MONTHYEAR05000327/LER-1999-002-03, :on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event1999-10-15015 October 1999
- on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event
05000327/LER-1998-003-01, :on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status1999-05-27027 May 1999
- on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status
05000327/LER-1999-001-04, :on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc1999-05-11011 May 1999
- on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc
05000327/LER-1998-004-02, :on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check
05000327/LER-1998-003-04, :on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced1998-12-0909 December 1998
- on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced
05000328/LER-1998-002-05, :on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure1998-11-10010 November 1998
- on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure
05000328/LER-1998-001-05, :on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays1998-09-28028 September 1998
- on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays
05000327/LER-1998-002-03, :on 980716,inadequate Surveillance Testing Was Discovered.Caused by Misinterpretation of ANSI Standard. Revised Appropriate Procedures to Provide Required Guidance1998-08-14014 August 1998
- on 980716,inadequate Surveillance Testing Was Discovered.Caused by Misinterpretation of ANSI Standard. Revised Appropriate Procedures to Provide Required Guidance
ML20236P6441998-07-10010 July 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 980610,failure of Safeguard Sys Occurred for Which Compensatory Measures Were Not Satisfied within Required Time Period.Caused by Inadequate Security Procedure.Licensee Revised Procedure MI-134 05000327/LER-1998-001-04, :on 980519,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure of Alternate Feedwater to 1A1-A 480-volt Shutdown Board.Normal Feedwater Breaker Placed in Svc & 480- Volt Shutdown Board Returned to Operation1998-06-18018 June 1998
- on 980519,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure of Alternate Feedwater to 1A1-A 480-volt Shutdown Board.Normal Feedwater Breaker Placed in Svc & 480- Volt Shutdown Board Returned to Operation
05000327/LER-1997-014-01, :on 971101,discovered That RCS PORVs Were Not Cycled in Mode 4 as Required by Ts.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Procedure Revised & Unit Cooled Down to Mode 41997-12-0101 December 1997
- on 971101,discovered That RCS PORVs Were Not Cycled in Mode 4 as Required by Ts.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Procedure Revised & Unit Cooled Down to Mode 4
ML20199C2951997-11-13013 November 1997 LER 97-S01-00:on 971017,vandalism of Electrical Cables Was Observed.Caused by Vandalism.Repaired Damaged Cables, Interviewed Personnel Having Potential for Being in Area at Time Damage Occurred & Walkdowns 05000328/LER-1997-001, :on 970117,missed Surveillance on Auxiliary Contacts of Reactor Trip Breakers Discovered.Caused by Adequate PMT for Reactor Trip Breaker Was Not Performed. Multi-disciplinary Team Formed to Perform Investigation1997-10-0606 October 1997
- on 970117,missed Surveillance on Auxiliary Contacts of Reactor Trip Breakers Discovered.Caused by Adequate PMT for Reactor Trip Breaker Was Not Performed. Multi-disciplinary Team Formed to Perform Investigation
05000327/LER-1997-011-01, :on 970725,operations Training Personnel Found 125 Vdc Vital Battery Board 4 Improperly Aligned.Caused by Personnel Error.Provided Appropriate Disciplinary Action for Individuals Involved in Event1997-09-17017 September 1997
- on 970725,operations Training Personnel Found 125 Vdc Vital Battery Board 4 Improperly Aligned.Caused by Personnel Error.Provided Appropriate Disciplinary Action for Individuals Involved in Event
05000327/LER-1997-012-01, :on 970801,manual Reactor Tripped Due to Loss of Control Air.Caused by Corrosion Products (Rust Debris) Inhibiting Full Closure of One of six-inch Gate Valves. Isolated Breached Control & Svc Air Sys Header1997-09-0202 September 1997
- on 970801,manual Reactor Tripped Due to Loss of Control Air.Caused by Corrosion Products (Rust Debris) Inhibiting Full Closure of One of six-inch Gate Valves. Isolated Breached Control & Svc Air Sys Header
05000327/LER-1997-011-01, :on 970725,vital Battery Board 4 Was Operating W/O Battery Source.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Appropriate Instructions to Caution of Possibility of Breaker Misalignment1997-08-25025 August 1997
- on 970725,vital Battery Board 4 Was Operating W/O Battery Source.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Appropriate Instructions to Caution of Possibility of Breaker Misalignment
05000327/LER-1997-010-01, :on 970626,failure to Properly Return Portion of Fire Protection Sys to Svc Following Mod Activities Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Follow Procedures.Manual Isolation Valve Was Opened1997-07-31031 July 1997
- on 970626,failure to Properly Return Portion of Fire Protection Sys to Svc Following Mod Activities Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Follow Procedures.Manual Isolation Valve Was Opened
05000327/LER-1997-009-02, :on 970521,failed to Perform Response Time Testing of Containment Radiation Monitor Following Maint Activities.Caused by Misinterpretation of Surveillance Requirements.Tested Radiation Monitor1997-06-20020 June 1997
- on 970521,failed to Perform Response Time Testing of Containment Radiation Monitor Following Maint Activities.Caused by Misinterpretation of Surveillance Requirements.Tested Radiation Monitor
05000328/LER-1997-009, :on 970401,licensed Failed to Maintain 2 Offsite Power Sources as Required by Ts.Caused Because Main Contact Compression Was Out of Tolerance.Start Bus 1A Was Transfered to Normal Feed Breaker1997-05-0606 May 1997
- on 970401,licensed Failed to Maintain 2 Offsite Power Sources as Required by Ts.Caused Because Main Contact Compression Was Out of Tolerance.Start Bus 1A Was Transfered to Normal Feed Breaker
05000327/LER-1997-007-01, :on 970404,DG Started When Drill Bit Being Used to Drill Into Electrical Panel in Main Control Room,Cut Into Cable.Caused by Drill Bit Penetrating Energized Wire Bundle Causing Short.Work Stopped on All Electrical Mods for S1997-05-0101 May 1997
- on 970404,DG Started When Drill Bit Being Used to Drill Into Electrical Panel in Main Control Room,Cut Into Cable.Caused by Drill Bit Penetrating Energized Wire Bundle Causing Short.Work Stopped on All Electrical Mods for Shift
05000327/LER-1997-004-01, :on 970320,failure to Properly Perform Surveillance Testing on Circuit Breakers Was Identified,Due to Inadequate Review of Surveillance Instruction Revs.Lcos Were Entered1997-04-21021 April 1997
- on 970320,failure to Properly Perform Surveillance Testing on Circuit Breakers Was Identified,Due to Inadequate Review of Surveillance Instruction Revs.Lcos Were Entered
05000327/LER-1997-006-01, :on 970322,failed to Perform Surveillance Requirement During Containment Entry Due to Personnel Error. RWP Was Closed to Prevent Further Use1997-04-21021 April 1997
- on 970322,failed to Perform Surveillance Requirement During Containment Entry Due to Personnel Error. RWP Was Closed to Prevent Further Use
05000327/LER-1997-005-01, :on 970319,two of Six Tested Main Steam Safety Relief Valves Not within TS Setpoint Tolerance.Appropriate LCOs Entered & Valves Found Outside TS Setpoint Tolerance Adjusted to within TS Tolerance & Retested1997-04-17017 April 1997
- on 970319,two of Six Tested Main Steam Safety Relief Valves Not within TS Setpoint Tolerance.Appropriate LCOs Entered & Valves Found Outside TS Setpoint Tolerance Adjusted to within TS Tolerance & Retested
05000327/LER-1997-003-02, :on 970305,failed to Properly Perform Surveillance Testing on Centrifugal Charging Pump Inlet Isolation Valve Logic.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Instruction.Prepared Special Test Procedure1997-04-0404 April 1997
- on 970305,failed to Properly Perform Surveillance Testing on Centrifugal Charging Pump Inlet Isolation Valve Logic.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Instruction.Prepared Special Test Procedure
05000328/LER-1996-004-02, :on 960919,reactor Trip Breaker Was Removed After It Was Found to Have Inoperable Auxiliary Contacts. Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Revised Breaker Procedure & Reemphasized Requirements for Working Steps Out of Sequence1997-03-28028 March 1997
- on 960919,reactor Trip Breaker Was Removed After It Was Found to Have Inoperable Auxiliary Contacts. Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Revised Breaker Procedure & Reemphasized Requirements for Working Steps Out of Sequence
05000327/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970214,TS AOT Exceeded for DG 2A-A.Caused by Mechanical Failure of DG 2A-A Governor Actuator on Engine 2.DG 2A-A Governor Actuators on Both Engines Replaced, Functional Tested & PMT Performed1997-03-13013 March 1997
- on 970214,TS AOT Exceeded for DG 2A-A.Caused by Mechanical Failure of DG 2A-A Governor Actuator on Engine 2.DG 2A-A Governor Actuators on Both Engines Replaced, Functional Tested & PMT Performed
05000327/LER-1997-001-02, :on 970125,failed to Perform Surveillance Testing on EDG Start Timer Relays Contained in Start Logic Circuitry.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures. Revised Procedures & Performed Testing1997-02-24024 February 1997
- on 970125,failed to Perform Surveillance Testing on EDG Start Timer Relays Contained in Start Logic Circuitry.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Procedures. Revised Procedures & Performed Testing
05000328/LER-1997-001-01, :on 970117,failed to Perform Surveillance on Turbine Trip Contacts of Reactor Trip Breakers.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Performed Test on Turbine Trip Contacts & Declared Rtb a Operable1997-02-18018 February 1997
- on 970117,failed to Perform Surveillance on Turbine Trip Contacts of Reactor Trip Breakers.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Performed Test on Turbine Trip Contacts & Declared Rtb a Operable
05000327/LER-1995-001-01, :on 950118,accumulation of Gas in Residual Heat Removal Sys.Caused by Normal Leakage from Cold Leg Accumulators.Performed Monitoring & Venting of Gas Accumulation & Revised Quarterly Pump Tests1997-02-0606 February 1997
- on 950118,accumulation of Gas in Residual Heat Removal Sys.Caused by Normal Leakage from Cold Leg Accumulators.Performed Monitoring & Venting of Gas Accumulation & Revised Quarterly Pump Tests
05000328/LER-1996-007-03, :on 961207,ESF Actuation,Start of Feedwater Sys,Occurred as Result of Inadequate Return of Equipment to Svc.Refresher Training on Filling & Venting Fundamentals Will Be Conducted in Yrs Training Cycle1997-01-0606 January 1997
- on 961207,ESF Actuation,Start of Feedwater Sys,Occurred as Result of Inadequate Return of Equipment to Svc.Refresher Training on Filling & Venting Fundamentals Will Be Conducted in Yrs Training Cycle
05000328/LER-1996-006-04, :on 961206,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Loss of Power to Start Bus 2A,start of Four EDG & Loading of EDG 2B-B.Refurbished Breaker Installed in 2A Start Bus & Breaker Tested Acceptable1997-01-0202 January 1997
- on 961206,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Loss of Power to Start Bus 2A,start of Four EDG & Loading of EDG 2B-B.Refurbished Breaker Installed in 2A Start Bus & Breaker Tested Acceptable
05000327/LER-1996-012-01, :on 960330,two Cold Leg Accumulator Sample Isolation Valves & Missing Data Sheet in Surveillance Package Were Inoperable.Caused by LCO Not Being Entered. Isolation Valves Were Tested1997-01-0202 January 1997
- on 960330,two Cold Leg Accumulator Sample Isolation Valves & Missing Data Sheet in Surveillance Package Were Inoperable.Caused by LCO Not Being Entered. Isolation Valves Were Tested
05000327/LER-1996-011-01, :on 961118,discovered Rod Position Indication Sys Was Out of Step W/Demand Position Indication Sys.Caused by Incorrect Position Indication on Analog Rod Position. Began Dilution of Reactor Coolant Sys1996-12-18018 December 1996
- on 961118,discovered Rod Position Indication Sys Was Out of Step W/Demand Position Indication Sys.Caused by Incorrect Position Indication on Analog Rod Position. Began Dilution of Reactor Coolant Sys
05000327/LER-1996-010-01, :on 961116,manual Reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by Unexpected Feedwater Heater Isolation.Informed Personnel of Effects Changing Proportional Band on Operating Range of Associated Valve Controllers1996-12-16016 December 1996
- on 961116,manual Reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by Unexpected Feedwater Heater Isolation.Informed Personnel of Effects Changing Proportional Band on Operating Range of Associated Valve Controllers
05000328/LER-1996-005-04, :on 961011,manual Trip Occurred.Caused by Unexpected Loss of Load.Stabilized Unit,Replaced Turbine Impulse Pressure Switches & Replaced Failed Feedwater Isolation Valve Motor & Brake Assembly1996-11-12012 November 1996
- on 961011,manual Trip Occurred.Caused by Unexpected Loss of Load.Stabilized Unit,Replaced Turbine Impulse Pressure Switches & Replaced Failed Feedwater Isolation Valve Motor & Brake Assembly
05000328/LER-1996-004-04, :on 960919,after Reactor Trip Breaker Was Removed Breaker Found to Have Inoperable Auxiliary Contacts. Caused by Inadequate Evaluation of Procedural Change. Procedures Revised1996-10-23023 October 1996
- on 960919,after Reactor Trip Breaker Was Removed Breaker Found to Have Inoperable Auxiliary Contacts. Caused by Inadequate Evaluation of Procedural Change. Procedures Revised
05000327/LER-1996-009-01, :on 960718,auxiliary Building Secondary Containment Boundary/Fire Barrier Not Maintained as Required by Design.Caused by Failure to Follow Design Control Process1996-08-19019 August 1996
- on 960718,auxiliary Building Secondary Containment Boundary/Fire Barrier Not Maintained as Required by Design.Caused by Failure to Follow Design Control Process
05000327/LER-1996-008-01, :on 960709,failed to Perform Quarterly Backseat/Closure Test on Five Check Valves.Caused by Personnel Error.Test Procedure Written & Performed on Subject Check Valves1996-08-0808 August 1996
- on 960709,failed to Perform Quarterly Backseat/Closure Test on Five Check Valves.Caused by Personnel Error.Test Procedure Written & Performed on Subject Check Valves
05000327/LER-1996-006-02, :on 960623,failed Coupled Capacitor Potential Device Caused Actuation of Generator Backup/Transfomer Feeder Relay Tripping Turbine & Reactor.Removed & Replaced Ccpd1996-07-18018 July 1996
- on 960623,failed Coupled Capacitor Potential Device Caused Actuation of Generator Backup/Transfomer Feeder Relay Tripping Turbine & Reactor.Removed & Replaced Ccpd
05000327/LER-1996-007-01, :on 960614,rod Position Indicators for Control Bank D Rods M4 & M12 More than Required 12 Steps Out from Respective Demand Position Indicators.Caused by Incorrect Position Indication on Rod.Response Reduced1996-07-15015 July 1996
- on 960614,rod Position Indicators for Control Bank D Rods M4 & M12 More than Required 12 Steps Out from Respective Demand Position Indicators.Caused by Incorrect Position Indication on Rod.Response Reduced
05000328/LER-1996-003-05, :on 960605,reactor Trip Breakers Manually Opened Because Shutdown Bank D Dropped Into Reactor Core.On 960607 Manual Reactor Trip Initiated Due to Dropped Rod. Added Caution Statement to Apropriate Operations Prcedure1996-07-0505 July 1996
