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Reactor Bldg Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test for Facility,Conducted 791121-25.
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/1980
Shared Package
ML18024B351 List:
NUDOCS 8002260485
Download: ML18024B352 (113)



r 1.0 Introduction As prescribed in Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant unit 3 technical specification 4.7.A.2, the leakage of air from the boundary forming the reactor building primary containment is limited to 2 percent of containment air mass per day at the calculated peak accident pressure P . In conformance with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix J, Browns Ferry technical specifications require that reactor building integrated leak rate tests be performed as part of the startup and the surveillance programs to demonstrate continuing leak-tight integrity.

An inservice reactor building containment integrated leak rate test

{CILRT) was successfully completed on Hrowns Ferry unit 3 by personnel of the Tennessee Valley Authority on November 25, 1979. This test was conducted in accordance with a plant approved surveillance instruction, BP SI 4.7.A.2, which is on file at the plant site. This surveillance instruction implements the requirements of Browns Ferry unit 3 technical specifications and Appendix J to 10 CFR 50. The American National Standard for Containment Testing, ANSI N45.4-1972 and the proposed American Nuclear Society Standard for Containment Testing, N-274 , provided guidance for the procedure implemented by the surveillance instruction.

Browns Ferry unit 3 is a boiling-water reactor employing a steel pressure suppression containment and rated 3,293 megawatts thermal. The Final Safety Analysis Report defines the calculated peak accident pressure P to be 49.6 psig. The reactor building containment is divided into two ma]or compartments the drywell, enclosing the reactor and the

'I '

I i

forced recirculation system, and a pxessure suppression pool chamber.

These two compartments are connected by blowdown pipes that terminate below the suppression chamber pool level. Vacuum breakers are provided to ensure that the suppression chamber is never pressurized with respect to the drywell. For the performance of this CILRT, these vacuum breakers were mechanically locked open to ensure pressure equalization between the drywell and the suppression chamber.

This report outlines the obgectives, principal events, and special equipment used and provides analysis of the test results for the CILRT completed on November 25 on Browns Ferry unit 3'.

2.0 Test Purpose and Results A. Test Purpose The objective of the inservice CILRT performed on Browns Fexry unit 3 was threefold. The principal objective was to demonstrate the leak-tight integrity of the reactor building containment for return to power operation. For Browns Ferry unit 3, the leak-tight integxity is defined by technical specification 4.7.A.2 and the preoperational CILRT to be that the leakage:of air from containment not exceed 0.04437 percentage per hour (1.06488 percent per day) of containment air mass at a reduced pressure of P. /2.

The second ob)ective of this CILRT was to determine if any degradation of the structure forming the containment may have occurred since the performance of the preoperational CILRT. A pretest inspection of the containment surface was performed to identify the presence of any gross deformities of the structure.

I The final objective was to evaluate several significant changes of the equipment used to conduct the test. These changes included additional compressed air capacity for containment pressurization and the revision of all test instrumentation to provide for the computer-directed automatic acquisition and reduction of test data. Previously used for the unit 2 CILRT conducted in June 1978, these changes were implemented by the Tennessee Valley Authority to determine whether test accuracy could be improved substantially while reducing the time required to conduct future tests.

B. Test Results The leakage rate measured in the 24-hour CILRT was 0.00709 percentage of containment air mass per hour (0.17014 percentage per day) at a reduced pressuxe of 25 psig. The observed 95-percent upper confidence limit for this measured leak rate was 0.00718 percentage of containment air mass per hour (0.17236 percentage per day).

This measured leak rate renresents 15.98 t

percent of that''lowed under technical specification 4.7.A.2.

k After the completion of the CILRT, a", supplemental forced leakage verification test was conducted to check the results of the CILRT.

A Forced leak of D.S6936 percentage of containment mass per day was imnosed on the containment. Ttce leak rate measuxed for the 4-1/3-hour vertification test was 0.95442 percentage of containment air mass per day. Agreement as prescribed by Appendix J between the CILRT and the verification test was -0.0544LT which is wel:l..

within the +0.250 technical specification.

L t required by

~J S r

A oretest inspection of the containment surfaces revealed no abnormal degradation of the reactor. building containment structure.

No sil.nificant leakage paths other than those identified ns part oF the types B and C test program were found in the performance of the CII,RY or the supplemental verification test.

Th>> local leak rate for t'>e CRD hatch, penetration X-G, Followinp the CILRT is added to the CII'.RT results to ensure that all leo!'ath..

are accounted :"or. The X-6 local leak rate was 0.0001,"(:PH,

~ r which does not chanpe the CILRT results ~

3.0 ('onduct of Test Prior to the start oF the CILRT local leak xate tests on the contain-ment closures (hatches ~ith resilkent . eals), bellows, and electrical penetrations were conducted r fn conformance with surveillance instruction BP SI 4.7.A.2.p-2. 'ocal leak rate tests on the valves forming the boundary of the primary containment were conducted in conformance with surveillance instruction BP SI 4.7.A.2.g-3. The single personnel

'I air lock was tested separately in conformance with BF SI 4.7.A.2.g-l.

A summary of all LIRT testing performed . ince the preoperational

(,'ILRT is included in Appendix 3 of this 'report.

The followinv is a sequence of significant events during the CILRT.

Date and Time 'Event,,

ll-21-79 1603 Started nrossurization of drywell.

11-21-79 2000 Isolated air comoressors. Containment pressure at 39.76 p:ia.

11-21-79 2110 Completed topping off containment pressure with service air to 40.2961 psia.

r 11-21-79 2 l30 Started stabilization period and containment leak checks. Data being acquired every 10 minutes.

11-22-79 1800 Repressurizing drywell to ensure drywell does not go below 25 psig. Pressure in drywell at 25.2 psig. Containment leak rate exceeding allowable limit but decreasing.

11-22-79 '105 Completed repressurizing containment to 40.3974 psia.

11-22-79 0420 Opened valve 32-1452 to provide a vent path.

Ghange to SI 4.7.A.2 was released to list 32-1452 a.. open on valve lineup sheet-.

11-23-79 0920 The existence of valves 2-1393 and 2-1390 was verified. Previously operations reported they I

could not be found. (They were verified in the I

proper position following the CILRT.)

11-23-79 1130 An NRC inspector discovered the drywell air compressor receivers charged at 36 psig. The lines to the drywell were verified vented between the receiver and'he drywell. SI 4.7.A.2 changed to allow the receivers to remain charged.

11-23-79 1500 Containment leak rate has gone slightly negative.

Sharp drop in average temperature starting at approximately 1200 hours0.0139 days <br />0.333 hours <br />0.00198 weeks <br />4.566e-4 months <br /> noted.

11-23-79 2030 Noted increase in reactor pressure vessel water il level. Notified shift engineer to maintain constant water level.

V j

11-23-79 2240 Discussed reactor pressure vessel level changes with shift engineer. He stated the loss of a 500-KVA feeder and slow transfer to a backup had caused the loss of shutdown cooling and therefore reactor water temperature increase.

11-24-79 1230 Discovered the suppression chamber water level was decreasing in the CILRT computer printout and was increasing in operations readout. A check showed the suppression chamber water level calibration data had been entered in reverse.

Recomputing the containment leak rate with the correct calibration data entry gave a positi've leak rate of approximately 0.03 percent per day. The test was officially stopped.

11-24-79 2025 Initiated a forced leak of approximately 324.5 SCFH through a calibrated mass flowmeter.

Data is being ac'quired every 7 minutes.

11-25-79 0046 Completed 4-1/3-hour verification test. Agree-.

ment in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, within 4 percent.

4.0 Measurements and Calculations A. Test Equipment The test equipment used for the CILRT at Browns Ferry unit 3 was acquired for its improved accuracy over previous CILRT equipment.

Table 1 lists the equipment, range, accuracy, and repeatability.

All test equipment was calibrated by'he Tennessee Valley Authority

VP' Central Laboratories or other facilities with standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. After the installation of all special test equipment inside containment, each sensor was checked for functional operation. Upon test completion and depressurization, each sensor was again checked to ensure adherence to calibration.

B. Sensor Location Table 2 lists the final volumetric weighting factor for each temperature and dewpoint sensor based on a 2-compartment model.

Figures l through 7 identify sensor locations. The pressure sensors were divided up so that two sensors measured drywell oressure through pressure transmitter line PT 64-50 and two sensors measured torus pressure through pressure transmitter line PT 64-20.

A fifth pressure sensor measured the barametric pressure at the test station.

C. Computer-Based Acquisition and Data Reduction System Containment oarameter measurements for the Browns Ferry un t 3 CILRT were made and collected by a microprocessor-based data acquisition system. This raw data was automatically presented to a portable minicomputer system for correction to calibration curves and reduction to containment leak rate. Statistical confidence levels of the calculated results were reported auto-matically to the test director as the data was acquired. Figure 8 depicts the functional relationship of the acquisition and data analysis system.

All calculations performed by the minicomputer system were in conformance with the procedures outlined in ANS N-274'draft).


Source listings for all computer programs are on file with the Division of Nuclear Power, Controls and Test Branch, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Table 3 identifies the principal function of each computer program.

D. Instrument Rejection The data presented in this report reflects the test results following the deletion of certain sensors due to equipment failure.

The following table lists the sensor deleted by location, as shown in figures 1 through 7, and the reason for the sensor being deleted.

Sensor Location Discussion RTD-4 and Due to damage to signal cables following the RTD-6 CILRT, a calibration check in place could not be accomplished.

RTD-23 Initial calibration check was out of tolerance and the sensor was deleted at the beginning of the CILRT.

HE-1, HE-7 Instrument response was erratic compared with and HE-8 known conditions in the I

initial stages of the CILRT. The HE-7 sensor was found inoperative in post test calibration. The HE-8 sensor was found to have a loose wire in the post test calibration. It was suspected that the dewcell solution was disturbed on the HE-1 sensor.

Pressure During the CILRT, pressure sensor number 1 Sensor No. 1 indicated low with a continuous rising value

throughout the test. This erratic behavior was duplicated during post test calibration at the TVA Central Laboratories.

