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Forwards Comments on Draft Geig Re NUREG-1437
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/16/1999
From: Mueller H
FRN-64FR28843, RTR-NUREG-1437 4EAD-OEA, 64FR28843-00003, NUDOCS 9908230212
Download: ML20211A180 (3)


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/ 61 FORSYTH STREET 3) 4 anott ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303-8960 1999 E I8 PH 3: 34 x RULES & D!R. CRANCH US NRC August 16,1999 l

l 4EAD-OEA Chief .

Rules Review and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services Mailstop T 6 D 59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 RE: EPA Review and Comments on Draft Supplemental Generic EnvironmentalImpact Statement (DSEIS)

License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS) Units 1,2, and 3 (NUREG 1437)

Oconee County, South Carolina Dear Sir /Madant Pursuant to Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 309 of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the subject Draft Supplemental Generic Environmentalimpact Statement (DSEIS). The document )

I provides information to educate the public regarding general and project-specific environmental impacts and analysis procedures. We appreciate your consistency with the public review and disclosure aspects of the NEPA process. The above-referenced supplemental document is site-specific to the Oconee Nuclear Station; this document is tiered from Generic EIS for License Renewal ofNuclear Plants.

The DSEIS was prepared in response to an application submitted to the NRC by Duke I

Energy Corporation, the current licensee, to renew the operating licenses for Oconee Nuclear }

Station Units 1,2, and 3 for an additional 20 years. Operating Licenses for Units 1 and 2 will /

expire in 2013, and for Unit 3 in 2014. l 4

l. The proposed action is the renewal of the operating license for the referenced facility.

This will provide an option that allows for power generation capability beyond the term of the current nuclear power plant operating license, to meet future system generating needs.

9908230212 990816 PDR ADOCK 05000269 H PDR Intemet Address (URL) + httpl/www. spa gov Recycle @ Recyclable . Printed WRh Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recyded Paper (Mmimum 25*4 Postconsumer)

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Based on our review, we rate the DSEIS "EC-2", that is, we have environmental concerns about the project, and more information is needed to fully assess the impacts. In particular, the issues of public participation and offsite radiological impacts warrant funher discussion in the Final EIS. Our detailed comments are attached.

Thank you for the opponunity to comment on this project. Ifyou have any questions or require technical assistance you may contact Ramona McConney ofmy staff at (404)S62-9615.-

Sincerely, L

tw Heinz J. Mueller, Chief Office ofEnvironmental Assessment Attachment l

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t Comments on Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS)

License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS) Units 1,2, and 3

  • Terminolony - The title " Generic" for this document is misleading, since the document is site-specific to the Oconee Nuclear Station relicensing application.
  • Public narticination - We note the Availability Notice for related documents available to the public. However, there is no mention ofinformation meetings or public meetings to be held within the affectcd communities. Have such meetings been scheduled?
  • Alternatives - EPA appreciates that all reasonable energy resource alternatives were evaluated, in addition to the relicensing and no-action alternatives.
  • Offsite Radioloeical Imnacts - Section 6.1, page 6-3: discussion of the radiological impacts of the uranium fuel cycle on human populations needs clarification regarding collective effects over time. The statement is made that science cannot rule out the possibility that there will be no cancer fatalities from " tiny" doses. The paragraph previously states that tiny doses have some statistical adverse health effects. NRC should clarify and state what collective impact it believes these doses may have on human populations. Also, please define " tiny".

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