MONTHYEARML20195B5711986-05-17017 May 1986 Affidavit of J Appleton Supporting Western Reserve Alliance Opposition to Burial of Low Level Waste at Site ML19351G1301981-02-19019 February 1981 Affidavit Re Applicants Activities Undertaken Per LWA & Plans for Redress of Site.Prof Qualifications Encl ML19209B1801979-08-27027 August 1979 Affidavit of Ew Edwards Re Intervenor Consolidated Intervenors Contentions 2a & 2c.W/supporting Documentation ML19323J3721978-11-16016 November 1978 Pages 4,5 & 6 for Exhibit a of High Rock Lake Association 800521 Affidavit ML19326A9921977-08-12012 August 1977 Affidavit Justifiying Proprietary Nature of Reactor Vessel Matl Surveillance Program Info.Specific Info Re Potential Harm by Disclosure Encl ML19340A3281976-02-11011 February 1976 Affidavit Re Duties & Responsibilities of Dj Olaughlin, City of Cleveland,Oh Dept of Law.Olaughlin Employed W/Squire,Sanders & Dempsey Since 1972 & Served as City of Cleveland,Oh Consultant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19329C9791975-10-20020 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.Jf Haas 750312 Cover Ltr Inadvertantly Overlooked in Initial Discovery But Encls Were Produced.Cover Ltr Forwarded ML19329C9761975-10-20020 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.An Prentice W/Encls Was Not Initially Produced & Is Forwarded ML19329C9751975-10-20020 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.Ta Kostanski to FPC W/Encls Omitted from Util Document Production & Is Forwarded ML19329C9741975-10-20020 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.Ra Miller to FPC W/Encl Already Produced in Discovery Proceedings ML19329C9811975-10-16016 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.Questionnaires Distributed to Oh Edison Co,Toledo Edison Co,Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co & PA Power Co at 720722 Meeting Not Returned ML19329C9801975-10-16016 October 1975 Affidavit Re DOJ 751010 Document Request.Attachments to Wf Gilfillan to David Mcneil Olds,Reed Smith Shaw & Mcclay Not Located in Util Files ML19329C8911975-09-16016 September 1975 Affidavit Re Attempt to Deliver Envelopes by Messenger from DOJ to Nrc.Messenger Mailed Envelopes After Failing to Locate Envelope Addresses & Failed to Notify DOJ of Such Action.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19329C2801975-06-10010 June 1975 Affidavit Re Motion to Strike Dh Hauser 750523 Affidavit. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19329C2391975-05-22022 May 1975 Affidavit Supporting Duquesne Light Cos Claims of Privilege.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19326A6091974-10-0303 October 1974 Affidavit Supporting Intervener Reply to Applicants Motion for Summary Disposition ML19326B0631973-05-30030 May 1973 Affidavit Re Issuing Licenses to Utils.Any License Should Have Conditional Requirement That Utils Grant Facility Participation Through Ownership Participation or Through Unit Power Sales ML19329D4191973-04-16016 April 1973 Affidavit Re Presentation of Evidence Showing No Need for Plant Const & Evidence of NEPA Violation ML19326A9611971-01-26026 January 1971 Affidavit of Intervenor V Evans Re Biased Interests of Two ASLB Members.Physics Today May 1979 Article Re Nuclear Energy Benefits & Risks Encl 1986-05-17
MONTHYEARML20198L1911998-12-21021 December 1998 Submits Comments Re Proposed Rule to Revise 10CFR50.59, Changes,Tests & Experiments ML20198L1361998-12-15015 December 1998 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50.65 Re Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint of NPP ML20196J5531998-12-0101 December 1998 Order Approving Application Re Transfer of Operating Authority Under License to Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co ML20249B9611998-06-22022 June 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying License,Effective Immediately. Orders That Toledo Edison Co,Centerior Svc Co & Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co Shall Complete Final Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers Corrective Actions ML20217J2161998-03-27027 March 1998 Comment on Proposed Generic Communication Re Lab Testing of nuclear-grade Activated Charcoal ML20217F5361998-03-25025 March 1998 Comment Opposing Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1071, Std Format & Content for Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept ML20199J9201998-01-30030 January 1998 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section Iii.O, to Extent That RCP Lub Oil Fill Lines Required to Be Protected W/Collection System ML20199J4651998-01-22022 January 1998 Comment Opposing Draft RG-1070, Sampling Plans Used for Dedicating Simple Metallic Commercial Grade Items for Use in Npps. RG Unnecessary Based on Use of EPRI Guideline & Excellent Past History of Commercial Grade Items at DBNPS