MONTHYEARML20206C9871999-04-27027 April 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990319,station Personnel Observed Foam Emanating from Manhole Vent Associated with Outfall 001,no Foam Was Observed on Any Waterway.Caused by Inappropriate Addition of Betz 3625 to Spray Pond ML20207D6171999-02-26026 February 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990111,discovered That Weelkly Analysis for non-oxidizing Biocide Betz 3625 Was Not Performed.Caused by Sample Being Inappropriately Delayed for Future Chemical Addition.Counseled Individuals Involved ML20202F0591999-01-19019 January 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990112,Auxiliary Boiler Source Number OAS502 Found to Have Malfunctioning Opacity Monitor.Caused by Stepdown Transformer within Power Supply. Power Supply Replaced ML20206R3491998-12-21021 December 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 981102,500 Gallons of 12% Sodium Hypochlorite Released to Environ.Caused by Failure of Tank Discharge Fittings & Subsequent Leaks from Secondary Containment.Culvert Was Flushed Repeatedly ML20198J2811998-12-21021 December 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 981102,release of 500 Gallons of 12% Sodium Hypochlorite to Environment Occurred. Caused by Failure of Tank Discharge Fittings.Integrity Testing Will Be Performed on All New Tanks.With ML20236V2001998-07-27027 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980619,geometric Mean Coliform Concentration Calculated to Be 223 Colonies Per 100 Ml.Sample Procedure Enhanced to Ensure Normal Operating Conditions ML20248C9461998-05-27027 May 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980414,total Iron Discharge Through Outfall 001 Exceeded Limits Set in Ltr Dtd 960508.Total Iron Discharge Limit Exceeded During Cleaning Evolution.Limit Revised ML20217N6921998-02-27027 February 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980107 Net Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for Units 1 & 2 Cooling Towers at Outfall 001 Exceeded NPDES Permit Daily Limit of 60 Ppm. Caused by Contaminated Sample Lines.Replaced Tygon Tubing ML20141G0271997-06-27027 June 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970512,sample for Kjeldahl Omitted Due to Personnel Error.Counseled Individual Responsible.On 970521,Net TSS Exceeded NPDES Daily Limit Due to Fouled Sample Tubing.Replaced Sample Tubing ML20137M5511997-03-27027 March 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970228,flow Integrator Used to Measure Spray Pond Effluent Flow Was Identified to Be Malfunctioning & Declared Inoperable Due to Lodged Debris.Revised Procedure for Spray Pond Effluent Flow ML20134G3241997-01-31031 January 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970108,util Informed NRC That PA Dept of Environ Protection Granted Approval for Temporary Discharge at Lgs,Per 961219 ML20138G9651996-12-24024 December 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960428,calibration of Flowmeter Used to Measure Spray Pond Flow Was Not Checked on Routine Basis Because Person Required to Develop Maint Was Unaware of Requirements.Installed New Meter ML20135A5851996-11-27027 November 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On July-Sept 1996 Re NPDES Limit for Fecal Coloform Concentration Not Met.Caused by Inadequate Gasket Installation.Ozonators Overhauled to Ensure Peak Performance ML20134E0641996-10-28028 October 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:During Month of Sept 1996, NPDES Limit for Fecal Coliform Concentration at Discharge of Bradshaw Reservoir Pumps Was Not Met.Caused by Leaking Gaskets on Ozone Gas Diffusers.New Gaskets,Installed ML20129E5681996-09-27027 September 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960805,geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Concentration Calculated to Be 641 Colonies Per 100 Ml.Cause Suspected to Be Due to Malfunctioning Ozone Disinfection Sys.Adjustments to Sys Have Been Made ML20129E5411996-09-26026 September 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960812,discharge Observed from Unit 2 Cooling Tower Overflow to Outfall 021. Caused by Personnel Error in Performing Required Analysis of Cooling Tower Overflow Sample.Individual Counseled ML20117G7071996-08-23023 August 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960715,geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Concentration Exceeded NPDES Permit Limit. Caused by Leaking Seals on Ozone Diffusers.Temporary Adjustments Made to Ozone Gas Flow Balance ML20116B3851996-07-24024 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960602 Identified Ph Levels Exceeded NPDES Permit Limitations.Caused by Natural Biological activity.CO2 Injection Established,Maintained & Monitored Until 960612 ML20115G1151996-07-12012 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960619,resulting Net TSS Value 82.8 mg/1,exceeded Max Daily Limit