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MONTHYEARML18106B1651999-04-0707 April 1999 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(4) Re Submission of Revs to UFSAR for Plant,Units 1 & 2.Exemption Allows Licensee to Submit Updates of Ufsar,Within 6 Months After Unit 1 Refueling Outages,But Not to Exceed 24 Months LR-N980595, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Pse&G Supports Comments Submitted by NEI in Their Ltr1998-12-21021 December 1998 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Pse&G Supports Comments Submitted by NEI in Their Ltr LR-N980588, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50.65 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Npps.Util Agrees with General Principle Behind Proposed Rulemaking,But However,Concerned That Proposed Rule Contain Language Open to Interpretation1998-12-14014 December 1998 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50.65 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Npps.Util Agrees with General Principle Behind Proposed Rulemaking,But However,Concerned That Proposed Rule Contain Language Open to Interpretation ML18106A8731998-09-15015 September 1998 Comment on Draft NUREG-1633 Re Assessment of Use of Potassium Iodide (Ki) as Protetive Action During Severe Reactor Accidents. Believes That NUREG Should Provide Balanced Discussion on Benefits & Risks of Use of Ki LR-N980448, Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1633, Assessment of Use of Potassium Iodide as Protective Action During Severe Reactor Accidents. Believes That Discussion Contained in SECY-98-061 Should Be Included in Draft NUREG1998-09-15015 September 1998 Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1633, Assessment of Use of Potassium Iodide as Protective Action During Severe Reactor Accidents. Believes That Discussion Contained in SECY-98-061 Should Be Included in Draft NUREG LR-N980284, Comment on PR-50 Re IEEE Std 603-1991 for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations.Lack of Adverse Comments to Draft RG Should Not Have Been Construed as Endorsement to IEEE 603-19911998-06-12012 June 1998 Comment on PR-50 Re IEEE Std 603-1991 for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations.Lack of Adverse Comments to Draft RG Should Not Have Been Construed as Endorsement to IEEE 603-1991 LR-N980149, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Industry Codes & Stds. Comments Address Use of Engineering Judgment,Limitations on Use of Later ASME III Code Editions for Weld Leg Dimensions & Seismic Analysis1998-03-30030 March 1998 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Industry Codes & Stds. Comments Address Use of Engineering Judgment,Limitations on Use of Later ASME III Code Editions for Weld Leg Dimensions & Seismic Analysis ML20198J0291997-12-18018 December 1997 Order Approving Application Re Merger Agreement Between Atlantic Energy,Inc,Parent of Atlantic Electric Co & Dp&L.Orders That Commission Approves Application Subj to Listed Conditions ML20210H1511997-07-31031 July 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR73.55(d)(5) Re Returning of Picture Badges Upon Exit from Protected Area Such That Individuals Not Employed by Licensee May Take Their Picture Badges Offsite LR-N970390, Comment Opposing NUREG-1606, Proposed Regulatory Guidance Re Implementation of 10CFR50.59 (Changes,Tests or Experiments). Util Endorses Comments Submitted by Nuclear Energy Inst1997-07-0707 July 1997 Comment Opposing NUREG-1606, Proposed Regulatory Guidance Re Implementation of 10CFR50.59 (Changes,Tests or Experiments). Util Endorses Comments Submitted by Nuclear Energy Inst ML18102B4061997-06-25025 June 1997 Transcript of 970625 Briefing in Rockville,Md Re Status of Activities at Pse&G Salem Station W/Emphasis on Readiness of Unit 2 for Restart.Pp 1-106 ML18102B4071997-05-28028 May 1997 Transcript of 970528 Public Meeting Held at Salem Community College to Describe NRC Activities Re Salem 2 Restart Process & to Receive Public Comments.Pp 1-126.W/Certificate of Svc & Supporting Documentation ML18102B2951997-03-0606 March 1997 Transcript of 970306 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Pse&G Design & Licensing Bases.Pp 1-180.Supporting Documentation Encl ML18102A9761997-03-0404 March 1997 Transcript of 970304 Public Meeting in Carneys Point,Nj Re Salem Unit 2 Restart.Pp 1-141 ML20132A8961996-12-0606 December 1996 Comment Supporting Pr 10CFR50, NRC Draft Ps on Restructuring & Economic Deregulation of Electric Utility Industry ML20129E0301996-09-24024 September 1996 