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Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1990 for Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1.W/900212 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1990
From: Sarsour B, Storz L
KB90-0086, KB90-86, NUDOCS 9002220225
Download: ML20011E697 (6)



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.- 'g EDO l EDISON  :



i i

i February 12, 1990 l KB90-0086  ;

i Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3  ;

i i

Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

7920 Norfolk Avenue .

Bethesda, MD 20555


Gentlemen [

Monthly Operating Report, January 1990 ,

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 '

Enclosed are ten copies of the Monthly Operating Report for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 for the month of Jannury 1990.

  • If you have any questions, please contact Bilal Sarsour at (419) 321-7384. l Very truly yours, ,

/ 6F '

Louis'F. Storz -

Plant Manager Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station BMS/mj b 1 Enclosures ,

l cc Mr. A. Bert Davis Regional Administrator, Region III Hr. Paul Byron NRC Resident Inspector l

l Mr. T. V. Vambach NRC Senior Project Manager i 9002220225 900131 y  ;

I PDR ADOCK 05000346 I I R PDC , l l

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!' Davis-Besse #1 UNIT DATE February 12. 1990 COMPLETED BY Bilal Sarsour L TELEPHONE (419) 321-7384 i



881 gg 878 ,

3 880 39 884 '

L 4 879 882 20 ,

3 883 846 21 6

882  ;; 619 7

881- 650 23 8 879 651 24 _.

9. 07,7 23 651 10 877 239 26 11 877 0 77 _

12 881 3g o 13 887 39 0 14 876 0 30 ,

15 881 3, o 16 882 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, hst the average daily unit power leselin MWe. Net for each da) in the reporiing month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

(4/771 m a _. _


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  • DATE February 12, 1990 COMPLETED BY Bilal Sarsour TELEPHONE (419) 321-7384 OPER ATING STATUS
1. Umt Name:

Davis-Besse Unit #1 Notes 2 Reporting Period: January 1990 2772

3. Licensed Thermal Power (Mht):
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 925
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 906 6, Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 918
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 874
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Gise Reasons:
9. Power LeselTo Which Restricted,if Any(Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions,if Any:

This Month Date Cumulatise 11 Hours in Reporting Period 744.0 744.0 100,873.0 12 Number Of flours Reactor was Critical 608.8 608.8 54,763.4

13. Reactor Reserve Shedown Hours 0.0 3.0 5,393.7
14. Hours Generator On.Eine 608.8 608.8 52.809.2

!!. Unit Resene Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 1,732.5

16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWil) 1.603.325 1,603.325 126.567.245
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWil) 5362 477 536,477 41,886,778 18 Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 508.740 508.740 39.295.898
19. Unit Service Factor 81.8 81.8 52.4
20. Unit Availability Factor 81.8 81.8 54.1 21 Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 78J 78.2 44.6
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 75.5 75.5 43.0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 18.2 18.2 _ 28.6
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Next 6 Months tType, Date,and Duration of Eacht:


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: June 5, 1990
26. Units in Test Status (Prior io Commercial Operation): Forecast Achiesed INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPER ATION i l

i (o/77)

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tszr Smmons ano rewEn mEraTrans IlOGET N3.90-346 ter == coete-nee el cars February 12, 1990' GFWtaTED WE Silal Setsour PDOPr PONTN January 1990 TErzrisent (419) 221-73e4 d c_ ,e Y em .* Liconeee e' Cease & Correctivo o . c # , 5 1 --

3 T :c ge so. cat. y ;g e 3 - =*


., 1 action te j5 A gjp poport e gu Prevent moeurrence


1 90-01-21 F 114.7 A 5 NA NA NA Reactor power reduction to approximately 73% to take RCP 2-2 off line in anticipation the RCP vibration limits would be exceeded.

2 90-01-26 F 135.2 B 3 90-01 JC NA The reactor tripped during the performance of a surveillance test.