- on 960605,reactor Trip Breakers Manually Opened Because Shutdown Bank D Dropped Into Reactor Core.On 960607 Manual Reactor Trip Initiated Due to Dropped Rod. Added Caution Statement to Apropriate Operations Prcedure
05000327/LER-1995-010, :on 950717,turbine & Reactor Trips Occurred. Caused by Bellows Being Deformed When Sudden Pressure Relay Is Isolated & Heated.New Qualitrol Relays Installed & Placed in Service1996-07-0303 July 1996
- on 950717,turbine & Reactor Trips Occurred. Caused by Bellows Being Deformed When Sudden Pressure Relay Is Isolated & Heated.New Qualitrol Relays Installed & Placed in Service
05000327/LER-1996-005-02, :on 960526,ESF Actuation Occurred Resulting in DG Start.Cause Unknown.Diagnosed Condition,Reset Start Signal & Secured Actuated Equipment1996-06-21021 June 1996
- on 960526,ESF Actuation Occurred Resulting in DG Start.Cause Unknown.Diagnosed Condition,Reset Start Signal & Secured Actuated Equipment
05000328/LER-1996-002-05, :on 960822,discovered Failure to Properly Identify Steam Generator Tube May Have Exceeded Tech Spec Plugging Criteria.Caused by Misjudgement by Two Independent Analysts.Evaluation Performed1996-06-13013 June 1996
- on 960822,discovered Failure to Properly Identify Steam Generator Tube May Have Exceeded Tech Spec Plugging Criteria.Caused by Misjudgement by Two Independent Analysts.Evaluation Performed
05000327/LER-1996-004-02, :on 960509,normal Feeder Breaker Unexpectedly Tripped,Resulting in Loss of Power Signal & Start of Four Dgs.Caused by Failure of Breaker Mechanism.Spare Breaker Operating Mechanism Refurbished & Installed1996-06-0505 June 1996
- on 960509,normal Feeder Breaker Unexpectedly Tripped,Resulting in Loss of Power Signal & Start of Four Dgs.Caused by Failure of Breaker Mechanism.Spare Breaker Operating Mechanism Refurbished & Installed
05000328/LER-1996-001-05, :on 960418,inadvertent ESF Actuation & Loss of Power Signal & Load Sequencing Occurred During Maint. Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Involved in Event Was Counseled & Lessons Were Discussed1996-05-17017 May 1996
- on 960418,inadvertent ESF Actuation & Loss of Power Signal & Load Sequencing Occurred During Maint. Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Involved in Event Was Counseled & Lessons Were Discussed
05000327/LER-1996-003-01, :on 960325,failure to Perform Surveillance Requirements for Penetration Fire Barrier Insps as Required by Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Appropriate Disciplinary Action Taken W/Individuals1996-04-24024 April 1996
- on 960325,failure to Perform Surveillance Requirements for Penetration Fire Barrier Insps as Required by Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Appropriate Disciplinary Action Taken W/Individuals
05000327/LER-1996-002-01, :on 960215,SRs Associated W/Fire Protection Hose Stations Not Performed as Required by Ts.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev.Entered Action of LCO & Established Measures to Address Issue1996-03-15015 March 1996
- on 960215,SRs Associated W/Fire Protection Hose Stations Not Performed as Required by Ts.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev.Entered Action of LCO & Established Measures to Address Issue
05000327/LER-1996-001-02, :on 960121,discovered Fire Watch Patrol Did Not Patrol Some Assigned Areas in Control Bldg & on 960126,fire Watch Patrol Not Performed within Timeframe Required by Ts. Appropriate Disciplinary Action Taken1996-02-20020 February 1996
- on 960121,discovered Fire Watch Patrol Did Not Patrol Some Assigned Areas in Control Bldg & on 960126,fire Watch Patrol Not Performed within Timeframe Required by Ts. Appropriate Disciplinary Action Taken
05000328/LER-1992-008, :on 920627,reactor Tripped.Caused by Varying Resistance Readings Substandard Workmanship.Plant Instruction Written to Provide Guidance1996-02-0808 February 1996
- on 920627,reactor Tripped.Caused by Varying Resistance Readings Substandard Workmanship.Plant Instruction Written to Provide Guidance
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000327/LER-1999-002-03, :on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event1999-10-15015 October 1999
- on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event
ML20217D2721999-10-12012 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 248 & 239 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20217B3651999-10-0606 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 247 & 238 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20212J6311999-10-0101 October 1999 SER Accepting Request for Relief from ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Requirements for Certain Inservice Insp at Plant,Unit 1 ML20217G3721999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20212F4761999-09-23023 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 246 & 237 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20212F0831999-09-23023 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Relief from Certain Weld Insp at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) for Second 10-year ISI Interval ML20211N8891999-09-0707 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 245 & 236 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20212C4761999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20212A1841999-08-25025 August 1999 Errata Pages for Rev 0 of WCAP-15224, Analysis of Capsule Y from TVA Sequoyah Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program ML20210L4361999-08-0202 August 1999 Cycle 9 12-Month SG Insp Rept ML20210L4451999-07-31031 July 1999 Unit-2 Cycle 10 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Rept ML20216E3781999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20210G6631999-07-28028 July 1999 Cycle 9 90-Day ISI Summary Rept ML20209H3831999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20196H8621999-06-30030 June 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data, June 1999 Rept ML20211F9031999-06-30030 June 1999 Cycle 9 Refueling Outage ML20196J8521999-06-28028 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Use Iqis for Radiography Examinations as Provided for in ASME Section III,1992 Edition with 1993 Addenda,Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) ML20195K2951999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000327/LER-1998-003-01, :on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status1999-05-27027 May 1999
- on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status
05000327/LER-1999-001-04, :on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc1999-05-11011 May 1999
- on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc
ML20206Q8951999-05-0505 May 1999 Rev 0 to L36 990415 802, COLR for Sequoyah Unit 2 Cycle 10 ML20206G3751999-05-0404 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 244 & 235 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20206R5031999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for April 1999 for Sequoyah Units 1 & 2.With ML20205N0361999-04-12012 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 234 to License DPR-79 ML20205P9811999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20204E8211999-03-16016 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 243 & 233 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20205B6631999-02-28028 February 1999 Underground Storage Tank (Ust) Permanent Closure Rept, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Security Backup DG Ust Sys ML20204C3111999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20203H7381999-02-18018 February 1999 Safety Evaluation of Topical Rept BAW-2328, Blended U Lead Test Assembly Design Rept. Rept Acceptable Subj to Listed Conditions ML20206U4331999-02-0909 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 242 & 232 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20211A2021999-01-31031 January 1999 Non-proprietary TR WCAP-15129, Depth-Based SG Tube Repair Criteria for Axial PWSCC Dented TSP Intersections ML20198S7301998-12-31031 December 1998 Cycle 10 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Rept ML20199G3641998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000327/LER-1998-004-02, :on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check
