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Public Svc Co of Co,Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station,Annual Operating Rept 11,1981.
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1982
Shared Package
ML20041F582 List:
NUDOCS 8203170188
Download: ML20041F583 (72)



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! 1981 l

3 I 8203170188 820226

! PDR ADOCK 05000267 2 R PDR g l

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k INTRODUCTION This report is submitted in accordance with Section AC of the Technical Specifications of the Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station, Unit No.1, Facility Operating License No. OPR-34.

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OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE This report contains the highlights of Fort St. Vrain, Unit No. 1, ope--+. ion under the provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. .jerating Licensa, DPR-34. This report is for the year of 1981.

1.1 January At the start of 1981. the reactor was in a shutdown condition in preparation for work on both main turbine in;ercept stop valves. The #1 intercept stop valve failed t? close upon a turbine trip of December 31, 1980.

The reactor continued in a shutdown condition while maintenance was being performed on intercept stop valves and reheat steam attemperators.

The reactor was brought critical, and primary and secondary chemistry clean-up was started. Power increase was continued, and the turbine generator was placed on line on January 15, 1981. Load was increased to approximately 38% reactor power and 135 MWe with core outlet temperature held to less than 1200 degrees fah renhei t.

Plant conditions were held steady from January 16, 1981, through January 20, 1981, while the primary chemistry was being cleaned up with the purification system.

Reactor power was increased to approximately 55% on January 22, 1981. On January 23, power was decreased to less than 30%, and the turbine was taken off line for repair of Loop 2 feedwater check valve V-2244. Repair was performed by Furmanite Company.

The turbine generator was returned to service en ~

January 24, 1981. Plant load was varied from approximately 40% to approximately 69% power due to primary coolant chemistry.

1.2 February Continuing into February, load was limited due to high moisture in the primary coolant. Moisture began to

  • decrease so that by February 5, the load could be increased to 69%.

Moisture monitor injection tests were started on February 5, 1981. During the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, some primary coolant was released as a result of the test. Two 5

releases were made between the fifth and ninth of February

e due to valve and fitting breaks associated with the moisture monitor testing. Testing was suspended on February 8, but was resumed on February 20, and completed on February 22.

On February 6, one of the gas waste system monitors indicated a release of noble gas had . occurred in the Reactor Building. The cause of this release was repair of the liquid waste tanks atmospheric vent valve, HV-62203.

This valve had been stuck closed so that noble gases had accumulated in the tanks. When the valve was opened to facilitate repair, - these accumulated gases were released to the gas waste

  • system and detected by the monitor.

Normal system operation allows release of these gases over


a long period of time. In this case, the gases were released over a short time, and the monitor indicated an excessive release rate, but the rate was still below permissible limits. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State Emergency Operations Center were notified.

On February 7, the backup bearing water had to be removed from serv':e due to relief valves continuously discharging to the turbine water drain tank. The header supply valve (PV-21195) was leaking through. This valve, as well as the sa'ety valves, was repaired, and the header was placed back in service on February 24.

On February 10, while performing a feedwater flow surveillance, Loop 1 was tripped. The loop was later recovered, and reactor power increased to 69% on the same day.

On February 23, routine performance of a penetration leak check test (T-147) indicated the Loop 2 steam generator penetration leak rate had increased to very near the allowed 700 pounds per day. The reactor was at 69.6%

l power. At 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br /> the same day, a reactor scram was initiated by a system frequency upset which caused the feedwater system to cycle. The 1A circulator tripped at the same time on a buffer seal malfunction and some primary coolant was released down the shaft and into the Reactor Building.

The reactor was returned to power on February 24, and the turbine generator was brought back on line on February 25.

Generation was limited through the rest of February by oxidants in the primary coolant.

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1.3 March The reactor was at 44% power at the beginning of March, generating 130 MWe. Primary coolant oxidants were being removed to bring helium chemistry within the limits of LCO 4.2.10. On March 3, with reactor power still at 44%,

IB helium circulator was removed from service to investigate the possibility that it was the source of moisture ingress to the primary coolant. Primary coolant chemistry did improve, and reactor power was increased to 50%.

The main drain and buffer system controls of IB circulator were adjusted while off line, and resulted in improved performance, limiting water ingress to the reactor vessel.

A suspected leaking bellows seal of 18 circulator was confirmed on March 6, but did not render the circulator inoperable.

A decrease in power to 10% was initiated on March 7 to enable installation of valves on Loop 2 steam generator reheat drain lines for use in detecting helium leakage.

Following installation of the valves, it was found that steam generator module B-2-3 leaked purified helium from the interspace into the cold reheat piping. Module B-2-2 also had a barely detectable leak.

The reactor was returned to 28% power, and the turbine generator put back on line on March 9. The next day, power was increased to 69%, with electric generation of 225 MWe, where it remained until March 18.

Reactor power was reduced to 40% on the morning of March 18, and preparations to perform the fluctuation test (RT-500K - rise-to greater than 70% power) took place. A monitoring program of the B-2-3 helium leak was initiated, and a repair of 18 boiler feedpump discharge valve (HV-31207) was completed.

Testing continued for RT-500K until the morning of March 21, when at 70% reactor power and 225 MWe, the turbine generator tripped during the performance of a routine weekly turbine generator control system test. The turbine generator was returned to service, and reactor power was increased to 57%, but apparently, the thermal shock to the reheater section caused by the turbine trip had increased the B-2-3 steam generator penetration helium leakage. At 1930 hours0.0223 days <br />0.536 hours <br />0.00319 weeks <br />7.34365e-4 months <br />, it was decided to suspend RT-500K, and power was reduced.

5 On March 22, the reactor was shutdown. During the period

from March 22 through March 31, maintenance of major steam E



\ 4 valves took place along with training starts of the reactor for operator licensing requirements. Decay heat removal was accomplished using condensate flow through the reheater sections of Loop 1 and Loop 2 steam generators as plant and test conditions permitted. At this same time, a system to reroute and save the helium leakage from B-2-3 steam generator penetration was devised and was tested.

1.4 Aoril The month of April began with the plant shutdown. Work on the various maintenance and modification items was

  • progressing as scheduled.- Among these were the installation of thermal sleeves at the north hotwell wall where the main steam desuperheater drain lines enter the main condenser. The extraction supply line to the building heating system, which had been the cause of numerous water hammers during startup, was also removed.

On April 3, the auxiliary boiler developed a water tube leak ana had to be shutdown.

On April 8, the reactor was brought critical. The reactor was held at a low power level until the primary and secondary coolant systems were cleaned up. On April 10, the main steam safeties, which had been overhauled, were set, and the turbine generator was synchronized. Load continued to be limited due to high primary coolant oxidants.

On April 13, reactor electrical bus MCCIA was taken out of service to repair an electrical fault. Drive power was lost to the regulating control rod, allowing it to insert into the core when activated. Recovery attempts resulted in a Loop 2 shutdown and a hot reheat scram at 1400 hours0.0162 days <br />0.389 hours <br />0.00231 weeks <br />5.327e-4 months <br />.

The generator was synchronized again at 1430 hours0.0166 days <br />0.397 hours <br />0.00236 weeks <br />5.44115e-4 months <br /> on April 14. On April 15, RT-500K (fluctuation testing) was resumed.

On April 16, an attempt was made to place the backup bearing water in service. System control was erratic, eventually causing the bearing water relief valves to lift. Backup bearing water was taken out of service on April 17.

Power was increased per RT-500K until 83% power was reached at 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> on April 19. At 0130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br />, 10 circulator spuriously tripped on low feedwater flow, and the reactor scranmed on high hot reheat temperature. The

, generator was again synchronized shortly after midnight on i April 20.


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At 0515 hours0.00596 days <br />0.143 hours <br />8.515212e-4 weeks <br />1.959575e-4 months <br /> on April 20. 1D circulator again tripped.

Further investigation revealc.d no cause for the trips; therefore, ID circulator was again put in service. At 2155 hours0.0249 days <br />0.599 hours <br />0.00356 weeks <br />8.199775e-4 months <br /> the same day, both IC and 10 circulators tripped causing a Loop 2 shutdown.

On April 21, the cause of the circulator trips was found to be a faulty chip in the plant protective system.

Loop 2 was recovered, and the generator was synchronized.

On April 22, RT-500K was resumed. On April 24, the power level was increased to a maximum of 88%.

On April 25, IA circulator tripped on high buffer-mid-buffer differential pressure resulting in ~a Loop 1 shutdown and high hot reheat temperature scram. -

Reactor Building access was restricted for a time due to a small- amount of activity being released to the Reactor Building due to the circulator upset. Trouble was experienced in rolling 1A helium circulator; however, the circulato- was returned to service, and the generator was synchronized on April 26.

On April 27, reactor power was increased to 70%, and generation continued at 230 MWe for the remainder of the month. Testing under RT-500K was suspended during_this period to permit further evaluation of the control system and the associated turbine runback rates.

On April 30, another unsuccessful attempt was made to place the backup bearing water in service.

1.5 May At the beginning of May, the reactor was operiting at 70%

power with a turbine generator load of 230 MW.

Backup bearing water was shutdown on May 2, due to the erratic operation of pV-21105 which damaged safety valves V-21168-1 and V-21168-2.

Reactor power was reduced to 28% on May 4 to enable establishing new setpoints of the turbine runback circuitry and feedwater programs with the turbine off line. The turbine was rolled at 2120 hours0.0245 days <br />0.589 hours <br />0.00351 weeks <br />8.0666e-4 months <br /> on May 4, and was synchronized to the system at 0829 hours0.00959 days <br />0.23 hours <br />0.00137 weeks <br />3.154345e-4 months <br /> on May 5.

The reactor was returned to 69.5% power with a turbine generator load of 228 MWe. Power was raised to 80% on May 43 for RT-500K testing.

! At 1334 hours0.0154 days <br />0.371 hours <br />0.00221 weeks <br />5.07587e-4 months <br /> on May 13, the turbine was automatically a

tripped from a high vibration signal. The transient i


.. v caused a "twc-loop trouble" scram at 1349 hours0.0156 days <br />0.375 hours <br />0.00223 weeks <br />5.132945e-4 months <br />. Loop 1 was automatically shutdown. Loop 2 remained in service.

At 1445 hours0.0167 days <br />0.401 hours <br />0.00239 weeks <br />5.498225e-4 months <br />, the Reactor Building was evacuated be:ause of airborne activity. The source was traced to the low pressure separator. The airborne activity reached 4.5E-9, as compared to a maximum permissible concentration of 3.0E-9. No measurable activity was detected in the Reactor Building exhaust filtering system.

The reactor remained shutdown for an investigation and inspection of the turbine generator. Upon inspection of the turbine blading, it was revealed that the staking pins of two turbine blading stabilizer blocks were missing from the shrouding of the north end of the low pressure turbine, and several other stabilizer blocks were loose.

On May 20, the decision was made to remain shutdowr. for refueling of the reactor and 18 helium circulator change-out.

1.6 June The reactor was shutdown during the entire month of June for main turbine generator inspection and repair, refueling, 1B helium circulator change-out, general plant outage maintenance, and surveillance requirements.

1B helium circulator was physically removed fro'm the prestressed concrete reactor vessel on June 4. The 18 helium circulator replacement was installed, and the primary seal bolted down on June 16, with the brake and seal manually set.

Region 36 refueling was completed on June 18, and region 4 and region 36 control rod drives were routinely tested for operability.

Flushing of IB helium circulator bearing water piping commenced on June 25.

The main turbine generator oil system was returned to service on June 26, and the turbine was placed on the turning gear to check for rubs. None were evident.

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1.7 July

'The refueling efforts continued until July 6, when the last load of fuel was put in region 32. The prestressed concrete reactor vessel was evacuated July 8th with the purge vacuum pumps' and backfilled with helium to a pressure of. 85 psi on July 10. lA purification system train was put in service at that time for primary coolant cleanup.

The reactor was brought critical on July 13 in preparation for the training starts by the Reactor Operator candidates. These starts were administered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission beginning July 14. A scram on high moisture was received on July 16 when a high level moisture monitor spuriously tripped. The reactor was brought criticai again in 4 1/2 hours.

Reactor power was increased to about 25% on July 22. The turbine generator was synchronized for testing to verify that the repairs made during the shutdown had solved the vibration problem. Power was then reduced to facilitate cleanup of the reactor primary coolant.

A Loop 1 shutdown occurred on July 23 when all of the Loop 1 normal bearing water pumps tripped due to low surge tank level. The backup bearing water system was fully operational, and the resultant bearing water accumulator firing introduced moisture into the vessel. The reactor was pumped down through the purification system to remove as much moisture as possible.

Reactor power was gradually increased until 1834 hours0.0212 days <br />0.509 hours <br />0.00303 weeks <br />6.97837e-4 months <br /> on July 26 when the turbine was synchronized and loaded to 68 MWe. The load was gradually increased to 83 MWe on July 26 and was held there due to moisture limitations.

1D circulator tripped on July 29 when PDV-2192, a backup bearing water control valve, inadvertently opened. The resulting buffer system upset caused the ID circulator to trip. 1C circulator properly comoensated for the loss of 10 and no significant change in power was observed. 10 circulator was then restarted without any problems.