5.0 Data Analysis The previous sections of this report have described the general test conduct, calculation methods, and test equipment. In this section the events and problems that influenced the test results are discussed and used to dew conclusions on the performance of the Browns Ferry unit 3 CILRT.

A. Discussion of Craphical Results Figure 9 is a graph of the calculated containment air mass for the CILRT. The graph axes are absolute air mass versus test time.

The slope of the least squares fit line to this data is the reported leak rate. Figure 10 is a graph of the calculated containment air mass leak rate versus test time for the CILRT. Figure 11 is a graph of containment average pressure versus test time, and figure 12 is a graph of containment average temperature versus test time.

An abrupt change in test conditions is shown in the graphs approximately 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> after the start of the CILRT. (The test was started at approximately 1230 hours0.0142 days <br />0.342 hours <br />0.00203 weeks <br />4.68015e-4 months <br /> on November 23.) The official test log recorded at 8:30 p.m. on November 23 that a level change in the reactor pressure vessel was noted. The shift engineer was contacted and he stated that the loss of a 500-KVA feeder line and a slow transfer to a backup had caused the loss of shutdown cooling and the reactor water temperature had increased accordingly.

This was reflected by the unstable containment leak rate at this point in the test and resulted in an extended test period to a,}.;low restahilization. The graphs indicated that stabilized containment conditions and a stabilized leak rate were being approached when the effect of the loss of shutdown cooling and reinitiation of shutdown cooling created unstable conditions.

After an extended stabilization period, the containment mass 3eak rate approached a stabilized level closely approximating that observed after 6 to 7 hours (approximately the time of loss of shutdown cooling) .

8. Instrumentation Performance The instrumentation error analysis of appendix A indicates that the instrumentation used in the unit 3 CILRT was extremely accurate in the determination of the containment leak rate, abd it far surpassed the recommendation of N27A that the measuring system be capable of detecting 0.25 L . Using the ISG,.guidelines as t

developed in appendix A, the CILRT duration I

could be reduced to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> without imoact if stable conditions were present.

The loss of 3 RTD's, 3 dewcells, and 1 pressure sensor had no significant effect on the ISG due to the number of sensors employed initially (see paragraph 4.0.D).


-6.0 Tabulated Test Results

V t

6.1 25-Psig CILRT


115 0.333 7ie1997 40ei698 61461e69 Oe8265699 Oe3684408 Oe3666952:

116 Oe500 71e2017 40el&96 61461ei4 Oei297057 Oe2887437 Oe3413999 117 De667 7iei876 40ei&90 61459e80 Oe3146862 Oe2952103 'e3318120 1(8 0.833 7iel850 40e1689 61458e21 Oe3717735 0.3105438 'e3338836 119 ieDDD 71ei742 40ei&84 61458e27 -De0146799 Oe2564592 De2990086 120 1 167 71ei&56 40ei683 61455e&6 Oe6092852 Oe30&9485 Oe3086229 121 1.334 7iei&29 40ei&73 6145&e45 "Oei845290 Oe2454161 Oe2811083 122 1.500 7ie1512 40ei660 61453e87 De&064823 Oe2854275 'e2848577 123 ie667 .71e1434 40eid43 61452e77 Oe2576173 Oe2826369 De2850860 124 le833 7ie1381 40ei&38 61451.81 Oe2257240 Oe2774714 Oe2832149 125 2.0DO 71ei253 40ei630 61450e71 Oe2576260 Oe2758101 Oe2809171 126 2el&7 7iel059 40eihii 6145ie76 -De2468366 Oe2357059 Oe2645355 127 2e333 71e0950 40e1597 61449e4'9 Oe5307829 Oe2568145 Oe2604252:

2.500 7ie0821 40e1583 61450e24 -Oe1771019 Oe2279575 Oe2485988 2e&67 7ie0672 40e1573 61448e40 Oe4312147 Oe2406791 Oe24334D6 2e834 71e0590 40e1562 61448e80 -Oe0941026 Oe2209519 Oe2342778 131 3e000 7ie0462 40ei536 6144he40 Oe5634289 Oe2399238 Oe2327410 132 3ei67 71e0389 40e1528 61445e63 Oei799885 Oe2367606 Oe2306618 133 3e333 7ie0191 40e1518 61445e85 -Oe0504726 Oe2224344 Oe2259138 134 3e500 71e0029 40e1479 61440e73 iei978027 Oe2689503 Oe2337460.

135 3e667 70e9834 40,1466 61443eii  :-Oe5589141 De2314203 Oe2309273 136 3eS33 70e9677 40e1452 61442e31 . Oel863941 Oe2294560 Oe2285777 137 4e000 70e9578 40ei441 61442e95 -Oe1514260 Oe 2136260 Oe2230273 138 4ei67 70e9413 40ei423 '61442eli Oe1973590 Oe2129713 Oe2189118 139 4e334 70e9280 40e1403 6144ie36 Oe1745189 Oe2114871 Oe2149741 140 4e500 70e9159 40ei389 61441e06 Oe0715843 Oe2063171 Oe2106264 141 4e667 70e9037 40,1377 61440e03 Oe2403102 Oe2075302 'e2072180 142 4e833 70e8933 40e1356 '1439e39 Oei514316 Oe2055983 Oe2042116  ;

143 5e000 70e8790 40ei334 61437ei2 Oe5308898 Oe2164547 Oe2037696 144 5 1&7 70e8618 40e1319 61437e83 -Oei679594 Oe2040865 Oe2014806 145 5e333 70e8417 40ei312 61437e55 Oe0648780 Dei997270 Oe1985020 146 5e500 70e8323 40e1298 61439e92 -Oe5552717 Oel769105 De1924459 147 5e667 70e 8164 40ei284 61438e25 Oe3901687 Oe18319D4 Oe1884190 148 5e834 70e8088 40e1252 61434e02 Oe9886978 Oe2062359 Oe1885164 149 6e000 70e7918 40e1232 61433e23 Oei854072 Oe2056562 Oe1886316 150 6.167 70e7818; 40e1223 61435e42 -Oe5108384 Oei862618 Oe1859636 151 6e297 70e7727 40e1224 61434e62 Oe2399523 Oei873710 De1835608 2 be4&4 70e7641 40eil86 61430e61 Oe9384959 De2067627 Oe1842570 6e&31 70e7519 40e1185 6143le89 -Oe3029098 Oei939871 Oe)832326'e1797853 6e7.98 70e7409 40e1180 61434e71 -De&579816 Oe1730660 155 he965 70e7233 40eii70 61433e34 Oe3189237 Oei/65596 0 '1770699 156 7e131 70e7192, 40e1156 61432e22 Oe2643458 Oe1786032. Oel747654 157 7e298 70e7097 40eil44 61432e55 -Oe0776780 0e 1727398 Oei722399



160 7e797 70e6$ 61 40eii02 61426e54 Oe3359689 Oel917590 Oef702794 161 7e964 70e6821 40e105'2 Oe2924617 Oe1938667 Oe1709681 61425e25'14ibe44 162 8ei31 70eb557 40eiiSO 2e0801601 Oe2324114 Oe1760790 163 8e298 70e6664 40ei 1 f9 61414e78 Oe3894037 Oe2355647 Oei809806 164 8e465 70e6645'0e6460 40eilii 61417e46 -Oe6289132 Oe2185202 .'ei837285 165 8eh31 Oe7216304 Oe2282011 Oei872782 40ei085'0ei086 61414e35'1416efb 166 8e798 70e6364 -Oe4131839 Oe2160334 Oei893074 167 Re964 70eb251 40ei080 61415e02 Oe2680922 Oe2169950 Oei911625 168 9ei31 70ebih8 40 1074 614ihe27 -Oe29f6025 Oe2076979 Oei919765 169 9>25'7 70e607$ 40el059 61415e04 Oe2873724 Oe2091186 Oei928178 170 5'e 464 70e55'74 40.1048 61415e62 "Oei352889 Oe2030437 Oei928830.

171 9eh31 70e5881 40.1003 61413e87 Oe4113232 Oe2066337 Oel933599 172 9e798 70e5593 40e0942 61412e87 Oe2340176 Oe2070971 Oei937848 9.965 70e5SOO 40e0947 61413ef4 -Oe06395'02 Oe2025550 Oef938577 10e 131 70e5516 40e0938 61410e80 OeSS09015 Oe2082642 Oei944822 10e298 70e5401 40e0937 61412e74 Oei975405 Oe1940746

-Oe4534315'ei836351 176 10e464 70e5393 40e0936 61411e96 Oei973171 Oei936827 177 10eh31 70e5181 40e0922 61412e73 -Oe1810037 Oei913769 Oel5'28034 178 10e797 70e5035 40e0908 61410e83 Oe4471515 Oei95305'5 Oei923315 179 10e964 70e4875 40e0897 61410e87 -0.0100559 Oei921818 0e 1916440 180 iiei31 70e4693 40e08'96 61412e01 "Oe2671972 Oe1853235 Oel904445 181 lle298 70e4601 40e0880 61410e64 Oe3208699 Oei873230 Oei895214 182 lie46S 70e4462 40e0870 614iie28 -Oei499255 Oei824126 Oe1882453 183 il 631 e 70e4270 40e0868 6141 1 e80 "Oe1239566 Oel780347 Oe1868524 184 ile798 70e4157 40e0852 61409e40 Oe562209$ Oei834656 Oe1858127 185 lle964 70e4023 40e0826 61406e36 Oe7162157 "Oei908600 Oe1856115 186 12ei31 70e3896 40e0815 61406e26 . Oe0228S61 Oe}88S470 Oei852231 187 12e297 70e3797 40e0809 61404e89 Oe3213953 Oel903390 Oe1849114 188 12e464 70e3712 40e0799 61404ei6 Oef700533 Oef900650 Oel845868 189 12e631 70e3621 40e0796 61404e64 -Oeli29513 Oei860778 Oe1839529 190 12e75'8 70e3510 40e07$ 6 61403e79 Oei862598 0 1834721 Oe2002245'Oe1106281 191 12.965 70e3344 40e0781 61404e26 Oei8243/I Oe1828507 192 13e131 70e3252 40e0780 61403e99 Oe0633629 Oei809286 Oei82038$

193 13e298 70e3145 40e0770 61402eii Oe4415965 Oe1841966 Oe1815032 194 13e464 70e3002 40e0768 61403e70 -Oe3746804 Oei773001 Oe1804756 195 13eb31 70e2873 40e0753 61400e93 Oe6482266 Oe1830614 Oei799581 196 13e797 70e2777 40e0750 6140ie67 -Oei744869 Oef787551 Oe1792107 197 13e964 70e2656 40e0705 61395e50 le4455289 Oel938860 Oe1795836 14e131 70e2621 40e0704 61395e20 Oe0707194 Oei924359 Oe1797866 14e322 70e245'4 40e0704 61396eli "Oei877167 Oe1873646 Oei796892 14e465 70e235'7 40e06$ 4 61394e05 Oe564S058 Oef910822 Oef798982 201 14e631 70e224f 40e0668 bf35'Oe68 Oe7926266 Oe1979076 Oel804402 202 14e798 70e21D 40e0675 61393e97 "Oe7709039 Oei869851 Oei802S41





(PSIA) (LBH) (X PER DAY) (X PER DN) (X PER DN) 203 14>964 70>1984 40>0661 62391>46 0>5905673 0>1924626 0.2804013 204 15>231 70>1903 40>0661 61393>52 -0>4828376 0>2840262 0>1801497 205 25>297 70>1787 40>0665 61394>04 -0>1221556 0>1807000 0>1795370 206 25>464 70>2625 40>0644 61393>55 0.1261322 0>1800023 0'1790860 207 15>631 70>1560 40>0626 61388eiO i>2822550 0>1916993 0>1793369 208 15>798 70>1381 40>0598, 61386>56 0>3594045 0>1934673 0>1796091 209 15>965 70>1213 40>0594 61387>21 -0>1518133 0>1898576 0>1796760 210 ih>132 70>1076 40>0583 61385>70 0>3545631 0>1925507 0>1799159 211 16>298 70>0905 40>0580 62387>77 -0>4847120 0>2846279 0>1796819 212 26>464 70>0830 40>0571 62386>84 Q>2286146 0>1849683 0 2795585 213 16>632 70>0685 40>0562 61385>75 0>2560695 0>1856)90 0>1795342 214 16.857 70>0584 40>0548 61384>83 O>1592560 0>1853215 0>1794622 215 17>024 70>0483 40>0555 62386>00 -0>2734546 0>1808248 0>1792070 226 17ei91 70.0301 40>0554 62387>13 "0>2673054 0>2764941 0>1784329 217 17>358 70>0249 40>0548 61386e76 0>0877948 0>1756397 0>1778757 17 524 70>0148 40>0547 62385>90 0>2020842 O>1758881 0>2773128 17>691 69>9997 40>0539 61386>05 -0>0365819 0>1738830 0>2766886 17>858 69>9851 40>0531 623S5>62 O>2024291 0>1)32136 0>1759546 222 18>024 69>9716 40>0519 61386>02 -0>0955324 0>1707357 0>1752773 .

222 18>191 69>9632 40>0463 61377>29 2 0458398 0>1879248 0>1754645 223 28>357 69>9518 40>0457 61376>56 O>2699606 0>2877599 0>2756560 .

224 18>524 69>9362 '0>0442 61375>76 0>1884255 0>1877635 0>2758978'>1762327 225 18>691 69>9260 40>0433 61373>57 0>5144880 0>2906632 226 18.858 69>9127 40>0430 61375>85 -0>5332886 0>2842593 0>1762411 =

227 29.024 69>8983 40>0427 61374>82 0>2425440 0>1847656 0>i/62589 228 19>191 69>8807 40>04?5 62373>38 0>3366145 0>1860826 0>064138 229 19 358 69>8793 40>0426 61372>60 0>2820322 0>1860454 0>2765259'il)63110 230 ,29>524 69>8623 40>0428 62374>39 -0>4217282 0>2808753 231 19>691 69>8504 40>0398 61373>24 0>2698422 0>1826264 0>1761126 232 19>857 69>8387 40>0392 61375>23 -0>4685708 0>1761884, 0>1757736 233 20>024 69>S263 40>0383 61376>47 -0>2899621 0>1723045 0>1752274 234 20>191 69>8209 40>0376 61375>95 0>1240269, 0>1719055 0>1747123 235 20>358 69>8023 40>0360 61375>80 0>0347585 0>2707800 0>2741532 236 20>524 69>7875 40>0322 62370>53 i>2384454 0>2)94244 0)2739074 237 20>692 69>7715 40>0316 61371>32 -0>1856997 .0>1764700 0>1736759 238 20 858 69>7637 40>0325 61370>26 0>2716853 0>1772290 0>1)33900 239 21 024 69>7475 40>0280 6136'6>15 '-O>9436203 0 1832781 0>2734486 240 22 229 69>7362 40>0248 62362>05 0>7S57423 0>1890653 0>1737982 241 21>395 69>7358 40>0241 61367>20 -1>2120737 Oei'?81927 0>1736309 42 21>562 69>7383 40>0220 62366>91 0>0676972 0>2773361 0>1734712 21>729 69>7255 40>0207 61367>23 -0>0503157 0>1755872 0>2732988 4 21>895 69>6998 40>01S9 61366>33 0>1874470 0>1756750 . 0>1729385 245 22>062 69>6909 40>0182 61363>23 0>7254679 ,0>2798276 0>2729174 246 22 228 69>67'?4 40>0186 61363>33 -O>0238918 0>2783042 0>1727846 247 22>395 69>6673 40>0180 61361>02 0>5425265 0>1810134 0>1728197



" 'Z START (DES Fe) (PSIA) (LDN) (X PER DAY) (X PER DAY) PER DAY) 248 22e562 69e6514 40e0183 61362e46 -Oe3400113 0 1771781 Oei726379 .

249 22e729 69e6437 40e0177 6136ie92 Oei262558 Oe1768024 Oei724615'ei721881 250 22e895 6'9e6295 40e0177 61362e85 -Oe2177878 Oei739396 251 23.062 69e6283 40e015$ 61360e84 Oe4711691 Oe1760862 Oe1720734 252 23e229 69e6233 40e0181 61363e83 -Oe7008299 Oel697905 Oei716177 253 23e395 69e6195 40e0153 61360ei8 Oe8591782 Oe1746797 Oe1714178 254 23e562 69e6093 40e 0144 61361.23 -Oe2470315 Oe1716939 Oei710819-255 23e728 69e6086 40e0127 61357e51 Oe8748367 Oel766104 Oe1710778 256 23e895 69e5975 40e0133 61359e70 -Oe5123838 Oe1718016 Oe1707552 257 24e062 69e5929 40e0124 61358e75 Oe2223905 Oe1721485 Oei705299 258 24e229 69e5904 40e0121 61359e30 -Oei271784 Oe1700870 Oei701370

6.2 25-Psig VeriHcation


TEHHESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY COHTAIHHEHT LEAKAGE HEASUREHEHT TEST SUNMARY KOURS AVERAGE CORRECTED TOTAL HASS P-T-P . TOTAL TIHE MASS SAHPLE SIHCE TEHPERATURE PRESSURE OF AIR LEAK RATE LEAK RATE LEAK RATE START (DEG Fe) (PSIA) (LBM) (X PER DAY) (X PER DAY) (X PER DAY) 2 Oe000 69o}131 39o9727 61338o76 Oe0000000 Oo0000000 Oe0000000 3 0 116 69o1071 39e9688 61337e82 Oe3162969 Oo3162969 Oe3183742 4 Oo233 69e}099 39e9663 61336e80 Oo3399259 0e3281088 Oe3324614 5 Oo350 69o1099 39e9639 61333o94 Oe9573372 Oe5387189 Oe5}87048 6 Oo467 69e}036 39o9605 61330o86 ie0342803 Oo6623945 Oo6601660 7 0.583 69o}029 39o9580 61327o73 io0500834 Oe7398079 Oe7561610 8 ' Oe700 69e0870 39e9563 61325e57 Oe7213702 Oe7367003 Oe7872975 Oo817 69e0921 39e9546 6132}oil io5004359 Oo8455637 Oe8594470 10 Oo933 69e0831 39o9532 61318e61 Oo8402004 Oe8448642 Oo89}43}8 11

'2 le050 69e0799 39.9521 6}315o63 io0030299 Oo8623770 Oo9148088 lo}67 No 0709 39o9487 61310o90 io5774120 Oe9341350 Oe9562413 13 io283 69e0707 39e9470 61306o92 ie337979} Oo9707301 Oe9950010 le400 69e0638 39e9466 61304eii Oe9441309 'e9684762 io0178281 15 ie517 69e0559 39e9456 61302o05 Ooh877189 Oo9467557 io0225793 16 ieh33 69e0586 39o9447 61299o26 Oe9402663 Oe9462529 io0226537 le750 69o0472 39o9433 61296o80 Oo8260537 Oe9382176 ie0192497 io866 69o0469 39o9423 61296e00 Oe2692334 Oo8964602 'o0018464 lo983 69e0414 39o9379 61288o91 2o3701384 Oo9834337 io0137950 20 2o}00 69.0460 39o9368 61287e98 Oo3099867 Oe9460713 ie0117584 21 2o216 No 0395 39o9356 61286o70 Oe9190485 1.0012789 OeQ21485'e7648201 22 2o333 69e0492 39o9327 61281e42 Oo9614478 io0032640 23 2o450 69.0475 39e93}i 61280oii Oe4400772 Oe9366456 Oo9985846 24 2e566 69e0573 39o9293 61275e03 le7091124 Oe9716234 io0026690 2o684 69o0628 39o9288 61273e79 Oo4125661 Oo947}9}7 Oo9994502 26 2o800 69e0596 39o9252 , 61268e78 ieh8N535 Oe9778844 io0037799 27 2o917 69o0706 39o9248 61267e32 Oe4887836 Oe9583325 ie0023235 28 3.033 69.0689 39o9229 61265o25 Oo6964017 Oe9482442 0.9993846 29 3o}50 69o0772 39e92}3 6126}e68 1e}948045 , Oo9573631 0499784 30 3.267 69.0762 39o9215 61262o05 -Oe}248382 Oo9}87880 Oe9886810 31 3o383 69o0872 39o9199 61257e34 1 5860928 Oe94}N03 Oe9857483 32 3o500 69e0900 39o9182 61255o3i Oo6777964 Oo9328251 Oe9813900 33 3oh}7 No0804 39e9149 61251e}6 io3970191 Oo9477106 Oe9796185 34 3e733 69e0890 39e9146 61249e08 Oo6992141 Oo9399277 Oo9772544 35 69e0878 39e9133 61247e35 Oo5809457 Oe9290423 Oe9727916 3e850'e967 36 69o0966 39o9133 61245o73 'o5407581 Oe9175478, Oe9669954 37 4e083 69e0934 39e91}9 612Qe54 Oi7400233 Oo9124528 Oo961}034 38 4o200 69o}023 39e9}}i 6124}e86 Oe5639101 Oo9027636 0o9544159

Tables and Figures




IE 1'

I i

       ~ ~
                                                ) goo TE-4 El,  625                              '~ /               I) ~

El. 654 "

  • m.

