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Forwards Ssar Markup Addressing Item 9.4.1(1) of 930525 Telcon Re Control Bldg HVAC
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 05/26/1993
From: Fox J
To: Poslusny C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9306030079
Download: ML20044G431 (12)


'. GE Nuclear Energy


aevet on:nc cm.v 175 De wer, Sr .icsc. CA 95??:

May 26,1993 Docket No. STN 52-001 Chet Poslusny, Senior Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate Associate Directorate for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Review Schedule - Control Building IIVAC

Dear Chet:

Enclosed is a SSAR markup addressing Item 9.4.1(1) of our May 25,1993 conference call ~

pertaining to control building HVAC.

Please provide a copy of this transmittal to Butch Burton.

Sincerely, M Y Jack Fox Advanced Reactor Programs cc: Gary Ehlert (GE)

Norman Fletcher (DOE) 020014 nv>m 1


9306030079 930526 l' PDR ADDCK'05200001 A ppg ,

. 4

' General Electric Company ABM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 23A6100AE St'andard Plant amm nem a Table 31.3-4 Thermodynamic Environment Conditions Inside Turbine Building Plant Normal Operating Conditions (a) Pressure, temperature and relative humidity Plant Zone / Typical Pressure Tempe,rature Relative Equipment kg/cm*g C Humidity coa ., s g j" CarrkI &,lel,mhad,:hcas Megitm -0 Max. 40 Max. 90 Min.10 Min.10 j %ehangccmom, eleohmal-egyM3

[ Fig's.1.2-15/ 9.2-la]

l ced Main control,# computer Max.& So Max. 60 f cooms -0 bm:crj and !!'/AC rac Min.91- Io Min.10

[ Fig's.1.2-15/18c.7-1]

l co a+ ro ! B w . id,<,3 14vac .x  % Ao M o =to Eq.,,pom a+ % m; Min 5 Mm to Notes: Svfs t.2-15/9.a- t,3 (1) Afat. will occur in summer and Afin. in winter. The periodfor which temperature and humidity reach Afar. or Afin. simultaneously will be less than 1%. For other time, temperature and humidity will be in the middle of Afax. or Afin.

(2) The indicated positive or negative pressure will be maintained. Pressure difference will not be controlled.

31.3-5 Amendment 21 I

General Dertne Company

'. AB%R Standard Plant PROPRIETARY INFORMATION am m 23A6100AE nev n Table 31.318 -

Thermodynamic Environment Conditions inside Control Ilullding Plant Accident Conditions (a) Pressure, temperature and relative humidity Plant Zone / Typical Pressup Tempraturt Relative Equipment kg/cm g C llumidity Cortful S.lcling (r>+cdberww i

vitCW"iruin~p and heat-exchangec- + 0(1) Max.4 Lo Max. 90 l notes) room [ Fig's. 1.2-15/9.2-laj Min.10 and Main controlhcomputer, +0 5) Max.-26 30 Max. 60 TLsunj eod : V/sG rooms Min. 21

[ Fig's.1.2-15/18C.7-1]

co,rfn>l B u,4,og MVAc +o O M

  • 5 'o M <m rto f:


(4) Tornado missle barriers provided for intake and E Regulatory Gulie 1.52 Compliance Status exhaust structures. g The control .,om ESF filter trains comply with Power Generation Design Basis all applicable provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.52, c m., u., c ,.yq . - - -. a u ~" (1) The HVAC system is designed to provide an 5cc A n C. environment with controlled temperature during The revisions of ANSI N509 and N510 listed in normal operation to ensure the comfort and Table 1.8-21 are used for ABWR ESF fliter train safety of plant personnel and the integrity of the design; the Regulatory Guide references older essential electrical and RCW equipment.

revisions of these standards.

(2) The system is designed to facilitate periodic The control room ESF filter trains are in inspection of the principal system components.

l compliance with the system design criteria,ew f ^.. . .. ., 2 t

. 4.i.2

ABWR 23^62m^n Rev.B

'. Standard Plant (3) Design outside air temperature for the MCon+ g cal



y- -  : danger building HVAC system are 115 F during the summer and -40 F during winter.