IB circulator tripped on a buffer system upset on July 30th when the knockout pots on the sensing line for buffer instrumentation were being blown down. No significant change in reactor power was observed after the trip, and the circulator was immediately restarted.

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l The reactor power at month's end was being held at 31.8%,

87 MWe because of high moisture in the primary coolant and the limitation of LCO 4.2.11.

1.8 August The turbine load was increased from S7 MWe to 140 MWe on August 2, 1981, but high vibration on the #3 bearing of the turbine generator delayed any further increase in load. The vibration was traced to an oil whip problem, and the power was increased to 240 MWe (70%) on August 5, 1981.

A hydraulic oil leak on the 1A circulator steam turbine speed valve (SV-2105) resulted in a power reduction to 50%

on August 11. This valve was repaired, a,d the reactor power was returned to 70% on August 13.

A test of the plant's radiological response was held on August 12, followed by a critique with the outside agencies involved on August 13.

Two spurious turbine generator runbacks to 50% power occurred, one on August 17 and one on August 18. A faulty relay driver in the plant protective system was found to be the source of these runbacks.

Another hydraulic . oil leak was discovered on SV-2135 on August 26. The reactor power was reduced to a three-circulator operation configuration at a power level of 50%. When the 1A circulator was tripped, a transient in the cold reheat header pressure caused Loop 2 to shutdown and a turbine load excursion caused a scram on two-loop trouble.

A small fire occurred in the Reactor Building on August 26, while construction workers were welding.

Subsequent investigations revealed that damage had been done to about 29 cables in a tray. Repairs and check out of these cables were completed at 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> on August 30, 1981.

Reactor power was increased to 26% on August 31, and the turbine generator was synchronized on September 1, 1981.

1.9 September The turbine generator was synchronized at 0435 hours0.00503 days <br />0.121 hours <br />7.19246e-4 weeks <br />1.655175e-4 months <br /> on September 1 after a six-day hold at 2% reactor power.

! Differential control rod worth testing was performed on

September 1 and 2. Reactor power was increased to 70% at


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0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> on September 2. Remaining rod worth tests had been scheduled for just prior to the testing program and rise-to-100% power.

On September 7, a hydraulic oil leak was discovered again on SV-2105. The speed valve was opened by adjusting the circulator bypass pressure ratio controller. The valve could then be isolated from the hydraulic oil system. The valve was returned to normal service on September 16.

Modifications were made to the previous seal arrangement on the actuator, and preliminary indications are the actuator is performing better.

The internal leaks discovered in feedwater heaters #5 and

  1. 6 were placing such a de~and m on the boiler feedpumps that the pumps did not have the capacity to supply the leaks and provide 100% flow to the steam generators at the same time. Heat balances around the deaerator were performed to accurately quantify total and loop feedwater flows.

The heat balances quantified the feedwater leak in the #5 feedwater heater to be about 400,000 pounds per hour, which fed back to the deaerator. This significant leak added demand on the boiler feedpumps. The #6 feedwater heater was also bypassed in an attempt to further identify the cause of excessive boiler feedpump flows. It was discovered that about 100,000 pounds per hour was leaking into the shell side of the #6 heater. The feedwater leaks limited the ability to achieve 100% power for continuation of the RT-500K test program.

Reactor power was maintained at or below 70% for the remainder of the month while a solution to the feedwater leakage problem was formulated. No further RT-500K testing was performed during the month.

1.10 October The plant was operating at 70% power at the beginning of October. The feedwater flow path was transferred from the l

normal to emergency header on October 5 to allow i

maintenance of the feedwater heaters. The power was reduced to 35% on October 9, to remove IB boiler feedpump from service. Leaky discharge valves on this pump were delaying maintenance on the feedwater heaters because the heaters would not drain or cool adequately. The heater #6 repairs were completed on October 19, and heater #5 was temporarily bypassed, as necessary repairs could not be effected.

, A hydraulic seal problem was discovered on the 1A i circulator steam turbine speed valve (SV-2105) on

October 10. The power was reduced from 35% to 30% so the i


circulator could be taken off and maintenance on the valve performed.

The reactor power was reduced to 2% on October 14 to allow taking the loops sequentially out of service to repair TCV-5207 and TCV-5208. These main steam desuperheater valves also needed to be repaired prior to 100% power operation.

The plant was restarted, and the rise-to power testing under RT-500K began on October 21. The power had been increased to 67% when a circulator speed instrument failed .

and caused a Loop 2 shutdown, The loop was recovered, and the unit was operating at 74% on October 24, continuing the* power escalation under RT-500K.

A less on the B-2-3 steam generator module re-appeared on October 26. This leak caused excessive helium loss into the cold reheat header and created a problem maintaining condenser vacuum. An agreement in the form of temporary Technical Specifications was subsequently reached with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that allowed operating this particular steam generator module with an interspace pressure slightly above cold reheat steam pressure. This significantly reduced the helium loss. The modification necessary to operate the B-2-3 module in this manner was underway at the end of the month.

1.11 November The modification to the B-2-3 steam generator penetration piping was completed on November 2. This modification consisted of removing one of the two safety valves and rupture disks from the Loop 2 penetration common piping and installing them on the B-2-3 penetration. A temporary piping change was made to feed purified helium from the B-2-3 penetration to the B-2-3 module. This modification allowed operating the B-2-3 penetration at slightly above cold reheat pressure in accordance with the temp;rary approval granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The reactor was pressuri:ed to full density on November 3, 1981, and the reactor power increased until the turbine generator was synchronized at 1306 hours0.0151 days <br />0.363 hours <br />0.00216 weeks <br />4.96933e-4 months <br />. The power was increased further until reaching 70% on November 4. From this power level, RT-500K testing was resumed.

The power was increased in 3% increments in accordance with the test to allow data gathering and analysis during i the rise. A power level of 100% was achieved at

1547 hours0.0179 days <br />0.43 hours <br />0.00256 weeks <br />5.886335e-4 months <br /> on November 6, 1981, for the first time in the i


plant's hi sto ry. All the plant systems operated as expected.

The plant continued to operate at approximately 100% power for several days to gather data for several startup tests.

The data for 100% power operation has been reviewed and several of the preliminary conclusions are:

1. The difficulty maintaining deaerator level was probably due to low condensate header pressure which will be corrected during the loop split modification shutdown when the pumps are overhauled.
2. The steam generator and primary coolant system performance was acceptable considering the. operating restrictions of RT-500K.
3. The prestressed concrete reactor vessel liner cooling system performance was in agreement with predictions.
4. The feedwater flow measurement needs to be investigated further to determine the effect on the heat balance calculations.
5. The primary coolant activity levels were about one-tenth of the anticipated values for 100% power level.
6. The region constraint devices performed as expected, and there were no significant problems with operating the reactor at 100% power.

The 1B helium circulator tripped at 0155 hours0.00179 days <br />0.0431 hours <br />2.562831e-4 weeks <br />5.89775e-5 months <br /> on November 9 due to a buffer system upset. The resultant reheat steam pressure transient caused 1A circulator to trip on overspeed. A Loop 2 shutdown then followed because of the two circulator trips, and the power was ramped down to about 30%. The power was then reduced further, and the turbine generator taken off at 0436 hours0.00505 days <br />0.121 hours <br />7.208995e-4 weeks <br />1.65898e-4 months <br />. The reactor was eventually scrammed, and the scheduled shutdown activities were commenced. This unexpected circulator trip prevented obtaining the iodine analysis at 100%, but the other "B" series startup test data was gathered.

The loop split modification began on November 9. The Stearns-Roger construction work force was able to complete a considerable amount of the prefabrication work prior to November 9 because of the delays in the shutdown schedule.

o Approximately 28% of the work was completed prior to i November 9. The work was about 50% completed at month's

end. The turbine generator work commenced on time by General Electric Company.

During removal of a region constraint device from the core, an incorrect pos1 tion signal from the fuel handling machine caused the region constraint device to be knocked against another region constraint device within the core.

The fuel handling machine grapple was removed from the using the region constraint device, and an examination, camera viewing system, revealed the region constraint device to be resting against another region constraint device and a region orifice valve. The fuel handling machine manipulator was installed, and tests were run on-a mock-up in the . hot service facility to demonstrate the-fuel handling machine's ability to pick up the region constrai.t device in this unusual position.

1.12 December The plant remained shutdown throughout the entire month of December to complete tha circulator auxiliaries loop split modifications. This work was about 75?. completed at month's end.

The modi fications should be complete on Loop 1 by early January. At that time, Loop 1 will be placed in service and used for core cooling. Loop 2 shutdown maintenance and modification will then begin.

The turbine generator work being completed during this outage should be complete by the first week in February.

At that time, the secondary coolant will be placed in a configuration and cleanup of the system can normal commence. The last stage of blading of the low pressure turbine was removed and sent to General Electric Company

  • for repairs / modifications. This blading will be installed during another 1982 outage.

After modifications were made to the manipulator on the fuel handling machine, the region constraint device which was in an unusual position was removed from the core without further problems. A new startup neutron source was installed in region 15 of the core.

i The extensive shutdown maintenance activities performed during the modification outage represents resolution of both recent and long-term problems and should improve Fort St. Vrain's operating reliability.

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1.13 Safety Related Maintenance Safety related maintenance not associated with plant outages or power reductions is tabulated on the following pages.

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T!HE IIENTIFICA- REQUIRED EFFECT ON TION NUMBER SYSTE!!/ NATURE OF IUR SAFE OPERATION AND DATE COWONENT CAUSE OF HAI.FINCTION RESULTS OF HALFtMCTION MAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION CatFl.ETION OF Tite REACTOR B0- 12-148 93/ ;1ormal llear Temperature indication Co rre c- None 1 llour None 12-12-80 TE-22137 w rong. tive 31 4 11/ Honnal llear Air leak at fitting. Correc- None 1 llour None

, 1 81 liv-11231 ti ve B0-12-429 21/ Normal llear Time delay relay Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 1 81 S-2101 failed. ti ve B1-1-34 21/ ilormal llear One of two mechanical Correc- None 1 Hour None 1-4-81 TDR-2106 seal circuits did not ti ve '

-1B actuate.

80-12-115 72/ Normal Wear Valve leaking through. Correc- Hone 1 Day lione 1-5-81 V-7207 tive L 80-12-348 72/ Ilormal Wear Valve leaking through. Correc- Hone 2 Days None 1 81 V-7220 . ti ve B1-1-35 21/ Ilormal Wear Valve failed to open. Correc- None 4 Ilours None 1 81 ilV-2193-2 ti ve 81-1-10 11/ Nonnal Wear Bottle connector Cormc- None 1 Hour Hone I 81 Region 12 leaking. tive Reserve Shutdown B1-1-139 11/ Normal Wear Sti cky meter. Correc- None 4 Ilours None 1 81 XHS-ll262 tive

-15 81-1 -1 51 11/ Normal Wear Connector leak. Co rm c- None 1 ilour tione 1 81 Region 6 ti ve .

Reserve .

Shutdown 81-1-150 11/ Nomal Wear Bourdon tube leak. Correc- None 2 Hours None 1-10-81 PS-1106- ti ve 31


Coff0NENT CAllSE OF HALFtMCTION RESUI.TS OF HAI.FtWCTimi MAINTENANCE CORREGIVE ACTION Cofft.ETION OF Tite RFACTOR AND DATE 81-1-152 11/ Nonaal Wear Valve leaks through. Co rre c- None 4 Hours None 1-10-81 V-11611 tive 81-1-153 11/ Normal Wear Valve leaks through. Correc- None 4 llours ilone 1-10-81 V-ll609 ti ve 81-1-185 21/ Nonnal 1 lear Valve would not open. Co rrec- tione 8 Hours None 1-11-81 SV-2111 ti ve 81-1-169 22/ Nonnal Wear Indicated high. Correc- None 4 Ilours None 1-19-81 TSH-22142 tive 81-1-281 82/ Nonaal Wear C-8201 tripping. Co rrec- None 40 llours None 1-19-81 C-8201 tive ,

m 81 356 11/ Honnal Hear Bottle connector leaks. Co rrec- tione 1 llour None  ?

l 81 Region 12 - tive Reserve Shutdown 80-12-71 22/ Honnal Wear Body to bonnet leak. Corm c- None 3 llours None 1-26-81 TCV-2228 tive



81 308 93/ Ilonnal Wear Low voltage on pin B. Correc- None 2 llours None 1 81 CTI BR4 tive 404 P7 81-1-389 21/ Normal Wear Leaking filter. Co rrec- None .75 None 1 81 F-2105S tive Hours 81 415 93/ llormal Wear Low voltage on pin R. Correc- None 2 Hours None 2 81 CT2 A2, tive .