El.~ 654 J" Located. inside ~ I drywell head

   '/                                                                                         E.N I,

0 70 i I

                                          .AS TE-2 El.         646 Located inside                                         /



r ~

                                                                                 ~ /       /

Place-Z( TE-3 El. 625 o 6'ZB'-0'IGURE l RID Location, 4 required Lower RTD 3 feet below grating (=Z"3 Lnd TE"4) 0

~ ~ 160

                                      '\                \

P"Q 90 270

                                      ~  El.           615 .

(0 PLAN jL 5/6'-0'IGURE 2 46N962 Q Dewcell Location, 1 required Lower dewcell 1/2 foot below grating

~ ~ I 1

~ ) l80 I J I l /

                                                                      'b,0 J;r                                              o~

TE~ 5 0 El. 606 P -- 270 0 bJ, b f 1 C) 4. G J/ u G J 1 0 00 PLAN-EL, 604'W lJ)p of otocl Cl 6N'-ll'IGURE 3 48k<981 4 RTD Location, 3 required. HTD located. 2 feet above grating (TH-5 and TE-6 ) TE-7 located between RPV and. sacrificial shield.



180 TE-'12 I

                                                                                                                                 ~ ~
                                         ~     ~

E. 583 I TE 13 V I


( ' ~ i r I I \ ' / ~ ~ ~ ( J '( ' <<\ << J 4~ 7 TE 15 a " El. 583 TE-10 90 -' + Zl. 583 ( V. TE-ll 1 <<TE>> 14 El. 583 << , El. 583- r -'. ~i=.- .. I J I J I ~ << ~ l. TE>>8 E.: El. 583 ,r r HE \ 3 ~ <<<<' El. 583 ~'TE-'9 ~ . / <<K<< ~ ( ( Zl. 583 ~ ~ (' ( I I 0 . 0 PLAy -ZCSd4 584;'ll'ip of >/~i/ 9)i 404917 'FIGURE 4 II <<7 Q DewceU. Location, 2 required. RTD Location, 8 required Lower dewceU. 2 feet below grati Lower RTD 2 feet below grating I~ rl 180 TE~2 1 4 ( . El. 561 f 4 ~ ~" G ce TE-20 El. 561 Ir 4 I ~ ~ ' I' 4 Q V lk~ // . ]y HE-7 Cnd of rfraf:ng P.. ~I TE~ 22 I t(('t .~I'I -. - 4 ~ .. El. 561 El. 561 Located, I ~4 drywel1 90 ill>4  ;. 0 I(I y TE-24 t .. TE-18 El, 561 JI

u. > ~

Located l I drygeU- TE ~23 El. 561 El. 561 ~ ' I J'E-19 ~ 44 g i/'r 4 .8 I ~ 4 ~ I IC 4 gt TE-17 r ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ ~ . ~4 4 /4 zz. 561 i 4I I 'I rs 44 I I TE-16 4~ f I~ El. 561 HE-5 'i 'fwl r El. 561 Ip PLAN EI t'I5M' yp of Iform SSJ dl 4I8I4ISI6 FIGURE 5 RTD Location, 9 required Lower RTD 2 feet below grating Q Dewcell Location, 3 required Lower dewceU. 2 feet below grating 180. r I TE-28 .l.i- . El. 540 ~ ~ ' ~ XZ~27 El. 5'E>>9 ',.::i'"/g ~ ~ I El. 54O I II i ~

"-'HE-10 I I

~ El. 540 TE-29 . El. 540 '8 0

-/5 TE-26 El. 540

/ I ~ /C' I ~ '~ I TE>>30 El. 540 ~ ' / (0 ~ g Suppzw~naion Chamber Wa13nmy Grating PTGURE 6 O'ewcell Location, 3 required Walkway Elevation El = 537.G Q RTD Location, 6 required I~ I RtlD and Dewcell to be tied to top of handrail ~7-2. I Pr rv rr> ~ ~ Jrr>J>r trr t> $ f N>I'lt 4 t~ l rrtrrfo ~ J >r ~ r t ~> l 4 I 4 ~ I ea b ,~ H] I~ I f ~a ~i >.* ~ aecrrnn o-~ FIGURE 7 E r COI~VUZI;-.r. Or SC, ACCUXSXTXOI< ANn GRATA aCOUC rXON SVSTEV MINI COMPUTER SYSTEM i Tt<0 TWO MEN SOR DATA ACQUISITION MENSOR QUART Z UNIT QUART2 MANOM ETC R (AUTO DATA N I N E) MANOMETER SUPPRFSSION CHAHBHR DRYMELL SENSING REACTOR TORUS LEV L SE NSING LINC LINC LT 3 53 LT 64-54 TCST STATION ERIC T EM PE RAT UR E P RESSURE TRQ~QH.MHM. MULTIPLC X hULTI PLEX UNIT A UNIT 8 T RANSDUCER SIGNAL CONDITIONING 30 RTD fg DEWPOINT, T RANSDUGERS TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCERS et~. NASS PLOT etc+. et~. N A S et~. .N I et~. 'L B N- t 4 1 et080 etude t t sesc48 et 848. TINE t'.HOURSO FIGURE 9 0MASS LEAK RATE PLOT 8.48 ,. L E A K R A T E 8.18 D 'A e ee Y el-FKEHQ l 1 N12iS7 =a.'ie B 5'. 18. 1S. TINE CHOURSO FIGURE 10 0 AVERAGE PRESSURE PLOT 4B.158 p R S S U R E 4S, 188 I N P S IA 81~~) 11s1een 48.888 B. 18. TIME (HOURS) FIGURE ll 7l .58 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE PLOT 7$ .88 E M P 78.SS D E G R E E S F 78.88 81~8 41 I88180 B. S. 18. !S. TIME (HOURS) FIGURE 12 .GLK 1 '.fanuf ac turer Aporoximate Measured and Number Parameter '<odel '."o. Used Instrumen~t S ecificstiun Containment Leeds 6 .'Iorthrup 30 Range: 0-250 ~ Temperature Model No. 178055 Accuracy: 0 loF Repeatability: +0.01 F Con tainmen t '.fensor Corpora tion Range: 0-100 psia, 400,000 counts F.S. Pressure Model No. 10100-001 Accuracy: +0.015% reading Repeatability: +0.0005% reading Containment Foxboro Corporation Range: -50 to +142 F Dewpoint Model No. ?701 RG Accuracy: +1 F dewpoint Repeatability: +Oe10 F Analog to Acurex Corp. Accuracy: +0.001 F dewpoint Digital Autodata Nine +0.001 F temperature Converter +1 count pressure Atmosoheric Mensor Corp. Range: 0-30 psia, 400,000 counts F.S. Pressure Model No. 10100-001 Accuracy: +0.015% reading Repeatability: +0.0005% reading Verification Fischer-Porter Rotameter Range: 3/8" tube 0-90,000 SCCM; Flow 3/8" Model No. FP3F-3/8-25-5 1" tube 0-230,000 SCCM 1" ".fodel No. FP135-G-10/55 Accuracy: +1% F.S. OR Teledyne-Hastings Mass Range: 0-5 SCF.'f Flowmeter Accuracy +1% F.S. Model No. AHI;5 with H-3M Transducer Mensor Princo Range: 49 to 57 C Chamber ASTM 19I. Accuracy: Plunge'. +0.12 C Temperature Suppression Plant Process Transmitter Range: +25 inches of water Chamber water Model I,T 64-54 Accuracy: +5 % F.S. Level Reactor Vessel Plant Process Transmitter 0-60 inches of water Mater Level" Model LT-3-53 Accuracy: +5% F.S. TAHLI'. 2 VOLUMETRIC WEIGHTING GROUPS Volumetric Weir,ht Number Per Sensor By Sepment of Segment Compartment (Percent) Number Tran s<l ucers Volume See Note Temperature I 1 8,300.87 4.9824 II: 7 50,299.72 4.3130 II T. 8 55,908.76 4.1947 IV 2 30,862.61 6.1748 V 1 5,585.39 3.3525 VI 1 8,101.92 4.8629 VII 1 7,545.95 4.5292 VIII 6 133,240.00 16.6667 1)ewpolnt IVIII 2 58,600.59 17.5867 III 2 55,908.76 16.7788 IV, V, VI, VIT. 52,095.87 31.2691 VIII 133,240.00 50.0000 tlote: Sepment VIII, consists of the suppression chamber and is considered here as a independent volume from the drywell. TABLI". 3 CONTAINMENT L'AGE MEASUREMENT MINICOMPUTER ROUTINF.


