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Part 02 Ssar (Rev. 1) - Part 2 - Ssar - Chapter 2 - Site Characteristics - Section 2.0 - Plant Parameter Envelope
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 12/15/2017
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML18003A302 (15)


Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report SECTION 2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page CHAPTER 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................... 2.0-1 2.0 Plant Parameter Envelope ............................................................................ 2.0-1 2.0-i Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report SECTION 2.0 LIST OF TABLES Number Title 2.0-1 Site Characteristics 2.0-2 Site-Related Design Parameters 2.0-3 LOCA Bounding Design Basis Accident Atmospheric Radioactive Release (Ci) 2.0-4 Annual Normal Gaseous Radioactive Release (Ci/y) 2.0-5 Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release Source Term 2.0-6 Annual Normal Liquid Radioactive Release (Ci/y) 2.0-ii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report CHAPTER 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS Chapter 2 describes the characteristics of the Clinch River Nuclear (CRN) Site, including the Plant Parameter Envelope (PPE) and the geological, seismological, hydrological, and meteorological characteristics of the site and vicinity. The CRN Site location, characteristics, and site-related design parameters, as described in the following sections, are provided in sufficient detail to support a safety assessment:

Section 2.0: Plant Parameter Envelope Section 2.1: Geography and Demography Section 2.2: Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and Military Facilities Section 2.3: Meteorology Section 2.4: Hydrologic Engineering Section 2.5: Geology, Seismology, and Geotechnical Engineering 2.0 PLANT PARAMETER ENVELOPE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is currently evaluating four light-water-cooled small modular reactor (SMR) technologies for deployment at the CRN Site. Because a technology has not yet been selected, for the Early Site Permit Application (ESPA) the plant-site interface is defined through a collection of site-related design parameters known as the PPE. The PPE approach provides sufficient design detail to support NRC review of the ESPA, while allowing sufficient flexibility for technical developments in new reactor technologies. The actual design selected for the CRN Site would be reviewed within a combined license application (COLA) to demonstrate that the design is bounded by the PPE, and differences would be reviewed for acceptability in the COLA. The PPE developed in support of the CRN Site ESPA is based on data from the four SMR designs under evaluation by TVA. Brief descriptions of these designs are provided in Section 1.11, Overview of Reactor Types.

Table 2.0-1 provides a summary listing of the site characteristics of the CRN Site, and Table 2.0-2 provides site-related design parameters from the PPE. The site characteristics, which have been determined in the analyses presented throughout the SSAR, are those necessary to establish the findings required by 10 CFR 52 and 10 CFR 100, regarding suitability of the proposed CRN Site. The site-related design parameters are those that are related to the design of an SMR that might be constructed on the CRN Site in the future. In some cases, it is necessary to assume values for certain site-related design parameters in order to analyze the associated site characteristics. The values selected for the different site-related design parameters represent the bounding values and include engineering, safety, and environmental conservatism as appropriate. Definitions for each of the site characteristics and site-related design parameters are provided, as are references to the location in the SSAR where additional information may be found.

2.0-1 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-1 (Sheet 1 of 5)

Site Characteristics Characteristic/Parameter Site-Specific Value(a) Description SSAR Section Geography and Demography Exclusion Area Boundary Clinch River Property The area surrounding the reactors, in 2.1.1 (EAB) Boundary which the reactor licensee has the authority to determine all activities, including exclusion or removal of personnel and property from the area.

Low Population Zone 1 mi from CRN Site center The area immediately surrounding the point exclusion area which contains residents, the total number and density of which are such that there is a reasonable probability that appropriate protective measures could be taken in their behalf in the event of a serious accident.

Population Center Distance 4.8 mi (southeast) The distance from the site center point to the nearest boundary of a densely populated center containing more than about 25,000 residents.

Meteorology and Hydrology Winter Precipitation 100-yr Snowpack 12.2 psf The weight of the 100-year return period snowpack (to be used in determining normal precipitations loads for roofs).

