MONTHYEAR05000458/LER-1998-003, :on 980624,design Error Found on Two of Three Sdgs That Could Potentially Degrade Ability of DGs to Perform Safety Function.Caused of Design Error Unknown.Dg Control Logic Modified to Remove Design Error1999-09-0909 September 1999
- on 980624,design Error Found on Two of Three Sdgs That Could Potentially Degrade Ability of DGs to Perform Safety Function.Caused of Design Error Unknown.Dg Control Logic Modified to Remove Design Error
05000458/LER-1999-008, :on 990418,uplanned Automatic Closure of Div III DG Output Breaker Was Noted Due to Loss of Normal Power to Div III Switchgear During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Returned Electrical Lineup to Normal.With1999-05-18018 May 1999
- on 990418,uplanned Automatic Closure of Div III DG Output Breaker Was Noted Due to Loss of Normal Power to Div III Switchgear During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Returned Electrical Lineup to Normal.With
05000458/LER-1999-004, :on 990325,automatic Actuation of CIV Due to Inadvertent Water Movement Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Coordinate Separate Activities of Different Workers.Dryer Pool Was Returned to Normal Level.With1999-04-26026 April 1999
- on 990325,automatic Actuation of CIV Due to Inadvertent Water Movement Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Coordinate Separate Activities of Different Workers.Dryer Pool Was Returned to Normal Level.With
05000458/LER-1999-003-03, :on 990324,Division I DG Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Assembly of Fuel Pump.Fuel Pump Coupling Was Repaired & DG Was Returned to Svc1999-04-25025 April 1999
- on 990324,Division I DG Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Assembly of Fuel Pump.Fuel Pump Coupling Was Repaired & DG Was Returned to Svc
05000458/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990204,discovered That Potentially Rendered safety-related Unit Coolers in Primary Containment Inoperable.Cause Being Investigated.Corrective Action Plan Will Be Submitted in Suppl to Ler.With1999-03-0808 March 1999
- on 990204,discovered That Potentially Rendered safety-related Unit Coolers in Primary Containment Inoperable.Cause Being Investigated.Corrective Action Plan Will Be Submitted in Suppl to Ler.With
RBG-44727, LER 98-S01-00:on 981021,identified That Contract Employee with Temporary Access Authorization Failed to Disclose Complete Criminal & Employment History.Individual Denied Access to Plants for Five Years.With1998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981021,identified That Contract Employee with Temporary Access Authorization Failed to Disclose Complete Criminal & Employment History.Individual Denied Access to Plants for Five Years.With 05000458/LER-1998-004-03, :on 980514,noted That Surveillance Test Had Not Been Completed for Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.Caused by Lack of Proper Emphasis on Procedure Step Re Summation.Revised Pertinent Surveillance Procedures1998-08-11011 August 1998
- on 980514,noted That Surveillance Test Had Not Been Completed for Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.Caused by Lack of Proper Emphasis on Procedure Step Re Summation.Revised Pertinent Surveillance Procedures
05000458/LER-1998-003-02, :on 980624,adequacy of Division 1 & 2 DG Control Air Sys Was Noted.Root Cause Analysis Is Being performed.Multi-disciplinary Team Was Formed to Address Immediate & long-term Corrective Actions1998-07-24024 July 1998
- on 980624,adequacy of Division 1 & 2 DG Control Air Sys Was Noted.Root Cause Analysis Is Being performed.Multi-disciplinary Team Was Formed to Address Immediate & long-term Corrective Actions
05000458/LER-1998-002, :on 980425,failure of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Was Noted.Caused by Problem W/Instantaneous Trip of Setpoint a & B Supply Breakers.Corrected Trip Settings & Replaced B Breaker1998-07-15015 July 1998
- on 980425,failure of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Was Noted.Caused by Problem W/Instantaneous Trip of Setpoint a & B Supply Breakers.Corrected Trip Settings & Replaced B Breaker
05000458/LER-1998-001, :on 980417,flow Rate Through SGTS Filter Assembly Units Were Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate.Caused by Personnel Error.Reviewed & Updated Design & Licensing Basis Documents1998-06-30030 June 1998
- on 980417,flow Rate Through SGTS Filter Assembly Units Were Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate.Caused by Personnel Error.Reviewed & Updated Design & Licensing Basis Documents
05000458/LER-1998-002-02, :on 980425,each of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Sys Failed to Start During Testing Due to Different, Apparently Independent Causes.Eoi Personnel Performing Root Cause Analyses.Breaker Replaced1998-05-26026 May 1998
- on 980425,each of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Sys Failed to Start During Testing Due to Different, Apparently Independent Causes.Eoi Personnel Performing Root Cause Analyses.Breaker Replaced
05000458/LER-1998-001-04, :on 980417,flow Rate Through SBGTS Filter Assembly Units Was Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate. Cause Analysis Is Currently Being Performed.Detailed Evaluation of Sys Ability to Perform Was Done1998-05-18018 May 1998
- on 980417,flow Rate Through SBGTS Filter Assembly Units Was Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate. Cause Analysis Is Currently Being Performed.Detailed Evaluation of Sys Ability to Perform Was Done
05000458/LER-1997-010-01, :on 971111,high Pressure Core Spray Minimum Flow Valve Was Discovered in Closed Position.Caused by Air in Transmitter Sensing Lines.Sensing Lines from HPCS Pipe to Flow Transmitter Vented at High Point Vents to Remove Air1997-12-11011 December 1997
- on 971111,high Pressure Core Spray Minimum Flow Valve Was Discovered in Closed Position.Caused by Air in Transmitter Sensing Lines.Sensing Lines from HPCS Pipe to Flow Transmitter Vented at High Point Vents to Remove Air
05000458/LER-1997-009-01, :on 971016,inadequate Pressure Test Performance Was Noted.Caused by Inappropriate Testing Lineups.Llrt Valves,Were Retested Utilizing Revised Test Configurations1997-11-17017 November 1997
- on 971016,inadequate Pressure Test Performance Was Noted.Caused by Inappropriate Testing Lineups.Llrt Valves,Were Retested Utilizing Revised Test Configurations
05000458/LER-1997-008-02, :on 971004,inadvertent Closure of RHR Shutdown Cooling Inboard Isolation Valve Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Administrative Controls,Supervision & Work Practices.Procedures Revised1997-11-0303 November 1997
- on 971004,inadvertent Closure of RHR Shutdown Cooling Inboard Isolation Valve Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Administrative Controls,Supervision & Work Practices.Procedures Revised
05000458/LER-1997-002, :on 970506,through-wall Crack in Weld on RRS Vent Valve Was Noted.Caused by Low Stress,High Cycle Fatigue Induced by Vibration.Valve Replaced Prior to Returning to Power Operations1997-10-27027 October 1997
- on 970506,through-wall Crack in Weld on RRS Vent Valve Was Noted.Caused by Low Stress,High Cycle Fatigue Induced by Vibration.Valve Replaced Prior to Returning to Power Operations
