MONTHYEARML20211A1801999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Comments on Draft Geig Re NUREG-1437 ML15217A0831999-07-0808 July 1999 Transcript of 990708 Public Meeting in Clemson,Sc Re Draft Suppl Environmental Impact Statement for Oconee Nuclear Station License Renewal.Pp 1-41 ML15217A0821999-07-0808 July 1999 Transcript of 990708 Public Meeting in Clemson,Sc Re Draft Suppl Environmental Impact Statement for Oconee Nuclear Station License Renewal (Afternoon Session). Pp 1-32 ML20205M8401999-04-15015 April 1999 Memorandum & Order.* Orders That Petitioner Appeal of Board Ruling Be Denied.Commission Affirms LBP-98-33 in Entirety. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 990415 ML20205D2551999-03-29029 March 1999 Exemption from Requested Specific Requirements of 10CFR50.60 & App G,For Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML20199K8101999-01-25025 January 1999 Duke Energy Corp Brief in Opposition to Appeal of Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Informs That Licensing Board Decision in LBP-98-33 Should Be Affirmed.With Certificate of Svc ML20199K8231999-01-25025 January 1999 NRC Brief in Opposition to Appeal of Nb Williams,Wb Clay, Ws Lesan & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Licensing Board Decision in LBP-98-33 Should Be Affirmed.With Certificate of Svc ML20199D7021999-01-14014 January 1999 Notice of Appeal.* Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Files Notice of Appeal to Commission for Review of ASLB 981230 Memorandum & Order Denying Petitioner Petition for Leave to Intervene ML20199D7241999-01-14014 January 1999 Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Brief in Support of Appeal of Order Denying Intervention Petition & Dismissing Proceeding.* Commission Should Grant Petition for Review & Remand ASLB Memorandum & Order ML20198K9911998-12-29029 December 1998 Memorandum & Order (Denying Petition to Intervene).* Denies Petitioners Requests for Intervention Because Proffered Contentions Failed to Meet Requirements for Admissability. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 981230 ML20198D2601998-12-22022 December 1998 NRC Staff Response to Petitioners New Info.* Informs That Info Provided by Petitioners Not New & Does Not Support Proposed Contentions.Recommends Proposed Contentions Be Dismissed & Proceeding Terminated.With Certificate of Svc ML20198D2191998-12-21021 December 1998 Duke Energy Corp Response to New Info Submitted by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition in Support of Processed Contentions.* Petitioner Submittal of New Info Should Be Stricken for Procedural Reasons.With Certificate of Svc ML20197J9201998-12-14014 December 1998 Order (Requests by Staff & Applicant to File Responses). Motions of 981211 Re Applicant & Staff Request for Leave to Respond to Petitioner Filing of 981209 Granted.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981214 ML20197K1131998-12-11011 December 1998 Duke Energy Corp Motion for Leave to Respond to New Info Submitted by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Requests Leave to Respond to Petitioners New Info Based on Listed Grounds.With Certificate of Svc ML20197J9441998-12-11011 December 1998 NRC Staff Motion for Leave to Respond to Petitioner Filing.* Staff Requests Leave from Board to Respond to Info.Staff Will File Response within 3 Days After Board Order Issued,If Board Grants Request.With Certificate of Svc ML20197J8691998-12-0909 December 1998 Petitioners Response to ASLB Request for Addl Info & New Info for ASLB to Consider with Petitioners First Suppl Filing.* Response Filed on Behalf of Ws Lesan,B Clay, B Williams & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition ML20196J9051998-12-0909 December 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Licensing Board Order Requesting Info Concerning high-level Radioactive Waste Transportation Rulemaking.* Util Requests That Board Certify Question Immediately.With Certificate of Svc ML20196E0091998-12-0202 December 1998 NRC Staff Response to Order Requesting Information.* in Staff View,Impacts of Transportation of HLW Not Appropriate Issue for Litigation in This Proceeding ML20196E0191998-11-30030 November 1998 Affidavit.* Affidavit of Dp Cleary in Response to Licensing Board Questions Re Environ Impacts of Transportation of High Level Waste.With Certificate of Svc ML20195G5621998-11-19019 November 1998 Order (Requesting Addl Info from Staff).* Based on Directives in SRM M970612,staff Should Furnish Listed Info by 981202.Applicant & Petitioners Have Until 981209 to File Response.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981119 ML20195D5281998-11-16016 November 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Supplemental Petition to Intervene Filed by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition & Nb Williams,Wb Clay & Ws Lesan.