ML20198C0211998-12-16016 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 241 & 231 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively 05000327/LER-1998-003-04, :on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced1998-12-0909 December 1998
- on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced
ML20196J8021998-12-0707 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 240 & 230 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20197J5621998-12-0303 December 1998 Unit 1 Cycle 9 90-Day ISI Summary Rept ML20197K1161998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20196C4091998-11-19019 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 238 & 228 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20196B0231998-11-19019 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 239 & 229 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20195H0831998-11-17017 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 237 & 226 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20195G3271998-11-17017 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 237 & 227 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively 05000328/LER-1998-002-05, :on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure1998-11-10010 November 1998
- on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure
ML20195F8061998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20154H6091998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000328/LER-1998-001-05, :on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays1998-09-28028 September 1998
- on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays
ML20154H6251998-09-17017 September 1998 Rev 0 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 10 Colr ML20153B0881998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With 1999-09-07
[Table view] |
t to-
,1 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY-pr a-6N 38A Lookout Place December 7, 1989 7
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN:- Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.
20555 I
50-327 - FACILITY CPERATING LICENSE DPR LICENSEE EVENT REPC"; (LER) 50-327/89026-The enclosed LER provides details-of an event wherein Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 was entered because more than one rod-position indicator per 1
' bank wac-inoperable.- This. event is being reported in-accordance with~
10 CFR 50.73, paragraph a.2.1.B.
Very truly yours, t
L l
l l
. R. Bynum, Vice President Nuclear Power Production Enclostre ec (Enclosure):
Regional Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulacory Commissloc Office of Inspection and Enforcer <.t-Region II-101 Marietta Street, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 INPO Records Center
. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 4
1100-Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 1500 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 NRC Resident Inspector Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 2600 Igou Ferry Road Soddy Daisy, Tennesses 37379 8912140380 891207 PDP ADOCK 05000327 S
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'l An Equal Oppertunity Employer A
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PAGE (3)
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,- Unit 1 01Q0 l 0 l 0 l 3l 2 l7,1 loFl0 l6
' " ' ' ' ' ' Entry into LCO 3.0.3 as a result of more than one RPI per b w.k being inoperable because of a lack of preventive maintenance to CRDM cooling system.iampers.
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NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER ARE A CODE Geoffrey llipp, Compliance Licensing Engineer 6 i ll5 8l 4; 3l i7 [7 ;6 l6 COhiPLETE ONE LINE FOR E ACH CW/ONL'dT F AILURE DESCRISED IN TH18 REPORT 113)
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L On November 7,1989, with Uc!ts 1 and 2 in Mode 1 at 100 and 30 percent power, respectively, Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 was entered on Unit 1 as a rssult of more than one rod position indicator (RPI) per bank being inoperable because they were not within the required 12-step tolerunce.
The control rod drive mechanism I
(CRDM) cooling system had been realigned for surveillance testing earlier and had apparently malfunctioned causing the RPIs to become overheated and drif t out of tolerance. Af ter the original CRDM cooling system alignment was restored, the RPIs were edjusted back to within the required 12-step tolerance and the LCO was exited. The root estse of this event is believed to have been a lack of preventive maintenance (PM) on the CRDM cooling system dampers resulting in a malfunction. Because these components are not accessible at power, verification of a malfunction will have to await the next outage. Two contributing causes of this event have also been identified:
(1) equipment
'dsficiencies that interfered with the verification of proper CRDM cooling system b,rformance by operators following the system realignment, and (2) a lack of procedural guidance for the operators on indicators to monitor while realigning the system. As corrective action, the appropriate CRDM cooling system components (such as the dampers) will be placed in a PM syste.;c.
In addition, a more appropriate description for Computer Point T1014A will be determined for its P-250 listing. A section will also be added to the syrtem operating Jrstruction to provide better guidar.ce for the operators when swapping the fang for CRDM enclosure cooling.
I ac rerm see (6441
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F ACILITY es4Mt (13 DOCKST NUGABER (28 gga gyggga qq Pact ni
N Sequoyah Nuc1 car Plant, Unit 1 0 l5 l0 lo l0 l 3l2 l7 8l9 0] 2 l6 0l 0 0l2 OF 0l6 TEXT 0F sumas ausse 4 #esuseet see assuesamt #4C Fein J554)(17)
- - At 2337 Eastern standard time (EST) on November 7, 1989, with Unit 1 in Mode 1 at 100 percent power, 2.235 pot..tas per square inch gauge (psig), 578 degrees Farenheit (F), and Unit 2 in Mode 1 at 30 percent power, 2,235 psig 559 F, Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 was entered on Unit 1 as a result of more than one rod position indicator (RPI) (EIIC Code AA) per bank being inoperable.
Earlier in the same day, the A-A and B-B control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) cooling fans (EIIS Code CD) were in service with suction aligned to the CRDM enclosure.
(See attached simplified sketch.) Preparations were being made to perform Surveillance Instruction (SI) 266.1.2, "18-Month Circuit Breaker Inspection (Westinghouse Type DS 480V) " to test Breaker SQN-1-BCTB-030-0092-B, which supplies power to the B-B CRDM cooler fan. At 2055, the unit operator (UO) swapped from the A-A and B-B CRDM cooling fans to the C-A and D-B fans, aligning their suction to the CRDM enclosure.
At 2121 Computer Point T1014A exceeded its alarm setpoint of 175 F, This computer point prints out in the main control room on the process monitoring computer (P-250) trend typer. At approximately 2200, when the survelliance testing was completed on the B-B CRDM cooling fan, the UO restored the CRDM cooling system to its original configuration, i.e., A-A and B-B CRDM cooling fans in service. After this cooling system realignment, the temperatures indicated by computer point T1014A rapidly returned to normal levels.