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR55.31(a)(5) Re Licensed Operator Applicant Required to Perform at Least Five Significant Control Manipulations Which Affect Reactivity or Power Level on Facility ML18102B3131996-09-11011 September 1996 Transcript of Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania on 960911.Pp 1-145 ML18101B2241995-12-18018 December 1995 Transcript of 951218 Public Meeting in Carney Point,Nj Re Salem Restart.Pp 1-72 ML20086K7841995-07-0505 July 1995 Exemption Deferring Performance of Cilrt Until 13th Refueling Outage ML20084H9251995-06-0202 June 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Change in State Cooperative Agreements Program Concerning NRC Intention to Reduce Scope of Work.Believes That NRC Should Maintain Environ Monitoring Program & Find Other Ways to Reduce Duplicative Svcs ML20134K5021995-02-24024 February 1995 Transcript of 950224 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re C Vondra.Pp 1-136 ML20078R2351995-02-13013 February 1995 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60, Acceptance Criteria for Fracture Prevention Measures for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors for Normal Operations ML20134K4791995-02-0808 February 1995 Transcript of 950208 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re V Polizzi.Pp 1-115 ML20134K4971995-02-0808 February 1995 Transcript of 950208 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re L Reiter.Pp 1-64 ML20134K4511995-02-0808 February 1995 Transcript of 950208 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re Plant.Pp 1-93 ML20080G8321995-02-0606 February 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & low-power Operations for Npp.Encourages NRC to Reevaluate Regulatory Analyses in Light of Higher Costs.Concludes That Addl Rules on Shutdown & Low Power Operations Not Necessary ML20077L8631995-01-0303 January 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re NPP License Renewal.Util of Belief That Proposed Rev Reflect Positive Effort Towards Establishing Regulatory Process Requirements for Continued Operation of Nuclear Facilities ML20132B2281994-08-0202 August 1994 Transcript of 940802 Enforcement Conference in Salem,Nj W/Salem Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor Involved in 940407 Event ML18101A1741994-04-0707 April 1994 Transcript of Provided Tapes - Salem Alert (Closed). Pp 1-89 ML20067C1591994-02-17017 February 1994 Comments on NUREG/CR-5884 Re Analyses of Decommissioning for Ref PWR Power Station ML18100A5591993-08-26026 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule Re Whistleblower Protection ML20035H2611993-04-23023 April 1993 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR40,72,74,75 & 150 Re Licensee Submittal of Data in Computer Readable Form.Supports Rule ML20126F2721992-12-21021 December 1992 Comment Endorsing Positions & Comments of NUMARC & BWROG Re Draft GL, Augmented Inservice Insp Requirments for Mark I & Mark II Steel Containments,Refueling Cavities & Associated Drainage Sys ML20091Q8661992-01-31031 January 1992 Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1022,Rev 1, Event Reporting Sys,10CFR50.72 & 50.73,Clarification of NRC Sys & Guidelines for Reporting ML20072T2421991-04-11011 April 1991 Comment Re Proposed Change to 10CFR50.55A Re Inservice Testing of Containment Isolation Valves.Proposed Rule Should Be Revised to Allow Plants within Last 12 Months of Current Interval to Substitute Deferred Rv Shell Exams ML20062E3921990-11-14014 November 1990 Amend to Exemption from Requirements of Item III.G.2 of App R to 10CFR50,allowing Use of water-based,manually Actuated Fire Suppression Sys in Areas 1 & 2 FA-RC-78 & of Smoke Detectors as Detection Devices ML18094A6161989-08-15015 August 1989 Corrected Exemption from 10CFR50,App R,Changing Word Smoke to Fire on Page 31275,Section 9.3,Column 2 on Line 2 ML20247G0011989-07-20020 July 1989 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section Iii.G for 13 Fire Areas.Exemption Also Allows Use of non-3 H Fire Rated Features in 3-h Fire Barriers.Exemption Re Upper Electrical Penetration Area Denied ML20235T1861989-02-24024 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Extension of NRC Authority to BOP Portion of Plant & Misapplication of Adequate Protection Std of Backfit Rule ML20195H0331988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing.Util Strongly Favors 180- Day Period for Implementation of Rule & 360-day Implementation Period for Random Drug Testing ML20195D1961988-11-0101 November 1988 Exemption from 10CFR50.46(a)(1)(i) Re ECCS Cooling Performance Be Calculated