MONTHYEARML20211N0401999-09-0303 September 1999 Exemption from 10CFR50.44(d) & (E) to Remove Hydrogen Control Requirements from SONGS Units 2 & 3 Design Basis. Exemption Also Allows Licensee to Modify Emergency Operating Instructions to Remove Operator Action Requirements ML20206G6481999-04-27027 April 1999 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(4) Re Submission of Revs to UFSAR for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 ML13319B1321999-02-25025 February 1999 Transcript of 990225 Plant Unit 1 Decommissioning Meeting in San Clemente,Ca.Pp 1-84 ML20198Q8481998-01-15015 January 1998 Comment Opposing PRM 50-63A by Pg Crane Amending Petition for Rulemaking Re Use of Potassium Iode ML20198P7461998-01-11011 January 1998 Comment on Petition for Rulemaking PRM 50-63A Re Aftermath of Nuclear Meltdown at San Onofre NPP & Possibility of Nuclear Emergency Caused by Navy Proposed Mixed Waste Facility & Plans to Homeport Nuclear Carriers in San Diego ML20203F7541997-09-30030 September 1997 Transcript of 970930 Predecisional Enforcement Conference of Util in Arlington,Tx ML20210T0401997-08-29029 August 1997 Order Approving Application Re Corporate Restructuring of Enova Corp,Parent of San Diego Gas & Electric Co,By Establishment of Holding Company W/Pacific Enterprises ML20138K0721997-05-0202 May 1997 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR73 Re Physical Protection of Plants & Matls ML20149H5221997-04-25025 April 1997 Amended Emergency Petition Re Degradation of Steam Generator Internal Tube Supports (Egg Crates),Based on 970417 Rept. Plant Will Not Be Able to Completely Withstand Major Seismic Event ML20091R5651995-08-31031 August 1995 Comment on Review of Revised NRC SALP Program.Recommends That SALP Assessment Process Either Be Abandoned or Justified as within Authority of NRC Through Appropriate Rulemaking ML20058E3351993-11-19019 November 1993 Exemption from Requirements in 10CFR50.120 to Establish, Implement & Maintain Training Programs,Using Sys Approach to Training,For Categories of Personnel Listed in 10CFR50.120 ML20058E0151993-11-14014 November 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Exemptions in Accident Insurance for Nuclear Power Plants Prematurely Shut Down ML20056G3351993-08-27027 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Review of 10CFR2.206 Process ML20046A9191993-07-19019 July 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171 Re NRC Fee Policy. Opposes Rule ML20045F8901993-07-0202 July 1993 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54 to Allow Approvals Provided for Therein to Be Granted by Certified Fuel Handler ML13312A6931993-05-21021 May 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-206/93-14 & 50-206/93-06 ML20044D3551993-05-13013 May 1993 Comment on Draft Insp Procedure 38703, Commercial Grade Procurement Insp. Believes Appropriate Application of NRC Endorsed Stds to Critical Characteristics Remains Responsibility of Licensee Re Engineering Judgement ML20035A3521993-03-18018 March 1993 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Nuclear Facilities Qualified California Public Utilities Commission Decommissioning Master Trust Agreement for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Stations ML20035A3481993-03-18018 March 1993 San Diego Gas & Electric Company Nuclear Facilities Non-Qualified California Public Utilities Commission Decommissioning Master Trust Agreement for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station ML13309A3601992-11-20020 November 1992 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(o) & 10CFR50, App J Re Containment Leakrate Testing ML20087E1841991-12-31031 December 1991 Exemption Granted to Allow Duration of Next Requalification Cycle to Exceed 24-month Period Prescribed in Regulation ML20073M4081991-05-0707 May 1991 Exemption from Conducting Third Type a Test in 10 Yr Svc Period During Unit Shutdown for 10 Yr ISI ML20056B3671990-08-0909 August 1990 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements. Exemption Allows Handling & Storage of Irradiated or Unirradiated Fuel Assemblies at Station W/O Having Two Criticality Monitoring Sys ML20055F0001990-06-20020 June 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Operator Licenses. Proposed Rule Unnecessary & Can Only Adversely Impact Safe Operation of Nuclear Power Facilities by Negatively Affecting Morale of Licensed Operators ML13309A0881990-01-0202 January 1990 Order Confirming Licensee Commitments on full-term OL Open Items Re Installation of Reactor Vessel Level Indication Sys During Cycle 12 Refueling Outage Instead of Cycle 11 ML13316B4151989-07-13013 July 1989 Exemption from Technical Requirements of Section III.G.3 of App R to 10CFR50 Re Installation of Fixed Fire Suppression Sys in Pipe Tunnel ML20247L3791989-05-25025 