of 60 Mg/L.Caused by Excessive Storm Water Runoff.Net TSS Revised ML20113C4451996-06-24024 June 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960318,flow Integrator Used to Measure Spray Pond Effluent Flow Declared Inoperable.Caused by Faulty Flow Integrator.Frequency of Use of Instrument Changed to Daily as Stated in Issue Number ML20108A3801996-04-28028 April 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960223,identified Seven Issues of Administrative non-compliance/ambiguity W/Permits. Caused by Inadequate Administration.Individuals Gained Better Understanding W/Guidance ML20108A3671996-04-28028 April 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960314,personnel Observed Sewage Overflowing from MH-07 & Into Storm Drain W-4.Caused by Blockage of Pipe Section Between MH-07 & MH-08.Sewer Contract Svc Pressure Cleaned ML20101K4661996-03-28028 March 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960218,discovered That No Records Existed for Bradshae Reservoir Discharge Water Temp for Listed Time Periods.Caused by Temporary Reassigment of Personnel.Review of Staffing in Progress ML20100P6311996-02-28028 February 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951108,discharge 001 Net TSS in Excess of Maximum Daily Limit.Caused by Flaw in Methodology to Calculate Net TSS concentration.Follow-up Composite Samples Taken ML20072R4601994-08-31031 August 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 940708 & 0815,Discharge 001 Total Zinc Concentrations Exceeded Max Daily Limitations.Daily Zinc Trending Analysis Will Be Upgraded & Chemistry Technician Involved in 940815 Event Counselled ML20071L1761994-07-27027 July 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 940609,zinc Analyses Indicated That Discharge 001 Total Zinc Levels in Excess of Max Daily Limitations in Both Cooling Towers.Daily Zinc Control Limits Will Be Administratively Maintained Lower ML20149E7291994-07-26026 July 1994 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept:On 940713,approx 18 Gallons of Betz Clamtrol CT-1 Inadvertently Released from Injection Sys Located South of LGS Spraypond Pumphouse.Caused by Break in Pump Discharge Line.Polyethylene Piping Replaced ML20065B9221994-03-25025 March 1994 NPDES Noncompliances Notification:On 940204,discharge 001 Maximum Daily Limit of 1.0 mg/1 Total Zinc Was Exceeded. Caused by Low Ph Transient in Unit 2 Cooling Tower Water Sys.Isolated Acid Injection Sys ML20064C7701994-02-25025 February 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 940116 & 17 Manual Reactor Scram Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Throttle Cooling Tower Bypass Valves.Procedure Revised ML20059C4941993-10-26026 October 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930907,cooling Tower Blowdown Water Discharged Into Possum Hollow Creek Due to Loss of Two of Four Operating Circulating Water Pumps. Procedures for Performing Excavations Revised ML20056G3921993-08-27027 August 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930710,13,14 & 25, Water Processing Facility (Wpf) Discharge Temp Exceeded Max Limitation of 74 Degrees F.Rev to NPDES Permit,Removing Temp Limits Approved & Wpf Chillers Removed from Svc ML20024H8441993-08-19019 August 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification Re Perkiomen Storage Tank Overflow to Possum Hollow Run.Application for Amend to Permit PA0051926 Submitted ML20046B8051993-07-29029 July 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930618,20 & 27,water Processing Facility Temp Exceeded Permitted Max Limitation of 74 Degrees F.Caused by Lack of Training & Written Instructions.Training Provided & Addl Instruction Issued ML20036B4991993-05-21021 May 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930417,Bradshaw Pump Stations Temp,Dissolved Oxygen & Ph Monitoring Equipment Determined Inoperable Due to Debris in Sample Line.Methods of Filtering or Straining Sample Flow Being Investigated ML20044G7641993-05-21021 May 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:From 930417-18,equipment Problems Occurred Which Rendered Dissolved Oxygen & Ph Monitoring Instrumentation Inoperable.Caused by Debris in Sample Line.Methods for Filtering Flow Under Investigation ML20044C4051993-03-16016 March 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930222,discovered That Contractor Personnel Discharged Treated Water from Fire Hydrant Supplied by Unit 1 Cooling Tower Into Storm Water Drain E-3.2.Caused by Personnel Error.Label Applied ML20128N1251993-02-17017 February 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930103,cooling Tower Blowdown Water Overflowed from Discharge 001 Pipeline & Flowed Into Possum Hollow Creek.Caused by Failure to Throttle Unit 2 Bypass Valves.Procedure Changed ML20128A5071993-01-25025 January 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921117 & 25,analytical Results for inductively-coupled Plasma Analyzer