Routine Name FORE a. Automatically acquire, store, and correct raw data to calibration curves.

b. Calculate volumetric weighted containment air mass and leak rate as defined by ANS N-274 (draft).
c. Print for each sample a summary with average parameters and containment leak rate.

LIST. Provide a summary for all samples from test start of average parameters, including calculated containment leak rate. TALLY a. Calculate statistical confidence levels for the measured leak rate from the test start.

b. Provide a summary comparison of reportable leak rates as defined by ANS N-274 (draft) .

BASE a. Allow test director to change the sample considered the test base.

b. Provide a. summary: for-each~ sample leak rate recalculated with a shift in the test base.


APPENDIX A Instrumentation Frror Analysis: (as defined in Appendix G, ANS N274 Draft 82, Revision 3) Assumed conditions at the time of the test: P = 25 + 14.696 ~ 39.696 psia 7 ~ 459 67ot82 ~ 541i67oR Tddp ~ 60 F dewpoint t = 24 hours Using the absolute method:

1. Total absolute pressure:

Number of sensors: 3 (see note 1) Range: 0-100 psia 5feasurement system xepeatability error (E ) ~

        +0,0005% reading ~ +0.000198            psia 1       x 100 psia ~ 0.00025 psia 400,000
               +    (E  )2+(i        )
                                             ~ +.0001841 p

psia (i/sensors) ~

2. )later vapor pressure Number of sensors: 7 (see note 2)

Sensor repeatability error (E): +0.1 0 F Heasurement system errox (()> excluding sensor: +0.001 0 F

              +  [(00~)    + (() ]

e I~ pv f/sensors H pv

              ~  +0.1   F  (0.0092 psia/ F) = +0.00092 psia pv     +0.001    F  (0.0092 psia/ F) = +0.0000092 psia e pv ~ +0.0003477       psia
3. Temperature Number of sensors: 27 (see note 3)

Sensor repeatability error (E): +0.01 R Measurement system error (g) excluding sensor: +0.00loR eT ~ + 1 ff sensors eT +0.001934oR ISG ISG = + 2400 t e P 2

                                 + 2 e
                                        '.22 e

ISG + 2400 2 60.0001841 + 2 0.0003477 + 2 0.001934 24 39,696 39.696 541.67 XSG = +0.001484 %/day Notes: 1. Test started with four pressure sensors, subsequent checks revealed one pressure= sensor was erratic.

2. Test started with ten dewcells. Three dewcells were found to be inoperative during functional testing.
3. Test started with 30 RTD's. Three RTD's were found inoperative during the functional testing.
 ~y h

APPENDIX A DEFINITION OF SYMEOLS Absolute pressure, psia Temperature, degrees Rankine dp Temperature, dewpoint t Time, hours Measurement system repeatability error E Error associated with the sensor ISG Instrumentation selection guide Error associated with measurement of change in a given parameter Subscripts Temperature Pressure PV - Vapor pressure



1. 0 Introduc tion 2.0 Summary 3.0 Analysis of Data Tables: B<<l 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6


1. 0 In trod uc tion Appendix J to 10CFR50 and Browns Ferry technical specifications require that the total leakage .from all penetrations subject to types B and C testing be less than 0.60 La for return to power operations. Technical specification 4.7.A.2.i requires that the leakage through each main-steam isolation valve be less than 11.5 SCFH, in addition to the total leakage requirement. This appendix presents a summary of all local leak rate testing performed on Browns Ferry unit 3 since the completion of the preoperational CILRT. An analysis and interpretation of conditions contributing to the failure of meeting either the acceptance criteria of technical specifications or Sections III.A.5(b), III.B.3, and III.C.3 of Appendix J are included.

2.0 Summary Tables B-l, B-2, B-4, and B-5 lists the type B and type C testing performed on Browns Ferry unit 3 since the preoperational tests. Testing was performed in accordance with plant approved surveillance instruc-tions BF SI 4.7.A.2.g-l, BF SI 4.7.A.2.g-2, and BF SI 4.7.A.2.g-3 which are on file at the plant site. Table B-3 summarizes cycle 1 test results and Table B-6 summarizes cycle 2 test results. Four out of eight of the main steam isolation valves required rework to meet the 11.5 SCFH limit during cycle 1 testing. And five out of eight of the main steam isolation valves required rework to meet the 11.5 SCFH limit during cycle 2 testing. The total as left leakage was 180.2821 SCFH during cycle 1 testing and 106.3427 SCFH during cycle 2

testing. Both as left totals were well below the 60 percent La limit of 655.9216 SCFH. The total leakage of isolation valves that terminate below the suppression chamber water level was 1.5043 CFH for cycle 1 tests and 1.2972 CFH for cycle 2 tests. The total leakage for isolation valves that are located in closed loop seismic class 1 lines that are water sealed was 2.9566 CFH for cycle 1 tests and 7.3845 CFH for cycle 2 tests. 3.0 Analysis of Data To facilitate testing and prevent the draining of large volumes of contaminated water to the drain sumps, TVA proposed testing certain non-water sealed valves with water and converting the measured leakage to an equivalent air leakage (reference J. E. Gillelands letter to James P. O'Reilly, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, dated August 14, 1978). This was accomplished during cycle 1 testing on those valves noted in Table B-l. It was felt that the total leak rate penalty for using the water to air conversion was more severe than TVA should accept, therefore a technical specification change was submitted requiring all valves that are not water sealed during a DBA be tested with air. The cycle 2 testing reflects this change. The total type B and C leakages prior to the return to power was significantly below the 60 percent L limit even though the total leakage is derived from the largest leak of the two isolation valves for type C leak tests.

The main steam isolation valves are tested with air applied between the inboard and outboard isolation valves. This tends to lift the inboard main steam isolaion valves off the seat. Three out of four outboard main steam isolation valves were less than 11.5 SCFH during initial cycle 1 tests and two out of four outboard main steam isoltion valves were less than 11.5 SCFfl during initial cycle 2 tests. Ilow-ever, one out of four inboard main steam isolation valves was less than 11.5 SCFH during cycle 1 and during cycle 2 tests. It is believed the direction the test pressure is applied to the inboard main steam isolation valves contributes to the increased failure

TABLE B-1 TYPE C TEST SP9fARY TESTING FDR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 T.A. Water test (Isolation valves that terminate below the suppression chamber water level) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Nama Remarks Date ~(S CPN (SCFH) X-210 Auxiliary Boiler Steam Supply 12-738 9-9-78 0.0000 12-741 9-9-78 0.0000 0.0000 X-225A Water Quality And Sampling System 43-28A 10-18-78 0.0027 43-.28B 10-18-78 0.0061 0.0061 X-225B Water Quality And Sampling System 43-29A 10-18-78 0.0030 43-29B 10-18-78 0.0055 0.0055 X-227A Core Spray-Torus High Level 75-57/58 A.F. 9>>12-78 12.0896 75-57/58 A.L. 10-27-78 0.0738 0.0738 X-213B Torus Drain 74-722 A.F. 9-14-78 0.0639 74-722 A.L. 11-24-78 0.3015 0.3015 X-212 RCIC Turbine Exhaust 71-14/580 A.F. 9-12-78 1.1522 0.4158 71-14/580 A.L. . 10-8-78 0.4158



TESTING FOR CYCLE l UNIT 3 I.A. Hater Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Naraa Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-221 RCIC Pump Discharge 71-32/592 A.F. 9-12-78 9.5294 71-32/592 A.L. 10-15-78 0.0075 0.0075 X-214 HPCI Turbine Exhaust 73-23/603 A.F. 9-12-78 35.2174 73-23/603 A.L. 10-8-78 0.684? 0.6847 X-222 HPCI Pump Discharge 73-24/609 9-16-78 0.0094 0.0094 I.BE Mater Test (Isolation valves located in closed loop, seismic class 1 lines that are water sealed.) X-13A LPCI Injection 74-53 9-10-78 0.4095 74-54 9-14-78 0.5589 0.5589 X-211A RHR Return to Torus/ Pump Test 74-57/58 A.F. 9-10-78 42.6316 74-57/58 A.L. 10-7-78 0.0360 0.0360 X-39A Containment Spray 74-60/61 A.F. 9-10-78 13.5000 74-60/61 A.L. 10-13-78 1.3613 1.3613 X-13B LPCI Infection 74-67 9-25-78 0.1592 74-68 9-25-78 0.7364 0.7364


~ >

l I 0 I I il 1 l I



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 I.B. Mater Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Nama Remarks Date ~HCFH) (SCFH) X-211B RHR Return to Torus/ Pump Test 74-71/72 A.F. 9-15-78 0.8833 74-71/72 A.L. 10-15-78 0.1980 0.1980 X-39B Containment Spray 74-74/75 9-17-78 0.0030 0.0030 X-l7 Head Spray In)ection 74-77/78 9-11-78 0.0387 0.0387 X-16A Core Spray Injection 75-25 9-.11-78 0.0027 75-26 9-11-.78 0.0135 0.0135 X-16B Core Spray Injection 75-53 9-11-78 0.0108 0.0108 75-54 9-11-78 0.0090 II Air Test X-7A HSIV Line A 1-14 A.F. 9-15-78 1843.4169 1-15 A.F. 9-15-78 0.0000 1-14 A.L. 10-19-78 1.8283 1.8283 1-15 A.L. 10-18-78 1.2767

4 ~ ~ ~ 0

TABLE B-1 TYPE C TEST SlkÃARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-229e Containment Air Monitor 76-225 A.F. 9-13-78 10.5215 76-225 A.L. 9-28-78 0.0790 76-226 A.P. 9-18-78 0.4827 76-226 A.L. 9-28-78 0.1185 0. 1185 X-5lb Containment Air Monitor 76-229 A.P. 9-13-78 64.8848 76-229 A.L. 10-19-78 0.1327 0.1327 76-230 A.F. 9-16-78 4.2126 76-230 A.L. 9-28-78 0.0308 X-220b Containment Air Monitor 76-237 A.P. 9-13-78 0.4647 76-237 A.L. 9-28-78 0.0922 0.0922 76-239 A.F. 9-18-78 0.3511 76-239 A.L. 9-28-78 . 0.0792 X-220a Containment Air Monitor 76-242 9-13-78 0.0000 76-243 9-18-78 0.1536 0.1536 X-462 Containment Air Monitor 76-248 A.P. 9-13-78 . 6.7077 76-248 A.L. 9-28-78 0. 1185 76-250 A.P. 9-16-78 0.4388 76-250 A.L. 9-28-78 0.1400 0.1400



