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Proposed Tech Spec Sections 1.O & 1.P,clarifying Definition of Secondary Containment Integrity
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1981
Shared Package
ML18025B478 List:
TECH-810424, NUDOCS 8105050514
Download: ML18025B479 (9)



81050505 I /

1.0 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) 2 ~ Run Node - In this mode the reactor system pressure is at or above 825 psig and the reactor protection system is,,

energized with APRH protection (excluding the 15K high Flux trip) and the RBH interlocks in service.

3 ~ Shutdown Hode - Placing the mode switch to the shutdown position initiates a reactor scram and power to the control rod drives i's removed. After a short time period (about 10,-

sec), the scram signal is removed allowing a scram reset and restoring the normal valve lineup in the control rod drive hydraulic system; also, the main steam line isolation scram and main condenser low vacuum scram are bypassed if reactor vessel pressure is below 1055 psig.


4. Refuel Node Pith the mode switch in the refuel position interlocks are established so that one control rod only may be withdrawn when the Source Range Honitor indicate at least 3 cps and the .refueling crane'is not over the reactor; also the main steam line isolation scram and main condenser low vacuum scram are bypassed if the reactor vessel pressure is below 1055 psig. If the refueling crane is over the reactor, all rods must be fully inserted and none can be withdrawn.

N. Rated Power Rated power refers to operation at a reactor power of 3,293 %1t; this is also termed 100 percent power and is the maximum power level authorized by the operating license. Rated steam flow, rated coolant flow, rated neutron flux, and rated nuclear system pressure refer to the values of these parameters when. the reactor is at 'rated po~er. Design power, the power to which the safety analysis applies, corresponds to 3,440 N<t.

0. Piimarv Containment lntearit Primary containment inteyrity means that the drywall and pressure suppression chamber are intact and all of the following conditions are satisfied:
l. All non-automatic containment isolation valves on lines connected to the reactor coolant systems or containment which are not required to be open during accident conditions are closed. These valves may be opened to perform necessary oper'ational activities.
2. At least one door in each airlock is closed and sealed.
3. All autqmatic containment isolation valves are operable or deactiVated in the isolated position.
4. All blind flanges and manways are closed.

P. Secondar Containment Integritv

1. Secondary containment integrity means that the reactor building is intact and the following conditions are met:

a) At least one door in each access opening to the turbine building,.

control bay and out-of-doors is closed.

b) The standbvigas treatment system is operable, and can maintain 0.2z inches of watep peg@)i e orassure in rnose areas wnere'econdary containment.gntegrity c) All reactor building ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated'position.

2. Reactor zone secondary containment integrity means the 'unit reactor building Xs intact and the following conditions ax'e met:

a) At least one door between any:opening to.the turbine building, control bay and out-of-.doors is closed..

b) The standby gas teatment system is operable and can maintain 0.25 inches:water negative pressure on the unit zone.

c) All the unit reactor building ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position. If it is desirable for operational considerations, a reactor zone may be isolated from the other reactor zones and the refuel zone by maintaining at least

. one closed door in each common passageway between zones. Reactor zone safety related features are not compromised by openings between adjacent units or refuel zone, unless it is desired to isolate a given zone.

3. Refuel. zone secondary containment integrity means the refuel zone is intact and the following conditions are met:

a) At least one door in each access opening to the out-of-doors is closed.

b) The standby gas treatment system is operable and can maintain .25 inches water negative pressure on the refuel zone.

c) All the xefuel zone ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position. If it is "desirable for operational considerations, the refuel zone may be isolated from the reactor zones by maintaining at least one closed door in each access between the refuel zone and the reactor building.

Refuel zone safety related features are not compromised by openings between the reactor building unless it is desired to isolate a given zone.

1,0 DZPIN ITTONS (Con c ')

Qi for. a particular unit aad the end of the next. subsequent refueling outage for the same unit.

Refuelin Outa e - Refueling outage is the period of time betveea the shutdown of the unit pzioz ca a refueling and the scaztup of the unit after that refueling. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and surveillance, a refueling outage shall mean a regularly scheduled outage; hovever, vhere such outages occur vithin 8 months of the completion of che previous refueling outage, the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next regularly scheduled outage.

So Alteration af the.Reactor Coze - The act 'of moving any component in the region above che core support plate, belav che upper grid and vithin the shroud., Normal conczol rod movement vith the control.zod drive hydraulic system is not defined as a core alteration. Normal movement of in-core instzumentation and che traversiag in-core probe is not defined as a core alteration.

Reactor Vessel Pzessuze - Unless othervise indicated, reactor vessel pzessuzes listed in the Technical Specifications are those measured by the reactar vessel steam space detectors.

U, Thermal Parameters Mnimuu Critical Power Ratio (NCPR)>> Minimum Critical Power Ratio (HCPR) is che value of che critical power ratio asso-ciated vith the most Limiting assembly in the reactor core.

Critical Povez Patio (CPR) is the ratio of that pover in a fuel assembly, vhich is calculated to cause same point ia the assembly to experience boiling transition, to the actual assembly operating paver.