604 P9 81- 2-9 22/ Normal Wear Oi1 leaks from fi1ter Correc- None 2 llours None 2-2-81 IIV-2215 housing. tive 81-2-25 45/ Nonaal Wear Failed to operate. Correc- None 1 Hour Hone 2-2-81 LS-450_{- 2 ti ve


REQUIRFD EFFECT ON I DENTI FICA- FOR SAff, Of'ERATION SYSTEll/ NATURE OF TION NUMBER C0tfl.ETION OF THE REAt*IDR CAUSE OF HALFINCTION RESUI.TS OF HALFIMCTION HAIN1ENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE COtFONENT 79-10-77 11/ End of Nomal Indicated low flow. Correc- None 4 haurs None 2 81 FE-121 Li fe tive 79-5-259 91/ 11isplacement Interference with Correc- None 2 Hours None 2-4-81 PT-9105-1 junction box. tive 81 322 98/ Nonnal Wear Leaking Cormc- None 1 Day None 2 81 IIRS-161 _ti ve _

81 32 93/ Normal Wear Low voltage on pin N. Co rm c- None 2 Hours None 2 81 CTlBR4 ti ve 404 P7 81 59 93/ Normal Wear Low voltage on pin M. Cormc- None 2 Hours None 2 81 CTlAR4 ti ve 1 604 P7 78 81-2-80 21/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaks through. Cormc- None 20 Houn None 2 81 V-21268-1 ti ve 81 81 21/ Normal Wear Valve leaks through. Corm c- None 16 Houn None 2 81 V-21268-2 tive 81-2-147 98/ Honnal Wear Shaft seal leak. Correc- None 4 Hours None 2 81 f6S-149 ti ve 81-2-168 13/ Honnal Wear Yoke pot failure. Corm c- None 1 Hour None 2-12-81 11-1301 tive 81-2-157 21/

Nonnal Wear Valve leaked. Correc- None 2 Days None 2-1 7- 81 V- 21268-2 ti ve 81-2-223 42/ Nonnal Wear Stuck valve. Correc- None 6 Ilours None 2 81 TCV-4268 ti ve .

81-2-121 46/ Nonaal Wear Mechanical seal Correc- None 70 Houn None 2- 18-P I P-4602S leakage. tive 81-2-285 21/ Nonnal Hear Erratic operation. Correc- None 6 Hours None 2-23:BL. JE212.43 .1 .- ti ve

Tite ,

I DENTI FICA- LEQUIRED EFFECT W TION NUMBER SYSTE!!/ NATURE OF FOR SAFE OPERATION AND DATE CotFONENT CAUSE OF HAl.f1MCTION RESUI.TS OF HAl.FINCTION HAINTENANCE CORRECflVE ACTION C0tFt.ETION OF THE REACTOR 81-2-308 11/ Honnal llear Low light level. Co rrec- None 17 Houn .None 2 81 MSH-1120 tive 81-2-280 21/ Honnal Wear Valve leaked through. Co rm c- None 2 Days None 2 81 V- 21268- 2 tive 80-12-14 21/ Ilonnal Wear Shaft seal leak. Co rrec- None 4 llours None 3-10-81 SV-2105 tive 81-2-330 21/ Nonnal llear ilechanical seal leak. Cormc- None 4 Hours None 3 81 P-2107 tive 81- 2-68 82/ Nonnal Wear High discharge tenp- Cormc- None 7 Days None 3 81 C-8203 e rature. ti ve ,

.L 79-10-8 92/ End of Life Bad cell #47. Correc- None 4 Hours None P 3 81 1B ,

tive Station Battery 81 238 91/ Nomal Wear Pump lost pmssure. Co rrec- Hone 4 Hours None 3- 26-81 P-9105X ti ve 81-3-377 12/ Honnal llear Ran past " full out." Co rmc- None 2 Ilours None 3-26-81 Control ti ve Rod Drive

  1. 16 81 275 21/ Nonnal Wear Not pumping. Cormc- None 48 Houn None 3-27-8i P-2103 ti ve 81 328 21/ ilonnal !! car Indicator was wrong. Corm c- None 1 llour JNone 3 81 PI-21535 ti ve .

-1 -

80-8-177 93/ Honnal Wear Cell #35 specific Correc- None 4 Hours None 3 81 N-9243 gravity low. tive -

81-1-394 22/ Nonnal Wear Seal ring leaking. Cormc- None 16 Iloun None 3 81 IIV-2249 tive



e TIE ,


B1-1-298 22/ Nonnal Wear Packing and bonnet Co rmc- None 8 Hours None 4-1-81 TV-2227-3 leak. tive 81 351 93/ Nonnal Wear No fail light will stay Correc- Nonc 1 Hour None 4-2-81 RT-93251 on. tive

-9 80-8-359 91/ Nonnal Wear Erratic pmssum con- Corm c- lone 1 Hour None 4 81 V-91115 trol. tive 81-3-445 21/ Nonnal Wear Reading down scale. Corm c- None 4 Hours None 4 81 PDT-21392 tive L


81-4-50 48/ Nonnal Wear 8ad starter solenoid. Correc- None 4 llours None 4- 6-81 K-4801 ti ve 80-1-257 91/ Nonnal Wear Stem oil leak. Co rmc- None 4 Hours None 4 81 V-91454 tive 81 29 22/ Honnal Weer . Relief valve leaking. Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 4 81 HV-2253 tive 81-4-37 22/ End of Life 8ad thennocouple. Cormc- None 2 Hours None 4 81 TE-22142 tive 81-3-452 82/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaks internally. Correc- None 4 Hours None 4 81 V-8235 tive 80 430 82/ Nonnal Wear Valve won' t close. Correc- Hone 4 Hours None 4 81 V-82493 tive 80-10-130 22/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaks through. Cormc- None 24 Hours None 4-10-81 V- 2247 tive 81- 3-136 22/ Nonnal Wear Safety valve leaks Correc- None 10 Hours None 4-10-81 V-2216 through. ti ve

l T DF. '


Cott0NENT CAUSE OF MALFIWCTION _ RESULTS OF MALFIBICTION Ann DATE Normal Wear Discharge pipe eroded. Co rre c- None 8 Hours None 81-4-86 87/

C-820) tive 4 81 flomal Wear Low input isolation Correc- None 1 Hour None 81 65 93/

4 81 CC-232 resis tance. tive Fan tripped and tripped Correc- Hone 16 Hours None 81-4-130 73/ Nomal Wear 4-16-81 F-7301 feed breaker. tive Stuck check valve. Cormc- Norie 24 Hours None 81- 3-451 21/ riormal Wear V-21359 tive 4 81 Nomal Wear Relief valve leaks Co rmc- None 16 Hours None 80-10-406 22/

4- 20-81 PV-22167 th rough . tive

- e Nomal Wear Relief valve leaks Corm c- None 16 Hours None y 22/

81- 3-90 4-20-81__ PV-22167 through . tive Nomal Wear Leak at fuel injector. Correc- None 48 Ilours None 81-4-215 92/

K-9206X tive 4 81 flormal Wear Low input resistance. Correc- None 2 llours None 81-4-236 93/

4 81 CTlBL3 tive Normal Wear Oil leak. Correc- None 4 Hours None 81-4-252 22/

4-22-81 IIV-2202 tive Nomal Wear Low voltage on pin V. Co rmc- None 2 Ilours None 81-4-251 93/

4 81 SSL-21168 tive

-1 Normal Wear Failed themocouples. Correc- None 6 Ilours None 81-4-31 8 22/

4 81 TE-22136 tive Nomal Wear Failed themocouples. Cormc- None 6 Hours 'None 81-4-320 22/

4 81 TE-22135 tive flomal Wear Snubber out of oil Correc- None 4 Hours None 81-4-355 22/

IIRS-244 tive 4 81

i Tim ,

[ REQUIRED EFFECT ON IIENU F1CA- R1R SAFE OFERATION SYSTEtt/ NATURE OF TION NUHRER CO6E'ONENT CAtl5E OF HALRWCTION RESUI.TS OF MALFtWCTION MAINTENANCE Q)RRECTIVE ACTIOW C0tftITION OF T1tE REACTOR AND DATE 81-4-339 82/ Normal Wear Water jacket 1eak. 4 Correc- None 20 Hours None 4 81 C-8203 tive 81- 5-17 22/ Nomal Wear Oil leak. Correc- None 2 Hours None 5- 6-81 HV-2203 tive 81-5-102 92/ Normal Wear Bad temperature con- Correc- None 2 Hours None 5 81 E-9201 troller. tive 81-4-296 93/ Normal Wear Low voltage on input Correc- None 1.5 None 5- 1 8- 81 CS-181 pins. ti ve Hours 81-4-141 11/ Nomal Wear Flow alam/ control Ccrmc- None 1 Day None 5 81 f6-1115 i noperable. tive E

81-5-194 22/ Nomal Wear Valve leaks through. Corm c- None 16 Hours None T' 5 81 TCV-2227 . tive

-6 80-9-124 11/ Design Insufficient element Cormc- None 4 Hours None 5 81 PDE-ll58 span, tive

-2, PDE-ll68 81-4-382 22/ Nomal Wear Internal oil leak. Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 5 81 HV-2254 tive 81-4-383 22/ Nomal Wear Internal oil leak. Cormc- None 2 Hours None 5 81 HV-2292 t i >/e 81-5-188 73/ Nomal Wear Won' t open. Cormc- None 8 Hours None 5 81 Reactor tive Building .

Louvert .

81 34 7 21/ Nomal Wear Pressum swings. Co rmc- None 26 Hours None 6 81 P V-21105 tive 81- 5-105 93/ Nomal Wear Low input resistance. Correc- None 2 Hours None 6-10-81 CT281 tive

w TIPE ,


81-5-106 93/ Honnal Wear Low resistance. Correc- None 1 Hour None 6 81 CTl tive 81-4-105 21/ Nonnal Wear No valve position indi- Co rrec- None 3 Hours None 6-16-81 HV-21203 cation. ti ve

-3 81 276 11/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaking through. Cormc- None 3 llours None 6 81 Region 11 tive Reserve Shutdown 80-9-366 91/ Normal Wear Han&# heel would not Co rmc- None 2 Hours None 6-22-81 V-91170 operate stem. tive A,

81-1-236 21/ Nonnal Wear Valve would not oper- Correc- None 3 Hours None rF 6- 23-81 V-211003 ate.. tive 81-6-165 92/ Nonnal Wear Anti-pump circuit not Co rmc- None 1 Hour None 6 81 - P-460lS worki ng. ti ve B reak'er 81-6-284 21/ Nonnal Wear Anti-pump circuit not Corm c- None 1 Hour None 6- 23-81 P-2103 working. tive Breaker 80-9-22 8 11/ Nonnal Waar Leakage Correc- None 1 Day None 6 81 Region 30 tive Reserve Shutdown i 81-5-221 91/ Nonnal Wear Intemal oil leak. Correc- None 2 ilours None 6 81 SV-2105 tive 80-10-323 21/ Nonnal Wear Valve action jumpy. Correc- None 3 Hours None 7 81 SV-2105, tive SC-2105 i



81- 3-219 11/ Nonnal Wear Excessive leakage. Correc- None 3 Hours None 7-1-81 V-11677 tive 81- 5-232 91/ Nonnal Wear 011 leak. Correc- None 4 Hours None (

7 81 HV-2292 tive 81-6-216 11/ Nonnal Wear Instrument out of Cormc- None 3 Hours None 7 El PDE-1159 tole rance, tive

-2 81 304 92/ Normal Wear Overspeed cable broke. Co rrec- None 3 Hours None 7 81 K-9203X tive 81- 6-46 92/ Normal Wear Overspeed switch Cormc- None -

5 Hours None failed. ti ve 7 81 K-9203X 43 Y'

81 20 92/ Nonnal Wear DC input to bus Cormc- None 20 Hours None 7 81 N-9238 tri pped. tive 81 71 21/ Normal Wear Inlet screen basket Correc- None 3 Days None 7-12-81 C-2102 broke several welds. ti ve 81 86 21/ Nonnal Wear Thennal shield Correc- None 3 Days None 7 81 C-2102 cracked. tive 81-6-120 98/ Nonnal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Correc- None 4 Ilours None 7-12-81 B FS-532 tive 81- 6-73 98/ Nonnal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Co rrec- None 4 Hours None 7- 1 3- 81 MSS-118 tive 81-6-104 98/ Nonnal Wear Snubber leaks. Correc- None 3 Hours None 7 81 B FS-405E tive .

81-6-105 98/ Nonnal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Correc- None 3 Hours None 7- 1 3- 81 BFS-142 tive 81- 6-119 98/ Nonnal Wear Snubber leaked 011. Correc- None 4 Hours None 7 81 BFS-556 ti ve

l TllE

  • 1 ItEQU1 RED EFFECT UN IDENTI FICA- FOR SAVE OFERATION NATUltE OF TION NUtBER SYSTEtt/ (DRRECTIVE ACTION CatFIET10It OF THE REACTOR RESUI.75 OF MALFISICTICRI MAINTEIRAIICE AND DATE CotFONENT CAUSE OF HALFl20CTl001 Snubber leaked 011. Cormc- None 4 Hours None 81-6-122 98/ Nomal Wear BFS-142E tive 7 81 Ai r regulator check Correc- None 1 Hour None 81 322 42/ Normal Wear 7 81 TIC-4268 valve failed. tive Leak rate gmater than Correc- None 5 Hours None i 81 75 11/ Penetration 7 81 Region 35 Opened allowed. tive Reserve Shutdown __

Leakage past seal. Correc- None 15 Hours None 81- 2-135 21/ Normal Wear P-2105 tive 7- 1 7- 81 Bowl and basin have Cormc- None 20 Hours None A, .

