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Amend to Pending Application for CPPR-86 Requesting Extension of Latest Const Completion Date to 801231. Extension Necessary Due to Cutback of Const Force During Aug 1979 & Delays Caused by Mods to Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1980
From: Clayton F
NUDOCS 8005220534
Download: ML19323D916 (2)


Mabama Pon:r Comprny 600 North 18tn Street Post Offica Boa 2641 Birmtnghtm, Alibima 35291 Ttt: phons 205 323-5341 k

As LL%^1' %@nt Alabama Power

he s ourhern eiewc sysre.n Fby 16, 1980 Docket No. 50-364 Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.

S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Attn:

Mr. A. Schwencer Gentlemen:

JOSEPH M. FAdLL'i NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 CONSTRUCTION PERc11T EXTENSION REQUEST On January 11, 1978, Alsbama Power Company applied for, pursuant to Section 50.55 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, an extension in the latest date reflected in Construction Permit CPPR-86 for completion of construction of the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2.

That appli-cation sought extension of the latest date to July 1,1980.

For the reasons set forth below, Alabama Power Company amends its pending applica-tion to request that the latest date for construction completion of Farley Unit 2 in CPPR-86 be extended to December 31, 1980.

The January 11, 1978 application provided the basis for our request that the latest construction completion date be extended to July 1, 1980.

It now appears that construction of Farley Unit 2 will not be complete by that date, due principally to two unrelated developments in 1979, both which were beyond the control of the Company.

First, during the period January through August, 1979, Alabama Power Company was forced to cut back its construction force on Unit 2.

The need for this cutback was caused by a deterioration of Company earnings to the point that the Company was unable to secure additional short-term loans to complete construction.

This situation was recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission and has been discussed with the NRC staff at length.

After lengthy proceedings before the Alabama Public Service Commission, a


portion of the rate relief requested was granted in July, 1979. This in turn allowed the Company to obtain additional loans that were necessary to reactivate the full construction force.

An increase in the construction force on Unit 2 was then initiated in August, 1979. The construction force is now at full strength.

800522,0 & Y I

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Director Page 2 lby 16, 1980 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Secend, additional requirements have been placed on the Company, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which have contributed to delays in ccmpletion of construction. These items relate primarily to modifica-tions required to existing equipment and ciddition of new equipment, for example, resulting from the NRC's Fire Protection Reevaluation Program.

For the reasons stated above, our schedule for initial fuel load of Unit 2 is September 1,1980; although, due to potential delays due to un-foreseen reasons, the actual date may be somewhat later. We believe the extended latest completion date for Farley Unit 2 of December 31, 1980 to be realistic and therefore request that the extension requested be approved.

In accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.3G(c)(1)(i), we enclose three (3) signed originals and fifteen (15) copies of this request.

Sincerely yours, t1 O

bL.Clayton Jr.

FLCJr/TSE:bhj Sworn to and subscribed before Enclosures methis//

day of May, 1980.


Mr. R. A. Thomas Mr. G. F. Trowbridge

>N l AL NotaryPublic,Alab(76 State


at Large 5N My Commission Expires: