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App 5D to Crystal River 3 & 4 PSAR, Qc.
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River, 05000303  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1967
NUDOCS 8003240709
Download: ML19319D711 (14)


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l GENERAL ORGANIZATION Final responsibility for establishing quality control procedures and enforcing such procedures belongs to the Florida Power Corporation.

Florida Pcwer Corporation has an established construction section whose duties include coordination of all quality control measures. Florida Power Corporation vill perform all inspections with their staff or through their representatives. To carry out fielu quality control measures, Florida Power Corporation has an assigned Construction Manager with a staff stationed permanently at the site. The Construction Manager and staff vill perform inspection, coordinate work performed by the constructors, and monitor the quality control ceasures of the constructors and the independent testing agencies. Florida Power Corporation will maintain a quality control file for the entire project. Florida Power Corporation has also assigned responsibilities for quality control func-tions to the following organizations:

1.1 BABCOCK & WILCOX As contractor to Florida Pcwer Corporation, Babcock & Wilcox is responsible for developing quality control procedures and ensuring such procedures are obss-ved for the shop fabrication of the nuclear components in their scope "T

of supply. Babcock & Wilcox vill be available for consultation on field (d

T installation procedures for all such co=ponents. Representative (s) vill be maintained at the site by Babcock & Wilcox as required by Florida Power Corporation.


! Gilbert Associates , Inc. Quality Assurance Department has been designated I i

as Florida Power Corporation's agent. The Quality Assurance Department will have the responsibility to assure that design criteria specified in

' the PSAR are correc;1y translated into specification, drawings, procedures, and instructions for structures, systems, and co=ponents that prevent or mitigate.the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public. This responsibility does not include those nuclear components under the Babcock and Wilcox scope of supply.

The Quality Assurance Department's responsibility does include the review of detailed specifications, testing procedures, and surveillance of tests as required to ensure that completed construction meets the intent 3f the design. Applicable test reports , including mill reports for steel and cement, chemical analysis, velding procedures and qualifications and other quality related reports will be reviewed by Gilbert Associates Inc. Quality Assurance Department to ensure compliance with the specifications. In O 0249 5D-1 (Revised 7-15-69)

addition this department shall maintain at the job site, as required, I quality assurance engineers and inspectors to verify that e^-uctures, cyster.u and components as constructed and installed at the site conform to specifications, drawings, pro::edures and instructions.

This resident quality assurance staff vill monitor the detailed examinations and other quality control procedures of th - cons tructors and Florida Power Corporation personnel. Ihe Gilt ,rt i. .ociates Inc.

Quality Assurance Department will also provide qualified personnel for shop inspection as required by Florida Power Corporation.

The Quality Assurance Progra is detailed in the overall Quality Program submittal in Attachment I of Supplement I;o. k.

O l

0250 O

5D-la (Revised 7-15-69)


V 1.3 INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY For soils and concrete work, and welding, an independent testing agency /

agencies vill be retained by Florida Pcver Corporation. These personnel vill check compaction of structural fill and will =aintain continuous sur-veillance of the concrete batch plant and job site concrete activities.

They vill be authorized through the Florida Power Corporation Construction Manager to stop work should such be necessary to ensure proper quality of the work in progress.

2 MATERIALS STANDARDS 1 2.1 CEMENT The cement for the Reactor Building shell vill be supplied by one manu-facturer. The manufacturer will submit certified copies of mill test reports showing chemical co= position and certifying that the cement complies with the specifications.

Whenever possible, the cement will be from the same silo. When a new silo is used the cement vill be sa= pled and tested by the testing agency under the direction of the construction manager to ascertain conformance with AS'IM C150-64, type II.

p Q o 2.2 C0NCRETE The Technical Specifications for structural concrete vill require the

, following quality control measures:


a. PRELIMINARY TESIS The Owner vill obtain the services of a Testing Laboratory which will, prior to the Contractor commencing concrete work, make preliminary determinations of controlled mixes, using the materials proposed and consistencies suitable for the work, in order to determine the mix proportions necessary to produce concrete con-for=ing to the type and strength requirements called for herein or on the drawings. Aggregates shall be tested in accordance with the latest editions of the following ASTM Specifications: C29, Cho ,

C127, C128, Cl36, and C33 as modified for local conditions and other I related standard specifications. Compression tests shall conform to ASTM Specifications C39-6h and C192-65 The Contractor .. hall submit to the Testing Laboratory all concrete ingredients required by the Testing Laboratory for these preliminary tests.