_ M) Desgn \nside as e 4 cytredoco, System Description ko r +})t essentd elec4%d


m The essential electrical HVAC system is divided NVA C sgstern 5 Q*c g 4 Sumer R j into 3 independent subsystems with each subsystem

' serving a designated area. Each Subsystem serve as g g*

d M. '" 4 E essential electrical heat exchanger equipment HVAC l for Divisions A, B, C, and D.

The control building essential eletrical HVAC system flow rates are given in Table 9.4-3, and system component descriptions are given in Table 9.4-4. Safety Related Subsystem 1 Subsystem I specifically serves:

(1) Safety-related battery room 1, (2) Essential chiller room A, l (3) RCW water pump and heat exchanger room A, (4) HVAC equipment room,


(5) Safety-related electrical equipment room, (6) Passages, (7) Non-essential battery room, (8) Non-essential electrical equipment rooms.

A 94-13 Amendment 21 i

. 23A6100All

' Standard Plant wn 9.4.5 Reactor Building Ventilation System System Description (3j The reactor building HVAC system is composed The reactor building secondary containment V of the following subsystems: HVAC system P&lD is shown Figure 9.4-3. The system flow rates are given in Table 9.4-3, and the (1) Secondary Containment HVAC System system component descriptions are given in Figure 9.4-3. The HVAC system is a once-through type.

(2) Essential Equipment HVAC System (14) Outdoor air if filtered, tempered and delivered to the secondary containment. The supply air system (3) Non-Essential Equipment HVAC System (8) consists of a medium grade filter, a heating coil, a cooling coil, and three 50% supply fans located in the (4) Essential Electrical Equipment HVAC System turbine building. Two are normally operating and (3) the other is on standby. The supply fan furnished conditioned air through ductwork and registers to (5) Essential Diesel Generator HVAC System (3) the equipment rooms and passages. The exhaust air system pulls the air from the rooms through (6) Drywell Purge Supply / Exhaust System ductwork, filters end monitors the air for radioactivity and exhausts out the plant stack.

(7) Mainsteam/Feedwater Tunnel HVAC System Safety Evaluation (8) Reactor InternM Pump Control Panel Room Operation of the secondary containment HVAC Secondary Containment liVAC Systrm system is not a prerequisite to assurance of either of the following: Design Bases (1) integrity of the reactor coolant pressure Safety Design Bases boundary, or A

The secondary containment HVAC system has no (2) capability to safely shut down the reactor and safety-related function as defined in Section 3.2. to maintain a safe shutdown condition.

Failure of the system does not compromise any safety-related equipment or component and does not However, the system does incorporate features prevent safe reactor shutdown. Provisions are incor- that provide reliability over the full range of normal porated to minimize release of radioactive plant operation. The following signals automatically substances to atmosphere and to prevent operator isolate the secondary containment HVAC system:


(1) secondary containment high radiation signal, Power Generation Design Bases (2) refueling floor high radiation signal, The secondary containment HVAC system is de-signed to provide an environment with controlled (3) drywell pressure high signal, temperature and airflow patterns to insure both the comfort and safety of plant personnel and the integ- (4) reactor water levellow signal, and rity of equipment and components.

(5) secondary containment HVAC supply / exhaust The secondary containment is maintained at a neg- fans stop, ative pressure with respect to atmosphere.

On a smoke alarm in a division of the secondary The system design is based on outdoor summer containment HVAC system, the HVAC system shall conditions of 115 F, outdoor winter conditions of be put into smoke removal mode. To remove smoke

-40"F. em . ...c me k =! ::incd a, qccih4- from the secondary containment, the standby exhaust

' ^ pprnd!: 3! -

. and supply fans are started to provide an increase in air flow through the secondary containment. The t

e Amendment 22 9A2C L t. Sg5 h rn chcu gn gs hetsed Vf06 An Indoor Su rri m e r co nk % n s of Ao'c , : L' __:

% Abo *C c4 s n th c Co n O Na o n3 ok mic/c ,

M 23A6100All

'. Standard Plant nev. s 3

medium. The units are fed from the same divisional section. Divisional RCW is used as the cooling ,

power as that for the equipment being served. Space medium. The units are fed from the same divisional  ;

temperature is maintained as specified in Appendix power as that for the pump being served. Space tem-  ;

31. Humidity is not specifically maintained at a set perature is maintained as specified in Appendix 31. j range, but is automatically determined by the surface Humidity is not specifically maintained at a se't temperature of the cooling coil. Drain pan discharge range, but is automatically determined by the surface (condensate) is routed to a drain sump located temperature of the cooling coil. Drain pan discharge .

within the room. (condensate)is routed to a drain sump located within the room. FCS Room HVAC Systems .> Safety Evaluation Cooling of the FCS rooms are initiated upon the -!

following signals: All equipment is located completely in a Seismic  ;

Category I structure that is tornado-missile and flood I (1) Radiation High protected. All equipment is designed to Engineered Safety Feature requirements.  ;

(2) Drywell Pressure High Inspection and Testing Requirements (3) Reactor Water Level Low, and The HVAC systems are periodically tested to (4) FCS Start signal. assure availability upon demand. Equipment layout provides easy access for inspection and testing.

These rooms are cooled by the secondary contain-ment HVAC system during normal conditions. The Instrumentation Application units are open ended and continuously recirculate cooling air within the space served.- Space heat is re. Instrumentation and controls for the essential moved by cooling water passing through the coil sec- equipment HVAC systems are designed for auto-tion. Divisional RCW is used as the cooling matic operation. Also, manual override from medium. The units are fed from the same divisional push-button stations in the main control room and -

power as that for the FCS being served. Space on the unit is provided.

temperature is maintained as specified in Appendix

31. Humidity is not specifically maintained at a set .,

range, but is automatically determined by the surface RWw LQ,q Sn-esserfba3 WAC temperature of the cooling coil. Drain pan discharge 9.4.53 ?"r 5" n! 7 ... C:t! h::' ? r-  :

(condensate) is routed to a drain sump located * .C S p ':: ; within the room. Design Bases .; FPC, SGTS, and CAMS HVAC Systems , Safety Design Bases Cooling of the FPC, SGTS, and CAMS rooms are initiated upon the following signals: The non-essential HVAC system has no l safety-related function as defined in Section 3.2. l

- (1) Radiation High Failure of the system does not compromise any i safety-related or component and does not prevent i

(2) Drywell Pressure High, and safe reactor shutdown. Power Generation Design Bases (3) Reactor Water Level Low. i These rooms are cooled by the secondary contain- The non-essential HVAC system is designed to 1

! ment HVAC system during normal conditions. The provide an environment with controlled temperature  !

units are open ended and continuously recirculate ' and humidity to insure both the comfort and safety cooling air within the space served. Space heat is re- of plant personnel and the integrity of equipment moved by cooling water passing through the coil and components.

9 A2e  ;

Amendment 22 1

l l

ABWR 23^6100^11 Standard Plant Rev H i

g, the integrity of essential electrical equ:pment. The are started manually from a station located in the control room. Airflow failure sensed by the flow O g system is designed to facilitate periodic inspection of dcEj the principal system components. switch automatically starts the standby fan and acti-vates an alarm in the control room to indicate the fan failure.

f m'

The system design is based on outdoor summer conditions of 115 F, outdoor winter conditions of

-40 F. fpr tempe atre k.usimai=d = :p=%d Temperature control is done by monitoring eeMe4 k air temperature after the cooling coils. A target j 4 AprE?! y temperature and flow rate are maintained. If chilled o- r

? System D(scription air temperatu-e is too high, the HECW temperature

.#. $8 and or flow rate is adjusted.

