MONTHYEARML20199C2791997-11-11011 November 1997 Informs That Licensees AP101 Cask Certificate USA/9071B, Sar,Was Prepared IAW 10CFR71.71(c)(3),in Response to NRC Bulletin 97-002 ML20217K5351997-10-20020 October 1997 Informs That AP101 Cask W/Certificate USA/9071B,SAR Was Prepared by Engineering Analysis IAW 10CFR71.73(C)(3),in Response to NRC Bulletin 97-002 ML20133P6671997-01-17017 January 1997 Forwards Coc 9071,Rev 6 for Model AP-101 Package.Approval Constitutes Authority to Use Package for Shipment of Radioactive Matl IAW Provisions of 49CFR173.471 ML20129G0841996-10-24024 October 1996 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:9071 Expires on 961231.Renewal Must Be Requested within 30 Days of Expiration.If Renewal Not Desired,Nrc Should Be Notified ML20044C9901993-05-12012 May 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9071,in Response to 930429 Request ML20035H7151993-04-29029 April 1993 Requests Registration as User of Model AP-101 ML20211G1051986-10-24024 October 1986 Approves 861006 Request to Amend Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101 Package Authorizing Support Shown in Rev 0 to Drawing AP-101-Q-86142-2.Shoring Must Be Placed Between Containers & Cask Cavity.W/Approval Record ML20211G2181986-10-15015 October 1986 Forwards Certificate of Compliance 9071,Rev 4 for Model AP-101.Certificate Supersedes 860418 Rev 3 in Entirety ML20212N0261986-08-19019 August 1986 Informs That Fee,Requested in ,For 860711 Request for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9071 Not Required.Request Combined w/860718 Application ML20205E4421986-08-0101 August 1986 Advises That Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101 Amended to Authorize Support Structure Shown in Drawing AP-101-Q-86142-2,Rev 0,per 860711 Request.Approval Record Encl ML20212M9991986-07-30030 July 1986 Requests Fee for 860711 Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9071 ML20203H2541986-07-18018 July 1986 Forwards Technical Background for Minor Mod to Interior Containment Sys of AP-101 Shipping Cask, Support Structure for Shipment of Crgt in AP-101 Cask. Mod to Certificate of Compliance Requested ML20202B8941986-07-0202 July 1986 Notification of Registration as User of Models AP-101 & CNS 8-120 B in Response to 860616 Request ML20202C5271986-06-16016 June 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models AP-101 & Cnsi 8-120 B ML20141G5831986-04-18018 April 1986 Forwards Rev 3 to Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101 ML20212N4161986-04-0303 April 1986 Forwards Rev 2 to SAR Cask AP-101, in Support of 860107 Amend Request.Cask Containment Adequate to Contain Releases During Transport of Remote Handled Transuranic Waste within 10CFR71 Limits ML20151R1411986-01-29029 January 1986 Responds to 850613 Request for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 to Include Addl Contents in Model AP-101. Application Not Responsive to 850712 & 0930 Ltrs ML20197E1501986-01-0808 January 1986 Forwards Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101,adding remote-handled Transuranic Waste to Forms Authorized for Shipment.Confirmation of DOE Concurrence Forwarded ML20137U3681985-09-30030 September 1985 Requests Addl Info Re 850813 Request for Approval of Supplementary Shield for Model AP-101.Analysis Demonstrating Proposed Shield Remains Effective Under Normal & Accident Conditions of Transport Needed ML20209G4181985-08-13013 August 1985 Forwards Fee for 850613 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 ML20132B9831985-08-13013 August 1985 Submits Responses to NRC Re 10CFR71.47 & 71.51(a) (2),including Drawings of Shield Assembly & Shoring ML20129E0561985-07-12012 July 1985 Requests Addl Info Re 850613 Application for Approval of Supplementary Shield for Model AP-101 Cask.Info Needed Includes Analysis Showing Proposed Shield Effective Under Normal & Accident Transport Conditions ML20209G4321985-07-10010 July 1985 Requests Remittance of Fee for 850613 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071,per 10CFR170 ML20041C2161982-01-28028 January 1982 Requests Registration as User of Model AP-101 ML20031B5501981-09-23023 September 1981 Notification of Registration as User of Model AP-101 in Response to 810811 Request ML20032A9331981-09-14014 September 1981 Forwards Renewal Fee for Certificate of Compliance 9071,per NRC 810908 Request ML20009C7961981-07-0606 July 1981 Advises of Registration as User of Model AP-101,per NRC 810522 Request ML19350E9741981-06-0101 June 1981 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 800102 Application for Approval to Transport Spent Fuel in Model AP-101. Clarification Should Be Provided Re Bonding of Filled Lead Shielding to Inner Containment Vessel & Outer Cask Shell ML20148C0261980-01-0202 January 1980 Forwards Amend to FSAR for Model AP-101 Cask.Amend Supports Petition to Include Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies from Lwrs. Fee Encl 1997-11-11