at Discharge Point 001 Exceeded Zinc Concentration.Total Zinc Concentration Analysis Will Be Performed Onsite ML20126G9991992-12-24024 December 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921104,dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Equipment at Bradshaw Reservoir Discharge & Water Processing Facility Became Fouled by Organic Concentrations. Caused by Heavy Rainfall.Manual Samples Will Be Obtained ML20117A5761992-11-23023 November 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921013 & 14,four of Five Samples Collected from Discharge Point 001 Exceeded Daily Max Permit Limit of 1.0 Mg/L.Caused by Heavy Rains Across Southeastern PA on 921009.Injection Rates Decreased ML20101H5321992-06-26026 June 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920504,crack Discovered on Above Ground Cleanout for Sewage Line Leading from Plant Training Ctr to Plant Sewage Sys Holding Tanks.Caused by Expansion of Sewage Spill Line.Clamps Installed ML20095J1201992-04-23023 April 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920322,cooling Tower Blowdown Water Discharged Into Possum Hollow Creek.Caused by Procedure Deficiency.Sys Operating Procedure S09.4.A Expected to Be Revised by 920501 ML20141M0551992-03-25025 March 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920206,rain Water Pumped from Eletrical Manhole Into Storm Water Runoff Drain Due to Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Blue Drains to Be Labelled, Indicating Use for Storm Water Runoff Only by 920801 ML20091Q4301992-01-23023 January 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 911218 Cooling Tower Blowdown Water Discharged to Possum Hollow Creek Resulting in Unpermitted Discharge Due to Failure to Identify & Revise All Appropriate Procedures.Procedure GP-3 to Be Revised ML20086E4981991-11-22022 November 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 911016 Underground Fire Water Pipeline Inadvertently Punctured by Contractor Backhoe Ram During Excavation of Trench.Caused by Inadequate Review of Required Prints.Backhoe Ram Operator Terminated ML20082L9871991-08-28028 August 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910707 & 19,electrical Storm Caused Loss of Power to Bedminster Water Processing Facility & Tripped Chillers.On 910721,discharge Temp Exceeded Permitted Limits.Permit Limits Changed ML20217C2131991-07-0808 July 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910629,chillers at Bedminster Water Processing Facility for Bradshaw Reservoir Tripped Due to Unexpected Failure of Logic Control Unit. Chiller Control to Primary Computer Restored ML20077G5771991-06-20020 June 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910528,chiller C at Bedminster Water Processing Facility Tripped Due to High Vibration & Temp at Discharge 001 Exceeding Permitted Instantaneous Temp.Discharge Temp Setpoint Lowered ML20077D8701991-05-17017 May 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910512,cooling Tower Experienced Failure,Causing Large Vol of Cooling Tower Water to Bypass Normal Blowdown Discharge Pathway.Cooling Tower Will Be Inspected During mid-yr Outage ML20070S3071991-03-22022 March 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910204,discovered That Misalignment of Diverter Valve to Outfall 003 May Have Allowed Mixture of Storm Water & Steam Condensate to Be Released from Outfall.Valve Repositioned 1999-04-27
MONTHYEARML20206Q5111999-05-12012 May 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Amend to License NPF-85 Documenting Approval of Implementation of Plant Mod to Support Installation of Replacement Suction Strainers for ECCS Pumps ML20206C9871999-04-27027 April 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990319,station Personnel Observed Foam Emanating from Manhole Vent Associated with Outfall 001,no Foam Was Observed on Any Waterway.Caused by Inappropriate Addition of Betz 3625 to Spray Pond ML20207D6171999-02-26026 February 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990111,discovered That Weelkly Analysis for non-oxidizing Biocide Betz 3625 Was Not Performed.Caused by Sample Being Inappropriately Delayed for Future Chemical Addition.Counseled Individuals Involved ML20202F0591999-01-19019 January 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990112,Auxiliary Boiler Source Number OAS502 Found to Have Malfunctioning Opacity Monitor.Caused by Stepdown Transformer within Power Supply. Power Supply Replaced ML20206E2161998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) for Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20205T0581998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 15 for 1998 ML20206R3491998-12-21021 December 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 981102,500 Gallons of 12% Sodium Hypochlorite Released to Environ.Caused by Failure of Tank Discharge Fittings & Subsequent Leaks from Secondary Containment.Culvert Was Flushed