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Forwards 1995 Annual Rept of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1996
From: Bordine T
NUDOCS 9609170059
Download: ML18065A914 (38)


consumers Power Thomas C. Bordine Manager. Licensing POWERING lllllClllliAlll"S l'IUllillESS Palisades Nuclear Plant: 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway, Covert, Ml 49043 September 6, 1996 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT OF FACILITY CHANGES, TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS This letter provides the Palisades Plant Annual Report of Changes, Tests, and Experiments for calendar year 1995. It is being submitted in compliance with 10 CFR 50.59(b)(2) and 10 CFR 72.48(b)(2).

Attached is a listing of changes to the facility (FaCility Changes, Functionally Equivalent Substitutions, Specification Changes, Temporary Modifications, and other documents) processed in 1995. The listed Safety Evaluations were prepared in support of ongoing design and approval processes. All the listed items have not necessarily been installed and declared operable. When they are completed, they will be included, if appropriate, as part of a regular FSAR revision.

In an effort to improve work processes, the annual report descriptions have been transferred from the 10 CFR 50.59 plant data base log. These descriptions are much more succinct-than in the-past.- Mor~ detailed information is available in files at the plant.

9609170059 960906 PDR ADOCK 05000255 R POR A CMS' ENERGY COMPANY

2 lnservice inspection procedures that have been updated to meet 10 CFR 50.55a(f) have been separated to isolate the most repetitive descriptions.

In the context of 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 72.48, none of the activities are classified as tests or experiments.

Thomas C. Berdine Manager, Licensing CC Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, NRR, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades Attachment


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-0115 COP 1 Rev of "Primary Coolant System Chemistry". This revision adds an attachment to allow monitoring of the PCS using the Post Accident Sampling Monitor (PASM) panel in-line instrumentation. The PASM panel is used in the mitigation of accidents. The use of the panel during normal operations will not affect the ability of the panel to be used in post accident situations.

95.:.0935 A-130 Rev of "Technical Specification for Painting" - Adds new paint for use inside and outside of containment. The new paint is epoxy based and has passed the ANSI standard for DBA testing. The paint has been shown by testing to remain intact after a DBA and it contains no zinc. Therefore, it provides no increase in undesirable material inside containment.

95-1058 T-218 Rev of "Service Water Pumps P-7A, P-7B, and P-7C Performance Test by Flow to Containment" - This is revision 1 of the safety evaluation. The procedure and Safety Evaluation were dependent upon changes to Standing Order 54. SO 54 will not be changed. The control room temperature limit will now be controlled by the procedure and not by SO 54. Thermal margin monitors will be turned off because their internal temperature limit could be exceeded during this test. Control room temperature has a limit established by the internal temperature rise of the Thermal Margin Monitors, TMMs.

TMMs may be damaged by internal temperatures exceeding 131 degrees F.

Since this test will approach the ambient limit of 106 degrees F, the power will be removed from the TMMs to allow an ambient temperature limit of 131.

95-1065 P-NOME- ABB-Combustion Engineering procedure "Palisades Hold Down Assembly TOP-0008 Load Deflection Tool." This procedure provides instructions to test the UGS hold down plungers that ensure the reactor vessel internals do not move during operation. Twenty four plungers are cycled with a load deflection measuring tool to the design deflection to determine if the clamping force has degraded over twenty years time. This is part of the 1-24 fuel failure investigation. Maximum displacement is limited to the original design displacement presented by the reactor head. Plunger failure is not expected and will not occur because of testing.

95-1066 P-NOME- ABB-Combustion Engineering procedure "Palisades N-5 Repair Operation."

TOP-0009 This procedure will repair the Core Support Barrel fuel alignment holes at the N-5 core location by using a hand operated reamer to repair a "ding" that has made it difficult to place bundles. The tooling is designed to not oversize holes and to collect any metal fragments generated during reaming

_ op1m1tjqn§ .. The tq_QI doesn't exceed 150 pounds in weight and therefore is not a heavy load. - -- * - -


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-1109 FHS-M-34 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - Rev of "Unloading the Multi Assembly Sealed Basket." This cask unloading procedure is being revised to refine the process with a cask decay heat of less than 11.94 kW. The 10CFR72.48 safety evaluation addressed: A) cooling of the Multiassembly Sealed Basket (MSB) using water from the Spent Fuel Pool and resulting pressure within the MSB and using a new hole in the MSB lid for venting the steam; B)

Cutting and removing the two MSB lids with hole cutter bits, milling machines, and the drilling of the 2 1/4" hole; C) the use of a load cell to prevent any excessive loads if the MSB should experience interference when being raised into the Multiassembly Transfer Cask. Cooling will not cause the pressure to increase beyond 38.3 psig. The probability of malfunctions of a different type are not created because the load path and operations are the same for loading and unloading. Load limits and alignments required during loading will be observed during unloading.

95-1136 PAL-ISl-55 Westinghouse Field Service Procedure "Manual Ultrasonic Examination for the Reactor Vessel Threads in Flange For Palisades Nuclear Power Plant."-

This procedure provides instructions for manual UT examination of the reactor vessel threads for the head hold down studs. This procedure meets the 1989 edition of ASME Section XI which has been reviewed and approved by the NRC. The examinations are passive and do not affect operability.

95-1349 SOP 1 Rev of "Primary Coolant System"- This revision of the procedure reflects removal of a valve in the reactor gas vent piping, the new Primary Coolant System (PCS) level glass, added a requirement for Reactor & Safety Analysis and Design Engineering reviews of changes to the procedure, and added an alternate method of calculating PCS heat up/cool down rates.

This change resolves a pressure value used during the filling of the PCS.

The pressure was lowered to allow the operator more time to establish Primary Coolant Pump (PCP) bleed off.

95-1431 RE-83A Rev of "Service Test Battery ED~01." - Changes the test to run for fOl!r hours instead of two to match the battery load profile. The increased test time affects no analyzed accidents, and because it is within the battery's designed capability, the possibility of battery failure is not increased.

95-1432 RE-83B Rev of "Service Test Battery ED-02." - Changes the test to run for four hours instead of two to match the battery load profile. The increased test time affects no analyzed accidents, and because it is within the battery's designed capability, the possibility of battery failure is not increased.

95-1500 COLR - - --"Core-operating Limits Report Revision 1"- The COLR is being revised with a new ASI Barn and peaking factors for Cycle 12. Also, the T-inlet LCO, APL and Power Measurement Uncertainty Factors were deleted by the NRC as not being cycle specific when they approved the COLR in Technical

  • Specifications Amendment 169. The maximum allowed power has been raised, but the limits of the Chapter 14 analyses do not allow an increase in Variable High Power trip. There is no change in operations.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Log# Document ID Description 95-1517 COP1 Rev of "Primary Coolant System Chemistry." - The procedure is being changed to change the upper lithium limit from 2.20 ppm to 2.35 ppm to comply with EPRI guidelines. Although the increase in lithium would increase pH, the increase is still within the range for safe operation. Having a higher Lithium limit will also allow reaching pH goals more quickly during startup.

95-1555 EOP4.0 Rev of "Loss of Coolant Accident Recovery" - The procedure is being revised to reflect attachments that have been moved to Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) supplements, place hydrogen monitor in operation earlier, adds caution to emphasize importance of arming auto-closure of ECCS pump miniflow recirculation valves, increased minimum HPSI flow to ensure each pump has adequate flow, increased allowed Component Cooling Water (CCW) temperature to above FSAR design value, modified securing containment spray pumps, and ensures injection valves are open before containment water reaches them. Exceeding the CCW heat exchanger design outlet temperature by 26°F (166° vs 140°) during a LOCA does not create an unreviewed safety question because an evaluation (AIR A-94-23) concluded the temperature transient did not degrade the system.

95-1565 EOP 9.0 Rev of "Functional Recovery" - The procedure is being revised to show attachments that were moved to the EOP Supplement, changed containment flood level assumptions, increased allowed CCW temperature above FSAR design valve of 140 F, removal of power from FOGG valves, re.moval of NaOH and Hydrazine Iodine removal system, and many other changes reflected in the other EOPs. Exceeding the CCW heat exchanger design outlet temperature by 26°F (166° vs 140°) during a LOCA does not create an unreviewed safety question because an evaluation (AIR A-94-23) concluded the temperature transient did not degrade the system.

95-1587 S054 Revision to Standing Order 54, "Supplemental Equipment Operating and Te~ting Instructions Deviation." - Provides deviation of the 1.0 psig limit in the standing order to 2.0 psig while at hot zero power or below. Change is based on an engineering analysis and results in a peak containment pressure for the bounding event, MSLB, of less than 55 psig. The margin of safety as described by the Plant licensing basis is not reduced. For containment response analyses, the margin of safety is the pressure difference between the containment design pressure of 55 psig and the failure pressure (>100 psig). Since results of the limiting pressure case (EA-SDW-95-002) with a 2.0 psig initial pressure remain below 55 psig, the margin is unchanged. Similarly, the predicted peak temperature of 386° F is less than the

--* ---- -* - - - current

- - limiting peak

- . temperature of 400 F- (EA-SDW-92-02).




95-1602 SOP 18A Rev of "Radiation Waste System - Gaseous." - Revision allows for an additional flow path for venting the Containment Building. The vent path is established by removing the flange upstream of MV-WG120 in containment.

The air will travel through the containment vent header, containment isolation valves (CV-1101 and CV-1102), waste gas surge tank and into the Auxiliary Building through an opened vent valve, MV-WG527. From here the air will be drawn through the normal Auxiliary Building HVAC system to the stack. The normal Auxiliary Building HVAC system provides filtering (VF-14 and VF-54) and radiation monitoring (RIA-1809). The vent path is still isolated by two containment isolation valves, CV-1101 and CV-1102. Their isolation function has not been altered.

95-1605 S0-54 "Supplemental Equipment Operating and Testing Instruction Deviation" -

This revision to the previous Safety Evaluation (95-1587) and SO 54 revision allows containment pressure to rise to 2.0 psig for fill operating conditions.

The internal containment pressure is rising above the present SO limit of 1.0 psig. Analyses have concluded that a limit of 2 psig is acceptable for all plant conditions. The margin of safety as described by the Plant licensing basis is not reduced. For containment response analyses, the margin of safety is the pressure difference between the containment design pressure of 55 psig and the failure pressure (>100 psig). Since results of the limiting pressure case (EA-SDW-95-002) with a 2.0 psig initial pressure remain below 55 psig, the margin is unchanged. Similarly, the predicted peak temperature of 386° Fis less than the current limiting peak temperature of 400 F (EA-SDW-92-02).