W/Acceptable Evaluation Model & Results Conform to Criteria Set Forth in Paragraph 50.46(b) ML20153F9681988-08-17017 August 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensee Flexibility During Natl Crisis.Deferral of Issuance of Final Rule Until Proper Implementation Guidance Formulated Encouraged ML20154G1421988-04-20020 April 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 73 Re Policy Statement on Nuclear Power Plant Access Authorization Program.Nrc Should Establish Program Mutually Agreed Upon Between Union & Util,Per Hope Creek & Salem Programs ML20154G4601988-04-18018 April 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Notification of Inspector Visits to Facility ML18093A6331988-02-0101 February 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Policy Statement on Integrated Schedules for Implementation of Plant Mods ML20238D2481987-09-0404 September 1987 Exemption from Requirement of 10CFR50,App j,III.D.2.(b)(ii), Relieving Util from Conducting Full Pressure Airlock Leakage Test Whenever Airlocks Opened During Periods When Containment Integrity Not Required ML20151B3641987-02-24024 February 1987 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensing of Nuclear Power Plants Where State &/Or Local Govts Decline to Cooperate in Offsite Emergency Planning ML20199L1291986-06-16016 June 1986 Exemption from 10CFR50,App J,III.D.2(b)(ii) Requirement to Conduct Full Pressure Airlock Leakage Test Whenever Airlocks Opened.Airlock Seal Leakage Test Substituted ML18092B1351986-03-0404 March 1986 Unexecuted Amend 11 to Indemnity Agreement B-74,changing License Numbers in Item 3 ML18092A7321985-08-21021 August 1985 Unexecuted Amend 9 to Indemnity Agreement B-74,changing Item 4 Re Site Location 1999-04-07
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20079N4271984-01-25025 January 1984 Response to State of DE 840120 Motion to Withdraw Petition for Leave to Intervene.Licensee Concurs in Motion.Dismissal of Proceeding Requested.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18087A8331983-04-12012 April 1983 Petition for Order to Show Cause Why Util Should Not Be Restrained from Restarting Facility Until Qualifications for Operation Demonstrated at Public Hearing ML20005B6831981-08-20020 August 1981 Petition for Review of Aslab 810717 Order,Permitting OL Amend,Allowing Installation of New Storage Racks & Increasing Pool Capacity.Notice of Appearance & Affidavit of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20010C3891981-08-18018 August 1981 Response Opposing Township of Lower Alloways Creek Petition for NRC Review of ALAB-650.Petition Fails to Raise Matter Significantly Affecting Environ,Important Procedural Issue or Important Public Policy Questions.W/Certificate of Svc ML20010C1481981-08-14014 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Lower Alloways Creek Township 810803 Petition for Review of ALAB-650.Petitioner Has Raised No Issue Which Warrants Commission Consideration.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20009H2221981-08-0303 August 1981 Petition Supporting Review of Aslab Decision.Case Involves Matter That Could Significantly Affect Environ,Public Health & Safety & Involves,Important Procedural Issues & Public Policy Questions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18086A5251981-05-18018 May 1981 Response Opposing AC & Eg Coleman to HR Denton Requesting Applicant Be Enjoined from Reracking Spent Fuel Pool.Application Untimely & Does Not Comply W/Commission Regulations or Case Law.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18086A5181981-05-15015 May 1981 Answer Opposing AC Coleman 810504 Request for Stay of Initial decision,LBP-80-27,pending Appeal.Request Untimely & Fails to Meet Requirements for Issuance of Stay. Certificate of Svc Encl ML18085A4071980-12-11011 December 1980 Response in Support of Licensee 801208 Request for 30-day Extension to File Consolidated Reply to All Parties Exceptions Provided NRC Also Be Permitted to File Consolidated Reply within 40 Days.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18085A3931980-12-0909 December 1980 Response to Coleman 801130 Motion for 7-wk Extension to File Brief in Support of Twelve Exceptions to ASLB 801011 Initial decision.Three-wk Extension Acceptable.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18085A4091980-12-0808 December 1980 Response to Intervenors Eg & a Coleman Motion for Extension Until 810131 to File Brief in Support of Exceptions.Opposes Motion But Would Not Object to 2-wk Extension.