At 2337. RPIs for the following control rods were declared inoperable because they indicated more than a 12 step deviation from their respective group demand position indicators:
Control Rod Location Bank Group F-10 Control C 2
K-10 Control C 2
F-14 Control B 2
P-08 Control C 1
K-06 Control C 2
H-08 Control D 2
G-13 Shutdown B 2
The RPIs are temperature sensitive and had drifted out of tolerance. Because LCO contains only an action requirement for a maximum of one RPI per bank inoperable and more than one RPI per bank was inoperable, LCO 3.0.3 was entered ac of 2337. A work request was written at 0030 on November 8, 1989, to adjust the RPIs back to within tolerance.
At 0259 instrument maintenance technicians began adjusting the RPIs with SI-67, " Periodic Calibration of RPI System," utilizing the following general procedure.. working on only one rod bank at a time. Each of the eight rod banks (four control banks and four safety banks) was inserted to 215 steps. When each control bank was inserted LCO (control bank insertion limits) was entered, and when each safsty bank was inserted, LCO (shutdown rod insertion limits) was entered. The l
88RC Fenn atSA (6491
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e Ex?i;tts 4/30/92 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)
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Ssquoyah Nttelear Plant, Unit 1 o l5 lo lo l0 l 3l2 l7 8] 9 0l2l6 0 l0 0l3 OF 0l6 TEKf Wmese Apose e seguset ese assuumons/ 44C Fonn JE4's#(IDRPIs were then adjusted, and the rod bank was returned to 228 steps. The average length of time the rod banks were in LCO or was 12 minutes with a maximum duration of 17 minutes.
By 0435 LCO 3.0.3 was exited when all but one bank of RPIs had bacn adjusted back within the allowable 12 step tolerance.
By 0444, the last. bank of RPIs had been adjusted, and all applicable LCOs were exited.
As the RPIs gradually cooled during the remainder of November 8, 1989, their indications ware noted to be drifting in the opposite direction as when they were heating up as.rlier. Starting at approximately 2100 on November 8, 1989, and on into November 9, 1989, the RPI banks were again adjusted to stay within the allowable tolerance.
LCOs and 3.0.3 were entered each time a shutdown bank was inserted for adjustment, and LCO was entered each time a control bank was inserted for adjustment.
Th3 root cause of this event is believed to have been a lack of preventive maintenance (PM) on the CRDM cooling system dampers. Alignment of the CRDM cooling system to the C-A and D-B cooling fans failed to provide adequate cooling to the CRDM enclosure. The auspected reason for the inadequate cooling is a damper malfunction that aligned the cooling fan suction to bypass rather than to the CRDM enclosure.
(See attached simplified sketch.) This reason is suspected because of previous problems with the danpers.
In Septetaber 1988, the cognizant system engineer inspected the CRDM cooling system and identified a number of problems. Work requests were initiated to correct the problems, and the problems were subsequently fixed. However, because the dampers in the system are not covered by a PM program, it is suspected that they.nay have agr.in experienced a malfunction.
Because these components are not accessible at power, varification of a malfunction will have to await the next outage.
Two contributing causes of this event have also been identified. The first is equipment daficiencies that interfered with the verification of proper CRDM cooling system parformance by operators following the swapover to the C-A and D-B cooling fans. The most useful temperature indication available to the operators following swapover would have been the CRDM enclosure exit temperatures measured by TE-30-211E and TE-30-211F, shown on the attached simplified sketch. However, the main control room display for thsse temperatures, the Morgan-1 recorder (TR-56-1), was inoperable at the time of this svant. The temperature indication that was available to the operators in the main control room was the P-250 Computer Point T1014A.
However, this computer point was vaguely labeled as containment air temperature opposite from the refueling gate, which reduced its usefulness to the cperators. The second contributing cause of this event is a lack of guidance for the operators on indicators to monitor while swapping CRDM cooling fans in System Operating Instruction (S0I) 30.3, " Containment Upper and Lower Cooling. Heating and Ventilation". The UO used the CRDM cooling fan suction tamperatures following swapover to verify system performance. These temperatures are measured between the essential raw cooling water coolers and the fan intake and are, therefore, not indicative of CRDM enclosure air temperatures.
Nn; Penn SeeA (649)
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U*U S3quoyah Nuclear l'1 ant, Unit 1 0 l5 l 0 l 0 l0 l3 l2 l7 8 l9 0 l2 l6 0l0 0l4 OF 0 l6 TEXT M susse ausse m suvutest mes eaWesant NAC Farm 24W 11M
This event is being reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73, paragraph a.2.1.B. as an oparation prohibited by technical specifications (TSs) because LCO 3.0.3 was entered.
Tha CRDMs are described in Section 4.2.3 of the SQN Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) and the RPIs are described in Section 7.7.1 of the UFSAR.
Compliance with TS requirements for control rods and RPIs ensures that (1) acceptable power distribution limits are maintained; (2) minimum required shutdown margin is maintained; and (3) the potential effects of control rod misalignments are limited. The RPIs are required to be operable to indicate control rod positions, thereby enabling compliance with control rod alignmer.t and insertion limits. LCO contains provisions for continued operation. tith a maximum of one RPI per bank inoperable. When more than one RPI per bank became inoperable, LCO 3.0.3 was entered.
The shift opsrations supervisor discussed the plant condition with the Operations Superintendent cnd the decision was nade to begin a unit shutdown if it appeared that any problem would ba encountered during the calibration of the RPIs.
While still within the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> /6 hour action requirements of LCO 3.0.3, the RPIs were restored to operability and LCO 3.0.3 was exited. The requirements of 13s were thereby complied with and there was no adverse effect on the health and safety of the public or plant personnel.
As immediate corrective action, the RPIs were adjusted to within the required 12 step tolerance. Work requests have been initiated to investigate and repair as necessary any malfunction of the CRDM cooling system dampers or fans during the next scheduled outage for each unit.
As corrective action to prevent recurrence, the Technical Support group will initiate ections by January 2, 1990, to place the appropriate CRDM cooling system components (such as the dampers) in a PM system.
In addition, by December 15, 1989, the Technical l-Support group will determine a more appropriate description for computer point T1014A l
end initiate actions to revise its P-250 listing. A section will also be added to l-S01-30.3 by February 1,1990, to provide better guidance for the operators when swapping l
tha fans for CRDM enclosure cooling.
Ons previous event has been identified that reported an entry into LCO 3.0.3 as a result j-of more than one RPI per bank being inoperable, as reported in LER 50-327/85009.
This sysnt was caused by an electrical anomaly and was unrelated to the CRDM cooling system.
l l
l NRC Form 3BSA (649)
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DOCKEY NUMStR (21 ggg gggg ggg pggg gg, "UCI'a
S2quoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 0l2l 6 0 l0 0l5 OF 0 l6 0 ]S l0 l0 l0 l 3l2 ] 7 8l 9 ftXT f# mas mese Ar seguesar, use easeener MC form Jed W (in C0_MITMENTS M
The Technical Support group will_ initiate actions by January 2, 1990, to place the appropriate CRDM cooling system components (such as the dampers) in a PM system.
By December 15, 1989, the Technical Support Group will determine a more appropriate description for computer point T1014A and initiate actions to revisa its P-250
.A section will be added to SOI-30.3 by February 1, 1990, to provide better guidance for the operators when swapping the fans for CRDM enclosure cooling.
