INCIDENT REPORT Date: Time: j i 1. Description of incident. (Describe briefly) 2. Summary of initial conditions found. (Injuries, damage and/or radiological conditions at the scene of the emer-gency). 3. Summary of corrective actions taken. 4 Recommendations to prevent recurrence, or minimize effects of similar future incidents. ( ( Plant Emergency Director / Emergency Coordinator Date l l OPF-3302.3 Original l
Proc. No. OP-3303 Rev. No. 5 Date 82/07 SITE AREA EMERGENCY SCOPE To outline the actions required of plant personnel, visitors, con-tractors and other affected personnel in the event of a Site Area Emergency. ENCLOSURES OP-3303 - Pg. 1 - Rev. 5 OP-3303 - Pg. 2 - Rev. 1 i Appendix I - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix I - Pgs. 3 Rev. 5 Appendix II - Pgs. 1 Rev. 5 Appendix III - Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix IV - Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V - Pg. 1 - Rev. 5 Appendix V - Pgs. 2 Rev. 1 Appendix V Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V Pg. 1 - Rev. 1 Appendix V Pg. 1 - Rev. 1 Appendix V Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix VI - Rev. 1 Appendix VII - Pgs. 1 Rev. 2 OPF-3303.1 &.3 - Original OPF-3303.2 - Rev. 1 DISCUSSION A Site Area Emergency indicates an event which involves likely or actual major failures of plant functions which may result in the need for the protection of the public. The events included in the Site Area Emergency Category represent a potential for off-site re-leases to the extent that off-site protective actions may be nec-essary. Assessment of radiological parameters will determine the type of protective measures necessary. Plant resources are anticipated to be sufficient to cope with a Site Area Emergency. Outside resources, however, are mobilized; and selected members are dispatched to the site. All emergency centers are activated following the declaration of a Site Area Emergency. All personnel without emergency assignments are evacu-ated from the plant Protected Area. All personnel with plant emergency assignments who are off-site at the declaration of an emergency shall report to the Emergency Coordinator located in the EOF and obtain authorization to enter the plant protected area. The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director or in his absence the Supervisory Control Room Operator. Prompt notification is made to the off-site governmental authorities to assure that sufficient emergency response personnel are mobilized and respond to the event in accordance with their respective emergency plan assignments.
i- ... - ~ - - -..... -. - - ~ - - -. -. -...-.-. -. - -... ~.. - - - ' OP-3303 Rev. 1 Representative from the states will be dispatched to the Emergency Operations Facility. Assessment of off-site radiological para-f) meters will determine the type of protective measures necessary for ~- protection of the public sector. Public information concerning the event will be provided via appropriate mechanisms. j PROCEDURE { 1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following: Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Appendix III Technical Support Center Coordinator Appendix IV Operations Support Center Coordinator Appendix V Emergency Coordinator Appendix V-1 Radiological Evaluation Assistant Appendix V-2 Communications Assistant Appendix V-3 Hanpower Assistant Appendix V-4 Coordinator's Assistant Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment 4 Appendix VII - Site Recovery Manager NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned by the responsible individual ta other personnel, as appropriate. The designated individual, however, has the overall responsibility for the execution f of his checksheet. i t 2 2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required. FINAL CONDITIONS As specified in the appropriate appendices. k t 1 .y ..-_r.., -..,.ya. .-.-. --,~. -.--w.,-.,- .w_
OP-3303 Appendix I Rev 4 APPENDIX I SHIFT SUPERVISOR / PLANT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR Immed!. ate Actions 1. IF NORMAL k'ORKING HOURS Instruct control room personnel to make the following announcement: a. ANNOUNCEMENT A 1. " SITE AREA EMERGENCY, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, SITE AREA EMERGENCY" 2. "(describe condition and affected area)" 3. Repeat The Above Announcement Then: SOUND THE EVACUATION ALARM. b. ANNOUNCEMENT B 6 (If the AARM reaches 500 R/hr (0.5 x 10 mR/hr) or greater PRIOR to evacuation, announce the ^ following): 1. " SITE AREA EMERGENCY, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, SITE AREA EMERGENCY" i 2. (describe condition and affected area) 3.. All other personnel assemble in the Boiler Feed Pump Room and await further instructions." 4 REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT 5. DO NOT sound the evacuation alarm. I NOTE: If plant conditions have de-escalated from a higher emergency classification DO NOT repeat the above. Instead instruct Control Roon personnel to use the page system to make the following announcement: "We are de-escalating to a Site-Area Emergency. (Describe the reason for the change)". REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT 1. IF AFTER NORMAL HOURS: Time / Initials a. Initiate a page on tones 31, 32 and 24 of the Plant Radio System. / b. Instruct the SAS operator on the class of emergency and have him initiate Appendix II. /
, OP-3303 Appendix I Rev. 4 2. Within 15 minutes of the accident, notify Massachusetts and Vermont State Police as follows: NOTE: If the emergency condition has escalated from a lower classification, or de-escalated frem a Gen-eral Emergency, then request the Emergency Coordinator to notify the appropriate off-site authorities of the change: t a. Contact Massachusetts State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (211) or telephone backup and make the following announcement: "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a Site Area Emergency. I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a Site Area Emergency Please acknowledge." l b. Contact Vermont State Police via the Nuclear Alert System I (213) or telephone backup and make the following announce-ment: .l (1) "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass.": (2) "We have declared a SITE AREA EMERGENCY because (indicate initiating event per OP-3300)": c (3) "The plant is (pick one): i. a. Continuing operation b. Reducing power, or c. Shutdown": r (4) "A release (pick one) a. Is anticipated b. Is in progress, or ,. i i Is not expected to occur": c. (5) " Presently the wind is blowing tcward (indicate direction *) [ at (indicate speeed) mph": NOTE: 1. Use upper sensor (indicates wind from) i-2. If reading is greater than or equal to 180* subtract 180* to get direction TOWARD 3. If reading is less than or equal to 180' add 180' to get direction TOWARD (6) "I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a SITE AREA EMERGENCY Please' acknowledge."