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18085A4081980-12-0404 December 1980 Appeal from ASLB Initial Decision Granting Util Right to Increase Spent Fuel Pool Storage Capacity.Nepa Requires Detailed Analysis of Safety & Health Problems Posed by Reracking.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19340D3431980-11-30030 November 1980 Request for Extension to 810131 to File Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB 801027 Initial Decision Re Spent Fuel Pool Proceeding.Certification of Svc Encl ML18085A2501980-11-11011 November 1980 Appeal from ASLB 801027 Initial Decision.Alleges Erroneous Finding of Facts Re Contentions 2 & 6,evaluation of Eia, Acceptance of Pasedag Testimony & Rejection of Benjamin Testimony.Counsel Withdrawal & Certificate of Svc Encl ML18085A2161980-11-0404 November 1980 Exceptions & Appeal from ASLB 801027 Initial Decision. Exclusion of as Benjamin of Sandia Labs Testimony Is Arbitrary Due to Relevant Evidence Re Oxidation That Could Propagate to Older Fuel.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A5481980-05-23023 May 1980 Proposed Corrections for 800430 Evidentiary Hearing Transcript.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A5261980-05-13013 May 1980 Request for Extension Until 800528 to File Transcript Corrections.States No Objection to NRC Motion for Similar Extension.Transcript Not Yet Received in Licensee Newark,Nj Ofc ML18082A5281980-05-13013 May 1980 Proposed Corrections to Transcript of 800328-29 Evidentiary Hearings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A3371980-05-0707 May 1980 Motion for Extension Until 800528 to Serve Transcript Corrections on ASLB & Parties.Nrc Has Not Yet Received Part of Transcript.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A2101980-04-21021 April 1980 Response in Opposition to Township of Lower Alloys Creek Proposed Testimony.Re Webb & DB Fankhauser Testimonies Should Not Be Admitted in Entirety,Due to Total Concern W/Class 9 Accident.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19323A9571980-04-21021 April 1980 Response in Opposition to Webb,Fankhauser & Portion of NRC Testimonies Based on Class 9 Accident Scenarios.Testimony Beyond ASLB Jurisdiction & Should Not Be Admitted Into Evidence.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A5021980-04-18018 April 1980 Response in Opposition to NRC Testimony of Wf Pasedag Re ASLB Question 5.Spent Fuel Pool Old Fuel Would Be Involved in Enlargement Case & Would Consequently Increase Radiological Effects.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18082A5011980-04-18018 April 1980 Reply in Opposition to Licensee Response to ASLB 800222 Memorandum & Order,Question 5,re Spent Fuel Pool Gross Loss of Water.Urges to Strike Testimony W/Appropriate Sanctions ML18082A4991980-04-18018 April 1980 Motion to Strike Licensee 800410 Response to ASLB 800222 Memorandum & Order,Question 5,re Spent Fuel Pool Gross Loss of Water.Licensee Should Be Barred from Participation or Compelled to File Testimony Due to Dilatory Conduct ML19305D7371980-04-11011 April 1980 Comments in Opposition to Township of Lower Alloways Creek 800325 Request for Suspension of Issuance of OL Per 10CFR2.206.Urges Denial Due to Untimeliness of Petition & Inadequacy of Allegations Re Noncompliance W/Nepa Rules ML19323D1891980-04-10010 April 1980 Response to ASLB Question 5 Re Gross Loss of Water from Facility Spent Fuel Pool.Loss Will Have No Adverse Consequences on Public Health & Safety Due to Adequate Cooling Achieved in Facility.Prof Qualifications Encl ML19323D5131980-04-0909 April 1980 Forwards Re Webb Technical Rept,In Response to ASLB 800222 Order Re Consequences of Gross Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19305E7281980-04-0909 April 1980 Response Enclosing DB Fankhauser Testimony in Reply to ASLB 800222 Order Re Consequences of Gross Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19309A4931980-03-25025 March 1980 Request for Suspension or Moratorium on Issuance of OL for Facility,Pending Conclusion of ASLB Hearing on Safety of Spent Fuel Storage Pool at Unit 1.Notice of Appearance of Cj Valore on Behalf of Intervenor Encl ML18082A1391980-03-25025 March 1980 Intervenor Request for Suspension or Moratorium on Issuance of Ol.Issuance Would Permit Same Enlarged Spent Fuel Pool That Is Subject of Ongoing Hearing ML18082A1301980-03-19019 March 1980 Motion for 30-day Extension to File Testimony Re Consequences of Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool. Urges Postponement of 800422 Evidentiary Hearing, Accordingly.Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl ML18081B2241980-03-13013 March 1980 Opposition to Licensee Motion for Directed Certification of Class 9 Accident Consequences & for Stay of Fuel Pool Expansion Proceeding.W/Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc ML18081B1491980-03-0505 March 1980 Response Stating No Objection to Licensee 800214 Request to Take Official Notice of White House 800212 Fact Sheet, Presidents Program on Radwaste Mgt. Certificate of Svc Encl ML18081B0861980-02-14014 February 1980 Request for Taking Official Notice of White House 800212, Fact Sheet,Presidents Program on Radwaste Mgt, Due to Relevancy of First Bullet,Page 2 & Third Bullet,Page 6.W/ Certificate of Svc & Fact Sheet ML18081A8881980-01-10010 January 1980 Opposition to Intervenors Coleman 791018 Request for Action Under 10CFR2.206.NRC Fulfilled Statutory Duty Per Endangered Species Act.No New Matters Raised by Intervenors Request ML18081A8131979-12-21021 December 1979 Response in Opposition to Intervenors Coleman Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 790430 Order Dismissing Contention 9 as Untimely.Intervenors Failed to Meet Stds for Granting Motion or Reopening Record.W/Certificate of Svc ML18081A8171979-12-18018 December 1979 Opposition to Public Advocate of State of Nj 791106 Request to Reopen Intervenors Coleman Contention 9.Appeal Is Proper Procedure If Intervenors Dissatisfied W/Aslb Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19262A5761979-11-29029 November 1979 Response to Christa-Maria & Jp Oneill 791120 Contentions. Christa-Maria Contentions 1 & 7-9 Are Inadmissible & Contentions 2-6 Are Subj to 791126 Stipulation.Jp Oneill Contentions 1.B.5,2.B,2.E.3,2.F & 4 Admissible ML18081A7391979-11-19019 November 1979 Seeks Denial of Intervenor Coleman Supplemental Argument in Support of 790802 Request for Reconsideration of ASLB 790430 Dismissal of Contention 13.Argument Re Transshipment Is Irrelevant to Expansion of Spent Fuel Storage ML18081A7471979-11-13013 November 1979 Response in Opposition to Public Advocate of State of Nj 791030 Supplemental Argument Supporting Motion for Reconsideration of Colemans Contention 13.Colemans Failed to Demonstrate Relevance of Claim.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18081A6971979-10-30030 October 1979 Supplemental Argument on Behalf of Intervenors Coleman to Reopen Coleman Contention 13 Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pool.Actual Figures of Radiation Exposure During Reracking of Peach Bottom Nuclear Station Never Received ML18081A4181979-10-18018 October 1979 Petition Seeking NRC Issuance of Show Cause Order for Suspension &/Or Revocation of Ols.Operation of Facility Would Threaten Local Existence of short-nosed Sturgeon. Affidavit & Certificate of Svc Encl ML18081A4871979-10-18018 October 1979 Seeks Show Cause Order & Suspension or Revocation of OL for Unit 1 & Stay or Licensing & Suspension or Revocation of CP for Unit 2.No Eia Performed Re Impact on Endangered Fish Species.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18079A9711979-09-20020 September 1979 Applicant Comments on Request of Intervenors Coleman for Issuance of Order to Show Cause for Stay ML17138A8751979-09-19019 September 1979 Answer in Opposition to Susquehanna Environ Advocates Petition for Mod of Special Prehearing Conference Order. Special Circumstances Warranting Consideration of Class 9 Accidents Have Not Been Shown.W/Certificate of Svc ML19249B8201979-08-31031 August 1979 Petition to Amend 790802 Motion for Issuance of Show Cause Order & Stay of Licensing Procedure.Adds Addendum 7A & Contentions 8-10.Certificate of Svc Encl ML18079B0891979-08-31031 August 1979 Opposes Intervenors Coleman 790801 Request That ASLB Reopen Record for Newly Discovered Evidence Re Contentions 2 & 6. Insp Document Has No Relevance & No Significance to Proceeding ML19209C3871979-08-31031 August 1979 Motion,Submitted by Intervenors Coleman,That NRC Amend Request for Order to Show Cause & Stay Licensing.Seek Addl Contentions Re Cost/Benefit Analysis,Seismic Analysis & Class 9 Accidents ML18081A4141979-08-31031 August 1979 Seeks Denial of Intervenors Coleman 790802 Motion for Reconsideration of Contention 13 Re Release of Radioactive Matl.No Justification for Late Filing.Criteria for Compliance W/Operation Objectives Defined in 10CFR50,App I ML18079B1161979-08-29029 August 1979 Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Accept Addl Argument on ASLB Question 4 Re Consideration of Class 9 Accidents.Nrc Admits That TMI Accident Was Class 9. Certificate of Svc Encl 1984-01-25
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Docket No. 50-272 COMPANY, et al.