Repeatedly ML20198J2811998-12-21021 December 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 981102,release of 500 Gallons of 12% Sodium Hypochlorite to Environment Occurred. Caused by Failure of Tank Discharge Fittings.Integrity Testing Will Be Performed on All New Tanks.With ML20154M6621998-10-0707 October 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 970225 Request to Revise Licenses to Reflect Licensee Name Change to PECO Energy Co ML20236V2001998-07-27027 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980619,geometric Mean Coliform Concentration Calculated to Be 223 Colonies Per 100 Ml.Sample Procedure Enhanced to Ensure Normal Operating Conditions ML20248C9461998-05-27027 May 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980414,total Iron Discharge Through Outfall 001 Exceeded Limits Set in Ltr Dtd 960508.Total Iron Discharge Limit Exceeded During Cleaning Evolution.Limit Revised ML20217Q5651998-05-0404 May 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Amend to FOL NPF-39.Proposed Amend Would Approve Implementation of Plant Mod to Support Installation of Replacement Suction Strainers for ECCS Pumps ML20217N6921998-02-27027 February 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980107 Net Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for Units 1 & 2 Cooling Towers at Outfall 001 Exceeded NPDES Permit Daily Limit of 60 Ppm. Caused by Contaminated Sample Lines.Replaced Tygon Tubing ML20199J8841998-01-23023 January 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR20.24(a) for Lgs,Unit 1 ML20203L5691997-12-31031 December 1997 Occupational Exposure Tabulation Rept for LGS Units 1 & 2 for 1997 ML20203H2201997-12-31031 December 1997 Tower 1 Joint Frequency Distributions of Wind Speed & Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class Rept 13 for 1997 ML20217M6471997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 14,Jan-Dec 1997 for Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20217P1941997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) for Jan-Dec 1997, for LGS Units 1 & 2 ML20216F3371997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Environmental Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) for 970101-1231 ML20203H1911997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Effluent Release Rept 23 for Jan-Dec 1997 ML20141G0271997-06-27027 June 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970512,sample for Kjeldahl Omitted Due to Personnel Error.Counseled Individual Responsible.On 970521,Net TSS Exceeded NPDES Daily Limit Due to Fouled Sample Tubing.Replaced Sample Tubing ML20137M5511997-03-27027 March 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970228,flow Integrator Used to Measure Spray Pond Effluent Flow Was Identified to Be Malfunctioning & Declared Inoperable Due to Lodged Debris.Revised Procedure for Spray Pond Effluent Flow ML20134G3241997-01-31031 January 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970108,util Informed NRC That PA Dept of Environ Protection Granted Approval for Temporary Discharge at Lgs,Per 961219 ML20148B6671996-12-31031 December 1996 LGS Units 1 & 2 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 13 for 960101-1231 ML20135C7691996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Effluent Release Rept No 22 ML20138J5291996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) for Jan- Dec 1996 ML20135C7731996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Tower No 1 Joint Frequency Distribution of Wind Speed & Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class Rept No 12 ML20135D0161996-12-31031 December 1996 Occupational Exposure Tabulation Rept for LGS Units 1 & 2 for 1996 ML20138G9651996-12-24024 December 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960428,calibration of Flowmeter Used to Measure Spray Pond Flow Was Not Checked on Routine Basis Because Person Required to Develop Maint Was Unaware of Requirements.Installed New Meter ML20135A5851996-11-27027 November 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On July-Sept 1996 Re NPDES Limit for Fecal Coloform Concentration Not Met.Caused by Inadequate Gasket Installation.Ozonators Overhauled to Ensure Peak Performance ML20134E0641996-10-28028 October 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:During Month of Sept 1996, NPDES Limit for Fecal Coliform Concentration at Discharge of Bradshaw Reservoir Pumps Was Not Met.Caused by Leaking Gaskets on Ozone Gas Diffusers.New Gaskets,Installed ML20129E5681996-09-27027 September 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960805,geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Concentration Calculated to Be 641 Colonies Per 100 Ml.Cause Suspected to Be Due to Malfunctioning Ozone Disinfection Sys.Adjustments to Sys Have Been Made ML20129E5411996-09-26026 September 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960812,discharge Observed from Unit 2 