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Responds to Request for Addl Info & Clarifications Re Model 660.Type B Certificate Should Be Conditioned to Allow Transport of Both Old Model 660 Described in 1974 Application & New Model 660 Described in Latest Application
Person / Time
Site: 07109033
Issue date: 04/24/1990
From: Roughan C
To: Macdonald C
NUDOCS 9005070027
Download: ML20042E962 (25)


{{#Wiki_filter:r 4 3 - o 4 Anersham Corporation 40 North Avenue Burlington, Massachusett. 01803 Telephone (017) 272 2000. h 24 April'1990 Mr. Charles MacDonald, Chief i Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation NMSS US Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 4E4 i Washingtcn, DC 20555

Dear Mr. MacDonald:

In response to your request for additional information and clari-i fications concerning; docket number 71-9033, I submit the follow-ing information: Drawings i l. The drawing showing the A424-9 style source assembly is enclosed. This more accurately reflects the source assembly that is approved for use'in the 660. 2. Revised copies of ' the descriptive assembly are enclosed. These have been updated to reference the-manufacturing procedure and density of foam used. The only welds that are used on the 660 are the 12 spot wolds on the seam of - the bottom of the exposure device, we have-referenced the applicable welding code for these on the descriptive assem-bly. Acceptance Tests l. I have revised section 8 to:show the acceptance tests that are performed on the final product to assure it was manufac-tured in accordance with drawing 660254 Structural Tests 1. The major change to the 660 package design is the modified lock assembly as described in the application. This has been successfully ' subjected to, the structural tests' (free drop, puncture test) as. described in the application. .1 7/ 4033 i 9005070027 900424 PDR ADOCK 07109033 Amersham nW

Since tho initia cpprevc1 of tha Mudol 660 cc c Typ3 D p cktg3 in.1974 thoro hiva be:n minor modifientions to th3 shield which have resulted in changes to the gross weight from 48 lbs to 53 lbs as recorded on the descriptive assen.- bly.' The successful completion of the drop and puncture test as described in the application show ~ that the slight increase in weight has no effect on the safety performance i of the package. Minor changes include i 1) The shell of the 660 is manufactured from stainless steel with an unpainted finish and 1 2) The placement of labels has changed as indicated in the l drawings enclosed, to allow for placement of DOT labels-with out obscuring required information.- These two changes do not affect the safety ' performance of the package. 3) We are also requesting that the capacity of the 660 be increased to 140 curies of Ir-192 based on satisfactory ' radiation profile results as shown in section 5. t 2. Changes have been made to indicate the proper gross. weight of the package (53 lbs) and the shield (37 lbs). These have been enclosed as revised pages. 3. The 30 foot drop and puncture test reports.have been rewrit ten to more accurately reflect the orientation during the drop. Photographs showing the resulting damage are en-closed. I have enclosed revised pages to reflect the above changes and clarifications. These should be inserted into the original application as described in the revision instructions. Since the 10 CFR Part 34 rule is effective on January 10, 1992, we will begin manufacturing the modified lock assembly as soon as we roccive NRC approval. The Part 34 rule requires' that-all equipment that does not meet the rule (ie automatic securing l mechanism) in January 1996 must be taken out of use. Due to this rule there will be Model 660's in use that will not have the modified lock assembly until January 1996. We request that the Type B Certificate be conditioned to allow the transport of both the.old Model 660 described in our application dated 1974 and the new Model 660 as described in this application. ) i s

^ I truct thic contnins all. tha infermation n:csscory to continus .ysur rcview. I cpprcciate your cxpeditiouc consid:rotion of thic application. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, Nok$ W Cathleen M. Roughan Radiation Safety Officer CMR137/tjf Enclosures CMR137/tjf l 4 '4 \\ 1 I

w Revision Instructions t Remoye Page Insert Page 3a-3c 3a-3c Rev 2; 3d-31 4 Revision 1 4 Revision 2 3 Revision 1 3 Revision 2 12b-e 12b-h Revision 2 42 Revision 1 42 Revision 2 43 Revision 1 43 Revision 2 i l I l I ( l

y l 1 4 1.3 APPENDIX Drawings 66025 sheets 1-3 Rev c 66001-18 66001-19 66001-24 66001-9 66001-10 A424-9 I 1 i l -f I Revision 2 April 1990 I p,g, 3 l i

1.3 APPENDIX Drawings: 66025 sheets 1-3 Rev c 66001-18 66001-19 66001-24 66001-9 66001-10 Ar.24-9 e 'l i I i 8' i l - j. Revision 2 Apri1 1990 Page 3 1 . Il