95-1615 C-PAL "Excessive Nitrogen Leakage on Station 1 During T-232" - Revises basis for 1288 consumption of backup nitrogen for CV-0727, CV-0749, CV-0522B, and PCV-0521A because the 12 hr requirement is too restrictive. For fire protection response, the valves have manual operators and will be able to be operated manually. For Station Blackout the valves only need 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of nitrogen. The leakage does not reduce capacity below 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

95-1646 M-136 Revision to "Specification for Furnishing and Installing Conventional Type Insulation for Palisades Nuclear Plant." - Changed to show the replacement of bolted insulation jacketing with pinned and buckled jacketing. The new insulation is equivalent, but easier to remove and install. The consequences of accidents will not be increased as the new jacket material results in a reduction of aluminum in containment.

95-1789 El-7.1 Rev of "Post Accident Sample Liquid/Gas and Containment Air." -The steps

~-for containment gas composition sampling are being deleted from the procedure. This was confirmed in the NRC SER dated Match 27, 1995.

The containment atmosphere will continue to be monitored by the hydrogen in line monitors.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-1915 El-7.3 Rev of "Hydrogen Analysis of Post Accident Samples." - The procedure title and procedure are being revised to eliminate the analysis of oxygen. The elimination of the requirement to sample and analyze the oxygen concentration in the Primary Coolant System and containment was confirmed in the NRC SER dated 3/27/95 and thus is not an unreviewed safety question.

95-2053 HP 2.28 Rev of "Primary Dosimetry System" - The procedure is being revised to change personnel titles and the requirement for physical inventory of TLDs at time of collection. With the change to PP&L for dosimetry services the method of inventory needed changing. On 12/11/95 a revision to the Tech Specs was sent to the NRC which eliminates monthly record keeping requirements in 6.10.2. Records are kept quarterly.

95-2121 M-60A "Specification for Containment Air Cooler Replacement Cooling Coils" - This revision incorporates the final cooling coil performance parameters into the specification. The design capacity for the coolers has not changed and the qualification requirements are more stringent than the original air coolers, so no increases in the probability of malfunction are created.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE REQUESTS Log# Document ID Description 95-1419 EAR-95-190 "Retirement of Some Class LB Floor and Equipment Drains in the Turbine Building" - drain piping under the northwest part of the turbine building is broken. The drains connecting to this piping will be plugged to prevent water ingress to the Auxiliary Feed Water (AFW) room. This also eliminates a potential unauthorized discharge path for NPRDS releases.

Plugging/rerouting of the specified drains will not affect safety related equipment. The AFW room integrity is maintained and the description of drains in the FSAR is not altered.

95-1637 EAR-95-263 "Install Drain Line Downstream of MV-HED164" -A drain is required because the isolation valves leak by. This is a saf~ty precaution to allow repair of CV-0608, a discharge valve for heater drain pumps .. The installation meets existing design requirements and will not increase the probability of malfunction.

95-1713 EAR-95-0302 "Installation of Radwaste Demineralizer Tank (T-55A/B/C) Common Vent Line Wye-Strainer with Slowdown Drain Valve" - Installs a wye strainer to catch fresh resins that are carried over into the vent header when tanks T-55 are overfilled. The possibility of a malfunction is not created because the strainer will be procedurally flushed after resin fluffing through its blow down drain valve.

95-1759 EAR-95-0324 "Installation of P-55A Charging Pump Filter F-951 Bypass Line and Isolation Valves" - Installation of bypass line for seal lubrication filter will enable on-line replacement of filter element without taking P-55A out of service.

Operating P-55A with F-951 isolated during filter replacement is permissible.

The addition of the by pass line has no effect on the operation of P-55A with respect to safety performance. This is a maintenance enhancement that allows on-line filter changes.

95-1816 EAR-95-0363 'Vehicle Barrier System, Protection Against the Malevolent Use of Vehicles at the Palisades Plant" - Installs crash barriers designed to stop a land vehicle from breaching, or carrying a bomb through, the security fence. This modification has no impact on any system or interfacing systems of the plant.

95-1991 EAR-95-04 70 "Install Automatic Vent" - Installs an automatic air trap on the discharge line of P-76A (Canal Sample Pump). The air trap is intended to remove air in the system and reduce/eliminate spurious control room alarms. The associated radiation monitor does not interface with any safety related plant system and the air trap is intended to improve the performance of the monitoring system.

95-2101 EAR-95-0513 'VRS Boiler Pressure Controller" - The controller is reset to control at 250 psig rather than 232 psig to align with vendor documentation on nominal operating pressure and to allow operation of the boiler at optimal pressure.

The Volume Reduction System (VRS) is a non-safety related portion _of the radwaste system. Operation in accordance with vendor design documents does not increase the probability of a malfunction.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUTIONS Log# Document ID Description 95-0010 FES-94-377 "Replace Valve MV-SW648 (Velan Figure 354B with Conval Figure 0.50-1OP2J-S05 3D Globe Valve)" - Safety Evaluation revised to reflect change in valve figure number in FES package. MV-SW648 is used for isolating Pl-0803, an air pressure gauge in the service water system. This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-0171 FES-95-034 "Replace Valve MV-SFP518 (Walworth Bronze Gate) with Whitey Stainless Steel Ball Valve" - Existing valve leaks past wedge disc. Stainless steel ball valve is better suited for this application in the spent fuel pool cooling system.

This valve is used to periodically drain a wye strainer YS-2101 and is not required for accident mitigation.

95-0343 FES-94-415 "Fuel Handling Area Exhaust Fans V-70A and V-70B Differential Pressure Switches Replacement" - This FES replaces old Dwyer DPS-8013A, B with comparable units. The sensing line location is also changed to eliminate false signals from filter plugging. These fans are not safety related and the function of the dP switches has not been changed. No consequences are affected.

95-0344 FES-95-074 "Air Compressor After Cooler E-18C" - This FES replaces the cooling water temperature controller for E-18C with an improved model. The new controller has integral temperature sensing. Plant service air compressor C-2C is not required for accident mitigation. The change in temperature sensing configuration has no effect on plant safety.

95-0357 .FES-95-060 "Replace Valve MV-CVC2176 (Velan Globe) with a Whitey Ball Valve" - The existing valve leaks by and has been reworked too many times. Also, a ball valve is a better choice for this application (isolation of a sample station in the chemical and volume control system, CVCS). This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-0457 FES-95-067 "Remove Louvers from Abandoned Damper" - This FES cuts out louvers that had been abandoned in the old Administration Building. Attempts to wire the louvers in the open position had failed. The function provided by the louvers has been replaced by damper and power operator P0-3045B. This function is the control of recirculation air in office areas and has no safety significance.

95-04 79 FES-95-077 "Replace Valves MV-SW635, MVSW365A and MV-SW636 (Velan Gate Valves) with Whitey Ball Valves" - Gate Valves for Fl-0881 (isolation and drain on service water system) are being replaced with ball valves due to leakage. This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons:- There is no impact on plant operations.

95-0499 FES-95-062 "Replacement of MV-ES3384 with Whitey Ball Valve" - This FES replaces the engineered safeguards Vogt gate valve (leaks by the valve seat) on the shutdown cooling heat exchanger (E-60B) drain with a ball valve to perform the same function, but will be easier to maintain and operate. This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.



95-0536 FES-95-025 "Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump P-51 B Motor Replacement" - This FES installs a motor with higher efficiency changing the speed slightly. P-51 B is a spent fuel pool cooling pump. The motor speed change went from 1180 to 1185 rpm requiring an FSAR change. The speed difference is insignificant.

95-0537 FES-95-024 "Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pump P-51A Motor Replacement" - This FES installs a motor with higher efficiency changing the speed slightly. P-51A is a spent fuel pool cooling pump. The motor speed change went from 1180 to 1185 rpm requiring an FSAR change. The speed difference is insignificant.

95-0572 FES-95-096 "P-47A/P-47B Pressure Gage Assembly Installation" - This FES installs gages and their isolation valves on the suction side of the Circulating Water System scale inhibitor metering pumps. This is a non-safety system used to protect a non-safety system and has no impact on accidents, consequences, or margin.

95-0579 FES-95-090 Replace valve MV-CC622 with new Whitey Ball Valve - The valve isolates Pl-0902 in the Component Cooling Water system on the discharge of the shield cooling heat exchanger. The valve is normally closed. The present valve leaks by. This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-0621 FES-95-103 "Replacement of Sodium Hypochlorite Injection Flow Control Valve MV-CHM103" - This FES replaces a circulating water system globe valve with a needle valve for better control for the low flow rate requirements. This is a non-safety related system. There is little impact on plant operations.

95-0698 FES-94-365 "Replacement of Existing Seal Leakoff Line on P-55A with Larger l.D.

Piping/Tubing" - Half-inch tubing will be replaced with half-inch pipe or 3/4-inch tubing to increase the flow area for gravity drain lines to prevent backup of seal leakage. This drain line does not affect the operation of the charging pump. It has been evaluated seismically and found acceptable.

Mounting to safety related walls is controlled by MSM-M-45.

95-0824 FES-95-128 "Replace Valves MV-ES3269 and MV-ES3270 with New Whitey Valve" -

This FES replaces globe valves with ball valves for tight shutoff. These valves isolate FT-0315, safety injection tank leak off. This changes the type of valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-0904 FES-95-140 "Replacement of MV-SW119 with a Whitey Ball Valve" - The valve is an isolation valve for the critical service water to the C-2C air compressor. The present gate valve leaks by and the new ball valve design will allow for

. easier maintenance, and provide necessary flow and flow control. This changes the type of valve for reliability and mainteriarice reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUTIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-121 O FES-95-157 "Add FillNent Cap to Emergency Diesel Generator Jacket Water Surge Tank T-13A Fill Connection" - This FES puts a cap on the tank to prevent debris from entering the jacket water system. This is a measure to improve reliability and equipment protection. It has no impact on plant operations, accidents, consequences, or margin.

95-1213 FES-95-158 "Add FillNent Cap to Emergency Diesel Generator Jacket Water Surge Tank T-13B Fill Connection" - Adds a cap to prevent debris from entering the jacket water system. This is a measure to improve reliability and equipment protection. It has no impact on plant operations, accidents, consequences, or margin.

95-1261 FES-95-145 "Replacement of Thermowell With Pipe Plug in SIRW Tank Recirculation Line" - This is revision 1 to the FES and safety review. The thermowell will not be retained. This causes a change to FSAR P&IDs resulting in a full safety evaluation being performed for this revision. The thermowell is listed as a "TX" meaning a sample point. It is not used and the well leaks. The integrity of the line is improved by this replacement.

95-1396 FES-95-166 "Replacement of Existing Bolted RPV Head Insulation Jacketing with Removable Jacketing Using Hitch Pins" - Pinned segments for reactor pressure vessel head insulation are replacing bolted segments to facilitate removal, lowering radiation exposure. This stainless jacketed installation reduces aluminum in containment and has been evaluated as seismically acceptable.

95-1520 FES-95-229 "Install Socket Welded Cap on Ll-0101 A to Function as a Pressure Boundary for the Inoperable Instrument" - Adds a welded cap on the cut off end of the reactor vessel level monitoring system (RVLMS) detector at the flange penetration. This is to restore the Primary Coolant System (PCS) boundary. The new pressure boundary is shown to be designed to the same pressure capabilities as the rest of the PCS and therefore has the same margin from code safeties to yield as the rest of the PCS.

95-1522 FES-93-285 "Rerouting Piping for Radwaste Vent Monitoring Pump P-1809" - The FES and safety evaluation are being revised to delete the use of metal hose.

Tubing will be used instead. This piping does not contribute to the possibility of spillage or any active function to alleviate a spill. Therefore, the replacement will not increase the probability of a spill.

95-1523 FES-93-286 "Rerouting Piping for East Engineered Safeguards Room Vent Monitoring Pump P-1810"- The FES and Safety Evaluation are being revised to delete use of flexible metal hose. Tubing will be used instead. This piping does not

-~-.contribute to th.e possibility of spillage or any active function to alleviate a spill. Therefore, the replacement will not increase the probability of a spill.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUTIONS Log# Document ID Description 95-1524 FES-93-287 * "Rerouting Piping for West Engineered Safeguards Room Vent Monitoring Sample Pump P-1811" - The FES and Safety Evaluation are being revised to delete the use of metal hose. Stainless Steel tubing will be used instead.

This piping does not contribute to the possibility of spillage or any active function to alleviate a spill. Therefore, the replacement will not increase the probability of a spill.

95-1998 FES-95-275 "p..:57 Install New Pump/Motor Assembly" - The old pump/motor assembly was not performing satisfactorily. The old motor was 1/4.HP. The new one

.is% HP. P-57, a chemical addition pump, is not discussed, nor does it have any function related to accidents, consequences, or margin as discussed in the FSAR.

95-1999 FES-95-233 "Replace Control Room Humidifiers VH-12 and VH-13" - Replaces existing humidifiers with NORTEC Electrode Steam Humidifier model NHMC-050.

Humidistats will also be changed out. Existing humidifiers do not perform well and are being replaced with known good performers. The humidifiers are functionally equivalent so no new accidents or malfunctions are created.

95-2070 FES-95-279 "Replace ST-05228, YS-0521, and MV-FW712" - Replace separate steam trap and strainer with a combination unit, and replace blow down valve.

This changes the type of trap and valve for reliability and maintenance reasons. This equipment is on the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine steam supply. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-2122 FES-95-2122 "Replacement of T-100 Outside Outlet Valve (New Tag MV-RTS139) and Associated Piping" - Existing radwaste spent resin storage tank outlet sluice isolation gate valve and associated piping with threaded connections will be replaced with a ball valve and associated piping with welded connections.

This will reduce the probability of a resin spill. This changes the type of valve and joints for reliability and maintenance reasons. There is no impact on plant operations.

95-2133 FES-95-283 "Waste Gas Sample Panel Gauge Replacement" - The existing Oto 15 psi gages are frequently over-ranged. The range of the new gages is 0 to 160 psi. No impact or changes to accidents previously evaluated is created. The waste gas sample panel is not considered safety related, nor are the gauges used to perform testing.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - CHANGES TO THE FSAR Log# Document ID Description 95-0072 FSAR CH 7&5 FSAR Change Request to Chapters 5 and 7 clarifies the applicability of Reg Guide 1.29 on seismic requirements to Class 1E and non-1 E components.

Currently, the FSAR implies erroneously that non-1 E components are seismically qualified. There are footnotes and text that are clarified, no component designations are changed.

95-0172 FSAR CH 9 FSAR Change Request - "Fire Suppression Water System" - Changes FSAR to show differences between compensatory measures for loss of Fire Suppression Water System and loss of fire hose stations. Consequences are not increased because the compensatory measures are correctly described and applied.

95-0186 FSAR CH 14 FSAR Change Request to reflect the results of "Palisades Large Break LOCA/ECCS Analysis with Radial Peaking and Reduced ECCS Flow Supplement 1 -Alternate Enrichment Scheme" (EMF-91-177 Supplement 1)

This FSAR change reduces the analyzed peak clad temperature from 2192°F to 2095°F.

95-0328 FSAR CH 6 FSAR Change Request- This FSAR change revises the unit of measure for:*

containment spray droplet size from "maximum mean diameter" to "maximum mass mean diameter" and deletes description in the FSAR of Interim SAFE Project Report. The units for drop size could have been confused with "maximum mean" (sauter, linear, or surface) drop size. The SAFE Project Report is no longer applicable to containment analysis.

95-0342 FSAR CH 6 FSAR Change Request "Engineered Safeguards Pumps Cooling Water Requirements and HPSI Pump NPSH Boost" - This FSAR change corrects and clarifies ESS pump cooling requirements and the need to boost HPSI NPSH with containment spray pumps after RAS. The probability of a malfunction of equipment important to safety is not increased. The system is designed to codes and standards for safety related systems and has not been changed by this clarification.

95-0379 C-PAL "Engineered Safeguards Room (ESF) Iodine Reduction Factor (IRF) Basis 0103 Correction" - This FSAR change corrects the basis for the Iodine Reduction Factor for the Engineered Safeguards rooms used in the FSAR MHA analysis. The FSAR stated the reduction factor of 2 was due to isolation by the room dampers while correspondence with the NRG showed it was due to iodine plate-out on the walls.

95-0470 FSAR CH 5 "FSAR Change Request to Section, to Resolve DBD 3.08 Discrepancy F-CG-92-161" - Clarifies ambiguous wording that could imply that the control room lighting is seismic category I. The_ control room lighting is not designed to remain operational following a design seismic event.

Control room lighting is installed with seismic II/I requirements per RG 1.29, but is not designed to remain operational following a seismic event.

Adequate visibility is provided by instruments and Emergency Lighting Units (ELUs).


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995ANNUALREPORT-CHANGESTOTHEFSAR Log # Document ID Description 95-0488 FSAR CH 7 "FSAR Change Request to Section 7.2.7, to Resolve DBD 3.05 Discrepancy F-CG-92-146" - Eliminates use of vague terms such as "de source" and "channels" when discussing diversity of trips. This is a clarification only, no changes of meaning or intent result.

95-0520 FSAR CH 7 "FSAR Change Request To Section, to Resolve DBD 5.06 Discrepancy F-CG-95-001" changes wording to show that DG breakers close when voltage is 2000V. This is greater than the under voltage trip settings. The current FSAR could be interpreted to imply 2400V closure.

95-0588 FSAR CH 6 FSAR section The FSAR section being changed describes the spray piping is designed for three times the maximum expected pressure.

Configuration Control Program could find no calculations that showed this so an EA was performed that calculated the margin was as low as 1.4. The FSAR is being revised to reflect this. The piping still exceeds the FSAR code requirements.

95-0841 FSAR CH 6 "FSAR Change Request Concerning HPSI Design Transients" - This FSAR change clarifies the FSAR discussions regarding HPSI pump design transients and hydraulic tests. The pump was tested with a 10 second temperature transient and the FSAR states it was a 5 second transient.

  • Corrective action, C-PAL~95-0014, determined the length of the. transient was not an input to the design calculation, which essentially assumed a necessary instantaneous temperature change.

95-0861 FSAR CH 6 FSAR Change Request to Table 6-7. The FSAR table on the Containment Spray System is being revised to show 77 spray nozzles on one header and 83 on the other instead of 80 nozzles on each, as shown on the isometric drawings. A new model (EA-PIPEFLO-CSS-01) shows slightly greater flow rates out of each header.

95-0907 FSAR CH 9 FSAR Change Request to Chapter 9. During Revision 3 to the FSAR, the wrong paragraph was deleted. It concerned adding Boric Acid before going to cold shutdown. This FSAR change adds the paragraph back into the FSAR and deletes the one that was supposed to be deleted. The deleted paragraph was duplicate.

95-1014 FSAR CH 5&9 This FSAR change makes the ESF radiation monitors non-1E. Analysis shows that iodine released in ESF will plate out in the duct work, and that the failure of the dampers to close would not increase the consequences of an accident.

95-1061 FSAR CH 9 FSAR Change Request - added clarification to description of service water to the instrument air compressors, noting that they are not isolated when other non-critic~! loads are isolated. The service water burden of compressor cooling to critical service water is not significant.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - CHANGES TO THE FSAR Log# Document ID Description 95-1164 FSARCH14 "FSAR Change Request for the HTP Departure From Nucleate Boiling Correlation for High Thermal Performance Fuel and Updating of the Cycle 12 Summary of Results for Standard Review Plan (SRP) Chapter 15 Events." - This FSAR change reflects the use of the HTP DNBR correlation that will be used starting with Cycle 12. The use of the HTP correlation was approved by the NRC in Technical Specifications Amendment 168 and thus is not an unreviewed safety question.

95-1660 FSAR CH 9 FSAR Change Request -Corrects the description of the automatic starting of the charging pumps. All start on an SIS, and P-55B and P-55C start on low pressurizer level (P-55A is normally running, if operable).

95-1672 M-214 Sh 1 P&ID, M-214 Sh 1, "Lube Oil Fuel Oil and Diesel Generator Systems" - The P&ID, which is FSAR figure 8-29, is being changed to show the 4 DG local fuel oil differential indicator isolation valves to be normally closed instead of locked open. The indicators are not required for operability and provide no alarm or control function. The valves are being closed to prolong gage life.

No unreviewed safety question is created by having these valves closed since the gages have no requirements to be operable and having the valves closed reduces the probability of oil leakage due to gage failure.

95-1728 FSAR .Ch 9 "FSAR Change Request Per Corrective Action C-PAL-95-0366H" - Chapter 9 to the FSAR is being revised by adding more detail regarding the safeguards room fan power supply sources. This change shows two fans on each cooler powered by MCCs 1 and 2. This is not a change, but an increase in detail.

95-1747 FSAR CH 7 FSAR Change Request - "Clarification of PORV Isolation" - Revises the FSAR description of isolation requirements between PORV and the Data Logger and the events recorder. Connection to PRV-1042B is by a position indicating light vs. a relay contact. (C-PAL-95-0255A) 95-1750 FSAR CH 14 FSAR Change Request "Uncontrolled Bank Withdrawal and Single Control Rod Withdrawal Changes" - The initial power for these two FSAR accident analyses was revised to 91.5% power in a 1990 analysis but three places were not updated in the FSAR. No unreviewed safety question is created by updating the FSAR to the accident analysis of record. The analyses showed the plant could continue to operate within the acceptance criteria for these accidents.

95-1761 FSAR CH 8 FSAR Change Request to clarify starting and loading statements concerning EDGs. - FSAR statements are inaccurate or not precise. This ensures that the biggest load is used to describe EDG reserve capacity, and that the EDGs are capable of carrying load 10 seconds after the start signal. This

-will-close out-open items associated with Design Basis Document 5.03.

95-1868 FSAR CH 9 FSAR Change Request to "System Description and System Operation." -

Corrects the fire pumps automatic start pressures and the actual location of

  • the flange for spent fuel pool filling. No accidents or malfunctions are influenced by fire pump starting pressures or the location of the fuel pool filling flange.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - CHANGES TO THE FSAR Log # Document ID Description 95-1882 FSAR CH 4 "FSAR Change to Tables 4-8 and 4-12." The plants operating pressure has changed several times and not all of the FSAR pages were updated. This change corrects the two tables to 2060 psia to be consistent with the rest of the FSAR.

95-1895 FSAR CH 4 FSAR Change Request to Chapter 4. - This adds descriptions of the PORV nozzle safe-end replacement and the Alloy 600 primary stress corrosion cracking and Mechanical Stress Improvement programs which are new.

95:-1896 FSAR CH 8 FSAR change request to "Motor Operated Valves." - This FSAR change updates the MOV program to reflect completion of the initial phase of GL 89-10 completed during the 95 REFOUT. The margin of safety is not reduced as the program is intended to improve valve operation and reliability which will maintain margin.



95-1421 Q0-21 Rev of "Auxiliary Feedwater System Valves, lnservice Test Procedure." -

Removes FOGG valves to reflect their disabled operators per SC-95-041 and updates to current code to comply with 10 CFR 50.55a(f). The code update is a legal requirement. The safety significance of disabling FOGG valves is addressed by PSE log no. 95-0742.

95-1433 Q0-17 Rev of "lnservice Test Procedure Charging Pumps." - Deletes suction pressure and pump bearing temperatures, reduces run time, revises flow range alerts, and restricts vibration levels to update procedure per 10 year code update required by 10 CFR 50.55a(f).

95-1441 Q0-20 Rev of "lnservice Test Procedure - Low Pressure Safety Injection pumps." -

Reduces run time, deletes suction pressure and bearing temperature recording, vibration may be in units of velocity or displacement, and revises alert limits for the 10 year Code update per 10 CFR 50.55a(f).

95-1442 Q0-19 Rev of "lnservice Test Procedure - HPSI Pumps and ESS Check Valve Operability Test." - Reduces run time, deletes suction pressure and bearing temperature recording, vibration may be in units of velocity or displacement, and revises alert limits for the 10 year Code update per 10 CFR 50.55a(f).

95-1443 Q0-18 Rev of "lnservice Test Procedure - Concentrated Boric Acid Pumps." -

Reduces run time, deletes suction pressure and bearing temperature recording, vibration may be in units of velocity or displacement, and revises alert limits for the 10 year Code update per 10 CFR 50.55a(f).

95-1626 Third Interval "Third Interval lnservice Inspection" - This is the Palisades ISi program for ISi NDE examinations for the next ten year interval. This program fulfills the ten year program requirements in 10 CFR50.55a.

95-1632 Q0-05 Rev of 'Valve Test Procedure - Includes Containment Isolation Valves." -

Deletes CV-1501, 1502, 1503 (steam heating valves), and M0-3072 (charging-HPSI test line valve). Adds CV-3084 and CV-3085 (HPSI valves).

Allows retest if valve stroke time is greater than acceptance limit but less than limiting value. This is also a 10 year update to ASME Sect. XI as required by 10CFR50.55a. The probability of failure is unchanged since the testing methods and intervals remain unchanged. lnservice testing is not an initiator for any FSAR accidents.*

95-1656 M0-38 Rev of "Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps - lnservice Test Procedure." - The test is being revised to meet the requirements of the. 1989 edition of ASME Section

-*- - - -- -Xl:--Measurement of temperatures, su~tion_ pressure acceptance criteria, and DP alert ranges are being deleted. The flow rates are beirig controlled to ensure repeatable test results.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ISi PROCEDURE 10 YEAR CODE UPDATES Log # Document ID Description 95-1676 EM-09-04 Rev of "lnservice Testing of Selected Safety Related Pumps." - A revision to the safety evaluation (Previous log number 94-1577) was made following minor revisions and new relief requests 4 and 9. The new relief requests were made after discussions with the NRC and are to be submitted for their approval. The revision to the pump test program updates the program to the 1989 ASME Section XI edition with no addenda. The code update is required by 10CFR50.55a, as a 10-year ISi IST code update.

95-1683 Q0-27 Rev of "lnservice Testing of CVCS Control Motor Operated and Check Valves." -Adds tests for CV-2003, 2004, 2005 (charging let down line), and CK-CVC2088 (volume control tank outlet). Moves position indication testing to Q0-6. This is an update to the IST pro'gram to meet 10CFR50.55a. The additional testing assures operability reducing the probability of malfunctions.

95-1698 NDT-VT-01 Rev of Visual Examination." -The procedure is being revised to incorporate reference to and the requirements of the 1989 ASME code. This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1699 NDT-MT-01 Rev of "Magnetic Particle Examination." - The procedure was revised to incorporate requirements of the 1989 edition of the ASME code. This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1700 NDT-ET-19 Rev of"Eddy Current Examination MIZ-18 Pull Through Techniques for Condensers I Heat Exchangers." - The procedure is being revised to reference the 1989 ASME code. This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1701 NDT-PT-02 Rev of "Liquid Penetrant Examination - Nonstandard Temperature." - The procedure is being revised to reference the 1989 edition of the ASME code.

This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1702 NDT-PT-01 Rev of "Liquid Penetrant Examination." - The procedure is being revised to reference the 1989 edition of the ASME code. This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1703 NDT-RT-01 Rev of "Radiographic Examination of Welds." - The procedure is being revised to reference the 1989 edition of the ASME code. This is an update to the IST program to meet 10CFR50.55A.

95-1778 NDT-UT-02 Nondestructive Testing Services procedure "Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements" - Adds reference to 1989 ASME Code as required by 10CFR50.55a. No technical changes have been made.

95-1779 NDT-UT-12 Nondestructive Testing Services procedure "Ultrasonic Examination of Nozzle to Vessel Welds and Nozzle Inner Radius Sections" - Adds reference to 1989 ASME Code as required by.10CFR50.55a. No technical changes have been made.

95-1780 NDT-UT-12 Nondestructive Testing Services procedure "Ultrasonic Examination of Studs, Bolts and Pins" - Adds reference to 1989 ASME Code as required by 10CFR50.55a. No technical changes have been made.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ISi PROCEDURE 10 YEAR CODE UPDATES Log # Document ID Description 95-1781 NDT-UT-11 Nondestructive Testing Services procedure "Ultrasonic Examination of Vessel Welds" - Revised to reference the 1989 ASME Code as required by 10CFR50.55a. No technical changes have been made.

95-1815 NDT-UT-01 "Ultrasonic Examination of Ferritic and Austenitic Piping and Branch Connection Welds" - Revised to incorporate requirements of the 1989 ASME Code.

95-1865 Q0-33 Rev of "lnservice Test Procedure - Charging System Valves." The procedure will include reference to the 1989 edition of the ASME code as required by 10CFR50.

95-1884 Q0-39 New procedure "lnservice Test Procedure - Shutdown Cooling System Valves" - Performs testing on shutdown cooling system valves when the plant is cooling from hot shutdown to cold shutdown before shutdown cooling system is required to be in service. Most of the valves being tested were previously tested in other surveillance tests. There are two exceptions:

(1) the SOC heat exchanger valves, which are being added to the surveillance testing program as required by the update to the 1989 ASME Code (the previous addition of the Code did not require testing), and (2) M0-3015, M0-3016, and CV-3006, which are now considered to be passive rather than active (thereby requiring testing) since shutdown cooling valve operation is now reflected in the testing program.

95-2000 Q0-88 Rev of "ESS Check Valve Operability Test." - Code references are updated to ASME Section XI, 1989 Edition per 10CFR50.55a. LPSI Check Valve Flow Rate acceptance criteria adjusted to account for instrument accuracy, and "non-intrusive testing" of check valves is removed. Full open testing is now done by R0-105.

95-2051 Q0-6 Rev of "Cold Shutdown Valve Test Procedure (Includes Containment Isolation Valves) - Adds position indication testing for certain valves to improve efficiency. Many of these valves were previously tested in other surveillance tests. Also, adds stroke time, fail safe, and position indication testing for pressurizer auxiliary spray valve CV-2117 since it could be relied on in an accident scenario (this valve is mentioned late in an EOP).


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ENGINEERING ANALYSES Log # Document ID Description 95-0030 EA-RDS "Evaluation of Palisades Current PTS Screening Criteria Margin" This 02 revision of the EA incorporates detailed averaging of the percent copper content in the applicable weld data per communication with the NRC. EA-JRK-95:-01 (Documentation of Owner's Review of Information Supplied to NRC on 12/28/94) is included as part of the safety review.

95-0306 EA- "Acceptability of Removing the Auxiliary Feedwater System MOVs from the CPCO/PAL- GL 89-1 O Program" - Generic Letter 89-10 allows removal of MOVs from the JCW GL 89-10 program if they are not required to change position to mitigate an accident and are not subject to inadvertent positioning.

95-0308 EA-A-PAL "LTOP PCP Start Evaluation" - This EA provides the basis for the Tech.