(Proposed Issuance of
Amendment to Facility (Salem Nuclear Generating
Operating License Station, Unit 1)
No. DPR-70)
(" LACT") filed a document entitled " Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Order dated April 18, 1979," transmitting the " Testimony of Richard E. Webb, Ph.D.
in Respect to Board Question #3 of Order Dated April 18, 1979."
On June 12, 1979, LACT submitted the written testimony of Earl A. Gulbransen, Ph.D. which purported to relate to all three of the Board's questions.
As discussed below, Licensee, Public Service Electric & Gas Company, et al.,
objects to the proposed testimony of Drs. Webb and Gulbransen.
The Testimony of Dr. Gulbransen Licensee objects to the proffered testimony of Dr.
Gulbransen as beyond the scope of the Board's questions, as beyond the scope of the issues in the proceeding, and as constituting an attack on the Commission's ECCS regulations 977O i, -
UI 790724aaa ds Contained in 10 C.F.R.
550.46 and Appendix K to 10 C.F.R.
Part 50 which is prohibited by 10 C.F.R. 52.758.
- Moreover, s
there has been no demonstration that Dr. Gulbransen is an expert or entitled to give opinion evidence as to the effect of an accident on the Salem Unit 1 spent fuel pool.
This Board has already indicated that it is interested in reviewing the effect of a Three Mile Island-type incident on the Salem Unit 1 spent fuel pool and is not interested in constituting itself as another panel to review the causes and chronology of the TM1 incident.
The entire thrust of the Gulbransen testimony appears to be an analysis of the Three Mile Island incident as an end in itself.
Dr. Gulbransen speculates as to the causes and the courses of the TMI accident.
As a result of his analysis, he includes in his proposed testimony " procedures" which apparently relate to observations of the events of TMI and his proposal for actions to be taken at the Three Mile Island facility.
These points do not address even peripherally the Board's questions, i.e.,
the effect of the accident on the Salem Unit i fuel pool.
Without attempting to address the merits or subscance of the testimony as it relates to the TMI incident, the Licensee suggests that the testimcny be referred by the Licensing Board to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for its consideration in the various investigations of the matter.
277"i 078
- 3..
To a large extent, the matters raised by the proposed Gulbransen testimony relate to the Commission's ECCS regula-tions.
It is not clear whether the testimony seeks to attack ECCS Criterion 1, relating to a peak cladding temper-ature limit of 2200*F (550. 46 (b) (1) ), and ECCS Criterion 2 relating to a maximum cladding oxidation (550. 46 (b) (2) ) -1/
or is an attack on the ability of the Salem Generating Station or other nuclear generating facilicies to meet these criteria.
If it is an attack on the ECCS criteria which were developed after an exhaustive rulemaking proceeding, it is clearly prohibited by 10 C.F.R. 52.758.
If it is an attack on the ability of Salem Unit 1 to meet the NRC's ECCS Accep-tance criteria, this is not the proper proceeding to challenge such compliance.
Finally, assuming arguendo that Dr. Gulbransen was qualified to give opinion evidence on the metallurgical properties of =ircalloy, there is no showing that he has any expertise on the issues before this Board or related to the Board's questions such as to give opinion evidence on the health and safety of the public regarding the storage of spent fuel.
either in the Salem Unit 1 spent fuel pool or elsewhere.--2/
The Testimony of Dr. Webb Licensee objects to the proffered testimony of Dr.
Richard Webb as beyond the scope of the issues in this pro-9779.
I70 LJ
For that matter, the proposed testimony also appears to attack Criterion 3 relating to maximum hydrogen generation, Criterion 4 relating to coolable geometry and Criterion 5 relating to long term cooling.