48-hour Probable Maximum 23.5 in Probable Maximum Precipitation Winter Precipitation (PMP) during the winter months (to be (PMWP) used in conjunction with the 100-yr snowpack in determining normal precipitation loads for roofs).

Normal Winter Precipitation 21.9 psf The maximum of the 1) 100-year Event return snowpack (snow cover), 2) historical snowpack (snow cover), 3) 100-year return snowfall event, or 4) historical maximum snowfall event.

Extreme Frozen 21.9 psf The maximum of the 1) 100-year Precipitation Event return snowfall event or 2) historical maximum snowfall event.

Extreme Liquid Winter Equivalent to the 48-hour The extreme winter precipitation event Precipitation Event PMWP is defined as the theoretically greatest depth of precipitation (in inches of water) for a 48-hour period that is physically possible over a 25.9 square kilometer (10 square mile) area at a particular geographical location during those months with the historically highest snowpacks.

2.0-2 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-1 (Sheet 2 of 5)

Site Characteristics (SRI/CEII) Characteristic/Parameter Site-Specific Value(a) Description SSAR Section Potential for Frazil Ice in N/A Potential for accumulated ice 2.4.7 Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) formation in the UHS Water Storage Water Storage Facility Facility in a turbulent flow condition.

Maximum Rainfall Rate 18.8 in/hr PMP for 1-hour and for 5-minute 6 in/5-minutes durations at the site estimated from Hydro-Meteorological Report HMR-52.

Maximum Flood ft NGVD29 ( ft Predicted maximum flood level 2.4.2, 2.4.3, and (or Tsunami) NAVD88) (including wave run-up) from external 2.4.10

-Still water events, not including local PMP.

ft (wind-wave) ft NGVD29 ft NAVD88)

-Combined Maximum Ground Water 816.1 ft NAVD88 Maximum groundwater level under 2.4.12 deep foundation structures in power block area.

Basic Wind Speed 96.3 mph for a 3-second Wind velocity at 33 ft above ground for gust Exposure Category C associated with a 100-year return period in the site area.

Historical Maximum Wind 87 mph for a 3-second gust Wind velocity at 33 ft above ground Speed 73 mph fastest mile associated with the most severe hurricane wind that has been historically observed in the site region.

Design-Basis Hurricane 130 mph for a 3-second The resulting windspeed for nominal Windspeed gust 3-second peak-gust values at a height of 33 ft in flat open terrain.

Tornado Maximum Pressure Drop 1.2 psi Decrease in ambient pressure from normal atmospheric pressure at the site due to passage of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.

Maximum Rotational Speed 184 mph Rotation component of maximum wind speed at the site due to passage of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.

Maximum Translational 46 mph Translation component of maximum Speed wind speed at the site due to the movement across the ground of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.

Maximum Wind Speed 230 mph Sum of the maximum rotational and translational wind speed components at the site due to passage of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.


Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-1 (Sheet 3 of 5)

Site Characteristics Characteristic/Parameter Site-Specific Value(a) Description SSAR Section Radius of Maximum 150 ft Distance from the center of the Rotational Speed tornado at which the maximum rotational wind speed occurs at site due to passage of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.

Rate of Pressure Drop 0.5 psi/s Maximum rate of pressure drop at site due to passage of a tornado having a probability of occurrence of 10-7 per year.

Site Characteristic Site characteristic wet bulb and dry Ambient Air Temperatures bulb temperatures associated with the listed exceedance values and the 100-year return period.