095-03 Spec. change to update the Low Temperature Over Pressure (LTOP) set point limit curve. The revised curve bounds both the heat up/cool down limit curve and the LTOP limit. (C-PAL-95-0156) 95-0339 EA-RJF-91-01 "Degraded Containment Pressure and Temperature Curves for EOPs" - This EA takes the pressure-temperature curves developed in EA-SC-95-038-02 and applies conservative uncertainties caused by accident conditions in containment to create curves for the operator to use with the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

95-0533 EA-ELEC- "Fire - Stop Derating Factor Calculation" - This EA supports EGAD-ELEC-05 .**-~

AMP-027 "Cable Sizing Guideline - Ampacity" in updating design basis for short circuit sizing of cables. D-PAL-91-196.

95-0629 EA-MLB "Spent Fuel Pool Region II Boraflex Condition" - This EA uses the results of 01 the neutron blackness testing to show the Region II racks Boraflex neutron absorber is in good condition and can perform its safety function. The EA determined the racks can be used to store fuel as allowed by the Technical Specifications. The EA also concludes that the Boraflex surveillance coupons are not good indicators of the condition of the Boraflex in the fuel storage racks and recommends that periodic blackness testing be performed to assess the condition of the Boraflex.

95-0837 EA-ELEC- "Cable Ampacity of Feeder Cables to 480 VAC MCC1, MCC2, MCC18, AMP-029 MCC99, and LC200" - This is revision 1 to 94-1506; made at the request of NPAD during a review of PSE's work. It explains in greater detail that although not strictly meeting IPCEA (or ICEA) cable sizing requirements that thermal limits are not exceeded. C-PAL-95-0281.

95-1435 EA-TAM "Cycle 12 Off-Site Radiological Dose Consequences for the Control Rod 01 Ejection Accidents" - The off-site dose has been calculated since Siemens re-calculated the control rod ejection accident for Cycle 12 with a higher peaking factor and a new DNBR correlation.

No unreviewed safety question is created. The calculated off-site doses are still well within NRC limits and are less than those for the present FSAR analysis so the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the FSAR are not increased.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ENGINEERING ANALYSES Log # Document ID Description 95-1455 EA-TAM "Cycle 12 Off-Site Radiological Dose Consequences for the Main Steam 03 Line Break Accident" - This analysis was performed to include the increased radial peaking factors and predicted fuel failures, and the recently NRC accepted ICRP 30 dose calculation methodology. The calculated doses are less than the present FSAR values and are well within 10CFR100 limits.

Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist since the probability of this FSAR accident is not increased and the calculated consequences are reduced.

95-1572 EA-Bioshield "Operating Temperatures on the Palisades Biological Shield Wall," - The EA Temp-01 evaluates the capability of the Shield Wall to meet its design basis when temperatures exceeding 165° Fare measured on its inner wall. It is probable that the thermocouples installed during the EOC 11 REFOUT will show the temperature of the liner on the inside of the shield wall to be above 165° F. The FSAR will be updated to note that temperatures of the inner wall of up to 250° F do not mean that the shield wall is failing to meet its design basis. The Technical Specifications basis will also be updated.

95-1708 EA-E-PAL Rev of "Update to the Dose Calculations for Storage of Wastes in East and 030*3 South Radwaste Buildings." - It has become necessary to store more concentrates solidified in asphalt. Previous evaluation allowed for 150 drums. This will be increased to 300. The evaluation requires an FSAR change because GL 81-38 guidelines are not met. The guideline is 2.5 rem and the analysis shows a maximum of 2.675 rem. No new accidents are created since the increase of material still meets the design basis and legal requirements.

95-1710 EA-E-PAL "Effluent Dose Evaluation from Radwaste Storage Building" - This revision 030-01 includes dose from all pathways. The review of EA-E-PAL-91-030*3 identified a need for this change. Accidents involving storage of radioactive material meet acceptance criteria in the design basis. 10CFR50 Appendix I limits are not exceeded and the intent of GL 81-38 is met.

95-1764 EA-Bioshield "Operating Temperatures on the Palisades biological Shield Wall" - The EA Temp-01 is being revised because a temperature greater than 200°F was measured.

This EA and C-PAL-95-1299 evaluated that it is acceptable to have inside wall temperatures up to 250°F, but measured temperatures greater than 200°F should be screened and evaluated. EA-E-PAL-94-026A-02 to calculate the shield wall temperature profile is included in the package. The temperature was found to be a liner temperature and the concrete temperatures were still found to b acceptable.

. 95-1651 EA-TAM "Control Room Unfiltered lnleakage Calculation for the Palisades MHA and 06 LOCA" - This analysis determines a bounding value for unfiltered air in leakage into the control room for use in the control room habitability analyses. The bounded value for inleakage is based on data taken during the 1995 REFOUT.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - ENGINEERING ANALYSES Log # Document ID Description 95-1894 EA-APR Evaluation of Information Notice 92-18 , "Motor Operated Valves Subject to 026 Spurious Actuation in the Event of an Appendix R Fire", addressed a revision to this Engineering Analysis addressing revised MOV stall and thrust limits and the addition of other MOVs which meet the criteria in IN-92-18. Revision adds 14 valves and covers the possibility that the motor operators can cause structural damage to the valves. This is an unreviewed safety question and has been reported.

95-1979 EA-A-PAL "NPSH Evaluation for Charging and Boric Acid Pumps" - This EA calculates 043-01 the NPSH available for the charging and boric acid pumps under all modes of operation. This closes out CCP discrepancy reports F-CG-91-137 and F-CG-91-140, and A-PAL-93-043. The resulting FSAR change provides documented values for pump NPSH. All configurations have adequate margin.

95-2002 EA-TAM "Radiological Consequences for the Palisades Maximum Hypothetical 05 Accident and Loss of Coolant Accident" - This analysis provides the justification that Palisades meets the requirements of 10CFR100.11 and GDC-19 for the Maximum Hypothetical Accident. It incorporates CRHVAC damper leakage data, and SIRW tank leakage from and to the containment sump. This analysis will be the analysis of record and will be submitted to

  • the NRC as required by the NRC SER dated January 9, 1995. This new analysis does.not create an unreviewed safety question because it shows Palisades meets the NRC dose requirements using methods reviewed and accepted by the NRC.

95-2015 EA-C-PAL "Biological Shield Wall Temperature Profile Based on Measured

\ 1299A Temperatures Inside the Reactor Vessel Cavity" - The analysis determines the bioshield wall temperature profile based on existing plant parameters.*

This supports EA-E-PAL-91-030-01 (see 95-1710). No unreviewed safety question is created because no plant procedures or modifications have to be performed as a result of the analysis and the analysis calculated the maximum structural concrete temperature was less than the Tech. Spec.

limit of 165° F.



PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-0038 SC-94-132 "Disconnect and Remove Capacitors from Inverters ED-06, ED-07, ED-08, and ED-09" This SC removes some capacitors to reduce waveform distortion on inverter outputs. The removal of the capacitors enhances the performance of the inverters reducing the possibility of malfunction.

95-0109 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Engineering Design Change (EDC)"

083-17 Addresses NCR05-17-VCC, NCR05-18-VCC, NCR05-16-VCC, and NCR05-14-VCC. These are the resolution of nonconformances with the fabrication specification and drawings on paint, rebar, weld wire, and a wel,d defect which was removed during a subsequent weld preparation.

The rebar and weld wire were found to be acceptable for the application.

The paint was found to perform a non safety function of corrosion protection.

95-0150 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "EDC for Dry Fuel Storage" This EDC 083-15 resolves several issues including; nonconforming cleanliness and weld condition on backing ring, allowing a 1/8" land on top edge of support shim ring, grinding bottom of shield lid for proper seating, top plate of shield lid diameter being under tolerance, change to fabrication specification and drawings for clarity and consistency.

A weld size was reduced but the resulting calculated weld capacity is still more than adequate for the combined load of the bottom plate, support plate, and the RX-277.

95-0153 SC-94-110 "Replace Shield Cooling Globe Valves" - Replaces 6 three inch and 2 two inch shutoff globe valves with two inch throttling globe valves to enable Operations to more easily balance the Shield cooling system. System design basis is not adversely affected.

This system is not required for accident prevention or mitigation and does not affect the margin of safety.

95-0154 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Engineering Design Changes and 083-03 Nonconformance Disposition for VCC-09" The EDC dispositions DCNs and NCRs issued during construction of VCC-9. Changes were made to improve the fabrication process, and provide clarification to drawings for the Cask Liner, ceramic.tiles, reinforcing steel, cask lid bolts, increased testing frequency of concrete, and the VCC form work. No changes were found to affect the ability of the system to perform its designed functions. There is no increase in the possibility of a malfunction.

95-0195 SC-94-008 "Accelerated Surveillance Capsule Installation on the Core Barrel in Locations A-60 and A-240" Supplemental accelerated surveillance capsules will be placed in the reactor as part of the reactor vessel embrittlement investigation. The capsules external design is equivalent to the original capsules, except for an improved locking mechanism.

  • 95-0196 T-SC New Procedure, "Removal of Surveillance Capsules A-60 and T-150, and 008-01 Installation of Surveillance Capsules SA-60-1 and SA-240-1" This procedure removes capsule A-60 and installs two new supplemental capsules as part of the Reactor Vessel Embrittlement project.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-0207 SC-94-011 "Replace Spent Fuel Pool Valve CK-SFP930" - This replaces a split check valve with a single body cover plate type check valve to eliminate hinge leakage and also replaces a pressure test gate valve and a sample isolation gate valve with ball valves. All valves are near the discharge of P-51 B.

The test/sample valves are not normally used and so the type is not a factor in plant operations.

95-0208 SC-94-010 "Replace Spent Fuel Pool Valve CK-SFP400" - This replaces a split check valve with a single body and cover plate check valve to eliminate hinge leakage and also replaces a pressure test isolation gate valve with a ball valve. These valves are ori the discharge line of P-51A. The test/sample valves are not normally used and so the type is not a factor in plant operations.

95-0233 SC-95-060 "Install Strainers in Suction Piping to P-51A and P-51 B" - Install a basket type strainer in the suction piping of the spent fuel pool pumps. The strainers will not have a mesh so crud will not build up and hot spots will not be created. They will prevent pump and heat exchanger damage due to large objects. They are designed to CPCo Class 1 requirements and will not be affected by a seismic event.

95-0301 SC-95-031 "C-180 Emergency Lighting" - This specification change adds another lamp to emergency lighting unit ELU-5 to light up the Main Steam Intercept Valve solenoid valve panel per Appendix R. (D-PAL-93-025H) 95-0309 SC-94-032 "LG-0105 Upgrade" Present Tygon tubing (with marks on the wall) is being replaced with 5 sight glasses connected with stainless tubing to upgrade the.

level monitoring ability of the Primary Coolant System (PCS) during refueling and cold shutdown conditions. The glasses are mounted under 2 over 1 criteria. They are only used during outages and are isolated from the ..