, OP-3303 Appendix I Rev. 5 Time / Initials 3. Determine if a release is in progress or projected. / NOTE: Elevated AARM readings are an example of a projtcted release; that is, the release may not be in progress but the potential is real. If releases are in progress or projected: a. Instruct the Supervisory Control Room Operator or the Shift Technical Advisor to perform Appendix A of the Evaluation of Radiological Data procedure to determine the estimated 1/2 mile whole body dose rate. This will be needed shr*4 the Departments of Health of Massachusetts and Vermont respond to the initial notification. b. Instruct the Radiation Protection technician to initiate a Primary Vent Stack or Vapor Container sample and analysis. c. Instruct the Auxiliary Operator to initiate a Control Room habitability study. t 4. Account for operations shift personnel, implement search and rescue as necessary. If medical problems exist initiate Emergency Medical procedure. / NOTE: The follcwing subsequent actions may be performed by the TSC once personnel are available. 5. WITHIN ONE HOUR OF THE DECLARATION OF THE EMERGENCY, designate an individual to notify the NRC on the Emergency Notification System (RED phone). Maintain an open communications channel on this line.. This channel will be closed by the NRC. / NOTE: If the Emergency Notification System (red phone) is disabled, then use the following commercial telephone lines to notify NRC Operations Center: a. Dial 202-951-0550 OR b. Dial 301/427-4056 6. As soon as contacted via the State notification fan-out process, the Departments of Public Health of Vermont and Massachusetts will call the plant. Be prepared to provide the following information, if known, and appropriate, upon request: ./ a. Name of caller. b. Time and class of emergency c. Type and quantity of release, height of release, and estimated duration / impact times. d. Prevailirg weather conditions (wind velocity, direction, temperature, atmospheric stability, form of precipitation, if any). e. Projected dose rates at 0.5 miles from the site. i
i . OP-3303 Appendix I Rev. 5 Time / Initials. \\i f. Emergency response actions underway. g. Recommended protective actions based on the combination of all in plant indications, reisase parameters and off-site radiological assessment results. / 7. When the TSC establishes contact with the Control Room, outline current plant status and request any needed assis-tance. Inform the TSC at this time of operations shift accountability.8. Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforcement, or medical response personnel) as needed to deal with the event: l a. Fire b. Medical c. Law enforcement (coordinate with Security l Shift Supervisor) / l 9. If the event produces abnormal in plant radiological conditions, direct the shift Health Physics representa-tive to evaluate the condition if conditions permit. / l f l NOTE: If in plant radiological conditions, in the i opinion of Plant Emergency Director, prohibits normal access to in plant emergency centers, notify the TSC Coordinator or the Emergency Coordinator so that special re-entry plans may be activated. , i ~') 10. Together with personnel at the TSC, re-evaluate the emer-gency classification and if conditions warrant, escalate 4 or de-escalate the classification. / 11. Repair and corrective action missions shall be performed in accordance with the Emergency Radiation Exposure Con-trol procedure. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. When the Site Area Emergency no longer exists, announce on the plant page system that the Site Area Emergency is ended. / 2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shift Supervisor's Log. / Completed by: Date/ Time:
-~ ..._. ~. _ APPENDIX II OP-3303 ) Appendix II i Rev. 5 SITE AREA EMERGENCY - SECURITY Page 1 SAS Operator: Time / Initials 1. Inform the CAS operator of the emergency classification and of the immediate need for initiation of OP-3344, " Security. i Force Actions Under Emergency Conditions:. / 2. Notify the NSD Security of the incident by: / i a. Dial: (Ext. 2184) i b. Provide the following message: "This is Yankee Rowe, we have a Site-Area Emergency. j Standby for Yankee staff calls". REPEAT MESSAGE AND HANG UP c. Activate the NSD Response List by: 1. Dial: 2. Give the following PAGER NUMBER: NOTE: Implementation of the remainder of this procedure is j ~ restricted to backshifts, weekends, or holidays only. During normal shifts response actions would be initiated t as directed 3. When notified by the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate of Site-Area Emergency conditions, the guard at j ~ the SAS shall initiate Recall of Plant Emergency Response Personnel as follows: / l a. Call the p, aging service (Telecom. line I b. When Telecom answers request: "This is Yankee Atomic Electric Company please page ALL Yankee Atomic Electric Company Pagers". Wait for the operator to acknowledge the request, answer any necessary questions and hangup. 4. Standby to receive incoming calls from Emergency Response Personnel. a. Pick up the incoming call at the SAS by dialing 90 and answering: " Yankee Atomic, (your name)". / NOTE: DO NOT linger on the phone as more calls will be coming in. Take the name of the responder, record the time, on OP-Memo 2E-4, Attachment "A" Oage 2, that he called and relay to him the infor-mation adjacent to his name. If other than a re-4 sponder, explain that we have a major evolution in progress and ask them not to call back. b. If the responder must speak to the Control Room, transfer him to 236, 237 or 238. Inform the Control Room who is on the line and hang up. c. Answer the next call. 4 3 I - -.,,. ~ - ~
..~. - -. 2-OP-3303 Appendix (I Rev. 5 ']- 5. After about 15 minutes, reinitiate Steps 2 and 3 above. Time / Initials i Repeat this process for Step 3 until all emergency responders have called in or until the Shift Supervisor instructs otherwise. / 7. Reinitiate the plant radio page system on tones 31, 32 and 24 until the Shift Supervisors or his designated alternate in-structs otherwise. / 7. Notify Harriman Station that a S he-Area Emergency has been declared. (Tele) ....). Inform them that they should stay inside until notified otherwise. / 8. Notify the NEPCO Superintendent of Hydro's family that a Site-Area Emergency has been declared. (Telephone: ) / Inform them that we recommend that they leave the area until notified otherwise. / l FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Return this sheet to the TSC Coordinator. / Completed by: Date/ Time: 4 1 -1 4-4 ____-mm__.
=. APPENDIX III OP-3303 Appendix III Rev. 1 Page 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY - TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR 1 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS j 1. Establish voice communications with the control room, using Channel 1 of the plant paging system. 2. Ensure that the Emergency Plan Call List has been activated and that following staff are represented at the TSC: a. Plant Superintendent / Assistant Plant Superintendent b. Reactor Engineering Supervision / Shift Technical Advisor c. Instrumentation and Control Supervision d. Operations Supervision e. Maintenance Supervision 1 NOTE: A Nuclear Data Link Operator and additional communications operators will be directed to report here. NOTE: If a release is in progress and incoming personnel are reporting to the TSC actions should be taken to monitor those personnel for contamination levels prior to entry. 3. Take over the remaining subsequent actions of the Emergency Director. 4. Take charge of Radiological Evaluations. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials NOTE: If the emergency classification has changed (escalated or deescalated) DO NOT duplicate action in the emergency implementing pro-cedures as a result of the transition. 1. Check that incoming personnel have been assigned and that ~ they have signed in on the Organization Tag Board. _/ i NOTE: If in plant radiological condition exist which prohibit normal access to the TSC, develop re-entry plans for incoming per-sonnel. 2. Direct the OSC staff to determine the habitability of the TSC, Control Room and OSC in accordance with Appendix VI. / d NOTE: If the habitability of the primary OSC warrants evacuation, direct OSC staff to report to the alternate OSC location (in the Control Room back foyer) for reassign-ment. i i I i 1 +...-,..y, f
.. -.- - --. ~. - -.. - ~ - -- -- - -.~ - 4 2-OP-3303 Appendix III Rev. 1 Time / Initials,,) 3. Direct the Nuclear Data Link Operator to activate the NDL ~ system. / 4. Conduct personnel accountability in TSC and Control Room. Check accountability of OSC personnel with OSC Coordinator. If any missing persons are indicated, call for missing per-sonnel over the plant page system. Prepare for search and rescue if necessary. / 5. Utilize the information acquired through the activation of the NDL system to analyze problems in the area of system operations and/or instrumentation and control. /- 6. Inform the Emergency Coordinator as to on-site manpower / equip- ) ment needs. / l 7. Assign individuals to maintain a communications link to the EOF, OSC and the Engineering Support Center (YNSD Emergency i Center). Those personnel assigned to this function must maintain a log of center activities. / 8. Assume the responsibility for maintaining open communica-tions with the NRC (RED phone). / 9. Periodically update the TSC status board. / i 10. Coordinate accident status information and proposed actions with the YNSD Engineering Support Center. / 11. Periodically review emergency classification and escalate or de-escalate the emergency response in accordance with the appropriate emergency class. / 12. Instruct security to prepare for the arrival of Nuclear Ser-vice Division personnel (YAEC), NRC representatives, and State Civil Defense and/or Public Health Department representatives at the EOF. /___ NOTE: Brief incoming NSD and NRC personnel of plant conditions upon arrival to TSC/ Control Room area. 13. When contacted by the the Site Recovery Manager, inform him of emergency conditions and manage emergency response actions at the TSC as he directs. / 14 Develop TSC, Control Room and OSC shift schedules and coordinate this effort with the Manpower Assistant. / 15. Establish a Control Room Access List and coordinate its imple-mentation. / e b-e* w,emqe-= =m am%_. ..-,e-a e 9 +-=.4 ese -ep -a+--se 4 e'im9p.g*4 hee @*Ne*-45>*ullma.Nmm W WN ,_N@ W