81-6-351 21/ Hormal Wear P-2105 small leaks. tive  ?>

7- 1 7- 81 Seal' leakage. Cormc- None 600 None 81- 5-236 21/ Normal Wear tive Hours 7 81 C-2102 Normal Wear Air leaks at union. Co rrec- None' 10 Hours None 81-6-137 82/

E-8201X tive 7 81 Nomal Wear Tripped relay would Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 81-7-182 93/

7 81 XCR- not reset. tive 931738 Nomal Wear Reads off scale high. Cormc- None 3 Hours None

! 81-7-188 21/

PI-21516 tive 7 81 Nomal Wear Leak Correc- None 2 Hours None

! 81-6-310 11/

tive 8 81 1/4" L-ll258 .

Nonial Wear Oil leak. Co rmc- None 4 Hours None 81-8-42 91/

8 81 HV-2292 tive 1

Nomal Wear Valve leaked through. Co rmc- None 3 Hours None 81-5-252 22/

8- 5-81 V-2215 tive





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- R CB7 M

_2 1

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1 21 7

3 21 4

1 31 3

8 31 31 3

2 11 5

2 31 6

2 31 51 48 3

71 28 F U *. 8 8 8 8 - 8 8 8 8 8 8 - - - -

I ND 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 6 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 31 85

_ T 6 - 7 -

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IIENTI FICA- ItEQUI RED EFFECT ON TION nut 1BER SYSTEft/ NATURE OF FOR SAFE OPERATION AND DATE 00tf0NENT CAtGE OF HALFtMCTION _ RESUITS OF HA1.FtMCTION _HAINTENANCE , CORRECTIVE ACTION C0tflIT104 0F 111E RF.ACT11R 81- 8-381 22/ Normal Wear Seat cut - steam Co rrec- None 16 Hours None 8 81 PV-22167 leakage. tive 79-12-55 92/ Intemal Air Runs constantly. Correc- None 28 Hours None 9 81 "8" Diesel Leakage tive Gene rator Ai r Com-pressor 80-10-276 98/ Normal Wear improper bleed rate. Cormc- None 2 Hours 'None 9 81 VSS-120 tive 81-9-92 92/ Normal Wear Rear main shaft Co rrec- None 160 None 9 81 K-9206X bearing worn. tive Hours 81-9-137 92/ Nomal Wear Injectors on "D" Co rmc- None 76 Hours None 9-14-81 K-9206X engine worn. tive 81-9-73 84/ Nomal Wear Noisy bearings, hard Correc- None 14 Hours None 9 81 P-8404S X to prime, tive 81-9-168 21/ Normal Wear Bad shaft seal. Correc- None 3 Hours None 10 81 SV-2105 tive 81-10-91 31/ Nomal Wear Removed from service. Correc- None 100 None 10-11-81 E-3105 tive Hours 81-9-198 22/ Normal Wear Relief valve leakage.' Correc- f one 2 Hours None 10-14-81 HV-2292 tive 81-9-205 22/ Normal Wear Steam cut. Cormc- None 3 Hours None 10-16-81 PV-22167 ti ve 81-10-214 98/ Homal Wear Shaft seal leaka9e. Cormc- None 11 8 tione 10 81 VSS-ll ti ve Hours 81 292 21/ Nomal Wear Replaced Qll and Q12 Co rrec- None 8 Hours None 10-27-81 SM-2109 in transistor board. tive

" ,t  !! ,

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! ND 07 0 - 0 - 0 - 18 2 9 T

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DI A 10 11 11 11 11 02 82 .

- I T 81 81 81 81 81 81 71 .

. _; l l1 '  :' '  ;: ' ' i1 I 1

2.0 FORCED POWER REL . . .oNS AND OUTAGES Following is a listing of each outage or forced reduction in

power of 1981, as per the Technical Specification AC 7.5.1.b(2).

i e

e s

I MAJOR S AFETY RADI ATIOli RELIASE RELATED 00R- ASSOCI ATED W1111 OUT-0)RRECTIVE ACTION RECTIVE MAIN- ACE WHIQi ACCOLDi13 REULTED RE- TAKEN TO REDUCE TENANCE PER- Fnt HORE TilAN 102 PORTABI.E 118E PROBABit.ITY OF OPERATING FDRPED DURING OF AI.IDdABIE A!GIUAL NtetBE R PROXIMATE CAlEE SYSTEM MAJOR C0fFONENT OCCURHE NCE RECURRENG TINE LOST 11tE OLTTAGE VALIE 80 - 32 Maintenance Secondary Main Steam None Repaired 336.8 Repai red None due to steam Drain Valve, leaking valves. Hours in several leaks. Turbine Re- 1981 main steam heat Stop valves.

and Inter-cept Valves 81 - 01 High primary Primary None 81-009/03- Intentional None None None coolant oxi- Coolant L- 0 power reduc-dants. tion.

81- 02 Feedwater Secondary Loop 2 feed- None Repaired check 13.7 None None ,

leak. Coolant water Header valve. Hours m Check Valve  ?

( V-2244) 81- 0 3 High primary Primary None 81-009/03- Intentional None None Hone coolant oxi- Coolant L-0 power reduc-dants. tion.

81-04 Loop 1 trip Plant Integrated None Loop 1 trip None None None during P rotec- Ci rcui t and turbine routine Sur- tive Sys- runback.

veillance tem testing.

81- 05 High primary Primary None 81-015/03- Intentional None None None coolant oxi- Coolant L-0 power reduc-dan ts , tion.

81 - 0 6 Reactor Plant Hot Reheat None Hone 43.7 None None scram. Protec- Scram Logic Hours .

tive Sys-tem .

ee =

_~ _ . _ _ - .



. NE8E R_ PROXIMATE CAUSE SYSTF.M MAJOR Cul5'GtENT OCCURRENCE RECURRENCE TIPE! IAST 1HE (MITACE VAttE 81- 07 High primary Primary None 81-020/03- Intentional None None None 3 coolant oxi- Coolant L-0 power reduc-dants. tion.

81-08 Installation Secondary Loop 2 Reheat None None 52.8 None None of test Drain Lines Hours on Loop 2 i steam gener-ator.

81- 09 Fluctuation Primary None None Intentional None None None 1 tes ting Coolant power reduc-( RT-500K) . ,-- tion. L, 7

81-10 Turbine trip EHC Sys- Power / Load None Power reduc- 4.6 None None  ;

during tem Unbalance tion to synch- Hours routine Sur- Trip Test ronize turbine ,

veillance Switch generator.


81-11 Helium Primary Loop 2 Steam 80-030/03- Tecporary sys- 468.5 Maintenance None leakage. Coolant Genera to r X-1 tem installed - Hours of major Interspace to reroute steam leakage. valves.

81-12 Reactor Plant Hot Reheat None None 23.8 None None scram. Protec- Scram Logic Hours tive Sys-tem 81-13 Reactor Plant ID Circu- None hone 23.2 None None scram. Protec- lator Speed Hours . .

tive Sys- Cable (Trip) tem ,


I i


81-15 Reactor Plant l A Ci rcu- None None 42.0 None None -

scram. Prote c- lator Trip Hours ti ve Sys-tem 81-16 Modi fication P1 ant Turbine Run- None Modi fication 15.7 None None Protec- back Ci r- to prevent Hours tive Sys- cuitry umecessary d, tem hot reheat 7" s c rams.

81- 17 Turbine trip. Plant Hot Reheat None After reactor 1,666.5 Turbine None P rotec- Scram scranined, it Hours generator tive Sys- was decided to i nspection tem remain shutdowr and repai r, for refueling. re fueling, and 18 helium ci r-culator change-out.

81-18 Inten tional Secondary Turbine Gen- None Turbine taken 42.0 None None shutdown.

  • e rator off line after Hours tes ti ng.

81-19 Loop 1 shut- Plant Loss of Nor- None Turbine gener- 67.9 None None down. Protec- mal Bearing ator taken off Hours ,

tive Sys- Water line to recover tem Loop 1. .



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o oe 5e t oe r St a C ol rar ol mocl Lb e e Lb util R

O J oo u

b&t mea oo u i ani ll oc A

M TT wr uee NFH wr eurs TT HctO

- y - -

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S cS d n cS cS Y t e na te te S nt e ol nt e nt e aovm l rie co eo aovm l rie aovm l rie PPtt SC PPtt PPtt E

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U - - - -

N 1 1 1 1 B 3 B 3 g



NUMBER .. PROXIMATE CAUSE SYSTEM MAJOR COlF(SIENT OCCURE NCE RECURRENCE TIls IDST lite OUTAGE val.UE 81- 24 Helium Primary Loop 2 Steam 81-068/03- Permission from 219.6 Modi fi ca- None leakage. Coolant Generator L-0 NRC to operate flours tion to Interspace B-2-3 i n te r- i nterspace.

space slightly

above cold re-heat pmssure.

81 - 25 Loop 1 shut- Primary 1B Helium None Power reduc- None Hone None down. Coolant Ci rculator tion.

81 - 26 Loop split Primary System 21 None Intentional 1,267.4 Modi fica- None modi fi ca tion. Coolant maintenance Hours tions to shutdown con- ci rculator L, tinuing at end auxiliary y of year. systems, ins pection and mainte-nance to turbine generato r, removal of plateout p robe, overhaul of i large con-densate pumps, and i nstal-lation of a new neutron ,

source in region 15. .

4 i

a o 3.0 RADIATION EXPOSURES There were no personnel receiving exposures in excess of 100 mrem during this report period.

4.0 FUEL EXAMINATIONS There were no examinations of irradiated fuel elements performed during this report period.

3 i s




o i

INTRODUCTION This report is submitted in accordance with Section AC 7.5.1.b of the Technical Specifications of the Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station, Unit No.1, Facility Operating License No. DPR-34.

l l






OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE This report contains the highlights of Fort St. Vrain, Unit No. 1, operation under the provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operating License, DPR-34. This report is for the year of 1981.

1.1 January At the start of 1981, the reactor was in a shutdown condition in preparation for work on both main turbine intercept stop valves. The #1 intercept stop valve failed to close upon a turbine trip of December 31, 1980.

The reactor continued in a shutdown condition while maintenance was being performed on intercept stop valves and reheat steam attemperators.

The reactor was brought critical, and primary and secondary chemistry clean-up was started. Power increase was continued, and the turbine generator was placed on line on January 15, 1981. Load was increased to approximately 38% reactor power and 135 MWe with core outlet temperature held to less than 1200 degrees fah renhei t.

Plant conditions were held steady from January 16, 1981, through January 20, 1981, while the primary chemistry was being cleaned up with the purification system.

Reactor power was increased to approximately 55% on January 22, 1981. On January 23, power was decreased to less than 30%, and the turbine was taken off line for repair of Loop 2 feedwater check valve V-2244. Repair was performed by Furmanite Company.

The turbine generator was returned to service on January 24, 1981. Plant load was varied from approximately 40% to approximately 69% power aue to primary coolant chemistry.

1.2 February Continuing into February, load was limited due to high moisture in the primary coolant. Moisture began to decrease so that by February 5, the load could be increased to 69%.

Moisture monitor injection tests were started on

, February 5, 1981. During the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, some primary i coolant was released as a result of the test. Two releases were made between the fifth and ninth of February s

due to valve and fitting breaks associated with the moisture monitor testing. Testing was suspended on February 8, but was resumed on February 20, and completed on February 22.

On February 6, one of the gas waste system monitors indicated a release of noble gas had occurred in the Reactor Building. The cause of this re. lease was repair of the liquid waste tanks atmospheric vent valve, HV-62203.

This valve had been stuck closed so that noble gases had accumulated in the tanks. When the valve was opened to facilitate repair, these accumulated gases were released to the gas waste system and detected by the monitor.

Normal system operation allows release of these gases over a long period of time. In this case, the gases were released over a short time, and the monitor indicated an excessive release rate, but the rate was still below permissible limits. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State Emergency Operations Center wer2 notified.

On February 7, the backup bearing water had to be removed from service due to relief valves continuously discharging to the turbine water drain tank. The header supply valve (PV-21105) was leaking through. This valve, as well as the safety valves, was repaired, and the header was placed back in service on February 24.

On February 10, while performing a feedwater flow surveillance, Loop 1 was tripped. The loop was later recovered, and reactor power increased to 69% on the same day.

On February 23, routine performance of a penetration leak check test (T-147) indicated the Loop 2 steam generator penetration leak rate had increased to very near the allowed 700 pounds per day. The reactor was at 69.6%

power. At 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br /> the same day, a reactor scram was initiated by a system frequency upset which caused the feedwater system to cycle. The 1A circulator tripped at the same time on a buffer seal malfunction and some primary coclant was released down the shaft and into the Reactor Building.

The reactor was returned to power on February 24, and the turbine generator was brought back on line on February 25.

Generation was limited through the rest of February by oxidants in the primary coolant.

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c- - .