05000458/LER-1997-007-02, :on 970926,discovered Cracked EDG Valve Adjusting Screw Assembly Swivel Pads (Vasasps).Caused by Mfg Defect.Replaced Vasasps in EDGs W/New Components & Returned Defective Vasasps to Vendor for Analysis1997-10-23023 October 1997
- on 970926,discovered Cracked EDG Valve Adjusting Screw Assembly Swivel Pads (Vasasps).Caused by Mfg Defect.Replaced Vasasps in EDGs W/New Components & Returned Defective Vasasps to Vendor for Analysis
05000458/LER-1997-006-01, :on 970913,unplanned Mode Change During Initial Test of New Alternate Decay Heat Removal Function Occurred. Caused by Failure to Ref & Use Time-to-Boil Curves. Procedures Revised1997-10-14014 October 1997
- on 970913,unplanned Mode Change During Initial Test of New Alternate Decay Heat Removal Function Occurred. Caused by Failure to Ref & Use Time-to-Boil Curves. Procedures Revised
RBG-44243, LER 97-S03-00:on 970911,contract Employee Was Granted Temporary Access After Failing to List Prior Employment Termination & Access Denial.Caused by Employee Failure to Provide Accurate Info.Updated Info Re Employee1997-10-13013 October 1997 LER 97-S03-00:on 970911,contract Employee Was Granted Temporary Access After Failing to List Prior Employment Termination & Access Denial.Caused by Employee Failure to Provide Accurate Info.Updated Info Re Employee 05000458/LER-1997-005-02, :on 970822,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Failure of Connector to Electrical Trip Solenoid Valve. Replaced Shorted Connector Prior to Plant start-up1997-09-22022 September 1997
- on 970822,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Failure of Connector to Electrical Trip Solenoid Valve. Replaced Shorted Connector Prior to Plant start-up
RBG-44204, LER 97-S02-00:on 970717,contract Employee Failed to List Prior Employment Termination Due to Positive Drug Test & Was Granted Temporary Access.Caused by Incomplete Info Provided by Licensee.Deleted Employees Key Card1997-09-11011 September 1997 LER 97-S02-00:on 970717,contract Employee Failed to List Prior Employment Termination Due to Positive Drug Test & Was Granted Temporary Access.Caused by Incomplete Info Provided by Licensee.Deleted Employees Key Card RBG-44187, LER 97-S01-00:on 970514,contract Employee Did Not Identify Criminal Background & Was Granted Temporary Access.Caused by Inaccurate & Incomplete Info Provided by Employee.Employees Key Card Was Suspended1997-08-28028 August 1997 LER 97-S01-00:on 970514,contract Employee Did Not Identify Criminal Background & Was Granted Temporary Access.Caused by Inaccurate & Incomplete Info Provided by Employee.Employees Key Card Was Suspended 05000458/LER-1997-004-02, :on 970724,inadequate Surveillance of Division III Battery Occurred Due to Calculation Error.Performed Revised Division III Battery Svc Discharge Test Procedure Using Correct Battery Profile1997-08-25025 August 1997
- on 970724,inadequate Surveillance of Division III Battery Occurred Due to Calculation Error.Performed Revised Division III Battery Svc Discharge Test Procedure Using Correct Battery Profile
05000458/LER-1997-003-05, :on 970722,high Pressure Core Spray Pump Breaker Trip Occurred During Testing.Caused by Failure of a Phase Time Overcurrent Relay.Replaced Failed Relay & Adjusted Contacts on 51-A Relay1997-08-21021 August 1997
- on 970722,high Pressure Core Spray Pump Breaker Trip Occurred During Testing.Caused by Failure of a Phase Time Overcurrent Relay.Replaced Failed Relay & Adjusted Contacts on 51-A Relay
05000458/LER-1997-001-04, :on 970506,manual Reactor Scram on Lowering Vessel Level Occurred.Caused by Cut Cable Event Determined to Be Site Stds,Procedures & Formal Guidance for Breaching Penetrations.Cut Cable Repaired1997-06-0505 June 1997
- on 970506,manual Reactor Scram on Lowering Vessel Level Occurred.Caused by Cut Cable Event Determined to Be Site Stds,Procedures & Formal Guidance for Breaching Penetrations.Cut Cable Repaired
05000458/LER-1997-002-03, :on 970506,small Leak at Inlet of Vent Valve for RRS FCV B.Root Cause Is Undetermined.Valve Was Replaced Prior to Returning to Power Operations1997-06-0404 June 1997
- on 970506,small Leak at Inlet of Vent Valve for RRS FCV B.Root Cause Is Undetermined.Valve Was Replaced Prior to Returning to Power Operations
05000458/LER-1996-007, :on 960214,failure of Containment Airlock Pneumatic Sys Ball Valve Occurred.Caused by Debris Internal to Sys.Inspected,Lubricated & Properly Torqued Ball Valves & Initiated Design Modification1997-06-0404 June 1997
- on 960214,failure of Containment Airlock Pneumatic Sys Ball Valve Occurred.Caused by Debris Internal to Sys.Inspected,Lubricated & Properly Torqued Ball Valves & Initiated Design Modification
05000458/LER-1996-016, :on 960806,control Bldg Chiller Timer Defeat Switch Was Left in Test Position.Caused by Inadequate Turnover During Test Evolution.Switch Was Returned to Normal & Sys Lineup Was Performed1996-12-13013 December 1996
- on 960806,control Bldg Chiller Timer Defeat Switch Was Left in Test Position.Caused by Inadequate Turnover During Test Evolution.Switch Was Returned to Normal & Sys Lineup Was Performed
05000458/LER-1996-015-01, :on 961030,inadvertent Bumping of Recently Installed Power Supply Fuse Resulting in Isolation Valve Closure Occurred.Caused by Risk & Consequences Associated with Depressing.Rcic Isolation Were Identified1996-11-27027 November 1996
- on 961030,inadvertent Bumping of Recently Installed Power Supply Fuse Resulting in Isolation Valve Closure Occurred.Caused by Risk & Consequences Associated with Depressing.Rcic Isolation Were Identified
05000458/LER-1996-010, :on 960429,reactor SLMCPR Value Given in TS Was non-conservative.Caused by Default Passed to Engineer Performing Analysis.Ge Has Calculated Revised SLMCPR & Associated Operating Limit MCPRs1996-10-0404 October 1996
- on 960429,reactor SLMCPR Value Given in TS Was non-conservative.Caused by Default Passed to Engineer Performing Analysis.Ge Has Calculated Revised SLMCPR & Associated Operating Limit MCPRs
05000458/LER-1996-013, :on 960617,Division I RCIC Isolation Occurred Due to Spurious Signal Generated from Failed Trip Unit. Failed Trip Was Replaced & RCIC Sys Was Restored to Operability 9606181996-07-16016 July 1996
- on 960617,Division I RCIC Isolation Occurred Due to Spurious Signal Generated from Failed Trip Unit. Failed Trip Was Replaced & RCIC Sys Was Restored to Operability 960618
05000458/LER-1996-012, :on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Faulty electro-hydraulic Control Power Supplies.Replaced Power Supplies W/Acceptable Ones1996-07-0303 July 1996
- on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Faulty electro-hydraulic Control Power Supplies.Replaced Power Supplies W/Acceptable Ones
05000458/LER-1996-011, :on 960516,personnel Error Resulted in Missed Surveillance & Dry Floor Drain Sump Leakage Detection Monitoring Instrumentation Exceeded TS Allowed Outage Times. Appropriate Disciplinary Actions Taken1996-06-17017 June 1996
- on 960516,personnel Error Resulted in Missed Surveillance & Dry Floor Drain Sump Leakage Detection Monitoring Instrumentation Exceeded TS Allowed Outage Times. Appropriate Disciplinary Actions Taken
05000458/LER-1996-008, :on 960214,mispositioned Drywell Pressure Transmitter Isolation Valve Caused Condition Prohibited by Ts.Restored & Verified Position of Other SR Instrumentation Valves1996-04-10010 April 1996