~ OP-3303 Appendix III Rev. 1 Time / Initials 16. Direct the TSC organization until such time that the emer-gency condition has been terminated. / NOTE: Notify emergency personnel in plant as to the transition of the emergency organization to the recovery organization. 17. Direct plant staff as to appropriate recovery actions required to restore the plant to a safe condition. / NOTE: The Site Recovery Manager will establish a recovery plan applicable to the plant con-dition. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Assist the Site Recovery Manager in closecut summaries to the following off-site authorites. a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / b. State of Vermont / c. State of Massachusetts / 2. Direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equip-ment to its normal readiness state when the Site Area Emergency is terminated. / NOTE: If plant emergency conditions are de-escalating to a lower classification, Step 2 SHOULD NOT be implemented. Completed by: Date/ Time:
..~_.- _. -_.__ l 1 APPEND 1X IV OP-3303 Rev. 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY - OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR IMMEDIATE ACTION 1. The first OSC member to arrive will establish communications with the TSC and initiate the necessary actions required to support the response effort. 2. Direct all incoming personnel to sign in on the OSC Tag Board. NOTE: The TSC Coordinator will assign the OSC Coor-dinator; otherwise, the first member of the above staff to arrive at OSC will assume this f responsibility until relieved. a 3. Determine the habitability of the OSC in accordance with j Appendix VI. NOTE: If radiological conditions warrant evacuation of the primary OSC location, then the staff should move to the alternate location. 4. Conduct personnel accountability and report those results' to the TSC Coordinator. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Assure that the following staff are represented at the OSC: / 'L a a. Maintenance Electrician b. Maintenance Mechanic c. Instrument & Control d. Health Physics e. Chemistry 2. Provide assistance in the investigation or repair of plant systems and in the decontamiaation of affected plant areas if conditions warrant such action, as directed. / NOTE: No action should be taken unless the TSC Coordinator has identified a re-entry plan for its completion and those personnel assigned to this duty are com-pletely aware of the hazards involved. NOTE: All personnel entering the OSC should be monitored for contamination levels. If contamination levels are observed, notify the TSC Coordinator. 3. Work in conjunction with the TSC in preparing for operating shift turnover and relief. / '~ NOTE: All operations relief personnel will be briefed of accident conditions of the OSC prior to shift } turnover. a
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. OP-3303 Appended IV Rev. I FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Remain active and manned until terminated by the TSC Coordinator / 2. When terminated, direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state. / Completed by: Date/ Time: 9 t 5 -1
s.. APPENDIX V OP-3303 Rev. 5 SITE-AREA EMERGENCY COORDINATOR e-IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Activate the EOF'and contact the TSC, Coordinator / Plant Emergency Director to obtain a plant status report.- / ~ 2. Assure that the following staff positions have been filled. / s a. Coordinators Assistant b. Radiological Evaluation Assistant c. Manpower Assistant d. Communications Assistant e. Off-site Monitoring Team (8) f. Communications Team (3) g. Sample Analysis Team (4) h. Emergency Medical Team (2) i. Road Barrier Team (8) J. Log Book Monitor 3. Ensure that the most qualified personnel have been assigned to the EOF management organization. / 4. Assemble the EOF management staff to initially brief them of emergency conditions and establish any immediate priority tasks. ' / ) NOTE: Periodically call EOF management _ staff meetings / to ensure that all EOF functions being c'oordinated in an efficient / effective manner., 5. Periodically confer with the TSC Coordinator c neerning in plant conditions, evaluate the impact of these conditions on current EOF acti,vities and direct the EOF staff as to appropriate response measures. / 6. Coordinate accident information with appropriate off-site authorities. Inform them of projected dose rates, actual plant conditions, field sample results and recommendations conce;rning emergency actions, if conditions warrant such. action via the Nuclear Alert System / NOTE: Coordinate protective action recommendation vith the responding State officials. Recommendations should be provided based on the prognosis of in-plant indications and/or on dose projictior? action x levels specified by EPA Protective Action G$ ides. 3.. 7. Notify ANI at Supply as'. , much information as possible. k ng.- ..m +,e- - we - e a.e=we-e- + .m
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" OP-3303 Appendix V Rev. 1 Time / Initials 8. Evaluate the need for re-entry / recovery missions in conjunction with the TSC Coordinator and the Site Recovery Manager, if present, then direct the Radiological Evaluation Assistant to review and recommend appropriate protective measures required to implement any re-entry / recovery missions. / 8. Periodically confer with the Engineering Support Center staff ) concerning the evaluation / interpretation of the on going emer-gency condition (s) including Public Information needs. / NOTE: The Engineering Support Center staff will make the initial contact. 9. Once the Site Recovery Manager has established the Recovery Center, ensure that he has been provided a complete status report and transfer the responsibility for communication with the Engineering Support Center and Center Management to him. / 10. Based on updated emergency conditions, review and re-evaluate the emergency classification in conjunction with the TSC Coor-dinator/ Site Recovery Manager. / 11. Ensure that the EOF remains active and ade,quately manned and supplied for the duration of the emergency condition. / NOTE: If it is determined that the center may i become uninhabitable, direct EOF manage-i ment as to appropriate evacuation measures. i 12. If the emergency classification changes, ensure that the EOF management is informed and direct them to modify emergency response actions accordingly and prevent duplication of response actions as a result of the transition in the use of emergency implementing procedures. / 13. Ensure that the States of Vermont and Massachusetts are advised of any transition in emergency status if the emergency classi-fication changes. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Ensure that all completed survey and sample analysis forms to the Health Physics Department for review and filing. / 2. Direct that an Emergency Equipment Readiness Check, be conducted. /
.- OP-3303 Appendix V Rev. 1 3. Complete the " Emergency Plan Incident Report" and distributeTime/ Initia copies to: / ~' (1) Plant Superintendent (2) Assistant Plant Superintendent (3) Technical Director (4) All Department Heads (5) Control Room - Shift Supervisor (6) Plant Health Physicist (7) Manager of Public Information (8) Plant Technical File (9) Manager of Operations Completed by: Date/ Time: P 's
t ~ ~ OP-3303 I Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-1 SITE-AREA RADIOLOGICAL EVALUATION ASSISTANT Time / Initials Immediate and Subsequent Actions: 1. Appoint a Sample Coordinator who will insure that the following activities are coordinated and that the pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evalu-ation. / 1 a. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the establish-ment of off-site monitoring teams (i.e., assignment and initial preparation). b. Dispatch off-site monitoring teams to appropriate sampling locations as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assis-tant. c. Direct radio operations. d. Review and evaluate incoming reports from off-site monitoring teams. Prioritize the retrieval of the samplers) based upon the i e. initial evaluation. j f. Review the need for resampling and/or relocation of the off-site monitoring team with the Radiological Evaluation e Assistant. g. Direct Sample Analysis Team members in the establishment of a priorty preparation and samle counting system for retrieved fie!d samples. h. Evaluate the results from the SAM-II analysis for the estimate of thyroid doses, i. Transfer pertinent SAM-II results to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for review and evaluation. 2. Appoint a Radiation Protection Assistant who will ensure that the following activities are coordinated and that pertinent results l are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evaluation. / j. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the determination 1 a. of center habitability and the periodic reassessment of i l center conditions. b. If evacuation of the primary EOF is probable, then immedi-ately notify the Radiological Evaluation Assistant and/or Emergency Coordinator. c. Direct the establishment of radiological access and control measures at the EOF. d. Assign and direct personnel for decontamination purposes when applicable. i e. Direct personnel in the review and maintenance of emergency j exposure records. f. Coordinate exposure / job authorization. t i 1 ~,.. ~., n.c I