(See Operational Summary for further details)

F: Forced Poemm: 'Mothod:

  • Exhibit G - Instructions for Freperation of Data S: Scheduled A-Equipsant failure (Exprein) 1hel Entry Shoots for 1.icemee Event Deport (!ZR)

B-Maintenance er Test 2-Manuel Seren File (NUREG-0161)

C-Pefueling 3-Aartomatic Scree D-Pop latory Pestriction 4H"ontinuation from E-operator Training a 1.ieense Eneminetten Previeuw Month tahibit 1 - Sese Source F-Ateintetrative S-toed Poesetion 4eport challenges te Power Operated Relief Velvee W retional Error (Emplain) 9-other (Explain) (PostTs) and Prosouriser Code Safety Telves (PCSTs)

M-other (Emplein)

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  • s 4


l January 1990 Reactor power was maintained at approximately 100% full power until 0045 hours5.208333e-4 days <br />0.0125 hours <br />7.440476e-5 weeks <br />1.71225e-5 months <br /> on January 14, 1990, when a manual power reduction to approximately 91% vas initiated to perform control rod drive exercise testing.

Atter the completion of control rod drive exercise testing, reactor power was slowly increased to approxiwately 100% full power at 0500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> on January 14, 1990.

Reactor power was maintained at approximately 100% full power until 1402 hours0.0162 days <br />0.389 hours <br />0.00232 weeks <br />5.33461e-4 months <br /> on January 21, 1990, when a manual power reduction to approximately 73% was initiated to take reactor coolant pump (RCP) 2-2 off line in anticipation the RCP vibration limits vould be exceeded. RCP 2-2 vas taken off line at 1009 hours0.0117 days <br />0.28 hours <br />0.00167 weeks <br />3.839245e-4 months <br /> on January 22, 1990.

Reactor power was maintained at approximately 73% power until 0846 hours0.00979 days <br />0.235 hours <br />0.0014 weeks <br />3.21903e-4 months <br /> of January 26, 1990, when a reactor trip occurred. The reactor tripped during the performance of a surveillance test (RCP current monitor to Steam and Feedvater Rupture Control System (SFRCS) Channel 1 and Reactor Protection System (RPS) Channel 1).

While performing a step in the surveillance test, a current transient was induced in the current monitor circuit for RCP 1-2. This resulted in a signal to RPS Channels 2, 3, and 4 that RCP 1-2 had tripped. With only one RCP '

operating in each loop, the high flux / number of RCPs setpoint is changed to 55% power. Since RCP 2-2 was off and a signal was sensed in the RPS that RCP 1-2 had tripped, RPS Channels 2, 3, and 4 tripped since actual power was 73%

at the time the setpoint changed to 55%.

A plant cooldown was initiated to enter the sixth refueling outage.


b < C i REFUELING INFORMATION Date: January 1990 l

1. Name of facility: Davis-Besse Unit 1
2. Scheduled date for next refueling outage? September 1991
3. Scheduled date for restart from current refueling: June 1990
4. Vill refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? If answer is yes, what in general vill these be? If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Committee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50.59)?

Ans: A license amendment request to remove cycle-specific values from Section 3 of the Technical Specifications was submitted to th9 NRC on June 16, 1989, based on Generic Letter 88-16, and was approved in January 1990. No Cycle 7 Technical Specification changes to the Technical Specification, except for Bases changes, vill be submitted.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: Changes to the bases were submitted on February 2, 1990.
6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g.,

new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fumi design, new operating procedures,

a. Sixty Batch Reload 3.38% enriched,
b. New fuel design Mark B8A (Reconstitutable removable upper end fitting, Zircaloy grid spacer, debric resistant lover end cap, lower prepressurization, and annealed guide tiibes.
7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool, and (c) the new fuel storage areas. -

(a) 177 (b) 328 (c) 0

8. _The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

Present: 735 Increased size by approximately 900 by 1994 is

) planned

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.

Date: 1996 - assuming ability to unload the entire core into the spent fuel pool is maintained