ML20199B3441997-11-0707 November 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements. Commission Determined That Granting Subj Exemption Will Not Result in Any Significant Adverse Environ Impact ML20149C3231997-07-10010 July 1997 Exemptions from Requirements of 10CFR73.55, Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Np Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage ML20148M6421997-06-17017 June 1997 Comment on Proposed NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1 Re Control Rod Insertion Problems.Nrc Should Review Info Provided in Licensee 970130 Submittal & Remove Statements of Applicability to B&W Reactors from Suppl Before Final Form ML20134L3401997-01-22022 January 1997 Resolution 96-R-85, Resolution Supporting Merger of Centerior Energy Corp & Ohio Edison Under New Holding Co Called Firstenergy ML20133B6941996-12-18018 December 1996 Submits Ordinance 850-96 Re Approval of Merger of Centerior & Oh Edison Into Firstenergy ML20132A8461996-12-0202 December 1996 Resolution 20-1996 Supporting Merger of Ohio Edison & Centerior Corp Under New Holding Company Called Firstenergy ML20134M6191996-10-28028 October 1996 Proclamation of Support by City of Sandusky,Oh Re Merger of Ohio Edison and Centerior Energy Corp ML20108D9571996-05-0303 May 1996 CEI Response to City of Cleveland 2.206 Petition.Nrc Should Deny Petition ML20097G5731996-02-13013 February 1996 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-63 Re Use of Potassium Iodide ML20097B8911996-01-23023 January 1996 Motion of City of Cleveland,Oh for Partial Summary Judgement or in Alternative,For Severance of Issue & Expedited Hearing Procedures ML20097B8721996-01-23023 January 1996 Petition of City of Cleveland,Oh for Expedited Issuance of Nov,Enforcement of License Conditions & Imposition of Appropriate Fines,Per 10CFR2.201,2.202,2.205 & 2.206 ML20101B5841996-01-23023 January 1996 Motion of City of Cleveland,Oh for Partial Summary Judgement Or,In Alternative,For Severance of Issue & Expedited Hearing Procedures.W/Certificate of Svc ML20096E9781996-01-0808 January 1996 Comment on Proposed Suppl to GL 83-11, Licensee Qualification for Performing Safety Analyses in Support of Licensing Actions ML20087J3611995-08-14014 August 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Rev of NRC Enforcement Policy ML20086M8241995-06-29029 June 1995 Comment on Proposed Review of NRC Insp Rept Content,Format & Style ML20083M8701995-05-10010 May 1995 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactor ML20081C8841995-03-0303 March 1995 Comment Re NRC Proposed Generic Communication Suppl 5 to GL 88-20, IPEEE for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities. Util Ack NRC Efforts to Reduce Scope of GL 88-20,but Believes That Proposed Changes Still Overly Restrictive ML20077M5831995-01-0404 January 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & low-power Operations for Nuclear Power Reactors ML20078D4821994-11-0101 November 1994 Exemption from Requirement of 10CFR50,App J, Section III.D.2(b)(ii) Re Overall Air Lock Leakage Test at Not Less than Calculated Peak Containment Pressure ML20072K3611994-08-16016 August 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Plans for Storage of Sf at Davis Besse NPP ML20072K4411994-08-14014 August 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Dry Storage of Nuclear Waste at Facility in Toledo,Oh ML20072K5261994-08-12012 August 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Addition of Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage Sys to List of Approved Sf Storage Casks ML20072B1581994-08-0909 August 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR72 on List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:Addition ML20029D8221994-04-19019 April 1994 Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Codes & Stds for Nuclear Power Plants;Subsection IWE & Subsection Iwl ML20062M4011993-12-28028 December 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Commercial Grade Item Dedication ML20046C5521993-08-0404 August 1993 Memorandum.* Informs Parties That Time Provided by Commission Regulations to Act on Pending Petitions for Review of Board Order LBP-92-32 Expired.Petitions,Therefore, Deemed Denied.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930804 ML20046A9561993-07-19019 July 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171, FY91 & 92 Proposed Rule Implementing Us Court of Appeals Decision & Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery,FY93 ML20056C8951993-07-19019 July 1993 Order Extending Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of LBP-92-32.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 930720 ML20045D7321993-06-25025 June 1993 Order.* Advises That Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of ASLB Order LBP-92-32,dtd 921118, Extended Until 930720.