~... .. ~. _ -. - . OP-3303 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 Time / Initials, g. Establish HP re-entry support as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assistant. h. Coordinate the transfer of personnel dosimetry for evaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile TLD Van when appli-cable. 3. Appoint an Environmental Sampling Assistant who will insure that the following activities'are coordinated and that pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological-Evaluation Assistant for evalua-tion. / a. Direct the retrieval of environmental samples. b. Establish a priority system for the evaluation of environmental station (air) sample analysis in con-junection with the Sample Coordinator. c. Evaluate environmental TLD and record the results, when applicable. 4 d. Coordinate the transfer of environmental samples for i i evaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile j Environmental Lab Van, when applicable. 4. Evaluate in plant radiological conditions in conjunection with current meterological data, especially, wind speed, wind direction and Delta-T (UPWSAV, UPWDAV and UPDTAV, respectively on the terminal q print-out). / ./ 5. Determine the affected downwind direction, evaluate plume transit time, and inform the Sample Coordinator as to the appropriate sampling locations. / 6. Utilizing in plant radiological monitor responses in_ conjunction with meterological data, estimate the projected downwind dose rates, j Report findings to the Emergency Coordinator. / 7. Re-evaluate initial dose rate projections based on in-coming field sample results, interpret these re sults, update the i Emergency Coordinator on these findings and recommend appro-priate protective measures, if necessary. / 8. Based on in plant monitor / survey results, evaluate any re-entry / recovery plans in terms of the projected radiological hazard which could be encountered. / 9. Recommend appropriate protective measures required for re-entry and direct the Radiation Protection Assistant in the establishment of HP support and/or exposure / job authorization requirements. / 1 2 9 + b 4~. ._-.w_ _1-~.-.,r, .m..++
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... -... OP-3303 q Appendix V g Rev. 1 ] Time / Initials 10. Periodically evaluate the emergency exposure records in con-junection with manpower requirements. / 11. Maintain response efforts to determine radiological status and be prepared to adjust radiological assessment efforts as conditions change. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Summarize emergency actions and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Update exposure records of plant personnel. / 3. Transfer all sample media appropriately for further analysis, documentation and disposal. / Completed by: Date/ Time: I i
. -. ~ _ - --. --. ~ OP-3303 Appendix V-2 Rev. 1 SITE-AREA COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Immediate and Subsequent Actions 1. Assign and direct emergency personnel in the establishment ~ of continuous communication channels between the TSC, off-site monitoring teams, security and the EOF as follows: / a. One (1) Radio Operator (have him report to Sample -Coordinator or Radiological Evaluation Assistant) b. One (1) Radio Operator's Assistant c. One (1) Met. Terminal Operator d. One (1) NDL Terminal Operator Tko (2) Telephone Operators e. 2. Direct all communication personnel to record the parties involved, date and time of each incoming or outgoing message by telephone, plant page or radio on a Message Form. / 3. Establish priority system for transfer of recorded messages and ensure that communication personnel promptly reply. / 4. Write all information received in the Emergency Monitoring Iog. / 5. Direct personnel in maintaining updated status boards in the EOF. / Dispatch communication personnel to all centers to facilitate . ) 6. emergency response, upon request. / NOTE: If additional personnel are required to fulfill this responsibility, contact the Manpower Assistant and request additional support. 7. If plant communications systems are inadequate to handle the flow of incoming calls, notify the Emergency Coordinator and recommend ad hoc measures. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Collect all message forms, tabulate them in sequential order and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / Completed by: Date/ Time: i f 1 3 -e y -r, y-- r ,w
OP-3303 Appendix V-3 4 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-3 SITE AREA - MANPOWER ASSISTANT t Time / Initials l Immediate and Subsequent Actions 1. Assure that sufficient personnel to fulfill all emergency functions have been mobilized to maintain continuous emer-gency preparedness. / 2. Review center equipment / supplies and augment resources accordingly. / NOTE: Review Manpower Planning Package. If plant manpower can not provide the necessary per-sonnel, notify the Yankee Engineering Support Center of the need to get personnel available through the Yankee Mutual Assistance Plan. Pro-vide Yankee ESC with list of required personnel. 3. Coordinate the activities of the Road Barrier Teams, as required. __/ 4. Coordinate the activities of the Emergency Medical Team, as required. / 7 5. Coordinate the activities of the Re-Entry Team, as required. / 6. Coordinate security access and control measure with the Security Coordinator. / NOTE: The Security Coordinator will be responsible for organizational control of evacuating personnel and personnel accountability. 7. Establish communications with each emergency center to determine the organizational structure. / 8. Maintain an updated roster of emergency personnel using the Emergency Assignment Chart. / 9. Ensure that one plant member is assigned to activate the Alternate EOF and that this individual is cognizant of the procedure involved. / 10. Coordinate the distribution of equipment at the EOF. / 11. Establish shift relief schedules. / 12. If evacuation of the primary EOF is probably, coordinate the transfer of personnel to the alternate EOF as directed by the Emergency Coordinator. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to a state of readiness. / Completed by: Date/ Time: 1
e OP-3303 Appendix V-4 Rev. 1 SITE AREA - C00RDINATOR'S ASSISTANT IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Function as aide / alternate to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in assigning personnel to 2 emergency duties using the EOF Tag Board (if not done pre-viously). / 3. Coordinate personnel accountability with plant security, con-tact the TSC and inform them of results. If the TSC identifies missing personnel, coordinate search and rescue with the TSC and OSC. / 4. If there are any, injured personnel, assign Emergency Medical Response Personnel to administer first aid and prepare the patient for transfer to the North Admads Regional Hospital, if hospitalization is required. (See " Medical Emergency" proce-dures). / 5. If hospitalization is required: Call the ambulance (see Contact List).. Advise the smbul-a. ance service of the location of the desired pickup. / / b. Provide the North Adams Regional Hospital Nursing Sup-l l ervisor (see Contact List) with the following information before the patient arrives at the hospital: / (1) Number of accident victims (name if possible) (2) Naure of medical problem (s) (3) Anticipated time of arrival at the hospital. (4) Radiological considerations including, as applicable, the site of contamination, isotope and activity present. If no contamination i problems exist so indicate. (5) Name of person (s) escorting victims. I c. Transfer the patient (s) to the ambulance. If the patient j is contaminated, assign a Health Physics representative to accompany or merst him at the hospital to maintain radio-logical controls. / l
' OP-3303 Appendix V-4 Rev. 1 Time / Initials 6. Provide briefings to incoming emergency personnel as to the accident status and direct them to appropriate assembly areas. / 7. Coordinate entry of TSC/OSC support personnel to the plant when necessary. / 8. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in coordinating the interface with State and Federal Agency Emergency Response Personnel at the EOF. / 9. If evacuation of the primary EOF is probable, coordinate the transfer of equipment to the alternate EOF as directed by the Emergency Coordinator. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to a state of readiness. / Completed by: Date/ Time: l l
~ -.. - -.. - ~ 1 OP-3303 Appendix VI Rev. 1 ? RADIOLOGICAL HABITABILITY ASSESSMENT Time / Initials I Immediate and Subsequent Actions d 1. Perform the Radiological Monitoring Assessment section of-the Emergency Radiation Exposure Control procedure. / 2. Obtain a RM-14, survey instrument and air sampler. Perform the necessary function checks on the instrumentation. / 1 f 3. Monitor conditions in the area (s) assigned: / Technical Support Center Operations Support Center i Emergency Operations Facility Other areas. 4. Place a high range pocket dosimeters in a representative location or locations at each center. / 5. Complete the " Emergency Conditions Radiological Assessment -l Form" and report findings to the TSC Coordinator or EOF Coordinator, or their assistant. / NOTE: Additional information, such as area, surveys, should be recorded on the j reverse side unless otherwise provided. FINAL CONDITIONS r-1. Collect all forms and forward to the Plant Radiation Protection i Department. / Completed by: Date/ Time: i l t 4 1 4 4 l .g 4 1 _~
YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY EMERGENCY PLAN INCIDENT REPORT Date: ) Time: 1. Description of incident. (Describe briefly) 2. Summary of initial conditions found. (Injuries, damage and/or radiological conditions at the scene of the emer-gency). 3. Summary of corrective actions taken. 4. Recommendations to prevent recurrence, or minimize effects of similar future incidents. t Plant Emergency Director / Emergency Coordinator Date OPF-3303.3 Original
-. i EMERGENCY CONDITIONS RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FORM I Date: Time: Location of Sampling: i DAT1 Maximum Dose Rate (W.B.) Average Dose Rate (W.B.) Air Sample Results Thyroid Dose Rate _(from air sample data and OP-3330, Appendix V) Recommended Action (from sampling information and specifications in Appendix V, OP-3330, " Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) Comments: NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on reverse side unless otherwise provided for. Surveyor Date OPF-3303.2 Rev. 1 i I +._pwem
=_ OP-3303 Appendix VII Rev. 2 APPENDIX VII SITE RECOVERY MANAGER I f Immediate and Subsequent Actions l Time / Initials 1. Assume the overall responsibility for the emergency response organization and all response efforts. l This should be accomplished after first making sure the Emer-gency Coordinator, Emergency Director and the Technical Sup-port Center Coordinator are informed of the transfer of respon-sibility. They in turn should be instructed to make their staffs aware of the transfer. / 2. Coordinate with the Emergency Coordinator as to the need for the J Recovery Manager to become involved with interfacing with the off-site state and federal authorities. 4 Inform the off-site agency representatives of any transfer. / 3 } 3. Assess plant conditions as reported by the response organiza-tion and direct that all needed response efforts are j addressed. / NOTE: Review re-entry / recovery actions required during ) the emergency and direct the response organization as to the appropriate actions. 4 4. Insure that manpower planning is being conducted to provide for response efforts over an extended period. / 1 I e 5. Review and approve periodic news releases prepared by the Mana-ger of Public Information. / i 6. Request and direct the use of needed outside support for recov-ery operations. / i 7. Resolve issues concerning operating license requirements with NRC representatives. / l 8. Devise a recovery plan applicable to the plant condition (s) following the termination of the emergency phase. / 9. Reach agreement with off-site authorities on the official termi-l nation of the emergency. / i i 4 ,p. n.y..~n v.- a,m em, y,- -.-r ,-,.m, e -.+-,.--. .~,.w., --.r -,e>t ---in .c--,-
OP-3303 Appendix VII Rev. 2 Page 2 10. Close out the event by verbal summary to the off-site authorities and provide a written summary of the event to the off-site author-ities indicated below: a. NRC / b. State of Vermont / 1 c. State of Massachusetts / 93 Escalate or de-escalate the emergency classification based on changing plant conditions. Completed by: Date/ Time: M i I 1 1 1 p 4,..,
1' Proc. No. OP-3304 Rev. No. 5 Date 82/07 GENERAL EMERGENCY SCOPE f To outline the actions required of pl_nt personnel, visitors, con-tractors and other affected personnel in the event of a General Emergency. 1 ENCLOSURES OP-3304 - Pg. 1 - Rev. 5 OP-3304 - Pg. 2 - Rev. 1 Appendix I - Pgs. 1 Rev. 4 Appendix I - Pgs. 3 Rev. 5 Appendix II - Pg. 1 - Rev. 5 Appendix II - Pg. 2 - Rev. 1 Appendix III - Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix IV - Pg. 1 - Rev. 1 Appendix V - Pgs. 1 Rev. 5 Appendix V Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix V Pg. 1 - Rev. 1 Appendix V Pg. 1 - Rev. 1 a Appendix V Pgs. 1 Rev. 1 Appendix VI - Rev. 1 Appendix VII - Pgs. 1 Rev. 2 OPF-3304.1 &.3 - Original OPF-3304.2 - Rev. 1 DISCUSSION A General Emergency is declared when substantial core degradation or melting has occurred, with a potential for loss of containment inte - grity. The events included in a General Emergency category represent actual or potential substantial off-site radioactivity releases re-quiring immediate actuation of off-site protective actions. Assess-ment of radiological parameters will determine the type of protective measures necessary. The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor or in his absence the Supervisory Control Room Operator. (Plant Emergency Director) Prompt notification is made to the appro-priate off-site authorities to assure that sufficient emergency per-sonnel are mobilized and respond to the event in accordance with .their respective emergency plant assignments. i Other nuclear industry organizations will be alerted and requested to render assistance as appropriate. Federal agency response will be implemented in accordance with the Federal Master Emergency Plan. All emergency centers are activated following the declaration of a General Emergency. All personnel without emergency assignments are i j evacuated from the plant Protected Area. All personnel with plant emergency assignments who are off-site at the declaration of an emer-gency shall report to the Emergency Coordinator located in the EOF and obtain authorization to enter the plant protected area. The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) once activated will provide a centralized meeting location for representatives from all responding emergency organiza-tions. h
- OP-3304 Rev. 1 PROCEDURE
- }
1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following: Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Appendix III Technical Support Center Coordinator i Appendix IV Operations Support Center Coordinator ' Appendix V Emergency Coordinator Appendix V-1 Radiological Evaluation Assistant Appendix V-2 Communications Assistant Appendix V-3 Manpower Assistant Appendix V Coordinator's Assistant Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment Appendix VII - Site Recovery Manager NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned by the responsible individual to other personnel, as appropriate. The designated individual, however, has the overall responsibility for the execution i of his checksheet. 2. Prcceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required. FINAL CONDITIONS y. 3 As specified in the appropriate appendices. i 1 ) d i . -. _.., - -..-,n n _ __, y ,c-
~. OP-3304 i Appendix I Rev. 4 APPENDIX I SHIFT SUPERVISOR / PLANT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR Immediate Actions 1. IF NORMAL WORKING HOURS 1 Instruct control room personnel to make the following announcement: I a. ANNOUNCEMENT A 1. " GENERAL EMERGENCY, GENERAL EMERGENCY, GENERAL EMERGENCY" 2. "(describe condition and affected area)" 3. Repeat The Above Announcement Then: SOUND THE EVACUATION ALARM b. ANNOUCMENT B 6 (If the AARM reaches 500 R/hr (0.5 x 10 mR/hr) ~ or greater PRIOR to evacuation, announce the following): l. " GENERAL EMERGENCY, GENERAL EMERGENCY, GENERAL EMERGENCY" 2. "(describe condition and affected area)" 3. All personnel without emergency duties assemble in the Boiler Feed Pump Room. 4. REPEAT THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT 5. DO NOT sound the evacuation alarm. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS 1. IF AFTER NORMAL HOURS Time / Initials a. Initiate a page on tones 31, 32 and 24 of the Plant Radio System. / b. Instruct the SAS operator on the class of emergency and have him initiate Appendix II. / 2. Within 15 minutes of the accident, notify Massachusetts and Vermont State Police as follows: l I NOTE: If the emergency condition has escalated to a General Emergency classification, then request the Emergency Coordinator to notify the appro-priate off-site authorities of the change: ~ 4. . c ,w.%m
..,._...-4 -*-~~--- - - - + - - - - - - - - - - -. - ~ ~. - < - ~ l \\ OP-3304 Appendix I Rev. 4 Time / Initials a. Contact Massachusetts State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (211) or telephone backup and make the following announcement: "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a General Emergency. We recommend the public be ad-vised to seek shelter. I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a General Emergency. .j Please acknowledge." b. Contact Vermont State Police via the Nuclear Alert System (213) or telephone backup and make the following announce-t ment: i (1) "This is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass.": [ (2) "We have declared a GENERAL EMERGENCY because (indicate j initiating event per OP-3300)": (3) "The plant is (pick one): a. Continuing operation b. Reducing power, or c. Shutdown": (4) "A release (pick one) i 1 a. Is anticipated j f b. Is in progress, or j c. Is not expected to occur": ) i (5) " Presently the wind is blowing toward (indicate direction *) l at (indicate speeed) mph": i NOTE: 1. Use upper sensor (indicates wind from) 2. If reading is greater than or equal to 180* subtract 180 to get direction TOWARD 3. If reading is less than or equal to 180* ad_d 180 to get direction TOWARD (6) "I repeat, this is Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Rowe, Mass. We have a GENERAL EMERGENCY. Please acknowladge." + -, - -,.
. OP-3304 Appendix I Rev. 5 Time / Initials 3. Determine if a release is in progress or projected. NOTE: Elevated AARM readings are an example of a prcjected release; that is, the release may not be in progress but the potential is real. If releases are in progress or projected: a. Instruct the Supervisory Control Room Operator or the Shift Technical Advisor to perform Appendix A of the Evaluation of Radiological Data procedure to determine the estimated 1/2 mile whole body dose rate. This will be needed for the notification in the next step. / b. Instruct the Radiation Protection technician to initiate a Primary Vent Stack or Vapor Container sample and
- analysis, Instrdct the Auxiliary Operator to initiate a Control Room c.