The proportions for the concrete mixes will be determined by Method

,. 2 of Section 309 of ACI 301 and as herein specified.

b u

5D-2 (Revised 7-15-69)


                                                                                 'l The Engineer shall have the right to =ake adjustments in concrete proportions (if necessary) to meet the requirements of these spec-(~')         ifications.

V. In the event the Centractor-furnished relisble test records of concrete made with materials from the sa=e sources and of the same quality in connection with current work, then all or a part of the strength tests specified herein mgy be waived by the Engineer, subject, however, to any provisions to the contrary of building codes or ordinances of the governing authority,

b. FIELD TESTS During concrete operations, the Testing Liboratory will have an inspector at the batch plant who will certify the mixed proportions of each batch delivered to the site and sa=ple, test periodically all concrete ingredients, and check for co=pliance with " Standard Specifications for Ready Mixed Concrete," ASIM Chk-64. Another inspector (s) at the construction site vill inspect reinforcing cnd form placements, take slump tests, make test cylinders, check air content, record weather conditions, and check for compliance with " Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete," ASTM 094-65 Except as noted hereinafter, test cylinders vill be molded, cured, capped, and tested in accordance with ACI 301 except that one of the three cylinders will be tested at three days and the remaining two at 28 days. For the Reactor Building a set of four cylinders vill be made for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof placed in any day.

One cylinder shall be tested at three days, another cylinder at seven days, and the remaining two cylinders at 28 days. Slu=p tests vill be made at random with a minimum of one test for each 10 cubic yards of concrete placed, also slu=p tests will be made on the concrete batch used for test cylinders. In the event that concrete is poured during freezing weather or that a freeze is expected during the curing period, an additional cylinder vill be made for each set and be cured under the same conditions as the part of the structure which it represents.

c. TEST EVALUATION The evaluation of test results will be in accordance with Chapter 17 of ACI 301. Sufficient tests will be conducted to provide an evalua-tion of concrete strength in accordance with this Specification.

d.- DEFICIENT CONCRETE Whenever it appears that tests of the liboratory cured cylinders fail to meet the requirements set forth in this Specification, the Engineer and/or Testing Liboratory shall have the right to: p

 'J 025is      3D-3 (Revised 1-15-68)
1. Order changes to the proportions of the mix to increase the strength. g
2. Require additional tests of specimens cured entirely under field conditions .
3. Order changes to improve procedures for Irotecting and curing the concrete.
4. Require additional tests in accordance with " Methods of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Saved Beams of Concrete," ASTM C42-6h.
5. If the tests in (d.h), above, fail to prove that the concrete in question is of the specified quality, the Contractor shall replace such portions of the work that the Engineer may direct.

2.2.2 PLACING AND CURING Requirements for placing and consolidating concrete vill be as detailed in ACI 301-66. Placing temperatures will be limited pe. the requirements for mass concrete. Curing of the containment shell vill be in accordance with ACI 301-66 except that the method will be limited to ponding, continuous sprinkling, or maintaining a continuously wet covering. Horizontal and vertical construction joints in the Reactor Building shell vill be prepared for receiving the next pour by either sandblasting, air water jet, brush ha=mering, or other means to remove all coatings, stains, debris, or other foreign material. The horizontal joints shall be dampened (but not saturated), then thoroughly covered with a coat of neat cement mortar of similar proportions to the mortar in the concrete. The mortar shall be at least 1/2 in, thick and fresh concrete shall be placed before the mortar has attained its initial set. The vertical joints shall be vetted and slushed with a coat of neat cement before concrete is placed. Vertical joints will be placed at the center of each buttress to take advantage of the increased compressive stresses prcduced by the lapping of the hcop tendone. Horizental jcints will be at the same elevation for each lift. Joint s vill not be staggered. 2.3 PEINFORCING STEEL The Technical Specifications for the fabrication of reinforcing steel require 7 that it shall ecnferm to " Deformed Billet-Steel Ears fcr Concrete Requirement," ASTM A615-66 for grade LO billet-steel. Mill test reports covering mechanical and physical tests vill be obtained from the supplier covering each heat of reinforcing steel. User tests will be performed cn reinforcing steel to confirm compliance with physical requirements and verification of mill test results. The frequency of 0253 5D k (Revised 7-15-69)

