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Proposed Amend to License NPF-7,revising Implementation Dates for post-TMI Requirements to Correspond W/ Implementation Dates in NUREG-0737 Re Equipment Qualification & Procurement Delays
Person / Time
Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1980
From: Ferguson J
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 924, IEB-79-27, NUDOCS 8011240321
Download: ML19343A943 (6)




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Jacu II. Panormom Emacettve Vuu l'urssossv November 20, 1960 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 924 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation N0/WRM:ms Attn:

Mr. B. Joe Youngblood, Chief Docket No. 50-339 Licensing' Branch No. 1 License No. NPF-7 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.


Dear Mr. Denton:

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSE NPF-7 NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNIT NO. 2 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, the Virginia Electric and Power Company requests an amendment. to Operating ; License NPF-7 for North Anna Power Station Unit No. 2.

i The proposed changes are enclosed.

The first proposed change is to revise the required implementation dates for 1

post-TMI requirements identified in the North Anna Unit 2 Operating License to correspond to the ' implementation date requirements set forth for operating plants ~ and applicants for operating licenses in NUREG-0737.

The implementa-tion dates presently stated in the operating license reflect the requirements specified at the time of license issuance. The required implementation dates for the identified items from NUREG-0660 have been relaxed by NUREG-0737.

This relaxation was based on changing technical requirements, equipment quali-e fication, and procurement delays and is therefore applicable to North Anna Unit 2.

j The second proposed change is to revise the required implementation dates for modifications associated with IE Bulletin 79-27.

The first set of modifica-tions. will be completed by ' the existing requirement of "first outage of sufficient duration."

The second set of items ' do not require an outage and will be completed by the existing requirement of "six months after issue of license."-

The ' third set of items cannot be completed by the existing requirement of "six months after the issue of license" due to material pro-curement problems and the need for the Nuclear Steam Supply vendor to review and approve the - designs.

This modification requires an extended outage and will be' completed prior to startup from the first refueling outage.

Following the initial review of our proposed design for the diverse power supp!

of T and T Westinghouse stated that they felt that no change thedesignwaswarr,ank,ed.

The design for diverse power supply interfaces g

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Mr. Harold R. Denton 2

viuom.s larcruic no Powen courm to with the requirements of the Westinghouse reactor vessel level system.

Several potential concerns associated with the interface have been raised by Westinghouse; however, Westinghouse has given a preliminary acceptance to our design for engineering and procurement but is withholding their final approval j

pending design of the level system. Due to material delivery dates for equip-j ment associated with the diverse power supply modification, the earliest


installation of this modification corresponds to the installation schedule for the reactor vessel level system.

'This request has been reviewed and approved by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and the System Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee.

It has been determined that this request does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

We have evaluated this request in accordance with the criteria in 10 CFR 170.22.

It has been determined that this request involves a safety issue r

which the staff should be able to determine does not represent a significant hazards consideration; therefore, a Class III license amendment fee is required.

A voucher check in the amount of $4,000.00 is enclosed in payment of the required fee.

Since some of the proposed changes involve January 1, 1981 requirement dates, i

we would appreciate your prompt review and approval of this request.

1 j

Very truly yours,

/ _ gn J. H. Ferguson Executive Vice President Power Attachments:

1, Proposed Changes to Operating License NPF-7 2.

Voucher Check No. 04263 for $4,000.00 cc:

Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement j

Region II l

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Before me, a Notary Public, in and for the City and Common-wealth aforesaid, today personally appeared J. H. Ferguson, who being duly sworn, made oath and said (1) that he is Executive Vice President-Power, of the Virginia Electric and Power Company, (2) that he is duly j

authorized to execute and file the foregoing Amendment in behalf of that Company, and (3) that the statements in the Amendment are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

p Given under my hand and notarial seal this 2 0 day of Dinu.i 3 w i it (

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)# 16Ib bl My Commission expires a w ud Mt 1


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U Notary Public (I

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a Replace paragraph C20(a) in its entirety with the following:

(20) TMI Action Plan Conditions Each of the following conditions references the appropriate section of Supplement No. 11 to the Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-0053) for the North Anna Power Station, Unit 2, dated August 1980.