4 1.3 March The reactor was at 44% power at the beginning of March, ,

generating 130 MWe, Primary coolant oxidants were being removed to bring helium chemistry within the limits of LCO 4.2.10. On March 3, with reactor power still at 44%,

1B helium circulator was removed from service to investigate the possibility that it was the source of moisture ingress to the primary coolant. Primary coolant enemistry did improve, and reactor power was increased to 50%.

The main drain and buffer system controls of IB circulator were adjusted while off line, and resulted in improved performance, limiting water ingress to the reactor vessel.

A suspected leaking bellows seal of IB circulator was confirmed on March 6, but did not render the circulator inoperable.

A decrease in power to 10% was initiated on March 7 to enable installation of valves on Loop 2 steam generator reheat drain lines for use in detecting helium leakage.

Following installation of the valves, it was found that steam generator module B-2-3 leaked purified helium from the interspace into the cold reheat piping. Module B-2-2 also had a barely detectable leak.

The reactor was returned to 28% power, and the turbine generator put back on line on March 9. The next day, power was increased to 69%, with electric generation of 225 MWe, where it remained until March 18.

Reactor power was reduced to 40% on the morning of March 18, and preparations to perform the fluctuation test (RT-500K - rise-to greater than 70% power) took place. A monitoring program of the B-2-3 helium leak was initiated, and a repair of 1B boiler feedpump discharge valve (HV-31207) was completed.

Testing continued for RT-500K until the morning of March 21, when at 70% reactor power and 225 MWe, the turbine generator tripped during the performance of a routine weekly turbine generator control system test. The turbine generator was returned to service, and reactor power was increased to 57%, but apparently, the thermal shock to the reheater section caused by the turbine trip had increased the B-2-3 steam generator penetration helium leakage. At 1930 hours0.0223 days <br />0.536 hours <br />0.00319 weeks <br />7.34365e-4 months <br />, it was decided to suspend RT-500K, and power was reduced.

! On March 22, the reactor was shutdown. During the period from March 22 through March 31, maintenance of major steam l


valves took place along with training s,ta rts of the reactor for operator licensing requirements. ' Decay heat removal was accomplished using condensate flow through the reheater sections of Loop 1 and Loop 2 steam generators as plant and test conditions permitted. At this same time, a system to reroute and save the helium leakage from B-2-3 steam generator penetration was devised and was tested.

1.4 April The month of April began with the plant shutdown. Work on the various maintenance and modification items was progressing as scheduled.- Among these were the installation of thermal sleeves at the north hotwell wall where the main steam desuperheater drain lines enter the main condenser. The extraction supply line to the building heating system, which had been the cause of numerous water hammers during startup, was also removed.

On April 3, the auxiliary boiler developed a water tube leak and had to be shutdown.

On April 8, the reactor was brought critical. The reactor was held at a low power level until the primary and secondary coolant systems were cleaned up. On April 10, the main steam safeties, which had been overhauled, were set, and the turbine generator was synchronized. Load continued to be limited due to high primary coolant oxidants.

On April 13, reactor electrical bus MCCIA was taken out of service to repair an electrical fault. Drive power was lost to the regulating control rod, to insert into the core when activated. Recovery attempts resulted in a Loop 2 shutdown and a hot reheat scram at 1400 hours0.0162 days <br />0.389 hours <br />0.00231 weeks <br />5.327e-4 months <br />.

The generator was synchronized again at 1430 nours on April 14. On April 15, RT-500K (fluctuation testing) was resumed.

On April 16, an attempt was made to place the backup bearing water in service. System control was erratic, eventually causing the bearing water relief valves to lift. Backup bearing water was taken out of service on April 17.

Power was increased per RT-500K until 83% power was reached at 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> on April 19. At 0130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br />, ID circulator spuriously tripped on low feedwater flow, and the reactor scrammed on high hot reheat temperatere. The generator was again synchronized shortly after midnight on i April 20.


r At 0515 hours0.00596 days <br />0.143 hours <br />8.515212e-4 weeks <br />1.959575e-4 months <br /> on Apr,11 20, 10 circulator again tripped.

Further investigation revealed no cause for the trips; therefore, ID circulator was again put in service. At 2155 hours0.0249 days <br />0.599 hours <br />0.00356 weeks <br />8.199775e-4 months <br /> the same day, both IC and 10 circulators tripped causing a Loop 2 shutdown.

On April 21, the cause of the circulator trips was found

- to be a faulty chip in the plant protective system.

Loop 2 was recovered, and the generator was synchronized.

On April 22, RT-500K was resumed. On April 24, the power level was increased to a maximum of 88%.

On April 25, 1A circulator tripped on high buffer-mid-buffer differential pressure resulting in a Loop 1 shutdown and high hot reheat temperature scram. .

Reactor Building access was restricted for a time due to a small amount of activity being released to the Reactor Building due to the circulator upset. Trouble was experienced in rolling 1A helium circulator; however, the circulator was returned to service, and the generator was synchronized on April 26.

On April 27, reactor power was increased to 70%, and generation continued at 230 MWe for the remainder of the month. Testing under RT-500K was suspended during this period to permit further evaluation of the control system and the associated turbine runback rates.

On April 30, another unsuccessful attempt was made to place the backup bearing water in service.

1.5 May At the beginning of May, the reactor was operating at 70%

power with a turbine generator load of 230 MW.

Backup bearing water was shutdown on May 2, due to the erratic operation of PV-21105 which damaged safety valves V-21168-1 and V-21168-2.

Reactor power was reduced to 28% on May 4 to enable establishing new setpoints of the turbine runback circuitry and feedwater programs with the turbine off line. The turbine was rolled at 2120 hours0.0245 days <br />0.589 hours <br />0.00351 weeks <br />8.0666e-4 months <br /> on May 4, .and was synchronized to the system at 0829 hours0.00959 days <br />0.23 hours <br />0.00137 weeks <br />3.154345e-4 months <br /> on May 5.

The reactor was returned to 69.5% power with a turbine generator load. of 228 MWe. Power was raised to 80% on May 13 for RT-500K testing.

! At 1334 hours0.0154 days <br />0.371 hours <br />0.00221 weeks <br />5.07587e-4 months <br /> on May 13, the turbine was automatically

tripped from a high vibration signal. The transient i

caused a "two-loop trouble" scram at 1349 hours0.0156 days <br />0.375 hours <br />0.00223 weeks <br />5.132945e-4 months <br />. Loop 1 das automatically shutdown. Loop 2 remained in service.

,! At 1445 hours0.0167 days <br />0.401 hours <br />0.00239 weeks <br />5.498225e-4 months <br />, the Reactor Building was evacuated because of airborne activity. The source was traced to the low pressure separator. The airborne activity reached 4.5E-9, as compared to a maximum permissible concentration of 3.0E-9. No measurable activity was detected in the Reactor Building exhaust filtering system.

The reactor remained shutdown for an investigation and inspection of the turbine generator. Upon inspection of the turbine blading, it was revealed that the staking pins of two turbine blading stabilizer blocks were missing from the shrouding of the north end of the low pressure turbine, and several other stabilizer blocks were loose.

On May 20, the decision was made to remain shutdown for refueling of the reactor and 1B helium circulator change-out.

1.6 June The reactor was shutdown during the entire month of June for main turbine generator inspection and repair, refueling, 1B helium circulator change-out, general plant outage maintenance, and surveillance requirements.

1B helium circulator was physically removed from the prestressed concrete reactor vessel on June 4. The IB helium circulator replacement was installed, and the primary seal bolted down on June 16, with the brake and seal manually set.

Region 36 refueling was completed on June 18, and region 4 and region 36 control rod drives were routinely tested for operability.

Flushing of IB helium circulator bearing water piping commenced on June 25.

The main turbine generator oil system was recur.1ed to service on June 26, and the turbine was placed on the turning gear to check for rubs. None were evident, e



,s 1.7 July ,

,! The refueling efforts continued until July 6, when the last load of fuel was put in region 32. The prestressed concrete reactor vessel was evacuated July 8th with the purge vacuum pumps and backfilled with helium to a pressure of 85 psi on July 10. 1A purification system train was put in service at that time for primary coolant cleanup.

The reactor was brought critical on July 13 in preparation for the training starts by the Reactor Operator candidates. These starts were administered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission beginning July 14. A scram on high moisture was received on July 16 when a high level moisture monitor spuriously tripped. The reactor was brought critica' again in 4 1/2 hours.

Reactor power was increased to about 25% on July 22. The turbine generator was synchronized for testing to veri fy that the repairs made during the shutdown had solved the vibration problem. Power was then reduced to facilitate cleanup of the reactor primary coolant.

A Loop 1 shutdown occurred on July 23 when all of the Loop 1 normal bearing water pumps trirped due to low surge tank level. The backup bearing water system was fully operational, and the resultant bearing water accumulator firing introduced moisture into the vessel. The reactor was pumped down through the purification system to remove as much moisture as possible.

Reactor power was gradually increased until 1834 hours0.0212 days <br />0.509 hours <br />0.00303 weeks <br />6.97837e-4 months <br /> on July 26 when the turbine was synchronized and loaded to 68 MWe. The load was gradually increased to 83 MWe on i July 26 and was held there due to moisture limitations.

l l 1D circulator tripped on July 29 when PDV-2192, a backup l

bearing water control valve, inadvertently opened. The l

resulting buffer system upset cau ed the 1D circulator to l trip. 1C circulator properly comoensated for the loss of ID and no significant change in power was observed. 1D l circulator was then restarted without any problems.

18 circulator tripped on a buffer system upset on i July 30th when the knockout pots on the sensing line for buffer instrumentation were being blown down. No significant change in reactor power was observed after the i trip, and the circulator was immediately restarted.

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The reactor power at month's end was being held at 31.8%,

87 MWe because of high moisture in the primary coolant and the limitation of LCO 4.2.11.

1.8 August The turbine load was increased from 87 MWe to 140 MWe on August 2, 1981, but high vibration on the #3 bearing of the turbine generator delayed any further increase in load. The vibration was traced to an oft whip problem, and the power was increased to 240 MWe (70%) on August 5, 1981.

A hydraulic oil leak on the 1A circulator steam turbine speed valve (SV-2105) resulted in a power reduction to 50%

on August 11. This valve was repaired, and the reactor power was returned to 70% on August 13.

A test of the plant's radiological response was held on August 12, followed by a critique with the outside agencies involved on August 13.

Two spurious turbine generator runbacks to 50% power occurred, one on A0 gust 17 and one on August 18. A faulty relay driver in the plant protective system was found to be the source of these runbacks.

Another hydraulic oil leak was discovered on SV-2105 on August 26. The reactor power was reduced to a three-circulator operation configuration at a power level of 50%. When the 1A circulator was tripped, a transient in the cold reheat header pressure caused Loop 2 to shutdown and a turbine load excursion caused a scram on two-loop trouble.

A small fire occurred in the Reactor Building on August 26, while construction workers were welding.

Subsequent investigations revealed that damage had been done to about 29 cables in a tray. Repairs and check out of these cables were completed at 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> on l

August 30, 1981.

Reactor power was increased to 26% on August 31, and the turbine generator was synchronized on September 1, 1981.

1.9 September The turbine generator was synchronized at 0435 hours0.00503 days <br />0.121 hours <br />7.19246e-4 weeks <br />1.655175e-4 months <br /> on September 1 after a six-day hold at 2% reactor power.

! Differential control rod worth testing was performed on September 1 and 2. Reactor power was increased to 70% at

(  ;

0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> on September 2. Remaining rod worth tests had been scheduled for just prior to the testing program and rise-to-100% power.

On ' September 7, a hydraulic oil leak was discovered again on SV-2105. The speed valve was opened by adjusting the circulator bypass pressure ratio controller. The valve could then be isolated from the hydraulic oil system. The valve was returned to normal service on September 16.

Modifications were made to the previous seal arrangement on the actuator, and preliminary indications are the actuator is performing better.

The internal leaks discovered in feedwater heaters #5 and

  1. 6 were placing such a demand on the boiler feedpumps that the pumps did not have the capacity to supply the leaks and provide 100% flow to the steam generators at the same time. Heat balances around the deaerator were performed to accurately quantify total and loop feedwater flows.

The heat balances quantified the feedwater leak in the #5 feedwater heater to be about 400,000 pounds per hour, which fed back to the deaerator. This significant leak added demand on the boiler feedpumps. The #6 feedwater heater was also bypassed in an attempt to further identify the cause of excessive boiler feedpump flows. It was discovered that about 100,000 pounds per hour was leaking into the shell side of the #6 heater. The feedwater leaks limited the ability to achieve 100% power for continuation of the RT-500K test program.

Reactor power was maintained at or below 70% for the remainder of the month while a solution to the feedwater leakage problem was formulated. No further RT-500K testing was performed during the month.

1.10 October The plant was operating at 70% power at the beginning of October. The feedwater flow path was transferred from the normal to emergency header on October 5 to allow maintenance of the feedwater heaters. The power was reduced to 35% on October 9, to remove IB boiler feedpump from service. Leaky discharge valves on this pump were delaying maintenance on the feedwater heaters because the heaters would not drain or cool adequately. The heater #6 repairs were completed on October 19, and heater #5 was temporarily bypassed, as necessary repairs could not be effected.