0554y l
NRC Form 3BSA (689)
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05000328/LER-1989-001-04, :on 890212,reactor Trip Signals Generated from Electromagnetic Interference When Spike Received on source- Range Channel N-31.Caused by Noise Induced Into Channel Cabling Due to Welding.Welding Suspended |
- on 890212,reactor Trip Signals Generated from Electromagnetic Interference When Spike Received on source- Range Channel N-31.Caused by Noise Induced Into Channel Cabling Due to Welding.Welding Suspended
| | 05000328/LER-1989-002-04, :on 890325,two Reactor Trips Occurred During Performnace of Instrument Maint Instruction RT-601A Re Response Time Test for Turbine Trip.Caused by Deficient Procedure.Procedure Temporarily Changed |
- on 890325,two Reactor Trips Occurred During Performnace of Instrument Maint Instruction RT-601A Re Response Time Test for Turbine Trip.Caused by Deficient Procedure.Procedure Temporarily Changed
| | 05000327/LER-1989-003-02, :on 890218,motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 1A-A Started Following Control Power Interruption to 6.9 Kv Shutdown Board 1A-A.Caused by Breaker 204 Opening. Personnel Verified Pump 1A-A Starting |
- on 890218,motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 1A-A Started Following Control Power Interruption to 6.9 Kv Shutdown Board 1A-A.Caused by Breaker 204 Opening. Personnel Verified Pump 1A-A Starting
| | 05000328/LER-1989-003-04, :on 890401,containment Ventilation Isolation Actuation & Momentary Loss of RHR Occurred.Caused by Removal of Power from Vital Instrument Power Board.Vital Inverters Verfied to Synchronize W/Instrument Board |
- on 890401,containment Ventilation Isolation Actuation & Momentary Loss of RHR Occurred.Caused by Removal of Power from Vital Instrument Power Board.Vital Inverters Verfied to Synchronize W/Instrument Board
| | 05000327/LER-1989-003-02, :on 890210,brief Interruption of Control Power to 6.9 Kv Shutdown Board Resulted in Auto Start of Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump.Caused by Momentarily Opening Breaker.Tripped Relay Reset |
- on 890210,brief Interruption of Control Power to 6.9 Kv Shutdown Board Resulted in Auto Start of Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump.Caused by Momentarily Opening Breaker.Tripped Relay Reset
| | 05000327/LER-1989-004, :on 890127,seismic Monitor Annunciator Switches Outside Acceptable Limits Due to Inadequate Instruction. Personnel Involved Will Be Counseled & Advised of Proper Actions to Take Under Similar Situation |
- on 890127,seismic Monitor Annunciator Switches Outside Acceptable Limits Due to Inadequate Instruction. Personnel Involved Will Be Counseled & Advised of Proper Actions to Take Under Similar Situation
| | 05000327/LER-1989-004, :on 881216 & 890127,seismic Monitor Annunciator Switches of Active Triaxial Response Spectrum Recorder Outside Acceptable Limits.Caused by Inadequate Instruction. Surveillance Instruction SI-125 Revised |
- on 881216 & 890127,seismic Monitor Annunciator Switches of Active Triaxial Response Spectrum Recorder Outside Acceptable Limits.Caused by Inadequate Instruction. Surveillance Instruction SI-125 Revised
| | 05000328/LER-1989-004-03, :on 890416,Mode 1 Entered W/Rod Position Indicator H-12 Inoperable.Caused by Connector Failure Due to Moisture Deterioration.Connector Replaced |
- on 890416,Mode 1 Entered W/Rod Position Indicator H-12 Inoperable.Caused by Connector Failure Due to Moisture Deterioration.Connector Replaced
| | 05000327/LER-1989-005, :on 890210,reactor Trip Signal Resulted from Closure of Main Feedwater Regulating Valves.Caused by Personnel Error.Reactor Trip Recovery & Investigation Into Cause of Reactor Trip Signal Initiated |
- on 890210,reactor Trip Signal Resulted from Closure of Main Feedwater Regulating Valves.Caused by Personnel Error.Reactor Trip Recovery & Investigation Into Cause of Reactor Trip Signal Initiated
| | 05000327/LER-1989-005, :on 890210,reactor Trip Occurred Resulting from Closure of Main Feedwater Regulating Valves on Loss of Power to Valve Controllers.Caused by Personnel Error.Event Discussed W/Instrument Maint Planners |
- on 890210,reactor Trip Occurred Resulting from Closure of Main Feedwater Regulating Valves on Loss of Power to Valve Controllers.Caused by Personnel Error.Event Discussed W/Instrument Maint Planners
| | 05000328/LER-1989-005-01, :on 890415,16 & 19,three Unit 2 Reactor Trips Occurred Due to Lo Lo Steam Generator Level During Startup. Cause for 890419 Trip Was Operating Loops Bypass Valves in Manual |
- on 890415,16 & 19,three Unit 2 Reactor Trips Occurred Due to Lo Lo Steam Generator Level During Startup. Cause for 890419 Trip Was Operating Loops Bypass Valves in Manual
| | 05000327/LER-1989-006, :on 890216,discovered That Auxiliary Bldg Waste Packaging Area Door Breached W/O Issuance of Breaching Permit.Caused by Inadequate Training & Programmatic controls.Plant-wide Dispatch Issued on 890223 |
- on 890216,discovered That Auxiliary Bldg Waste Packaging Area Door Breached W/O Issuance of Breaching Permit.Caused by Inadequate Training & Programmatic controls.Plant-wide Dispatch Issued on 890223
| | 05000327/LER-1989-006-02, :on 890216,auxiliary Bldg Waste Packaging Area Door A111 Breached W/O Issuance of Breaching Permit.Caused by Incomplete Door Identification,Inadequate Programmatic Control & Personnel Oversight.Door A111 Closed |
- on 890216,auxiliary Bldg Waste Packaging Area Door A111 Breached W/O Issuance of Breaching Permit.Caused by Incomplete Door Identification,Inadequate Programmatic Control & Personnel Oversight.Door A111 Closed
| | 05000328/LER-1989-006-03, :on 890505,determined That Unit Operated in Noncompliance W/Limiting Condition for Operation Since 890411 & Reactor Trip Setpoints Nonconservative.Caused by Detectors Being Placed in Withdrawn Position.W/Undated Ltr |
- on 890505,determined That Unit Operated in Noncompliance W/Limiting Condition for Operation Since 890411 & Reactor Trip Setpoints Nonconservative.Caused by Detectors Being Placed in Withdrawn Position.W/Undated Ltr
| | 05000327/LER-1989-007, :on 890319,train a Control Room Isolation Occurred.Caused by Incompatibility of Replacement Smoke Detector Unit Relay Contact Configuration W/Application Requirements.Work Request Initiated |
- on 890319,train a Control Room Isolation Occurred.Caused by Incompatibility of Replacement Smoke Detector Unit Relay Contact Configuration W/Application Requirements.Work Request Initiated
| | 05000327/LER-1989-007-01, :on 890319,train a Control Room Isolation (Cri) Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Facility Assistance Shift Operations Supervisor Suspended Maint Activity on Smoke Detectors & Verified Train a Cri for Radiation |
- on 890319,train a Control Room Isolation (Cri) Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Facility Assistance Shift Operations Supervisor Suspended Maint Activity on Smoke Detectors & Verified Train a Cri for Radiation
| | 05000328/LER-1989-007-03, :on 890601,discovered Inconsistency in Reactor Coolant Pump Manual Dc Control Power Transfer Switch Positions.Caused by Mislabeling of Switch Position.Proper Labeling Completed |
- on 890601,discovered Inconsistency in Reactor Coolant Pump Manual Dc Control Power Transfer Switch Positions.Caused by Mislabeling of Switch Position.Proper Labeling Completed