habitability study. 4. Account for operations shift personnel, implement search and rescue as necessary. If medical problems exist initiate Emergency Medical procedure. / NOTE: The following subsequent actions may be performed by s_ the TSC once personnel are available. 5. WITHIN ONE HOUR OF THE DECLARATION OF THE EMERGENCY, designate an individual to notify the NRC on the Emergency Notification System (RED phone). Maintain an open communications channel on this line. This channel will be closed by the NRC. / NOTE: If the Emergency Notification System (red phone) is disabled, then use the following commercial telephone lines to notify NRC Operations Center: a. Dial 202-951-0550 OR l ~~ b. Dial 301/427/4056 6. As soon as contacted via the State Notification fan-out process, l the Departments of Public Health of Vermont and Massachusetts will I call the plant. Be prepared to provide the following information, [ if known, and appropriate, upon request: / l a. Name of caller b. Time and class of emergency c. Type and quantity of release, height of release and estimated duration / impact times. d. Prevailing weather conditions (wind velocity, direction, temperature, and atmospheric stability, form of precipi-tation, if any) e. Projected dose rates at 0.5 miles from the site. f. Emergency response actions underway. .~..~..,,
- -. ~.. _.. -. . OP-3304 Appendix I Rev. 5 Time / Initials g. Recommended protective actions based on the combina-and off-site radiological assessment results. , ) tion of all in-plant indications, release parameters 7. When tha TSC establishes contact with the Centrol Room, outline current plant status and request any needed assis- . j tance. Inform the TSC at this time of operations shift accountability. / j 8. Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforce- 'i ment, or medical response personnel) as needed to deal with the event: .t' I a. Fire b. Medical c. Law enforcement (coordinate with Security Shift Supervisor) / j 9. If the event produces abnormal in plant radiological conditions, direct the shift Health Physics representa-i tive to evaluate the condition, if conditions permit. / 10. Together with personnel at the TSC,.re-evaluate the emer-gency classification and if conditions warrant, escalate j or de-escalate the classification. / 11. Repair and corrective action missions shall be performed ) in accordance with the Emergency Radiation Exposure Con-J trol procedure. / -1 FINAL CONDITIONS 1 i 1. When the General Emergency no longer exists, announce on the plant page system that the General Emergency is de-escalated. / l, 2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shift Supervisor's Log. / t NOTE: If in plant radiological conditions, in the opinion of the Plant Emergency Director, pro- ~ hibit normal access to in plant emergency centers, notify the TSC Coordinator or the Emergency Coor-dinator so that special re-entry plans may be activated. Completed by: Date/ Time: i
_ _ _. ~. _ _. OP-3304 Appendix II Rev. 5 GENERAL EMERGENCY - SECURITY Page 1 SAS Operator: 1. Inform the CAS operator of.the emergency classification and of the immediate need for initiation of OP-3344, " Security Force Actions Under Emergency Conditions". / 2. Notify the NSD Security of the incident by: a. Dial: ) / b. Provide the following message: "This is Yankee Rowe, we have a General Emergency Condition. Standby for Yankee staff call" REPEAT MESSAGE AND HANG UP / c. Activate the NSD Response List by: l 1. Dial: 2. Give the following PAGER NUMBER: / NOTE: Implementation of the remainder of this procedure is restricted to backshifts, weekends, or holidays only. During normal shifts response actions would be initiated as directed. 1 3. When notified by the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate of General Emergency Conditions, the guard at the SAS shall initiate Recall of Plant Emergency Response Personnel as follows: / a. Call the paging service (Telecom) at: using 1 line b. When Telecom answers request: "This is Yankee Atomic Electric Company, please page ALL Yankee Atomic Plant Pagers". Wait for the operator to acknowledge the request, answer any necessary questions and hang up. 4. Standby to receive incoming calls from Emergency Response Personnel. a. Pick up the incoming call at the SAS by dialing 90 and answering " Yankee' Atomic, (your name). / NOTE: DO NOT linger on the phone as more calls will be l coming in. Take the name of the responder, re-l cord the time, on OP-Memo 2E-4, Attachment "A", Page 2, that he called and relay to him the infor-mation adjacent to his name. If other than a responder, explain that we have a major evolution in progress and ask them not to call back. b. If the responder must speak to the Control Room, transfer him to 236, 237 or 238. Inform the Control Room who is on the line and hang up. c. Answer the next call. .m__
OP-3304 Appendix II Rev. 1 Page 2 5. After about 15 minutes, reinitiate Steps 2 and 3, above. Reoeat ~ ~ ~ this process for Step 3 until all emergency responders have called in or until the Shift Supervisor instructs otherwise. / 6. Reinitiate the plant radio page system on tone 31, 32 and 24 until the Shift Supervisor or his designated alternate instructs other-wise. 7. Notify Harriman Station that a General Emergency has been declared. (Telephone Inform them that they should stay inside until notitied otherwise. /_ 8. Notify the NEPCO Super'intendent of Hydro's family, that a General Emergency has been declared. (Telephone t /_ Inform them that we recommend that they leave the area until notified otherwise. l FINAL CONDITIONS i. 1. Return this sheet to the TSC Coordinator. /__ l l l Completed by: Date/ Time: ,y I t 4 l t i i 9 .) i l l ><--r-- .i m y-w
.. _ ~. 4 OP-3304 Appendix III Rev. 1 i Page 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY - TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR IMMEDIATE ACTIONS 1. Establish voice communications with the control room, using Channel 1 of the plant paging system. 2. Ensure that the Emergency Plan Call List has been activated and that the following staff are represented at the TSC: a. Plant Superintendent / Assistant Plant Superintendent b. Reactor Engineering Supervision / Shift Technical Advisor c. Instrumentation and Control Supervision d. Operations Supervision e. Maintenance Supervision NOTE: 1 A Nuclear Data Link Operator and additional communications operators will be directed to report here. 2 If a release is in progress and incoming per-sonnel are reporting to the TSC actions should be taken to monitor these personnel for contami-3 I nation levels prior to entry. 3. Take over the remaining subsequent actions of the Emergency Director. 4. Take charge of Radiological Evaluations. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS i 4 NOTE: If the emergency classification has changed (escalated) DO NOT duplicate actions in emergency implementing pro-cedures as a result of the transition. Time / Initials 1. Check that incoming personnel have been assigned and that they have signed in on the organization status board. / NOTE: If this condition occurs during backshifts, weekends or holidays, the TSC Coordinator should evaluate what personnel are required to report to the TSC and OSC. 2. Direct the OSC staff to determine the habitability of the TSC, OSC and Control Room in accordance with Appendix VI. / 3. Direct the Nuclear Data Link Operator to activate the NDL system. / 4. Conduct personnel accountability in TSC and Control Room. Check accountability of OSC personnel with OSC Coordinator. If any missing persons are indicated, call for missing per-sonnel over'the plant page system. Prepare for search and J rescue as necessary. / i t .m,~ ~ -4__mo
- ~ -... -.--.>. ~. - ' OP-3304 i Appendix III Rev. 1 l Time / Initials 5. Utilize the information acquired through the activation b' of the NDL system to analyze problems in the area of system ~ i l operations and/or instrumentation and control. / 6. Inform the Emergency Coordinator as to on-site manpower / equip- ] ment needs. / 7. Assign individuals to maintain a communiations link to the EOF, OSC and the Emergency Support Center (YNSD Emergency Center). Those personnel assigned to this function must maintain a log of center activities. / 8. Assume the responsibility for maintaining open communica-tions with the NRC (RED phone). / 9. Periodically update the TSC status board. / l 10. Coordinate accident status information and proposed actions with Yankee NSD Support Center. / 11. Periodically review emergency classification and de-escalate the emergency response in accordance with the appropriate emergency class. / -{ 12. Instruct security to prepare for the arrival of Nuclear Service Division personnel (YAEC), NRC representatives, and State Civil A Defense and/or Public Health Department representatives at the s/ i ~ EOF. / NOTE: Brief incoming NSD and NRC personnel upon arrival to the TSC/ Control Room area. } l 13. When contacted by the Site Recovery Manager, inform him of emer- .i gency cor.ditions and manage emergency reponse actions at the TSC as he directs. / 14. Develop TSC, Control Room and OSC shift schedules and coordinate this effort with the Manpower Assistant. / 15. Establish control room access list and coordinate its implemen-tation. / 16. Direct the TSC organization until such time that the emergency condition has been terminated. / NOTE: Notify emergency personnel in-plant as to the transition of the emergency organization to the recovery organization.