$ 8 Divisions 1,2, and 3 essential electrical equipment Essential Diesel Generator HVAC System 7 k.g HVAC systems are identical except for their power 0O bus designations and source of cooling water. The f HVAC system for each division of essential electrical

$ j g $ equipment consists of two 100% capacity supply fans, Design Bases 0C

$7 3 2 n two 100% capacity exhaust fans, one recirculation Safety Design Bases

  • 'o e units. Each recirculation units consists of a medium o U ! grade filter and a cooling coil. See Figure 9.4-3 for The essential diesel generator HVAC systems P&ID are shown in Figure 9.4-6. The essential

.[ j & t the system P&lD. See Table 9.4-4 for the F -c component descriptions. The divisional rooms are diesel generator HVAC system flow rates are given C cooled by each division of essential electrical in Table 9.4-3 and the system component descrip-u equipment HVAC: tions are given in Table 9.4-4. The essential diesel generator HVAC system is designed to provide fresh (1) day tank room, air to ensure the continued operation of safety related diesels under accident conditions. The power (2) diesel generator room, supplies to the ventilation systems for the essential

/ diesel generator allow uninterrupted operation in the

\ (3) diesel generator control panel room, event of loss of normal offsite power.

(4) electrical equipment room, and The system and components are located in a Scis-mic Category I structure that are tornado-missile and (5) HVAC equipment room. flood protected, including tornado missile barriers on intake and exhaust structures. Safety Evaluation For compliance with code standards and regulatory All equipment is located in a Seismic Category I guides, see Sections 3.2 and 1.8.

structure that is tornado-missile and flood protected.

All equipment is designed to Engineered Safety Fea- For information on fire protection and smoke ture requirements. removal methods fro the essential diesel HVAC systems, see Subsection and Inspection and Testing Requirements Power Generation Design Bases The systems are designed to permit periodic in-spection of important components, such as fans, The system is designed to provide fresh air to motors, belts, coils, filters, ductwork, piping, and ensure the integrity of the essential diesel generators.

valves to assure the integrity and capability of the The system is designed to facilitate periodic inspec.

system. Standby components can be tested periodi- tion of the principal system components.

cally to ensure system availability. System Description Instrumentation Application The HVAC for each diesel generator consists of a The essential electrical equipment HVAC systems filter and two supply fans and associated ductwork.

g The both take air from the outside and distribute it


Amendment 22 9.4-28

ABWR 2 m mxn wn

. Standard Plant to the diesel generators. The exhaust air is forced System Description out the exhaust louvers.

> The containment purge supply / exhaust system Safety Evaluation consists of the purge supply fan, a HEPA filter, a purge exhaust fan, ductwork, and controls. The The diesel generator rooms are designed to the re. containment purge supply / exhaust system P&lD is quirements specified in Section 3.2. The systems are shown in Figure 9.4 3.

connected to their corresponding division Class 1E bus and are operable after loss of offsite power The purge system, when in use and if the air is not supply. radioactive, discharges to the secondary containment HVAC system for filtering and exhausting out the The intake louvers are located at 18.5m (37.7ft) plant stack. If the air is radioactive it is discharged above grade and exhaust louvers are at 13.1m (20ft) through the SGTS system. During refueling, the air above grade. (See general arrangement drawing, purge rate should be up to 3 times the containment Figure 1.2-11 and 1.2-12). free volume. Tests and Inspection The containment purge supply / exhaust system takes its air supply from the secondary containment HVAC The ventilation systems are periodically tested to system supply. (See Figure 9.4-3).

assure availability upon demand. Equipment layout provides easy access for inspection and testing. St.fety Evaluation Instrumentation Application Operation of the containment purge supply /

exhaust system is not required to assure either of the The ventilation system is interlocked with the following conditions:

diesel generator starting system with which it serves.

(1) Integrity of the reactor coolant pressure bound-ary, or

/ ate. manual override are provided from the (2) capability to safely shut down the reactor and to maintain a safe shutdown condition, (yne memd fontrol startgLor stopped room at any time. is provided so that fans can be However, the system does incorporate features that Containment Supply / Exhaust System provide reliability over the full range of normal plant operations. Design Bases Inspection and Testing Requirements Safety Design Bases The containment purge supply / exhaust system is The containment purge supply / exhaust system has designed to facilitate implementation of a program of 4

no safety-related function as defined in Section 3.2. periodic inspection to assure proper function and reli-Failure of the system does not compromise any ability of all equipment and controls.

safety.related component and does not prevent safe reactor shutdown. Provisions are incorporated to Instrumentation minimize release of radioactive substances to atmo-sphere. A radiation monitoring system is provided to detect high radiation in the containment purge exhaust. A Power Generation Design Bases high-radiation signal actuates an alarm and closes the isolation valve in the exhaust ducts. The SGTS can be The containment purge supply / exhaust system then be started.

shall be capable of supplying filtered air to the atmospheric control system (ACS), and exhausting air from the ACS system out the plant vent stack.

