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Informs That Util Will Be Prepared to Commence Mode Ascension for Plant Unit 2 About 970508 Based on Work Completed to Date.Restart Assessment Team Insp Requested
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1997
From: Eliason L
Public Service Enterprise Group
LR-N970250, NUDOCS 9704220190
Download: ML18102A986 (4)


  • Public Service Electric and Gas Company Leon R. Eliason Pub1u.; Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609-339-1100 Chief Nuclear Officer & President Nuclear Business Unit APR 111997 LR-N970250 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 REQUEST FOR RESTART ASSESSMENT TEAM INSPECTION FOR SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-311 Ladies/Gentlemen:

In May and June of 1995, Public Service Electri..'.: arid Gas Company shut down the Salem plants and committed to not restart them until they could be operated in a safe, reliable manner. On August 8, 1995 and December 11, 1995, meetings were conducted with senior NRC management to describe the Salem Restart Plan and nine Restart Action Plans. These plans were designed to address the fundamental issues which contributed to Salem Station's past performance. Additionally, they ensured through direct management involvement, rigorqus self-assessments and independent oversight, that the units would be returned to safe, reliable operation.

Through implementation of these plans over the past 22 months, extensive equipment

  • modification, refurbishment and repairs have been accomplished on systems such as process control modules, digital feedwater, emergency diesel generators, radiation monitoring, control air, circulating and service water, and ventilation. Additionally, the.

control room has been reconfigured into a common facility that enhances the ability of*

senior licensed supervisors to manage the units. A demanding review of Salem's design and licensing bases was also performed. In addition, enhancements to

  • procedures and processes, and a change in the culture of our people have occurred. \?

We are satisfied that the organizational performance is ready to support restart and we . .:l/

will continue our monitoring during the mode changes .. Update meetings describing  ;$-

these activities and results were conducted with seni9r NRC management on May 24, * ( _

1996, June 11, 1996, November 11, 1996 and March 6, 1997. \

We have completed the Salem Restart Action Plans (with the exception of Human \)

  • Performance Plan) and performed assessments that show us that we have achieved \

the desired results. We have performed rigorous tests on the plant systems required 9704220190 970411 PDR ADOCK 05000311 P PDR 11111~ nm nm nm n111r im 1111iu1

  • t 9 I R E I
  • Document *control Desk
  • 2
  • APR 111997 LR-N970250 for mode changes and the results to date have demonstrated the plant is ready for safe and reliable operation. These results have been reviewed and found acceptable by our internal management review committee and fulfill our operational readiness review described in the June 9, 1995 Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) Item 4. Our Nuclear Review Board, which includes external members, will also review our readiness for restart as part of our restart efforts. During the course of the Restart Assessment Team Inspection (RATl), we will discuss with your representatives the outcome and conclusions of these readiness assessment reviews as discussed in CAL Item 5.

Activities on Salem Unit 2 are approaching conclusion. Left to be completed are the modifications to the Containment Fan Coil Units, final upgrades to the ventilation systems for the control room and miscellaneous support equipment, inspection and repairs to resolve cable separation issues, and the Integrated Testing Program which requires plant heat-up and restart. During Modes 4 and 3, continuing assessments of the organization's performance will be conducted. Following this, final restart readiness determinations will be performed and independent oversight evaluations completed prior to requesting NRC concurrence for Mode 2.

Based on the work completed to date, it appears we will be prepared to commence mode ascension for Salem Unit 2 on about May 8, 1997. Reaching normal operating temperature and pressure is scheduled for approximately one week later. Therefore, we request that the RATI commence on or about May 12, 1997.

Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (609) 339-1100.


Document *control Desk

  • 3
  • APR 111997 LR-N970250 C Mr. H. J. Miller, Administrator - Region I USNRC Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Larry Nicholson, Deputy Director - Division of Reactor Safety U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. L. Olshan, Licensing Project Manager - Salem U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 14E21 Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. C. Marschall (X24)

USNRC Senior Resident Inspector Mr. K Tosch, Manager, IV Bureau of Nuclear Engineering 33 Arctic Parkway CN415 Trenton, NJ 08625

Document* Control Desk 4

  • APR 111997 LR-N970250

/PM BC Senior Vice President - Nuclear Engineering (N19)

Senior Vice President - Nuclear Operations (X04)

General Manager - Salem Operations (SOS)

Director - QA/NSR (X01)

Director - Nuclear Business Support (N10)

Technical Manager- NRB (X01)

Onsite Safety Review Engineer - Salem Station Licensing Engineer - Salem (X09)

J. Keenan, Esq. (X09)

Perry D. Robinson, Esq. (Winston & Strawn)

Records Management (N21)

Microfilm Copy File Nos.