May 1989 Transcript of 890525 Hearing in San Diego,Ca.Pp 150-278. Supporting Info Encl.Witnesses:A Keltz,A Talley,W Flynn, E Cone,N Hunemuller,J Zwolinski ML13316B3611989-05-10010 May 1989 Order Requiring Full Compliance W/Generic Ltr 82-28, Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation Sys, Including Addition of Reactor Water Level Monitor ML20245J6161989-04-25025 April 1989 Notice of Withdrawal of 840307 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Changes in Util Organizational Structure & to Incorporate New NRC Reporting Requirements ML13316B2731989-01-25025 January 1989 Exemption from 10CFR50,App J Requirements Re Containment Air Lock Testing ML20195G9881988-11-12012 November 1988 Requests 90-day Extension in Order to Submit Public Comment on 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program ML20195H1611988-11-12012 November 1988 Requests 90-day Extension of Public Comment Period for Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Issue for Nuclear Power Plant Workers ML20195H3221988-11-12012 November 1988 Requests 90-day Extension to Submit Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Issue ML20195H1751988-11-12012 November 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Unannounced Random Tests for Drug Use Should Not Be Part of Program ML20206D7531988-11-0808 November 1988 Requests Extension of Comment Period for 10CFR26 Re Random Drug Test Issue for Nuclear Power Plants.Period Provided Inadequate as Fr Notice Just Received ML20205D5691988-10-21021 October 1988 Memorandum.* Board Confirms Listed Schedule for Completing Case as Discussed W/Parties During 881018 Prehearing Conference.Served on 881024 ML20205D7301988-10-18018 October 1988 Transcript of 881018 Prehearing Conference in San Diego,Ca. Pp 1-62 ML20204F0291988-10-0606 October 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Drugs in Nuclear Workplaces ML20155D0011988-10-0303 October 1988 Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i) Requirements Re Onsite Property Damage Insurance Until Rulemaking Finalized But No Later than 890401 ML20155A1541988-10-0303 October 1988 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i) Re Onsite Property Damage Insurance Pending Completion of Rulemaking But No Later than 890401 ML20154D9891988-05-0909 May 1988 Order (Resolving Remanded Medical Svcs Issue).* Adequate Measures to Protect Public in Event of Radiological Emergency Taken.Served on 880510 ML20151P3771988-03-22022 March 1988 Stipulation & Proposed Order Re Remand of Medical Svcs Issue.* Stipulates That Parties Involved Reviewed Relevant Documentation Re Licensee Compliance w/10CFR50.47(b)(12) Including Licensee 870629 Submittal.W/Declaration of Svc ML13331B0091988-02-0808 February 1988 Requests Partial Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR171.15. Surcharge Levied in Addition to 10CFR171 License Fees Should Not Exceed Listed Amount ML20237B1861987-12-11011 December 1987 Transcript of 871211 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 19-24 ML20235R5441987-10-0101 October 1987 Notice of Appearance.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20238F1691987-09-10010 September 1987 Notice of Withdrawal.* All Mail & Svc Lists Should Be Amended to Delete Author Name After 870921.W/Certificate of Svc ML20216J8751987-06-29029 June 1987 Licensee Submittal Re Emergency Medical Svcs (10CFR50.47(b)(12)).* Completed Arrangements for Offsite Emergency Medical Svcs,Including Annual Conduct of Emergency Drills Since 1981,discussed ML20206T1731987-04-20020 April 1987 Notice of Reconstitution of Aslb.* Sj Wolfe,Chairman & Ch Hand & Eb Johnson,Members.Served on 870421 ML20205R3881987-04-0101 April 1987 Notice of Appearance.* Ck Oconnell Will Appear on Behalf of Southern California Edison Co,San Diego Gas & Electric Co & Cities of Riverside & Anaheim,Ca ML20205R3571987-04-0101 April 1987 Applicant Status Rept on Implementation of Emergency Medical Procedures.* Applicant Close to Completing Emergency Medical Svcs Arrangements & Will Make Ordered Filing at Earliest Possible Time.Declaration of Svc of Mail Encl 1999-09-03