* Request for Hearing Should Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20195C1601998-11-16016 November 1998 NRC Staff Response to Petitioner First Supplemental Filing.* Petitioners Failed to Submit Admissible Contention.Iaw 10CFR2.714,petition Should Be Denied & Petitioners Request for Stay Should Be Denied.With Certificate of Svc ML20155F5041998-10-30030 October 1998 Declaration of N Williams.* Declaration Expresses Concerns Re Duke Power Co Application for License Renewal for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Application Inadequate to Protect from Unacceptable Risk of Radiological Accidents ML20155F4791998-10-30030 October 1998 Petitioners First Supplemental Filing.* Petitioners Request That Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Be Admitted as Party to These Proceedings & That Contentions Be Admitted for Adjudication.Unsigned Declaration for Wb Clay Encl ML20155F4951998-10-30030 October 1998 Declaration of Ws Lesan.* Declaration Expresses Concern Re Duke Power Co Application for Renewal of License for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Application Inadequate to Protect from Unacceptable Risk of Radiological Accidents ML15217A1921998-10-19019 October 1998 Transcript of 981019 Environ Scoping Meeting in Clemson,Sc for Oconee Nuclear Station License Renewal Application. Pp 1-112.Certification Encl ML20154H0771998-10-0909 October 1998 NRC Staff Answer to Petition for Leave to Intervene Filed by N Williams,W Clay,Ws Lesan & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.Petition Should Be Denied for Listed Reasons. with Certificate of Svc ML20154A9371998-10-0101 October 1998 Order (Ruling on Request for Extension of Time).* Motion for 30-day Extension to File Amended Petition to Intervene Denied.Petitioners Have Addl 11 Days Until 981030 to File Suppl to Petition.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981002 ML20154A0401998-09-30030 September 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Request for Enlargement of Time of Chattooga River Watershed Coalition & Messrs, N Williams,W Clay & Ws Lesan.* Petitioner Request Should Be Denied for Listed Reasons.With Certificate of Svc ML20153H4191998-09-29029 September 1998 NRC Staff Response to Motion for Enlargement of Time Filed by N Williams,W Clay,W Lesan & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Petitioners Failed to Establish Sufficient Cause for Delaying Submission of Amends.With Certificate of Svc ML20153F3131998-09-25025 September 1998 Notice of Appearance.* Informs That ML Zobler,Rm Weisman & Je Moore Will Enter Appearances in Proceeding Re Duke Energy Corp.With Certificate of Svc ML20153H0801998-09-22022 September 1998 Comment on Draft NUREG-1633, Assessment of Use of Potassium (Ki) as Protective Action During Severe Reactor Accidents. Emergency Plan Calls for Evacuation of Population of EPZ in Timely Fashion to Prevent Exposure to Radiation from Oconee ML20151Z7051998-09-18018 September 1998 Memorandum & Order.* Applicant & Staff Shall File Respective Answers After Petitioners File Any Amend to Intervention Petition.Answers Shall Be Filed IAW Schedule as Submitted. with Certificate of Svc.Served on 980918 ML20151Z5681998-09-18018 September 1998 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Provides Notification of Reconstitution by Appointing P Cotter as Board Chairman in Place of T Moore in Duke Energy Corp Proceeding.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 980918 ML20151X9911998-09-16016 September 1998 Establishment of Atomic Safety & Licensing Board.* Board Being Established in Proceeding Re Application by DPC to Renew Operating Licenses for Units 1,2 & 3,per 10CFR54.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 980917 ML15254A1561998-09-15015 September 1998 Order Referring Petition for Intervention & Request for Hearing to Aslbp.* Commission Directs Licensing Board to Conduct Proceeding IAW Guidance Specified in Order.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 980915.Re-served on 980916 ML16161A2581997-07-29029 July 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements ML20077E8231994-12-0808 December 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re Rev to NRC NPP License Renewal Rule ML20044G7371993-05-25025 May 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171, FY91 & 92 Proposed Rule Implementing Us Court of Appeals Decision & Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery,FY93. Opposes Rule ML16154A3251993-05-14014 May 1993 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $100,000 Re Violations Noted During Insp on 920926-1103 ML20101R5931992-07-0606 July 1992 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Loss of All Alternating Current Power & Draft Reg Guide 1.9,task DG-1021.Opposes Rule ML20070E6291991-02-28028 