testing vill be two specimens taken frc= each heat of material. For heats in 1 7 excess of 25 tens and within ene heat of material, a series of two tests for each twenty-five tons vill be perfor=ed. The user test will determine yield f~~)s (_ and ultimate strength and elengation. If test results do not meet specifica-tien requirements of ASIM A615-68, further testing of that heat of material and engineering investigation vill be required. It is to be noted that grade 40 reinforcing steel, which is the type material used for this structure, is the lovest strength material ec=monly used for ecnstruction. Furtherscre, no relience is placed en special high strength properties and therefore any interchange of higher strength caterial vould not .jeopardice the strength of the structure. Each bar is branded in the deforming process to carry identification as to the manufacturer, size, type and yield strength. Because of the identification system and the large quantity, the reinforcing vill be kept separated in the fabricator's yard. In addition, when loaded for mill shipment, all bars will be properly separated and tagged with the manufacturer's identification number. 2.4 CADWELD SPLICES Tension splices for bar sized larger than #11 vill be made with a Cadweld splice. Prior to the production splicing of reinforcing bars, each operator or crev vill prepare and test a joiat for each bar size and position (i.e. vertical, horizental, side entry, top entry) to be used in the production work. To qualify, the completed splices vill meet the following acceptance standards for workmanship:

1. Sound, nonporous filler material shall be visible at both ends of the splice sleeve and at the top hale in the center of the sleeve. Filler material is usually recessed 1/k" from the end of the sleeve due to the packing material, and is not considered a poor fill.
2. Splices which contain slag or porous metal in the riser. top hole or at the ends of the sleeve shall be rejected. A single shrinkage bubble present below the riser is not detrimental and should be distinguished from general porosity as described above.
3. There vill be evidence of filler material between the sleeve '

and bar for the full 360 degrees; however, the splice sleeves need not be exactly concentris or oxially aligned with the bars.

4. The strength of the cadweld splice shall be equal to or greater than the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the b ar.

l o 0254 l LJ 5D-5 (Revised 7-15-69) I i

A manufacturer's representative, experienced in cadweld splicing 1 of reinforcing bars, vill be present at the job site at the outset of the work to demonstre.te the equipment and techniques used for making quality splices. He shall also be present for at least the first 25 production aplices to observe and veriRr that the equipment is being used correctly and thal quality splices are being obtained. The following quality control procedures vill be followed to insure acceptsble splices:

1. The splice sleeve, powder and colds shall be stored in a clean dry area with adequate protection from the elements to prevent absorption of moisture.
2. Each splice sleeve vill be visually examined ictediately prior to use to insure the absence cf rust and other foreign material on the inside surface.
3. The = olds vill be preheated to drive off moisture at the beginning of each shift when the molds are cold or when a new cold is used,
k. Bar ends to be spliced shall be brushed to remove all loose mill scale, rust, concrete and other foreign material. Prior to brushing all water, grease and paint vill be removed by heating the bar ends with a torch.
5. A permanent line vill be marked from the end of each bar for a reference point to confirm that the bar ends are properly centered in the splice sleeve,
6. Before the splice sleeve is placed into final position, the bar ends will be examined to insure that the surface is free from moisture. If moisture is present, the bar ends vill be heated until dry.

7 Special attention vill be given to maintaining the alignment of sleeve and guide tube to insure a proper fill.

8. When the temperature is below freezing the splice sleeve shall be prebested a'ter all materials and equipment are in position.
9. All completed splices shall be visually inspected at both ends of the splice sleeve and at the top hole in the center of the s pli c e .

To ensure the integrity of the Cadweld splice the quality centrol procedure vill provide for a random sampling of splices in the field. The selected splices vill be removed and tested to destruction. SD-6

The crevs vill have co=pleted the qualification "Cadveld" splices for 7 each size bar and each position before, performing pilot splices. The O pilot splices will be tested to destruction to develop an average (X) and a standard deviation (c). The destruction of a splice vill be de-fined as the tensile failure of the rebar adjacent to the sleeve or the tensile failure of the sleeve or the failure of the filler metal. Each crev vill perform an approximately equal nu=ber of pilot splices so that the total nunber of pilot splices will be 20. Then to ensure the integrity of the "Cadveld" splices, the quality control procedure vill provide for a randc= sampling of field splices. Tne initial random sa=pling rate vill be one in every 25 splices produced by each crew until the results of 50 tests have been cc= piled. These 50 testa vill in-clude the first 20 pilot splices and the randc= production splices frc= all the crews. The cadweld splices will be specified to develop the ultimate strength of the bar er with the use of deformed bars conforming to AS111 A 615-68, grade ho, a =inimum tensile stress of 70,000 psi. At that time, statistical methods may be e= ployed to determine the pos-sibility of. decreasing the sampling rate. The lever statistical toler-ance limit will be based en the criteria of 99 percent assurance that 95 percent of all splices have str engths in excess of 125 percent of minimum guaranteed yield strength and that the average exceeds 70,000 psi. The rando= sampling rate may be decreased after a total of 50 tests if the results of the program justify such a change. This first decrease vill be to a rate of 3 per 100 splices by each crew. A final decrease