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20149H5221997-04-25025 April 1997 Amended Emergency Petition Re Degradation of Steam Generator Internal Tube Supports (Egg Crates),Based on 970417 Rept. Plant Will Not Be Able to Completely Withstand Major Seismic Event ML13312A6931993-05-21021 May 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-206/93-14 & 50-206/93-06 ML13331B0091988-02-0808 February 1988 Requests Partial Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR171.15. Surcharge Levied in Addition to 10CFR171 License Fees Should Not Exceed Listed Amount ML20113E4511985-04-11011 April 1985 Response Opposing Applicant Motion Re Arrangements for Medical Svcs.Motion Deficient in Complying W/Procedures in 10CFR2.749 & Matl Submitted W/O Motion to Amend Record.Proof of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20076C7901983-08-16016 August 1983 Petition for Review of Final NRC 830621 Order Denying as Carstens,State of CA & Friends of the Earth Petition for Review & Affirming ASLB 820111 & Aslab 830304 Decisions Granting Ol.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20023D0901983-05-16016 May 1983 Motion to Augment Record to Include Various Revised County Emergency Plans & Other Documents Re Emergency Planning. Decisions Should Reflect Current Info.Declaration of Svc Encl ML20073G1351983-04-11011 April 1983 Answer in Opposition to Intervenor Carstens,Et Al 830307 Petition for Review of Seismic Issuances.Alleged Matters Do Not Fall within Scope of Petition for Review.Aslb & Aslab Properly Discharged Statutory Duty.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072T5831983-04-0505 April 1983 Answer Opposing Intervenor 830321 Petition for Review of Emergency Planning Issues.Intervenor Fails to Raise Issue of Inconsistent Factual Determinations Between ASLB & Aslab or Important Issue of Policy or Safety.Declaration of Svc Encl ML20069F4941983-03-21021 March 1983 Petition for Review of Emergency Planning Issues Re Scope & Nature of Participation of FEMA in Licensing Process. Guidelines for Communications Between Applicants & FEMA Should Be Established.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20064J7911983-01-14014 January 1983 Motion to Modify ASLB 820514 Initial Decision to Provide Addl 6-month Period of Full Power Operation Pending Final Resolution of Offsite Medical Svcs Issue.Licenses Do Not Authorize Operation Beyond 830217.Declaration of Svc Encl ML20063P3391982-10-0808 October 1982 Objections to ASLB 821001 Memorandum & Order Re Medical Arrangements.Order Proposes Hearing on Issues Beyond Scope of Commission Emergency Planning Regulations & Requires Evidence Beyond NUREG-0654 Stds.Declaration of Svc Encl ML13317A2461982-08-0303 August 1982 Supplemental Requests for Exemption from Listed Fire Protection Rule Implementation Schedule & Request for Reconsideration of Exemption Decision to Allow Safe Shutdown Measures Implementation W/Coordination of SEP ML20054G5711982-06-16016 June 1982 Response Opposing Guard & Carstens 820601 Application for Stay of Full Power License.Intervenors Failed to Show ASLB Erred & That Intervenors Likely to Prevail on Merits.No Irreparable Injury Shown ML20054G3221982-06-16016 June 1982 Response Opposing Intervenor 820601 Application for Stay of Full Power License.No Requirements for Stay Met.Initial Decision Correctly Decided & Intervenors Will Not Prevail on Merits.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053E8101982-06-0404 June 1982 Withdrawal of Applicant 820521 Comments on ASLB 820514 Initial Decision.Comments Rendered Moot by ASLB 820525 Order Making Clarifying Changes in Initial Decision. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053D2841982-05-26026 May 1982 Answer Opposing Carstens 820511 Application for Stay of Low Power License.Balancing of 10CFR2.788(e) Factors Does Not Weigh in Favor of Intervenor.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053D0811982-05-26026 May 1982 Response Opposing Intervenor Carstens 820511 Request for Stay of Low Power License & Appeal from Aslab Denial.Fuel Loading Complete & Low Power Tests Underway.Stay Would Seriously Interrupt Program.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20051J9041982-05-10010 May 1982 Application for Stay of Low Power License & Appeal from Denial of Stay by Aslab.All Four Criteria for Granting Stay Are Met.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042A4311982-03-18018 March 1982 Requests for Exemption from 10CFR50.54(t) to Permit 1-yr Extension for 820401 Deadline for Required Annual Emergency Preparedness Program Review.Fema Recent Comprehensive Onsite & Offsite Emergency Preparedness Review Justifies Request ML20041E2441982-03-0101 March 1982 Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB 820111 Partial Initial Decision.Upgraded Emergency Stds Should Be Observed Before Low Power License Granted.