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Subpoena Requiring O De La Gasa Attendance at 800108 Deposition in Dallas,Tx,To Testify on Behalf of Houston Lighting & Power Co & Tx Utils Generating Co & to Produce All 700101-791231 Documents Re Potential Customers
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, South Texas  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1979
From: Mark Miller
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
To: De La Gasa O
Shared Package
ML19257C083 List:
NUDOCS 8001240104
Download: ML19257C082 (3)



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50-498A TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY 50-499A (Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2) 50-445A 50-446A o

Oscar Castillon De La Gasa Manager of area Development Texas Electric Service Company P.O.

Box 970 Ft. Worth, Texas 77001 YOll AllE IIEl'ElW CO:.I'.'ul;ED to appear in lla O!!cci s of :In Attfina y Ger. cia!

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o III.

INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING GROUPING AND NUMBERING DOCUMENTS It is requested that the documents submitted be grouped according to the individual paragraph of the subpoena section to which they are responsive and, within each such group, the documents should be arranged, as much as possible, in chronological order.

In order to facilitate the handling of the documents which will be received it would be appreciated if each of the documents would be numbered consecutively.

It is suggested that in numbering the documents each page be n umbe red, except in those instances where the documents are bound together, when numbering only the first page is appropriate.

This procedure, if followed, will preserve the identity of all the documents coming from the company, and also insure the accurate and expeditious return of these documents to the company.

Should any questions arise concerning this subpoena, please contact Susan B.

Cyphert (724-6667)or Nancy Luque (202-724-7482) at the following address:

Department of Justice P.O.

Box 14141 Washington, D.C.

20044 IV.

DOCU:1 NTS TO BE PRODUCED All documents from January 1, 1970 to date which re-late or refer, in any way, to communications with potential residential, commercial, and industrial electric power customers including, but not limited to, any attempts to serve prospective or existing customers.

1777 327




" Document" means, without limiting the generality of its meaning, all original (or copies where originals are unavailable) and non-identical copies (whether different from originals by reason of notation made on such copies or otherwise) of all written, recorded or graphic matter, however produced or reproduced, whether or not now in existence, of correspondence, telegrams, notes or sound recordings of any type of conversation, meeting or con-ference, minutes of directors' or committee meetings, memoranda, inter-office communications, studies, analyses, notes, books, records, reports, summaries and results of investigations and tests, reviews, contracts, agreements, pamphlets, diaries, calendar or diary entries, maps, graphs, charts, statistical. records, computer d ta or papers similar to any of the foregoing, however denominated, including preliminary versions, drafts or revisions of any of the foregoing and any supporting, underlying or preparatory material.


"TPUC" means The Public Utility Commission of Texas.


"TESCO" means Texas Electric Service Company.


CLAIM OF PRIVILEGE If any document is withheld under claim of privilege, furnish a list which identifies each document for which privilege is claimed and which includes the following information for each such document: date, subject matter, sender, recipient, persons to whom copies were furnished together with their job titles, the basis on which privilege is claimed, and the paragraph of this subpoena to which such documents responds.

17]7 328