A hydraulic seal problem was discovered on the 1A i circulator steam turbine speed valve (SV-2105) on

October 10. The power was reduced from 35% to 30% so the i


circulator could be taken off and maintenance on the valve performed.

The reactor power was reduced to 2% on October 14 to allow taking the loops sequentially out of service to repair TCV-5207 and TCV-5208. These main steam desuperheater valves also needed to be repaired prior to 100% power operation.

The plant was restarted, and the rise-to power testing under RT-500K began on October 21. The power had been increased to 67% when a circulator speed instrument failed and caused a Loop 2 shutdown, The loop was recovered, and the unit was operating at 74% on October 24, continuing the power escalation under RT-500K.

A leas on the B-2-3 steam generator module re-appeared on October 26. This leak caused excessive helium loss into the cold reheat header and created a problem maintaining condenser vacuum. An agreement in the form of temporary Technical Specifications was subsequently reached with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that allowed operating this particular steam generator module with an interspace pressure slightly above cold reheat steam pressure. This significantly reduced the helium loss. The modification necessary to operate the B-2-3 module in this manner was underway at the end of the month.

1.11 November The modification to the B-2-3 steam generator penetration =

piping was completed on November 2. This modification consisted of removing one of the two safety valves and rupture disks from the Loop 2 penetration common piping and installing them on the B-2-3 penetration. A temporary piping change was made to feed purified helium from the B-2-3 penetration to the B-2-3 module. This mocification allowed cperating the B-2-3 penetration at slightly above cold reheat pressure in accordance with the temporary approval granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The reactor was rcessurized to full density on November 3, 1981, and tne reactor power increased until the turbine generator was synchronized at 1306 hours0.0151 days <br />0.363 hours <br />0.00216 weeks <br />4.96933e-4 months <br />. The power was increased further until reaching 70% on November 4. From this power level, RT-500K testing was resumed.

The power was increased in 3% increments in accordance with the test to allow data gathering and analysis during i the rise. A power level of 100% was achieved at

1547 hours0.0179 days <br />0.43 hours <br />0.00256 weeks <br />5.886335e-4 months <br /> on November 6, 1981, for the first time in the

plant's history. All the plant systems operated as expected.

The plant continued to operate at approximately 100% power for several days to gather data for several startup tests.

The data for 100% power operation has been reviewed and several of the preliminary conclusions are:

1. The difficulty maintaining deaerator level was probably due to low condensate header pressure which will be corrected during the loop split modification shutdown when the pumps are overhauled.
2. The steam generator and primary coolant system performance was acceptable considering the operating restrictions of RT-500K.
3. The prestressed concrete reactor vessel liner cooling system performance was in agreement with predictions.


4 .' The feedwater flow measurement needs to be investigated further to determine the effect on the heat calance calculations.

5. The primary coolant activity levels were about one-tenth of the anticipated values for 100% power level.
6. The region constraint devices performed as expected, and there were no significant problems with operating the reactor at 100% power.

The IB helium circulator tripped at 0155 hours0.00179 days <br />0.0431 hours <br />2.562831e-4 weeks <br />5.89775e-5 months <br /> on November 9 a buffer system upset. The resultant reheat steam pressure transient caused 1A circulator to l trip on overspeed. A Loop 2 shutdown then followed

' < because of the two circulator trips, and the power was ramped down to about 30%. The power was then reduced further, and the turbine generator taken off at

.C436 hours. The reactor was eventually scrammed, and the

. scheduled shutdown activities were commenced. This unexpected circulator trip prevented obtaining the fodine

analysis at 100%, but the other "B" series startup test l data was gathered.


  • The loop split modification began on November 9. The

~ Stearns-Roger construction work force was able to complete a considerable amount of the prefabrication work prior to l

November 9 because of the delays in the shutdown schedule.


^ Approximately 28% of the work was completed prior to I

i s November 9. The work was about 50% completed at month's I a

t  ! t


l end. The turbine generator work commenced on time by ]

General Electric Company.

During removal of a region :onstraint device from the core, en incorrect position signal from the fuel handling machine caused the region constraint device to be knocked against another region constraint device within the core.

The fuel handling machine grapple was removed from the region constraint device, and an examination, using the camera viewing system, revealed the region constraint device to be resting against another region constraint device and a region orifice valve. The fuel handling machine manipulator was installed, and tests were run on a mock-up in the . hot service facility to demonstrate the fuel handling machine's ability to pick up the region constraint device in this unusual position.

1.12 December The plant remained shutdown throughout the entire month of December to complete the circulator auxiliaries loop split modifications. This work was about 75% completed at month's end.

The modifications should be complete on Loop 1 by early January. At that time, Loop 1 will be placed in service and used for corc cooling. Loop 2 shutdown maintenance and modification will then begin.

The turbine generator work being completed during this outage should be complete by the first week in February.

At that time, the secondary coolant will be placed in a can normal configuration and cleanup of the system commence. The last stage of blading of the low pressure Electric Company turbine was removed and sent to General for repairs / modifications. This blading will be installed during another 1982 outage.

After modifications were made to the manipulator on the fuel handling machine, the region constraint device which was in an unusual position was removed from the core without further problems. A new startup neutron source was installed in region 15 of the core.

The extensive shutdown maintenance activities performed during the modification outage represents resolution of both recent and long-term problems and should improve Fort St. Vrain's operating reliability.


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1.13 Safety Related Maintenance Safety related maintenance not associated with plant outages or power reductions is tabulated on the following pages.

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T!!E REQUIRED EFFECT ON IDENTIFICA- FDR SAFE OPERAMON SYSTElf/ NATURE OF TION NUMBER CAtEE OF HAl.MMCTION RESUI.TS OF Mt.LFtMCTION MAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Cttfl.ET10N OF TIIE RQCTOR AND DATE C(WFONENT BO- 12-148 93/ ilonnal llear Temperature indication Correc- None 1 llour None 12-12-80 TE-22137 wrong. tive 31 4 11/ Nonnal llear Air leak at fitting. Correc- None 1 llour None 1-2-81 1;V-11231 tive B0-12-429 21/ Nonnal Wear Time delay relay Correc- None 2 Hours None 1 81 5-2101 failed. ti ve B1-1-34 21/ Nonnal llear One of two mechanical Correc- None 1 Hour None 1-4-81 TDR-2106 seal circuits did not tive

-1B actuate. _

B0-12-115 72/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaking through. Correc- None 1 Day None 1-5-81 V-7207 tive i m

80-12-348 72/ Normal Wear Valve leaking through. Cormc- None 2 Days None l 81 V-7220 . ti ve 81-1-35 21/ Normal lJear Valve failed to open. Cormc- None 4 Hours None 1 81 IIV-2193-2 ti ve 81-1-10 11/ Nonnal Wear Bottle connector Cormc- None 1 Hour Hone 1 81 Region 12 leaki ng. ti ve Reserve >

Shutdown 81-1-139 11/ Normal Wear Sticky meter. Correc- Hone 4 Hours None 1 81 XHS-11262 tive

-15 81-1 -1 51 11/ Honnal Wear Connector leak. Cormc- None 1 Hour Hone 1-9-81 Region 6 tive .

Reserve .

Shutdown 81-1-150 11/ Honnal Wear Bourdon tube leak. Correc- None 2 Hours None 1-10-81 PS-1106- ti ve 31


tive 1-10-81 V-11611 llormal Wear Valve leaks throu9h Correc- None 4 flours Mone 81-1-153 11/

1-10-81 V-ll609 ti ve Valve would not open. Correc- !1one 8 Hours None 81-1-185 21/ Nomal Hear SV-2111 tive 1 81 Nomal Wear Indicated high. Correc- tione 4 flours None 81-1-169 22/

TSH-22142 tive 1 81 C-8201 tripping. Co rrec- None 40 llours None 81-1-281 82/ Nomal Wear tive ,

1-19-81 C- 8201 m Bottle connector leaks. Co rrec- Hone 1 flour Hone i 81-1-356 11/ Normal Hear Region 12 - tive 1 81 Res~e rve Shutdown Body to bonnet leak. Correc- None 3 Hours None 80-12-71 22/ Nomal Wear TCV-2228 tive 1 81

-l Lod voltage on pin B. Co rmc- tione 2 Hours None 81 308 93/ Ilomai Hear CTI BR4 tive 1 81 404 P7 flormal Wear Leaking fi1ter. Co rre c- None .75 None 81-1-389 21/ Hours F-2105S tive 1 81 Hormal llear Low voltage on pin R. Co rmc- flone 2 Ifours None 81-1-415 93/ .

CT2A2, tive 2 81 604 P9 Normal Wear Oil leaks from filter Correc- None 2 llours None 81- 2-9 22/

2-2-81 ilV-2215 housing. tive Failed to operate. Correc- None 1 Hour None 81-2-25 45/ Nomal llear ti ve 2-2-81 LS-4504-2

Tite f


. AND DATE COff0NENT End of Nomal Indicated low flow. Cormc- None 4 Hours None 79-10-77 11/

2 81 FE-121 Li fe tive 11isplacement Interference with Correc- None 2 Hours None 79-5-259 91/

2-4-81 PT-9105-1 junction box. tive Normal Wear Leaki ng Cormc- None 1 Day None 81-1-322 98/

2 81 IIRS-161 ti ve Honnal llear Low voltage on pin N. Co rmc- None 2 Hours None 81 32 93/

2 81 CTlBR4 ti ve 404 P7 Honnal Wear Low voltage on pin M. Cormc- None 2 flours None 81 59 93/ '_,

2-6-81 CTlAR4 ti ve 604 P7 y

81-2-80 Nonnal Wear Valve leaks thmugh. Cormc- None 20 Houn Hone 21/

2 81 V-21268-1 ti ve Valve leaks through. Co rm c- None 16 Hour < None 81 81 21/ Nonaal Wear 2 81 V-21268-2 ti ve Nonnal Wear Shaft seal leak. Co rrec- None 4 Hours None 81-2-147 98/

2-11-81 f6S-149 ti ve 81-2-168 Nonnal Wear Yoke pot failum. Correc- None 1 Hour None 13/

2 81 H-1301 tive Nonnal Wear Valve leaked. Correc- None 2 Days None 81-2-157 21/

2 81 V- 21268-2 tive 81-2-233 42/ Nonnal Hear Stuck valve. Correc- None 6 licurs None 2 81 TCV-4268 tive 81-2-127 Nonaal Wear Mechanical seal Correc- None 70 Houn Hone 46/

2 81 P-46025 leakage. tive Honnal llear Erratic operation. Correc- Hone 6 Hours None 81 285 21/

2_-23:BL_. . .H_212_43 .l . ._ live

TIPE REQUIRED EFFECT !N I DENTI FICA- FOR SAFE OPERATION SYSTE!!/ NATURE OF TION NUMBER CotFONENT CAUSE OF hat.f1NCTION RESULTS OF HALFtMCTION HAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Cutf!ETION OF lite REACTOR AND DATE 81-2-308 11/ Nomal llear Low light level. Correc- None 17 Houn Hore 2 81 MSH-1120 tive 81-2-280 21/ Homal Wear Valve leaked through. Co rrec- None 2 Days None 2 81 V- 21268-2 ti ve 80-12-14 21/ 11onnal Wear Shaft seal leak. Co rrec- None 4 Hours None 3 81 SV-2105 ti ve 81-2-330 21/ Normal Wear Mechanical seal leak. Correc- None 4 Hours None 3 81 P-2107 tive 81 68 82/ Nonnal Wear High discharge tenp- Cormc- None 7 Days None 3-16-81 C-8203 e ratu re. ti ve

_L 79-10-8 92/ End of Life Bad cell #47. Correc- None 4 Hours None  ?

3 81 1B ,

tive Station Battery 81 23 8 91/ Nomal Wear Pump lost pmssure. Co rrec- None 4 Hours None 3 81 P-9105X ti ve 81-3-377 12/ Normal llear Ran past " full out." Co rre c- None 2 Hours None 3 81 Control tive Rod Drive

  1. 16 81 275 21/ Normal Wear Not pumping. Corre c- None 48 Houn Hone 3 81 P-2103 ti ve 81 32 8 21/ Normal Hear Indicator was wrong. Cormc- None 1 Hour JNone 3 81 PI-21535 ti ve .