Maximum Dry Bulb Temperature with Maximum Wet Bulb Temperature 2% Annual Exceedance 90°F Dry Bulb 73.7°F Coincident Wet Bulb 1% Annual Exceedance 92°F Dry Bulb 74.2°F Coincident Wet Bulb 0.4% Annual Exceedance 95°F Dry Bulb 74.9°F Coincident Wet Bulb 0% Annual Exceedance 105°F Dry Bulb 74.6°F Coincident Wet Bulb 100-Year Return Period 107°F Dry Bulb 73.1°F Coincident Wet Bulb Maximum Non-Coincident Wet Bulb Temperature 2% Annual Exceedance 75.7°F 1% Annual Exceedance 76.7°F 0.4% Annual Exceedance 77.6°F 0% Annual Exceedance 81.7°F 100-Year Return Period 83.6°F Minimum Dry Bulb Temperature 2% Annual Exceedance 25°F 1% Annual Exceedance 21°F 0.4% Annual Exceedance 16°F 0% Annual Exceedance -9°F 100-Year Return Period -9.9°F 2.0-4 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-1 (Sheet 4 of 5)

Site Characteristics Characteristic/Parameter Site-Specific Value(a) Description SSAR Section Atmospheric Dispersion Atmospheric dispersion coefficients 2.3.4 (X/Q) (Accident) used in the design safety analyses to estimate dose consequences of accident airborne releases.

0-2 hr @ EAB 4.96x10-3 s/m3 0-8 hr @ LPZ 3.10x10-4 s/m3 8-24 hr @ LPZ 2.26x10-4 s/m3 1-4 day @ LPZ 1.14x10-4 s/m3 4-30 day @ LPZ 4.30x10-5 s/m3 Atmospheric Dispersion Refer to Table 2.3.5-10 Atmospheric dispersion coefficient 2.3.5 (X/Q) (Annual Average) used in the safety analysis for the dose consequences of normal airborne releases.

Gaseous Releases Dose Consequences Normal 10 CFR 20, App. B Estimated design radiological dose 11.3.3 10 CFR 50, App. I consequences due to gaseous releases from normal operation of the plant.

Post-Accident 10 CFR 52.17(a)(1)(ix) Estimated design radiological dose 15 consequences due to gaseous releases from postulated accidents.

Minimum Distance from 1100 ft Minimum lateral distance from the and Release Point to EAB effluent release boundary to the EAB. 2.3.4 Liquid Releases Dose Consequences Normal 10 CFR 20, App. B Estimated design radiological dose 11.2.3 10 CFR 50, App. I consequences due to liquid effluent releases from normal operation of the plant.

Post-Accident 10 CFR 20, App. B Estimated design radiological dose 2.4.13 DC/COL-ISG-013 consequences due to liquid effluent releases from postulated accidents.

Geology, Seismology, and Geotechnical Engineering Ground Motion Response Figure 2.5.2-78 The design response spectra used to 2.5.2 Spectra establish a plants seismic design.

Capable Tectonic Structures None The assumption made in a plant 2.5.3 or Sources design about the presence of capable faults or earthquake sources in the vicinity of the plant site (e.g., no fault displacement potential within the investigative area).

Soil Properties Liquefaction None Liquefaction potential at the site. 2.5.4 2.0-5 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-1 (Sheet 5 of 5)

Site Characteristics Characteristic/Parameter Site-Specific Value(a) Description SSAR Section Minimum Bearing Capacity 110 ksf Allowable load-bearing capacity of 2.5.4 (Static) layer supporting plant structures.

Minimum Shear Wave 4650 fps Propagation velocity of shear waves 2.5.4 Velocity through foundation materials.

Dynamic Bearing Capacity 110 ksf Capacity of the foundation soil/rock to 2.5.4 resist loads imposed by the structures in the event of an earthquake.

Minimum Soil Angle of 36° Minimum value of the internal friction 2.5.4 Internal Friction angle of foundation soils, fill soils, or excavation slopes that would provide a safe design of the plant through soil structure interaction analyses including sliding along the base.

(a) Values shown are for a single unit, but would be the same value for each additional unit.

2.0-6 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-2 Site-Related Design Parameters Characteristic/Parameter Bounding Value(a) Description SSAR Section Structure Height 160 ft The height from finished grade to the top of the tallest power block structure, excluding stacks and cooling towers.