2 Transition Boilin - Transition boiling means the boiling regime betveen nucleate and film boiling. Transition boiling is the regime ia vhich bath nucleate and film boiling occur intermit teatly vich neither type being complecely stable.

3. Core Miximun Fraction or limiting Power Density (QFLPD) The highest, ratioor a1l fuel types in the core, of the maximum fue'od paver density (kW/ft) for a given fuel type to the limiting fuel roc paver density (kW/ft) for that fuel type.
4. Avera e Planaz Linear Heat Generation Rite APLHCR - The Average Plaaar Heat Generatian Rate is applicable to a specific planar height and is equal to the sum of che liaeaz heat generation zates foz all the fuel rods ia the specified bundle at the specified height divided by che number of fuel rods ia the fuel bundle.

BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 3 4 ~ Refuel Mode With the mode switch in the refuel position interlocks are established so that one control rod only may be withdrawn when the Source Range Monitor indicate at least 3 cps and the refueling crane is not over. the reactor; also, the main steam line isola'.ion scram and main condenser low vacuum scram are bypassed if reactor vessel pressure is below 1055 psig. Zf the refueling crane is over the reactor, all rods must be fully inserted and none can be withdrawn.

N.. Rated Power - Rated power refers to operation at a

.;. reactor power of, 3,293 MWt; this is also termed 100 percent power and is the maximum power level authorized by the operating license. Rated steam flow, rated coolant flow, rated neutron flux, and rated nuclear system pressure refer to the values of these parameters when the reactor is at rated power. Design power, the power to which the safety analysis applies, corresponds to 3g440 MWto

0. primar Containment Inte rit Primary containment integrity means that the drywell and pressure suppression chamber are intact and all of the following conditions are: satisfied:

1 ~ All non-automatic containment isolation valves on lines. connected to the reactor coolant system or containment which are not required to be open during accident conditions are closed. These valves may be opened to perform necessary..

operational activities.

2 ~ At least one door in each airlock is closed and sealed.

3 ~ All automatic containment isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position.

All blind flanges and manways are closed.

P. Seconda Containment Interritv

1. Secondary containment integrity means that the reactor building is intact and the following conditions are met:

a) 'At least one door in each access opening to the turbine building, control bay and out-of-doors is closed.

-h b) The standbv .gas treatment system is operable and c~n maint~in 0.2~ inches of wate~ gegz)i e or~ssure zn tnose areas wnere secondary con8axnmenK .gntegrity c) All reactor building ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position.

2. Reactor zone secondary containment integrity means the unit reactor building is intact and the following conditions are met:

a) At least one door between any~opening to.the-turbine building, control bay and out-of.-doors is closed..

b) The standby gas teatment system is operable and can maintain 0.25 inches..water negative pressure on the unit zone.

c) All the unit reactor building ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position. If it is desirable for operational considerations, a reactor zone may be isolated from the other reactor'zones and the refuel zone by maintaining at least one closed door in each common passageway between zones. Reactor zone safety related features are not compromised by openings between adjacent units or refuel zone, unless it is desired to isolate a given zone.

3. Refuel zone secondary containment integrity means the refuel zone is intact and the following conditions are met:

a) At least one door in each access opening to the out-of-.doors is closed.

b) The standby gas treatment system is operable and can maintain .25 inches water negative pressure on the refuel zone.

c) All the refuel zone ventilation system automatic isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position. If it is desirable for operational considerations, the refuel zone may be isolated from the reactor zones by maintaining at least one closed door in each access between the refuel zone and the reactor building.

Refuel zone safety related features are not compromised by openings between the reactor building unless it is desired to isolate a given zone.


0 eratin C cle - Xnterval between the end of one refueling outage for a par~ icular unit and the end of the next subsequent refueling outage for the same unit.

R~ Refuelin outa e - Refueling outage is the period of time between the shutdown. of the unit prior to "a refueling and the startup of the unit, after that refueling. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and surveillance, a refueling outage shall mean a regularly scheduled outage; however, where such outages occur within 8 months of the completion of the previous refueling outage, the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next regularly scheduled outage.

S ~ Alteration of the Reactor Core - The'act of moving any component in the'egion above the core support plate, below the upper grid and within the shroud. Normal control rod movement with the control rod drive hydraulic system is not defined as a core alteration.

Normal movement of in-core instrumentation and the traversing in-core probe is not defined as a core alte ration.

Reactor Vessel Pressure - Unless otherwise indicated, reactor vessel pressures listed in the Technical Specifications are those measured by the reactor vessel steam space detectors.

U. Thermal Parameters Minimum-Critical Power Ratio MCPR - Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) is the value of the critical power ratio associated with the most limitinq assembly in the reactor core. Critical Power Ratio (CPR). is the ratio of that power in a fuel assembly, which is calculated to cause some point in the assembly to experience boiling transition, to the actual assembly operating power.

2. Transition Boilin - Transition boiling means the boilinq regime between nucleate and film boiling.

Tran'sition boiling is the regime in which both nucle'ate and film boiling occur intermittently with nei'ther type being completely stable.