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 930625 ML20045F8321993-06-22022 June 1993 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Mods to fitness-for-duty Program Requirements.Concurs W/Proposed Rule in Reducing Random Testing Rate of Licensees to 50% & Disagrees W/ Maintaining Random Testing Rate of 100% for Vendors ML20044F7651993-05-26026 May 1993 Order.* Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of Board Order LBP-92-32,dtd 921118,hereby Extended Until 930625.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930526 ML20036C0461993-05-21021 May 1993 Comment on Draft NRC Insp Procedure 38703, Commercial Grade Procurement Insp. Supports NUMARC Comments ML20044E2781993-05-13013 May 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-58 Re VEPCO Petition to Change Frequency of Emergency Planning Exercise from Annual to Biennial ML20036A4111993-05-0303 May 1993 Order Extending Time Until 930604 for Commission to Act to Review LBP-92-32.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930503 ML20044E1561993-04-29029 April 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-58 Re Frequency Change of Emergency Planning Exercises ML20035D9361993-04-0808 April 1993 Order.* Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of Aslp Order LBP-92-32,dtd 921118,extended Until 930503.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930408 ML20035D8651993-04-0505 April 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,70 & 72 Re Procedures & Criteria for Onsite Storage of Low Level Radwaste.Opposes Rule in Part ML20035E6731993-04-0505 April 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,70 & 72 Re Procedures & Criteria for Onsite Storage of Low Level Radwaste.Opposes Rule ML20034G6791993-03-0505 March 1993 Order.* Advises That Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of ASLB Order LBP-92-32 Extended Until 930409.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930305 ML20127L8781993-01-19019 January 1993 Comment Supporting Comments Submitted by NUMARC Re Draft Reg Guide DG-1020 ML20127A6171993-01-0606 January 1993 Order.* Time within Which Commission May Rule on Petitions for Review of Board Order LBP-92-32,dtd 921118,extended Until 930208.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930106 ML20126D5801992-12-23023 December 1992 NRC Staff Answer in Response to Petitions for Review Filed by Oh Edison Co,Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co,Toledo Edison Co & City of Cleveland.* W/Certificate of Svc 1998-06-22
[Table view] |
..'u) ;.
.My name.' is. ' James' H. Taylor.
I.am Manager of Licensing in the Nuclear ~ Power Generation Division of Babcock & Wilcox, and as.such I am authorized to execute this Affidavit.
I am-familiar with the criteria' applied by Babcock & Wilcox to determine whether certain information of Pubcock & Wilcox is proprietary and I am familiar with the procedures established within Babcock & Wilcox, particularly the Nuclear Power Generation Division (NPGD), to ensure the proper application of.these ;riteria.
In determining whether a Babcock & Wilcox document is to be classified as proprietary information, an initial determination is made by the unit manager who is' responsible for originating the document as to whether it falls within the criteria set forth in Paragraph D hereof.
If the information falls within any one of these criteria, it is classified as proprietary by the originating unit manager.
This initial determination is reviewed by the cognizant section manager.
If the document is designated as' proprietary, it is reviewed again by Licensing personnel and other management within NPGD as designated by the~ Manager of Licensing to assure that the regulatory requirements of 10 CFR Section 2.790.are met.
The following information is provided to demonstrate that the provisions of.10 CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations have been considered:
(1)~ The information has been: held in confidence by the Babcock &'Wilcox Company.
Copies of-the document are clearly identified.as proprietary.
In addition, whenever Babcock &'Wilcox transmits the information to a customer, scustomer's' agent, potentia'l customer or regulatory' agency, the transmitdal requests the recipient tofhold the
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- Babcock &Wilcox
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Also,'in order to strictly limit.any potential or actual. customer's use of proprietary
' information, the_ following provision is included in all proposals: submitted by Babcock &'Wilcox, and an enolicable version of the proprietary provision is includec u all of Babcock & Wilcox's contracts:
" Purchaser may retain Company's Proposal for use in connection with any contract.resulting therefrom, and, for that purpose, make such copies ~thereof as may be necessary.