Structure Foundation 138 ft The depth from finished grade to the 2.4.12 Embedment bottom of the basemat for the most deeply embedded power block structure.

Plant Megawatts Thermal 800 MWt The maximum thermal power 1.2.2 (805 MWt including reactor generated by one unit and the coolant pump) maximum thermal power for the site.

[2420 MWt]

Minimum Site Grade 821 ft NAVD88 Minimum finished ground elevation in 2.4.1 the power block area.

Condenser/Heat Exchanger [5593 MBTU/hr] Design value for the waste heat -

Design Duty rejected to the circulating water system across the condensers.

Gaseous Releases Source Term (Accident) Refer to Table 2.0-3 Bounding design basis accident 15.2 atmospheric release by post-accident interval.

Source Term (Normal) Refer to Table 2.0-4 Annual activity, by radionuclide, 11.3.3 contained in routine plant airborne effluent streams.

Release Point Elevation Accident Ground level The elevation above finished grade of 2.3.4 the release point for releases due to an accident.

Normal Ground level The elevation above finished grade of 2.3.5 the release point for normal effluent releases.

Liquid Releases Accidental Release Refer to Table 2.0-5 The assumed activity, by radionuclide, 2.4.13 contained in accidental liquid radwaste release.

Source Term (Normal) Refer to Table 2.0-6 Annual activity, by isotope, contained 11.2.3 in routine plant liquid effluent streams.

(a) Values shown are for a single unit, but would be the same value for each additional unit. Bracketed numbers represent the value for multiple units at the site.


Immediately prior to the submittal of this application, BWXT announced a series of changes to the mPower reactor design, including an increase in rated electric power to 195 MWe (per unit). Evaluations indicate no impact to the bounding values in the plant parameter envelope (PPE).

2.0-7 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-3 (Sheet 1 of 2)

LOCA Bounding Design Basis Accident Atmospheric Radioactive Release (Ci)

Nuclide Worst 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 0-8 hour 8-24 hour 1-4 days 4-30 days 2 9.28x102 4.60x102 2.10x101 0.00x100 Kr-85m 3.51x10 Kr-85 3.01x101 1.05x102 2.50x102 5.64x102 4.84x103 Kr-87 2.66x102 4.84x102 1.22x101 1.00x10-2 0.00x100 Kr-88 7.48x102 1.74x103 4.05x102 4.20x100 0.00x100 Xe-131m 1.92x101 6.69x101 1.55x102 3.13x102 1.27x103 Xe-133m 1.17x100 3.98x100 8.14x100 1.07x101 6.72x100 Xe-133 3.82x103 1.32x104 2.95x104 5.25x104 1.04x105 Xe-135m 2.08x100 8.91x100 0.00x100 0.00x100 0.00x100 Xe-135 8.53x102 2.57x103 2.70x103 5.62x102 2.30x100 Xe-138 5.81x100 2.92x101 0.00x100 0.00x100 0.00x100 I-130 2.12x100 4.19x100 1.55x10-1 8.10x10-3 2.00x10-4 I-131 1.34x102 2.76x102 1.52x101 5.80x100 1.75x101 I-132 9.61x101 1.69x102 1.11x100 1.00x10-7 0.00x100 I-133 2.59x102 5.20x102 2.28x101 2.54x100 2.50x10-1 I-134 4.98x101 9.21x101 2.10x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 I-135 2.06x102 3.94x102 1.02x101 1.50x10-1 0.00x100 Cs-134 2.35x101 4.71x101 2.06x100 1.11x10-2 9.60x10-2 Cs-136 6.70x100 1.20x101 4.60x10-1 3.09x10-3 9.00x10-3 Cs-137 1.80x101 3.63x101 1.59x100 9.07x10-3 7.50x10-2 Cs-138 1.14x101 2.75x101 1.00x10-8 0.00x100 0.00x100 Rb-86 2.06x10-1 4.15x10-1 1.81x10-2 9.07x10-5 4.80x10-4 Te-127m 2.74x10-1 5.48x10-1 2.62x10-2 1.40x10-4 1.11x10-3 Te-127 1.34x100 2.52x100 7.40x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Te-129m 9.09x10-1 1.82x100 8.65x10-2 4.00x10-4 3.00x10-3 Te-129 1.14x100 1.80x100 1.70x10-3 0.00x100 0.00x100 Te-131m 3.32x100 6.51x100 2.67x10-1 5.00x10-4 2.00x10-4 Te-132 2.59x101 5.14x101 2.32x100 8.00x10-3 9.00x10-3 Sb-127 1.59x100 3.17x100 1.44x10-1 6.00x10-4 7.00x10-4 Sb-129 3.38x100 5.99x100 9.99x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Sr-89 7.79x100 1.56x101 7.42x10-1 4.00x10-3 2.80x10-2 Sr-90 9.52x10-1 1.91x100 9.12x10-2 5.00x10-4 4.30x10-3 Sr-91 8.01x100 1.51x101 4.46x10-1 0.00x100 0.00x100 Sr-92 5.48x100 9.27x100 8.32x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Ba-139 4.14x100 6.61x100 1.17x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Ba-140 1.33x101 2.66x101 1.25x100 6.00x10-3 2.60x10-2 Ru-103 1.40x100 2.81x100 1.34x10-1 7.00x10-4 4.80x10-3 Ru-105 6.27x10-1 1.12x100 1.93x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Ru-106 4.75x10-1 9.52x10-1 4.55x10-2 2.50x10-4 2.08x10-3 Rh-105 8.37x10-1 1.65x100 6.92x10-2 2.00x10-4 0.00x100 2.0-8 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-3 (Sheet 2 of 2)