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage

'Number                   Name                 Remarks          Date     (SCFH)      SCFH)

X-7B MSIV Line B 1-26 A.F. 9-16-78 442.4096 1-27 9-16-78 8.9452 8.9452 1-26 A.L. 9-28-78 6.8367 X-7C MSIV Line C 1-37/38 9-15-78 9.5892 9.5892 X-7D MSIV Line D 1-51 A.F. 9-17-78 1997.1238 1-52 A.F. 9-17-78 50.7588 1-51 A.L. 10-8-78 6.2249 6.2249 1-52 A.L. 10-7"78 5.5045 X-8 Main Steam Drain 1-55/56 A.F. 9-13-78 18.3628 1-55/56 A.L. 11-13-78 2.6573 2.6573 X-48 Control Air Suction 32-62/63 9-13-78 0.3551 0.3551 X-25 Containment Purge And Inerting Supply 64>>17/18/19/76-24 A.F. 9-12-78 32.5608 64-17/18/19/76-24 A.L. 11-8-78 8.9200 8.9200



TABLE B-l TYPE C TEST SUMQEY TESTING FOR CYCLE 1, UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-205 Torus Vacuum Relief 64-20 C.V. 9-9-78 1.4301 1.4301 64-21 C.V. 9-9-78 1.7357 1.7357 76-17/18/19-Purge A.P. 9-10-78 14.0420 76-17/18/19-Purge A.L. 10-31-78 0.6814 0.6814 84-8B/601-CAD 9-9-78 0.0000 84-8C/603-CAD 9-9-78 1.4899 1.4899 X-18 Drywell Sump Discharge 77-2A/2B A.P. 10-27'78 40.6333 77-2A/2B A.L. 11-5-78 0.9522 0.9522 X-19 Dryvell Sump Discharge 77-15A/15B A.F. 10-27-78 14.1333 77-15A/15B A.L. 11-3-78 2.3894 2.3894 X-22 Control Air Di'scharge 32-336 A.F. 9<<12-78 2.8627 32-336 A.L. 10 16-78 0.0708 32-2163 9-12-78 0.0764 0.0764 X-41 Recirculation Hater Quality Sampling 43-13 A.P. 9-13-78 3.2033 43-13 A.L. 11-20-78 1.5974 1.5974 4.3-14 A.F. 9-13-78 6.7985 43-14 A.L. 10"16-78 0.0286



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration  : System Tes t Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-231 Ventilation 64-29/30/32/33/84-19 A.F. 9-12-78 261.9077 64-29/30/32/33/84-19 A.L. 9-29-78 4.2485 4.2485 X-26 Drywell Ventilation Exhaust 64-31/34/139/140/84-20 9-10-78 1.7456 1.7456 X-10 RCIC Steam Supply 71-2/3 A.F. '-9-78 78.5700 71-2/3 A.L. 9-19-78 0.3541 0.3541 X-ll HPCI Steam Supply 73-2/3 9-10-78 0.0000 0.0000 X-512 Containment Air Monitor 215 A.F. 9-13-78 8.0668 76-215 A.L. 10-20-78 0.2171 0.2171 76-217 A.F. 9-16-78 0.5773 76-217 A.L. 9-28-78 0.0570 X-229'ontainment Air Monitor

                                                 ,A.F.          9-13-78   28.0583 76-220 76-220                       A.L.          9-28-78    0.1360     0. 1360 76-222                       A.F.          9-18-78    0.1536 76-222                       A.L.          9-28-78    0.1185

TABLE B-1 TYPE C TEST SUM'fARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetxation System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH SCFH X-46b Containment Air Monitor 76-253 A.F. 9-13-78 48.2252 76-253 A.L. 9-28-78 0.1097 0.1097 76-254 A.F. 9-15-78 1.4042 76-254 A.L. 9-28-78 0.0528 X-25 Containment Puxge and Inerting Supply 84-8A/600 9-9-78 0.0325 0.0325 84-8D/602 9-9-78 0.0000 0.0000 X-50a 6 b Radiation Monitoring System 90-254A/254B/255 A.F. 9-11-78 1.5056 90-254A/254B/255 A.L. 10-6-78 0.7047 0.7047 X-50c Radiation Monitoring System 90-257A/257B '9-11-78 0.0284 0.0284 III Water Tests Converted to Equivalent Air Leakage e Individual Convert Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage To Air Leakage Number Meme Remarks Date SCFH ~SCPH (SCFH X-14 RWCU Suction -Water Test 69-1 10-12-78 0.0963 10.8356 loe8356 69-2 A.F. 10-13-78 0.8901 62.0204

                   '69-2                         A.L. 11-20-78          0.0540         6.8828

TABLE 8-1 TYPE C TEST SUHHARY TESTING'OR CYCLE 1 ~ UNIT 3 III Water Test Converted to Equivalent Air Leakage (Cont.) Individual Convert Penetration Penetration System Tes t Leakage Tor Air Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) X-12 Shutdown Cooling Suction Water Test 74-47 10-12-78 0.1228 13.1122 74-48 10-14-78 0.0585 7.3288 74-661/662 10-12-78 0.0047 1.0138 13.1122 Standby Liquid Control Infection 63-525 A.F. 9-14-78 6.3138 288.4216 63-525 A.L. 10-15-78 0.0662 8.0754 63-526 A.F. 9-14-78 1.0523 70.7242 63-526 A.L. 10-15-78 0.0743 8.8408 8.8408 X-9A Feedwater Line A 3-558 9-12-78 0.5310 41.3558 3-554/73-45 A.F. 9-12-78 22.0913 770.4444 3-554/73-45 A.L. 10-11-78 0.6429 48.0494 48.0494 3-554/73-44 A.F. 9-12-78 22.0913 770.4444 3-554/73-44 A.I . 10-11-78 0.1161 12.5476 3-554 A.F. 9-12-78 22.0913 770.4444 X-9B Feedwater Line B 3-572 10-10-78 0.2835 25.2771 25.2771 3-568/71-40/69-579 =A.F. 10-9-78 2.1774 125.1158 3-568/71-39/69-579 A.F. 10-15-78 2.1720 124.8723 3-568 A.L. 0.0 0.0 69-579 A.L. 0.0198 3e1328 71-39 A.L. 0.1035 11.4662 71-40 A.L. 0.1089 11.9330 85-576 A.L. 0.0243 3.6788



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 III Water Test Converted to Equivalent Air Leakage (Cont.) Individual Convert Penetration Penetration System Tes t Leakage To Air Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (S CFH) ~SCPH (SCFH) X-36 CRD Return Line 85-573 9-15-78 0.0329 4.6659 85-576 9-14-78 1.2160 85-576 9-15-78 0.0243 3.6788 This leakage p'ath no longer exists due to CRD reroute during refuel outage.



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 BELLOWS Leakage, SCFH ~ AS. Found Leakage, SCFH Left Leakage Path As Found Date As Left Date 7A inboard 0.0019 10/22/78 0.0019 10/22/78 outboard 0.0019 10/22/78 0.0019 10/22/78 78 inboard 0.0016 10/22/78 0.0016 10/22/78 outboard 0.0019 10/22/78 0.0019 10/22/78 7C inboard 0.0006 10/23/78 0.0006 10/23/78 outboard 0.0013 19/23/78 0.0013 10/23/78 7D inboard 0.0025 10/23/78 0.0025 10/23/78 outboard 0.0013 10/23/78 0.0013 10/23/78 8 inboar'd 0.0003 10/25/78 0.0003 10/25/78 outboard 0.0005 10/25/78 0'0005 10/25/78 9A inboard 0.0006 10/23/78 0.0006 10/23/78 outboard 0.0015 10/23/78 0.0015 10/23/78 9B inboard 0.0012 10/23/78 0.0012 10/23/78 outboard 0.0012 10/23/78 0.0012 10/23/78 10 inboard 0.0003 10/23/78 0.0003 10/23/78 outboard 0.0013 10/23/78 0.0013 10/23/78 11 inboard 0.0005 10/23/78 0.0005 10/23/78 outboard 0.0007 10/24/78 0.0007;, 10/24/78 12 inboard 0.0013 10/23/78 0,0013 '0/23/78 outboard 0.0013 10/23/78 0.0013 '0/23/78 13A inboard 0.0021 10/25/78 0.0021 . 10/25/78 outboard 0.0015 10/25/78 0'0015 10/25/78 13B inboard 0.0024 10/25/78 0.0024 10/25/78 outboard 0.0015 10/25/78 0.0015 10/25/78" 14 inboard 0.'+0006 10/22/78 0.0006 10/22/78 outboard 0.0011 10/22/78 0.0011 10/22/78 16A inboard outboard 0.0005 0.0015 10/22/78 10/22/78 0.0006's 0.0005 0.001S 10/22/78 10/22/78 16B inboard 0.0002 10/22/78 0.0002 10/22/78 outboard 0.0007 10/22/78 0.0007,, " 10/22/78 17 inboard '.0003 10/22/75 0.0003 10/22/78 outboard 0.0006 10/22/78 10/22/78



TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 ELECTRICAL Leakage, SCFH As Found Leakage, SCFH As Left Leaka e Path As Found Date As Left Date 100A EC 0.0613 9/16/78 0.0613 9/16/78 B BD 0.0250 9/16/78 0.0250 9/16/78 C BE 0.0365 9/16/78 0.0365 9/16/78'/17/78 D BF 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 E BG 0.0607 9/17/78 0.0607 9/17/78 F BH 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 G DC 0.0672 9/16/78 0.0672 9/16/78 101A AB 0.0000 9/17/78 '.0000 9/17/78 B AA 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 C AF 0.0766 9/16/78 0.0766 9/16/78 D AE 0.0779 9/17/78 0.0779 9/17/78 102 CA 0.0306 9/16/78 0.0306 9/16/78 103 DG 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 104A ED 0.0649 . 9/16/78 0.0649 9/16/78 R DB 0.. 0389 9/16/78 0.0389 9/16/78 C BC 0.0779 9/16/78 0.0779 9/16/78 D CB 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 E EE 0.0240 9/17/78 0.0240 9/17/78 F EF 0.0002 9/17/78 0.0002 9/17/78 1058 AC 0.0247 9/17/78 0.0247 9/17/78 C AD 0.0613 9/17/78 0.0613 9/17/78 D EG Spare N/A N/A N/A N/A 106A DA 0.0153 9/16/78 0.0153 9/16/78 B BA 0.0913 9/16/78 0.0913 9/16/78 107A BA 0.0000 9/16/78 0.0000 9/16/78 B 0.0510 9/16/78 0.0510,, 9/16/78 108A EA 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 B DE 0.0771 9/17/78 0.0771 9/17/78 109 DD 0.0387 9/16/78 0.0387 9/16/78 llOA EB 0.0520 9/17/78 0.0520 9/17/78 llOR DF 0.0000 9/17/78 0.0000 9/17/78 219 FH 0.0001 9/17/78 0.0001 9/17/78

~ ~ ~ g 0'



TESTING FOR CYCLF. 1 UNIT 3 RESILIENT SEALS Leakage, SCFH As Found Leakage, SCFH ~ As Left Lea~ka e Paeh As Found Date As Left Date lA 0.0151 9/9/78 0.0019 11/1/78 1R 3.6550 9/9/78 0.0035 11/3/78 4 0.0003 9/15/78 0.0003 9/15/78 6 0.0276 9/9/78 0.0001 11/2/78 35A 0.0000 9/16/78 0.0000 9/16/78 35R 0.0000 9/16/78 0.0000 9/16/78 35C O.OOOO 9/16/78 0.0000 9/16/78 35D 0.0000 9/16/78 0.0000 9/16/78 35E 0.0000 9/16/78 , 0.0000 9/16/78 35F 0.0000 9/16/78'. 0.0000 9/16/78 35G 0.0032 9/16/78 0.0032 9/16/78 47 0.0001 U/k6/7,8.,:, 0.0001 11/6/78 200A 0.0126 9/8/78 0.0126 9/8/78 2008 0.0009 9/9/78 0.0009 9/9/78 Drywell Head 0.0058 9/9/78 0.0198 11/20/78 AZ Oo 0.0002 9/14/78 0.0002 9/14/78 45o 0.0002 9/14/78 0.0002 9/14/78 90o 0,0001 9/14/78 0.0001 9/14/78 135o 0.0002 9/14/78 0.0002 9/14/78 180o 0.0006 9/14/78 0.0006 9/14/78 225o 0.0001 9/14/78 0.0001 9/14/78 270o 0.0001 9/14/78 0.0001 9/14/78 315o 0.0001 9/14/78 0.0001 9/14/78 213A 0.0001 11/6/78 0.0001 11/6/78 Personnel Air Lock 52.4444 10/26/78 15.9469 11/30/78

~ p ~ ~

TABLE B-3 TOTAL LEAKAGE SUMHARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 1 UNIT 3 Type B Leakage: I. Bellows 0.0367 SCFH II. Electrical 1.0532 SCFH III. Resilient Seals 15.9910 SCFH Type C Leakage: I. Air Tested Isolation Valves 57.0861 SCFH II. Isolation Valves Tested With 106.1151 SCFH Mater And Converted To Equivalent Air Leakage III. Isolation Valves That Terminate 1.5043 CFH Below Suppression Chamber Water Level (See Note 2) IV. Isolation Valves That Are Located 2.9566 CFH in Closed-Loop, Seismic Class I Lines That Are Water.Sealed (See Note 1) Note 1: This leakage is not included in the total leakage rate but is reported per paragraph III. A. 1(d) of 10CFR50, Appendix J. Note 2: This leakage shall not be included in the total leakage rate if the total water leak rate is less than 20,781 cubic feet per 30 days or 28.86 SCFH. Total Leakage Prior To Return To Power Operation 180.2821 SCFH (Type B 6 C Leakage)

TABLE B-4 TYPE C TEST SUNNY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 I.A Water Test (Isolation valves that terminate below suppression pool water level) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) {SCFH) X-212 RCIC Turbin Exhaust 71-14/580 A.F. 8-29-79 44-1818 71-14/580 A.L. 9-4-79 0.1422 0.1422 X-221 RCIC Pump Discharge 71-32/592 8-27-79 0.1598 0.1598 X-214 HPCI Turbine Exhaust 73-23/603 A.F. 8-26-79 34.5000 73-23/603 A.L. 9-6-79 0.6018 0.6018 X-222 HPCI Pump Discharge 73-24/609 8-26-79 0.0000. 0.0000 X-2138 Torus Drain 8-28-79 0.2807 0.2807 X-227A Core Spray-Torus High Level 75-57/58 8-24-79 0.0639 0.0639 X-225A Water Quality and Sampling System 43-28A 8-"28-79 0.0009 43-28B 8-28-79 0.0030 0.0030 X-225B Water Quality and Sampling System 43-29A 8-28-79 0.0100 0. 0100 43-29B 8-28>>79 0.0070

TABLF. B-4 TYPE C TEST SUMQRY TESTING TOE CYCLE 2 UNYT 3 I.A Water Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH X-210 Auxiliary Boiler Steam Supply 12-738 8-27-79 0.0045 12-741 8-27-79 0.0015 0.0015 X-228 Demineralized Water 2-1143 8-28-79 0.0340 0.0343 I.B Mater Test (Isolation valves Located in closed-loop, seismic class 1 lines that are water sealed.) X-13A LPCI Injection 74-53 8-23-79 0.0585 74-54 8-23-79 0.8486 0.8486 X-13B LPCI Injection 74-67 8-25-79 0.2277 74-68 A.P. 8-25-79 4.1860 74-68 A.L. 10-25-79 1.2176 1.2176 X-211A RHR Return to Torus/ Pump Test 74-57/58 8-23 0.5857 0.5857 X-211B RHR Return to Torus/ Pump Test 74-71/72 9-11-79 1.2176 1.2176 X-39A Containment Spray 74-60/61 8-22-79 3.4884 3.4884



TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 I.B Water Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-39B Containment Spray 74-74/75 8-26-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-17 Head Spray Infection 74-77/78 8-24-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-16A Core Spray Infection 75-25 8-23-79 0.0099 75-26 A.F. 8-23-79 39.1935 75-26 A.L. 11-1-79 0.0180 0.0180 X-16B Core Spray Injection 75-53 8-25-79 0.0000 75-54 A.F. 8-25-79 0.0054 75-54 A.L. 10-19-79 0.0090 0.0090 II Air Test X-7A MSIV Line A 1-14 A.F. :8-29-79 1215.6889 1-15 A.F. 8-29-79 433.9335 1-15 A.L. 8-29-79 0.8912 1-14 A.L. 9-11-79 7.7338 7.7338 X-7B MSIV Line B 1-26/27 A.F. 8-23-79 1715.7145 1-26/27 A.L. 9-10-79 0.1535 0.1535 X-7C MSIV Line C 1-37/38 8-23-79 0.5885 0.5885



TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date ~SCPH) (SCFH X-25 Containment Purge and Inerting Supply 64-17/18/19,76-24 8-25-79 5.5586

                -" 64-17/18/19,76-24                          11-25-79   6.4438     6.4438 X-205           Torus Vacuum   Relief 64-20/C.V.                                 8-24-79   0.7021     0.7021 64-21/CiV.                                 8-24-79   0.3426     0.3426 X-231          Ventilation 64-29/30/32/33,84-19                       8-26-79   2.9620 64-29/30/32/33,84-19                      11-24-79   9.7439     9. 7439 X-26           Drywell Ventilation Exhaust 64-31/34/139/140984-20                     8-26-79   8.9957 64-31/34/139/140,84-20                    11-29-79   9.9463     9.9463 X-20           Demineralized Water 2-1192                       A.F.                    8.7680 2-1192                       A.L.                    0.5946     0.5946 2-1383                                               0.0000 X-10           RCIC Steam Supply 71-2/3                                     8-24-79   0.3335     0.3335 X-ll           HPCI Steam Supply 73-2/3                                     8-24-79   1.3077     1.3077





TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH X-205 Torus Vacuum Relief 76-17/18/19 A.F. 8-24-79 385.5555 76-17/18/19 A.L. 11-29-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-51A Containment Air Monitor 76-215 8-30-79 0.0833 76-217 8-28-79 0.0000 0.0833 X-229f Containment Air Monitor 76-220 A.F. 8-31-79 46.9963 76-220 A.L. 9-7-79 0.0000 76-222 8-29-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-229e Containment Air Monitor 76-225 8-30-79 0.0527 0.0527 76-226 8-29-79 0.0263 X-51b Containment Air Monitor 76-229 8-30-79 0.0439 76-230 A.F. 8-28-79 0.8322 76-230 A.L. 9-"7-:7.9 0.0000 0.0439 X-220b Containment Air Monitor 76-237 8-30-79 0.0000 76-239 8-31-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-220a Containment Air Monitor 76-242 8-30-79 0.0000 76-243 8-30-79 0.0000 0.0000

l ~

     ) E i



TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date ~SCPH X-7D.'SIV Line 1-52 D 8-31-79 3.0907 1-51 A.F. 8-31-79 3184.0302 1-51 A.L. 9-5-79 3.4282 3.4282 X-8 Main Steam Drain 1-55/56 A.F. 8-28-79 61.5014 ~ 1-55/56 A.L. 10-6-79 0.1238 0.1238 X-18 Drywell Sump Discharge 77-2A/2S. 8-28-79 0.0263 0.0263 X-19 Drywell Sump Discharge 77-15A/158 8-28-79 0.2108 0.2108 X-22 Control Air Discharge 32-336 A.F. 8-27-79 4.1249 32-336 A.L. 9-24-79 0.7752 0.7752 32-2136 8-27-79 0.0000 Recirculation Hater quality Sampling 43-13 8-24-79 0.4464 0.4464 43-14 8-24-79 0.1863 X-48 Control Air Suction 32-62/63 8-26-79 0.0000 O.OOOO X-21 Service Air 33-1070 11-19-79 0.1513 1.9791 33-785 11-20-79 1.9791