_1 80-8-177 93/ Nomal Wear Cell #35 specific Correc- None 4 Hours None 3-28-81 H-9243 gravity low, tive _

81-1-394 22/ Normal Wear Seal ring leaking. Correc- None 16 Houn None 3 81 HV-2249 tive

  • Tite I DENTI FICA- REQUIRED EFFICT ON TION NUttBER SYSTEll/ NATURE OF FDR SAft OPERATION AND DATE CotFONENT CAUSE OF HAI.FINCTinN RESUI.TS OF MAI.FINCTION HAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION CottPI.ETION OF THE REACIOR B1 227 92/ flonnal Wear Compressor runs con- Co rmc- None 4 Hours None 3 81 C-9202S ti nuously. ti ve 81-1-298 22/ Honnal Wear Packing and bonnet Co rm c- None 8 Hours None 4-1-81 TV- 2227-3 leak. ti ve 81-3-351 93/ Nonnal Wear No fail light will stay Co rm c- None 1 Hour None 4-2-81 RT-93251 on. tive

-9 80-8-359 91/ Nonnal Wear Erratic pmssure con- Cormc- l lone 1 llour Hone 4 81 V-91115 trol. tive 81-3-445 21/ Honnal Wear Reading down scale. Correc- None 4 Hours None 4 81 PDT-21392 tive .'.,

e 81 50 48/ Nonnal Wear Bad starter solenoid. Cormc- None 4 llours None 4-6-81 K-4801 ti ve 80-1-257 91/ Nonnal Wear Stem oil leak. Co rrec- None 4 Hours None 4 81 V-91454 ti ve 81 29 22/ Nonnal Wear .

Relief valve leaking. Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 4 81 IIV-2253 ti ve 81-4-37 22/ End of Life Bad thennocouple. Correc- None 2 Hours None 4 81 TE-22142 ti ve 81-3-452 82/ Nonnal Wear Valve leaks internally. Correc- None 4 llours None 4 81 V-8235 tive 80 430 82/ Nonnal Wear Valve won't close. Cormc- None 4 Hours None 4 81 V-82493 tive 80-10-130 22/ Normal Wear Valve leaks through. Cormc- None 24 Hours tlone 4-10-81 V-2247 tive 81- 3-1 36 22/ Honnal Wear Safety valve leaks Correc- None 10 Hours None 4 81 V-2216 th rough. ti ve




NI T OTC AA TRE CER EP F OE t e e e e e e e e e F

EE1 1

e e e e n n n n n n n n F n n n n n o o o o o o o AF o o o o o o N N 'N N SO N N N N N N N N N s s s s s s s s s N s r r r r r s s r r r D O r r u u u u u r r u u u R

I u u o o o o o u u u t o


o o o o o I UOI o o H H I H H H l

I l

I H TQFP E t H H 6 8 R t 6 4 6 4 2 6 6 4 f

8 1 2 1 1 4 2 C 1 N .







R e O

e e e e e e e e e e C e e n n n n n n n n n n n n n o o o o o o o o o o o o o N N N N N N N N N i t N N N E

FC - - - - - -

ON - - - - c c c A -

c c

c c c c c c c EN c e a e e e e e e e RE e e e e re re ne re re re re re re re UT TN re re re rv rv rv rv rv rv r, '

rv rv rv AI rv rv rv oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi NA oi oi oi oi Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct M Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct d

. e p r N

d p o e V s s O e t c e e I d n i r s s c n n l l l T o o .

e a i p p i C

W r i t e k a

k a j t p u u o t e t v n s o c F. a d l e e n c c f I

A e l n a l l i i s o o o o M p o a . v e n n F i s r e v

e v

l e r e n n t O p i . de k u g e e u e ek c l l a h h o S e tc pa e a a f t .

t t T g un pe h v . v . u k t r -

L U r pa ir c h h t p a l d e S a rb fg fg a n e o d e

E nt k eu eu i l v e b R h is t l l b c i d c i o i o k w u s ws ne u l r l r a w l o

i a

i a n oe ae t eh eh e o i F F S i

D L r Ff S Rt Rt L L O L N



M r r r r r r r r F

I r r r r r a a a a a a L a a a a a a a e e e e A

e e e e e e e e e W W H

W W W W W W W W F W W W l l l O l l l l a

l l l a

l a

l a

l a a a a a a an n E a a m n m S

U n n m n n

n n

n n

n n m r r n r n n A n n r o o o o o o o o o C o o o o N N N N N N N H H i l N i r N 8

7 6 6 5 T 7 2 3 3 4

/N 9 6 6 X 1 1 4 t

t E 5 1 1 6 3 0 1 1 2

EN 1 2 1 0 L 2 2 2 2 T0 0 3 0 3 2 2 2 2 -

2 2 2 B 2 -

Sf YP 2 2 3 1

/l /- /L / - / - /S SDC /8 / - /7 /2 / - / - /9 3S1 2E 2E 2R 3C 3 - 1 - 2V 2V 2 - 3T 2V 2T 2II 2 - _

2P 9K 9C 2I I 9S - 2T 8C 9C 7F 2V 2P 6 2 8 0 5 R 0 1 0 5 6 1 11 21 51 AE 51 41 01 11 31 51 51 CBE 61 51 31 28 28 28 28 38 38 38 I

FUA MT 88 68 18 48 8 98 - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - 0 - - - - 43 49 49 49 I ND 39 10 30 41 42 42 2 T 40 46 46 2 2 2 2 2 2 NND 1 1 1 1 2 2

- 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -

EON 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 84 84 DI A 1 - 1 - 1 -

84 84 84 84 84 84 84 I T 84 84 84 84

Tile f


!!ENTI FICA- NATURE OF IUR SAFE OPERATION TION NUMBER SYSTEtt/ CORRECTIVE ACTION COW LETION OF 11tE REACTOR RESULTS OF HALFtWCTION HAINTENANCE AND DATE COWollENT CAUSE OF HAl.FINCTION Llater jacket leak. Correc- Hone 20 Hours None 81-4-339 82/ Normal Wear 4 4 81 C-8203 ti ve Nomal Wear Oil leak. Correc- None 2 Hours None 81- 5-17 22/

5 81 IIV-2203 ti ve 81-5-102 Normal Wear Bad temperature con- Correc- None 2 llours None 92/

5-11-81 K-9201 troller. ti ve Normal Wear Low voltage on input Cormc- None 1.5 None 81-4-296 93/ Hours 5 81 CS-181 pins. ti ve Normal Wear Flow alarm / control Cormc- Hone 1 Day None 81-4-141 11/

5-22-81 MS-1115 inoperable. tive L

Nomal Wear Valve leaks through. Correc- None 16 Ilours None T' 81-5-194 22/

5 81 TCV-2227 .


-6 Design Insufficient element Correc- None 4 Hours None 80-9-124 11/

5 81 PDE-ll58 span. tive

-2, PDE-ll68 Normal Wear Internal oil leak. Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 81- 4-382 22/

5 81 HV-2254 ti ve Normal Wear Internal oil leak, Correc- None 2 Hours None 81-4-383 22/

5 81 IIV-2292 tive Nomal Wear Won't open. Cormc- None 8 Hours None 81-5-188 73/

5- 30-81 Reactor tive Building .

Louvers .

Nomal Wear Pressure swings. Co rmc- None 26 llours None 81 34 7 21/

6 81 PV-21105 ti ve Nomal Wear Low input resistance. Co rrec- None 2 Hours None 81-5-105 93/

6 81 CT281 tive


4 4

NR 0O Nl T OtC A

AA w TRE e, CER EP FOE F H e e e e e e e e e e EET n n n n n n n n n n F

o o o o o o o o o o AF N N N N N N .N SO N N N N s D O s s s s s E I r r r r r r r r r ER D I RE T

u u u u u u u y u u I UOL o o o o o o o a o o TQFf E f l

f H H H H H H D l l H R 0 3 C 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 N







R O e e e e e e e e e e C

n n n n n n n n n n o o o o o o o o o o N N N N N N N N N N E


ON A c c c c c c c c c c EN e e e e e RE UT re re me me rv me rv m e rv me rv re rv re rv re rv TN AI rv rv rv oi oi oi oi


NA oi oi oi oi oi oi M Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct i .

d h - t t 4-N n g r o o 4 O i u t e n n y I

o o p .

p T

C n r n o t t k a m d

a o h d t i

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F O t a o p

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. m.

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- I B

l r r r r r r r r r r F

L a a a a a a a a a a w

A e e e e e e e e e e M

W W W W W W W W W W F l O l l l l l l l

l a

l a a a a a a a a n

a E n n n m n n n n n m

- S U n n n r n n n n r A

C o o o o o o o o o o N N N N N N N N N N



e. 0 .

1 3 n 3 3 n ,

fN T

0 1

ew 0 0 Sr r ew nvo 5

0 55 00 HE 2 nvo 7 0 l e 3e

- EN 1 ord 1 1 0 'k 0k ord 1 11

- TO 2 i et 1 1 6a 1 a i et 2 22 SF YD /I / - /gsu /9 /2 /4e /2 e /gsu / - / - -

SO 3T 1 V3 1 eeh 1 - 1 - 2 - r 1 - r 1 eeh 1V 1VC C 2PB 1RRS 9S 2SS 1RRS 9V 2V 9PB 9C 2l i- .

3 .

- R 6 5 6 6 6 5 ~ 4 8 1 2 3

- AE 01 01 71 61 31 61 81 21 21

- CBE 18 18 28 38 28 18 28 28 28 1 I MT - - - - - - 08 a.

FUA - - - - - - - - - - - -

_ I ND 50 46 27 92 13 63 63 94 50 1 -

T 2 2 2 2 2 3 - 1 NND 1 1 1

- 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 -

EON 1 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 87

.  ! I A 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 m

! T w


d l 2 i l: il' ,l ! '4 4 '  : I  : i



Nomal Wear Excessive leakage. Correc- None 3 Hours None 81 219 11/

V-11677 tive 7-1-81 Nomal Wear Oil leak. Correc- None 4 ilours None 81 232 91/

ilV-2292 tive 7 81 Ilomal Wear Instrument out of Correc- None 3 Hours None 81- 6-216 11/

7 81 PDE-ll59 tolerance. tive

-2 Overspeed cable broke. Co rrec- None 3 Hours None 81 304 92/ Normal Wear K-9203X tive 7 81 Hours Overspeed switch Correc- None . None 81 46 92/ Normal Wear  !

7 81 K-9203X failed. ti ve A3 i'

DC input to bus Co rm c- None 20 Hours None 81- 6-20 92/ Nomal Wear 7-12-81 N-9238 tri pped. tive Inlet screen basket Correc- None 3 Days None 81 71 21/ Normal Wear 7-12-81 C-2102 broke several welds. tive Themal shield Correc- None 3 Days None 81 86 21/ Nomal Wear 7 81 C-2102 cracked. tive Nomal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Correc- None 4 llours None 81-6-120 98/

tive 7-12-81 B FS-532 Nomal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Correc- None 4 Hours None 81- 6-73 98/

7 81 MSS-ll8 ti ve Normal Wear Snubber leaks. Correc- None 3 Hours None 81-6-104 98/

7- 1 3- 81 BFS-40SE tive .

Normal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Cormc- None 3 Hours None 81-6-105 98/

7- 1 3- 81 B FS-142 tive Nomal Wear Snubber leaked oil. Correc- None 4 Hours None 81- 6-119 98/

7 81 BFS-556 tive



. OTCAA TRE CER FP TOE F t 1 e e e e e e e e e e e e EY1 n n n n n n n n n n n n F

AF o o o o o o o o o o o o SO N N N N N N N N N N .N N s s s N s a r r r s s s s s r


O r r u u u r r r r ER I

T u u -

o o s o u u u u u t I R E. o o i

o H H r H o o o o o iUOI H H H 0u H H H H H TQFFE t 5 0 0o 0 R 0 4 1 5 1 2 6H 1 2 3 2 4 3 C








  • O C e e e e e e e e e e e e n n n n n n n n n n n n o o o o o o o o o o o o N N N N N N N N N N N N E

FC ON - - - - - - - - - - - -

EN A c c c c c c c c c c c c RE UT er e e

re e

re e

re e

re e

re e

re e

re e r e e

re e

re m e TN AI rv rv rv rv rv rv rv rv rv rv rv rv NA oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi M Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct n

a . .

N h h h O . k t e . d g g I

T l c . v n l i u C

W i

o h e

e r l a h a

i o u o

h o r

F t

c t e n w e h L 'd a s n u l t A

M e r . e i . y a k od r t s . e t a c d F

O a te g s as g a l e ,

s e e al a bk a k S l li e p a k s rt f . a T ua t . de a k e f k e L

J r gf ad e nl e a ds o a l S

t e e re g a l e ee e E b rev w a l l pr s l e R

b ko k ll 'l p d k v u rl al a wa om a

e r i t ro a

e a

e l l a

n i a el e i A R i

O V S Av La L Bs S Tn L N



M r r r r T

I r r n r r r r r L a a o a a a a a a a a a A

M e e i e e e e e e e e e W W t W W W W W W W W W F

O a

l l rd l l l l l l l l l E a a te a a a a a a a a a GI m m en m r

m r

mr m

r m m r m m m A ne o C o o ep o o o o o o o o N N PO N N N N N N N N N 5

T E 8 3 n 6

/N t E 2 6 2 nvo ew 5 5 2 X

1 B 1

5 8

5 2

9 5 t

EN 4 TO 1 4 ord 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 2 1 SF - - iet 1 1 1 2 7 2 " 1 2 2 YF SO /S /C / gsu /2 /2 /2 /8 /R1 / - /41 /- /2 C 8F 2I 1 eeh 1 1 - 2 - 3C3 1 I 1/ - 1V 2 -

9B 4T 1RRS 2P 2P 2C 8E 9X9 2P 11 L 9H 2V

- R 2 2 5 1 6 7 2 8 0 2 AE 51 31 51 31 31 81 81 1 2 5 CBE 21 21 I MT 18 38 78 1 8 38 28 18 18 18 31 41 21 FUA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 8 8 I ND 64 27 67 52 64 74 74 6 - 8 - 5 -

T 64 74 3 NND 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 - 2 4 5 EON 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -

DI A 88 88 88 I T 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87


CER EP f OE F H e e e e e e e e e e e e EYT n n n n n n n n n n n n f

AF o o o o o o o o o o o. o SO N N N N N N N N N N' N N s s s s s D


r r s s s s r s r r s s E I u u r r r r u r u u r r

.R T o o u u u u o u o o u u NIUOt I R E. H H o o o o H o H H o o l


R O 0 0 l

0 8 8 8 7 C 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 1' N




  • V I



R -

O e e e e e e C e e e e e e n n n n n n n n n n n n o o o o o o o o o o o o N N N N N N N N N N N N E

FC ON - - - - - - - - - - - -

EN A c c c c c c c c c c c c RE e e e e e e e e e e m e e UT re re re re re re re re re re re TN AI rv rv rv rv rv rv rv r v rv rv rv rv NA oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi M Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct t

. e .