4 (a) Control Room Design Review (Section 22.2 Item I.D.1)

Within the schedule requirements of NUREG-0737, VEPCO shall submit an evaluation of the benefits of installing data recording and logging equipment in the control room to correct deficiencies associated with the trending of important pa ra-meters on strip chart recorders in use at most nuclear power plants, as part of their one-year control room design review.

Replace paragraphs C21 (c, d,

e, f,

g, h, i, j) in their entirety with the following:

(c) Reactor Coolant System Vents (Section 22.2 Item II.B.1)

VEPCO shall submit procedural guidelines and analytical bases for the reactor coolant system vents.

The reactor coolant system vents shal? be installed no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

(d) Plant Shielding (Section 22.3 Item II.B.2)

VEPC0 shall complete modifications to assure adequate access to vital areas and protection of safety equipment following an accident resulting in a degraded core no later than the implementation sche-dule of NUREG-0737.

(e) Post-Accident Sampling (Section 22.3 Item II.B.3)

VEPCO shall complete corrective actions needed to provide the 4

capability to promptly obtain and perform radioisotopic and chemical analysis of reactor coolant and containment atmosphere samples under degraded core conditions without excessive exposure no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

(f) Relief and Safety Valve Test Requirements (Section 22.3 Item II.D.1)

VEPCO shall complete tests to qualify the reactor coolant system relief and safety valves under expected operating conditions for design basis transients and accidents no later than the implementa-tion schedule of NUREG-0737.

(g) Auxiliary Feedwater Initiation and Irdication (Section 22.3 Item II.E.1.2 VEPCO shall implement the modifications to upgrade the safety-grade indications of AFW flow from semi-vital bus power to vital bus power no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

4 i

(h) ~ Containment Dedicated Penetrations (Section 22.3 Item II.E.4.0 VEPCO shall install redundant remote manual actuated valves in series to isolate the containment vacuum pumps from the combustible gas control system.

VEPCO shall also convert the manual valves in the hydrogen recombiner piping to remote manual actuation no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

i (i) Additional Accident Monitoring Instrumentation (Section 22.3 Item II.F.1)

VEPCO shall install and demonstrate the operability of instruments for continuous indication in the control room of the following vari-ables.

Each item shall be completed by the specified date in the condition:

(i) Containment pressure from 0 psia to three times the design pressure of the containment no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737; (ii) Containment water level from (1) the bottom to the top of the containment sump, and (2) the bottom of the containment to a level equivalent to 600,000 gallons of water no later than January-1, 1981; (iii) Containment atmosphere hydrogen concentration from 0 to 10 volume percent shall be installed no later than the implemen-tation schedule of NUREG-0737; and the hydrogen sampling system a

to be used in the interim will be installed no later than January 1, 1981; (iv) Containment radiation up to 10 rad /hr. no later thaa the implementation shedule of NUREG-0737; and (v) Noble gas effluent from pch potential release point from normal concentrations to 10 pCi/cc (Xe-133) no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

VEPCO shall also provide capability for continuous sampling and for onsite analysis of the radioiodine and particulate effluent samples no later than the implementation schedule of NUREG-0737.

2 Until the above installation is completed, VEPCO shall use interim monitoring procedures and equipment.

(j) Inadequate Core Cooling Instruments (Sect 'on 22.3 Items II.F.2)

I' VEPCO shall install and demonstrate the operability of additional j

instruments or controls needed to supplement installed equipment in. order to provide unambiguous, easy-to-interpret indication of inadequate core cooling no later than the implementation schedule-of NUREG-0737.

F Replace paragraph C12 in its entirety with the following:

(12) VEPCO shall implement the following modificatons related to I.E.

Bulletin 79-27, " Loss of Non-Class IE Instrumentation and Control Power System Bus During Operation," as specified in Vepco's letters, dated May 29 and July 9, 1980 on the following schedule:

(i) Prior to startup following the November 1, 1980 outage for Fire Protection Modifications:

item #2: Alternate Feed for Annunciators; e

item #3, 4, 7 and 8: Alternate Power Supply for Vital SOV and Vital Instrument Panels; item #9 and 10:

Loss of Voltage for Semi-vital Buses; (ii) Within six months from the date of issuance of this license:

item #6: Alternate Power to Gaitronics; items #11, 12, 13 and 14:

Change to Voltage Indication - 125 VDC Buses; (iii) Prior to startup from the first refueling outage:

item #1 and 5: Diverse Power Supply for Th and Tc.

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