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Tech Spec Change Request 90 Re Period for Cycle 6 Refueling. Page 4-59.Change Would Be Deleted Upon Completion of Cycle 5
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1980
Shared Package
ML19309C520 List:
NUDOCS 8004080716
Download: ML19309C530 (2)


. .* Three Mile Island Nuclear Staticn, Unit 1 -

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 q,

Technical Specification Chance Request No. 90 The licensee requests that the attached changed page temporarily replace page L-59 of the existing TMI-1 Technical Specifications. Upon completion of Cycle 5 this change vould be deleted and page L-59 would reflect Amendment 42 dated 8/16/78.

Beason for Change The prolonged Unit 1 outage vill require that surveillances done on a " refueling period" basis be reperformed before the Cycle 6 refueling. The Tech. Spec. de-finition (T.S. 1.2.8) of a " Refueling Interval" limits the interval to no more than 2h months without NRC approval, and it appears unlikely that the Cycle 6 Refueling vill occur by February 1981.

Met-Ed requests that the NRC grant an extension on the surveillance interval for specification b .16.1. Removal of R. V. Head does include some risk, and there are personnel safety concerns with any major lift and the personnel radiation exposures to perform these evolutions are significant. From the standpoint of public health and safety there is an increased probability of damage to irradiated fuel whenever the R. V. Head is not in place and while it is being moved.

Safety Analysis Justifying Chance Since June 197h when initial criticality was achieved the eight internal vent valves nave each been tested four times over the last five years for a total of 32 functional tests without a single failure.

Due to concerns about vent valves wear at other B&W Units one vent valve was removed and given a detailed examination during the Cycle 5 refueling. No noticeable wear was four.d which verified the excellent performance of the vent valves in Unit 1.

The present made of operation, which will continue until Cycle 5 Startup, places the valves in a favorable environment. The low RC flow rates, tight chemistry controls, and absence of power operation vill cause little, if any wear or crud deposition.

The valven vill not be subjected to the major cause of wear, high RC flow, for a l longer than ususi period since this depends on the Cycle length (Cycle 5 is 265 +

15 EFPD) which han-not changed. The effect of the prolonged shutdown peried ccm51ned with a normal cycle length should certainly not be significantly greater than that resulting from the first cycle of cperation which was h67.4 EFPD of operation over some 20 calendar months.

License Amendment Fee (10 CFR 170.22) because this change invclves a single safety incue, and is therefore a Class III Amendment, enclosed is the proper remittance of $h ,000.00.  ;

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l 8004080716 1


' Applies to Reactor Internals Vent Valves.

Objective To verify that no reactor internals vent valve is stuck in the open position and that each valve continues to exhibit freedom of movement.

Specification Item Test Frecuency h.16.1 Reactor Internals Demonstrate Operability Each Refueling Vent Valves By: Shutdown

  • l
a. Conducting a remote visual inspection of visually accessible sur-faces of the valve body and disc sealing faces and evaluating any observed surface irregu-larities.
b. VeriCring that the valve is not stuck in an open position, and
c. Verifying through manual actuation that the valve is fully open with a force of < 400 lbs (applied vertically upward).

Bases Verifyiry.; vent valve freedom of movement insures that coolant flow does not hypass the core through reactor internals vent valves during operation and therefore insures the conservatism of Core Protection Safety limits as de-lineated in figures 2.1-1 and 2.1-3, and the flux / flow trip setpoint.

  • No surveillance required between the Cycle 5 refueling surveillance and the completion of the 5th fuel cycle.


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