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041C3051982-02-23023 February 1982 Requests Svc List Be Modified to Delete DW Gilman & R Lacy & Add Gd Cotton & L Bernath.Proof of Svc Encl ML20040G0001982-02-0808 February 1982 Second Suppl to Application for Exemption from Deadline to Install Fire Safety Measures.Emergency Lighting Substantially Complete But Addl Month Needed to Correct Technical Problems & Complete Required Documentation ML20040H0821982-02-0808 February 1982 Response Opposing Carstens 820127 Application for Stay of Low Power License.Intervenors Unlikely to Prevail on Merits. ASLB Correctly Ruled on Inadmissability of Testimony Re Christianitos Fault ML20040D7521982-01-26026 January 1982 Exceptions to ASLB 820111 Initial Decision ML20039E7051982-01-0404 January 1982 Suppl to Util 811109 Application for Exemption from Deadline to Install Certain Fire Safety Measures.Requests Extension of Deadline Until 820117 to Install 8-h Emergency Lighting ML20039C6981981-12-28028 December 1981 Response Opposing Consolidated Intervenors 811216 Motion to Reopen Record & Suppl Findings of Fact.Fema Updated Evaluation Is Evidence of Continuing Efforts to Implement Final Corrective Actions ML20039E1871981-12-28028 December 1981 Reply Opposing Intervenors 811216 Motion to Reopen Record & for Further Hearings on Emergency Planning & Preparedness Issues.Extreme Cost & Inconvenient Nature of Addl Proceeding Not Justified by Updated FEMA Findings.W/Certificate of Svc ML20039C2281981-12-22022 December 1981 Application for Exemption from Requirement to Install Emergency Lighting Inside Containment.Exemption Necessary Due to Potential Hazards Presented by Permanently Installed Batteries Inside Containment ML20039B5421981-12-16016 December 1981 Motion to Reopen Record & Suppl Findings of Fact in Response to NRC 811202 Motion to Suppl Record.Fema 811113 Evaluations Demonstrate Need for Further Evidence Re Protection in Case of Radiological Emergency.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20033D0081981-12-0202 December 1981 Motion to Suppl Record W/Fema Updated Findings Evaluation of Plans & Implementation Capabilities of State & Local Govts. Certificate of Svc Encl ML13330A9111981-11-0909 November 1981 Supplemental Application for Exemption from Deadline to Submit Fire Safety Plans & Schedules ML13330A9081981-11-0404 November 1981 Application for Exemption from Deadline to Install Certain Fire Safety Measures ML20011A6001981-10-21021 October 1981 Brief of Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Opposing Applicant Alternative Motion for OL for Fuel Loading & Low Power Testing.Compliance W/Upgraded Emergency Stds Necessary.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031A3391981-09-18018 September 1981 Response Opposing Licensees 810622 Petition for Extension of Effective Deadline of CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response Recommending 1-yr Extension.No Justification That Utils Unable to Qualify Equipment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031B4381981-09-18018 September 1981 Memorandum of Low Opposing Guard & Carstens Proposal That Two Addl Issues Be Heard Re Applicants Alternative Motion for Fuel Loading & Low Power Testing License.Issue Irrelevant to Admitted Contentions.Declaration of Svc Encl ML20010G5611981-09-18018 September 1981 Response Opposing Intervenors 810831 Request for Consideration of Two Addl Issues in Context of Low Power Licensing.Contention 1 Must Be Considered New Contention & as Such,Does Not Meet Specificity & Basis Requirements ML20031A3561981-09-14014 September 1981 Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Guard & Carstens Proposed Issues to Be Considered During Low Power Hearings.Issue 1 Tied to Emergency Planning in Context of Low Power.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D9341981-09-14014 September 1981 Answer Opposing Ucs 810831 Motion Re CLI-80-21 & Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline.Matter Should Not Be Docketed as Involving Ucs Petition.Ucs Should Not Be Added to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031A1131981-09-11011 September 1981 Brief,In Form of Pleading,Supporting Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on Geology/Seismology Issues Per ASLB Stipulation & Confirming Order.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E5131981-08-31031 August 1981 Motion for Opportunity to Respond to Utils 810622 Petition for 13-month Extension of 820630 Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response.Requests Svc of Past & Future Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010D8941981-08-31031 August 1981 Response Supporting Applicant 810817 Request for Certification of Issue to Commission.Question Should Be Clarified & Restated.Major Question of Law & Policy Involved.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010F8831981-08-31031 August 1981 Alternative Motion for OL Authorizing Loading Fuel, Proceeding to Initial Criticality,Performing Startup Tests & Testing at 5% Power.Motion Is Alternative If ASLB Considers Record Inadequate to Support Full Power OL ML20010F8871981-08-31031 August 1981 Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Applicants 810831 Alternative Motion for Fuel Loading & Low Power Testing Ol.Delay in Commencement of Low Power Testing Will Mean Addl Expenses to Ratepayers.