  =ay be made after 100 more tests or a total of 150 tests if the previous

/ criteria is met. This final minimum rate vill be 2 tests per 100 for b each crew. This lower rate =sy be maintained as long as the lower tolerance limit is above the 70,000 psi level. If at any time the lower tolerance limit goes below this minimum strength , then the frequency shall be increased to the level of one test in every 25 splices , pro-duced by each crew. If an individual test fails, below the lower tolerance limit or belcw the 1cwer control limit, the splice just prior to or just after the icw strength splice performed by the same crew shall be tested. If the second test is above these previous icwer control limits , then the process is considered under control and the testing frequency will continue as established. If the second test is below cne of these control limits , the results shall be submitted to the Florida Power Corporation's Quality Engineer for evaluation and the crew responsible for this deviation will not be per=itted to produce further splices, until the results can be studied. The average strength (2), the standard deviation (c), and the other statistical factors will be recalculated after every group of 20 tests are ec= plied. n/ L - 0256 5D-7 (Revised 7-15-69)

2.5 REACTOR BUILDING 1 g The Technical Specifications the Reactor Building liner require that steel plate for the main shell including the M7e, cylindrical valls, and base shall conform to "Nntative Specification for Structural Steel," ASTM A30-63T or to " Specification for Lov and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality," ASTM A283-63, Grade C. The liner plate vill be tested at the fabrication shop to meet those require-cents enumerated in Appendix SE. ASTM standard test procedures will be used to ascertain compliance with ASTM Specifications and include the following:

"Two tension and two bend tects shall be made from each heat, unless the finished material fro: a heat is less than 30 tons, then one tension test and cne bend test vill be sufficient. If, however, material from one heat differs 3/8 in. or more in thickness, one tension test and one bend test shall be made from both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled, regardless of the weight represented."

Certified copies of mill test reports describing the chemical and physical properties of the steel vill be submitted to the user for approval. Tests for qualifying velding procedures and velding vill be performed by the fabricator and monitored by the user. These tests vill provide confirmation on veldability and weld ductibility. Tests on nil ductility will be per-forced for materials used in the penetrations to the extent described in Appendix SE. The user, or his authorized representative, vill monitor snop test procedures at the fabrication shop and will audit all records. The user vill not duplicate tests performed by the steel supplier and the fabricator. The Technical Specifications for the Reactor Building liner further require that, "The materials for penetratiors including the personnel and equipment access hatches as well as the mechanical and electrical penetrations shall conform with the requirements of the ASME Nuclear Vessels Code for Class "B" vessels.... All =aterials for penetrations shall exhibit impact properties as required for Class "B" vessels . . ." 0257 O 50-7a (Revise d 1-15-d S '!

The material for the penetrations will conform to " Tentative Specification 1 for Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates of Intermediate Tensile Ranges for Fusion-

  /)  Welded Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels" ASIM A201-61T, Grade B Firebox, (m/   modified to " Standard Specification for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Service at Low Temperature" ASTM A300-58.

Quality control measures required for ASB4 A201 include the folleving:

        "Two tension tests, cne bend test, and one homogeneity test shall be made frem each firebox steel plate as rolled. One tension test and one bend test shal2      =ade from each flange steel plate as rolled."

The Technical Specifications for the Reactor Building liner further require the folleving quality control =easures for velding: The qualification of welding procedures and velders shall be in accordance with Section IX " Welding Qualifications" of the ASME Soiler and Prassure Vessel Code.... Contractor shall submit velding procedures to the Engineer for r eviev. . . . Quality control procedures and standards for field welding vill meet the requirements of Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. To control seas veld porosity the following steps will be followed:

1. Excessive currents will not be used.
2. Each lgyer of veld metal vill be completely free of slag and flux before the next pass is made.


