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Declaration of Ws Lesan.* Declaration Expresses Concern Re Duke Power Co Application for Renewal of License for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Application Inadequate to Protect from Unacceptable Risk of Radiological Accidents
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1998
From: Lesan W
Shared Package
ML20155F482 List:
LR, NUDOCS 9811060047
Download: ML20155F495 (2)


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l In the Matter of )



) Docket Nos. 50-269-LR Oconce Nuclear Stat on, ) 50-270-LR Unit Nos. I,2, and 1) ) 50-287-LR DECLARATION of WILLIAM STEVEN LESAN I declare under the pains and penalty of perjury, and hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge arxi belief, the following is true and correct:

1. My name is William Steven ("W. S.") Ixsan.
2. I own property and reside at 190 Daffodil Hill, Mountain Rest. South Carolina 29664. Said property is within 20 miles of Oconce Nuclear Station Units 1,2 and 3.
3. I am a member in good standing of the Chattooga River Watershed Coalition, Inc. (CRWC), and 1 volunteer my seniccs to contribute the CRWC's mission "To protect. promote and restore the natural ecological integrity of the Chattooga River watershed ecosystem; to ensure the viability of native species in harmony with the need for a healthy human emironment; and, to educate and empou er communitics to practice good stewardship on public and private lands." In addition, I also volunteer my senices to contribute to the CRWC's stated goals, two of which are directly applicable to these proceedings and are: " Educate the public " and " Promote public choice based on credible scientific information." I frequently visit the Chattooga River Watershed Coalition office, which is located in Clayton, Georgia, and is within 30 miles of the Oconce Nuclear Station.
4. My family and I live, work, recreate and travel to areas within 20 miles of Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3. We also breathe the air, drink water and cat food produced within 20 miles of Oconee Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3. Our food sources. air and water would be adversely afTected by normal and accidental releasts of radioactive materials during the proposed extended operation of the Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3.
5. I believe that significant issues remain unresolved to the public, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

and Duke Powcr Company, in Duke's application to renew the opemting liense for Oconce Nuclear Station Units 1,2 and 3. Thus. the application is inadequate to protect me and my family from the unacceptable risk of a radiological accident at the facility during the proposed renewal tenu. My concern is based on my knowledge that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission stafT has responded to Duke Powes's application by requesting additional information concerning the structural integrity of the reactor sessel and containment buildings, and other critical components of the facility which are pivotal in detennining whether the facility can be safely operated now, and through the extended renewal term for Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3. In addition, to my knowledge there air other significant issues that are unresohrd in Duke Power Company's application to renew the operating license for Oconce Nuclear Station Units I 2 and 3, specifically: the effects of aging and embrittlement of the Oconec Nuclear Station's reactor vessels and containment vessels; the status and capacity of the current storage facility for spent fuel and other radioactive substances on the site of the Oconce Nuclear Station; the potential need to design and expand aforementioned storage facilitics to accommodate extended operation of Units I,2 and 3 of the Oconce Nuclear Station; transport of radioactive materials to other locations if and when storage capacity is exceeded; the real and potential availability and viability of other storage sites; specific safeguards to dctcct terronst actions, and plans and measures to defend against terrorist attacks; and, the structural integrity of Units 1,2 and 3 of the Oconce Nuclear Station to withstand tornadoes. and carthquakes of the magnitude possible due to the nuclear station's proximity to the Brevard Fault. In addition, I belicyc that the 9811060047 981030 PDR ADOCK 05000269 G PDR

es'.ablished timeline of these proceedings presents a totally inadequate window of opportunity for members of Qc CRWC and the public at large to gain an adequate understanding of, expertisc on, and legal standing for the particular issues named above. Thus. I am concerned that me:mingful public participation is not possible in the ongoing hcense renewal proceedings. because the pubhc scoping meeting for the renewal application was held well afici the 6.auunes for obtaining legal standing in the proceedings

6. I belicyc that if the Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3 has a major radiological accident during current and/or extended operation, myself and all of my family members could suffer severe illness and/or dic, and my safety, property rights and personal finances, and those of my family could be adversely affected by the NRC granting Duke Power's application for license renewal of Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3 for an additional 20 cars.

3 if the plant cannot be safely operated for the full 20 year term of the renewal. Based on my knowledge of the aforementioned re-licensing proceedings, I have a reasonabic fear that the Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3 may not be safely operated for the full 20 year tenn of the renewal.

7. I believe that if the Oconce Nuclear Station Units I,2 and 3 has a major radiological accident during cunent and/or extended operation, the staff members uorking for the CRWC may suffer severe illness and/or die, and the ability of the CRWC to function would be destroyed, thus preventing the CRWC pursuing the organization's mission and from advocating my interests in a cleaner and healthier environment. In addition, if the Oconce Nuclear Station Units 1, 2 and 3 has a major radiological accident during current and/or extended operation, the l flora, fauna, air, and aquatic resources of the Chattooga River ccosystem would be irretrievably danuged and/or destroyed. The entire 180,000 acre Chattooga River watershed lies within 40 miles of the Oconce Nuclear  !

Station; approxinutely 90% of the Chattooga River watershed lies within 30 miles of the nuclear facility, with the closest point in the watershed located at 15 miles from the Oconce Nuclear Station. (I noted these mileage figures from the nup included in Volume 2 of the Oconce Nuclear Station's Final Safety Analysis Report.)

8. ! Sv lies e that if the Oconce Nuclear Station Units 1, 2 and 3 has a major radiological accident during current and/or extended operation, the flora, fauru, air, and aquatic resources of the Chattooga River ecosystem would be irretrievably damaged and/or destro3cd. Thus, an accidcat would adversely affect the quality of my emironment and my enjoyment of my natural surroundings.
9. I hereby authonze the CRWC to represent all of my interests pertaining to the Oconce Nuclear Station re-licensing matter. Should the CRWC not be granted standing to represent my interests ! hereby request permission to represent my own interests before the NRC. and participate in this proceeding in my individual capacity.

f- . 50 /f f f flWilliaiit StevenWSNLesfin~' ~ Dated 2