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l (.: SECTION 2 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION 2.1 Structural Design 2.1.1 Discussion The Model 660 is comprised of five structural components:- a source capsule, source holder assembly, shield assembly, outer housing assembly and locking assembly. The source capsule is the-primary containment vessel. It satisfies the criteria for special form radioactive material. The shield assembly provides shielding for the radioactive material and, together with the source holder assembly and locking assembly, assures proper positioning of the radioactive source. The outer housing is fabricated.from 1.5 mm (0.060 in) thick 3 stainless steel. The housing provides the structural integrity of the-package. The lockbox assembly secures the source holder assembly in the i shielded position at the center of the source tube and assures positive clcsure, i 2.1.2 Design Criteria The Model 660 is designed to comply with the requirements for Type B(U) packaging as prescribed by 10 CFR 71 and IAEA Safety Ser.jun No. 6 1973 Revised Edition (as amended). All design criteria are evaluated by a straightforward application-of the appropriate section i of 10 CFR 71 or IAEA Safety Series No. 6. 2.2 Weights and Centers of Gravity The total mass of the Model 660 is 24 kg (53 lbs). The shield assembly consists of 17 kg(37 lbs) of depleted uranium. The center of i gravity is located approximately in the center of the device. l 2.3 Mechanical properties of Materials The outer housing of the Model 660 is fabricated from stainless steel. This material has a yield strength of 207 MPa (30,000. psi). Drawings for the source capsules used in conjunction with the Model 660 are enclosed in Section 2.10. These source capsules are fabricated from titanium or stainless steel. 4 Revision 2 d 4)ril 1990 f

TEST REPORT 4 BY: Cathleen Roughan Dave Duncanson DATE 13 October 1989


Model 660 Free Drop Test on 29 September 1989, a prototype Model 660 package modified with the automatic securing mechanism was subjected to a free drop test in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 71. 73 ( c ) (1) and IAEA Safety Series No. 6, paragraph 719(a). This test was performed at Valley Tree Service, Groveland, MA. The ambient 0 temperature was approximately 50 F with normal humidity. The Model 660 package was dropped from a height of 9.1 meters (30 feet) onto a target. The target consisted of a concrete cube, each side measuring 1.2m (48 inches) upon which had been wet floated a steel plate 0.9m (36 inches) wide, 0.9m (36 inches)- long and 25mm (one inch) thick. This target conforms to the guidance for an essentially unyielding surface as prescribed in paragraph 7.01 of IAEA Safety series No. 37. The package struck the target with the center of gravity over the locking assembly as shown in the drawing. This caused the pack-age to strike at a 450 angle, impacting the bottom edge of the l locking assembly. I i As a result of this test, there was no impairment of any design j or safety features of the package. There was no structural damage to the locking assembly or package closure. There was no release of the package contents. photographs showing the damage are httached to this test report. A shielding ef ficiency test performed subsequent to the comple-tion of the Model 660 test program demonstrated that. the free drop tests did not reduca the shielding efficiency of.the pack-i age. 8 REVISION 1 FEBRUARY 1990 I i l l I i l 12-b ' Revision 2 { April 1990 J

-c-t a l MODEL 6G0 Y 1 FREE FALL TARGET GTnFn6 F. CDr1CMt. E T 4 CUSE l.2m a 1.Em r f.2m WITH A STEEL PLATE 0.9m a 0.9m a Mmm THR-WET FLO4 TID Off TOP MT (9.M MM) 1 ,) t v FREE FAllTARGET 6 1 i VOIL660 rREE cal-~E7( J 12-C Revision 2. Aprl1 1990 -_- 1

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TEST REPORT BY: Cathleen M. Roughan . Dave Duncanson t DATE: 2 March 1990