9 A2h Amendment 22

ABWR 23^62m^n Rev.H

. Standard Plant Mainsteam/Feedwater Tunnel IIVAC is inspected periodically to assure that all operating equipment and controls are functioning properly.

D System Standby components are periodically tested to ensure Design Bases that the standby equipment is operational. Safety Design Bases Instrumentation Application The mainsteam/feedwater tunnel HVAC system The mainsteam/feedwater tunnel HVAC system has no safety.related function as defir,ed in Section starts manually. A flow switch installed in the operat-3.2. Failure of the system does not compromise any ing fan discharge ductwork automatically starts the safety-related component and does not prevent safe standby fan on indication of operating fan failure.

reactor shutdown. Provisions are incorporated to mimmize release of radioactive substances to atmo- Reactor Internal Pump Control Panel Room sphere and to prevent operator exposure. Design Bases Power Generation Design Bases Safety Design Bases The mainsteam/feedwater tunnel HVAC system is designed to provide an environment with controlled The reactor internal pump control panel room temperature and airflow patterns to ensure both the HVAC system has no safety-relt.ted function as de-comfort and safety of plant personnel and the integ- fined in Section 3.2. Failure of the system does not rity of equipment and components. compromise any safety-related or component and does not prevent safe reactor shutdown. System Description Pnwer Generation Design Bases See Figure 9.4-3 for the P&ID of the mainsteam/feedwater tunnel HVAC system. The The reactor internal pump control panel room HVAC system is a closed system.Two fan coil units HVAC system is designed to provide an environment provide cooling to the steam tunnel. Each fan coil with controlled temperature and humidity to insure

'A unit consists of a cooling coil, and two fans. One fan both the comfort and safety of plant personnel and the is normally operating,with one on standby. The fan integrity of equipment and components.

furnishes cooled air through ductwork and registers to various locations within the steamtunnel. System Description Safety Evaluation Divisions 1 and 2 reactor internal pump control panel room HVAC systems are identical. The HVAC l Operation of the mainsteam/feedwater tunnel system for each division of the reactor internal pump HVAC system is not a prerequisite to assurance of control panel room consists of two supply fans, and a either of the following: cooling / heating coil. See Figure 9.4-5 for the system P&lD. The reactor internal pump panel room HVAC (1) integrity of the reactor coolant pressure bound- system flow rates are shown in Table 9.4-3, and the ary, or system component descriptions are given in Table 9.4-4.

(2) capability to safely shutdown the reactor and to maintain a safe shutdown condition. Safety Evaluation However, the system does incorporate features that Operation of the reactor internal pump control panel l provide reliability over the full range of normal plant room HVAC system is not a prerequisite to assurance of either of the following: l operation. Inspection and Testing Requirements (1) Integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, or The mainsteam/feedwater tunnel HVAC system 94-2i Amendment 23

ABWR 23^6tman

- Standard Plant Rev.B



(2) capability to safeiy shut down the reac!or and to maintain a safe shutdown condition.

However, the system does incorporate features that provide reliability over the full range of normal plant operation.

On an alarm of exhaust fan or supply fan failure, the standby fan is automatically started, and an alarm is sounded inside the control room indicating fan failure. Inspection The system is designed to permit periodic inspection of important components, such as fans, motors, belts, coils, and valves, to assure the integrity and capability of the system. Instrument Application The reactor internal pump ce ntrol panel room HVAC systems we started manually from a station located in the control room. Air flow failure sensed by the flow switch automatically starts the standby fan and activates an alarm in the control room to indicate the fan failure.


[) Amendment 22 9 4-218