February 1991 Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM-73-9 Re Regulations to Upgrade Design Basis Threat for Radiological Sabotage of Nuclear Reactors ML15260A1291990-07-0202 July 1990 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $50,000, Per Notice of Violation in Insp Repts ML16138A6951990-04-26026 April 1990 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR72.82(e) Re ISFSI ML15222A0331990-01-31031 January 1990 Transcript of 900131 Mgt Meeting W/Util in Clover,Sc Re Proposed Civil Penalty Enforcement Cases EA-89-151 & EA-89-178.Pp 1-56.Supporting Info Encl ML16138A6681989-08-21021 August 1989 Exemption from Section Iii.G of 10CFR50,App R Requirements for Seismic Expansion Joints in Auxiliary & Reactor Bldg, Pipe Tunnel Access Area,East & West Penetration Rooms & Reactor Bldg Walls ML16293A7741988-10-0707 October 1988 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i), Increasing Amount of Onsite Property Damage Insurance,Until Rulemaking Finalized But No Later than 890401 ML16138A6481988-10-0707 October 1988 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i), Increasing Amount of Onsite Property Damage Insurance,Until Rule Finalized But No Later than 890401 ML16138A6501988-10-0707 October 1988 Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i),increasing Amount of Onsite Property Damage Insurance,Until Rulemaking Finalized But No Later than 890401 ML20237L4671987-08-19019 August 1987 Confirmatory Order Modifying License DPR-47,effective Immediately,Imposing Temporary Addl Restrictions on Max Allowable Power Level as Function of Lake Water Temp 1999-08-16
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MONTHYEARML20199D7021999-01-14014 January 1999 Notice of Appeal.* Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Files Notice of Appeal to Commission for Review of ASLB 981230 Memorandum & Order Denying Petitioner Petition for Leave to Intervene ML20198D2601998-12-22022 December 1998 NRC Staff Response to Petitioners New Info.* Informs That Info Provided by Petitioners Not New & Does Not Support Proposed Contentions.Recommends Proposed Contentions Be Dismissed & Proceeding Terminated.With Certificate of Svc ML20198D2191998-12-21021 December 1998 Duke Energy Corp Response to New Info Submitted by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition in Support of Processed Contentions.* Petitioner Submittal of New Info Should Be Stricken for Procedural Reasons.With Certificate of Svc ML20197K1131998-12-11011 December 1998 Duke Energy Corp Motion for Leave to Respond to New Info Submitted by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Requests Leave to Respond to Petitioners New Info Based on Listed Grounds.With Certificate of Svc ML20197J9441998-12-11011 December 1998 NRC Staff Motion for Leave to Respond to Petitioner Filing.* Staff Requests Leave from Board to Respond to Info.Staff Will File Response within 3 Days After Board Order Issued,If Board Grants Request.With Certificate of Svc ML20197J8691998-12-0909 December 1998 Petitioners Response to ASLB Request for Addl Info & New Info for ASLB to Consider with Petitioners First Suppl Filing.* Response Filed on Behalf of Ws Lesan,B Clay, B Williams & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition ML20196J9051998-12-0909 December 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Licensing Board Order Requesting Info Concerning high-level Radioactive Waste Transportation Rulemaking.* Util Requests That Board Certify Question Immediately.With Certificate of Svc ML20196E0091998-12-0202 December 1998 NRC Staff Response to Order Requesting Information.* in Staff View,Impacts of Transportation of HLW Not Appropriate Issue for Litigation in This Proceeding ML20195C1601998-11-16016 November 1998 NRC Staff Response to Petitioner First Supplemental Filing.* Petitioners Failed to Submit Admissible Contention.Iaw 10CFR2.714,petition Should Be Denied & Petitioners Request for Stay Should Be Denied.With Certificate of Svc ML20195D5281998-11-16016 November 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Supplemental Petition to Intervene Filed by Chattooga River Watershed Coalition & Nb Williams,Wb Clay & Ws Lesan.* Request for Hearing Should Be Denied for Reasons Stated.With Certificate of Svc ML20155F4791998-10-30030 October 1998 Petitioners First Supplemental Filing.* Petitioners Request That Chattooga River Watershed Coalition Be Admitted as Party to These Proceedings & That Contentions Be Admitted for Adjudication.Unsigned Declaration for Wb Clay Encl ML20154A0401998-09-30030 September 1998 Response of Duke Energy Corp to Request for Enlargement of Time of Chattooga River Watershed Coalition & Messrs, N Williams,W Clay & Ws Lesan.