Model 660 Puncture Test on 29 September 1989, a prototype Model 660 modified with the automatic securing mechanism was subjected to a puncture ter,t in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 71.73(c) (2) and IAEA. safety Series No. 6, paragraph 719(b). This test was performed at Valley Tree Service, Groveland, MA. Immediately following the free drop test, the prototype Model 660 package was dropped from a height of one meter onto a target. The target consisted of a right circular cylindrical steel, billet-152mm (6 inches) in diameter and 203mm (8 inches) high mounted onto the target used in the free drop tests. During tne drop, the package impacted the target squarely on the shipping cap of the locking assembly. There was no observable additional deformation as a result of this drop. As a result of these tests, there was no impairment of any dertign or safety features of the package. There was no structural damage to the locking assembly or package closure. There was no release of the package contents. A shielding efficiency test performed subsequent to completion of the Model 660 test program demonstrated that these puncture test did not reduce the shielding efficiency of the package. A second puncture test on the same package that was subjected to-the previous tests, was conducted on March 2, 1990 to assess the impact of a 450 drop on the puncture bar. l The steel billet described above was set on an essentially yield-ing surface (a 4 foot by 4 foot by 1/2 inch thick steel plate on l a concrete slab 20 feet by 20 feet by 3 feet thick. The 660 was dropped from a height of one meter on the target. The 660 lock assembly hit the puncture bar on 450 at the edge of the puncture bar. Since this was not a solid impact with the entire weight of the. container over the lock assembly we conduct-ed another puncturo. test. l l F l 12-E Revision 2 April 1990

In-th7 nccond puncturo tcst tha lock ass mbly impactcd a 450 -in th] middlo of th] puncturo bar. In this toot th9 weight of the 660 was over the lock assembly.. As a result of this test there was only. minor damage to the package as indicated in the photo-graphs. The lock assembly was still secured to the package with no movement of the lock assembly. The cumulative damage due to both the 30 foot drop test and the 3 puncture tests was minimal and did not impair the structural integrity of the package. A shielding evaluation indicated there was no increase in radiation levels. 4 ) i 1 l W \\ I i 12-F Revision 2 j April 1990 l k 11

[- q 1 j 0 MODEL 660 /.\\ %F i ? i 7 EEL BILLET / 150uu (sin.) OIA Q Jt00MM(8In) HsGH t TARGET OF -TFREE FALL 7EST l 1 i i / 6 M0]EL 660 PUNCTURE TE5J i 12g REVISION 2 April 1990~ ( /

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i 3 l l SECTION 8 l' ~ ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM t 8.1 Acceptance Tests r 8.1.1 Visual Inspection The package is visually examined to assure that the appropriate fasteners.are properly seal wired. The package is inspecteu to assure that the proper marking and labeling is present as indicated in draw-i p ings. The seal weld of the radioactive source capsule is visually inspected l for proper closure. The package is inspected to assure it was manufactured in accordance withdrawing 66025. 8.1.2 Structural and pressure Tests i The swage coupling between the source capsule and cable is subjected to a static tensile test with a load of one hundred pounds. 8.1.3 Leak Tests ( .The radioactive source capsule, which serves as'the primary containment, is wipe tested for leakage of radioactive contamination. The source capsule is subjected to a vacuum bubble leak test. These i tests are described in Section 7.5.1. Failure of either of these I tests will prevent use of this source assembly. 1 l 8.1.4 Component tests Thelockassemblyofthepackageistestedtoassurethatthesecbrity I of the source will be maintained. A simulated (dummy) source assembly A is installed in the radiographic exposure device and the lockbox-locked. An attempt is made to pull the simulated source out through l the lockbox. The shipping plugs are installed and checked to be sure l they are attached securely to the device. Failure of either of these l two tests will prevent use of the package until the cause of the failure is corrected and retested. 8.1.5 Tests for Shieldina Integrity \\ With the package containing a source assembly,.the radiation levels at-the surface of the package and at one meter from the surface of the package are measured using a small detector survey instrument.' These radiation levels, when extrapolated to the rated capacity of the package, must not exceed 200 milliroentgens per hour at the surface of the package nor 2mR/hr at one meter from the surface. REVISION 2-DECEMBER 1990 cw:n m

,; e 8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance Tests 4 Not applicable. 8.2 -Maintenance Program 8.2.1 Structural and pressure-Tests Not applicable. 8.2.2 Leak Tests As described in'section 8.1.3, the radioactive source assembly is leak l tested at manufacture. Additionally, the source assembly is wipe tested for leakage of radioactive contamination every six months. 8.2.3 Subsystem Maintenance i The lockbox tested as described in section 8.1.4 prior to each use of the package.. Additionally, the package is inspected'for tightness of fasteners, proper seal wires, and general condition before each use. 8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets Not applicable. 8.2.5 shielding Prior to each use, a radiation survey of the pa.ekage is made to assure that the radiation levels do not exceed 200 milliroentgens per hour at the surface nor 2 milliroentgens per hour at or_e meter from the surface. 8.2.6 Thermal l Not applicable. I i 8.2.7 Miscellaneous Inspections and tests designed for secondary users of this package under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 71.12(b) are included in Section 7.4. l L REVISION 2-DECEMBER 1990 m.- _}}