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20037D7441981-08-24024 August 1981 Memorandum Opposing Guard 810820 Motion for Continuance. Preparing Testimony Re Emergency Planning Zones Does Not Affect Hearing on Other Issues.Guard Had Sufficient Time to Prepare Case.Two Certificates of Svc Encl ML20030D0681981-08-24024 August 1981 Trial Memorandum Re Emergency Planning Contentions Hearings. Describes Facts Leading to Hearings,Lists Contentions, Outlines Applicants Order of Proof & Summarizes Testimony of Applicants Witnesses ML20030D0431981-08-24024 August 1981 Memorandum Opposing Guard 810820 Motion for Continuance. Preparing Testimony Re Emergency Planning Zones Does Not Affect Hearing on Other Issues.Guard Had Sufficient Time to Prepare Case.Proof of Svc Encl ML20030D1901981-08-20020 August 1981 Request for Continuance of Hearing Until 810908.GUARD Only Recently Learned of Responsibility for Emergency Planning Zone Contention & Time Needed for Adequate Preparation ML20010C9121981-08-17017 August 1981 Request for Certification of Questions to Commission. Questions Concern ASLB Requiring Consideration of Emergency Planning Features Re Earthquake in Excess of SSE ML20010C9251981-08-17017 August 1981 Memorandum of Points & Authorities Supporting Applicants 810817 Request for Certification of Questions to Commission. Questions of Law & Policy Presented Will Cause Irreparable Injury.W/Certificate of Svc & Proposed Order ML20010C9181981-08-17017 August 1981 Memorandum Opposing Issue Raised Sua Sponte by ASLB 810807 Order.Legal Authority or Factual Basis Does Not Support ASLB Exercise of Sua Sponte Powers 1997-04-25
[Table view] |
'{;2 pg 12 f!,1 :17 0F ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE A Professional Corporation 600 Montgomery Street 4
San Francisco, California 94111 p
(415) 392-1122
\\g 2; % 8
4'. ?
s P.O. Box 800 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 e
(213) S72-1900 Attorneys for Applicants Southern California Edison Company San Diego Gas and Electric Company City of Anaheim, California and City of Riverside, California UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING APPEAL BOARD In the Matter of
50-362 OL COMPANY, ~ET AL.
) APPLICANTS' RESPONSE (San Onofre Nuclear Generating
) IN OPPOSITION TO INTERVENORS Station, Units 2 and 3)
February 8, 1982 l
8202170137 820208 PDR ADOCK 05000361 0
INTRODUCTION Dn January 11, 1982 the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ("ASLB")
issued, in the above docket, its Partial Initial Decision ("PID"), whereby it 4
decided all relevant seismic issues and authorized issuance of a fuel loading and low power operating license. On January 27, 1982 there was filed "Intervenor's s
(sic) Carstens et al Application for Stay of Low Power License (10 C.F.R. 2.788)",
(" Application"). Pursuant to 10 C.F.R Sec. 2.788(d), Applicants hereby respond in opposition to said Application.
THE PARTIAL INITIAL DECISION HAS CORRECTLY DECIDED THE SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES Intervenors recognize in order to prevail on their Application they must make "a strong showing that they are likely to prevail on the merits." 10 C.F.R.
Sec. 2.788(e)(1)
Intervenors have raised several issues wherein they allege the ASLB committed error. Applicants submit that the ASLB has not committed such error and the Intervenors lack substantive grounds to prevail on appeal.
THE ASLB CORRECTLY RULED NOT TO ALLOW INTO EVIDENCE INTERVENORS' TESTIMONY RELATIVE TO THE CRISTIANITOS FAULT Intervenors allege that the ASLB erred in not allowing into evidence the testimony of Mr. Richard S. Simons relative to the Cristianitos fault. Applicants submit that the ASLB had both a legal and factual basis for excluding this testimony from the operating license proceeding.
The NRC's rules and regulations do not contemplate that at the operating license stage, every matter be subject to being completely reopened. For this reason the judicial doctrines of repose (res judicata/ collateral estoppel) have been held to apply to administrative proceedings.
It has also been recognized that in such proceedings these doctrines should "be relaxed or qualified without destroying [their] essential service." Cf. Davis, K. 2 Adminstrative Law Treatise 627 (1958); PID p. 23.
Page 1
The geology and seismicity of the Cristianitos fault were examined at both the 1964 construction permit hearings for SONGS Unit 1 and the 1973 construction permit proceeding for SONCS Units 2 and 3.
On both occasions it was determined that the Cristianitos is not a capable fault. Intervenors were thus properly precluded from raising the issue a third time.
Intervenors have also failed to demonstrate that either exception to
" foreclosure" are present -- i.e. changed factual or legal circumstances and overriding competing public policy considerations. Alabama Power Company (Farley Units 1 and 2), 7 AEC 210 (1974).