LOCA Bounding Design Basis Accident Atmospheric Radioactive Release (Ci)

Nuclide Worst 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 0-8 hour 8-24 hour 1-4 days 4-30 days Mo-99 1.71x100 3.38x100 1.51x10-1 5.00x10-4 4.00x10-4 Tc-99m 1.16x100 2.12x100 4.78x10-2 0.00x100 0.00x100 Ce-141 3.19x10-1 6.38x10-1 3.03x10-2 1.60x10-4 1.02x10-3 Ce-143 2.81x10-1 5.53x10-1 2.30x10-2 5.00x10-5 2.00x10-5 Ce-144 2.65x10-1 5.31x10-1 2.54x10-2 1.40x10-4 1.15x10-3 Pu-238 5.94x10-4 1.19x10-3 5.68x10-5 3.00x10-7 2.70x10-6 Pu-239 7.10x10-5 1.42x10-4 6.79x10-6 4.00x10-8 3.20x10-7 Pu-240 1.08x10-4 2.16x10-4 1.03x10-5 6.00x10-8 4.80x10-7 Pu-241 2.64x10-4 5.30x10-4 2.53x10-5 1.40x10-7 1.19x10-6 Np-239 3.16x100 6.26x100 2.76x10-1 8.00x10-4 6.00x10-4 Y-90 9.55x10-3 1.89x10-2 8.43x10-4 2.00x10-6 3.00x10-6 Y-91 1.01x10-1 2.02x10-1 9.62x10-3 5.00x10-5 3.80x10-4 Y-92 6.37x10-2 1.11x10-1 1.47x10-3 0.00x100 0.00x100 Y-93 9.72x10-2 1.84x10-1 5.60x10-3 0.00x100 0.00x100 Nb-95 1.34x10-1 2.69x10-1 1.28x10-2 7.00x10-5 4.40x10-4 Zr-95 1.32x10-1 2.65x10-1 1.26x10-2 7.00x10-5 5.00x10-4 Zr-97 1.17x10-1 2.25x10-1 8.22x10-3 1.00x10-5 0.00x100 La-140 1.32x10-1 2.61x10-1 1.11x10-2 3.00x10-5 1.00x10-5 La-142 4.13x10-2 6.62x10-2 1.66x10-4 0.00x100 0.00x100 Nd-147 4.89x10-2 9.77x10-2 4.60x10-3 2.00x10-5 8.00x10-5 Pr-143 1.17x10-1 2.34x10-1 1.11x10-2 5.00x10-5 2.40x10-4 Am-241 1.56x10-5 3.12x10-5 1.49x10-6 8.00x10-9 7.00x10-8 Cm-242 3.16x10-3 6.33x10-3 3.02x10-4 1.70x10-6 1.32x10-5 Cm-244 1.84x10-4 3.69x10-4 1.76x10-5 1.00x10-7 8.30x10-7 Total 6.64x103 2.00x104 3.31x104 5.39x104 1.10x105 2.0-9 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-4 Annual Normal Gaseous Radioactive Release (Ci/y)

