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Forwards Test Plan 76, Model 660 Series Source Projector Hypothetical Accident Conditions. Collar Can Be Incorporated Into Existing 660 Packages Via Retrofit Procedure as Well as Into New Production During Assembly
Person / Time
Site: 07109033
Issue date: 02/17/1998
From: Field G
To: Chappell C
Shared Package
ML20203C288 List:
NUDOCS 9802250136
Download: ML20203C284 (1)


V 71, cio33 SENTINEL 17 l'ebruary 1998 Amersham Corporation l

40 North Avenue llurlington, MA 01803 Mr. Cass R. Chappell, Chicf tel (617) 272 2000 Spent l'ucl Project OfDec act (800) s151383 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards lax (617) 273 2216 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20$$$


Dear M.. Chappell:

OSA In anticipation of our meeting on Thursday,19 February 1998, we will be faxing a copy of Test Plan 74 to you tomorrow.

As you may recall Test Plan 74 covered llypothetical Accident Condition Testing of Amersham's 660 Series projectors with stainless steel screws. The testing was performed in December 1997 and January 1998. During this testing we demonstrated that the stainless steel screws provided suflicient strength and toughness to endure hypothetical accident conditions as specified in 10 CFR 71.73, as none of the screws at either torque tes:cd failed during this testing. Ilowever, the overall results of this testing were inconclusive due to handling damage experienced by our original specimens after thennat testing and our inability to reproduce these test conditions with a second round of testing.

Therefore, we are choosing to make and test an additional design modification to the 660 package w hich will limit shield movement during and aller hypothetical thermal conditions. Specifically, a shield collar will be added to the package design. This shield collar will be constructed of stainless steel and will encircle the upper two connecting rods and the rear end of the shield. Testing of experimental units using this collar have demonstrated that this collar limits shleid dislocation and subsequent source to-shield movement signincantly. This collar can be incorporated into existing 660 packages via a retrofit procedure as well as into new production during the assembly proecss, The enclosed test plan, Test plan 76, details our proposed protocol for flypothetical Accident Condition Testing of the 660 package with the shield collar design modification.

We look forward to meeting with you on Thursday and describing our test results and plans in more detail. In the interim, please call me if you have any questions, j


Regards, 3/

Gregory T. Field Operations Manager d

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