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Rev 2 to Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2,Cycle 7.
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Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/14/1994
From: Bruce A, Keys T, Riley E
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&6 94OSZ 5 SO ~ ~ Tv A-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 1 QA REcoao Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Vnit2, Cycle 7 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)


.BWR Fuel Engineering Department r

Prepared By: Date: > /9 0'9 Earl E. Riley, Nucl Engineer BWR Fuel Engineering Reviewed By: Date: 3 /V Alan L. Bruce, Nuclear Engineer BWR Fuel Engineering Approved By: Da~e: 3-/V.->

T. A. Keys, nager BWR Fuel Engineering 940412028b 940404 PDR ADOCK 050002b0 P, .PDR

TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 2 ReViSiOn I,Og

~Revi ion Date ~Descri tion Affec ed Pa e 0, 4-5-93 Initial Release All 5-7-93 Incorporate Changes in MCPR Operating revised pages Limits,to Reflect Additional Analyses:as 2, 4, 6, 14-16.

,summarized in Revision 1 to the SRLR, deleted page reference 3. 17.

2 3-10-93 Add new references 7 and 8. Revise revised pages OLMCPR limits for (EOC7-'2150) to 2, 3, 6, 14, EOC7 exposure range and 15.

'TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COLR-BF2C7f Revision 2, Page 3

1. INTRODUCTION This Core Operating Limits Report for Browns Ferry Unit 2, Cycle 7 is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Browns Ferry Technical Specification 6;9.1.7.

The core operating limits presented here were developed using NRC-approved methods (References 1 and 2). Results from the reload analyses for Browns.Ferry Unit 2, Cycle 7 are documented in References 3 and 7. I The cycle 7 loading includes, four. Westinghouse QUAD+,demonstration assemblies loaded in locations adjacent to.the, periphery. These locations satisfy the criteria specified in References 4 and 5. Evaluations performed by Westinghouse (Reference

5) show that the results of licensing analyses for the lead P8x8R fuel assembly bound those for the QUAD+ demonstration assemblies. Cycle specific analyses, confirm this conclusion.

The following cycle-specific core operating limits are included in this. report.

a; Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Limit (Technical Specification 3.5.1)

b. Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) Limit (Technical Specification 3.5.J) c.. Minimum Critical Power Ratio Operating Limit (OLMCPR)

(Technical Specification 3.5.K/4.5.K)


'The APLHGR limit for each type of fuel as a function. of exposure is shown in Tables 1'-7. The APLHGR limits for the GE9B bundles (GE8X8NB) are for the most limiting lattice at each exposure point. The specific values for each lattice, are given in reference 6.


The LHGR limit for unit,2, cycle 7 is fuel type-dependent, as shown below:

~fuel t e LHGR limit P8X8R/BP8X8R/QUAD+ 13.4 kw/ft GE8X8NB 14.4 kw/ft

0 TVA:Nuclear Fuel, Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 4 4.. OLMCPR (TECHNICALSPECIFICATION,3.5.K/4.5.K)

The OLMCPR is equal to the fuel type and exposure dependent MCPR limit at rated flow and rated power shown in Figures.1-2 multiplied by the Kf shown in Figure 3, where; Save ZB

= 00 or whichever is greater Z~ = 0.90 sec (Specification 3.3.C. 1 scram time limit to 20%

insertion from fully withdrawn )

l Sir = 0.710 + 1.65 N >

(0.053) n n

g" 7,r.

Save n

where; n = Number of surveillance rod tests performed to date in cycle (including BOC test).

Zi = Scram time to 20% insertion from;fully withdrawn of the i fod N = Total number of active rods measured'in Specification 4.3.C.1 at BOC

TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COL'R-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 5.

b. For the performance of Surveillance Requirement 4.5.K.2.a (prior to initial scram time measurements for the. cycle),

'6 = 1.0

c. For the performance, of Surveillance Requirement 4.5.K.2.b, '6 .shall be determined in accordance with 4.a above.

i5 TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 6

1. NEDE-24011-P-A-IO,, "General Electric Standard Apphcation for Reactor Fuel",

February 1991.

2. NEDE-24011-P-A-10-US, "General Electric Standard Application for, Reactor Fuel", March 1991.
3. 23A7190; Rev. 1, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Browns Ferry.

Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Reload 6 Cycle 7," April 1993.

4.. Safety Evaluation by the office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Supporting Amendment No. 125 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-52, Tennessee Valley Authority, Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Docket No. 50-260.

5. WCAP-10507 dated March 1984, "QUAD+ Demonstration Assembly Report,"

Westinghouse Electric Corportion.

6. 23A7190AA, Rev. 0, "Lattice-Dependent MAPLHGR Report for-Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Reload 6 Cycle 7", January 1993.
7. Letter from G. D. Plotycia (GE) to T. L. Hayslett (TVA), "Transient Reanalyses Results for Browns Ferry, Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Cycle 7", GDP:94-062 dated March 3, 1994. [L38 940307 802]'.