- on 960214,mispositioned Drywell Pressure Transmitter Isolation Valve Caused Condition Prohibited by Ts.Restored & Verified Position of Other SR Instrumentation Valves
05000458/LER-1996-009, :on 960214,DG Overspeed Tripped.Caused by Field Flash Relay Failure.Component Replaced & in-depth Evaluation Performed on Effects of Max Temp in Cabinet1996-03-14014 March 1996
- on 960214,DG Overspeed Tripped.Caused by Field Flash Relay Failure.Component Replaced & in-depth Evaluation Performed on Effects of Max Temp in Cabinet
05000458/LER-1996-006, :on 960118,misinterpretation of Containment isolation-shutdown Requirements Occurred.Caused by Failure to Have Adequately Considered Plant Operating Practices. In-progress Fuel Movement Activities Suspended1996-02-20020 February 1996
- on 960118,misinterpretation of Containment isolation-shutdown Requirements Occurred.Caused by Failure to Have Adequately Considered Plant Operating Practices. In-progress Fuel Movement Activities Suspended
05000458/LER-1996-005, :on 960116,discovered Noncompliance W/License Condition by Inadequate Tagging of Hose & Cabling Due to Mgt Change.Trained Operator & Revised Controlling Procedure1996-02-15015 February 1996
- on 960116,discovered Noncompliance W/License Condition by Inadequate Tagging of Hose & Cabling Due to Mgt Change.Trained Operator & Revised Controlling Procedure
05000458/LER-1996-004, :on 960115,CI of Various BOP Valves Occurred Due to Inattention to Detail.I&C Technician Counseled1996-02-12012 February 1996
- on 960115,CI of Various BOP Valves Occurred Due to Inattention to Detail.I&C Technician Counseled
05000458/LER-1996-003, :on 960113,ESF Actuations Occurred Due to Electrical Protection Assembly Breaker Trip.Electrical Protection Assembly Replaced1996-02-12012 February 1996
- on 960113,ESF Actuations Occurred Due to Electrical Protection Assembly Breaker Trip.Electrical Protection Assembly Replaced
05000458/LER-1996-002, :on 960105,return Piping Weld for RHR Was Missing from Suppression Pool Level.Caused by Lack of Fusion on C Steel Side of Weld.Reassembled Pipe in Sys During Scheduled Maint Period Outage1996-02-0101 February 1996
- on 960105,return Piping Weld for RHR Was Missing from Suppression Pool Level.Caused by Lack of Fusion on C Steel Side of Weld.Reassembled Pipe in Sys During Scheduled Maint Period Outage
05000458/LER-1996-001-01, :on 960104,reactor Manually Scrammed Due to High Turbine Vibration.Due to Tight Clearance Between Low Pressure Turbine B Rotor & Stationary Parts.High Loads/Low Load Valves Being Modified1996-01-31031 January 1996
- on 960104,reactor Manually Scrammed Due to High Turbine Vibration.Due to Tight Clearance Between Low Pressure Turbine B Rotor & Stationary Parts.High Loads/Low Load Valves Being Modified
05000458/LER-1995-013-02, :on 951228,operation Was Outside TS Limits Due to Trip,Maint & Repair of EDG Ii.Repaired Lube Oil Cooler Leak1996-01-30030 January 1996
- on 951228,operation Was Outside TS Limits Due to Trip,Maint & Repair of EDG Ii.Repaired Lube Oil Cooler Leak
05000458/LER-1995-012-01, :on 951219,recirculation Pump Tripped.Caused by Spurious Actuation of Cavitation Interlock.Recirculation Pump Cavitation Loops Recalibrated1996-01-18018 January 1996
- on 951219,recirculation Pump Tripped.Caused by Spurious Actuation of Cavitation Interlock.Recirculation Pump Cavitation Loops Recalibrated
05000458/LER-1995-013-01, :on 951215,RCIC Div 1 Isolation Occurred Due to Failed Transmitter.Faulty Transmitter Replaced1996-01-11011 January 1996
- on 951215,RCIC Div 1 Isolation Occurred Due to Failed Transmitter.Faulty Transmitter Replaced
05000458/LER-1995-010-02, :on 951130,reactor Thermal Power Limit Exceeded Due to Failure to Consider Required Heat Balance Inputs.No Recommended Corrective Actions Since All New Plant Designs Will Be Implemented as Mods1995-12-27027 December 1995
- on 951130,reactor Thermal Power Limit Exceeded Due to Failure to Consider Required Heat Balance Inputs.No Recommended Corrective Actions Since All New Plant Designs Will Be Implemented as Mods
05000458/LER-1995-009-02, :on 951101,surveillance Was Missed Due to Error in Change of Surveillance Test Interval Scheduling.Caused by Human Error & Inadequate Review.Discussed Inappropriate Schedule Frequency Change1995-12-0101 December 1995
- on 951101,surveillance Was Missed Due to Error in Change of Surveillance Test Interval Scheduling.Caused by Human Error & Inadequate Review.Discussed Inappropriate Schedule Frequency Change
05000458/LER-1995-007, :on 950905,HPCS Unit Cooler Fan Hub Failed. Caused by Casting Defect Consisting of High Porosity & Iron Rich Precipitates Along Grain Boundaries.Repaired & Restored HPCS Unit Cooler to Operational Status1995-11-28028 November 1995
- on 950905,HPCS Unit Cooler Fan Hub Failed. Caused by Casting Defect Consisting of High Porosity & Iron Rich Precipitates Along Grain Boundaries.Repaired & Restored HPCS Unit Cooler to Operational Status
05000458/LER-1995-008-02, :on 951024,Div II RCIC Sys Isolated Due to Spurious Trip Caused by Faulty Temp Switch for RCIC Isolation Main Steam Tunnel Ventilation.Compliance W/Ts & 3.5.3 Immediately Established1995-11-20020 November 1995
- on 951024,Div II RCIC Sys Isolated Due to Spurious Trip Caused by Faulty Temp Switch for RCIC Isolation Main Steam Tunnel Ventilation.Compliance W/Ts & 3.5.3 Immediately Established
05000458/LER-1995-007-02, :on 950905,fan Hub for HPCS Pump Room Unit Cooler Failed.Cause Presently Being Investigated.Unit Cooler Repaired & Restored to Operations1995-10-0505 October 1995
- on 950905,fan Hub for HPCS Pump Room Unit Cooler Failed.Cause Presently Being Investigated.Unit Cooler Repaired & Restored to Operations
05000458/LER-1995-006-02, :on 950627,identified Electrical Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protection Device Not Adequately Tested Due to Inadequate Development & Implementation of Historic Mod request.ENG-3-033 Revised1995-07-27027 July 1995
- on 950627,identified Electrical Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protection Device Not Adequately Tested Due to Inadequate Development & Implementation of Historic Mod request.ENG-3-033 Revised
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARRBG-45144, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for River Bend Station. with1999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for River Bend Station. with 05000458/LER-1998-003, :on 980624,design Error Found on Two of Three Sdgs That Could Potentially Degrade Ability of DGs to Perform Safety Function.Caused of Design Error Unknown.Dg Control Logic Modified to Remove Design Error1999-09-0909 September 1999
- on 980624,design Error Found on Two of Three Sdgs That Could Potentially Degrade Ability of DGs to Perform Safety Function.Caused of Design Error Unknown.Dg Control Logic Modified to Remove Design Error
ML20216G1201999-09-0909 September 1999 Rev 3 to Rbs,Cycle 9 Colr RBG-45110, Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With RBG-45087, Special Rept:On 990510,LPCI a & LPCS Injected Into Rv for Less than Two Minutes.Caused by Electrical Transient in One of ECCS Power Supplies.Operators Verified Reactor Cavity Level & Closed Injection Valves to Stop Injection1999-08-0606 August 1999 Special Rept:On 990510,LPCI a & LPCS Injected Into Rv for Less than Two Minutes.Caused by Electrical Transient in One of ECCS Power Supplies.Operators Verified Reactor Cavity Level & Closed Injection Valves to Stop Injection ML20210K4721999-08-0303 August 1999 SER Accepting Licensee 180-day Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves RBG-45091, Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20210C6391999-07-0202 July 1999 Rev 2 to River Bend Station,Cycle 9 Colr RBG-45055, Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20196J8031999-06-24024 June 1999 Rev 1 to Rbs,Cycle 9 Colr ML20195G1621999-06-11011 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 107 to License NPF-47 RBG-45028, Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With 05000458/LER-1999-008, :on 990418,uplanned Automatic Closure of Div III DG Output Breaker Was Noted Due to Loss of Normal Power to Div III Switchgear During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Returned Electrical Lineup to Normal.With1999-05-18018 May 1999
- on 990418,uplanned Automatic Closure of Div III DG Output Breaker Was Noted Due to Loss of Normal Power to Div III Switchgear During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Returned Electrical Lineup to Normal.With
ML20206H3141999-05-0505 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 106 to License NPF-47 RBG-45016, Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20206D5591999-04-27027 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 105 to License NPF-47 05000458/LER-1999-004, :on 990325,automatic Actuation of CIV Due to Inadvertent Water Movement Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Coordinate Separate Activities of Different Workers.Dryer Pool Was Returned to Normal Level.With1999-04-26026 April 1999
- on 990325,automatic Actuation of CIV Due to Inadvertent Water Movement Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Coordinate Separate Activities of Different Workers.Dryer Pool Was Returned to Normal Level.With
05000458/LER-1999-003-03, :on 990324,Division I DG Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Assembly of Fuel Pump.Fuel Pump Coupling Was Repaired & DG Was Returned to Svc1999-04-25025 April 1999
- on 990324,Division I DG Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Assembly of Fuel Pump.Fuel Pump Coupling Was Repaired & DG Was Returned to Svc
ML20206A2111999-04-21021 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Pump Relief Request PRR-001 & Valve Relief Request VRR-001 & Denying Valve Relief Request VRR-002 ML20205S0601999-03-31031 March 1999 Rept on Status of Public Petitions Under 10CFR2.206 with Status Change from Previous Update,990331 RBG-44969, Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20205D3431999-03-26026 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 104 to License NPF-47 ML20205D5481999-03-26026 March 1999 SER Accepting Util Proposed Alternative to Exam Weld AA with Weld Volume Coverage of 62 Percent for First 10-year Insp Interval Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(5) 05000458/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990204,discovered That Potentially Rendered safety-related Unit Coolers in Primary Containment Inoperable.Cause Being Investigated.Corrective Action Plan Will Be Submitted in Suppl to Ler.With1999-03-0808 March 1999
- on 990204,discovered That Potentially Rendered safety-related Unit Coolers in Primary Containment Inoperable.Cause Being Investigated.Corrective Action Plan Will Be Submitted in Suppl to Ler.With
ML20207K2221999-03-0303 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 103 to License NPF-47 RBG-44930, Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20202C9751999-01-27027 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 102 to License NPF-47 RBG-44826, Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for River Bend Station Unit 1.With1998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for River Bend Station Unit 1.With ML20198K2701998-12-22022 December 1998 Rev 1 to RBS Cycle 8 Colr RBG-44773, Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With RBG-44727, LER 98-S01-00:on 981021,identified That Contract Employee with Temporary Access Authorization Failed to Disclose Complete Criminal & Employment History.Individual Denied Access to Plants for Five Years.With1998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981021,identified That Contract Employee with Temporary Access Authorization Failed to Disclose Complete Criminal & Employment History.Individual Denied Access to Plants for Five Years.With ML20195C4841998-11-0606 November 1998 SER Accepting QA Program Change to Consolidate Four Existing QA Programs for Arkansas Nuclear One,Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,River Bend Station & Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Into Single QA Program ML20155H3491998-11-0303 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Granting Requests for Relief RR2-0001, RR2-0002 & RR2-0003 RBG-44719, Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20155C1351998-10-26026 October 1998 Rev B to Entergy QA Program Manual RBG-44677, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With ML20154E2171998-09-28028 September 1998 Follow-up Part 21 Rept Re Defect with 1200AC & 1200BC Recorders Built Under Westronics 10CFR50 App B Program. Westronics Has Notified Bvps,Ano & RBS & Is Currently Making Arrangements to Implement Design Mods ML20151S5421998-09-0303 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Opposing Licensee Thermal Model as Currently Implemented.Evaluation Recommended to Be Used in Any follow-up Site Insp RBG-44629, Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With1998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1.With 05000458/LER-1998-004-03, :on 980514,noted That Surveillance Test Had Not Been Completed for Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.Caused by Lack of Proper Emphasis on Procedure Step Re Summation.Revised Pertinent Surveillance Procedures1998-08-11011 August 1998
- on 980514,noted That Surveillance Test Had Not Been Completed for Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.Caused by Lack of Proper Emphasis on Procedure Step Re Summation.Revised Pertinent Surveillance Procedures
ML20236X2351998-08-0505 August 1998 Part 21 Rept Re Defect Associated W/Westronics 1200AC & 1200BC Recorders Built Under Westronics 10CFR50,App B Program.Beaver Valley,Arkansas Nuclear One & River Bend Station Notified.Design Mod Is Being Developed RBG-44600, Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for River Bend Station1998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for River Bend Station 05000458/LER-1998-003-02, :on 980624,adequacy of Division 1 & 2 DG Control Air Sys Was Noted.Root Cause Analysis Is Being performed.Multi-disciplinary Team Was Formed to Address Immediate & long-term Corrective Actions1998-07-24024 July 1998
- on 980624,adequacy of Division 1 & 2 DG Control Air Sys Was Noted.Root Cause Analysis Is Being performed.Multi-disciplinary Team Was Formed to Address Immediate & long-term Corrective Actions
05000458/LER-1998-002, :on 980425,failure of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Was Noted.Caused by Problem W/Instantaneous Trip of Setpoint a & B Supply Breakers.Corrected Trip Settings & Replaced B Breaker1998-07-15015 July 1998