| | 05000327/LER-1989-008-01, :on 890320,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable Following Tornado Dampers Closure. Caused by Incomplete Evaluation of Effect of Closing Tornado Dampers by Licensed Operator.Dampers Opened |
- on 890320,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable Following Tornado Dampers Closure. Caused by Incomplete Evaluation of Effect of Closing Tornado Dampers by Licensed Operator.Dampers Opened
| | 05000328/LER-1989-008-03, :on 890710,reactor Trip Occurred on High Negative Flux Rate as Noted on first-out Annunciator.Caused by Dropped Rod.Action Plan Established to Systematically Troubleshoot Sys to Determine Operability |
- on 890710,reactor Trip Occurred on High Negative Flux Rate as Noted on first-out Annunciator.Caused by Dropped Rod.Action Plan Established to Systematically Troubleshoot Sys to Determine Operability
| | 05000327/LER-1989-009, :on 890319,discovered That Switch on Local Control Panel for CO2 Fire Suppression Sys Protecting Computer Room in Off Position.Caused by Personnel Error. Identification Tags Placed on Control Panels |
- on 890319,discovered That Switch on Local Control Panel for CO2 Fire Suppression Sys Protecting Computer Room in Off Position.Caused by Personnel Error. Identification Tags Placed on Control Panels
| | 05000328/LER-1989-009-03, :on 890629,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 Entered Due to Failure to Comply W/Action Statement in Tech Spec.On 890504,discovered That Ice Condenser Bed Temp Recorder Not Printing |
- on 890629,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 Entered Due to Failure to Comply W/Action Statement in Tech Spec.On 890504,discovered That Ice Condenser Bed Temp Recorder Not Printing
| | 05000327/LER-1989-010-02, :on 890329,review of Surveillance Instruction Packages Determined That SI-307.2 Was Out of 18-month Tech Spec Required Frequency.Caused by Scheduled Date Based on Incomplete Package.Personnel Counseled |
- on 890329,review of Surveillance Instruction Packages Determined That SI-307.2 Was Out of 18-month Tech Spec Required Frequency.Caused by Scheduled Date Based on Incomplete Package.Personnel Counseled
| | 05000328/LER-1989-010-03, :on 890817,discovered That Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement Not Performed within Required Time. Caused by Personnel Error on Part of Periodic Test Personnel.Surveillance Subsequently Performed |
- on 890817,discovered That Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement Not Performed within Required Time. Caused by Personnel Error on Part of Periodic Test Personnel.Surveillance Subsequently Performed
| | 05000327/LER-1989-011-01, :on 890413,deficiency Noted in RHR Pump Test Procedures SI-128.2 & SI-128.3.Caused by Technically Inadequate Procedure Generated by Dec 1989 Rev.Chapter 6.3 on ECCS Will Be Revised |
- on 890413,deficiency Noted in RHR Pump Test Procedures SI-128.2 & SI-128.3.Caused by Technically Inadequate Procedure Generated by Dec 1989 Rev.Chapter 6.3 on ECCS Will Be Revised
| | 05000328/LER-1989-011-03, :on 890823,discovered That Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement to Source Check Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitors on Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust Not Fully Met.Root Cause Being Investigated |
- on 890823,discovered That Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement to Source Check Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitors on Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust Not Fully Met.Root Cause Being Investigated
| | 05000328/LER-1989-011, :on 890823,discovered That Requirement to Source Check Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitors Not Met. Caused by Previous Lack of Emphasis on Requirements Recognition.Monitors Source Checked |
- on 890823,discovered That Requirement to Source Check Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitors Not Met. Caused by Previous Lack of Emphasis on Requirements Recognition.Monitors Source Checked
| | 05000328/LER-1989-012-03, :on 890912,reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Sys Level Indicator Failed Monthly Channel Check & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Training for Two Craft Personnel That Performed Vlave |
- on 890912,reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Sys Level Indicator Failed Monthly Channel Check & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Training for Two Craft Personnel That Performed Vlave
| | 05000327/LER-1989-012, :on 890410,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred Due to High Radiation Spike on Radiation Monitor. Cause of Spike Undetermined.Containment Ventilation Isolation Reviewed to Evaluate ESF Actuations |
- on 890410,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred Due to High Radiation Spike on Radiation Monitor. Cause of Spike Undetermined.Containment Ventilation Isolation Reviewed to Evaluate ESF Actuations
| | 05000327/LER-1989-012-01, :on 890410,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred Due to Spurious High Radiation Spike on Noble Gas Channel of Lower Containment Radiation Monitor.Investigation of Incident to Be Completed by 890531 |
- on 890410,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred Due to Spurious High Radiation Spike on Noble Gas Channel of Lower Containment Radiation Monitor.Investigation of Incident to Be Completed by 890531
| | 05000328/LER-1989-013-01, :on 890914,found That Min Number of Operable Photoelectric Fire Detectors Not Maintained for Zone 374. Caused by Identification & Ordering of Incorrect Replacement Fire Detectors.Hourly Fire Watch Established |
- on 890914,found That Min Number of Operable Photoelectric Fire Detectors Not Maintained for Zone 374. Caused by Identification & Ordering of Incorrect Replacement Fire Detectors.Hourly Fire Watch Established
| | 05000327/LER-1989-013, :on 890503,train B Control Room Isolation Signal Received in Main Control Room.Caused by Operator Bumping Radiation Monitor Pump Motor Breaker While Changing Recorder Chart Paper.Chart Paper Replaced |
- on 890503,train B Control Room Isolation Signal Received in Main Control Room.Caused by Operator Bumping Radiation Monitor Pump Motor Breaker While Changing Recorder Chart Paper.Chart Paper Replaced
| | 05000328/LER-1989-014-03, :on 891110 & 11,containment Ventilation Isolations Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure to Be Issued for Use While Venting Sys Known or Suspected to Contain Radioactive Noble Gases |
- on 891110 & 11,containment Ventilation Isolations Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure to Be Issued for Use While Venting Sys Known or Suspected to Contain Radioactive Noble Gases
| | 05000327/LER-1989-014, :on 890506,limiting Condition for Operation Entered When Both Trains of Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys Inoperable.Caused by Opening Control Power Fuse During Replacement of Indicating Lamp.Fuse Replaced.W/Undated Ltr |
- on 890506,limiting Condition for Operation Entered When Both Trains of Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys Inoperable.Caused by Opening Control Power Fuse During Replacement of Indicating Lamp.Fuse Replaced.W/Undated Ltr