* Petitioner Request Should Be Denied for Listed Reasons.With Certificate of Svc ML20153H4191998-09-29029 September 1998 NRC Staff Response to Motion for Enlargement of Time Filed by N Williams,W Clay,W Lesan & Chattooga River Watershed Coalition.* Petitioners Failed to Establish Sufficient Cause for Delaying Submission of Amends.With Certificate of Svc ML20215D6741987-06-12012 June 1987 Suppl 4 to Petition for Immediate Action to Relieve Undue Risk Posed by Nuclear Power Plants Designed by B&W.Ucs Reply to Responses from NRC & B&W Owners Group.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20210C4191987-04-0606 April 1987 Principal Response of B&W Owners Group to Petition Filed Under 10CFR2.206 by Ucs.* Petition Should Be Denied ML20205F2911987-03-23023 March 1987 Suppl 3 to Petition for Immediate Action to Relieve Undue Risk Posed by Nuclear Power Plants Designed by B&W.* Requests That Listed Names Be Added to List in Paragraph 1 of 870210 Petition ML20210C2691987-03-0606 March 1987 Initial Response of B&W Owners Group to Petition Filed Under 10CFR2.206 by Ucs.* Request for Immediate Suspension Should Be Summarily Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20211F5091987-02-20020 February 1987 Suppl 2 to Petition for Immediate Action to Relieve Undue Risk Posed by Nuclear Power Plants Designed by B&W.* Lists Names to Be Added to 870210 Petition & Corrects Address for Save Our State from Radwaste ML20210N4861987-02-10010 February 1987 Petition for Immediate Action to Relieve Undue Risk Posed by Nuclear Power Plants Designed by B&W Co.* OLs & CPs for Facilities Should Be Suspended Until Listed NRC Actions Taken ML20137L5911985-09-10010 September 1985 Response Opposing Jf Doherty 850611 Petition for Show Cause Order Requesting NRC to Institute Consolidated Proceeding Per 10CFR2.202.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20126A3531985-06-11011 June 1985 Petition/Request for Order to Show Cause Why Plants Should Not Be Shut Down Until CRD Mechanisms Inspected ML20031A3391981-09-18018 September 1981 Response Opposing Licensees 810622 Petition for Extension of Effective Deadline of CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response Recommending 1-yr Extension.No Justification That Utils Unable to Qualify Equipment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D9341981-09-14014 September 1981 Answer Opposing Ucs 810831 Motion Re CLI-80-21 & Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline.Matter Should Not Be Docketed as Involving Ucs Petition.Ucs Should Not Be Added to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20005B9901981-09-14014 September 1981 Response to ASLB 810825 Order to NRC Re ASLB Notification of Unsatisfactory Test Results of Safety Valve.Reply Set Forth in Listed Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E5131981-08-31031 August 1981 Motion for Opportunity to Respond to Utils 810622 Petition for 13-month Extension of 820630 Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response.Requests Svc of Past & Future Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20009A2391981-07-0707 July 1981 Answer That Petitioners Do Not Object to NRC 810629 Motion for Leave to Defer Response to 810622 Petition Until 810731. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19350F1551981-06-22022 June 1981 Petition,On Behalf of 18 Licensees Operating &/Or Constructing Nuclear Power Plants,Requesting 13-month Extension Until 830729 for Qualification of safety-related Electrical Equipment Per NUREG-0588 (CLI-80-21) ML19343B6601980-12-0303 December 1980 Comments on & Request for Approval of Encl Settlement License Conditions ML19340C3211980-11-10010 November 1980 Exceptions to ASLB 801031 Initial Decision Which Denied trans-shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Oconee to McGuire for Storage Purposes.Cites 68 ASLB Errors.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20008E3171980-10-21021 October 1980 Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group 801006 Motion to Reopen Record to Include Jul 1980 Unplanned Boron Dilution, Rept Into Evidence.No New Info Presented ML19351D7101980-10-0606 October 1980 Requests to Reopen Record Based on safety-related Matter Bearing on Conclusion as to Whether Criticality Incident May Occur in McGuire Spent Fuel Pool,Reported in Encl Power Reactor Events.Certificate of Svc Encl ML15219A0471980-04-28028 April 1980 Statement of Board of Commissioners Position in Opposition to Radwaste Transportation Through Gaston County,Nc.Urges Transportation Via Interstates 77 & 85.Encourages Expending Energy & Money for Recycling.W/Correspondence ML19305D9461980-04-11011 April 1980 Response Requesting Deferral of ASLB Consideration of Applicant 800405 Motion Proposing Primary Route of Spent Fuel Shipments.Urges ASLB to Hold Motion in Abeyance Pending Commission Action Re Security Issue.W/Certificate of Svc ML19259C4811979-05-10010 May 1979 Ucs Petition for Immediate