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ML20079N42725 January 1984Response to State of DE 840120 Motion to Withdraw Petition for Leave to Intervene.Licensee Concurs in Motion.Dismissal of Proceeding Requested.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18087A83312 April 1983Petition for Order to Show Cause Why Util Should Not Be Restrained from Restarting Facility Until Qualifications for Operation Demonstrated at Public HearingSafe Shutdown
ML20005B68320 August 1981Petition for Review of Aslab 810717 Order,Permitting OL Amend,Allowing Installation of New Storage Racks & Increasing Pool Capacity.Notice of Appearance & Affidavit of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010C14814 August 1981Response in Opposition to Lower Alloways Creek Township 810803 Petition for Review of ALAB-650.Petitioner Has Raised No Issue Which Warrants Commission Consideration.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20009H2223 August 1981Petition Supporting Review of Aslab Decision.Case Involves Matter That Could Significantly Affect Environ,Public Health & Safety & Involves,Important Procedural Issues & Public Policy Questions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18086A51815 May 1981Answer Opposing AC Coleman 810504 Request for Stay of Initial decision,LBP-80-27,pending Appeal.Request Untimely & Fails to Meet Requirements for Issuance of Stay. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18085A4098 December 1980Response to Intervenors Eg & a Coleman Motion for Extension Until 810131 to File Brief in Support of Exceptions.Opposes Motion But Would Not Object to 2-wk Extension.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18085A4084 December 1980Appeal from ASLB Initial Decision Granting Util Right to Increase Spent Fuel Pool Storage Capacity.Nepa Requires Detailed Analysis of Safety & Health Problems Posed by Reracking.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19340D34330 November 1980Request for Extension to 810131 to File Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB 801027 Initial Decision Re Spent Fuel Pool Proceeding.Certification of Svc Encl
ML18085A25011 November 1980Appeal from ASLB 801027 Initial Decision.Alleges Erroneous Finding of Facts Re Contentions 2 & 6,evaluation of Eia, Acceptance of Pasedag Testimony & Rejection of Benjamin Testimony.Counsel Withdrawal & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18085A2164 November 1980Exceptions & Appeal from ASLB 801027 Initial Decision. Exclusion of as Benjamin of Sandia Labs Testimony Is Arbitrary Due to Relevant Evidence Re Oxidation That Could Propagate to Older Fuel.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18082A54823 May 1980Proposed Corrections for 800430 Evidentiary Hearing Transcript.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18082A52813 May 1980Proposed Corrections to Transcript of 800328-29 Evidentiary Hearings.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18082A52613 May 1980Request for Extension Until 800528 to File Transcript Corrections.States No Objection to NRC Motion for Similar Extension.Transcript Not Yet Received in Licensee Newark,Nj Ofc
ML19323A95721 April 1980Response in Opposition to Webb,Fankhauser & Portion of NRC Testimonies Based on Class 9 Accident Scenarios.Testimony Beyond ASLB Jurisdiction & Should Not Be Admitted Into Evidence.Certificate of Svc EnclDesign basis earthquake
ML18082A50118 April 1980Reply in Opposition to Licensee Response to ASLB 800222 Memorandum & Order,Question 5,re Spent Fuel Pool Gross Loss of Water.Urges to Strike Testimony W/Appropriate Sanctions
ML18082A49918 April 1980Motion to Strike Licensee 800410 Response to ASLB 800222 Memorandum & Order,Question 5,re Spent Fuel Pool Gross Loss of Water.Licensee Should Be Barred from Participation or Compelled to File Testimony Due to Dilatory Conduct
ML18082A50218 April 1980Response in Opposition to NRC Testimony of Wf Pasedag Re ASLB Question 5.Spent Fuel Pool Old Fuel Would Be Involved in Enlargement Case & Would Consequently Increase Radiological Effects.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19305D73711 April 1980Comments in Opposition to Township of Lower Alloways Creek 800325 Request for Suspension of Issuance of OL Per 10CFR2.206.Urges Denial Due to Untimeliness of Petition & Inadequacy of Allegations Re Noncompliance W/Nepa Rules
ML19323D18910 April 1980Response to ASLB Question 5 Re Gross Loss of Water from Facility Spent Fuel Pool.Loss Will Have No Adverse Consequences on Public Health & Safety Due to Adequate Cooling Achieved in Facility.Prof Qualifications Encl
ML19323D5139 April 1980Forwards Re Webb Technical Rept,In Response to ASLB 800222 Order Re Consequences of Gross Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19305E7289 April 1980Response Enclosing DB Fankhauser Testimony in Reply to ASLB 800222 Order Re Consequences of Gross Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19309A49325 March 1980Request for Suspension or Moratorium on Issuance of OL for Facility,Pending Conclusion of ASLB Hearing on Safety of Spent Fuel Storage Pool at Unit 1.Notice of Appearance of Cj Valore on Behalf of Intervenor Encl
ML18082A13925 March 1980Intervenor Request for Suspension or Moratorium on Issuance of Ol.Issuance Would Permit Same Enlarged Spent Fuel Pool That Is Subject of Ongoing Hearing
ML18082A13019 March 1980Motion for 30-day Extension to File Testimony Re Consequences of Water Loss from Spent Fuel Storage Pool. Urges Postponement of 800422 Evidentiary Hearing, Accordingly.Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18081B08614 February 1980Request for Taking Official Notice of White House 800212, Fact Sheet,President'S Program on Radwaste Mgt, Due to Relevancy of First Bullet,Page 2 & Third Bullet,Page 6.W/ Certificate of Svc & Fact Sheet