3. Molten metal vill be puddled long enough to allev entrapped gasses to escape.

f' Porosity shall meet the required standards of Appendix IV of Section VIII of the ASME Nuclear Pressure Vessel Code. The seam velds An' the liner vill meet the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX. This requires tests for qualifying velding procedures and velders which provide confir=ation on seam veld ductility. The liner angle velds eill be tested by liquid penetrant method at the same frequency and to the same standards for the liner plate. Welding procedures will be per the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX. Longitudinal and circumferential velded joints within the main shell, the velded joint connecting the dome to the cylindrical side valls, and any velded joints within the dome shall be inspected by: (1) 100% visual inspection, (2) 20% liquid penetrant test, (3) 2% radiographic inspection, (h) 100% vacuum box test. All penetrations.. . shall be examined in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Nuclear Vessels Code for Class "B" Vessels. All otner shop fabricated co=ponents including the reinforcement about openings shall be fully radiographed. All non-radiographable joint details shall be examined by the liquid penetrant method. A 5D-8 (Revised 1-15-68) 58

Full radiography shall be in accordance with the procedures and governed by 1 the acceptability standards of Paragraph N-62h of the ASME Nuclear Vessels

    /~N -   Code. Spot radiography shall be in accordance with the procedures and
    \ws      goverened by the acceptability standards of Paragraph UW-52 of the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessels Code.

Methods for liquid penetrant examination shall be in accordance with Appendix VIII of the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessels Code. In order to ensure that the penetrations as well as all veld connections between penetration sleeves and plate are leak-tight, the Technical Spec-ifications for the Reactor Building liner require that all velds "shall be examined by detecting leaks at 63.3 psig test pressure using a soap bubble test or a mixture of air and freon.. . and 100 per cent of detectable leaks arrested." These tests are all preli=1 nary to the performance of the inte-grated leak rs .e test which vill ensure that the containment leak rate is no greater than 0.25 per cent by veight of the contained volume of air in 24 hours at 55 psig. 2.6 LINER WELDING RADIOGPAPHY All accessible veld seams on the liner vill be spot radiographed except for penetrations which will be fully radiographed. Spot radiography will be perforn.ed in accordance with Section UW-52 of the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessels Code which requires that:

           "One spot shall be examined in the first 50 feet of welding in each vessel and one spot shall be examined for each additional 50 feet of welding or


    \~ '  fraction thereof.... Such additional spots as may be required shall be se-lected so that any examination is made of the velding operator or velder.. ..

The minimum length of spot radiograph shall be 6 inch.. . ." 2.7 PRESTRESSING TENDONS The prestressing and tendons for the containment vill be inspected by both the supplier and representatives of the Owner. For the "Prescon-BBRV" system the Supplier vill do the following: T

a. Obtain certified mill test reports of chemical and physical pro-perties of each reel of wire and sdomit them to the Owner. The 7 low relaxation wire must meet relevant requirements of ASTM Ak21-65, Type BA, with a minimum ultimate tensile stress of 2h0,000 psi,
b. Cut coupons from each end of each reel of wire, form butterheads on the specimens, and test them in tension to destruction. These tests vill ensure that the wire ruptures before failure of the buttonhead i

and that the wire develops a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 2h0,000 psi. Coupons, and the coils they represent, not meeting the requirements vill be rejected. Records will be maintained for each coupon test and for the tendons in which each coil of wire is used. These records will be subnitted to the Owner. O . \si SD-9 (Revised 7-15-69)


c. Cut wires and form buttonheads so that the length of individual wires are within i 1/8 inch of the specified length, g
d. Check each buttonhead by visual examination for general appearance and splito . Splits parallel to the tendon axis or inclined no more I than LJ degrees are acceptable if their total width does not exceed
         .060 inch.

A =axirm of two splits inclined between 20 degrees and h5 degrees can be accepted providing they do not lie in the same plane. 'Ibe total width of cracka cannot exceed 0.06 in. Splits inclined more than h5 degrees are not acceptable.

e. Ten per cent of the buttonheads, selected at rando=, will be 7 checked dimensionally. Diameter must not be less than .h225 inch nor more than .h525 inch. The buttonhead must have a bearing surface on all sides.

O DELETED The prestressing tenden system quality program is included in the Florida Power Corporation's Quality Program included in Supplement No. k of the PSAR. 02nu O SD-10 (Eevised 7-15-69)}}