Reconsideration of Errors in Commission 790508 Order & for Immediate Shutdown of Oconee Units 1 & 2 ML19317D2511977-08-19019 August 1977 Petition for Rulemaking by Wi Electric Power Co,Wi Public Svc Corp & Bg&E Requesting Amend of 10CFR73.55(d)(1) Re Access & Physical Searches ML19317E2621975-03-28028 March 1975 Settlement Agreement Between Applicant,Municipal Intervenors,Nc Electric Membership Corp & Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp ML19317E2431975-03-28028 March 1975 Joint Motion of Applicant & Municipal Intervenors to Accept Settlement & Terminate Proceeding.Settlement Agreement Dtd 750328, & Order on Joint Motion of AEC & DOJ to Place Conditions on Facility OLs Encl ML19317E2041974-05-24024 May 1974 Motion by Municipal Intervenors to Suspend Procedural Schedule.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19343B6771974-05-13013 May 1974 Request for Order Directing Licenses Be Amended Per Attached Conditions.Doj & Util Join in Motion.Order Would Terminate NRC Prosecutorial Role,But NRC Would Remain as Party.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E3591974-02-0707 February 1974 Joint Motion by DOJ on Behalf of Aec,Intervenors & Applicant Requesting Changes in Schedule of Proceeding Per ASLB Request.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19308B2411974-01-21021 January 1974 Intervenors Response to Applicant 740115 Motion Compelling Answers to Certain Interrogatories & Document Requests, Providing Sanctions for Noncompliance, & Allowing Addl Time for Further Motion to Compel.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E3071973-12-23023 December 1973 Joint Motion of All Parties for Prehearing Schedule Mod. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E7671973-12-0707 December 1973 Responds to Applicants Objections to Joint Discoverors Interrogataries, Document Request & Motion for Protective Orders.Urges Denial of Applicants Objections.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E7631973-12-0707 December 1973 Motion for Leave to Respond Out of Time to Applicants Interrogatories ML19317E4401973-12-0707 December 1973 Requests Extension of Time Until 731227 to File Motions to Compel Responses to Applicant Supplemental Interrogatories & to Answer Intervenors Objections to Same.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E3701973-12-0707 December 1973 Supplemental Memorandum of DOJ on atty-client Privilege.Asks That Carolina-VA Power Pool Agreement Documents Not Be Considered Privileged.Certificate of Svc & atty-client Correspondence Encl ML19317E3641973-12-0707 December 1973 States That Doj,Aec & Intervenors Do Not Oppose Applicant Request for Extension of Time to File Motion to Compel Responses to Supplemental Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19308B1901973-11-30030 November 1973 DOJ Answers to Interrogatories of Applicant ML19308B1921973-11-30030 November 1973 DOJ Objections to Applicants Interrogatories & Document Production Requests & Motion for Protective Order. Certificate of Svc Encl ML19317E8131973-11-20020 November 1973 Applicants Answers to Interrogatories of Joint Discoverers. Verification Encl 1999-01-14
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5,0-287 UNITS 1, 2 and 3)
INTERVENORS' PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL DECISION OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT Cities of Statesville, High Point, Lexington, Monroe, Shelby, and Albemarle, and the Towns of Cornelius, Drexel, Granite Falls, Nciaton, and Lincolnton, all in North Carolina, Intervenors Jack R. Harris Suite 207 Stimpson-Wagner Building Statesville, North Carolina J. O. Tally, Jr.
P. 0. Drawer 1660 Fayectoville, North Carolina Attorneys for Intervenors January 12, 1968
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S0-287 UNITS 1, 2 and 3)
INTERVENORS' PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL DECISION OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGlNENT Now Ceme the Intervenors, Cities of Statesville, High Point, Lexington, Monroe, Shelby, and Albemarle and Towns of Cornelius, Drexel, Granite Falls, Newton, and Lincolnton, all in North Carolina, and, pursuant to Section 2.771 of the Rules of Practice (Rules) of the Atomic Energy Commission (Commission) and other related rules, hereby, in ' apt time, petition for re-consideration (Petition) of the Final Decision (F. D.) in these Dockets of the Atomic Energy Commission, dated 3 January 1968, and request oral argument thereon.
a for Reconsideration. Specifically, Section 2.771 provides:
" Petition for reconsideration.--(a) A petition for reconsideration of a final decision may be filed by a party within ten (10) days after the date of the decision. No petition may be filed with respect to an initial decision which has become final through failure to file exceptions thereto.