| | 05000327/LER-1989-015, :on 890513,Train B Control Room Isolation Occurred.Caused by Defective Auxiliary Contacts of Manual 480 Volt Motor Starter.Contacts Replaced |
- on 890513,Train B Control Room Isolation Occurred.Caused by Defective Auxiliary Contacts of Manual 480 Volt Motor Starter.Contacts Replaced
| | 05000327/LER-1989-016, :on 890516,train a Containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Corrective Action. Operations Personnel Reset Containment Ventilation Isolation.Instruction 90.1B Revised |
- on 890516,train a Containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Corrective Action. Operations Personnel Reset Containment Ventilation Isolation.Instruction 90.1B Revised
| | 05000327/LER-1989-017, :on 890613,observed That Auxiliary Control Room Pressurizer Level Indicators Were Indicating High as Compared to Main Control Room Level Indicators.Caused by Improper Calibr.Part 21 Related |
- on 890613,observed That Auxiliary Control Room Pressurizer Level Indicators Were Indicating High as Compared to Main Control Room Level Indicators.Caused by Improper Calibr.Part 21 Related
| | 05000327/LER-1989-017-01, :on 890613,observed That Auxiliary Control Room Pressurizer Level Indicators Indicating High.Caused by Failure to Properly Calibr Pressurizer Level Transmitters During Calibr Check.Instructions to Be Revised |
- on 890613,observed That Auxiliary Control Room Pressurizer Level Indicators Indicating High.Caused by Failure to Properly Calibr Pressurizer Level Transmitters During Calibr Check.Instructions to Be Revised
| | 05000327/LER-1989-018, :on 890619,0726 & 1010 & 890628,four Events Occurred Re Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys During Periods When Radiation Monitor Was Removed from Sys.Caused by Inappropriate Inclusion of Monitor |
- on 890619,0726 & 1010 & 890628,four Events Occurred Re Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys During Periods When Radiation Monitor Was Removed from Sys.Caused by Inappropriate Inclusion of Monitor
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000327/LER-1989-018-01, :on 890619,discovered That Both Trains of Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys (ABGTS) Automatic Actuation Could Have Been Rendered Inoperable.Caused by Removal of Radiation Monitor During Testing |
- on 890619,discovered That Both Trains of Auxiliary Bldg Gas Treatment Sys (ABGTS) Automatic Actuation Could Have Been Rendered Inoperable.Caused by Removal of Radiation Monitor During Testing
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000327/LER-1989-019-01, :on 890713,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred from Radiation Monitor 1-RM-90-131.Caused by Grounding of Handswitch HS-90-136A2.Operations Supervisor Verified Alarm to Be False & Unit Recovered |
- on 890713,containment Ventilation Isolation Occurred from Radiation Monitor 1-RM-90-131.Caused by Grounding of Handswitch HS-90-136A2.Operations Supervisor Verified Alarm to Be False & Unit Recovered
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000327/LER-1989-020-01, :on 890705,observed That Reactor Vessel Level Indicating Sys upper-range Indicator Was Indicating High as Compared to Redundant Channel.Caused by Inadequate Channel Checks Due to Inadequate Procedure |
- on 890705,observed That Reactor Vessel Level Indicating Sys upper-range Indicator Was Indicating High as Compared to Redundant Channel.Caused by Inadequate Channel Checks Due to Inadequate Procedure
| | 05000327/LER-1989-021-01, :on 890713,fire Protection Sys Questioned When Fire Door Failed to Close During Surveillance Instruction 237.2.Caused by Inadequate Technical Evaluation of Deficiency.Work Request B252362 Replanned |
- on 890713,fire Protection Sys Questioned When Fire Door Failed to Close During Surveillance Instruction 237.2.Caused by Inadequate Technical Evaluation of Deficiency.Work Request B252362 Replanned
| | 05000327/LER-1989-021-02, :on 890713,diesel Generator Board Room Fire Protection Sys Inoperable Due to Failure to Close During Performance of Surveillance Instruction.Caused by Inadequate Technical Review of Surveillance.Door Repaired |
- on 890713,diesel Generator Board Room Fire Protection Sys Inoperable Due to Failure to Close During Performance of Surveillance Instruction.Caused by Inadequate Technical Review of Surveillance.Door Repaired
| | 05000327/LER-1989-022-01, :on 890722,power Range Excore Detector N-43 on Unit Failed During Operation & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Surveillance Instruction SI-178 Revised to Correct Deficiencies |
- on 890722,power Range Excore Detector N-43 on Unit Failed During Operation & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Surveillance Instruction SI-178 Revised to Correct Deficiencies
| | 05000327/LER-1989-023-01, :on 890728,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.4.11 Not Entered After RCS Head Vents Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Drawing Changes & Procedures Revs Will Be Implemented |
- on 890728,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.4.11 Not Entered After RCS Head Vents Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Drawing Changes & Procedures Revs Will Be Implemented
| | 05000327/LER-1989-024-01, :on 890805,inadvertent Train B Containment Vent Isolation Occurred While Performing Surveillance Testing. Caused by Difficult man-machine Interfaces.Operators Verified No High Radiation Condition Existed |
- on 890805,inadvertent Train B Containment Vent Isolation Occurred While Performing Surveillance Testing. Caused by Difficult man-machine Interfaces.Operators Verified No High Radiation Condition Existed
| | 05000327/LER-1989-025, :on 890815,all Four Emergency Diesel Generators Declared Inoperable Because Fuel Oil Not Sampled.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Due to Chemistry Personnel Omission. Samples Obtained & Analyzed |
- on 890815,all Four Emergency Diesel Generators Declared Inoperable Because Fuel Oil Not Sampled.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Due to Chemistry Personnel Omission. Samples Obtained & Analyzed
| | 05000327/LER-1989-026-01, :on 891107,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 Entered as Result of More than One Rod Position Indicator (RPI) Per Bank Being Inoperable.Caused by Lack of Preventive Maint.Rpis Adjusted |
- on 891107,Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 Entered as Result of More than One Rod Position Indicator (RPI) Per Bank Being Inoperable.Caused by Lack of Preventive Maint.Rpis Adjusted
| | 05000327/LER-1989-027-01, :on 891027,spray &/Or Sprinkler Sys Declared Inoperable as Result of Failure to Perform Surveillance Requirement within Required 18-month Frequency.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure Revised |
- on 891027,spray &/Or Sprinkler Sys Declared Inoperable as Result of Failure to Perform Surveillance Requirement within Required 18-month Frequency.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000327/LER-1989-028, :on 891115,penetration Room Developed Noble Gas High Airborne Radioactivity Excursion of 86.1 Max Permissible Concentration Fraction.Caused by Inadequate Latching Mechanism on Access Door |
- on 891115,penetration Room Developed Noble Gas High Airborne Radioactivity Excursion of 86.1 Max Permissible Concentration Fraction.Caused by Inadequate Latching Mechanism on Access Door
| |