ML18081A88810 January 1980Opposition to Intervenors Coleman 791018 Request for Action Under 10CFR2.206.NRC Fulfilled Statutory Duty Per Endangered Species Act.No New Matters Raised by Intervenors RequestIncorporated by reference
ML18081A81718 December 1979Opposition to Public Advocate of State of Nj 791106 Request to Reopen Intervenors Coleman Contention 9.Appeal Is Proper Procedure If Intervenors Dissatisfied W/Aslb Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18081A74713 November 1979Response in Opposition to Public Advocate of State of Nj 791030 Supplemental Argument Supporting Motion for Reconsideration of Colemans Contention 13.Colemans Failed to Demonstrate Relevance of Claim.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18081A69730 October 1979Supplemental Argument on Behalf of Intervenors Coleman to Reopen Coleman Contention 13 Re Reracking of Spent Fuel Pool.Actual Figures of Radiation Exposure During Reracking of Peach Bottom Nuclear Station Never Received
ML18081A41818 October 1979Petition Seeking NRC Issuance of Show Cause Order for Suspension &/Or Revocation of Ols.Operation of Facility Would Threaten Local Existence of short-nosed Sturgeon. Affidavit & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18081A48718 October 1979Seeks Show Cause Order & Suspension or Revocation of OL for Unit 1 & Stay or Licensing & Suspension or Revocation of CP for Unit 2.No Eia Performed Re Impact on Endangered Fish Species.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079A97120 September 1979Applicant Comments on Request of Intervenors Coleman for Issuance of Order to Show Cause for Stay
ML18079B08931 August 1979Opposes Intervenors Coleman 790801 Request That ASLB Reopen Record for Newly Discovered Evidence Re Contentions 2 & 6. Insp Document Has No Relevance & No Significance to Proceeding
ML19249B82031 August 1979Petition to Amend 790802 Motion for Issuance of Show Cause Order & Stay of Licensing Procedure.Adds Addendum 7A & Contentions 8-10.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19209C38731 August 1979Motion,Submitted by Intervenors Coleman,That NRC Amend Request for Order to Show Cause & Stay Licensing.Seek Addl Contentions Re Cost/Benefit Analysis,Seismic Analysis & Class 9 AccidentsEarthquake
ML18081A41431 August 1979Seeks Denial of Intervenors Coleman 790802 Motion for Reconsideration of Contention 13 Re Release of Radioactive Matl.No Justification for Late Filing.Criteria for Compliance W/Operation Objectives Defined in 10CFR50,App I
ML18079B11629 August 1979Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Accept Addl Argument on ASLB Question 4 Re Consideration of Class 9 Accidents.Nrc Admits That TMI Accident Was Class 9. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079B11527 August 1979Response to ASLB Question 4 Re Class 9 Accidents.Tmi 790328 Accident Was Class 9,constituting Successive Failures of Operator Procedures & Equipment.Testimony in Present Proceedings Requires Wide Latitude.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079B08821 August 1979Response to ASLB Question 4,submitted on Behalf of Intervenors Coleman.Alleges TMI Accident Was Class 9 Accident.Accident Posed Significant Risk to Health & Safety of Population & Environ.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079B06120 August 1979Responds to Question 4 of ASLB 790710 Order.Forwards C Kepford Rept on TMI Accident.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc EnclBoric Acid
ML18081A41110 August 1979Requests That ASLB Order Extension Until 790831 for Response to Intervenors Coleman Request to Reopen Consideration of Contentions 2 & 6
ML18079B0463 August 1979Forwards Re Webb 790723 Rept, TMI Accident:Was It Class 9 Accident, in Response to ASLB 790710 Question 4Fuel cladding
ML19208C3682 August 1979Requests Issuance of Order to Show Cause & Stay of Licensing Per 10CFR2.202 & 2.206.NRC Has Failed to Act on Info Re PA-NJ-MD Grid,Cost/Benefit Analysis,Expansion of Spent Fuel Pool & Lessons Learned Re TMIBackfit
ML18079B0852 August 1979Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Reconsider Dismissal of Contention 13.Intervenor State of Nj Supports Motion.Util Is Obliged Per 10CFR50 to Explore Alternatives to Spent Fuel Pool Expansion
ML19225D1442 August 1979Request That NRC Issue Order to Show Cause & Request to Stay Licensing.Requests Intervenor Status.Submits List of Contentions & Partial List of Resouce Documents.Certificate of Svc EnclBackfit
ML18079B0871 August 1979Request by Intervenors Coleman That ASLB Reopen Record Re Contentions 2 & 6.Intervenor State of Nj Supports Motion. Experiences at Northern State Power Co Are Pertinent to Proceedings
ML18079A7629 July 1979Response Submitted by Intervernor Township of Lower Alloways Creek to NRC Motion to Strike Portions of Re Webb & EA Gulbransen Testimony Re ASLB 790418 Order. Affidavit of EA Gulbransen & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079A8316 July 1979Request Submitted by Util for Denial of Intervenors Coleman 790625 Request for Reconsideration of Dismissal of Coleman Contention 7.NRC Must Remand Matter to Aslb. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML18079A8296 July 1979Request Submitted by Util for Denial of Intervenors Coleman 790626 Request That ASLB Compel Licensee to Suppl Responses to Interrogatories 1,3 & 6.Questions Have No Relation to Grid Strap Problem