TABLE B-.4 TYPE C TEST SlM4AEY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-46a Containment Air Monitor 76-248 8-30-79 0.0000 76-250 8-28-79 0.0000 0.0000 x-46b Containment Air Monitor 76-253 8-30-79 0.0263 0.0263 76-254 8-28-79 0.0000 X-25 Containnent Purge and Inerting Supply 84-8A/600 8-25-79 0.0000 84-8D/602 8-25-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-205 Torus Vacuum Relief 84-8B/601 8-28-79 0.0000 84-8C/603 8-25-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-50a&b Radiation Monitoring System 90-254A/254B/255 8-26-79 0.0000 0.0000 X-50c Radiation Monitoring System 90-257A/257B A.F. '8-26-79 2.1063 90-257A/257B A.L. 9-5-79 0.0549 0.0549 x-14 RWCU Suction 69-1 9-17-79 1.5473 1.5473 69-2 A.F. 9-17-79 104.0087 69-2 A.L. 9-30-79 0.3410

s ~ )4 TABLE B-4 TYPE C TEST SiRMARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2, UNIT 3 II Air Test (Cont.) Individual Penetration Penetration System Test Leakage Leakage Number Name. Remarks Date (SCFH) (SCFH) X-42 Standby Liquid Con trol In) ec tion 63-525 A.F. 8-27-79 3.3758 63-525 A.L. 9-18-79 0.9726 0.9726 63-526 A.F. 8-27-79 17.1472 63-526 A.L. 9-20-79 0.0883 X-12 Shutdown Coaling Suction 74-48 9-14-79 0.1964 0.1964 74-47 9-14-79 0.1500 74-661/662 9-12-79 0.0000 9A Feedwater Line B 3-558 A.F. 0.0834 3-558 A.L. 8.9093 69-624 0.0 3-554 A.F. 6.5822 3-554 A.L. 0.0000 73-45 A.F. 248.9661 73-45 A.L. 10.3022 10.3022 73-44 A.F. 82.1657 73-.44 A.L. 0.0000 3-572 A.F. 35.2110 3-572 A.L. 17.7008 17.7008 3-568 A.F. 181.0088 3-568 A.L. 0.9292 69-579 0.0000 85-576 0.0000 71-40 A.F. 124.7873 71-40 A.L. 2.8099 71-39 0.0000

J l; TABLE B-5 TYPE B TEST SUK(ARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 BELLOWS Leakage, SCFH As Found Leakage, SCFH Left Leakage Path As Found Date As Left Date 7A inboard 0.0004 9/3/79 0.0004 9/3/79 outboard 0.0004 9/3/79 0.0004 9/3/79 78 inboard 0.0000 9/2/79 0.0000 9/2/79 outboard 0.0006 9/2/79 0.0006 9/2/79 7C inboard 0.0003 9/3/79 0.0003 9/3/79 outboard 0.0004 9/3/79 0.0004 9/3/79 7D inboard 0.0000 9/3/79 0.0000 9/3/79 outboard 0.0000 9/3/79 0.0000 9/3/79 8 inboard 0.0003 9/3/79 0.0003 9/3/79 outboard 0.0001 9/2/79 0.0001 9/2/79

                                                                   's 9A inboard      0.0000                9/2/79   0.0000                 9/2/79 outboard     0.0004                9/2/79   0.0004                 9/2/79 9B inboard      0.0000                9/3/79   0.0000                 9/3/79 outboard     0'e 0003              9/3/79   0.0003                 9/3/79 10   inboard     0.0001                9/3/79   0.0001                 9/3/79 outboard    0.0003                9/3/79   0.0003                 9/3/79 11   inboard     0.0007                9/3/79   0.0007                 9/3/79 outboard    0.0001                9/3/79   0.0001                 9/3/79 12   inboard     0.0002                9/2/79   0.0002                 9/2/79 outboard    0.0002                9/2/79   0.0002                 9/2/79 13A  inboard     0.0000                9/2/79   0.0000                 9/2/79 outboard    0.0000                9/2/79                   ~
                                                            '.0000 9/2/79 13B  inboard     0.0002                9/2/79   0.0002                 9/2/79 outboard    0.0002                9/2/79   0.0002                 9/2/79 14   inboard     0.0006                9/2/79   0.0006                 9/2/79 outboard    0.0004                9/2/79   0.0004                 9/2/79 16A  inboard     0.0000                9/1/79   0.0000                 9/1/79 outboard    0.0000                9/1/79   0.0000                 9/1/79 16B  inboard     0.0001                9/1/79   0.0001'.0002 9/1/79 outboard    0;0002                9/1/79                          9/1/79 17   inboard      0.0001               9/2/79   0.0001                 9/2/79 outboard     0.0000               9/2/79   0.0000                 9/2/79

TABLE B-5 TYPE H TEST SUGARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 ELECTRICAL Leakage, SCFH As Found,, Leakage, SCFH As Left'ate Lea~ka e Path As Found Date As Left 100A EC 0.0000 8/29/79 0.0000 8/29/79 100B BD 0.0076 9/2/79 0.0076 9/2/79 100C BE 0.0305 9/3/79 0.0305 9/3/79'/31/79 100D BF 0.0061 8/31/79( 0.0061 100E HG 0.0244 9/3/79 0.0244 9/3/79 100E HH 0.0122 9/3/79 0.0122 9/3/79 100G DC 0.0305 9/3/79 0.0305 9/3/79 101A AB 0.0517 8/30/79 0.0517 8/30/79 101B AA 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 101C AF 0.0612 8/30/79 0.0612 8/30/79 101D AE 0.0195 9/2/79 0.0195 9/2/79 102 CA 0.0229 8/30/79 0.0229 8/30/79 103 'C 0.0061 9/3/79 0.0061 9/3/79 104A ED 0.0258 9/2/79 0.0258 9/2/79 104H DH 0.0906 9/1/79 0.0906 9/1/79 104C HC 0.0323 9/2/79, 0.0323 9/2/79 104D CB 0.0'426 8/31/79 0.0426 8/31/79 104E FF 0.0128 9/3/79 0.0128 9/3/79 104F EF 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 105A Spare 105H AC 0.0184 8/30/79 0.0184 8/30/79 105C AD 0.0153 8/30/79 0.0153 8/30/79 105D EG non"-testable 106A DA 0.0000 8/30/79 0.0000 8/30/79 106B BB 0.0000 8/29/79 0:.0000 8/29/79 107A HA 0.0153 8/29/79 0.0153 8/29/79 107B 0.0075 8/29/79 0.0075 8/29/79 108A EA 0.0000 >9/2/79 0.0000 9/2/79 108B DF. 0.0128 8/31/79 0.0128 8/31/79 109 DD 0.0194 8/30/79 0.0194 8/30/79 110A EB 0.0323 8/30/79 0.0323 8/30/79 110B DF 0.0243 9/3/79 0.0243 9/3/79 219 0.0)00 9/1/79 0.0000 9/1/79 W W



TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 UNIT 3 RESILIENT SEALS Leakage, SCFH As Found Leakage, SCFH As Left As Found Date As Left Date lA Equip 0.0209 8/22/79 0.0029 12/5/79 1B Equip 291.4713 8/22/79 0.0124 11/15/79 4 OR)A 0.0001 8/22/79 0.0001 8/22/79 6 CRD 0.0004 8/24/79'/31/79 0.0001 12/1/79 35A TIP 0.0000 0.0000 8/31/79 35B TIP 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 35C TIP 0.0001 8/31/79 0.0001 8/31/79 35D TIP 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 35E TIP 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 35F TIP 0.0000 8/31/79 0.0000 8/31/79 35G TIP 0.0065 9/1/79 0.0000 9/21/79 47 POT 0.0001 9/2/79 0.0001 9/2/79 200A SC 0.0252 8/25/79 0.0000 11/20/79 200B SC 0.0016 8/25/79 0.0000 12/3/79 Drywell Head 0.1103 8/22/79 0.0539 12/2/79 AZ 0 Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 45o Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 90o Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 135o Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 180o Shear 0.0001 8/29/79 0.0001 8/29/71 225o Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 270o Shear 0.0000 8/28/79 0.0000 8/28/79 315o Shear 0.0001 8/28/79 0.0001 8/28/79 X-213A 0.0000 8/28/79 0.0000 8/28/79 Personnel Air Lock II X-2 15145.4856 8/22/79 29.0142 ll/21/79

TABLE B-6 TOTAL LEAKAGE SUN'IARY TESTING FOR CYCLE 2 Type B Leakage I. Bellows 0.0066 SCFH II. Electrical 0.6221 SCFH III. Resilient Seals 29.0845 SCFH Type C Leakage I. Air Tested Isolation Valves 76.6295 SCFH II. Leakage Total From Isolation 1.2972 CFH Valves That Terminate Below Suppression Chamber Water Level. (See Note 2) III. Leakage Total From Isolation 7.3845 CFH Valves Located In Closed Loop, Seismic Class 1 Lines That Are Water Sealed. (See Note 1) Note 1: This leakage is not included in the total leakage rate but is reported per paragraph III, A.l(d) of 10CFR50, Appendix J. Note 2: This leakage shall not be included in the total leakage rate if the water leak rate is less than 20,781 cubic feet per 30 days or 28.86 SCFH. Total Leakage Prior to Return to Power Operation 106.3427 SCFH (Type B 6 C Leakage)

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