The petition for reconsideration shall state specifically the respects in which the final decision is claimed to be erroneous, the grounds of the petition, and the relief sought. Within seven (7) days after a petition for reconsideration has been filed, any other party may file an answer in oppositi.on to or in support of the petition.
Neither the filing nor the granting of the petition shall stay the decision unless the Commission orders otherwise.
"[Sec. 2.771 as amended March 3,1966, effective April 11,1965 (31 F. R. 4339).]"
This Petition is filed within the permitted ten (10) days.
Tile CONTENT AND CONTEXT OF THE RULES FIXING STANDARDS BINDING UPON TifE COMMISSION IN CONSIDERING AND RENDERING A FINAL DECISION The Commission's Rules of Practice fix as binding upon the Commission the standards and process of considering and render-ing a final decision in a proceeding such as is being had in these dockets. Specifically, Section 2.770 provides:
" Final decision.--(a) the Commission will ordinarily consider the whole record oa review, but may limit the i'ssues to be reviewed and con-sider only findings and conclusions to which exceptions have been filed.
. "(b)
The Commission may adcpt, modify, or set aside the findings, conclusions Tnd order in the initial decision, and will state the basis of its actioh.'
The final decision will be in writing and will include:
A statement of findings and conclusions, with the basis for them on all material issues of fact, law or discretion presented;
All facts officially noticed;
The ruling on each material exception;
The appropriate ruling, order, or denial of relief, with the effective date."
THE F0PM AND ARRANGE"?.NT OF THIS PETITION To achieve compliance with Rule Section 2.771 (and related Rules), to avoid repetition and duplication, and to be as concise as possible, this Petition, in its following parts, will number con-secutively each respect in which the final decision is claimed by Intervenors to be erroneous, stating specifically each such respect, and, under each such respective number, specifically state the ground (r) supporting each such asserted error.
A separate, final conclusion or prayer will state speci-fically the relief sought.
The Final Decision erred in overruling Intervenors'
4 Exception 4 (F. D., pp 9-11*).
He overruling of Exception 4 was contrary to law.
Inter-venors will not here repeat their statements, grounds, arguments, and their entire presentation of Exception 4; but they do here specifically request that all such be again considered by the Commission as if fully re-written and included here.**
In addition, the overruling of Exception 4 was an error because the Commission did not comply with its own requirements in its treatment of the vital issue of both fact and law raised by Exception 4.
Section 2.770 (b) (1) of the Rules requires the Commission in a final decision in a proceeding, as to "...all"* material issues of fact, law or discretion presented..." to state "... findings and conclusions with the basis for them..."
page references to F. D. mimeo throughout.
Intervenors adopt the same procedure and make the same request with respect to each and all of the other numbered respects in which they allege that the final decision was in error, requesting the Commission to reconsider as if fully rewritten and included in this Petition those portions of Intervenors' Exceptions presentation and filing which are referenced at any point in this Petition.
all emphases, unless otherwise indicated, are Intervenors'.
-S-In our Exception 4, we stated that:
"The lawful standard for determining whether or not the Pressurized Water Type of reactor utili-zation facility to be empicyed by Applicant has demonstrated practical value for industrial and commercial purposes is simply whether or not it is being sold by the manufacturer and bought by the purchaser, without Government subsidy to either, for use in the large scale generation and sale of electrical energy in the regular course of business, and not merely for the disposal of by-product energy."
The only basis or bases to be found in the cited pages of the final decision to support the Commission's rejection of our asserted standard are self-serving statements or self-definitions of the Commission or its staff. No statutory or decisional law (or indeed the authority of any commentator or person other than the Commission or its staff) is cited to support the Commission's interpretation of the statutory term " practical value".
This error of law and this deficiency of decision require reconsideration of such decision.
The Final Decision erred in overruling Intervenors' Exception S.
The overruling of Exception 5 was contrary to law.
At page 4 of the Final Decision the Commission approaches consideration of' the meaning of "research and development", but neither there nor elsewhere in several following pages of diffuse
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discussion nor elsewhere in the final decision is there any dis-
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cussion, or basis for the Commission opposing, our interpretation of the foundational statutory definition involving " purpose" and on relation of that to Duke's " purpose" and the Record.