~ _ _ . OP-3304 Appendix III Rev. 1 Time / Initials s 17. Direct plant staff as to appropriate recovery actions required to j restore the plant to a safe condition. / NOTE: The Site Recovery Manager will establish a recovery plan applicable to the plant con-dition. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Assist the Site Recovery Manager in closecut summaries to the following off-site authorities. 3 a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission- / b. State of Vermont / c. State of Massachusetts / 2. Direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state when the Alert con-dition is terminated. / ~ i NOTE: If plant emergency conditions are de-escalating 7 to lower classification, Step 2 SHOULD NOT be implemented. Completed by: Date/ Time: r t i .[ 1 ) 4 l. r .m.._ -~
t APPENDIX IV OP-3304 Rev. 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY - OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER COORDINATOR Time / Initials NOTE: If the OSC staff were directed NOT to activate ~ the OSC, then they would report to the Emergency Coordinator for assignment. 1. The first OSC arrive will establish communications with the TSC and initiate the necessary actions required to support the response effort. i 2. Determine the habitability of the OSC in accordance with Appendix VI, if applicable. 3. Conduct personnel accountability and report those results to the i TSC Coordinator, if possible. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS. 1. Assure that the following staff are represented at the OSC: / a. Maintenance Electrician b. Maintenance Mechanic c. Instrument & Control d. Health Physics e. Chemistry 2. Provide assistance in the investigation or repair of plant systems in the collection of post-accident monitoring samples f'] and in the decontamination of affected plant areas if conditions kJ warrant such action, as directed. / NOTE: No action should be taken unless the TSC Coordinator and/or the Emergency Coordinator have identified a re= entry plan for.its completion AND those personnel [ assigned to this duty are completly aware of the hazards involved. 3. Work in conjunction with the TSC in preparing for operating { shift turnover and relief. / NOTE: All operations relief personnel will be briefed of accident conditions at the OSC prior to shift l turnover FINAL CONDITIONS 4 1. Remain active and manned until terminated by the TSC Coordinator / 2. When terminated, direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state. / 4 e v g m -w w, --w - - - - -,---v,- m-- ~ o
m m J 1 s \\. i APPENDIX V OP-3304 i Rev. 5 s i GENTRAL EMERGENCY - EMERGENCY COORDINATOR 3 g m IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Activati the EOF and contact the TSC Coordinator / Plant Emergency [- obtain a plant status report. /- i x s-2. Assure that the following staff positions have been filled. / a. Coordinators Assistant b. Radiological Evaluation Assistant c. Manpower Assistant 4 d. Communications Assistant i e. Off-site Monitoring Team (8) f. Communications Team (3) g. Sample Analysis Team (4) h. Emergency Medical Team (2) 1. Road Barrier Team (8) j. Log Book Monitor 3. Ensure that the most qualified personnel have been assigned to the EOF management organization. / m i' I 4. Assemble the EOF management staff to initially brief them of L emergency conditions and establish any immediate priority tasks. / 3 NOTE: Periodically call EOF management staff meetings s to ensure that all EOF functions being coordinated g in an efficient / effective manner. '\\ ,s i 5. Periodically confer with the TSC Coordinator lconcerning in plant ' conditions, evaluate the impact of these conditions on current ~ \\ e EOF activities and direct the EOF staff as to appropriate response measures. 1/ _ 6. Coordinate accident information with appropriate off-site authorities. Inform them of projected dose rates, actual plant conditions, field sample results a'nd recommendations concerning emergency actions, if conditions warrant such action via the Nuclear Alert System /_ 1 NOTE: Coordinate protective action recom:nendation with s the responding State officials. Recommendations should be provided based on the prognosis of fa-plant indications and/or on dose projection action s levels specified by EPA Protective Action, Guides. 1 x-7. Notify ANI at Supply as much information as possible. 8. Evaluate the need for re-entry / recovery missions in conjunction with the TSC Coordinator and the Site Recovery Manager if present,. then direct the Radiological Evaluation Assistrat to review and 1 recommend appropriate protective measures required to implement " any re-entry / recovery missions. ,a> /_ ~. t / ~~**s a.m .~....m m . u
m l OP-3304 Appendix V Rev. 1 Time / Initials 8. Periodically confer with the Engineering Support Center staf f 's I concerning the evaluation / interpretation of the on-going emer-gency condition (s) including Public Information needs. / NOTE: The Engineering Support Center staff will make the initial contact. 9. Once the Site Recovery Manager has established the Recovery Center, ensure that he has been provided a complete status report and transfer the responsibility for communication with the Engineering Support Center and Center Management to him. / 10. Based on updated emergency conditions, review and re-evaluate the emergency classification in conjunction with the TSC Coor-dinator/ Site Recovery Manager. / 11. Ensure that the EOF remains active and adequately manned and supplied for the duration of the emergency condition. / NOTE: If it is determined that the center may become uninhabitable, direct EOF manage-ment as to appropriate evacuation measures. 12. If the emergency classification changes, ensure that the EOF management is informed and direct them to modify emergency response actions accordingly and prevent duplication of response actions as a re'sult of the transition in the use of emergency implementing procedures. / ) .. / 13. Ensure that the States of Vermont and Massachusetts are advised of any transition in emergency status if the emergency classi-fication changes. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Ensure that all completed survey and sample analysis forms to the Health Physics Department for review and filing. / 2. Direct that an Emergency Equipment Readiness Check, be conducted. / 3. Complete the " Emergency Plan Incident Report" and distribute copies to: / (1) Plant Superintendent (2) Assistant Plant Superintendent l (3) Technical Director (4) All Department Heads (5) Control Room - Shift Supervisor (6) Plant Health Physicist (7) Manager of Public Information (8) Plant Technical File 9) Manager of Operations Completed by: Date/ Time: 's .)
OP-3304 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-1 GENERAL EMERGENCY - RADIOLOGICAL EVALUATION ASSISTANT Time / Initials Immediate and Subsequent Actions: 1. Appoint a Sample Coordinator who will insure that the following activities are coordinated and that the pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evalu-ation. / a. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the establish-ment of of f-site monitoring teams (i.e., assignment and initial preparation). b. Dispatch off-site monitoring teams to appropriate sampling locations as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assis-tant. c. Direct radio operations, d. Review and evaluate incoming reports from off-site monitoring teams. e. Prioriting the retrieval of the samplers) based upon the initial evaluation. f. Review the need for resampling and/or relocation of the off-site monitoring team with the Radiological Evaluation Assistant. g. Direct Sample Analysis Team members in the establishment of a priorty preparation and samle counting system for retrieved field samples. h. Evaluate the results from the SAM-II analysis for the estimate of thyroid doses. 1. Transfer pertinent SAM-II results to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for review and evaluation. 2. Appoint a Radiation Protection Assistant who will ensure that the following activities are coordinated and that pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evaluation. / a. Direct qualified emergency personnel in the determination of center habitability and the periodic reassessment of center conditions. b. It evacuation of the primary EOF is probable then immediately notify the Radiological Evaluation Assistant and/or the Emer-gency Coordinator. c. Direct the establishment of radiological access and control measures at the EOF. d. Assign and direct personnel for decontamination purposes when applicable. e. Direct personnel in the review and maintenance of emergency exposure records. f. Coordinate exposure / job authorization. 4 r-e ~ wf . ~.,.
- OP-3304 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 Time / Initials
) g. Establish HP re-entry support as directed by the Radiological Evaluation Assistant, h. Coordinate the transfer of personnel dosimetry for nvaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile TLD Van when appli-cable. 3. Appoint an Environmental Sampling Assistant who will insure that the following activities are coordinated and that pertinent results are transferred to the Radiological Evaluation Assistant for evalua-tion. / a. Direct the retrieval of environmental samples. b. Establish a priority system for the evaluation of environmental station (air) sample analysis in con-junection with the Sample Coordinator. c. Evaluate environmental TLD and record the results, when applicable. d. Coordinate the transfer of environmental samples for evaluation to the Environmental Lab and/or the Mobile Environmental Lab Van, when applicable. 4. Evaluate in plant radiological conditions in conjunection with current meterological data, especially, wind speed, wind direction and Delta-T (UPWSAV, UPWDAV and UPDTAV, respectively on the terminal print-out). / 5. Determine the affected downwind direction, evaluate plume transit time, and inform the Sample Coordinator as to the appropriate sampling locations. / 6. Utilizing in plant radiological monitor responses in conjunction with meterological data, estimate the projected downwind dose rates. Report findings to the Emergency Coordinator. / 7. Re-evaluate initial dose rate projections based on in-coming field sample results, interpret these results, update the Emergency Coordinator on these findings and recommend appro-priate protective measures, if necessary. / 8. Based on in plant monitor / survey results, evaluate any re-entry / recovery plans in terms of the projected radiological hazard which could be encountered. / 9. Recommend appropriate protective measures required for re-entry and direct the Radiation Protection Assistant in the establishment of HP support and/or exposure / job authorizat~cn requirements. / h
== -.%,~ .w-we.,