Letter from G. D. Plotycia (GE) to T. L. Hayslett (TVA), "Transient Reanalyses Results - Additional Information", GDP:94-064 dated March 8, 1994. [L38

'940311 803]

TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report I TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 7 Table 1 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE9B-P8DWB325-10GZ (6E8X8NB)

Most Limiting Lattice for Each Exposure Point Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

{QWD~/T ~kw/f 0.0 10.97 0.2 11.00 1.0'.0 11.11 11.31 3.0 11.54 4'.0 11.79 5.0 11.97 6.0 12.10 7.0 12.23 8.0 12.35 9.0 12.46 10.0 12.58 12.5 12.58 15.0 12.35 20.0 11.86 25.0 11.33 35.0 10.12 45.0 8.60 50.'27 5.92

0 TVA Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-'BF2C7 Core. Operating. Limits Report .Revision 2, Page 8 Table 2 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE9B-PSDWB326-7GZ (GE8X8NB)

Most Limiting Lattice for Each Exposure Point Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

~GWD/ST kw/ft 0.0 11.45 0.2 11.47 1.0 11.55 2.0'.0 11.70 11.87'2.01 4.0 5.0 12.13 6.0 12.22 7.0 12.31 8.0 12.41 9.0- 12.51 10.0 12.63 12.5 12.64 15.0 12.41 20.0 1-1.91 25.0, 11.35 35.0 10.15 45.0 8.72 50.5 5.93 51.4 5.87

TVA Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Core Operating-Limits Report Revision 2, Page 9 Table 3 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type P8DRB301L (BP8X8R)

Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit Q(jwD/ST) ~kw/f 0.0 11.32 0.2 11.33 1.0 11.40 2.0 11.50 3.0 11.61 40 11.73 5.0 11.86 6.0 11.93 7.0 11.98 8.0 12.03 9.0 12.11

.10.0 12.19 12.5 12.34 15.0 12.47 20.0 12.58 25.0 12.03 35.0 10.82 43;5 9.17

IS TVANuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Core Operating Limits Report Revision 2, Page 10 Table 4 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type PSDRB299 (BP8X8R)

Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

~WD/ST ~kw/f 0.0 10.71 0.2 10.75 1.0 10.86 2.0 11.01 3.0 11.19 4.0 11.35 5.0 11.47 6.0 11.62 7.0 11.78 8.0 11.95 9.0 12.09 10.0 12.20 12.5 12.37 15.0 12.47 20.0 12.37

'25.0 11.77 35.0 10.65 42'.1 9.36

TVA:Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limit~seport i 'TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page.11 Table 5 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type PSDRB284L and Westinghouse QUAD+ LTAs (P8XSR)

Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

~WD/ST ~kw/f 0.2 11.2 1.0 11.3 5.0 11 8


10;0 12;0 15.0 12.0 20.0 11,8 25.0 11.2 30.0 10.8 35.0 10.2 40.0 9.5 45.0 8.8

IS Ik TVA.Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report t TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 12 Table 6 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type P8DRB284Z (P8X8R)

Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

~kw/f 0.2 11.2 1.0. 11.2 5.0 11.7 10.0 12.0 15.0 12.0 20.0 11.8 25.0 11. 1 30.0 10.4 35.0 9.8 40.0 9.1 45,0 8.5

TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating Limits Report i TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 13 Table 7 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type P8DRB265H (P8X8R)

Average Planar Exposure APLHGR Limit

~W~D~T ~kw/f 0.2 11.5 1.0 11.6 5.0 11.9 10;0 12.1 15.0 12.1 20.0 11.9 25.0 11.3 30.0 10.7 35.0 10.2 40.0 9.6

il TVA Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF2C7'evision

'Core Operating Limit~seport 2, Page 14 Figure 1 MCPR Operating Limit for P8X8R/BP8X8R/QUAD+

1.36 1.35 i

1.'34 J 1.33 - (EOC7-2l 50) to EOC7 .


,CC 1.31 V

~ 1.30 1.29-1.28 BOC7 to (EOC7.2150) 1'.27 1.26 0.0 '0.1 0.2 0.3'.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Option.B Option A

~EE* 0 tion A Tan=1.0 '~pi B T =II.D


BOC7 to (EOC7-'2150) MWD/ST 1.28 1.27 (EOC7-2150) to EOC7 MWD/ST 1.35 1.32

  • 'Use this value at BOC7 prior to performing scram time testing.

il 0 TVA Nuclear Fuel Core Operating LimiNReport 1 TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Revision 2, Page 15 Figure 2 MCPR Operating. Limit for, GE8X8NB 1.36 1.35 1.34 33 (EOC7-2150) to EOCl

~. 1.32 I E

1.31 tI gg U

1.30 1.29 to OC7-1.28 1.27 1.26 0.0 0.1 '0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Option'B Option A

~E* R tion A Tau=1.0 tion B Tan=0.0 BOC7 to (EOC7-2150) MWD/ST 1.30

  • 1.28

'(EOC7-2150) to EOC7 MWD/ST 1.35

  • 'Use this value at BOC7 prior to performing scram time testing.

l5 0 I TVA Nuclear Fuel TVA-COLR-BF2C7 Core Operating Limits eport Revision 2, Page 16 (Final)

Figure 3 GEXL-Plus Kf Curve OLMCPR Flow Corrections 1.4 Nona 1.3 117.0'%112.0

%'07.0 102;6 %

1.0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Total Core Flow (% rated)

For 40%%uo < WT ( 100%, Kf = MAX [1.0, A-0.00441~WT]

WT ( 40%, Kf = [A - 0.00441+WT] + [1.0 + 0.0032+(40- WT')]

WT ) 100%, Kf = 1.0 where: WT = Percent of Rated Core Flow, and A = constant which depends on the Flow Control Mode and the Scoop Tube Setpoint as noted'below.

MANUAL 102.5 % 1.3308 MANUAL 107.0 -

'%%uo 1.3528 MANUAL 112.0 % 1.3793 MANUAL '117.0 % 1.4035 AUTOMATIC N/A 1.4410.

~i 0 '