Release Release Release Release Radionuclide per Unit for Site Radionuclide per Unit for Site Kr-83m 1.07x10-3 1.28x10-2 Rb-89 6.67x10-6 2.67x10-5 Kr-85m 8.47x101 3.39x102 Sr-89 3.00x10-3 9.00x10-3 Kr-85 1.21x102 7.20x102 Sr-90 1.20x10-3 3.60x10-3 Kr-87 8.18x100 3.27x101 Y-90 7.09x10-6 2.84x10-5 Kr-88 3.63x101 1.45x102 Sr-91 1.54x10-4 6.18x10-4 Kr-89 1.25x10-7 5.00x10-7 Sr-92 1.21x10-4 4.84x10-4 Xe-131m 2.75x102 1.67x103 Y-91 3.72x10-5 1.49x10-4 Xe-133m 2.63x101 1.05x102 Y-92 9.60x10-5 3.84x10-4 Xe-133 5.61x102 2.24x103 Y-93 1.71x10-4 6.86x10-4 Xe-135m 3.19x100 1.28x101 Zr-95 1.00x10-3 3.00x10-3 Xe-135 7.04x101 2.82x102 Nb-95 2.50x10-3 7.50x10-3 Xe-137 7.50x10-1 3.00x100 Mo-99 9.19x10-3 3.68x10-2 Xe-138 2.86x100 1.14x101 Tc-99m 4.59x10-5 1.83x10-4 I-129 6.68x10-12 8.02x10-11 Ru-103 5.42x10-4 2.17x10-3 I-131 7.70x10-2 2.31x10-1 Rh-103m 1.23x10-9 1.48x10-8 I-132 3.38x10-1 1.35x100 Ru-106 7.80x10-5 2.34x10-4 I-133 2.63x10-1 1.05x100 Rh-106 3.81x10-12 4.57x10-11

-1 0 -4 I-134 5.84x10 2.33x10 Ag-110m 1.78x10 2.14x10-3 I-135 3.72x10-1 1.49x100 Sb-124 2.79x10-5 1.12x10-4 H-3 3.10x102 1.01x103 Te-129m 3.38x10-5 1.35x10-4 C-14 7.30x100 1.00x101 Te-131m 1.17x10-5 4.68x10-5 Na-24 6.25x10-4 2.50x10-3 Te-132 5.94x10-6 7.13x10-5 P-32 1.42x10-4 5.68x10-4 Cs-134 2.30x10-3 6.90x10-3 Ar-41 4.00x101 5.44x102 Cs-136 9.19x10-5 3.68x10-4 Cr-51 5.42x10-3 2.17x10-2 Cs-137 8.14x10-3 3.26x10-2 Mn-54 8.35x10-4 5.22x10-3 Cs-138 2.63x10-5 1.05x10-4 Mn-56 5.42x10-4 2.17x10-3 Ba-140 4.17x10-3 1.67x10-2 Fe-55 1.00x10-3 4.01x10-3 La-140 2.79x10-4 1.12x10-3 Fe-59 1.25x10-4 9.55x10-4 Ce-141 1.42x10-3 5.68x10-3