- on 980425,failure of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Was Noted.Caused by Problem W/Instantaneous Trip of Setpoint a & B Supply Breakers.Corrected Trip Settings & Replaced B Breaker
RBG-44564, Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 11998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1 05000458/LER-1998-001, :on 980417,flow Rate Through SGTS Filter Assembly Units Were Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate.Caused by Personnel Error.Reviewed & Updated Design & Licensing Basis Documents1998-06-30030 June 1998
- on 980417,flow Rate Through SGTS Filter Assembly Units Were Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate.Caused by Personnel Error.Reviewed & Updated Design & Licensing Basis Documents
ML20249A6431998-06-12012 June 1998 SER Accepting 980427 Request for Change to River Bend QA Manual Program Description,Per 10CFR50.54(a)(3) RBG-44539, Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 11998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for River Bend Station, Unit 1 05000458/LER-1998-002-02, :on 980425,each of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Sys Failed to Start During Testing Due to Different, Apparently Independent Causes.Eoi Personnel Performing Root Cause Analyses.Breaker Replaced1998-05-26026 May 1998
- on 980425,each of Two Trains of Annulus Mixing Sys Failed to Start During Testing Due to Different, Apparently Independent Causes.Eoi Personnel Performing Root Cause Analyses.Breaker Replaced
05000458/LER-1998-001-04, :on 980417,flow Rate Through SBGTS Filter Assembly Units Was Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate. Cause Analysis Is Currently Being Performed.Detailed Evaluation of Sys Ability to Perform Was Done1998-05-18018 May 1998
- on 980417,flow Rate Through SBGTS Filter Assembly Units Was Found to Be Higher than Design Flow Rate. Cause Analysis Is Currently Being Performed.Detailed Evaluation of Sys Ability to Perform Was Done
[Table view] |
i 4
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PDSt OFF!CE flOX 220 51 FR ANCISvitti. LOUlstAhA 70775
- - AM A CODE 604 C35 60M 346 8661 December la 1989 R B G 31961 =
'8 File Nos. G9.5, G9.25.1.3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.
20555 Gentlemen:
River BendsStat'ioni-Unit 1 Docket-No'. 50-458
.Please find enclosed Licensee Event Report _No.89-040'for River Bend Station -' Unit 1.
'This report is being submitted pursuant.to 10CFR50.73.
l S_.i n c e r e l y,
h J. EP Booker Manager-River Bend Oversight g
River Bend Nuclear;-Group W W <W JEB/TFP/RGW/DC /TGM/pg a
U.S. Nuc ear Regulatory Commissioni 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite L1000 Arlington, TX 76011 NRC' Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1051 St. Francisville LA 70775 INP0 Records Center 1100 Circle ~75 Parkway Atlanta, GA'30339-3064' 8912280114 891218 PDR ADOCK 05000458 S
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T1148 448 Surveillance Tolerance on Penetretion Velve Leekage Control System Exceeded EVENT DATE tll LE R NUMSER ($1 REPORT Daf t (Fi OTMER F ACILITit$ INVOLVED its MONYM DAY VIAR VtAR 5"LiU '"
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At 1330 on 11/17/89 with the unit in Operational Condition 1 (Power Operation) it was determined that the surveillance test performed on l
the Division II Penetration Valve Leakage Control System (PVLCS) air l
supply header pressure functional had not been performed within the allowable surveillance tolerance.
This discrepancy was discovered after the successful completion of the surveillance test procedure (STP) on 11/17/89 at 1120.
l During the investigation that followed completion of the STP, it was discovered that the calculated tolerance was incorrect.
The investigation revealed that instead of the reported allowable tolerance ending on 11/17/89 at 1105 the actual tolerance ended at 0905.
At the time of discovery the STP had been completed and both Divisions of PVLCS were operable.
l During the period in which Division II of PVLCS was inoperable (2 hrs 15 min) Division I of PVLCS remained operable.
Since operation with I
one train of PVLCS inoperable is permitted by the Technical Specifications, and the seven day TS action statement was not exceeded, there was no impact on the health and safety of the public or the safe operation of the plant.
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'h*3 RIVER BEND STATION 0 l5 l0 lo l 0 l 4] 518 8l9 0 l4 l0 0 l0 0l2 OF 0 [3 rexi n s.s -anc, mim REPORTED CONDITION At 1330 on 11/17/89 with the unit in Operational Condition 1 (Power Operation) it was determined the surveillance test performed on the Division II Penetration Valve Leakage Control System (PVLCS) air 3
l supply header pressure functional had not been performed within the L
allowable surveillance tolerance.
This discrepancy was discovered
l after the successful completion of the surveillance test procedure (STP) on 11/17/89 at 1120.
During the investigation that followed completion of the STP, it was discovered that the calculated tolerance was incorrect.
The investigation revealed that instead of the reported allowable tolerance ending on 11/17/89 at 1105 the actual tolerance ended at 0905.
At the time of discovery the STP had been completed and both Divisions of PVLCS were operable.
t Division II of PVLCS was inoperable from 11/17/89 at 0905 to 1120 (this includes the 56 minutes taken to perform the procedure).
The action statement of Technical Specification (TS) allows seven t
days of inoperability of one division of PVLCS.
This event is considered to be a violation of Technical Specification 4.0.2 and thus is reportable under 10CFR50.73 (a) (2) (1) (B).
l INVESTIGATION The surveillance test procedure (STP), STP-255-4212, " Division II I
Penetration Valve Leakage Control System (PVLCS) Air Supply Header i
Pressure Low Channel Functional Test", is required to be performed monthly in Operational Modes 1, 2, and 3 per TS
Due to plant conditions from 11/14/89 at 1004 to 11/17/89 at 0245 fin which the Division I Diesel Generator (DG) was inoperable per' limiting l
condition for operation (LCO) LCO 89-0577.
Therefore,-the procedure could not be performed without causing Division II of PVLCS to be inoperable at the same time.
On 11/15/89 a surveillance tolerance check was. requested by the Instrumentation and Controls (I&C) f Department due to these conditions.
The tolerance was checked'by the Surveillance Test Procedure Scheduling Group which indicated that the surveillance would expire on 11/17/89 at 1105.
The Division I DG was 1
declared operable on 11/17/89 at 0245 and LCO 89-0577 was cleared.
j The I&C Department signed into STP-255-4212 at 1024 and completed the procedure at 1120.
The STP Coordinator noted that the completion time
' ( 112 0') was past the allowable tolerance time of 1105 and proceeded to
, investigate this discrepancy.
In the course of this investigation a recheck was performed of the tolerance's calculation.
It was i
discovered that the original calculation was not verified by a different member of the STP Group, which is not normal practice.
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The computer generated STP tolerance check will only compute full (24 hr.) days.
Therefore, the.75 day or 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> allowed for a monthly surveillance per TS 4.0.2 must be manually calculated.