N . t . h k h O y o d g c d g I

T l n e u a e u C s r k o j k m

N l e d a r a L

F. a p e h m e h I

A e o l".

u l t u l t M s . r oo u r p . wt u e d c e d .

F d e m k b e a v e e O n t i a ra u k v l a

k a a g

S a a e e" t a .

T. w s l l e n , v . e k k I

U g e l n n l i s h l a a S n d t t oi o w fg e e E

R i . e a r

e r d , e k o eu e v

l l rn k k tk r v cl i o r

ar a e s nr u l al re l r l a

p eo e p G

a oo o V

a Cb Rt eh V

i A C a

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T .


t F.

r r r r r r r r r r r A

a a a a a a a a a a a M e e e e e n e e e e e e F W W W W W o W W W W H W i

O l l l l l s l l l l l l E a a a a a o a a a a a n

a S n m m m m r m m n n m n m U

A n r r r r r r r o

r r C o o o o o o o o o o o H N N N N C N N N N N N r

o T 8 2 t s

/N 0 2 6 0 2 2 n s 5 t E TEN TO 9

0 8

0 2

1 5

0 2

2 0

l 0

1 0

4 2

5 4

5 ne I n e

r 5

4 SF 1 1 1 1 - I 1 " 5 1 1 u p 1 YP SO /2 /2 / -1 /2 /C / 1 /2 /42 /2 /2 /" rrm /9 C 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 2D 1S1 1 - 5/ - 1 - 1 - 2Atio 1 -

2P 2P 1 f 2F 2T 1P - 2V 21L 2V 2V 8" SAC 9V

- R 2 0 7 4 3 3 5 6 3 3 AE 71 CBE 1 5 1 3 1 8 2 2 2 51 I MT 11 81 21 21 31 31 31 11 31 31 48 28 FUA 8 - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - - - -

I ND - 8 - 8 31 T 6 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 6 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 85 NND 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 1 2 EON 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 -

DI A 88 I T 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88


_AND DATE COff0NENT CAUSE OF HALMMCTItMI F'3ULTS OF HALFtMCTION _HAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION CotFIETION OF 11tE RF. ACTOR 81 3 81 22/ Normal Wear Seat cut - steam Co rrec- flone 16 Hours None 8 81 PV-22167 leakage. tive 79-12-55 92/ Intemal Air Runs constantly. Correc- None 28 Hours None 9 81 "B" Diesel Leakage tive Generator Ai r Com-pressor 80-10-276 98/ Normal Wear Improper bleed rate. Corre c- None 2 Hours None 9 81 VSS-120 tive 81-9-92 92/ Normal Wear Rear main shaft Co rrec- None 160 None 9 81 K-9206X bearing worn. tive Hours t

81-9-137 92/ Nomal Wear Injectors on "D" Co rrec- None 76 Hours None y 9-14-81 K-9206 X engine worn. tive 81-9-73 84/ Nomal Wear Noisy bearings, hard Correc- None 14 Hours None 9 81 P-8404S X to prime. tive 81-9-168 21/ Normal Wear Bad shaft seal. Correc- None 3 Hours None 10 81 SV-2105 tive 81-10-91 31/ Nomal Wear Removed from service. Co rrec- None 100 None 10-11-81 E-3105 ti ve Hours 81-9-198 22/ Normal Wear Relief valve leakage.' Correc- None

  • 2 Hours None 10-14-81 HV-2292 tive 81-9-205 22/ Normal Wear Steam cut. Correc- None 3 Hours None 10-16-81 PV-22167 ti ve 81-10-214 98/ Hormal Wear Shaft seal leaka9e. Cormc- None 118 fione 10-19-81 VSS-ll ti ve Hours 81-10-292 21/ Nomal Wear Replaced Qll and Q12 Co rrec- None 8 Hours None 10-27-81 SM-2109 in transistor board. tive


TIPE IDENTI FICA- REQUIRED EFFECT ON TION NUMBER SYSTEft/ NATURE OF FOR SAFE OPERATION AND DATE COpf0NENT CAllSE OF MAI.FisiCTION RESUI.TS OF MAI.FIE0CTIGi _ MAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Cofft.ETION OF tile REACIDR 81-10-332 22/ Normal Wear Thermocouple had high Cormc- None 4 Hours None 10-27-81 TT-2225-1 resistance. tive 81-10-340 21/ Normal Wear "l A" recirculator Cormc- None 4 Hours None

' 11 81 S-2109 chiller malfunction. tive i

81-10-265 21/ Normal Wear Valve internals worn. Co rrec- None 16 Hours None 11 81 V-21268-1 tive 1

, 81-10-266 21/ Normal Wear Valve internals worn. Correc- None 16 Hours None 11 81 V-21268-2 ti ve I 81-11-172 12/' Normal Wear Limit switch inoper- Cormc- None 64 Hours None 11-18-81 Control able. tive Rod Drive 31

  • a y

80-1-201 11/ Normal Wear Leakage Correc- None None 12-12-81 MM-006 tive 78-8-130 16/ Honnal Wear Replaced probe. Correc- None 200 None 12-29-81 Plateout tive Hours i Probe '"

l '

i k

4 g 4 9

I l


- - - - --- w


l l

2.0 FORCED POWER REOUCTIONS AND OUTAGES l Following is a listing of each outage or forced reduction in )

power of 1981, as per the Technical Specification AC 7.5.1.b(2). .

f 9

3 I


PORTABLE THE PROBABILITY OF OPERATING FORED DURING OF ALLOWABl.E A194UAL NUMBER, PROK! MATE cat!SE SYSTEM MAJOR C0ff'DIENT OCCURitE NCE RECURRENCE TI E LOST 11tE OUTAGE VAI.tE 80- 32 Maintenance Secondary Main Steam None Repai red 336.8 Repai red None due to steam Drain Valve, leaking valves. Hours in several leaks. Turbine Re- 1981 main steam heat Stop valves.

and Inter-cept Valves 81- 01 High primary Primary None 81-009/03- Intentional None None None coolant oxi- Coolant L- 0 power reduc-dan ts . _


81- 02 Feedwater Secondary Loop 2 Feed- Hone Repaired check 13.7 None None ,

, leak. Coolant water Header valve. Hours m Check Valve '?

( V-2244) 81-0 3 High primary Primary None 81-009/03- Intentional None None Hone coolant oxi- Coolant L-0 power reduc-dants. tion.

81-04 Loop 1 trip Plant Integrated None Loop 1 trip None None None during Protec- Ci rcuit and turbine routine Sur- tive Sys- runback.

veillance tem testing.

81- 05 fli gh p rimary Primary None 81-015/03- Intentional None None None coolant oxi- Cool ant L-0 power reduc-dan ts . tion.

81-06 Reactor Plant Hot Reheat None Hone 43.7 None None scram. Protec- Scram Logic Hours ,

tive Sys-tem ,

e --


NUMBER PROXIMATE CAbSE SYSTEM MAJOR C0ffGIENT OCCURRENCE RECIIRRENCE TIE LOST 111E OUTACE VAI.tE 81- 07 High primary Primary None 81-020/03- Intentional None None None coolant oxi- Coolant L-0 power reduc-dants. tion.

81-08 Installation Secondary Loop 2 Reheat None None 52.8 None None of test Drain Lines Hours

, on Loop 2 steam gener-

, ator.

81-09 Fluctuation Primary None None Intentional None None None tes ting Coolant power reduc-( RT-500K) . tion. L3

? ,

81-10 Turbine trip EHC Sys- Power / Load None Power reduc- 4.6 None None during tem Unbalance tion to synch- Hours

routine Sur- Trip Test ronize turbine veillance Switch generator.


81-11 Helium Primary Loop 2 Steam 80-030/03- Tecporary sys- 468.5 Maintenance None i leakage. Coolant Genera tor X-1 tem installed Hours of major

{ Interspace to reroute steam leakage. valves.

i 81-12 Reactor Plant Hot Reheat None None 23.8 None None

] scram. Protec- Scram Logic Hours i tive Sys-tem 81-13 Reactor Plant 1D Circu- None' None 23.2 None None s c ram. Protec- lator Speed Hours ,

a tive Sys- Cable (Trip) tem ,

l a


81-15 Reactor Plant 1 A Ci rcu- None None 42.0 None None -

scram. P rotec- lator Trip Hours ti ve Sys-tem 81-16 Modi fication Plant Turbine Run- None Modi fication 15.7 None None Protec- back Ci r- to prevent Hours tive Sys- cuitry unnecessary d, i tem hot reheat  ;'

, scrams.

81-17 Turbine trip. Plant Hot Reheat None After reactor 1,666.5 Turbine None P rotec- Scram scramed, it Hours generator tive Sys- was decided to inspection tem remain shutdowr and repai r, for refueling, re fueling, and 1B helium ci r-culator change-out.

81-18 In ten tional Secondary Turbine Gen- None Turbine taken 42.0 None None shutdown.
  • e rator off line after llours tes ti ng.

81-19 Loop 1 shut- Plant Loss of Nor- None Turbine gener- 67.9 None None down. Protec- mal Bearing ator taken off Hours ,

tive Sys- Water line to recover tem Loop 1. ,

l I



0)RRECTIVE ACTION RECTIVE MAIN- ACE WHIQt ACCottlTS RElATED RE- TAKEN TO REDUCE TENANCE PER- FOR MORE THAN 101 PORTABLE THE PR08 ABILITY OF (PERATING ft)RPe!D DURING OF ALLOWABIE A9010Al, NLMBE R, PROXIMATE CAUSE SYSTFM MAJOR Cnif00 LENT OCCURRENCE RECURRENG TIME IDST lilE OUTAGE VALUE B1-20 Reactor Plant Two-Loop None Scram occurred 1 36.7 Repai r/ m- None s cram. Protec- Trouble while manually Hours placement shutting down tive Sys-tem for mainte-of 29 vari-ous cables (

nance. Outage i n tray.

continued due Repair to to small con- several struction fire main steam

in cable tray. valves and NRC ordered associated continued shut- hydraulic down while actuators .

! cables wem O

replaced /re- 'P pai red. Se r-vice of cables was never lost.

I i

B1-21 Fee &ater Secondary Number 5 None Number 5 feed- 55.1 Number 5 None leak. Coolant Fee &ater water heater Hours heater iso-Heater taken out of lated.

, system for re-i pai r/ mplace-


4 B1-22 Reactor Plant Two-Loop Hone Plant re- 22.0 None None scram. Protec- Trouble covered. Hours j tive Sys-i tem B1-23 Loop 2 shut- Plant Heli um Ci r- None Oscillator re- 18.7 None None down. P ro tec- culator Elec- pl aced. Hours ,

e tive Sys- tronic Speed tem Oscillator



NUMBE R PROK! MATE CAllSE SYSTEM MAJOR C0lFONENT OCCURRENCE RECliRRENCE TIME tilST Tile OUTACE VAI,UE 81- 24 Helium Primary Loop 2 Steam 81-068/03- Permission from 219.6 Modi fi ca- None leakage. Coolant Generator L-0 NRC to operate Hours . tion to Interspace B 3 i n te r- i nters pace.

space slightly above cold re-hea t p res sure.

81-25 Loop 1 shut- Primary IB Helium None Power reduc- None Hone None down. Coolant Circulator tion.

81 - 26 Loop split Primary System 21 None Intentional 1,267.4 Modi fica- None modi fi ca ti on. Coolant maintenance Hours tions to sbutdown con- ci rcula tor L, tinuing at end auxiliary y of year. systems, ins pection and mainte-nance to turbine generato r, removal of pl ateout p robe, overhaul of large con-densate pumps, and instal-lation of a new neutron source in region 15. ,


__ ___ -a

r -

A ve 3.0 RADIATION EXPOSURES There were no personnel receiving exposures in excess of 100 mrem during this report period.

4.0 FUEL EXAMINATIONS There were no examinations of irradiated fuel elements performed during this report period.

F 2

3 3