The evidence Intervenors argue constitutes changed circumstances, was determined by the ASLB to be superficial, of questionable accuracy, very simplistic, and " adds nothing to what has been generally known [about the area of the Cristianitos] for decades." (PID pp. 18-20)
Intervenors' alleged public policy concern, i.e.,
the protection of the public health and safety, is disposed of by the ASLB's conclusion that: "From the standpoint of seismicity of the site and the surrounding area there is reasonable assurance that San Onofre Units 2 and 3 can be operated without endangering the health and safety of the public." (PID p. 216).
Intervenors' contention that Applicants and the ASLB have " waived" any
" foreclosure",jia also both legally and factually incorrect.
"Before a party may be deemed to have waived the defense of
[ foreclosure] he must have asumed a position so inconsistent with its assertion as to constitute a decision to abandon it, or acted in a manner which renders the allowance of the defense inequitable.
...such a waiver has been found where a party has chosen to relitigate rather than assert the benefit of a prior adjudication of an issue in dispute." Carmen Industries Inc. v. Wahl, 472 F. Supp.
877 (1976).
The admission of minor pieces of evidence which reference the Cristianitos fault does not consitute a waiver especially where it has been demonstrated that such evidence goes to the issue of the appropriate level of the Page 2
t investigaticns of the seismicity of the SONGS site and not, as Intervenors allege, to the activity of the Cristianitos fault.
Finally, assuming that Intervenors arguments on the admissibility of the Simons testimony are correct, Intervenors still have not made a strong showing of prevailing on the merits. Intervenors' arguments totally ignore the fact that Mr.
'ier of proof pursuant to 10 Simons' testimony was heard by the ASLb, as ti C.F.R. Sec. 2.743(e) and subject to a motion co strike.
(Tr. 4778)
Mr. Simons' testimony was submitted and he was cross-examined by Applicants and NRC staf f and questioned by the ASLB.
Independent of foreclosure, the ASLB concluded that Mr.
Simons' presentation lacked any probative value and that the witness "... had nothing useful to tell us about seismic conditions affecting San Onofre."
(PID Page 17; TR 5196) Given that Mr. Simons has testified and his testimony has been rejected on the merits the admission of Mr. Simons' testimony would not result in Intervenors prevailing.
Intervenors apparently misunderstand the concept of a zone of deformation. A zone of deformation is not a single thrcughgoing fault as contended by Intervenors. The OZD has never been construed as a single throughgoing fault. This is clearly stated in the testimony of James F. Devine, Assistant Director for Engineering Geology, U.S.C.S., who testified in both the construction permit and operating license proceedings.
(Tr 5331-5335)
Intervenors furth c confuse the concept of linearity with continuity.
The fact that a zone is " linear" does not imply that a single continuous fault exists along its length.
Further, a finding that the zone is segmented does not mean the i
various segments are " disassociated" one from the other. Neither Applicants' case nor the ASLB's findings contradict the U.S.G.S. model, which was assumed for seismic design purposes at the construction permit stage.
I l
Page 3 i
The issue is posed in Contention #4 as follows:
"Whether based on the geologic and seismic characteristics of the OZD, including its length...."
The " geologic and seismic characteristics" include such questions as the number and length of the various faults within the zone and their seismic histories.
A full litigation df the geology would have included evidence on whether the three segments of the zone are related such that they form a single zone or whecher they are to be considered separately as three distinct, unrelated faults or zones. A complete reading of the discussion referenced by Intervenors (Application pp. 6-7) leads to the inescapable conclusion that examination of the geologic characteristics of the OZD was contemplated within the stated issue. (Tr.
1043-1055) Intervenors' claim that they were not aware the segmentation question was a part of the issue is preposterous. Their examination of witnesses frequently addressed the length and continuity of the OZD. The consistant response was that the zone was discontinuous and segmented. (Tr. 1298-99; 4732; 4880) Rupture along the OZD, should it occur, would be on segments of the fault and not rupture the entire zone (Tr. 5333; 6244) This issue is but another variation of Intervenors' continuing attempt to distort and misconstrue the U.S.G.S. model previously assumed at the construction permit stage for a different purpose, that of arriving at the appropriate seismic design.
The ASLB's ruling with respect to the segments was one of several necessary steps in reaching the final determination of Ms7 as the appropriate maximum magnitude to be assigned to the OZD.
Intervenors' continuing attempt to maintain a geologic interpretation that is unsupported by either geologic facts or the history of this case must be rejected.