In our Exception 4 we stated:
"The controlling definition is given in Section 11x of the Act (42 U.S.C., 2014) as :
'The tem 'research and development' reans (1) theoretical analysis, exploration, or experimentation; or (2) the extension of investi-gative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and test-ing of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes.
'[Sec.11X as redesignated by Public Law 85-256, Act of September 2,1957, and Public Law 89-645, Act of October 13,1966.]'
This definition can contain and comprehend nothing more than '...the extension of investigative.
findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes...'
" Duke's application and Duke's evidence compre-hend and contain far more and predominantly more than this; they comprehend and contain the persuasive and predominant puroose of the production of commercial electric energy in enomous quantities; therefore, such application and evidence cannot be fitted into the statutory narrow definition of 'research and development'."
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7-Thus the Commission, again in this numbered respect, has not only erfe~d in law but failed 'to fulfill its own requirements-under Rule Section 2.770 (b) (1).
The Final Decision erred in overruling Intervenors' Exception 6.
'Ihe overruling of Exception 6 was contrary to law.
Again, in addition, the Commission has not obeyed the requirements of Rule Section 2.770 (b) (1) in that there is no state-ment, much less basis, anywhere in the final decision, of the Commission's consideration and disagreement with the following:
Our interpretation of the words " involved in the conduct of", with comparisons of Sections 31, 104(b),104(c) and other sections of the Act.
Our citation of Section 50.24 of the Commission's own Regulations and our interpretation thereof.
Our citation of the Commission's own inter-pretation of " practical value" as contained in its 1967 Supplement to the 1962 Report to the President
' (February 1967, p. 55).
Our presentation of the Atomic Safety and
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Licensing Board's error in basing its Initial Dec[sion upon Duke's preposed " project" when the law and the Commission's own Regulations confine consideration to the " reactor".
(See Supplement A to Grounds for Intervenors' Exception 6).
Our presentation of the significance of the word "use" which was the subject of. simultaneous Congres'sional amendments to Sections 101 and 103 of the Act.
(See Supplement B to Grounds for Intervenors' Exception 6).
Each and all of these raised issues of fact and/or law which the cited Rule required the final decision to treat in speci-fic statement of findings and conclusion with supporting basis.
The ' Final Decision erred in overruling each and all of 1
Intervenors' Exceptions.
The overruling of each and all of Intervenors' Exceptions was contrary to law.
Underlying each and all of Intervenors' Exceptions are the interpretations which Intervenors have given in all evidence and in each of their filings throughout this proceeding of the interrelated sections of The Atomic Energy Act having to do with a
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whether Duke's Application (and in the light of the evidence in support thereof).under Section 104(b) of the Act must be dismissed,
as beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission; and be resubmitted, if at all, under Sectirn 103 of the Act.
If Intervenors an correct in these interpretations, it follows necessarily that each and all of Intervenors' Exceptions must be sustained and Duke's Application must be dismissed.
The determination of the correctness of these interpre-tations is a matter of such surpassing importance that the Commission should utilize every opportunity through the very last one to give plenary consideration to this matter before the Courts have to make review of it.
Also, here, as in each numbered respect above, there f.4 grave doubt that the Commission in its final decision has adequately or even at all considered, treated, ruled upon and justified by basis of ruling each and every Exception and issue of fact or law or discretion presented.
All of which, together with all of the foregoing, recommend the obvious conclusion:
No one is disadvantaged and much may be set lawful and right if the Commission reconsiders its final decision (permitting and ordering to its aid, in its discretion, oral argument before w
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- ultimate decision is rendered).
Above all, the Commission erred in failing to take into consideration antitrust aspects in the total of its licensing res-ponsibilities.
The final decision is silent on the antitrust aspects of the Commission's heavy responsibilities as the dispenser of licenses under Sections 103 and 104,(b) of the Act. We submit that this is a gaping, impermissibla void, considering the general policy declara-tions of the Atomic Energy Act and the several specific provisions pertaining to licensing, all of which make it incumbent on the Commission to protect the public interest against combinations and practices destructive of competition, a free economy, and fair play.
The clear spirit of these provisions is pro-public interest, pro-public welfare, pro-competition, and pro-fair play.