MONTHYEARML20199C2791997-11-11011 November 1997 Informs That Licensees AP101 Cask Certificate USA/9071B, Sar,Was Prepared IAW 10CFR71.71(c)(3),in Response to NRC Bulletin 97-002 ML20217K5351997-10-20020 October 1997 Informs That AP101 Cask W/Certificate USA/9071B,SAR Was Prepared by Engineering Analysis IAW 10CFR71.73(C)(3),in Response to NRC Bulletin 97-002 ML20035H7151993-04-29029 April 1993 Requests Registration as User of Model AP-101 ML20203H2541986-07-18018 July 1986 Forwards Technical Background for Minor Mod to Interior Containment Sys of AP-101 Shipping Cask, Support Structure for Shipment of Crgt in AP-101 Cask. Mod to Certificate of Compliance Requested ML20212M9861986-07-11011 July 1986 Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101,authorizing Temporary Fastening of Track Type Dunnage Sys Into Interior Containment Sys.Sketch AP-101-Q-86142 of Track Sys Encl ML20202C5271986-06-16016 June 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models AP-101 & Cnsi 8-120 B ML20212N4161986-04-0303 April 1986 Forwards Rev 2 to SAR Cask AP-101, in Support of 860107 Amend Request.Cask Containment Adequate to Contain Releases During Transport of Remote Handled Transuranic Waste within 10CFR71 Limits ML20197E1501986-01-0808 January 1986 Forwards Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101,adding remote-handled Transuranic Waste to Forms Authorized for Shipment.Confirmation of DOE Concurrence Forwarded ML20209G4181985-08-13013 August 1985 Forwards Fee for 850613 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 ML20132B9831985-08-13013 August 1985 Submits Responses to NRC Re 10CFR71.47 & 71.51(a) (2),including Drawings of Shield Assembly & Shoring ML20041C2161982-01-28028 January 1982 Requests Registration as User of Model AP-101 ML20032A9331981-09-14014 September 1981 Forwards Renewal Fee for Certificate of Compliance 9071,per NRC 810908 Request ML20148C0261980-01-0202 January 1980 Forwards Amend to FSAR for Model AP-101 Cask.Amend Supports Petition to Include Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies from Lwrs. Fee Encl 1997-11-11
MONTHYEARML20203H2541986-07-18018 July 1986 Forwards Technical Background for Minor Mod to Interior Containment Sys of AP-101 Shipping Cask, Support Structure for Shipment of Crgt in AP-101 Cask. Mod to Certificate of Compliance Requested ML20212N4161986-04-0303 April 1986 Forwards Rev 2 to SAR Cask AP-101, in Support of 860107 Amend Request.Cask Containment Adequate to Contain Releases During Transport of Remote Handled Transuranic Waste within 10CFR71 Limits ML20197E1501986-01-0808 January 1986 Forwards Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 for Model AP-101,adding remote-handled Transuranic Waste to Forms Authorized for Shipment.Confirmation of DOE Concurrence Forwarded ML20209G4181985-08-13013 August 1985 Forwards Fee for 850613 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9071 ML20132B9831985-08-13013 August 1985 Submits Responses to NRC Re 10CFR71.47 & 71.51(a) (2),including Drawings of Shield Assembly & Shoring ML20041C2161982-01-28028 January 1982 Requests Registration as User of Model AP-101 ML20032A9331981-09-14014 September 1981 Forwards Renewal Fee for Certificate of Compliance 9071,per NRC 810908 Request ML20148C0261980-01-0202 January 1980 Forwards Amend to FSAR for Model AP-101 Cask.Amend Supports Petition to Include Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies from Lwrs. Fee Encl 1986-07-18
[Table view] |
- w.,
.3 September 14, 1981 U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.,
20555 Attention:
Glenda Jackson License Fee Management Branch Silver Spring Office Office of Administration Docket #71-9071 Control #19576 Gentlemen:
Enclosed please find ANEFCO check #1136 in the amount of $150, which amount represents the renewal fee for Certificate of Compliance #9071, as requested in your letter dated September 8, 1981.
It is our understanding that our application will be sent to the Licensing staff for processing, upon receipt of this fee.
l Very truly yours, ANEFCO, Inc.
{ff v'
Marlcme A. Murphy Vice President Financing MAM:ama Enclosure
'41110' 0,N2 J
P:'oducts, Systems and Services for the Nuclear Industry
Do-' et Ib.
?! ' O0f Hilitam O. Miller License Fee Management Branch Office of Administration MATERIALS TPallSFORTATIO!! APPROVAL CLASSIFICATI0!!
/[u/ on Approval !!o:
[94 ') /
Fee Category }l3 Application Dated:
TM 5 /d'/
Appitcant'.< Classification:
XMeca d l
The above application for amendment has been reviewed by the NMSS l
Transportation Branch, in accordance with Section 170.31, and is classified as follows:
' Amendments to Acorovals in Fee Catecortes 11A throuch 11E (a) 14ajor
(b) l4inor j
Administrative 2
Justification for reclassification:
l 3.
The application was filed (a) pursuant to written !!RC request and the amendment is being issued for the convenience oftheCotaission,or(b)
Other (State reason):
J Signature: kb/Hu W
Transportation Brancd, f."SSi Date:
9/i[8l i
esear a