Any proprietary information concerning Company's or its Suppliers' products or manufacturing processes which is so designated by Company or its Suppliers and disclosed to Purchaser incident to the performance of such contract shall remain'the property of Company or its Suppliers and is disclosed in confidence, -and Purchaser shall not publish or otherwise disclose it to others without 1
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Notwithstanding the above, Purchaser may provide the 4
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In the event that Company cannot amend such proprietary information, Purchaser shall, prior to~ disclosing such information, use its best' efforts' to obtain -a commitment from;NRC or such I-
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l(11)- The following criteria are customarily applied by Babcock & Wilcox i; a rational decision process to determine whether' the information should be classified as proprietary.
Information may be classified as proprietary if one or more-of the following criteria are met.
Information reveals cost or price information, a.
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The information reveals data or material concerning Babcock & Wilcox or customer funded research or development plans or progr,ams of present or potential competitive advantage to Babcock & Wilcox.
The use of the information by a competitor would c.
decrease his expenditures, in time or resources, in designing, producing or marketin6 a similar product.
The information-consists of test data or other similar data-concerning a process, method or component, the application of which -results in a competitive advantage to Babcock & Wilcox.
The information reveals special-aspects of a process, e.-
method, component or the like, the exclusive use of which results in a competitive advantage to Babcock &
The information contains ideas for which patent protection may.be-sought.
. Babcock &.Y ilcox AFFIDAVIT OF J AMES H. TAYLOR (CONT' D. )
The document (s) listed on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, has been evaluated in accordance with normal Babcock & Wilcox procedures with
- respect to classification and has been found to contain information which falls within one or more of the criteria enumerated above.
Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, specifically. identifies the criteria applicable to the document (s) listed in Exhibit "A".
The document (s) listed in Exhibit "A", which has been made available to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission was made available in confidence with a request that the document (s) and the information contained
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The information is not available in the open literature-and to the best of our knowledge is not known by Combustion Engineering, EXXON, General Electric, Westinghouse or other current or potential domestic or f
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Wilcox; the amount of effort or money expended by Babcock & Wilcox developing the.information; and the ease or. difficulty with which the information could be properly duplicated by others is given in Exhibit "B".
I have personally reviewed the document (s) listed on Exhibit "A" and have found that it is considered proprietary by Babcock &
Wilcox because 11t - contains information which falls within one I.-
or more of the criteria enumerated in Paragraph D, and it is J Balicock&WUcox AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES H. TAYLOR ( CONT' D. )
information which is' customarily held in confidence and pro-tected as proprietary information by Babcock & Wilcox.
This report' comprises information utilized by Babcock & Wilcox in
-its' business which afford Babcock & Wilcox an opportunity to obtain a competitive advantage over those who may wish to know or use the information contained in the document (s).
Y' lh 4L4h, / [hy,' $ &
/w JAMES H. TAYLOR State of Virginia)
SS. Lynchburg City of Lynchburg)
James H. Taylor, being duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the person who subscribed his name to the foregoing statement, and that the matters and facts set forth in the statement are true.
/ / 9 W,< - Y f ff/ p t
and sworn before me SubscribpdayofAugust1977 this /2 xab Y $ )?a A Hot; dry Public in and for the City of Lynchburg, State of Virginia
/e !/(, !7'f My Commission Expires
Babcock &Wilcox EXIIIBIT A Response to NRC Request for Information on Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program t
Babcock &VElcox EXHIBIT B Proprietary Portions of' Response to llRC Request for Information on Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Criteria Entire document b,c,d,e Specific information with regard to potential harm to B&W by disclosure of the material includes:
B&W has expended over $250,000 to date in research and development of our reactor vessel surveillance program.
This program has involved a three year effort.
The data and information as contained in this document is not available in the open literature or elsewhere in the open market.
3 Development of this technology gives B&W a distinct commercial advantage over competitors who do not have or are in the process of developing such a program.
The market potential for this technology is estimated to exceed two million dollars.
B&W competitors for this market include Fracture Control Incorporated, Southwest Research Institute, Fracture Analysis Associates, Effects Technology Incorporated, Battelle Memorial Institute, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Portions of the information cannot be easily acquired or duplicated by others since it results from B&W engineering evaluations of the detailed R&D program identified in (1).
Other portions of the information might be duplicated at the expense of the monies and effort listed iu (1).