  • PCS at all other times.

95-0314 EA-SC "Operator Curves with New Variable LTOP Values" - This EA evaluates the 038-02 changes required for the figures in the Operating Procedures for reactor pressure-temperature curves, including VLTOP limits, subcooling, primary coolant pump limits and alarm points. This change is preparatory to the receipt of an approved Technical Specifications change from the NRC.

95-0335 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Engineering Design Changes and 083-18 Nonconformance Disposition for MSB-5, VCC-10 and VCC-11" - This evaluates vendor document change notices and nonconformance reports, and CPCo changes. The changes either did not affect the SAR or the C of C, were previously reviewed with a safety evaluation, or were evaluated for an unreviewed safety question. None of the changes adversely affect the design of the MSB or the VCC.

95-0358 SC-95-038 "Revision of LTOP Program" - This SC changes the LTOP curves in response to the expected Technical Specifications amendment. No changes will be made until the actual amendment is received.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT- SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-0364 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Evaluation - "Engineering Design Change" - Evaluates 083-19 a Document Change Notice and Nonconformances resulting from the fabrication of VCC-10. The only deviations from the SAR are the shield ring outside diameter being 0.15 inches too wide and the internal diameter of the VCC being 0.065 inches too small. The first deviation has no adverse affect on shielding provided by the ring and the second has no effect on the heat removal capability of the VCC.

95-0493 SC-95-030 "Modification to Control Valves CV-8206, CV-8207 and CV-8208" - In the retired-in-place condensate demineralizer system replace CV-8207 and 8208 with a blind flange and spool piece and replace 8206 with a flanged spool piece. Remove bypass line to control valves and weld cap. Remove hand switches from main control panel C01 and add cover plate. Control valves 8207 and 8208 have been leaking by.

95-0540 SC-94-130 "Modify ESS Check Valves CK-ES3166 and CK-ES3181 to Provide Means for Testing" - An external lever arm is being added to the valves to provide a means for full stroke testing these containment sump valves. There are no new flow paths which are not processed by the radwaste system or new failure positions created by this change.

95-0574 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review- "EDC for DCN CPC1-DV-14, NCR05-20-VCC, 083-22 NCR05-22-VCC, NCR05-26-VCC, NCR05-27-VCC" This EDC dispositions the following discrepancies, a) Use different adhesive to affix tiles to VCC; b)

VCC-12 liner wall out of allowed limit for plumbness; c) Rebar #5 size substituted for #4 rebar for VCC-13; d) Shield ring for VCC-14 out of tolerance; e) VCC-11 liner cylindricity out of tolerance; f) Cylindricity measurements atthe 172" location not taken forVCC-11 through VCC-14; g) Receipt inspection of air outlet assembly not performed at shop; f)

Fabricator checklist said VCC-11 liner was out of round but no non-conformance written; h) VCC-14 liner bottom not meeting level spec.; I) First two concrete trucks ofVCC-13 did not meet slump criteria, #1 rejected and

  1. 2 corrected. None of these changes impact the structural integrity, shielding, or cooling capability of the VSC ..

95-0595 SC-94-089 "Install One Tee, Modify Stub-in, and add Two Valves in the Service Water Supply to the Diesel Heat Exchangers" - This SC adds valving to allow alternate service water supplies to the diesels and control room HVAC units.

This modification meets all design requirements for the system. The new valves will be locked open during normal and DBA operation. There are no new failures created.



PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT- SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-0622 EDC-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - This EDC dispositions 38 Nonconformance 083-20 Reports (NCR) and many Document Change Notices DCNs for 7 MSB fabrication drawings. The NCRs covers support bars being undersized, minor fractures and cracks at bends, not meeting flatness, gouges, dings, cavities, nonconforming wall thicknesses, weld performed by person unqualified for the weld position poor welds, out of spec. micrometers, torch cut, radiograph using wrong penetrameter, RX-277 cured 24 minutes short of required 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, tapped hole failed thread gauge, hold point bypassed, MSB bottom plate not meeting perpendicularity, and paint scraped off. All NCRs were dispositioned by either correcting the problem or evaluated as having no effect on the function of the MSB. The structural integrity, shielding, and cooling capabilities have not been reduced.

95-0741 SC-95-048 "Apply Mechanical Stress Improvement Process to PCS Nozzles" - This SC applies MSIP to the nozzles at both ends of the pressurizer surge line and to the shutdown cooling outlet nozzle to create residual compressive stress to mitigate Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking in the Alloy 600 nozzles.

The change in pipe diameter that MSIP will cause has been evaluated by R&SA as covered by the conservatism associated with the flow calculations for the piping system and does not increase the probability of an accident.

95-0742 SC-95-041 "De-Energize AFW FOGG Valves and Remove from GL 89-10 MOV Program" - Power to 8 Feed -Only-Good-Generator MOVs is de-energized by locking circuit breakers at MCCs 21, 22, 23, and 24 open. These valves are not required to mitigate any accidents.

95-0777 SC-95-002 "Hot Taps and Line Stop to Support FC-959" - This SC installs hot tap and line stop fittings on the service water discharge header JB-1-16" to allow flow rerouting in support of the service water enhancement project.

Equipment installed under this SC is functionally equivalent to the affected po~ons of the system. It does not change the function of any systems/components.

95-0813 SC-95-051 "Charging Pump P-55A Speed Controller SIC-0216 Circuitry Replacement"

- This SC changes out a controller and some associated instruments with one controller to eliminate erratic operation. Transducers will be upgraded at the same time. speed control performs the same function as the old one and is intended to restore reliable operation to P-55A. A malfunction of a different type is not created.

95-0819 SC-94-089 "Install One Tee, Modify Stub-in and Add Two Valves in the Service Water Supply to the Diesel Heat Exchangers" - This is a revision to the Safety Review portion to reflect PRC review of the application of the freeze seal, and to add description of valve supports (including changes to the stress package).


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-0842 SC-95-005 "Delete MV-1044C, Pl-0106, and PC-502" - These components in the PCS Gas Vent System are components that are no longer used. They will be removed and two supports will be added to the 3/4-inch line. The components are downstream of two closed isolation valves MV-1044A&B.

These components were used for periodic filling and draining of the PCS and do not support any system used to mitigate any accidents identified in the FSAR.

95-0895 SC-92-126 "Removal of Ex-Vessel Dosimetry" - This Specification Change removes all the fluence dosimetry and almost all the equipment associated with the Ex-Vessel Dosimetry project. The impact of the decision to anneal the vessel and the fact that the project has met its objectives means that with the analysis of the samples being removed, there is no need to continue with Ex-Vessel measurements.

95-0932 SC-92-181 "Enhancement of CV-3006 and CV-4036" - This SC upgrades safety injection and shutdown cooling flow loops. The existing equipment is old and unreliable. New controllers are being added, I/ls will be deleted.

This is an equipment upgrade. The deletion of I/I converters eliminates a failure mode. The probability of a malfunction is not increased.

. 95-0993 l-SC-92-126- ."Ex-Vessel Dosimetry Removal Procedure" - This procedure removes the 1 reactor dosimetry that was exterior to the vessel, which was installed prior to Cycle 10 and also removes the equipment that supports the dosimetry that was installed prior to cycle 8. The only items that will remain are the insulation penetrations.

95-1044 SC-95-002 "Hot Taps and Line Stop to Support FC-959" - This revision to the safety evaluation and SC removes the split tee from the 16" x 16" tee. The nozzle installed with full penetration weld is adequate. This change meets the design requirements of ASME/ANSI 831.1.

95-1045 l-SC-95-002 "Installation of Hot Tap and Line Stop to Support FC-959" - This revision to the safety evaluation reflects the removal of the split tee from the 16" x 16" tap in the procedure by EDC-SC-95-002-01.

95-1123 SC-95-060 "Reactor Vessel Level Signal added to Palisades Plant Computer" - This change is to replace the temporary modification that is necessary each refueling to allow trending of reactor water level. The change will connect LT-0105, Reactor Water Level Instrument loop, to the new plant computer.

This is a connection of a signal loop to a non-Q transmitter that is valved out during the 250 psi checklist.

95-1296 SC-95-046 "Reactor Building Temperature Monitoring Network"- This SC uses ILRT RTDs and under vessel T/Cs to gather temperature data for EQ, RS&A and the annealing team (to verify reactor vessel insulation effectiveness).

The engineering analysis show that the installation will no effects that aren't bounded by current analyses.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-1324 SC-94-130 "Modify ESS Check Valves CK-ES3166 and ES3181 to Provide Means for Testing" - The Safety Evaluation for the SC is being revised because the test to show low flow operability will be done using special test T-358 rather than Q0-2.

95-1381 SC-92-181 "Enhancement of CV-3006 and CV-3025 Instrument and Control Loops" -

This revision to the safety evaluation and the specification change substitutes a manual controller in place of an automatic controller for the shut down cooling heat exchanger. The old circuit was not used in automatic and the new controller is being changed to reflect current operation. (D-PAL-92-087B, D-PAL-93-214) 95-1465 SC-95-057 "Replace WGS PCV-1123, FIT-1121, Fl-1121, and Associated Equipment with an Orifice (R0-1131)" - This SC eliminates an unreliable flow measuring system and substitutes a flow restricting orifice to keep flows below an analyzed value. The equipment identified to be removed from the WGS is used for effluent gas flow indication from the Waste Gas Decay Tanks. It is not used to mitigate the consequences of accidents identified in the FSAR.


  • SC-95-085 "Reroute RV-2203 Discharge Line" - Moves the connection from the Vent Gas Collection Header to the Waste .Gas System effluent discharge line to prevent venting hydrogen into the auxiliary building. The WG effluent line is sufficiently sized to accommodate RV-2203 releases, so consequences of malfunctions are not increased. (C-PAL-95-0011) 95-1839 EA-SC 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Fuel Temperature Transient Calculation for 083-07 Vacuum Drying" - This EA performs a calculation of the maximum fuel temperature in the MSB/MTC during vacuum drying using the same methodology and model used for the SAR, but using the Palisades as built configuration. The maximum fuel temperature calculated for a 24 kW cask was greater than that calculated in the SAR but less than the generic limit specified in the SAR. An unreviewed safety question was not created because the consequences or probability of an accident or malfunction was not increased because the fuel temperature remains below the limit specified in the SAR.