-2 -2 -9 Co-58 2.30x10 6.90x10 Ce-143 9.63x10 1.16x10-7 Co-60 8.80x10-3 2.64x10-2 Ce-144 2.92x10-6 1.17x10-5 Ni-63 1.22x10-3 1.46x10-2 Pr-144 2.92x10-6 1.17x10-5 Cu-64 1.54x10-3 6.18x10-3 W-187 2.92x10-5 1.17x10-4

-3 -3 -3 Zn-65 1.71x10 6.86x10 Np-239 1.84x10 7.35x10-3 Br-84 1.07x10-6 1.28x10-5 Sb-125 9.42x10-6 3.77x10-5 Rb-88 8.17x10-7 9.80x10-6 Co-57 2.75x10-5 1.10x10-4 Total 1.55x103 7.13x103 2.0-10 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-5 Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release Source Term Release Release Radionuclide Ci Radionuclide Ci I-129 5.89x10-3 Sr-92 1.84x105 I-130 2.42x103 Y-92 1.86x105 I-131 1.42x105 Y-93 2.10x105 I-132 2.07x105 Zr-95 5.00x103 I-133 2.92x105 Nb-95 5.00x103 I-134 3.28x105 Mo-99 2.65x105 I-135 2.78x105 Tc-99m 2.35x105 H-3 1.25x102 Ru-103 2.24x105 C-14 1.37x10-1 Rh-103m 2.24x105 Na-24 7.68x101 Ru-106 8.63x104 P-32 1.95x101 Rh-106 9.16x104 Cr-51 8.04x103 Ag-110m 4.31x102 Mn-54 7.49x102 Sb-124 1.18x102 Mn-56 2.26x104 Te-129m 7.21x103 Co-58 1.21x103 Te-131m 2.73x104 Co-60 2.59x102 Te-132 2.02x105 Fe-55 2.99x103 Cs-134 3.01x104 2

Fe-59 1.93x10 Cs-136 1.00x104 Ni-63 9.63x101 Cs-137 2.45x104 Cu-64 5.25x10-1 Cs-138 2.71x105 Zn-65 8.50x10-5 Ba-140 2.50x105 Rb-89 1.30x105 La-140 2.58x105 Sr-89 1.34x105 Ce-141 2.36x105 Sr-90 1.87x104 Ce-144 2.02x105 Y-90 1.94x104 Pr-143 2.15x105 Sr-91 1.71x105 Np-239 2.72x106 Y-91 1.76x105 Total 8.11E x106 2.0-11 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-6 (Sheet 1 of 2)

Annual Normal Liquid Radioactive Release (Ci/y)

Release Release Release Release Radionuclide per Unit for Site Radionuclide per Unit for Site I-129 4.20x10-10 5.04x10-9 Ru-105 1.76x10-8 7.04x10-8 I-130 4.62x10-6 1.85x10-5 Rh-103m 3.64x10-7 4.37x10-6 I-131 1.38x10-2 1.66x10-1 Ru-106 9.80x10-3 3.92x10-2 I-132 4.40x10-2 1.32x10-1 Rh-106 9.35x10-8 3.74x10-7 I-133 2.30x10-2 2.76x10-1 Rh-105 1.07x10-7 4.27x10-7 I-134 3.26x10-3 3.91x10-2 Ag-110m 2.22x10-3 2.66x10-2 I-135 1.37x10-2 1.64x10-1 Ag-110 8.69x10-9 3.48x10-8 H-3 2.21x102 8.85x102 Sb-124 5.73x10-5 2.29x10-4 C-14 8.19x10-4 9.83x10-3 Sb-125 1.98x10-9 7.92x10-9 Na-24 2.80x10-3 8.40x10-3 Sb-127 1.10x10-8 4.40x10-8 P-32 7.57x10-5 3.03x10-4 Sb-129 4.40x10-9 1.76x10-8 Cr-51 1.07x10-2 1.28x10-1 Te-127m 1.43x10-6 5.72x10-6 Mn-54 5.44x10-3 6.53x10-2 Te-127 3.19x10-6 1.28x10-5 Mn-56 2.72x10-4 1.09x10-3 Te-129m 2.30x10-2 6.90x10-2 Co-58 5.20x10-3 5.51x10-2 Te-129 4.13x10-5 1.65x10-4 Co-60 2.05x10-3 8.21x10-3 Te-131m 6.60x10-4 1.98x10-3 Fe-55 4.06x10-3 4.87x10-2 Te-131 1.01x10-5 4.05x10-5