During this calculation a mathematical error was made which gave an incorrect time of_1105 while the correct time was actually 0905.
Due to this error y
the component (ILSV*E5128) was inoperable per Technical Specification 4.0.2 on 11/17/89 at 0905.
When the STP was started at 1024 the 1
component then became functionally inoperable.
At 1120 upon l
completion of STP-255-4212 operability was restored.
The STP was j
completed satisfactorily and no adjustments were required.
During the i
time between 0905 and 1024 (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 19 min.) the Shift Supervisor was not aware that the component was inoperable per Technical J
Specification 4.0.2.
The action statement for TS states that with one PVLCS division inoperable, restore the inoperable division to j
operable status within 7 days or be in at least Hot Shutdown within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
Throughout the time in which Division II of PVLCS was inoperable (0905 to 1120), Division I of PVLCS remained operable.
Upon discovery of the missed Division II PVLCS surveillance at approximately 1330, both Divisions were operable and no immediate action was required by the Technical Specifications.
A review of previously submitted LERs found that similar events were i
reported in LERs85-050, 86-048, and 89-017.
Scheduling errors were j
the reason that quarterly surveillances were not being performed on the residual heat removal (RHR) system (LER 85-050) and an STP on the intermediate range monitor (IRM) was not performed within the 3.25' allowable tolerance specified by Technical Specification 4.0.2 (LER J
In LER 86-048 an STP on the rod pattern control system (RPCS) was missed due to poor scheduling by the responsible organization.
The STP scheduling group calculated an erroneous expiration time for the STP.
While this event led to exceeding the correct expiration g
time, such events are infrequent occurrences.
Furthermore, one train d
of the affected system remained operable throughout the event and the Technical Specification action time was not exceeded.
GSU will provide additional training to the STP scheduling group by January 6, 1990 to address this event.
During the period in which Division II of PVLCS was inoperable (2 hrs 15 min) Division I of PVLCS remained operable.
Since operation with one train of PVLCS inoperable is permitted by the Technical Specifications, and the seven day TS action statement was not exceeded, there was no impact on the health and-safety of the public or the safe operation of the plant.
.u s o o i.e -o.easauis gtg.o= m.
| | Reporting criterion |
05000458/LER-1989-001, :on 890108,ESF Actuation Occurred When Reactor Water Sample Containment Isolation Valve Automatically Isolated.Caused by Blown Fuse,Deenergizing Isolation Logic. Fuse Replaced & Isolation Reset |
- on 890108,ESF Actuation Occurred When Reactor Water Sample Containment Isolation Valve Automatically Isolated.Caused by Blown Fuse,Deenergizing Isolation Logic. Fuse Replaced & Isolation Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-002, :on 890112,isolation of RWCU Due to Temp Spike from Thermocouple Servicing Temp Trip Unit 1E31-N6220B Occurred,Caused by Malfunction of Shutoff Adapter Allowing Formation of Steam Plume.Esf Sys Performed |
- on 890112,isolation of RWCU Due to Temp Spike from Thermocouple Servicing Temp Trip Unit 1E31-N6220B Occurred,Caused by Malfunction of Shutoff Adapter Allowing Formation of Steam Plume.Esf Sys Performed
| | 05000458/LER-1989-003, :on 890205,discovered That Surveillance Requirements for Ac Circuits Inside Containment Not Properly Performed for All Circuits.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Development.Test Procedure Revised |
- on 890205,discovered That Surveillance Requirements for Ac Circuits Inside Containment Not Properly Performed for All Circuits.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Development.Test Procedure Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) | 05000458/LER-1989-004, :on 890210,ESF Actuation Occurred When Instrumentation & Controls Technician Incorrectly Took Voltage Reading on Instrument Trip Unit.Caused by Personnel Error.Technician Received Counseling |
- on 890210,ESF Actuation Occurred When Instrumentation & Controls Technician Incorrectly Took Voltage Reading on Instrument Trip Unit.Caused by Personnel Error.Technician Received Counseling
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-005, :on 890214,void Identified in Fire Seal Penetration Located on Wall Separating Cable Chase I from Chiller Room on 98-ft Elevation of Control Bldg.Caused by Poor Insp Technique.Firewatch Posted |
- on 890214,void Identified in Fire Seal Penetration Located on Wall Separating Cable Chase I from Chiller Room on 98-ft Elevation of Control Bldg.Caused by Poor Insp Technique.Firewatch Posted
| | 05000458/LER-1989-006, :on 890217,reactor Protection Sys Actuation Due to Signals from Intermediate Range Monitor.Caused by Personnel Error.Operator Counseled & Procedures Reviewed |
- on 890217,reactor Protection Sys Actuation Due to Signals from Intermediate Range Monitor.Caused by Personnel Error.Operator Counseled & Procedures Reviewed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-007, :on 890220,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) Upscale Trip.Irm Upscale Trip Caused by Induced Positive Reactivity.Procedure GOP-001 Revised |
- on 890220,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM) Upscale Trip.Irm Upscale Trip Caused by Induced Positive Reactivity.Procedure GOP-001 Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-008, :on 890225,reactor Automatically Scrammed While Performing Upper Thrust Bearing Wear Detector Test & RCIC Sys Injected Due to Spurious Low Reactor Water Level Signal. Turbine Bypass Switch Will Be Installed |
- on 890225,reactor Automatically Scrammed While Performing Upper Thrust Bearing Wear Detector Test & RCIC Sys Injected Due to Spurious Low Reactor Water Level Signal. Turbine Bypass Switch Will Be Installed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-009, :on 890316,noticed That Structural Ribs Reinforcing for 1 H Rated Thermo-Lag Covering on Div 2 Conduits,Cable Trays & Supports Removed.Caused by Deficiency in Vendor Installation & QC Program |
- on 890316,noticed That Structural Ribs Reinforcing for 1 H Rated Thermo-Lag Covering on Div 2 Conduits,Cable Trays & Supports Removed.Caused by Deficiency in Vendor Installation & QC Program
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-010, :on 890318,unsealed Penetration Discovered in Control Bldg Fire Wall & on 900320,four Conduits Lacking Internal Seals.Hourly Fire Watch Patrols Established |
- on 890318,unsealed Penetration Discovered in Control Bldg Fire Wall & on 900320,four Conduits Lacking Internal Seals.Hourly Fire Watch Patrols Established
| | 05000458/LER-1989-011, :on 890321,leak Rate Test Results of Each Penetration Was in Excess of 2.4 Std Cubic Ft Per Minute. Caused by Corrosion Products Preventing Full Closure of Valves.Maint Work Orders Issued |
- on 890321,leak Rate Test Results of Each Penetration Was in Excess of 2.4 Std Cubic Ft Per Minute. Caused by Corrosion Products Preventing Full Closure of Valves.Maint Work Orders Issued
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability | 05000458/LER-1989-012, :on 890325,ESF Isolation Occurred for RWCU Main Steamline Drains & RHR Shutdown Cooling Sys.Caused by Loss of Power to Div II Isolation Logic When Breaker Opened. Breaker Reclosed |