Cooling Tower Overflow to Outfall 021. Caused by Personnel Error in Performing Required Analysis of Cooling Tower Overflow Sample.Individual Counseled ML20117G7071996-08-23023 August 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960715,geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Concentration Exceeded NPDES Permit Limit. Caused by Leaking Seals on Ozone Diffusers.Temporary Adjustments Made to Ozone Gas Flow Balance ML20116B3851996-07-24024 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960602 Identified Ph Levels Exceeded NPDES Permit Limitations.Caused by Natural Biological activity.CO2 Injection Established,Maintained & Monitored Until 960612 ML20115G1151996-07-12012 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960619,resulting Net TSS Value 82.8 mg/1,exceeded Max Daily Limit of 60 Mg/L.Caused by Excessive Storm Water Runoff.Net TSS Revised ML20113C4451996-06-24024 June 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960318,flow Integrator Used to Measure Spray Pond Effluent Flow Declared Inoperable.Caused by Faulty Flow Integrator.Frequency of Use of Instrument Changed to Daily as Stated in Issue Number ML20108A3671996-04-28028 April 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960314,personnel Observed Sewage Overflowing from MH-07 & Into Storm Drain W-4.Caused by Blockage of Pipe Section Between MH-07 & MH-08.Sewer Contract Svc Pressure Cleaned ML20108A3801996-04-28028 April 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960223,identified Seven Issues of Administrative non-compliance/ambiguity W/Permits. Caused by Inadequate Administration.Individuals Gained Better Understanding W/Guidance ML20101K4661996-03-28028 March 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960218,discovered That No Records Existed for Bradshae Reservoir Discharge Water Temp for Listed Time Periods.Caused by Temporary Reassigment of Personnel.Review of Staffing in Progress ML20100P6311996-02-28028 February 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951108,discharge 001 Net TSS in Excess of Maximum Daily Limit.Caused by Flaw in Methodology to Calculate Net TSS concentration.Follow-up Composite Samples Taken ML20108C9281995-12-31031 December 1995 LGS Units 1 & 2 1995 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non- Radiological) Jan-Dec 1995 ML20100L8961995-12-31031 December 1995 Tower 1 Joint Frequency Distributions of Wind Speed & Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class 1995 Rept 11 ML20108B7391995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 12 Jan-Dec 1995 ML20100L8861995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Effluent Release Rept 21,Jan-Dec 1995 ML17165A5891995-02-0707 February 1995 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Amend to NPF-85 to Increase Thermal Power Level ML20078L2631995-02-0101 February 1995 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemption Form Requirements of 10CFR50,App J. Action Would Grant Exemption from 10CFR50 & Change TS for Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20087H7231994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept 11 for Jan-Dec 1994 ML20080N1121994-12-31031 December 1994 Tower 1 Joint Frequency Distributions of Wind Speed & Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class 1994 Rept 10 ML20082N5061994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Environ Operating Rept 1999-05-12
[Table view] |
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May 21, 1993 i
Mr. Peter G.
Noll i
Department of Health Neshaminy Manor Center Doylestown, PA 18901
Noncompliance with NPDES Permit No. PA 0052221 Bradshaw Reservoir Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and pH Monitoring
Dear Mr. Noll:
DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMPLIANCE NPDES Permit No. PA 0052221 requires continuous monitoring of Discharge 001 for temperature, dissolved oxygen and'pH.
On the weekend of April 17 and 18, 1993 equipment problems occurred which rendered temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH g
monitoring instrumentation inoperable.
Discharges from Bradshaw Reservoir were terminated on April 16, 1993 because of high natural flow in the East Branch Perkiomen Creek.
When discharges from Bradshaw Reservoir were resumed at approximately 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br /> on-April 17, 1993, the Bradshaw Pump Station temperature, DO and pH monitoring equipment became inoperable.
The inoperability of the monitoring equipment was identified because the temperature monitoring instrumentation continued to indicate 71 degrees F (ambient indoor temperature) rather than the expected water temperature of approximately 50 degrees F.
Redundant temperature, DO and pH monitoring equipment at the Water Processing Facility (WPF) was in service,-but the 1
WPF temperature monitoring instrumentation was inoperable because of previously identified failures.
