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Interrogatories & Document Requests for Puget Sound Power & Light Co Submitted by Skagitonians Concerned About Nuclear Power.Questions Concern Bechtel Reinvestigation of Site Area & Evacuation Plans
Person / Time
Site: Skagit
Issue date: 05/29/1979
From: Leed R
NUDOCS 7907060489
Download: ML19224C803 (9)




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PUGFT SOUND POWER & LI;MT ) DOCKFT NOS. STN 5 0- 5 2 2 COMPANY, et al . , ) 50-523



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' NT "'V rFDP SC ANP ' S INTFFPOGATOPIFS AND QFOUFSTS FOR PRODUCTION TO APPLICANTS OF MAY 24, 1979 In accordance with 10 CFR, S2.740R and 10 CFR E 2.7 41, clease answer the fol]owinc Interroca tories and rescond to the accomoanvino Recuests for P rodu ction.

Documen s te be nroduced should be presented at the offices of u nde r sicn ed counsel at n:00 a.r. on the 2 0th dav after service of this discoverv, or at such other time and olace as mav be acreed uoon.

PEOUFST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1. The letter of March 29, 1979 from J. F. S'e c ca to John P . Sto17 doscribes on oace 2 an extensive reinvestication of the site area conducted bv pchte). Please orodu ce a]l fiola maccino and field notes ma6e in connection with this extensive reinvestication.

PEOUrFT FO C. PFODUCTION '?O. 2. In cenrection with the extensive reimrestication undertaken by techte] referred to

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in Recuest for Production No. 1, please oroduce all aero-maanetic survevs and interoretations thereof.

P FO U FST P3 R P RODUCTI ON No . 3 . In connection with the ex-tensive reinvestigation referenced in Recuest for Production No.1, nlease oroduce a]1 data and interpretations produced throuch reinvestication of the site area involvina magnetics.

REQUEST POR PPODUCTION NO. 4. With respect to the rein-vestication referenced in Peauest for P rodu ction No. 1, nicase oroduce all data and interpretations obtained in re-review of imacerv studies.

INTEPROGATORY NO. 1. In connection with the reinvestica-tion referenced in Recuest for P rodu ction No. 1, please des-cribe all other investica tine crocrams unde rtakon on Gillican and Dav Creeks in resnonse to the NRC's cuestions.

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PSOR DMIN4L REQUEST PO P P RODUCTIO!' MO. 5. Please oroduce any data, interpretations, or other written materials oroduced or assessed in connection with these other investicative procrans re f e re n ce d in I nterroca torv No. 1 above.

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INTFPROGATORY NO. 2. In connection with the reinvestica-tion referenced in Recuest for Produ ction No. 1, please describe the information f rom seismic profiles which have been reviewed to define if a structure as hypothesized by D r. Hays exists.


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P FO UFST FOR PRODUCTIOM NO. 6. Please produce all of the information described in I nterroca torv No. 2 above.

INTEPROG ATORY No. 3. Please describe any factual con-conclusions which Applicants reacbed based ucon the extensive reinvestication undertaken bv Bechtel considerinc the hypo-thesized "P & B Fault", includina a discussion of how this re-investication succorts those con clu s ions. .

REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7. Please produce any, memoranda, or notes tak en or produced in connection with the di scussions with Dr. Havs and other revi ew e rs referenced on caces 1 and 2 of the letter referrad to in Recuest for P rodu ct ior: No. 1.

RFOUFST FO R P RODUCTION NO . 8. P3 ease o roriu ce the aero-racnetic data referenced in thn le*ter dated Fe bru arv 23, Jo79 90- 3,

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fron J. E. fiecca to John F . Stolz. Please produce also anv aeromacnetic data a ccuired for P ucet Power bv I. .K . B. Resources, Inc. and Aero Services, which has not baen submitted to the NRC staf f or USGS. Please submit also all writ ten evalua-tions of this da ta, including the f actual conclusions, if any, which apolicants have reached in connection with this data and the basis thereof.