- on 890325,ESF Isolation Occurred for RWCU Main Steamline Drains & RHR Shutdown Cooling Sys.Caused by Loss of Power to Div II Isolation Logic When Breaker Opened. Breaker Reclosed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-013, :on 890324,determined Effects Not Considered in Calibr Basis for Reactor Water Level Instrumentation.Caused by Water Level Measurement Error.Analytical Limits Will Be Adjusted Downward by 890630 |
- on 890324,determined Effects Not Considered in Calibr Basis for Reactor Water Level Instrumentation.Caused by Water Level Measurement Error.Analytical Limits Will Be Adjusted Downward by 890630
| | 05000458/LER-1989-014, :on 890405,operator Inadvertently Initiated Standby Svc Water Sys During Svc Water Vacuum Release Valve Testing,Causing CRD Pump to Trip.Caused by Operator Error. Operator Reinstructed Re Board Manipulations |
- on 890405,operator Inadvertently Initiated Standby Svc Water Sys During Svc Water Vacuum Release Valve Testing,Causing CRD Pump to Trip.Caused by Operator Error. Operator Reinstructed Re Board Manipulations
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-015, :on 890329,jumper That Had Inadvertently Fallen Off Terminal Incorrectly Replaced by Technician Causing Fuse to Blow.Caused by Technician Error.Fuse Replaced.Technicians Will Receive Training on Event |
- on 890329,jumper That Had Inadvertently Fallen Off Terminal Incorrectly Replaced by Technician Causing Fuse to Blow.Caused by Technician Error.Fuse Replaced.Technicians Will Receive Training on Event
| | 05000458/LER-1989-016, :on 890407,ESF Actuation Occurred When Containment & Drywell Equipment Drain Inboard Isolation Valves Isolated.Caused by Interrupting Ac Daisy Chain Neutral.Valves Reopened |
- on 890407,ESF Actuation Occurred When Containment & Drywell Equipment Drain Inboard Isolation Valves Isolated.Caused by Interrupting Ac Daisy Chain Neutral.Valves Reopened
| | 05000458/LER-1989-017, :on 890407,determined That intermediate-range Monitor Surveillance Test Procedures Not Performed within Allowable Tech Spec Schedule Tolerance.Caused by Scheduling Error.Manual Changes Will Be Verified |
- on 890407,determined That intermediate-range Monitor Surveillance Test Procedures Not Performed within Allowable Tech Spec Schedule Tolerance.Caused by Scheduling Error.Manual Changes Will Be Verified
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-018, :on 890407,isolation of Div 2 Containment Ventilation Sys Occurred,Causing Tripping of Unit Fan Cooler & Isolation of Chilled Water Supply Valves.Caused by Operator Error.Venting Procedures Revised |
- on 890407,isolation of Div 2 Containment Ventilation Sys Occurred,Causing Tripping of Unit Fan Cooler & Isolation of Chilled Water Supply Valves.Caused by Operator Error.Venting Procedures Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-019, :on 890411,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Blown Control Power Fuse During Surveillance Testing of Control Circuit.Cause Not Determined.Blown Fuse Replaced & Actuated Sys Restored to Normal |
- on 890411,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Blown Control Power Fuse During Surveillance Testing of Control Circuit.Cause Not Determined.Blown Fuse Replaced & Actuated Sys Restored to Normal
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-020, :on 890419,freeze Plug on Standby Svc Water Line in Auxiliary Bldg Failed Resulting in Leakage of Svc Water & Selective Power Outage.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Personnel Secured Sys for Leak |
- on 890419,freeze Plug on Standby Svc Water Line in Auxiliary Bldg Failed Resulting in Leakage of Svc Water & Selective Power Outage.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Personnel Secured Sys for Leak
| | 05000458/LER-1989-021, :on 890427,during Refueling,Unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Power Transient to Several Trip Cards Resulting from Shorting of Test Connection.Rhr Shutdown Cooling Restored & Actuation Reset |
- on 890427,during Refueling,Unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Power Transient to Several Trip Cards Resulting from Shorting of Test Connection.Rhr Shutdown Cooling Restored & Actuation Reset
| | 05000458/LER-1989-022, :on 890502,potential Inability of safety-related Air Dryer Outlet Isolation Valves to Perform Required Isolation Function Identified.Caused by Engineering Design Oversight.Maint Work Orders Issued |
- on 890502,potential Inability of safety-related Air Dryer Outlet Isolation Valves to Perform Required Isolation Function Identified.Caused by Engineering Design Oversight.Maint Work Orders Issued
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition | 05000458/LER-1989-023, :on 890507,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred. Caused by Lifted Wire Inadvertently Making Contact with Energized Terminal Point Causing Relay to Energize.Loads Reset & Personnel Briefed |
- on 890507,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred. Caused by Lifted Wire Inadvertently Making Contact with Energized Terminal Point Causing Relay to Energize.Loads Reset & Personnel Briefed
| | 05000458/LER-1989-024, :on 890406,observed That Six Solenoid Operated Valves Oriented to Isolate Normal Air Flow Into safety- Related Instrument Air Sys Accumulator.Caused by Subj Valve Not Properly Oriented.Valve Reoriented |
- on 890406,observed That Six Solenoid Operated Valves Oriented to Isolate Normal Air Flow Into safety- Related Instrument Air Sys Accumulator.Caused by Subj Valve Not Properly Oriented.Valve Reoriented
| | 05000458/LER-1989-025, :on 890516,determined That Incorrect Baseline Calculation Used in Verification of Tech Spec Required Vol Fuel Oil Day Tanks.Caused by Design Calculation Error. Immediate Verification of Fuel Oil Level Made |
- on 890516,determined That Incorrect Baseline Calculation Used in Verification of Tech Spec Required Vol Fuel Oil Day Tanks.Caused by Design Calculation Error. Immediate Verification of Fuel Oil Level Made
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications | 05000458/LER-1989-026, :on 890512,determined That Three safety-related Motor Operated Valves Operated Outside Design Basis.Caused by Size & Location of Restricting Orifices.Orifices Resized & Relocated |
- on 890512,determined That Three safety-related Motor Operated Valves Operated Outside Design Basis.Caused by Size & Location of Restricting Orifices.Orifices Resized & Relocated
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition | 05000458/LER-1989-027, :on 890528,automatic Initiation of Standby Svc Water Pump Occurred During Surveillance Test Procedure. Caused by in-process Surveillance Test Deenergizing Div III 480/120 Volt Ac Bus.Procedure Revised |
- on 890528,automatic Initiation of Standby Svc Water Pump Occurred During Surveillance Test Procedure. Caused by in-process Surveillance Test Deenergizing Div III 480/120 Volt Ac Bus.Procedure Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-028, :on 890512,particulate Channel of Fuel Bldg Exhaust Radiation Monitor Spiked Resulting in Automatic Initiation of Fuel Bldg Filter Trains.Caused by Degraded Voltage Conditions Due to Electrical Outage |
- on 890512,particulate Channel of Fuel Bldg Exhaust Radiation Monitor Spiked Resulting in Automatic Initiation of Fuel Bldg Filter Trains.Caused by Degraded Voltage Conditions Due to Electrical Outage
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-029, :on 890613,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Technicians Shorting Two Leads Together While Installing Spare Transformer.Caused by Personnel Error. Communications Improved |
