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Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re NPP License Renewal.Util of Belief That Proposed Rev Reflect Positive Effort Towards Establishing Regulatory Process Requirements for Continued Operation of Nuclear Facilities
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/03/1995
From: Labruna S
Public Service Enterprise Group
FRN-59FR46574, FRN-60FR22461, RULE-PR-2, RULE-PR-51, RULE-PR-54 59FR46574-00041, 59FR46574-41, AF05-2-044, AF5-2, AF5-2-44, NLR-N94221, NUDOCS 9501120035
Download: ML20077L863 (2)



II DOCKET NUMBER PROPOSED RULE gA_ t.200CKETED USNRC (see.As% M Pubke Service o m .no o '95 JAN -9 P1
42 Company Stanley La8runa Public Servce Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 2gagke Bridge,7;NJ p6036 609-339-1700 va pr ne - wa., tron **

JAN 031995 N NLR-N94221  ;

i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Secretary of the Commission Attention: Docketing and Service Branch Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

CONNENTS TO PROPOSED ANENDNENTS TO 10 CFR 2, 51, and 54 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT LICENSE RENEWAL SALEN AND NOPE CREEK GENERATING STATIONS DOCKET NOS. 50-272, 50-311, AND 50-354 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSE&G) would like to take j this opportunity to provide comments on the proposed amendments to the license renewal process as detailed in 59 Federal Register 46574 (September 9, 1994). In general, PSE&G believes that the 4 proposed revisions reflect a positive effort towards establishing  :

the regulatory process requirements for the continued safe operation of nuclear facilities and is encouraged by the changes made to enhance the existing rule.

As you are aware, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has been the focal point of this issue for the industry and has submitted comments on behalf of its members, including PSEEG. This letter ,

is to endorse the comments provided to you by NEI and to express  ;

our hope that the Commission strongly considers the adoption of  ;

the suggested revisions to the amendment.

A clear and manageable license renewal process is viewed by PSE&G I as a vital element for maintaining nuclear power as a key l contributor of future electrical generation and for establishing  ;

the long range strategies of the Company. The proposed  ;

amendment, along with the incorporation of the NEI comments, is [

a significant step towards the formation of a foundation upon j i

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9501120035 950103 PDR PR 2 59FR46574 PDR MD

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2 f MLR-N94221 t


which these strategies can be based. Your continued vigilance in i addressing this issue is encouraged and appreciated.  !

i Sincerely,

. sA$5~~-

i SRM/pfr C L. R. Eliason (NO9) ,

J. J. Hagan (SOS) .

R. J. Hovey (Hol) i C. P. Johnson (N22) ,

J. A. Nichols (S24) t F. X. Thomson (N21)

File 5.42.3 -

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