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Commands J Corder to Appear at Hilton Hotel in Lake Jackson,Tx on 891219 to Testify Before NRC Personnel Re Alleged Nuclear Safety Concerns Referred to in
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1989
From: Taylor J
Shared Package
ML20005G068 List:
OL, NUDOCS 9001180218
Download: ML20005G162 (5)



Exhibit 1

c. (..

hitch States of America NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM15510N u.

In she metter of: Houston Lighting and 1

Power Company i

> DOCKET NO.(s) 50-498 50-499 TO John Corder Route 4. Box 4158 Brazorie. TX 77422 L

Pursuant to Section 161c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 2201(c), YOU ARE HEREBY C0tNANDED to appear at Room 129 of the Hilton Hotel, 925 Highway 332 West, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 on the day of December 19, 1989 l

at 9 o' clock 4.m. to continue as necessary for the purposes of l

testifying before HRC personnel regarding alleged nuclear safety i

concerns-that you have as referred to in a letter dated September 28, i

1989 submitted by your attorney, Ms. Billie Pirner Garde, on your behalf to Mr. Dennis Crutchfield of the Nuclear Regulatory Comission.

I i

l L98 it. Tay1 Acting Executive Director for Operations

$EEEIJ1 story comission a<rhard r - u.n < nn n

Tetamowr f 301) 492-1690 9001100218 091227 DR ADOCK 0500 8

On motion made within ten (10) days of receipt of the subpoena and on notice to the party at whose instance the subpoena was issued, the Cornission may (1) quash or modify the subpoena if it is unreasonable, or (2) condition denial of the motion on just and reasonable terms.

Such motion should be directed to the Secretary of the Comission, Washington, D.C.


. Exhibit 2 h[

~,icLo >n, V soinsoe,' Cross & GardePeterson, Berk, h

A edolpu,

' Mary Ian Robineos Nils Jean Robenean Attorneye et Law

- John C. Petereos los East College Averw Avrasa D. Rork Appleton. Wisconsin asett hhchael Rudolph (414) rat.tst?

Dea Crose Green Boy onseco

311he Pirmer Garde Faz 7aoases September 28,.1989, Dennis Crutchfield Associate Director for Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 AE:

John Corder Daar Mr. Crutchfield, r

I.have been asked by Mr. John Corder to res Soptember 5 -1989, letter to Attorney Robert Rice. pond to your advises me,that he does have concerns Mr. Corder has not evaluated,.however, because his experience with the that he believes the NRC agency's pursuit of concerns has not been adequate, he has roquested that I

negotiate the terms under which he will

' p3rticipate further in the NRC efforts:

Those ierms are:


.i 1.

Any expenses he incurs in piarsuit of those concerns l.

will be reimbursed by the NRC.


The previous site inspection trip he had with Jose Calvo will be. discussed.


The ' NRC will timely process the enclosed Freedom of


L Information Request.



Corder be provided the 4

escorted inspection trip of STP. opportunity for an NRC L



Corder be permitted to have counsel or a

site inspection. representative present during his NRC interview and the 6.

The NRC conduct an investigation of his claims of harassment and discrimination in violation of 10 C F R 50.7.




The NRC provide Mr. Corder the protection of a legal subpoena for his information to protect him from potential breach of contract action by Bechtel for violating the terms of his settlement.

Please provide a response to these conditions at your earliest. convenience.





>'e4 h -

Billie Pirner Gar Encl. a/s BPG/emh i

jc2 D

9 h

l l

l,.., -


Exhibit 3 n..


Robinson, Robinson. Peterson. Berk, Rudolph, Cross & Garde

' Mary Iou Robtnoon Nila Jean Robanoon Attorneys at 1.sw j- '.

Ahn C, Peterson los East CoDege Avenue Awa,n D. Berk Appleton, Wisconsin Hon g (414p tal ts 7 Michael Rudolph -

Green Bay eH voou

. Dan Croce Fax taom4 Cilhe Parner Garde 6


office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20210 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.

552, as amended the ROBINSON, ROBINSON, PETERSON, BERK, RUDOLPH, CROSS AND GARDE LAW OFFICE requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters memoranda,

drafts, minutes,
diaries, logs, calenders, I
tapes, transcripts, summaries, intarview
reports, procedures, instructions, allegation summary sheets, interim and/or final reports, status -reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or connection with JOHN CORDER's concerns and i

l the South Texas Project (STP) from June 1986 to j

cllegations about l

the present._

This requests includes, but is not limited to all i

inspection reports, document reviews.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a (b and l

and A.3- (approv)ed Octoberthe NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Par ts

1. A. 2 l

8, 1980) whether they currer.tly exist l:

in the NRC official " working" investigative or other files, or at

-any other location, ;hcluding private residences.

l l

l If any r:a rds, as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a (b), and the NRC Manu a,


and covered by this request have been destroyed, and/<>r removed, after this request, please provide all surrounding rar;ords, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or

removed, a

-description of the actions (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection implementing the action (s).

We are requesting this information as part of an ongoing monitoring project of the NRC's efforts to protect public health

'and safety at and near nuclear processing plants and radioactive waste facilities.

i i

ror any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific POIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and i

' describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v Rosen (I), 484 F2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We anticipate a com within ten working days,plete or partial response to this request as required by the FOIA.

Sincerely, h

JG9 Linda Bauman r

i BPG/11b NRC/foia CC: Dennis Crutchfield L

t i

l l

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