See the last paragraph of the Gulbransen testimony.
ceeding and as beyond the scope of the Board's questions.
Furthermore, even if relevant, Dr. Webb's testimony is of no probative value and should be stricken.
Moreover, the testimony should not be permitted to be utilized to intro-duce new issues in the proceeding which are entirely un-related to the Board's questions, and, if otherwise proper, should have been submitted earlier.
Dr. Webb's testimony should be stricken.
Sections 1, 2,
3 and 4 of Dr. Webb's testimony set the stage for the remainder of the testimony.
In these sections, Dr. Webb hypothesizes the " loss-of-water accident" in a spent fuel pool and discusses asserted consequences.
He fails to demonstrate any relationship between this hypo-thesized event and the TMI questions promulgated by the Board.
The fundamental fact is that the requested change in fuel racks has not changed the design basis for the fuel storage pool or its associated components from that approved by the Comm1Jsion in issuing the operating license for the Salem facility.
Therefore, consideration of such a hypo-thesized event and its consequences is beyond the scope of the issues in this proceeding as determined by the Commission and, in any event, beyond the scope of the Board's questions.
The remainder of Dr. Webb's discussion then concerns a hypothesized loss-of-water accident.
As a Class 9 accident, i.e.,
greater than the design basis accidents analyzed by the Commission, the Board is prohibited from considering 2379 080 3/
such an issue.
Moreover, no connection between the Board's questions and this hypothesized event has been shown.
New matters and contentions should not be permitted to be raised in this proceeding under the guise of a response to the Board's question.
Dr. Webb admits--4/that he is attacking the manner in which the Commission evaluates the risk of accidents.
The entire testimony should be stricken as a prohibited attack on the regulations.
The testimony has no probative value.
The testimony repeatedly states that certain events are conceivable or possible.--5/ Playing out every conceivable scenario of a hypothesized event is of no value in assisting this Licensing Board in reaching its decision on the limited issues in this proceeding.
Such a test would unduly delay the proceeding without any compensating benefit.
In Section 5 of his proposed testimony, Dr. Webb wants the Board to consider four events which could cause loss-of-water accident.
Initially, none of these events ure tied to the TMI questions asked by the Board.
The questien of a spent fuel shipping cask drop has already been addressed by the NRC in the issuance of an operating license; the change
For a complete discussion of this matter, see Licensee's Response to NRC Staff's Objection to Board Question and Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Board Question Relating to Class 9 Accidents dated June 13, 1979.
See Webb Testimony, 51(f) at 3.
For example, on page 5 the word conceivable or con-ceivably is used four times.
in racks does not affect the analysis done by the NRC.
This Board has already rejected such a contention for these reasons.
Similarly this Board has rejected considera-tion of sabotage and terrorism as unaffected by the re-quested rack change.
Under the guise of criticality con-siderations, Dr. Webb attempts to raise new issues. --6/
No showing has even been attempted under the criteria of S2.714(a) that these new matters should be considered.
The fourth category of events, earthquakes beyond the design basis of the facility and large airplane crashes, are clearly beyond the scope of the issues in this proceeding.
Section 7 of the Webb Testimony merely asserts that a severe reactor accident could cause "the entire operating crew.
to flee There is no basis or analysis given for such a hypothesis and thus it is of no value in responding to the Board's question.
The remainder of the section deals with issues not possibly related to the spent fuel pool questions, the asserted effect of the meltdown ac-cident itself, argument concerning releases from a loss-of-water accident, a criticism of the Rasmussen Report, and a request to the NRC to do further studies of the type con-sidered in WASH-1400.
Section 6 sets forth alleged deficiencies which could cause a criticality accident such as missing boral plates and asserted deficiencies in the Licensee's criticality evaluation.
2379 082 Section 8 seeks to deal with the Salem scent fuel pool as a permanent spent fuel repository and should, in con-formance with the Board's past rulings in this proceeding, be stricken.
Sections 9 and 10 are without foundation, conclusory and argumentative and should be stricken.
CONCLUSION Thus, as discussed above, the testimony of Drs. Gulbransen and Webb is objectionable and should not be heard by the Licensing Board.
Respectfully submitted, CONNER, MOORE & CORSER Mark J. Wetterhahn Counsel for the Licensee June 30, 1979 2379 083