, OP-3304 Appendix V-1 Rev. 1 Time / Initials 10. Periodically evaluate the emergency exposure records in con-junection with manpower requirements. / 11. Maintain response efforts to determine radiological status and be prepared to adjust radiological assessment efforts as conditions change. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Summarize emergency actions and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Update exposure records of plant personnel. / 3. Transfer all sample media appropriately for further analysis, documentation and disposal. / Completed by: Date/ Time: w .s m#.. g
~ OP-3304 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-2 GENERAL EMERGENCY - COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Immediate and Subsequent Actions ' ) 1. Assign and direct emergency personnel in the establishment of continuous communication channels between the TSC, off-site monitoring teams, security and the EOF as follows: / a. One (1) Radio Operator (have him report to Sample Coordinator or Radiological Evaluation Assistant) b. One (1) Radio Operator's Assistant c. One (1) Met. Terminal Operator d. One (1) NDL Terminal Operator e. Two (2) Telephone Operators 2. Direct all communication per'sonnel to record the parties involved, date and time of each incoming or outgoing message by telephone, plant page or radio on a Message Form. / 3. Establish priority system for transfer of recorded messages and ensure that communication personnel promptly reply. / 4. Write all information received in the Emergency Monitoring Log. / 5. Direct personnel in maintaining updated status boards in the EOF. / 6. Dispatch communication personnel to all centers to facilitate emergency response, upon request. / NOTE: If additional personnel are required to fulfill this responsibility, contact the Manpower Assistant and request additional support. 7. If plant communications systems are inadequate to handle the flow of incoming calls, notify the Emergency Coordinator and recommend ad hoc measures. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Collect all message forms, tabulate them in sequential order and provide this documentation to the Emergency Coordinator. / Completed by: Date/ Time: a. I -m, e'=- ++ -* 5 -ebpN qs mag
. ~-.-- .. _ _ = _ .... -. _.=_ __ _. _ __..__.. OP-3304 Rev. 1 i APPENDIX V-3 GENERAL EMERGENCY - MANPOWER ASSISTANT i . Time / Initials Immediate and Subsequent Actions 1. Assure that sufficient personnel to fulfill all emergency functions have been mobilized to maintain continuous emer-gency preparedness. / 2. Review center equipment / supplies and augment resources accordingly. / NOTE: Review Manpower Planning Package. If plant manpower can not provide the necessary per-sonnel, notify the Yankee Engineering Support 3 i Center of the need to get personnel available through the Yankee Mutual Assisyance Plan. Pro-vide Yankee ESC with list of required personnel. 3. Coordinate the activities of the Road Barrier Teams, as i required. / j 4. Coordinate the activities of the Emergency Medical Team, as required. / 5. Coordinate the activities of the Re-Entry Team, as required. / 6. Coordinate security access and control measure with the Security Coordinator. / NOTE: The Security Coordinator will be responsible for organizational control of evacuating personnel and personnel accountability. 7. Establish communications with each emergency center to determine the organizational structure. / 8. Maintain an updated roster of emergency personnel using the Emergency Assignment Chart. / 9. Ensure that one plant member is assigned to activate the Alternate EOF. / 10. Coordinate the distribution of equipment at the EOF. / 11. Establish shift relief schedules. / 12. If evacuation of the primary EOF is probable, coordinate the transfer of personnel to the altnerate EOF as directed by the Emergency Coordinator. / FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to a state of readiness. / Completed by: Date/ Time: f s d r., -4 .em 3 3 ..wv=,.< w -.*s-we-.= --- - m3 ---.-cr---, 7--r--------,- .r e~ - - - -,-m~r- = ' -
. ~ .. -... -. -.. -. -.. -. - - -.. - - - - -~ i OP-3304 Appendix V-4 Rev. 1 APPENDIX V-4 ) GENERAL EMERGENCY - COORDINATORS ASSISTANT IMMEDIATE AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS Time / Initials 1. Function as aide / alternate to the Emergency Coordinator. / 2. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in assigning personnel to emergency duties using the EOF Tag Board (if not done pre-viously). / 3. Coordinate personnel accountability with plant security, con-tact the TSC and inform them of results. If the TSC identifies missing personnel, coordinate search and rescue with the TSC and OSC. / 4. If there are any injured personnel, assign Emergency Medical Response Personnel to administer first aid and prepare the j patient for transfer to the North Admads Regional Hospital, if hospitalization is required. (See " Medical Emergency" proce-dures). / 5. If hospitalization is required: a. Call the ambulance (see Contact List). Advise the ambul-l ance service of the location of the desired pickup. / \\)_/ ? b. Provide the North Adams Regional Hospital Nursing Sup-t ervisor (see Contact List) with the following information before the patient arrives at the hospital: / (1) Number of accident victims (name if possible) (2) Naure of medical problem (s) (3) Anticipcted time of arrival at the hospital. (4) Radiologiuul considerations including, as applicable, the site of contamination, isotope and activity present. If no contamination problems exist so indicate. 4 (5) Name of person (s) escorting victims. e. Transfer the patient (s) to the ambulance. If the patient is contaminated, assign a Health Physics representative to accompany-or meet him at the hospital to maintain radio-logical controls. / d A k 4 1 1 i w e, v m,< gc ~e ~> .m -w. s ~- -vr w-iyt wa--mp.-c-we.-+--- --srv w ,y--, c. ,.my-y, - -,-i.-. - --4m-v --F-^- tw+
-,. - ~ -. _. -.. =. -. i i 2-OP-3304 Appendix V-4 Rev. 1 Time / Initials l 6. Provide briefings to incoming emergency personnel as to the accident status and direct them to appropriate assembly I areas. / l 7. Coordinate entry of TSC/OSC support personnel to the plant when necessary. / 8. Assistant the Emergency Coordinator in coordinating the inter-face with State and Federal agency emergency response personnel at the EOF. / l 9. If evacuation of the primary EOF is probable, coordinate the transfer of equipment to the alternate EOF as directed by the Emergency Coordinator. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Coordinate the return of emergency equipment and supplies to l a state of readiness. / 4 Completed by: Date/ Time: 1 a l i e ) f 1 h
- i
~ - we w a .s,- .-~_~.-..~ww.y --wn -n--s s v.e,y -r s e-t .,r ~ m -- a e. -w.- . - -.,r-, e- ---,er-r-. --e -- - -.-.-e > -. --- ~
OP-3304 Appendix VI Rev. 1 APPENDIX VI RADIOLOGICAL HABITABILITY ASSESSMENT ') Time / Initials Immediate and Subsequent Act!ons 1. Perform the Radiological Monitoring Assessment section of the Emergency Radiation Exposure Control procedure. / 2. Obtain a RM-14, survey instrument and air sampler. Perform the necessary function checks on the instrumentation. / 3. Monitor conditions in the area (s) assigned: / Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Emergency Operations Facility Other areas. 4. Place a high range pocket dosimeters in a representative location or locations at each center. / 5. Complete the " Emergency Conditions Radiological Assessment ^ Form" and report findings to the TSC Coordinator or EOF Coordinator, or their assistant. / ) NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side unless otherwise provided. FINAL CONDITIONS 1. Collect all forms and forward to the Plant Radiation Protection Department. - Completed by: Date/ Time: 3
- =. .. =. h I e OP-3304 ] Appendix VII Rev. 2 I APPENDIX VII SITE RECOVERY MANAGER t Immediate and Subsequent Actions l Time / Initials 1. Assume the overall responsibility for the emergency response organization and all response efforts. I This should be accomplished after first making sure the Emer-gency Coordinator, Emergency Director and the Technical Sup-port Center Coordinator are informed of the transfer of re-sponsibility. They in turn should be instructed to make their staffs aware of the transfer. / Coordinate with the Emergency Coordinator as to the need for 2. ~ the Recovery Manager to become involved with interfacing with the off-site state and federal authorities. Inform the off' site agency representatives of any transfer. / 3. Assess plant conditions as reported by the response organiza-tion and direct that all needed response efforts are addressed. / ^: NOTE: Review re-entry / recovery actions required during I the emergency and direct the response organization as to the appropriate actions. 4. Insure that manpower planning is being conducted to provide for response efforts over an extended period. / 5. Review and approve periodic news releases prepared by the Mana-ger of Public Information. / 6. Request and direct the use of needed outside support for recov-i ery operations. / l 7. Resolve issues concerning operating license requirements with NRC representatives. / 8. Devise a recovery plan applicable to the plant condition (s) following the termination of the emergency phase. / l 9. Reach agreement with off-site authorities on the official termi-j nation of the emergency. / i i I I l l t =5 v, g- - - ** .weeme - -.. mg m + e.- e--. ew= p.- l
OP-3304 Appendix VII Rev. 2 Page 2 .m 10. Close out the event by verbal summary to the off-site authorities and provide a written summary of the event to the off-site author-ities indicated below: a. NRC / b. State of Vermont / c. State of Massachusetts / SE De-escalate the emergency classification based on changing plant conditions. Completed by: Date/ Time: / h 1 .. s
_. _ _.__.. \\ ~* EMERGENCY CONDITIONS RADIGI.0GICAL ASSESSMENT FORM Date: Time: Location of Sampling: DATA Maximum Dose Rate (W.B.) Average Dose Rate (W.B.) Air Sample Results Thyroid Dose Rate (from air sample data and OP-3330, Appendix V) Recommended Action (from sampling information and specifications in Appendix V, OP-3330, " Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) Comments: NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on reverse side unless otherwise provided for. Surveyor Date OPF-3304.2 Rev. 1
..__. _ __._. \\ YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY EMERGENCY PLAN INCIDENT REPORT Date: Time: 1. Description of incident. (Describe briefly)- 2. Summary of initial conditions found. (Injuries, damage and/or radiological conditions at the scene of the emer-gency). 3. Summary of corrective actions taken. 4. Recommendations to prevent recurrence, or minimize effects of similar future incidents. Plant Emergency Director / Emergency Coordinator Date OPF-3304.3 Original .. ~. ,,..._._--.m__,,,yg}}