2 Page 4
Intervenors have alleged that the ASLB has misconstrued the testimony of Dr. Slemmons.
Intervenors attempted during cross-examination to foist on Dr.
Slemmons their use of the concept of standard deviation.
Dr. Slemmons answered questions based on intervenors faulty premises but refused to adopt such premises.
(Tr 6240-6243; 6265-6277) Intervenors now imply that they will prevail on appeal on a concept that both the ASLB and the witness rejected.
Intervenors have ignored the basic thrust of Dr. Slemmons comments regarding the addition of one standard deviation to a "mean" value.
In the regular course of science and engineering, the process of quantifying a parameter, such as maximum magnitude, proceeds by estimating at each stage of the analysis the best or most likely value of each parameter and its associated uncertainty (standard deviation). The final parameter is derived by combined mean estimates; standard deviations are independently evaluated. This process produces a best mean estimate and its associated uncertainty. To keep adding conservatism at each step in the analysis is no6 a standard engineering practice. (Tr. 6267-6268)
Dr. Slemmons testified that if he were to re-do the calculations, he would use the less conservative but more rigorous procedure of combining mean estimates separate from the standard deviations. (Tr. 6275)
Intervenors characterization of this alternate procedure ("Dr. Slemmons corrected methods") as j
simply derived by adding 0.697 to his previous estimates is erroneous.
Slemmons also testified, when asked if he would add a standard deviation in using his method to estimate maximum magnitude, "that he wouldn't do it". (Tr.
It should be noted that Dr. Slemmons originated the method in question. (Tr. 5471-5473)
At the conclusion of his examination, Dr. Slemmons stated:
l Page 5
"I have high confidence in the magnitude of 7 due to the fact that I, in my opinion the two methods -- two independent methods, slip rate and my table on page E14, strongly support a magnitude of about seven."
Intervenors allege that the ASLB ignored the peak ground ac.celeration evidence presented by Dr. Boore. Such was not the ASLB's intent. (PID p. 120)
After careful consideration, the ASLB concluded that the results of Boore and Joyner were actually in good agreement with Applicants' analysis. (PID pp.
Intervenors take issue with an alleged discrepency in documents, i.e.,
U.S.G.S. Open File Report 81-365 versus " Peak Horizontal Accelerations and Velocity From Strong Ground Motion Records Including Records From the 1979 Imperial Valley, California Earthquake". If Intervenors would only turn the page and read the ASLB's full discussion, the contrived discrepancy would disappear.
(PID 119 and 120)
In support of their allegation that the ASLB ignored data, Intervenors incorrectly allege that Boore testified that an M,7 earthquake on the OZD would generate 0.83g (84th percentile) at SONGS.
Dr. Boore recognized that his analysis did not follow standard engineering practice and for comparison with standard engineering practice, his results must be divided by 1.13
,i.e., 0.83g becomes 0.73g. (Tr 6559)
Dr. Boore recognized that the predictions in his paper must be used carefully for large magnitude earthquakes at close distance; "For distances less than 40 km from earthquakes with M greater than 6.6, the prediction equations are not constrained by data, and the results s,hould be treated with caution."
(Intervenors Ex. 28, at p. 17) Boore's results are strongly influenced by data at distances greater than 50 km from the earthquake source.
These data are not relevant to conditions being considered for the San Onofre site, namely the prediction of PGA at 8 km from a fault.
When Boore excluded from his analysis Page 6
data from beyond 50 km., he predicted a mean and 84th percentile peak acceleration of 0.31g and 0.57g for M 7 at 8 km. (Tr. 6609) Such predictions are consistent with the SONGS design spectrum.
INTERVENORS MISCONSTRUE THE RELEVANCE OF THE RATIO OF VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL ACCELERATIONS Intervenors' allege that the traditional 2/3 ratio between vertical and horizontal accelerations has been exceeded in several earthquakes, and that there is no reason why it could not occur on the OZD. The ASLB properly concluded that an exceedence of the 2/3 ratio is not, in itself, significant. (PID p. 140) The SONGS vertical design peak acceleration is 0.44g.
The assessment of the adequacy of the design must focus on the expected absolute values, not ratios. (PID pp.
139-140; Tr. 4024) Assuming the 2/3 ratio can be exceeded, Intervenors have not alleged that any damage would follow. Thus, Intervenors have not only failed to raise a substantial appeal issue, in this instance they fail to allege any damaging impact if they are correct.
Intervenors imply that Dr. Luco recommended a design spectrum anchored at a peak acceleration value of 0.8g.
However, Dr. Luco testified that 0.8g was a free-field value and was not a value appropriate for anchoring the design spectrum. (Tr 5014)
Dr. Luco's assessment of 0.8g was based on USGS Circular 672 and on correlations by Trifunic.
