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Urges Denial of Work Permit for Proposed Facility.Area Inhabitants Do Not Want Nuclear Power Plant in Vicinity
Person / Time
Site: Skagit
Issue date: 10/17/1979
From: Catherine Thompson
To: Deale V
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 7911090085
Download: ML19254F341 (2)



NRC pq co October 17, 1979 "  %

R$* h Nuclear Regulatory Ccanission g 3 g'lh II Atcaic Safety ani Licensing Board h~

Mr. Valentine b. Deale, Chai . san g

Washington D.C. 20535 m 3 ,1 g/WdNM '

q m, Gentlenens g ,d,,a I write to you out of a deep sense of ftustration, to ask you to consider a very inportant factor regarding the " proposed" nuclear pcwer plant here in Skagit Cennty. We do not wan- this plant here!

"he ones who live, the ones whose lives will be forever affected by the plant and its problems (d there will be problems, because hr.=an beings are going to run it) are not being considered in this licensing process. It's as if we didn't count at all. Why is it not enough to say we do not want it? Is there no way to get through to those naking the decisions? *ihy can a company say, "Well, sorry, folks, but we've decided this spot is ecencaically feasible for us, anti so we're going to build here, no matter how you feel about it."?

Ihis is a fertile, prcxiuctive valley, We do not want a potential disaster in it. It does no good for you in the nuclear iniustry to assure us of the safety record of nuclear plants - one accident ani this valley could be rendered uninhabitable. It's too great a ganble.

Sese are ate hones, cur connunities, cur lives! Not just cur phycical lives, but our emotional and nental lives as well. We do not want to take that ga:2ble. ':he only exceptions to that statement are these mercenaries anong us who think they stani to nake some profit during the cet ;truetion perici.

We do not want the nuclear plant here. Do we not coun' " answer my own question - we i count! And ycu need to hear us. More inpor: ant, you nesi to censider us, yes, we're afforded our right to speak out, but that's where it emis. We're not really heard cr the licensing process would have been halted by now, and puget w c+ r lock elsewhere.

7911090 O g

Please, Sirs, do not grant Pw;et ?cwer their work pernit for this Shgit Project. Miead of geology. seisacicgy, deve1cpnent of evacuation plans, etc. , please consider that the people of Shgit County do not want this rmelear plant built here. If nuclear pcwer has to play a part in our energy pres-1:n, at least build 'he plants away from the center of population sni the agricultursl lands. c. m a direct Puget Power to consider their sites in the eastern Washington desert. I inplcre you to hear as.


'}s ,, , ,, C . r"L c '- )s f Carmelia A. Thenpson u1 e urawood ao d s 7 46 aurunsten, vi gear 1301