INTE RPOG ATORY NO. 4. Please describe the l o c a t i o.' ,

quantity, and tyoes of gravel which applicants intend to use for construction of the Skaait Nuclear Power Project. Please state whether any studies have been undertaken to assess the environmental and other imoacts of cravel removal, includina impacts on fisheries. If anv such studies have been unde rt aken ,

clease produce all documents, includina notes, oroduced in con-nection with such studies.


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-uunu u ,ua4 INTERROG ATORY ';O. 5. Please state whether applicants have reevaluated or a. ended their evacuation olen in licht of 1) the croocsed use of the Nortbern S tate H ospital Site, 4_

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and 2) the 3-Mile Island Accident. Please oroduce documents nroduced in connection with any such reecaluation.

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'Eh Ej b D L & h !c w .4 wb RFOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9. With reference to the meeting of February 23, 1979, between the NRC staff, USGS, and Pucet Sound Power & L ich t C omoanv , held in Rethesda, Maryland, clease oroduce all materials cresentea bv P ucet at that meetina, tocether with any and all notes taken by P uce t representatives at that neetino.

INTFFFOG; TORY NO. 6. On M a rch 8, 1979, the 13eshincton Utili ties and T ransoortation Commission issued a Second Cucolemental Order in Cause No. U-7P-21. The Commission in that order au thoriz ed Pucet to file tari f f rovi sions, includino revenues for construction work in proaress (CWI P ) .

Pl?ase state the annual dollar amount c# C I P rates which Pucat has soucht or wil] seek in its revised filinc. Please state the annual dollar amount of CFIP rates which are attributed to the S kaai t N uclea r Power P rsje ct , and clease i t er.i z e a l l arounts thereundar. Please ir:1 # in vour


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answer the amou nt for the next year and eve ry year there-after included in the revised tari f f filing.


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INTERPOGATORY NO. 7. With respect to the proceedina referenced in the immediately precedino interrogatory, please answer all cuestions in that Interroaatory with resoect to the tariff filina which was rejected in the Commission 's S econd Supplemental Order.


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RFOUFST FO R PRODUCTION NO. 10. Produce all notec, memo-randa, correspondence, studies, recorts and other documents of any kind relating in any way to the proposed WWP coal-fired plant in Eastern Washington, including all such materials in the hands of engineers and consultants.

INTERROG ATORY NO. 8. With resoect to the nroposed WWP coal-fired plants in Eastern WLshington:

a) Nhat sources for coal have been considered?

b) Describe all information WFP has recardino avail-a bi li ty , sucoly, price, and transportation cost for such coal.

c) Who will 1) design, 2) build, and 3) operate the plant?

d) When did design wot. begin?

e) Have any purchases been made to date relating to such plant, and if so, when, by whom, from whom, of what, and in what arount?

f) Is such clant yet reflected in any fo rma ] or in-formal, in-house, or public forecast of resou r ces ?

g) When is cons truction to beain?




2 ;;T E R ROG ATO PY NO. 9. Please describe all ceoloaic, seis-rolocic, and ceoohysical studies, recorts, or investications, certainina to the S kaci t site or any location in the S tate of washincton, undertaken by, commi ss ioned bv , or received by vou since J anuary 1, 1978.


INTE RROG ATORY NO. 10. Please cive all available in-formation reaardina eve ry detectible earthouake which has oc-curred within 25 miles of the p] ant site since 1976. You should furnish the location of enicenters, magnitude, and fault plane solutions, if available. Also state where vou obtained the information which you are furnishina in answer to this interrocatory, and whether vou know of any source of information which you did not consult. Also state whether, to you r knowledoe, any perso.1 is analyzino such data to determine possible correla tions between such events, and if so who.

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INTE RPOG ATORY NO. 11. Have you at any time requested or commissioned a study to attempt to correlate the fault plane solutions for anv earthouakes which have occurrei, since 1973, in the Skacit Valley? If so, please state when vou commissioned such study, who is conductina such study, and identify all documents which reflect the fact of such study, and its results. Also, please provide a list showing all available data recardina e ve ry known earthquake which has occurred in the Skacit Vallev since 1973.


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