95-1957 SC-95-094 "Install Relief Valves Designed to Protect M-9A, B, C" - Install a relief valve between the air compressor and air dryer for all 3 High Pressure air compressors. The relief valve is needed to protect the air dryer which has a lower pressure rating than the set point of existing relief valve. The

- compressors can be inoperable, and the receivers will still provide enough air for accident conditions. So the consequences of a malfunction are not increased.

95-1976 l-SC-95-032- Installation procedure "Installation of Fire Barrier for Conduit X1885 and Pull 01 Box" - Controls removal of existing Thermo-Lag fire barrier and installation of new barrier which encases conduit and pull box in concrete. Work requires blocking open 1C Switchgear Room with approval of security and Shift Supervisor.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - SPECIFICATION CHANGES Log# Document Description ID 95-2001 SC-92-181 "Enhancement of CV-3006 and CV-3025 Instrumentation and Control Loops" - Upgrades safety injection and shutdown cooling flow control instrumentation for CV-3006 and CV-3025. The equipment is old and not fully functional. This is revision 2 of the safety evaluation which clarifies the response to the question "Will the possibility of a malfunction of a different type be created?" Although a "new" failure was added, two similar failure possibilities were eliminated. The net effect on the instrument loop is a reduction in the possibility of a failure.



95-0003 EA-FC-864- 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Evaluation of MTC/MSB Drop in the VCC with 011 the MTC/MSB Center of Gravity Located Outside the VCC Boundary" - The weight of the MSB and MTC (with the yoke now included) has been revised from 182,820 lbs to 181, 120 lbs to reflect Palisades specific weights rather than generic weights given in the SAR. The conclusions of the analysis are unchanged. - The weight of the load has been reduced and is less than the weight of the MTC/MSB in the load drop analysis. The probability of an accident or malfunction is dependent on the weight of the load, since the.

load has decreased there is no increase in probability.

95-0011 l-FC-933 "Installation Proc.: "Plant Computer Replacement: FC-933-03" installs new 01 host computer and workstations in the control room, TSC, EOF, and computer trailer. This work may be done at power. There is no LCO on CFMS. The Critical Functions Monitoring System has no process outputs and is not considered in any analyzed accidents. Interfaces to 1E instruments are by qualified isolation devices.

95-0056 FC-933-03 "Process Computer/CFMS Replacement" - Revision 1 to the safety evaluation and FC-933 revises Q classification to reflect seismic restraint required by some to-be-installed equipment. The Critical Functions Monitoring System has no process outputs and is not considered in any analyzed accidents. Interfaces to 1E instruments are by qualified isolation devices.

95-0238 FC-951 Containment Air Cooler (CAC) Cooling Coil Replacement- The facility change safety evaluation is being revised to reflect replacement of Service Water inlet and outlet temperature elements and air side inlet and outlet temperature elements have been added. Details on the final design of the coolers have also been added. The air coolers are installed according to code, regulatory, and qualification requirements. The function has not changed and the capacity has been improved. The margin of safety has not been reduced.

95-0293 FC-959 "Replace CV-0823/-0824/-0826 and.Replace Non-Code Repairs (SW Discharge of CCW Heat Exchangers) - Revision to Safety Evaluation reflects addition to the FC of a 4 inch tee in the SW backup line to the AFW pumps.

This tee will be used when draining the SW header in preparation for replacement of the valves. In normal operations the tee has a blind flange attached. The new tee meets all the design, material, and fabrication standards as identified in the design and licensing basis of the plant, therefore the possibility of a malfunction is not increased.

95-0447 FC-954 "Change P-88 Control From CV-0521 to CV-0521A" - Changes steam isolation on low pump suction from a gate to a globe valve. This will re~ult in better control and easier reopening of the valve. Trip set points will be raised to accommodate the longer closing time of CV-0522A. The consequences of a failure or malfunction are not increased. The change will improve the operation of the steam supply. The change in trip set points does not reduce the required inventory of condensate.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - FACILITY CHANGES Log# Document ID Description 95-0815 FC-957 "Installation of Containment Jib Crane" - This revision of the facility change revises where the crane will be mounted (mounted on iijterior containment wall between PCP service pit and containment hatch), changes lubricant, and changes the type of paint for a portion of the crane. The amount of zinc added to containment is considered small and will be added in to the current analysis. The additional metal functioning as a heat sink is considered too small to have a significant effect. The crane has no interface with existing equipment other than containment structure.

95-0902 l-FC-942-01 Installation procedure "Fuel Inspection and Reconstitution Procedure." This procedure provides instructions for inspecting irradiated fuel assemblies and restitution, if necessary. Also included in the procedure is switching the Upper Tie Plates on K-028 and H-035 so they are on the proper assembly (E-PAL-88-032). All normal fuel handling system controls and interlocks as described in FSAR 9.11.3 and 9.11.4 are used. Some fuel assemblies will be modified by replacing corner fuel rods with stainless steel rods.

95-1309 l-FC-959-01 "Service Water System Phase I Enhancements" - This revises the Safety Evaluation to correct errors in the previous three revisions of the safety evaluation for calculating the heat up rate of the Spent Fuel. The analysis shows that the equipment has the capability to maintain the fuel pool below the Tech Spec limit of 150° F.

95-1311 FC-957 "Installation of Containment Jib Crane" - The Safety Evaluation is being revised to describe a section of a drain line from the primary coolant pump wash down pit being rerouted to remove an interference with the crane support structure. The line will be designed to ANSI 831.1, 1986 and will conform to 2 over 1 criteria. This previously unanalyzed line will have a line designation and the hangers will be numbered.

95-1424 FC-954 "Change P-88 Control From CV-0521 to CV-0522A" - This is a revision to the safety evaluation resulting from an EDC. The changes involve set point changes resulting from EA revisions that account for vortexing, suction line hydraulic losses, and instrument accuracies. The applicability of Appendix R requirements is also identified. The set point change is required to maintain the Technical Specification required inventory of 100,000 gallons in T-2 and T-81 (condensate storage).

95-1606 EA-FC-864-30 "FC-864 Heavy Load Methodology" - A load cell is being added to the lifting components when a loaded MS8 is lifted up into the MTC to detect overloads if an interference occurs. Previous revisions of the EA required a safety factor (SF) of 11-for rigging when lifting a loaded MS8. This is being revised to allow a SF of 5.5 if a load cell is used to monitor the load. This still meets NUREG 0612, which is the NRC requirement, so the probability of a malfunction is not increased nor is the licensed margin of safety decreased.



PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - FACILITY CHANGES Log# Document ID Description 95-1611 FC-959 "Replace CV-0823/-0824/-0826 and Replace Non-Code Repairs (SW Discharge of CCW Heat Exchangers)" - This is revision 2 of the safety evaluation for FC-959. It adds a discussion of the addition of manual operators for the service water valves describing how they are controlled administratively to prevent the possibility of a malfunction of a different type.

95-1618 FC-942 "Reload P Cycle 12" - The safety evaluation for the Cycle 12 core is being revised to reflect the actual changes made to the core and that the two neutron sources were not re-installed in the reactor after the full core off-load. The irradiated fuel produces an adequate neutron count rate.

Changes to the core design include replacement of failed fuel rods detected by ultrasonic testing with inert rods, and updated revision of SNP report.

NRC approval of the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) and the associated Technical Specifications change are reflected in the revised safety evaluation.

95-1717 EA-FC-864-09 "DFS Project MSB Transfer Cask Drop Analysis and Impact Limiter Design"

- Tests by the manufacturer of the foam used in the SFP impact limiter indicate a possible 10% reduction in strength due to water immersion and radiation exposure (PSL 95-1718). This EA takes credit for a wall undePthe cask lay down area that previous revisions of the analysis didn't. The consequences of a previously analyzed accident are not increased because this analysis shows the impact limiting pad, and the concrete structure will continue to function within their design limits. The margin of safety was not reduced because even though the impact limiting pad generated a higher force on the structure, the structure remained within the original allowables."

95-1808 EA-FC-864- 10CFR72.48 Safety Review - "Evaluation of MTC/MTC Drop on the VCC 011 with the MTC/MSB C. G. Located Outside the VCC Boundary" - This changes the weight of the MTC, MSB, and yoke from 182,820 lbs to 187,000 lbs in the EA based on a PSE comment. The EA previously used generic weights taken from the SAR. The revised weight is based on Palisades specific weights. The conclusions of the EA are unchanged. Since the weight of the VSC components is reduced, no licensing basis documents are affected.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS Log# Document ID Description 95-0019 TM-95-002 "Jumper Set Point Signal to Bypass SIC-0216 and Directly Input to FIC-0216" SIC-0216 is suspected of causing erratic operation. SIC-0216 normally is not used. It can act as a manual station for speed control of the charging pump, but operators have alternate methods to do this.

95-0031 TM-95-003 "Place V-7 in Recirculation Mode" - Fuel Handling Area Fan V-7 will be placed in the recirculation mode by isolating the flow path from the outside and creating a path from the spent fuel pool area. Fan V-7 is not capable of heating the fuel pool area when drawing air from the outside. On a fuel handling high radiation alarm, V-7 is manually tripped which closes the damper. Under the TM the damper is normally closed, so the consequences of an accident are not increased.

95-0061 TM-95-007 "Install Encapsulated Tube Plugs in VHX-3 Cleanable Return Bend" - Tube plugs will be installed in a leaking 3 inch cleanable return bend to repair a pin hole leak. The Tech Specs require zero leakage from the containment air coolers' service water piping. Removal of this tube will not impact existing plant licensing basis analyses per Thermal and Hydraulic Analysis group.

95-0101 TM-94-103 "Provide Temporary Power to 52-206 from 52-1109 During Bus 1D Outage"

- This TM provides power to necessary loads (security) during bus 1D outage. This will be done during cold shutdown.

95-0183 TM-95-001 "Temporary Construction Power From V-49A and V-49B Outlets In Containment 649' Elevation" - This TM uses power sources for the CROM cooling fans for construction during 95 REFOUT.

95-0393 TM-95-019 "Tempo~arily Reroute Vent Gas Collection Header (VGCH)" - The VGCH is plugged with resin so gases from the charging pumps will be sent through Tygon tubing through a HEPA filter using a gas pump and discharged to an existing air register in the primary system drain pump area, to be eventually discharged out the stack. Any radioactive gases produced by the charging pumps will be processed through VF-54 instead of F-52 so the consequences of a malfunction are not changed.