As a result of an inability to perform continuous monitoring of temperature, local sampling was initiated to measure temperature at four hour intervals.
The samples indicated a. discharge temperature of 51' degrees F which is well below the permit limit of 74 degrees F.
7 i '0 240062 9305240318 930521
/-4 PDR ADOCK 05000352 S
ppg y
Page 2
At 0645 hours0.00747 days <br />0.179 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.454225e-4 months <br /> on April 19, 1993 when personnel reported to work
o at,the'WPF, the sample pumps were discovered off and were immediately turned on.
It was subsequently determined that the i
sample pumps had been off since 1130 hours0.0131 days <br />0.314 hours <br />0.00187 weeks <br />4.29965e-4 months <br /> on April 18, 1993 i
which rendered the WPF DO and pH monitoring equipment inoperable.
i i
Failure to perform continuous monitoring of temperature, DO, and pH constituted noncompliance with the permit.
The cause for the inoperability of the temperature, DO and pH monitoring equipment at the Bradshaw Pump St:ation was debris in
the sample line which blocked flow to the temperature, DO, and pH monitoring equipment.
The cause for the sample pumps at the WPF being off was the setting of their low WPF flow trip setpoint.
The flow through the WPF was close to the trip setpoint of the sample pumps such that ordinary fluctuations of the flow transmitter signal generated a trip signal to the WPF sample pumps.
I DURATION OF THE NONCOMPLIANCE As a result of these events, temperature was not being continuously monitored from 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br /> on April 17, 1993 to 1030 hours0.0119 days <br />0.286 hours <br />0.0017 weeks <br />3.91915e-4 months <br /> on April 19, 1993.
DO and pH were not being continuously
monitored from 1130 hours0.0131 days <br />0.314 hours <br />0.00187 weeks <br />4.29965e-4 months <br /> on April 18, 1993 to 0645 hours0.00747 days <br />0.179 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.454225e-4 months <br /> on April 19, 1993.
r CORRECTIVE ACTIONS When the Bradshaw Pump Station temperature, DO and pH monitoring equipment was determined to be inoparable, Operations personnel F
initiated manual monitoring of temperature at four hour intervals beginning at 0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> on April 18, 1993.
These interim i
arrangements were communicated to Ms. Whitcomb of the DER on April 18, 1993 at 1135 hours0.0131 days <br />0.315 hours <br />0.00188 weeks <br />4.318675e-4 months <br />.
i Manual DO and pH analyses were not performed because Operations personnel had no; indications that the WPP sample pumps were off.
The WPF sample pumps were immediately turned on in manual mode when they were discovered off at 0645 hours0.00747 days <br />0.179 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.454225e-4 months <br /> on April 19, 1993.
1 The manual mode overrides automatic computer control and restored continuous monitoring of DO and pH.
Upon clearing of debris from the sample line the monitoring equipment at the Bradshaw Pump Station was restored to operability on April 19, 1993 at 1030 hours0.0119 days <br />0.286 hours <br />0.0017 weeks <br />3.91915e-4 months <br /> which' restored continuous monitoring of temperature, i
To prevent a blockage of flow in the sample line to Bradshaw Pump l
Station temperature, DO and pH monitoring equipment, we are investigating methods of filtering or straining the sample flow.
- 2. -
x Page 3
i The low WPP flow trip setpoint for the sample pumps was lowered on, April 20, 1993 to prevent inadvertent trips.
In the event of equipment inoperability, contingency-actions are
included in the LGS Makeup Water System Operating Plan which has a
been submitted to the PA DER.
These plans include obtaining and analyzing grab samples until the continuous monitoring equipment is restored to operable status.
l If you have any questionn please contact Mr. James L.
Kantner at (215) 327-1200.
Sincerely, s
JLP:cah L
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Docket Nos. 50-352/50-353 Washington, D.C.
20555 T.
T. Martin Administrator, Region I, USNRC Docket Nos. 50-352/50-353
S. Perry i
USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, LGS Docket Nos. 50-352/50-353 l
Peola Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Regional Water Quality Manager Lee Park, Suite 6010 555 North Lane Conshocken, PA 19428 t
Program Management Section (3WM52)
Permits Enforcement Branch i
Environmental Protection Agency
_ Water Management Division Environmental Protection Agency Water Permits Section Region III 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 i
i h