-4 -2 -2 Fe-59 9.92x10 1.19x10 Te-132 4.40x10 1.32x10-1 Ni-63 1.53x10-2 1.84x10-1 Te-134 2.64x10-7 1.06x10-6 Cu-64 1.68x10-3 6.72x10-3 Cs-134 2.87x10-3 3.44x10-2 Zn-65 1.76x10-3 2.11x10-2 Cs-136 2.93x10-3 1.17x10-2 Br-82 1.87x10-6 7.48x10-6 Cs-137 3.53x10-3 4.24x10-2 Br-83 3.52x10-6 1.41x10-5 Cs-138 1.18x10-3 1.42x10-2 Br-84 8.38x10-5 1.01x10-3 Ba-137m 5.17x10-4 2.07x10-3 Br-85 2.42x10-9 9.68x10-9 Ba-139 1.54x10-8 6.16x10-8 Rb-86 1.87x10-5 7.48x10-5 Ba-140 1.60x10-2 4.80x10-2 Rb-88 3.73x10-3 1.49x10-2 La-140 1.07x10-3 4.27x10-3 Rb-89 5.15x10-5 6.18x10-4 La-141 2.20x10-8 8.80x10-8 Sr-89 4.19x10-5 1.67x10-4 La-142 2.97x10-9 1.19x10-8

-6 -5 -5 Sr-90 3.57x10 1.43x10 Ce-141 3.96x10 1.58x10-4 Sr-91 1.67x10-4 6.67x10-4 Ce-143 8.13x10-5 3.25x10-4 Sr-92 5.91x10-5 2.36x10-4 Ce-144 7.47x10-4 2.99x10-3 Y-90 1.55x10-7 1.86x10-6 Pr-143 1.73x10-5 6.93x10-5

-5 -4 -4 Y-91 3.13x10 1.25x10 Pr-144 4.21x10 1.69x10-3 Y-91m 6.67x10-6 2.67x10-5 Nd-147 2.67x10-7 1.07x10-6 Y-92 2.25x10-4 9.01x10-4 Np-239 2.49x10-3 2.99x10-2 Y-93 1.81x10-4 7.25x10-4 Pu-238 6.60x10-10 2.64x10-9 Zr-95 1.83x10-4 2.20x10-3 Pu-239 8.47x10-11 3.39x10-10 2.0-12 Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 2, Site Safety Analysis Report Table 2.0-6 (Sheet 2 of 2)

Annual Normal Liquid Radioactive Release (Ci/y)

Release Release Release Release Radionuclide per Unit for Site Radionuclide per Unit for Site Zr-97 1.10x10-7 4.40x10-7 Pu-240 1.07x10-10 4.27x10-10 Nb-95 2.67x10-4 1.07x10-3 Pu-241 3.19x10-8 1.28x10-7 Mo-99 3.77x10-3 4.52x10-2 Am-241 4.62x10-11 1.85x10-1 Tc-99m 1.89x10-3 2.27x10-2 Cm-242 9.46x10-9 3.78x10-8 Tc-99 4.40x10-9 1.76x10-8 Cm-244 4.40x10-10 1.76x10-9 Ru-103 6.57x10-4 2.63x10-3 W-187 2.10x10-4 6.30x10-4 Total 2.22x102 8.87x102 2.0-13 Revision 1