95-0441 TM-95-021 "Disable Lo Suction Pressure Trip for P-119" - This TM disables PS-2766 until a replacement is received. P-119 is the metering pump thatfeeds concentrates to the non-safety Volume Reduction System.

95-0532 TM-95-023 "Install Temporary Hose in P-119 Suction" - The temporary modification will provide a temporary flow path around a suspected plug in the Evaporator Metering Pump P-119 in the Volume Reduction System (VRS) to support batch release of the concentrated evaporator tanks. The VRS is not used to mitigate the consequences of any accident.

95-0541 TM-95-008 "Temporary Construction Power in Turbine Building" - Uses 152-307 (heater drain pump P-1 OA) for construction power during cold shutdown.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT- TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-0624 TM-95-024 "Blank Flange Installation on RV-1163 Outlet Pipe" - While conducting PPAC activity on RV-1163 a blank flange will be installed to facilitate operation of the waste gas system. Waste Gas Compressor C-54 will be tagged out of service during the PPAC activity. This RV protects C-54 which is tagged out while the flange is in place. There is no increase in the probability of a malfunction.

95-0826 TM-95-035 "Reroute of Tank T-26B Effluent" - The outlet of Main Feedwater Pump Drain tank T-26B will be rerouted to T-26A instead of directly to the condenser to confirm whether the effluent from T-26B is contributing to condenser tube chemical erosion. The effluent is still routed to the condenser in this TM. No malfunctions are created 95-0875 TM-95-032 "Disable PCS PORV Circuitry on 2/4 High Pressurizer Pressure" - This TM disables the 2/4 High Pressurizer Pressure initiation of the PORVs to prevent inadvertent operation by defective Rosemount transmitters. PORVs are normally isolated during power operation and are not available for automatic pressure relief. This TM will not increase the consequences of an accident or malfunction.

95-0939 TM-95-030 "Temporary Construction Power on the North Side of Turbine Building" -

This modification provides necessary construction power on the north side of the turbine building from LC-17 as insufficient construction power is available for refueling outage activities. The modification will be installed while the plant is in cold shutdown.

95-0940 TM-95-011 "Augmented Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System" This installs a supplemental cooling system for operation during the refueling outage. This is used to support the service water enhancement project. In the event of a malfunction the permanent SFP heat removal path can be readily restored prior to reaching SFP temperature limits.

95-0972 TM-95-009 "Temporary Construction Power Via EX-15A" - This EA provides construction power for containment during the outage. It is installed and removed at cold shutdown.

95-0983 TM-95-049 "Tee At MV-FP8521 For Fire Protection To Temporary Tool and Office Trailers" - This TM supplies fire water to the Westinghouse trailers. The loads are within the capabilities of the fire water system and can be isolated if necessary.

95-1022 TM-95-050 "Temporary Installation of Replacement Chemical Addition Pump P-57" -

Thi~ I_l\1 replaces the failed pump with an air-operated pump until a replacemenTcan be procured. -The air-(jriven pump will be mounted where the failed one was and an air line will be r-uri from a header outside the "Grey Lab." P-57 is not used for the mitigation of accidents. Its malfunction does not increase any consequences.


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS Log# Document ID Description 95-1134 TM-95-054 "Install Header Off of MV-DMW753 to Provide Additional Connections" - This temporary modification installs valve header to provide more demineralized water connections in containment for flushing. This TM will be removed at the end of the refueling outage. The header has no effect on the ability to isolate DMW from containment.

95-1191 TM-95-011 Change to "Augmented Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System." - This revision to safety evaluation changes the specified use of fire hydrant no.4 to one approved by Operations and Fire Protection near the temporary equipment.

95-1273 TM-95-011 "Augmented Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System" - This is revision 2 to the safety evaluation and revision 1 to the EAs. It shows reduced capacity of the heat exchangers and the resultant time restrictions for installation of MV-SW133, 134. The 30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> schedule slot will be broken into two 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> slots for doing the repairs one-at-a-time.

95-1364 TM-93-094 "Disable RPS PORV Circuitry on 2 I 4 High Pressurizer Pressure" - This is a revision of PSL 93-1071 to perform an unreviewed safety question determination as a corrective action of C-PAL-95-0509A. Automatic operation of the PORVs is prevented by maintaining the block valves closed at power operation. They are still available under manual operation.

95-1365 TM-95-032 "Disable PCS PORV Circuitry on 2/4 High Pressurizer Pressure." - The original Safety Evaluation (PSL 95-0875) is being revised to answer each of the seven USQ evaluation questions. C-PAL-95-0509A The possibility of a malfunction is not created because the block valves effectively eliminate automatic operation and the electronic disabling of this function is redundant.

95-1372 TM-95-071 "Temporary Modification to Install Red Rubber Hose as Dirty Evaporator Concentrate Bypass Line" - This TM installs hose from MV-DRW759 to MV-1.;,

DRW210 bypassing the plugged normal evaporator discharge flow path to the Volume Reduction System concentrate metering pump. This TM is bounded by the analysis of FSAR section 14.20 Liquid Waste Incident.

95-1417 TM-95-064 "Provide Alternate Feed to ED-11A or ED-12A from Opposite Channel Bus" -

This is revision 1 of the safety review. It adds discussion to clarify that only one EOG may be declared operable and that a fault on the connecting cables will disable DC to both EDGs. The possibility of a malfunction of a different type is not created. The other Diesel Generator is available, but not operable because of lack of independence.

95-1533 TM-95-081 - --"Abandonment of RVLMS Channel B Probe in Place" - RVLMS probe LE-901 B left installed with seal .plug removed - hydro plug installed. The broken jacket tube broached the instrument's internal pressure boundary. The decision was made to operate with only one RVLMS channel in service for upcoming cycle. ***This TM was subsequently revised by 95-1549.***


PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1995 ANNUAL REPORT - TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS Log # Document ID Description 95-1541 TM-95-076 "Disable Low Lube Oil Level Switch LS-1487" - This low lube oil level switch is defective and being removed to eliminate nuisance DG 1-2 trouble alarms in the control room which masks other alarms. This is a non-disabling alarm. The DG will still trip on low lube oil pressure.


95-1549 TM-95-081 "Abandonment of RVLMS Channel A Probe in Place" - RVLMS probe LE-901 A is being left installed with the seal plug removed and a hydro plug installed in the reactor head to establish the PCS boundary. ***This revision to the TM and the safety review corrects 95-1533 to show that the A RVLMS channel is being disconnected.*** This probe provides vessel level indication only. Crimping the end of the remaining probe will ensure that copper and aluminum are captured within the probe jacket.

95-1588 TM-95-078 "Defeat Channel B Input to 2 out of 4 High Pressure Actuation Logic for PORV PRV-1043B" - Changes PORV high pressure logic to 2 out of 3 because Channel B has failed in a tripped condition. The PORV block valves are closed at full pressure conditions which effectively removes the PORVs from service. No credit is taken for PORV operation in Chapter 14 analyses. (C-PAL-95-1262) 95-1590 TM-95-083 "Install Temporary Leak Sealant Into Void Between MV-PC1060B, MV-PC1060C, and MV-PC1060D" - The discharge pipe of MV-PC1060D .will have a pipe cap installed to inject sealant to fill the inter-valve void on the line of the reactor head vent to the tilt pit. This is to stop the PCS leakage through MV-PC-1060B and MV-PC-1060C. The consequences of an accident will not be increased because these valves are not used in the

. mitigation of accidents, are normally closed during power operations, and are not part of any analyzed accident.

95-1604 TM-95-079 "Cut and Cap the Discharge of MV-PC1060C" - Cut the discharge tubing downstream of MV-PC1060C and install a Swagelok tubing cap in the discharge of the valve to stop leakage through MV-PC1060B and MV-PC1060C. Cutting and cap will be installed in tubing that is outside the ASME Code Boundary. This drain line has no safety function other than pressure retention. This cap will enhance that function.

95-1608 TM-95-084 "Removal of 2' Section of Vent Gas Collection Header Feeder Pipe From the Waste Gas Decay Tanks" - The section of piping was removed to vent containment atmosphere during plant heat up to minimize containment pressure increases. Consequences are not increased since the Waste Gas Incident (FSAR Section 14.21) is still bounding.

95-1612 TM-95-084 "Removal of 2' Section of Vent Gas Collection Header Feeder Pipe from the Clean Waste Receiver Tanks" - TM is being revised to use a hose to route the gas vented from containment to the V-14 inlet duct work and out the stack after being filtered by pre-filter and a HEPA filter (VF-52) instead of just being discharged to open area of Aux. Building. Title of TM is also corrected. No unreviewed safety question is created because the requirements and functionality of the vent gas collection header for venting containment is still maintained.




Log# Document ID Description 95-1628 TM-95-086 "Disable the 'A' Channel RVLMS Level Indication, Level Recorders, and Palisades Plant Computer (PPC) Indications" - De-energizes level indicating LEDs and recorders and takes PPC points out of scan to eliminate invalid level indications resulting from the disabling of LE-0101A under TM-95-081.

This channel provides no control function and cannot contribute to accidents or malfunctions. Consequences are not increased because the channel is one of two and the 'B' channel still works along with other instrumentation that operators use to detect voids.

95-1651 TM-95-088 "Install a Temporary Electrical Jumper to Bypass MOD-26H5" - This is a contingency modification to install if the expected repairs to the MOD cannot be made. The switchyard disconnects do not enter into any FSAR analyzed accident or mitigation. The function of the MOD can be duplicated by the generator MOD, so no other types of problems will be created.

95-1722 TM-95-091 "Bypass Line Around TC-0852" - Provides a temporary air supply to permit operation of CV-0852 while work-is performed on TC-0852. The possibility of an accident of another type is not created because an exciter trip is bounded by transients discussed in the FSAR.

95-1898 TM-95-097 "Install Temporary Drain Line from MV-CRW-548" - Red rubber hose will be used to drain the equipment drain tank to allow replacement of two valves downstream of the tank. The hose will be routed to a nearby drain which empties into the east safeguards room sump. The flow path created by this change does not introduce any new release paths to the environment. Any leakage would be retained in the auxiliary building.

95-1905 TM-95-103 "Install Bypass Around High Pressure Air Compressor C-6C's Air Dryer (M-9C)" Installs a bypass line around the high pressure air compressor C-6Cs's air dryer. The vendor is to refurbish the dryer. The possibility of an accident of a different type is not created because the receiver tank will be blown down once a shift to remove moisture.