Intervenors' witness, Dr. Boore, a co-author of Circular 672, described this document as "~ obsolete". (Tr 6566)
Dr. Luco acknowledged that his evaluation was dated:
"More recent calculations would lead to values of peak acceleration somewhat lower than 0.8g for a local magnitude of 6.5 at a distance of eight kilometers" (Tr. 5010; 5014)
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I l
The record shows that Dr. Luco was emphatic in his position that he was not recommending any particular value for SONGS design and his testimony cannot be relied upon to support Intervenors' Application. (Tr. 5010)
During the course of the hearing, Intervenors failed to present data or theory indicating that focusing is a significant concern for SONGS. All parties agree that focusing has been observed for several moderate sized earthquakes in California. There is no dispute that these data indicate PGA's are about 1.5 times greater in the direct path of focusing than the median PGA's recorded at all azimuths to the rupture surface. The San Onofre site is located perpendicular to the controlling fault at a distance of 8 km.
As noted by the ASLB, because of this geometry, the site is not likely to be adversely effected by focusing.
- p. 152)
Intervenors implication that saturation arguments were used to reduce estimated PGA grossly misrepresents the record. All predicted values of PGA were based on observational data.
Furthermore, the issue of saturation is irrelevant as the ASLB states:
"We do not ascribe substantial significance to the phenomenon". (PID p. 147)
III. THE INTERVENORS RAVE FAILED TO SHOW IRREPARABLE INJURY The Intervenors' speculate regarding the likelihood and consequences of a nuclear accident during the period of appeal.
Such speculation as a matter of law is insufficient to constitute the imminent and irreparable injury required to justify a stay of a licensing decision. State of New York v. NRC, 550 F.2d 745, 756-57 (2d Cir. 1977); Virginia Sunshine Alliance
- v. Hendrie, 477 F. Supp. 68, 70 (D.D.C. 1979).
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Intervenors have failed to demonstrate any cognizable injury, much less the sort of immediate, irreparable injury pending appeal which is prerequisite to issuance of a stay.
Public Service Company of Indiana (Marble Hill), ALAB-437, 6 NRC 630, 632 (1977); Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom), ALAB-158, 6 AEC 999 (1973).
THE CRANT OF A STAY WILL HARM APPLICANTS AND WOULD NOT BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Intervenors' arguments that the grant of a stay will not " inordinately" harm other parties is entirely misplaced. The harm to Applicants is set forth in the attached " Affidavit of Robert Dietch."
Intervenors refusal to recognize the significance of this substantial harm to the Applicants and the public at large is contrary to Appeal Board precedent. Public Service Co. of Indiana (Marble Hill),
ALAB-487, 6 NRC 630, 634 (1977); Florida Power & Light Company (St. Lucie),
ALAB-404, 5 NRC 1185, 1188 (1977).
Intervenors' allegations that Applicants do not require a license at this time are factually incorrect. Applicants have substantially cocpleted the Seismic Design Verification Program. Although this program is not required by NRC regulations as a licensing prerequisite, Applicants have undertaken such program and submitted the preliminary verification of the seismic design to the NRC.
Applicants have also successfully qualified sufficient senior reactor operators to operate SONGS 2.
Applicants are ready to load fuel and every day of delay imposes irreparable financial loss on Applicants or Applicants' ratepayers.
(Affidavit of Robert Dietch)
Applicants are not precluded by state law from operating Unit No. 2.
Applicants dispute with the California Coastal Commission does not preclude operation of the facility pursuant to an NRC license. Finally, Intervenors will not be heard to argue that granting of a stay will benefit, rather than harm the applicant, by protecting against expenses that would be wasted if intervenors Page 9
succeed on appeal.
Florida Power & Light, supra, 5 NRC at 1188; Virginia Petroleum Jobbers Association v. FPC, 259 F.2d 921, 926-27 (D.C. Cir. 1958).
It is also a matter for judicial notice that the mere fact that a plant has been operating has never deferred the Commission from insisting upon needed modifications regardless of the presence of radioactivity generated.
It is ginerally recognized that the "public interest" lies with preserving the presumption of validity that attaches to licensing board decisions unless a substantial reason appears from the stay proponents papers for staying the effectiveness of such decisions. Flortda Power & Light Company, supra, 5 NRC, at 1189.
Intervenors have failed to make such a showing. Accordingly, the public interest demands that Intervenors' stay request be denied.
Respectfully submmitted by ORIGINAL SIGNED David R. Pigott l
February 8, 1982 One of Counsel Page 10