Indeed, these antitrust provisions are basic to our being in this case at all, for they appear to hold out to small municipals like us the only attain-able hope of a secure and meaningful sharing in the economies of the burgeoning atomic electric power industry.
That is, if only the Commission would vigorously, and yet sensitively, administer its wide and flexible powers and its Congressional mandate under the Act.
The fight that we are waging over whether Duke's application is a Sectibn 103 or Section 104(b) matter is in no sense an exercise
. in legal technicalities or sophistry.
It goes to the very heart of the Commission's responsibilities to help provide a little place in the sun for municipals like ours which have so well served the public interest and welfare over the years.
We insist that Duke's application is a Section 103 matter, transparently dressed in flimsy 104(b) clothing. As such, it is subject to the more extensive and explicit antitrust safeguards of the Act.
But whether it is clearly a Section 103 matter, or a Sec-tion 104(b) matter with most of the anticompetitive dangers found in Section 103 situations, or just a plain Section 104(b) matter -- the Commission has the solemn statutory duty to look into the antitrust aspects of the specific situation before it and to fashion the terms and conditions of the particular license in accordance with what is best in the public interest.
For both the general and specific pro-visions aimed against monopolistic evils are pervasive of the entire Act (see, Sections 1(a),1(b), 2(c), 2(dO, 2(e), 2(g), 2(i), 3(d),
1 3(f), 102, 103, 104 (b), 105, 182). They differ only in the degree to which the Commission must apply them in any given licensing situa-tion.
Basically, Section 104(b) cases are no more clear of their command than Section 103 cases are.
In this respect, the Commission's responsibilities are essentially similar to those of other regulatory agencies. Securities 5 Exchsnge Commission v. New England Electric l
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m System, 384 U.S.176,183-185 (1966).
Unlis's this Commission recognizes these responsibilities' (and the hour is getting later by each case such as this), the Ameri-can public which has spent many billions and unselfish genius in the development of atomic energy will one day wake up to find that this scientific and economic achievement has been appropriated by monopoly.
We have here a contemplated $341,000,000 investment in atomic power plants by a hard ' nosed company which is sure of the wisdom of the enterprise -- not in the interest of science, mind you, but as a pro-fit-maker. Similar private capital developments have taken place all over the nation, and even bigger ones are lined up for the opportunity.
But, regrettably, the Commission remains insensitive to the anticompe-titive, anti-public interest evils which may be lurking in these ent r-prises. Our endeavors earlier in this proceeding to relate these dangers to this particular case and our insistence for an appropriate share in the enterprise through a non-profit company (Piedmont Cities Power Supply, Inc.) were rather lightly brushed aside.
i We urgently request that the Commission carefully consider its antitrust responsibilities in licensing cases, clearly delineate its policies thereon, and make specific findings appropriate to this cas e.
' die RELIEF SOUGHT Wherefore, the Intervenors pray that the Commission w-4 m
13-reconsider such final decision (allowing and ordering oral argu-ment thereon)"; and, in such reconsideration, that the Commission decide that the Intervenors are correct as to each and all of the above listed respects in which the Commission's final decision erred; and that, in such raconsideration the Commission dismiss the application of Duke Power Company as unjurisdictionally sub-mitted under Section 104(b) of the Act; and direct the resubmission of an application by Duke, if Duke so wishes, under Section 103 of the Act; Intervenors further pray that the Commission carefully consider its antitrust responsibilities in licensing cases, clearly delineate its policies thereon, and make specific findings appropriate to this case.
Respectfully submitted, City of Statesville City of High Point City of Lexington City of Monroe City of Shelby s
City of Albemarle Town of Cornelius Town of Drexel Town of Granite Falls Town of Newton Town of Lincolnton, North Carolina B
[W M'f u
Jack R. Harrrs*
N' '
uite 207, Stimpson-Wagner Building Statesville, North Carolina l
t ally, Jr. / VL.
O. Drawer 1660 l
January 12, 1968 ayetteville, North Carolina i
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J. O. Tally, Jr., being first duly sworn, states that he is an attorney duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of North Carolina; and that he has been employed as Special Counsel by each and all of the Intervenors herein; that he has read the foregoing document and knows the contents thereof; that he has subscribed and executed. said document as a duly authorized attorney for said Intervenors; that he has been duly authorized by each and all of the Intervenors to file the aforesaid document; and that the contents thereof are true and correct.
. O. Tally, Jr[V(
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public of the District of Columbia, this 10th day of January,1968.
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.bnJ.s Notary Public My Commission Expires:
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