- on 890613,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Technicians Shorting Two Leads Together While Installing Spare Transformer.Caused by Personnel Error. Communications Improved
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-030, :on 890617,pressure Transmitter Root Valve for Penetration Valve Leakage Control Sys Found Closed.Caused by Personnel Error & Misapplication of Test Tagging Procedure. Root Valve Opened & Control Sys Restored |
- on 890617,pressure Transmitter Root Valve for Penetration Valve Leakage Control Sys Found Closed.Caused by Personnel Error & Misapplication of Test Tagging Procedure. Root Valve Opened & Control Sys Restored
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications | 05000458/LER-1989-031, :on 890624,util Discovered Surveillance Test Procedure 509-0101 Not Performed Before Exceeding 25% Power. Caused by Interpretational Mistake by Control Operating Foreman.Foreman Counseled |
- on 890624,util Discovered Surveillance Test Procedure 509-0101 Not Performed Before Exceeding 25% Power. Caused by Interpretational Mistake by Control Operating Foreman.Foreman Counseled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-032, :on 890907,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred During Surveillance Test Procedure STP-207-4536.Caused by Technician Failure to Properly Lift Lead.Trip Signal Reset, Sys Restored & Procedure Completed |
- on 890907,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred During Surveillance Test Procedure STP-207-4536.Caused by Technician Failure to Properly Lift Lead.Trip Signal Reset, Sys Restored & Procedure Completed
| | 05000458/LER-1989-033, :on 890916,electrical Power Lost to Div II 120 Volt Ac Distribution Panel,Resulting in auto-start of Div II Standby Gas Treatment & Annulus Mixing Sys.Caused by Failure of Elgar Power Line Conditioning Transformer |
- on 890916,electrical Power Lost to Div II 120 Volt Ac Distribution Panel,Resulting in auto-start of Div II Standby Gas Treatment & Annulus Mixing Sys.Caused by Failure of Elgar Power Line Conditioning Transformer
| | 05000458/LER-1989-034, :on 890930,determined That 10 H Run of Standby Gas Treatment Sys Train B Not Performed within Allowable Surveillance Tolerance Which Had Ended on 890904.Caused by Human Error.Operations Personnel Trained |
- on 890930,determined That 10 H Run of Standby Gas Treatment Sys Train B Not Performed within Allowable Surveillance Tolerance Which Had Ended on 890904.Caused by Human Error.Operations Personnel Trained
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-035, :on 890930,reactor Automatically Scrammed During Performance of Routine Reactor Protection Sys.Caused by Defective Test Switch in Reactor Protection Sys.Test Switch Replaced Via Prompt Maint Work Order |
- on 890930,reactor Automatically Scrammed During Performance of Routine Reactor Protection Sys.Caused by Defective Test Switch in Reactor Protection Sys.Test Switch Replaced Via Prompt Maint Work Order
| 10 CFR 21.21(b)(2) | 05000458/LER-1989-036, :on 891017,reported That Various motor-operated Valves Energized Contrary to Plant Fire Hazard Analyses. Caused by Failure to Implement Design Documents.Valves Reanalyzed & Procedures Revised |
- on 891017,reported That Various motor-operated Valves Energized Contrary to Plant Fire Hazard Analyses. Caused by Failure to Implement Design Documents.Valves Reanalyzed & Procedures Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition | 05000458/LER-1989-037, :on 891108,Div II Control Bldg Ventilation Sys Isolated & Filtration Unit Automatically Initiated.Caused by Spurious Signal from Control Bldg Intake Radiation Monitor. Voltage Suppressors Installed on Monitors |
- on 891108,Div II Control Bldg Ventilation Sys Isolated & Filtration Unit Automatically Initiated.Caused by Spurious Signal from Control Bldg Intake Radiation Monitor. Voltage Suppressors Installed on Monitors
| | 05000458/LER-1989-038, :on 891113,unplanned Loss of Div I 125 Volt Dc Bus Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Verify Clearance Boundaries.Power Restored to Bus & Isolations Reset |
- on 891113,unplanned Loss of Div I 125 Volt Dc Bus Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Verify Clearance Boundaries.Power Restored to Bus & Isolations Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000458/LER-1989-039, :on 891114,discovered That Required post-maint Overall Leak Rate Test on Upper Containment Airlock Not Performed After Replacement of Inflatable Seal.Caused by Personnel Error.Maint Procedure Revised |
- on 891114,discovered That Required post-maint Overall Leak Rate Test on Upper Containment Airlock Not Performed After Replacement of Inflatable Seal.Caused by Personnel Error.Maint Procedure Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-040, :on 891117,surveillance Test of Div II Penetration Valve Leakage Control Sys Air Supply Header Pressure Not Performed within Allowable Tolerance.Addl Training of Scheduling Group Will Be Provided |
- on 891117,surveillance Test of Div II Penetration Valve Leakage Control Sys Air Supply Header Pressure Not Performed within Allowable Tolerance.Addl Training of Scheduling Group Will Be Provided
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000458/LER-1989-041, :on 891125,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Two Leads Shorted Together During Testing of Control Circuitry,Causing Valve Isolation from Suppression Pool.Sys Lineup Restored to Normal Position |
- on 891125,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred as Result of Two Leads Shorted Together During Testing of Control Circuitry,Causing Valve Isolation from Suppression Pool.Sys Lineup Restored to Normal Position
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-042, :on 891201,main Turbine Generator Tripped, Resulting in Reactor Scram.Caused by Sensing Fault on Offsite 230 Kv Line.Sys Maint Procedure Being Revised to Include Test of Failed Portion of Relay |
- on 891201,main Turbine Generator Tripped, Resulting in Reactor Scram.Caused by Sensing Fault on Offsite 230 Kv Line.Sys Maint Procedure Being Revised to Include Test of Failed Portion of Relay
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-043, :on 891201.two Outboard MSIVs Inoperable Due to Failure of Corresponding Fast Closure solenoid-operated Valve.Caused by Incomplete Removal of Silicone Lubricant. Lubricant Removed by Application of Acetone |
- on 891201.two Outboard MSIVs Inoperable Due to Failure of Corresponding Fast Closure solenoid-operated Valve.Caused by Incomplete Removal of Silicone Lubricant. Lubricant Removed by Application of Acetone
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000458/LER-1989-044, :on 891211,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred, Resulting in Isolation of Rcic.Caused by Technician Failing to Perform Steps of Surveillance Test Procedure in Sequence.Div II Isolation Signal Reset |
- on 891211,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred, Resulting in Isolation of Rcic.Caused by Technician Failing to Perform Steps of Surveillance Test Procedure in Sequence.Div II Isolation Signal Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000458/LER-1989-045, :on 891212,Div I Standby Svc Water Pumps Received Automatic Start Signal Due to Spurious Low Svc Water Pressure Signal When Normal Svc Water Pump Secured. Signal Cleared & Sys Restored to Normal Lineup |
- on 891212,Div I Standby Svc Water Pumps Received Automatic Start Signal Due to Spurious Low Svc Water Pressure Signal When Normal Svc Water Pump Secured. Signal Cleared & Sys Restored to Normal Lineup
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation |